Government Finance Policy

Fall 2013 quarter

Taught by

economics, public policy

There is theory and practice in government finance.  A few words about practice.  All getting and spending decisions are determined in a political context and may have little or no connection to what theory might suggest.  Why then spend time on theory?  It is important to be able to articulate the case for or against a public sector role. It is a good idea if at least one person in the room where decisions are made can anticipate the outcomes of a decision and might have some thoughts about how to accomplish a desired end more efficiently or more equitably.  Advocates, perhaps not in the room where decisions are made, need a basis to assess getting and spending proposals, and theory is a foundation of assessment.  Theory too is at the basis of regulatory frameworks.  This weekend course will include lectures, speakers, cases and readings.  Students will complete a subsequent project where they will examine a program or revenue source, implemented or proposed.

Location and Schedule

Campus location



Offered during: Evening and Weekend

Advertised schedule: Oct 11-13, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun


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Online Learning

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Registration Information

Credits: 2 (Fall)

Class standing: Graduate

Maximum enrollment: 20


Course Reference Number

(2 GR credits): 10333

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