Thinking Through Craft


Fall 2015, Winter 2016 and Spring 2016 quarters

Taught by

visual arts, architecture


mastery of foundational skills in design and construction in wood or metals.

What if we acknowledge the recent historical status of craft as “inferior” to fine art and then seek out the potential of that unique vantage point? What if contemporary craft is used as a subversive strategy to question issues such as function, materiality, skill, and the role of the amateur in our culture? What if we propose craft as foundational to environmental awareness? The impetus for this program is Glenn Adamson’s book of the same title, which treats craft as an idea that transcends discipline. This program will center on a studio practice working with wood, metals, and other materials in the context of craft. Students will choose to work in a wood studio or a large metals studio for the year and will collectively take part in collaborative lectures, workshops, seminars, design challenges, research assignments, and field trips.

Work in wood and large metals readily deals with issues of function, structure, ornament, finish, and comfort, but can just as readily address issues such as power and personal space, identity, privileged resources, the uses of discomfort, the role of ornament, or the limits of utility. The studio will explore and advance studio practice in functional and expressive works, using primarily wood, wood composites and substitutes, steel, sheet metals, cast metals, and a variety of mixed and re-purposed materials, and working in the college’s well-equipped wood and large metals fabrication shops. Fall quarter work will address foundational skills and background readings on craft, art, and materials, with individual and collaborative studio and research projects. Winter quarter projects and research will work from this base to address more complex challenges in wood and metals. Students will have the opportunity to develop their own individual or small-group studio work and research projects for the spring quarter. Craft-related internships are also possible.

Many visual artists today are interested in the meaning of workmanship and the physical experience of manipulating and interacting with three-dimensional forms. This will be an opportunity to participate in the redefinition of craft today by making works in wood, metals, and other materials, studying the environmental, social and economic significance of these materials, exploring tools and processes, and reading, writing, and reflecting on craft. Eschewing the well-worn “craft vs. art” arguments, we will investigate the potential of craft as a vital subject in contemporary art, design, and environmental stewardship, and as a means to create timeless and timely forms.

Students in the program will gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and satisfactions of their own craft in wood or metals, and a fuller sense of craft as a responsive and responsible approach to materials and making in contemporary culture.  They will develop informed skills in drawing, design, and the use of tools and materials; abilities in expressive, expository, and reflective thinking, speaking and writing; and a body of their own works in wood or metal.  

Program Details

Fields of Study

Preparatory for studies or careers in

visual arts, design, architecture, and craft.

Location and Schedule

Campus location



Offered during: Day

Advertised schedule: First spring class meeting : Tuesday, March 29 at 9am (Art Annex 3D Studio 0100).


Buy books for this program through Greener Bookstore.

Online Learning

Hybrid Online Learning < 25% Delivered Online:

Required Fees

$65 per quarter for entrance fees and supplies.

Special Expenses

Students can expect to spend up to $150 or more each quarter on tools and materials, depending on their project designs.


Date Revision
November 18th, 2015 Winter and spring enrollment conditions updated.
April 24th, 2015 This program will be offered to Juniors and Seniors.

Registration Information

Credits: 16 (Fall); 16 (Winter); 16 (Spring)

Class standing: Junior–Senior

Maximum enrollment: 42


Signature Required

This program is intended for students interested in making a commitment to do focused work in a primary studio, metals or wood, over the course of the academic year.  Interested students should have prior 2D and 3D experience, and should be prepared to present images (3-6) of work they feel best represents their abilities. Based on qualifications and available seats, they may join the wood or metals studio in the program.  Qualified sophomores will be considered. Please contact Bob Leverich (

Course Reference Numbers

Jr (16 credits): 10128
Sr (16 credits): 10129
Jr - Sr (1-16 credits): 10509

Go to to register for this program.


Accepting New Students

Signature Required

Students interested in joining the program should have taken at least one Evergreen 4-credit woodworking or metalworking class or the equivalent, and have solid skills with hand and power tools in wood or metals.  They should commit to read Thinking Through Craft (Glenn Adamson), and The Craft Reader (Glenn Adamson, through p. 385) before the start of Winter Quarter.  They should e-mail qualifications and 3-6 images of representative work to both faculty.  Based on qualifications and available seats, they may join the wood or metals studio in the program. 

Course Reference Numbers

Jr - Sr (16 credits): 20064
Jr - Sr (1-16 credits): 20244

Go to to register for this program.


Accepting New Students

Signature Required

Students interested in joining the program should have taken at least two Evergreen 4-credit woodworking or metalworking classes or the equivalent, and have solid skills with hand and power tools in wood or metals, and be ready to undertake an advanced individual project or internship.  They will be expected to read Thinking Through Craft  (Glenn Adamson) plus other texts identified by faculty prior to the start of Spring Quarter.  They should e-mail qualifications, 3-6 images of representative work, and a statement of individual project intent to both faculty.  Based on qualifications and available seats, they may join the wood or metals studio in the program.

Course Reference Numbers

Jr - Sr (16 credits): 30034
Jr - Sr (1-16 credits): 30207

Go to to register for this program.

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