Study Abroad Consortium Partnerships


Fall 2014, Winter 2015 and Spring 2015 quarters

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Consortium is a formal relationship with other institutions to increase travel abroad opportunities for Evergreen students. More than 300 destination programs are offered through consortium and financial aid can be used to pay for approved program costs. Evergreen students pay the consortium's tuition and fees; they do not pay Evergreen tuition or fees when enrolled in consortium. Enrollment is recorded at both the consortium and at Evergreen; Evergreen students register at Evergreen with a special Course Record Number created specifically for the designated consortium and retain their student status.

Study Abroad Consortium:
Alliance for Global Education

The Alliance for Global Education offers interdisciplinary study programs in India and China. In India, students can focus on issues of public health, Indian studies, development or the environment, in programs located in Manipal, Pune and Varanasi. In China, students can focus on issues of globalization, development, business, politics, social change and Chinese language, in programs located in Xi'an, Beijing or Shanghai. Internship opportunities are available in both countries. Full semester and summer options. Students earn 15 semester credits (22 quarter credits).

Study Abroad Consortium:
American University in Cairo

The American University in Cairo is a premier, full-service, English-language university founded in Cairo, Egypt, in 1919. Students can focus on a wide range of disciplinary studies through the semester or summer options as study abroad, non-degree students or they can focus on intensive Arabic language through the Intensive Arabic Program. Credits will vary by individual enrollment, but typically range from 15 to 18 semester credits (22 to 27 quarter credits).

Study Abroad Consortium (Trial Status):
Center for Ecological Living and Learning

The Center for Ecological Living and Learning offers programs in Iceland, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras and Kenya that focus on sustainability, environmental issues, experiential learning and close connection to local communities. Students earn 15 semester credits (22 quarter credits)

Study Abroad Consortium:
Center for Global Exchange

The Center for Global Exchange provides a set of interdisciplinary study abroad programs sponsored by Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minn. Students can focus on issues of gender and social change, international business, migration, globalization or social work in Mexico; sustainable development and social change in Central America; or nation building, globalization and decolonization in Namibia. Language study and internships, as part of or in addition to the programs, are available. Students earn 16 semester credits (24 quarter credits).

Study Abroad Consortium:
Council for International Educational Exchange

The Council for International Educational Exchange provides study abroad programs in conjunction with multiple university sites in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and Australia. Students can choose from a wide variety of disciplines, with programs taught either in English, the local language or both. Students earn 15-18 semester credits (22-27 quarter credits)

Study Abroad Consortium (Trial Status)
Danish Institute for Study Abroad

The Danish Institute for Study Abroad offers 14 coordinated programs in Architecture and Design, Biomedicine, Child Diversity and Development, Communication and Mass Media, European Culture and History, European Politics and Society, Global Economics, International Business, Justice and Human Rights, Medical Practice and Policy, Migration and Identity/Conflict, Pre-Architecture, Psychology, Public Health, and Sustainability in Europe. All programs and courses are taught in English, with the exception of Danish language and culture studies. Students earn 15-18 semester credits (22-27 quarter credits).

Study Abroad Consortium:
Educational Programs Abroad

Educational Programs Abroad arranges internship placements in several European countries: England, Scotland, Germany, Belgium and Spain. Students typically intern 30-35 hours per week, with one or two supplemental classes. Adequate fluency in the language is often, but not always, required. Students earn 16 quarter credits, with options to earn more through special coursework with the University of Rochester and at additional cost.

Study Abroad Consortium:
Institute For Study Abroad - Butler

The Institute for Study Abroad, operated through Butler University in Indiana, connects students with multiple university sites in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru. Students enroll in regular university course offerings, with opportunities for internships as well. Fluency in Spanish is required for most Latin American studies programs, with some options for students with lower-level Spanish skills. Students earn 15-18 semester credits (22-27 quarter credits). Summer programs also available.

Study Abroad Consortium:
Jackson School of International Studies - UW Seattle

The Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington, Seattle, offers Evergreen juniors and seniors a chance to spend one year in the program, focusing on one of 14 regional study areas: Africa, Canada, China, Comparative Religion, European, International, Japan, Jewish Studies, Korea, Latin America and Caribbean, Middle East, Russia-Eastern Europe-Central Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia studies. Students earn 12-18 quarter credits each quarter, depending on class selection. Evergreen can only recommend a small number of students to this program, so it is competitive, with applications due each March for the following year.

Study Abroad Consortium:
Living Routes Ecovillages

Living Routes Ecovillages provides interdisciplinary instruction in the areas of sustainability, environmental issues, green design and technology, permaculture studies, organic agriculture, fair trade, women's empowerment, bioregional studies and other issues. Semester programs are offered in Costa Rica, India, Israel and Scotland, with January and summer programs in India, Mexico, Australia, Brazil and Peru. Living Routes US-based programs are not available for consortium credit. Students earn 15-18 semester credits (22-27 quarter credits) through the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Study Abroad Consortium:
International Partnership for Service Learning

International Partnership for Service Learning offers programs that combine language, area studies and community service placements in a number of countries: Australia, Ecuador, France, Ghana, India, Italy, Jamaica, Mexico, Scotland, Spain and Thailand. Students gain valuable experience serving in a variety of community organizations. Semester and summer programs available. 15-17 semester credits (22-25 quarter credits).

Study Abroad Consortium:
School for International Training

The School for International Training offers a wide variety of interdisciplinary programs in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East that focus on the arts, cultural expression, global health, identity and globalization, environmental issues, post-conflict transformation, social movements, human rights and sustainable development. Programs entail language, thematic studies, independent study projects and close connection to local communities. Students earn 16 semester credits (24 quarter credits). Summer programs are also available.

Study Abroad Consortium (Trial Status):
School for Russian and Asian Studies

The School for Russian and Asian Studies offers programs throughout the European, Central Asian and Siberian regions of the former Soviet Union on a wide variety of topics: Central Asian Studies, Acting in Russia, Russian Studies Abroad, Translation Abroad, Art in Russia, The Russian Far East, The Russian Psyche, Museums and Art Restoration, Kyrgyz Adventure, Politics and International Relations, Internships and more. Students earn 15-18 semester credits (22-27 quarter credits).

Study Abroad Consortium:
SEA Education Association

SEA Education Association offers programs that focus on ocean exploration, documenting change in the Caribbean, oceans and climate, sustainability in Polynesian island cultures and ecosystems, and energy and the ocean environment. Students spend the first part of the semester in Woods Hole, Mass., preparing for the second part of the semester when they embark on tall-masted sailing ships to continue studies at sea and among island communities. The program offers both Atlantic and Pacific routes. Students earn 16 semester credits (24 quarter credits). Options for upper-level credits are available. Summer programs offered as well.

Study Abroad Consortium:
Studio Arts Centers International

Studio Arts Centers International in Florence, Italy, offers undergraduate options for study in more than 20 studio art and design programs, art history, art conservation and Italian language and culture. Graduate level studies are also available. Students earn 15-18 semester credits (22-27 quarter credits).

Study Abroad Consortium:
University of Arizona - Russia

The University of Arizona - Russia program offers the opportunity to study Russian language and culture in Moscow during the academic year, with summer options in St. Petersburg. Students receive 20-30 hours of instruction per week depending on their level placement. The program takes place at the GRINT Language Center at the Moscow Humanities University. Options for internship placement in Moscow also exist. Students earn 15 semester credits (22 quarter credits).

Study Abroad Consortium:
Wildlands Studies

Wildlands Studies offers programs through a number of environmental field projects in several countries: Australia, Belize, Chile, China, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Fiji, India, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa, Thailand and Zambia. Wildlands' domestic US programs are not eligible for consortium status. Students are engaged in field studies for seven-week periods typically and many include cultural studies, since communities are part of local environmental systems. Student earn 12 semester credits (18 quarter credits) at the upper-division level, typically distributed across both science and cultural studies, issued through California State University at Monterey Bay.

Fields of Study

Location and Schedule

Campus location



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Study Abroad

destination and duration vary.


Date Revision
August 8th, 2013 Consortia partnerships have been updated.

Registration Information

Credits: Variable Credit Options

Variable Credit Options

seats and credits vary.

Class standing: Sophomore–Senior


Signature Required

For details on participating programs and institutions, visit or contact Michael Clifthorne at .

Course Reference Number not yet available.


Accepting New Students

Signature Required

For details on participating programs and institutions, visit or contact Michael Clifthorne at .

Course Reference Number not yet available.


Accepting New Students

Signature Required

For details on participating programs and institutions, visit or contact Michael Clifthorne at .

Course Reference Number not yet available.

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