Dances with Stars: A Fusion of Poetry and Science

Spring 2016 quarter

Taught by

poetry and literary arts, community studies/Middle East studies, journalism

Science and poetry are equally informative guides to knowledge and enlightenment, their fusion a natural consequence of the quest to make the unknown known, argue authors Erin Colfax and Nancy Gorrell in Writing Poetry through the Eyes of Science. In this program, we will explore literary patterns and pedagogical practices for connecting poetry and science. For our framework, we will use the four elements of air, fire, water, and earth. Central questions include what is the relationship between poetry and science? How can poetry heighten understanding of and interest in science, and vice versa? How can scientific and mathematical concepts be applied to writing poetry? In what ways do poetry and science bring form to chaos, helping us make sense of our lives and the world? How can science poetry be woven into K-12 curricula? Our exploration of poetry will include writing in formal patterns, such as haiku, couplets, tercets, ballad stanza, villanelle and sestina. We will compare these forms to free verse through our own writing and collections of science poetry. Activities may include community poetry/spoken word events, exploring Evergreen's Natural History Collection, birding field trip, and participating at Evergreen's Science Carnival by teaching science poetry workshops to K-12 students.

Credits will be awarded in poetry and science education.

Program Details

Fields of Study

Preparatory for studies or careers in

Writing, Science, Education, the Arts, Nonprofits.

Location and Schedule

Campus location



Offered during: Weekend

Advertised schedule: Saturday 10a - 4p. First meeting April 2, 10:00a, Seminar 2 A2107. Time of day may change slightly on some Saturdays to accommodate field trips.


Buy books for this program through Greener Bookstore.

Online Learning

Enhanced Online Learning: Access to web-based tools required, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.

Required Fees

$10 fee program-related field trips, performances and/or museum entrance.

Registration Information

Credits: 8 (Spring)

Class standing: Sophomore–Senior

Maximum enrollment: 25


Course Reference Number

So - Sr (8 credits): 30267

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