Washington State Legislative Internships


Winter 2014 and Spring 2014 quarters

Taught by

law and public policy, environmental law


A minimum of one year of interdisciplinary study at The Evergreen State College.

This is an opportunity to explore the broad conditions that shape legislation. We will examine models, evidence and debates about the sources, causal connections and impacts of evolving systems of law, regulation, governance and a broad array of community response. Each student will be learning through work as an intern with a legislator and her or his staff. This will involve intensive staff-apprenticeship activities, especially legislative research and draft development, bill-tracking and constituent correspondence.

Students apply to become interns for the 2014 Washington State Legislative session in the fall of 2013. Information sessions will be held in early October. The Academic Advising Office will inform students about the process, with applications due mid-to-late October. Applications are available online through www.leg.wa.gov/internships . Two copies of the complete application, including personal essay; a letter of reference from faculty (discussing research and writing skills), and a personal (character, work-habits) reference are due to the Office of Academic Advising, Olympia campus http://www.leg.wa.gov/INTERNSHIPS/Pages/default.aspx Students will interview and and be informed of acceptance by late November.

Each student accepted as an intern will develop an internship learning contract, profiling legislative responsibilities and linkages to academic development.

In regular in-capitol seminars, each student intern will translate her or his activities in the Legislature into analytic and reflective writing about the challenges, learning and implications of the work. Students will make presentations about their learning and participate in various workshops. Each intern will keep a portfolio of activities completed at the capitol, to be submitted to their field supervisor and faculty sponsor on a regular basis. Interns will complete a minimum of four short essays, with cited references to listed resource materials related to legislative work. Drawing broadly from the social sciences, we will explore relationships between elected officials, legislative staff, registered lobbyists, non-governmental organizations, citizen activists and district constituents. Students will learn through a range of approaches - responsibilities in an 8:00-5:00 work-week, guest presentations, seminars, workshops on budget, media panels and job-shadowing of regional officials and activists of choice. Interns will participate in a final mock hearing floor debate on current legislative issues.

The 2014 session will involve student-interns for winter quarters and varied continued capitol-based research and policy-making actvities for spring quarter. Each quarter will comprise a different 16-credit contract. In spring, students can develop an 8-credit Legislative Internship Contract, augmented by another 8-credit project or program involving specific post-session research and writing. Student performance will be evaluated by the faculty sponsor, field supervisors and legislative office staff.

Fields of Study

Preparatory for studies or careers in

community studies, government, law, political science, public interest advocacy, public policy, social issues and sociology.

Location and Schedule

Campus location



Offered during: Day


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Online Learning

Hybrid Online Learning < 25% Delivered Online

More information about online learning.

Internship Required

A 12-16 credit full time internship of 40 hours per week at legislative offices during winter quarter is required.

May be offered again in



Date Revision
August 2nd, 2013 New opportunity added.

Registration Information

Credits: 16 (Winter); 16 (Spring)

Class standing: Junior–Senior

Maximum enrollment: 25


Signature Required

Students apply to become interns for the 2014 Washington State Legislative session in the fall of 2013. Information sessions will be held on October 16, 2013 in Seminar 2 A1305 at 1:30. Jean Eberhardt of the Academic Advising Office will inform students about the process, with applications due in late October. Applications are available online www.leg.wa.gov/internships  . Two copies of the complete application, including personal essay; a letter of reference from faculty (discussing research and writing skills), and a personal (character, work-habits) reference are due to the Office of Academic Advising, Olympia campus. Students will interview and be informed of acceptance by late November. Each student accepted as an intern will develop an internship learning contract, profiling legislative responsibilities and linkages to academic development that will be completed by a meeting directly with faculty sponsor Cheri Lucas-Jennings during week 10 of fall quarter.

Course Reference Numbers

Jr - Sr (16 credits): 20335
(1-16 credits): 20336
Jr - Sr (16 credits): 20337
Jr - Sr (1-16 credits): 20338

Go to my.evergreen.edu to register for this program.


Enrollment Closed

Course Reference Numbers

Jr - Sr (16 credits): 30262
Jr - Sr (1-16 credits): 30263
Jr - Sr (16 credits): 30264
Jr - Sr (1-16 credits): 30265

Go to my.evergreen.edu to register for this program.

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