2012-13 Catalog

Decorative graphic

Offering Description

Undergraduate Projects in Critical and Creative Practices with J. Sandoz


Winter 2013 and Spring 2013 quarters

Joli Sandoz academic and creative writing, U.S. literature, research methods in the humanities
Fields of Study
communications and writing
Preparatory for studies or careers in
creative writing, education, and the humanities.

This is an opportunity for students to work with faculty from a diverse set of disciplines on creative and scholarly projects. Students will come away with invaluable skills in library and archival research practices, visual arts studio practices, laboratory practices, film/media production practices, critical research and writing, and much more. Critical and Creative Practices is comprised of a diverse group of artists, theorists, scientists, mathematicians, writers, filmmakers and other cultural workers whose interdisciplinary fields of study sit at the crossroads between critical theoretical studies and creative engagement.

Joli Sandoz (creative nonfiction) draws from experience and field, archival and library research to write creative essays about experiences and constructions of place, and about cultural practices of embodiment. She also experiments with juxtapositions of diagrams, images and words, including hand-drawn mapping. Students working with Joli will be able to learn their choice of: critical reading approaches to published works (reading as a writer), online and print research and associated information assessment skills, identifying publishing markets for specific pieces of writing, or discussing and responding to creative nonfiction in draft form (workshopping). Joli’s projects underway include a series of essays on place and aging; an essay on physical achievement and ambition; and a visual/word piece exploring the relationship of the local to the global.

Online Learning
Enhanced Online Learning
Greener Store
Offered During

Program Revisions

Date Revision
January 15th, 2013 New opportunity added.