Clinical Psychology: The Scientist-Practitioner Model


Fall 2013, Winter 2014 and Spring 2014 quarters

Taught by

clinical psychology
literacy education

In 1949, clinical psychologists defined a model of graduate training called The Boulder Model, also known as the scientist-practitioner model. The model asks that students' training include research and clinical skills to make more informed and evidence-based decisions regarding treatment. Using this model of the scientist-practitioner, students will co-design a course of study in clinical psychology. The intention of this program is to prepare students at the levels of theory and practice for further study and work in the fields of education and human services. Each quarter will examine multicultural themes regarding race, gender, sexual orientation, class, religious identity and ability/disability. Students will be required to begin a two-quarter long, 15 hour/week internship winter quarter in the fields of education and social services.   Constructing a research project may be an option if students prefer research to the internship.

Fall quarter, students will engage in a study of the history and systems of psychology and its application to clinical settings and schooling, quantitative and qualitative research methods, multicultural studies and investigate regionally-based internships in preparation for winter and spring quarter placements. 

Winter quarter's focus on personality theory and psychopathology establishes the two foundational areas of study particular to clinical and counseling psychology and applied settings such as educational settings. We will examine the Three Forces of psychology: psychodynamic theory, behaviorism and humanistic psychology. Students will also begin their self-identified internships for winter and spring quarters in an area of the social services or an educational setting. These theories will serve to inform the experience of the internships and anchor students' practical learning in the latest findings and theories. Students may opt for independent literature-based reviews with faculty approval.

Our final quarter will be dedicated to an exploration of theory to practice through communication skills practicum and graduate and employment opportunities. Students will continue their internships started winter quarter through spring quarter.

Variable credit options are available to students participating in internships.

Fields of Study

Preparatory for studies or careers in


Location and Schedule

Campus location



Offered during: Day


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Online Learning

Hybrid Online Learning < 25% Delivered Online

More information about online learning.

Required Fees

$50 in fall for entrance fees and $25 in spring for transportation to the WPA conference in Portland.

Special Expenses

Students will need to arrange housing (approximately $149/night), registration ($35-50), and food during the WPA conference during spring quarter.

Internship Required

Students are required to begin a two-quarter long, 15 hour/week internship winter quarter in the field of social services. Students must complete an In-program Internship Learning Contract (designed for this program) in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising.

Research Possibilities

Constructing a research project is an option if students prefer research to the internship. All students will conduct a line of literature research each quarter.


Date Revision
January 14th, 2014 $25 spring fee added.
October 30th, 2013 This program will not accept new enrollment spring quarter.
April 17th, 2013 Terry Ford has joined the teaching team; description has been updated.

Registration Information

Credits: 16 (Fall); 16 (Winter); 16 (Spring)

Variable Credit Options

variable credit options available to students participating in internships.

Class standing: Sophomore–Senior

Maximum enrollment: 50


Course Reference Numbers

So - Sr (16 credits): 10062
So - Sr (1-16 credits): 10063

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Accepting New Students

Course Reference Numbers

So - Sr (16 credits): 20054
So - Sr (1-16 credits): 20055

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Enrollment Closed

Course Reference Numbers

So - Sr (16 credits): 30049
So - Sr (1-16 credits): 30050

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