2017 Catalog
Adolescent Literature
Class Size: 25
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Learn how adolescent literature meets the developmental needs of middle and high school ages (grades 6-12). We’ll look at the literature in historical perspective, study young adult development in reading, and consider genres with representative authors and selection criteria. Participants will read and critique several genres, developing a knowledge base of a variety of current authors, themes, and classroom uses. Course credits contribute to minimum coursework expectations for teaching endorsements in middle level humanities and secondary English/Language Arts.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
teaching, education, library science
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mondays 9a - 1p
Located in: Olympia
Advanced GIS
Class Size: 15
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Advanced GIS is a fast-paced course designed to teach graduate students to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for mapping, spatial data management, and spatial data analysis. Instruction is based on reading assignments, lectures, and weekly hands-on labs using ArcGIS 10.1, including both desktop and online mapping tools for collaboration and presentation.
Evaluations are based on the quality of student-produced map and analysis products and two quizzes. Students should have experience with quantitative software and must be able to demonstrate a solid understanding of MS Windows file management practices. Students will be expected to use the Esri software suite outside of class, for performing hands-on mapping assignments. Student versions of the ArcGIS software will be made available, but support is limited to college computers (note: ArcGIS Desktop software runs only under MS Windows, see requirements: http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/system-requirements/10.1 ).
Faculty Biography
Mike Ruth, M.Sc.,
is a professional GIS practitioner for Esri (Environmental Systems
Research Institute, Inc). Mike has been a project manager and
consultant for Esri, helping a wide variety of agencies learn and
exploit geographic information systems. His clients have included
major non governmental organizations, tribal and state governments, and
US federal agencies. Mike studied Environmental Science in
college, later specializing in Geology at George Washington
University. For his Masters degree, Mike completing a field
mapping project studying the geology of the western Dominican Republic
along the Haiti border area. After completing his Master of
Science degree, Mike worked for the Spot Image Corporation, developing
GeoTIFF and other satellite imagery methods for GIS integration.
Now at Esri, Mike has focused on Africa projects for non-profit
organizations over the past few years. Recent projects address the
applications of GIS technology for improving polio vaccination success
in Nigeria, agricultural improvement for small holder farmers in
Tanzania, and participatory community conservation activities in the
western Serengeti, among other projects.
Credits per quarter
Students will have completed MES's Introduction to GIS or be able to show significant experience using ArcMap for Desktop software in either professional or academic settings. Students who have not completed Introduction to GIS should email a brief description of their previous experience with GIS to the MES Director (Kevin Francis, francisk@evergreen.edu ) and Faculty (Mike Ruth, ruthm@evergreen.edu ). Registration priority will be given to students who have taken Research Design and Quantitative Methods. To register, you must email the MES Director for approval (Kevin Francis, francisk@evergreen.edu ).
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Mon
Located in: Olympia
Aquatic Ecology
Class Size: 15
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waters are some of the most threatened ecosystems on Earth. Yet they
provide critical ecosystem services: providing food and freshwater,
regulating climate, and detoxifying pollutants. In this course, we
will examine inland waters (focusing on rivers and streams) as
ecological systems that interact with their drainage basin and the
atmosphere. We will also explore how physical, chemical, and
biological processes operate and impact the organisms found within each
ecosystem. Finally, we will study the way inland waters, as hotspots of
biogeochemical activity, contribute to fluxes of greenhouse
gasses. Case studies of real-world problems will be used to assess
the effect of anthropogenic changes on inland waters and
watersheds. This program will include lectures, laboratories, and
field trips to gain experience with sampling techniques in aquatic
Faculty Biography
Erin Martin, Ph.D.
, is an aquatic biogeochemist whose research focuses on examining the
role of rivers in the global carbon cycle. Rivers are large sources of
carbon to both the atmosphere and the ocean and are consequently
critical to our understanding of the global carbon cycle. While
working in the Amazon Basin, her research demonstrated that bacteria
living in the river produce high levels of carbon dioxide through
respiration, and this carbon dioxide is subsequently lost to the
atmosphere. Her current research in the Mekong Basin (i.e.
Cambodia) focuses on characterizing the type of organic carbon that is
exported by large rivers to the ocean. Specifically, she uses
molecular tracers to determine where in the watershed the carbon
originates from, and uses radiocarbon analyses to determine the age of
this material. Such information is necessary in order to
understand the preservation of terrestrial carbon in the ocean, which
can affect atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over long time
scales. Through her training (master’s and doctoral degrees from
the School of Oceanography at the University of Washington), Erin has
research experience working in streams, rivers, lakes, and the
ocean. Additional interests include ocean acidification, estuarine
ecology, evaluating the impacts of dams on downstream processes, and
microbial ecology. Her past and present research has been
conducted through collaborations with colleagues in Brazil, Cambodia,
and the Pacific Northwest.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mondays 6-10 pm
Located in: Olympia
Case Studies and Thesis Design
Class Size: 50
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Students will examine in detail a variety of environmental problems, using the skills they gained in their first year of MES core studies to carry out individual or small group projects. Students and faculty will also work together to apply what has been learned throughout the core sequence about interdisciplinary environmental research to design individual thesis research plans that will be ready to carry out by the end of the fall quarter of the student's second year.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Tue/Thu
Located in: Olympia
Climate Solutions in a Diverse World
Class Size: 15
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Course Description
Developmental pathways and technological changes, especially those taking place beyond Europe and the United States, are transforming societies and energy systems. Indigenous innovations in renewable energy are more often appropriate and practical than pathways and technologies imported from more "developed" countries. Moreover, they might also serve as models for making all energy systems more sustainable. This elective will explore the current social, economic, and energy status of several countries around the globe and will try to better understand their unique contributions to a less fossil fuel intensive, more renewable energy focused future.
Faculty Biography
Kathleen M. Saul, M.A., M.E.S.,
received her BA in French and BS in Chemical Engineering from the
University of Notre Dame and MA in Management from the Wharton School of
Business (University of Pennsylvania) before turning her attention to
environmental issues and eventually joining the MES program at
Evergreen. After completing her degree in 2009, she taught
Statistics in the Evening and Weekend studies program and Qualitative
Methods, an Energy elective and gCORE in the Graduate Program on the
Environment. Kathleen then moved to the Center for Energy and
Environmental Policy at the University of Delaware to pursue her PhD.
Her dissertation research focuses on the displacement of people that
results from large scale technology projects, with a focus those
involving nuclear technology. While at Delaware, she participated
in research projects looking into the energy policy implications of the
Fukushima nuclear disaster as well as alternative administrative forms
for organizations devoted to energy conservation, efficiency, and
sustainable energy options. She also taught in the undergraduate
Introduction to Energy Policy and Sustainable Energy Policy and Planning
courses. Her engineering acumen, business sense, and
environmental awareness all come together in understanding modern energy
systems and the green energy economy.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Monday 6-10
Located in: Olympia
Conserving and Restoring Biodiversity
Class Size: 15
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This course focuses on the biology that underlies conservation and restoration issues around the world. There are many ways to approach the study of conservation and restoration biology and this course will mostly emphasize the scientific elements of these disciplines. The course will also will provide you with a practitioner's perspective of the relationship of biology and policy from work done in Washington State. This course will introduce you to the literature, controversies, and promising methodologies for a variety of conservation/restoration biology applications. In addition, a number of local experts will come in and provide perspectives on their work in applied fields of conservation. We will read, discuss, and write on a variety of topics. Your assignments include written and oral exercises, and peer evaluations aimed at helping you develop your ideas and increase your ability to communicate those ideas. This course will introduce you to the principal concepts and methodologies of conservation and restoration biology, enrich your understanding of the scientific contributions necessary for solving conservation problems, foster your understanding of the scientific process in general and as applied in conservation settings, and further your powers of analysis and ability to communicate effectively.
Faculty Biography
Timothy Quinn, Ph.D.,
has served as chief scientist of the Washington Department of Fish and
Wildlife’s habitat program since 1999. Quinn recently served on the
Science Working Group that came up with scientific underpinnings and a
technical framework for the development of the Puget Sound Partnership.
He has a B.S. in Biology from Western Washington University (1979), an
M.S. in Physiological Ecology of Marine Fish from Western Washington
University (1987), and a Ph.D. in Wildlife Ecology from University of
Washington (1993).
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Wed
Located in: Olympia
Disease Ecology: Parasites, Pestilence and Populations
Class Size: 15
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This course provides an introduction to the field of disease ecology, an area of study that has developed rapidly over the past three decades, and addresses some of the most significant challenges to human health and biological conservation. Students will obtain an appreciation for the incredible diversity of parasitic organisms, arguably the most abundant life forms on the planet, and examine how parasites invade and spread through host populations. Ecological interactions between hosts and parasites will be examined from an individual and population-level perspective. Students will gain a basic understanding of the population biology of micro- and macro- parasites, mechanisms of transmission and causes and consequences of ecological and genetic heterogeneity. Laboratory exercises will introduce students to medical microbiology techniques and ecological research using an experimental approach. Specific topics include types of pathogens and their ecological properties, epidemiology and impacts on host populations, strategies used by parasites to exploit hosts, strategies used by hosts to evade parasites, role of ecology and evolution in the emergence of new diseases, and the role of parasites in biodiversity and conservation. The main objectives of this course are to increase student awareness and understanding of (i) the role parasites play in the ecology and evolution of animal populations, including humans; and (ii) the relevance of ecological and evolutionary considerations in managing infectious diseases in individual human or animal hosts and populations.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Additional details:
Wednesdays 6-10 pm
Located in: Olympia
Ecological and Social Sustainability
Class Size: 50
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Addresses central issues in contemporary sustainability studies on theoretical and practical levels. Emphasis is on ways to promote both environmental and social sustainability. Areas covered may include environmental quality at regional, national and global scales; energy use and alternative energies; resource availability and access to resources; social and cultural issues of sustainability; and indicators to guide policy. As part of this program, students write and present a research paper to provide evidence of their readiness to advance to candidacy. Candidacy is outlined in the student handbook .
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Located in: Olympia
Elevation in GIS: The Third Dimension
Class Size: 15
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Elevation is an important dimension of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) for mapping and analyzing many types of spatial phenomena. Studies of watershed dynamics, habitat suitability and forest health, ocean bathymetry, and many other themes can be improved through better understanding the elevation properties of the landscape. Elevation data – the “Z” dimension” - brings unique insights - and challenges - to the discipline of GIS. The ability to visualize and analyze and integrate the third dimension opens up a variety of engaging terrain visualizations and lines of spatial analysis.
This class is a hands-on learning workshop to allow students to learn how to create elevation-oriented maps. Practical exercises will lead students through the analysis of slope and aspect, creation of profiles and contours, computation of viewsheds, imagery "drapes", and 3D flythrough visualizations. Students will use ArcGIS software at the Evergreen CAL, and a wide variety of public domain elevation data sources ranging from continental scale to highly detailed Lidar data. All learning will take place in the classroom, over a long weekend (there will be no homework or final project requirement).
To be eligible to take this course, students must have completed Introduction to GIS or have equivalent experience in the use of ArcGIS for Desktop software (ArcMap and Arc Catalog), version 10.2 or later. The class will begin on Friday evening and take place all day Saturday and Sunday, concluding at 5:00 on Sunday afternoon.
This course is open to MES students who have taken Introduction to GIS. If you have already taken Introduction to GIS and you are interested in this course, please contact Mike at ruthm@evergreen.edu . Please contact the faculty to discuss whether your prior experience is sufficient to ensure your ability to execute the course exercises successfully.
Credits per quarter
NEW: Course is now open to Jr/Sr students with signature. Students need to contact the faculty to discuss their interest in GIS, their awareness of elevation particularly (since "the third dimension" is the focus of my summer syllabus), and any previous skills or exposure to GIS of any kind.
To be eligible to take this course, students must have completed Introduction to GIS or have equivalent experience in the use of ArcGIS for Desktop software (ArcMap and Arc Catalog), version 10.2 or later. This course is open to MES students who have taken Introduction to GIS. If you have already taken Introduction to GIS and you are interested in this course, please contact Mike at ruthm@evergreen.edu . Please contact the faculty to discuss whether your prior experience is sufficient to ensure your ability to execute the course exercises successfully.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Weekend intensive course: Friday, July 28 to Sunday, July 30
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-06-15 | Offering is now open to Junior and Senior students with a signature from faculty |
Environmental Advocacy
Class Size: 15
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Prevention and resolution of environmental problems depends significantly on effective environmental advocacy. Science, government regulation, and market mechanisms are insufficient without it. The purpose of this elective is to learn and practice skills needed to be an effective environmental advocate, including analysis of a contested policy situation, development of an effective strategy to affect its outcome, and methods for implementing the strategy through organized, collective action. This knowledge is useful for those working within government, the private sector, environmental advocacy groups, and as citizen activists. We will study cases that illustrate the successes and failures of various attempts to influence events, including guest lectures by participants in those cases. We will learn to practically apply social science theoretical frameworks in ways that help create effective strategy. The course provides a critical survey of approaches to environmental advocacy – from global to local – emphasizing strengths and weaknesses. Students will research, write and present on a case of their choosing, preferably from their own experience, that illustrates the principles we study. After taking the course, students should have improved abilities to diagram the sequence of events leading to an environmental policy decision, locate decision points and key players, find pivotal opportunities for intervention, assemble coalitions capable of effecting change, and act ethically and appropriately to carry out strategy from within their role in the public or private sector.
Faculty Biography:
Ted Whitesell, Ph.D., is a broadly trained cultural geographer with special interests in political ecology and conservation. As a freshman at the University of Colorado, Ted co-founded the CU Wilderness Study Group. After graduation, Ted ran the Colorado Wilderness Workshop, the only statewide preservation organization at the time. From 1975 to 1985, he was a leader of the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council, campaigning to secure designation of the first wilderness areas in the Tongass National Forest. He was recognized as the most accomplished environmental leader in the country of 25 years of age or less by the Tyler Foundation. Later, he earned a Ph.D. in geography from the University of California, Berkeley, investigating grassroots proposals for conservation and development in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. Ted came to The Evergreen State College in 1998 and is affiliated with two planning units – Environmental Studies and Sustainability & Justice. His students published a major book in April 2004, called Defending Wild Washington (The Mountaineers Books). His most recent research was a collaborative investigation of tribal perspectives on marine protected areas in western Washington.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Wed
Located in: Olympia
Environmental Education
Class Size: 15
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It is widely agreed that an environmentally literate and concerned citizenry is crucial to environmental quality and long-term sustainability--but how and where is environmental and sustainability literacy fostered? And where "environmental education" occurs, is it effective? This class explores the history, philosophical underpinnings, and current trends in environmental education for both youth and adults, in both formal sectors (schools and colleges) and non-formal ones. This class provides a theoretical and practical introduction to the field of environmental education and interpretation. It will be useful to students interested in environmental teaching or communications as a career, or to those whose environmental work might involve education or outreach components. Note: A one-day Saturday field trip will be taken to Northwest Trek Wildlife Park in Eatonville, Washington; students should expect to pay a nominal entrance fee.
Course Outcomes:
- A theoretical grounding in environmental education (EE): its precursor fields and their various rationales, and the working principles to which EE professionals aspire.
- An introductory understanding of learning theory and of the types of educational settings that foster meaningful, lasting learning.
- A working knowledge of several arenas in which environmental education is practiced, with attention to both the opportunities and challenges for volunteer and professional environmental educators.
- A framework for evaluation of environmental education programs.
- An understanding of the increasingly politically charged nature of environmental education and implications for professional practice.
- The student's own construction of the promise of environmental education as well as some of its shortcomings and tensions----and a more complex "concept map" of the field.
- An introductory understanding of social marketing approaches to fostering environmentally responsible behaviors.
- A heightened awareness of environmental literacy as a global imperative.
Faculty Biography:
Jean MacGregor, M.S., is a Senior Scholar at the Washington Center for Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Education at The Evergreen State College. She directs the Curriculum for the Bioregion Initiative, a faculty and curriculum development initiative, whose mission is to prepare undergraduates to live in a world where the complex issues of environmental quality, community health and wellbeing, environmental justice, and sustainability are paramount. The Curriculum for the Bioregion initiative involves hundreds of faculty members at colleges and universities throughout Washington State. Prior to work at Evergreen, she helped develop the environmental studies program at Warren Wilson College near Asheville, North Carolina. Earlier in her career, she developed and/or evaluated environmental education programs for both youth and adults at nature centers and science museums, and in various outdoor and wilderness learning settings.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Wed
Located in: Olympia
Environmental Humanities: Argument as Art/Art as Argument
Class Size: 15
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Discourse in environmental governance, law, and policy consists almost entirely of argumentative writing. But how does art make arguments? Insofar as effective art and literature provoke feeling and reflection by invoking uncertainty and ambiguity, what do they have to do with argument? By what strategies do artists and writers communicate the transformation of their own point of view, their own movement from ignorance to knowledge? And what might we learn from them about how to translate our insights, persuade others of the validity of our perspectives, and teach new ways of seeing and knowing to myriad audiences? This creative and critical writing class will explore and experiment with argument as art, and art as argument.
We are often urged to think about audience when we compose arguments. Who are we trying to convince, and why? What should our attitude be towards (the question of) audience? How can we better understand the mutable and contingent relationship between writer and audience (readers, listeners, interlocutors)? How can we use our imagination to help clarify form, content, tone, and mode of address? The study of artists and writers concerned with environmental issues can help us think about our audiences and the most effective ways of engaging, challenging, educating, or motivating them.
The course will entail weekly readings and occasional screenings that exemplify artistic approaches to arguments concerned in a range of ways with environmental questions. Course readings will serve as models of argumentation as well as objects of analysis and inquiry. Creative and critical exercises will help students develop their academic writing and their ability to communicate effectively with diverse audiences.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Mon
Located in: Olympia
Environmental Leadership
Class Size: 20
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Accelerated environmental change is the new normal. This dynamic course will begin with a review of the current status of global and local impacts of such change. We will identify opportunities and methods that will help students develop the necessary leadership skills to address this emerging crisis. The class will first explore past environmental successes and examine a variety of approaches and collaborations used in Washington state, looking closely at what has worked and what hasn’t, and what techniques will be most useful for successful environmental stewardship in the future. The following is a list of past successes for review and analysis:
• The Early Winters project in the Methow Valley, ca 1980’s
• The proposed gravel mine on Maury Island, ca 2008
• The Pit to Pier project in eastern Jefferson Co., ca 2014
• The creation of the Teanaway community forest in Kittitas Co., ca 2013
• The SSA Marine proposed coal terminal at Cherry Point, Whatcom Co., ca 2016
By clearly understanding the process and manner of resolving these past challenges, in the second phase of this class, students will apply this knowledge to propose innovative solutions to the following current environmental challenges:
• The Dept. of Natural Resources trust land plan for conservation of the marbled murrelet in Western Washington
• The Dept. of Ecology’s efforts to create a no-discharge zone in the Puget Sound
• Ongoing efforts to curtail carbon emissions in Washington.
These case studies will be student led, working in small teams, with the goal of understanding the essential role of leadership in shaping solutions across diverse interest and political groups. Student teams will examine and evaluate the role and leadership qualities of members of the public and responsible officials in crafting success. Team presentations will demonstrate thorough research, critical thinking and professional presentation skills of the issues under study. Peer evaluations will be part of each presentation. Two planned field trips, one in the Hood Canal area and one on the Columbia river, will provide the class with an opportunity to talk with environmental leaders, view the project area, and discuss the realities of both past and current mega projects and their potential impacts. The ultimate goal of this class is to inspire and equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to become effective environmental leaders.
Students can enroll for 2 credits first session, 2 credits second session, or 4 credits full session. If you registering for the second session only, please contact the faculty for required preparatory readings.
Peter Goldmark has a lifelong involvement with agriculture, conservation, science, education, and public service. In January 2017, Peter completed his second elected term as Washington State Commissioner of Public Lands. He obtained his B.S. from Haverford College in 1967 and went on to complete a PhD in Molecular Biology at UC Berkeley. He has published research papers in national and international journals and instructed class at Heritage college and UC Berkeley.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
state/federal environmentally related agencies, NGO's, educational institutions, land management businesses, elected and appointed office
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wed 6-10p plus optional Saturday field trips (specific dates to be determined)
Located in: Olympia
Fall 2016 Approved MPA Courses for MES Students
Class Size: 0
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MES students have the option of taking up to two 4-credit MPA electives for MES elective credit. Each quarter, MES will publish approved MPA courses that MES students can take. This quarter, students are eligible to take:
Comparative & International Administration
Design Thinking for Public Service
Economic and Community Development
Science Policy to Action (2 cr)
If you find an MPA course not on this list that you think will complement your educational goals, please consult with the MES Director for approval.
MPA electives fill very quickly, so MES students should not be surprised if they are waitlisted at first.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Located in: Olympia
graduate Conceptualizing Our Regional Environment (gCORE)
Class Size: 50
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This program provides a framework for understanding current environmental issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Students will begin to develop the skills to become producers of new knowledge, rather than being strictly learners of information already available. Multiple methods of data acquisition and analysis will be introduced through examples drawn from many fields of study. The philosophy of science and the problematic relationship between science and policy are also introduced.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$100 field trip fee to Pack Forest, October 6-7, 2016.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Tue/Thu
Located in: Olympia
Introduction to GIS
Class Size: 15
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This course will teach students how to use the versatile technology of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS is more than map-making. A GIS integrates computer hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information across a wide variety of disciplines. GIS technology is increasingly used by physical and social scientists, policy makers, businesses, environmental and conservation organizations, utilities, public health providers, the military, and educators, to name a few. More and more organizations are using spatial data and analysis to help them make decisions relating to acceptable land uses, allocation of resources and assets, fairness and social wellbeing, and many other needs. Instruction will rely strongly on weekly hands-on labs and homework exercises to guide students through a public policy decision process from beginning to end over the duration of the quarter. Students will learn to manage spatial data and tools, mainly using the Esri suite of software commonly known as ArcGIS. No previous experience with GIS is required. Student versions of the ArcGIS software suite will be made available for home use (but technical support is limited to college computers).
Faculty Biography
Michael Ruth, M.Sc.,
is a professional GIS practitioner for Esri (Environmental Systems
Research Institute, Inc). Mike has been a project manager and
consultant for Esri, helping a wide variety of agencies learn and
exploit geographic information systems. His clients have included
major non governmental organizations, tribal and state governments, and
US federal agencies. Mike studied Environmental Science in
college, later specializing in Geology at George Washington
University. For his Masters degree, Mike completing a field
mapping project studying the geology of the western Dominican Republic
along the Haiti border area. After completing his Master of
Science degree, Mike worked for the Spot Image Corporation, developing
GeoTIFF and other satellite imagery methods for GIS integration.
Now at Esri, Mike has focused on Africa projects for non-profit
organizations over the past few years. Recent projects address the
applications of GIS technology for improving polio vaccination success
in Nigeria, agricultural improvement for small holder farmers in
Tanzania, and participatory community conservation activities in the
western Serengeti, among other projects.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Mon
Located in: Olympia
Learning Across Differences: Collaborations in Conservation and Sustainability in Prisons
Class Size: 15
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This class will explore provocative, intersectional topics including restorative, social, and environmental justice, ecotherapy, mass incarceration, ecological restoration, Just Sustainability, institutional operations, institutional racism, prison abolition, transformative and punitive rehabilitation, and returning citizens’ experiences of reintegration. The Sustainability in Prisons Project (SPP) will serve as the case study. The SPP partnership supports more than 100 science, sustainability, and education programs statewide. Referencing SPP, we will consider limitations and opportunities for social, economic, and environmental sustainability in prisons. Diverse guest speakers will contribute critiques and potential innovations. Students will be challenged to think holistically and propose realistic solutions which would benefit incarcerated individuals, returning citizens, and communities.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Wed
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-09-07 | Course now has 5 Junior-Senior seats available |
2016-06-21 | New fall opportunity added. |
Master of Environmental Studies Thesis
Spring 2017
Class Size: 50
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To complete their degree, MES students are required to complete a 16 credit thesis, the prospectus for which is finished in the Fall quarter during Case Studies. At the end of Case Studies, and prior to Winter quarter, students are assigned a faculty mentor, or "reader." Each reader is assigned a CRN (course reference number) for Winter quarter and a different CRN for Spring quarter, and students will be notified of their reader's CRN by email from the MES office prior to registration for each quarter. Students will take eight thesis credits each quarter. In addition to the thesis, students are required to attend an evening thesis workshop, which is usually offered on occasional Tuesday or Thursday evenings throughout the Winter and Spring quarters. Students will be notified of exact details during Fall quarter. See our Thesis Resources page for more information.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p on occasional Tue or Thu
Located in: Olympia
Organizational Sustainability in Theory and Practice
Class Size: 15
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Communities and organizations have substantial environmental and social impacts at both local and global scales. How do we evaluate the positive and negative values of those impacts? How do we define and assess organizational practices and associated impacts? What should we be measuring and tracking? And how do we use assessments to stimulate and guide positive organizational change?
To understand the theoretical and practical dimensions of these questions, this class will explore a variety of assessment tools designed for corporations and other organizations, communities, and colleges/universities. Students will develop a broad understanding of organizational sustainability and assessment tools, and a deeper understanding of the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) developed by AASHE, the Association for the Advancement of Higher Education. (Evergreen faculty and staff, along with MES students, helped develop the pilot version of STARS.) Class work will include planning for and beginning the data collection for Evergreen’s first AASHE STARS assessment of organizational sustainability since 2011. Students will have the opportunity to continue this work in subsequent quarters through internships.
Faculty Biographies
Scott Morgan, M.P.A., is the Director of Sustainability at The Evergreen State College. He has a B.S. in Chemistry from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana, with an emphasis upon organic chemistry and biochemistry, and a Master of Public Administration from The Evergreen State College. Evergreen’s Office of Sustainability coordinates and guides on campus sustainability efforts as well as institutional collaborations with community-based groups. Scott has worked in agriculture and private industry, founded and managed a small non-profit, taught GED and pre-college classes, and has spent the past few years immersed in the public sector. This diverse set of perspectives informs his recognition that long-term sustainability will require a dynamic harmony between environmental, social, and economic health. He is also actively engaged with the Thurston Climate Action Team, a public/private partnership dedicated to creating a healthy and sustainable future for Thurston County, WA by encouraging, coordinating, and leading action on climate change.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Mon
Located in: Olympia
Research Design and Quantitative Methods
Class Size: 50
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Students learn how to integrate the use of inferential statistics and qualitative data analysis to conduct rigorous examinations of the social, biological, and physical aspects of environmental issues. This knowledge will prepare students for their own research and for understanding and critiquing research articles and reports in fields of their choosing.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p, Tue/Thu
Located in: Olympia
Restoration Ecology
Class Size: 28
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Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$200 for overnight field trips, food, vans, and lodging.
Class Size: 28
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wednesday 6-10. Field trip to Elwha River--date TBD
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-06 | $200 fee added. |
Spring 2017 Approved MPA Courses for MES Students
Class Size: 0
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MES students have the option of taking up to two 4-credit MPA electives for MES elective credit. Each quarter, MES will publish approved MPA courses that MES students can take. This quarter, students are eligible to take:
Entrepreneurship And Social Enterprise
Ethics & Leadership in Public Service
Public Health Policy (2 cr)
Transportation Policy (2 cr)
If you find an MPA course not on this list that you think will complement your educational goals, please consult with the MES Director for approval.
MPA electives fill very quickly, so MES students should not be surprised if they are waitlisted at first.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Located in: Olympia
Sustainable Forestry in Fire-prone Landscapes
Class Size: 15
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This class provides an introduction to 21st-century forest ecosystem management, the design of forest restoration treatments, and the role of fire in dry forests. A three-day field trip will emphasize the unique issues facing restoration management of fire prone landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. The course materials will explore the underlying science and practice of sustainable forestry, and the interface with societal and economic forces including adapting policies to address 100 years of fire suppression, and climate change. The overall course objective is to increase student literacy and effectiveness in addressing natural resources management issues.
Faculty Biography
Richard Bigley, Ph.D.,
is a forest ecologist who teaches sustainable forestry and on occasion a
forest ecology class. His current work focuses on the restoration of
riparian forests to older forest conditions in western Washington, and
the ecology and management of headwater streams and wetlands. He works
for the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Over the
last 21 years with DNR, he has served as the team leader for the Forest
Ecology, Wildlife Science and the Habitat Conservation Plan Monitoring
and Adaptive Management Teams. He also advises other organizations on
the development of conservation plans. Before DNR, he worked as an
ecologist for the Forest Service PNW Experiment Station and private
industry. Richard earned a Ph.D. in Forest Ecology and Silviculture and a
M.Sc. in Botany from the University of British Columbia. He has been an
Assistant Professor at the University of Washington, College of the
Environment, School of Forestry since 1994. As member of the Northern
Spotted owl “5-year review” panel in 2004, Richard was a contributor to
the first comprehensive evaluation of the scientific information on the
Northern Spotted owl since the time of its listing as threatened under
the Endangered Species Act in 1990. After his family, his passions are
the science of natural resources management and conservation, and
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$120 for 3-day field trip.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Mon
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-09 | Fees updated. |
Winter 2017 Approved MPA Courses for MES Students
Class Size: 0
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MES students have the option of taking up to two 4-credit MPA electives for MES elective credit. Each quarter, MES will publish approved MPA courses that MES students can take. This quarter, students are eligible to take:
If you find an MPA course not on this list that you think will complement your educational goals, please consult with the MES Director for approval.
MPA electives fill very quickly, so MES students should not be surprised if they are waitlisted at first.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Located in: Olympia
Master in Teaching Year 1
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 45
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More than two decades ago, educator Marilyn Cochrane-Smith asked, "Can prospective teachers learn to be both educators and activists, to regard themselves as agents for change, and to regard reform as an integral part of the social, intellectual, ethical and political activity of teaching?” In the MiT 2015-17 program, we take up this challenge as we prepare teachers who recognize teaching as a political activity and knowingly take on the role of activist based on a commitment to eliminate the inequities that exist in classrooms and the broader community.
If we are to be effective advocates for our students and to empower our students to transform their own lives, we must deepen, and perhaps challenge, our current beliefs about teaching and learning. As teachers we must develop within ourselves the emotional and intellectual attributes needed to understand, support, and teach our future students, and to meet their diverse needs.
Future teachers can expect to see a more diverse population of students. The MiT program prepares teachers who can draw on the strengths of students from a wide range of ethnic origins, languages, abilities, and socio-economic backgrounds. Further, these students will live in a society requiring people to engage diverse cultures through effective collaboration and creative problem-solving grounded in integrated technological skills and active use of a wide range of information resources. Thus, the MiT program will support candidates to develop as critical, reflective educators who not only care deeply about issues of race, class, poverty, and justice but are prepared to act on these issues to support student achievement.
Experiences in classrooms serve as vital parts of the MiT program. Field experiences in urban, rural, and suburban communities enable teacher candidates to mediate their understanding of theoretical ideas and concepts presentedin program coursework. Likewise, our academic investigations inform teacher candidates’ experiences in the field. These two sites for learning are bridged through meaningful activities that require teacher candidates to integrate what they learn across classrooms and coursework.
Among the questions that will engage our study and practice are:
- What effective teaching practices encourage students' curiosity and lead them to shape their own questions and pursue their own answers using critical and reflective thinking?
- How does teachers’ knowledge of learning theory, research-based pedagogy and neurobiology contribute to children's and adolescents' learning and development?
- How are questions of democracy, equity and excellence related to success or failure in our public schools and civic engagement in a democratic society?
- How are the more traditional literacies of reading, writing, and quantitative reasoning related to personal, economic, and political oppression and power?
- How can teachers respond to and work with family and cultural belief systems that shape children's lives? How can teachers draw on community resources to connect content knowledge to students' lived experiences?
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Teaching or further graduate work
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Candidates must pay a required fee of $41.75 plus processing fees to an Education Service District (ESD) for finger-printing and background check before fall quarter begins. Candidates also pay for gas or for public transportation to public schools for field experiences during fall, winter, and spring quarters. These placements may be anywhere within a 40 mile radius of the Olympia campus and are determined by the MiT Field Placement Officer.
$25 in fall for a reader.
Class Size: 45
Scheduled for: Day
Additional details:
to be announced in July
Located in: Olympia
Master in Teaching Year 2
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 45
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Teacher candidates in the Master in Teaching program benefit from two full-time, 10-week, student teaching experiences. Consistent with our goals for graduate-level teacher preparation, the winter quarter is provided between the two student teaching assignments for personal reflection, continued growth in classroom teaching knowledge and skills, attention to professional activities and development of a professional growth plan.
Having two internship placements at different grade levels and in different schools provides teaching experiences in subject endorsement area/s with a variety of public school students. Candidates are placed in classrooms where cooperating mentor teachers have been identified by school districts as appropriate mentors for our teacher candidates. One student teaching placement is in a diverse, urban setting.
The first experience begins in late August or early September in accordance with the public school calendar. This model is based on research indicating that having a student teaching experience in the opening weeks of the school year contributes positively to the success of a first-year teacher.
The second assignment begins in early spring and continues toward the end of the academic year. With this second opportunity, candidates: (a) enhance their teaching practices, (b) gain an understanding of how teachers organize the curriculum in the closing months of the school year (c) make comparisons between different school settings and grade levels and (d) demonstrate ability to gain entry and get to know the assets in new communities.
The narrative evaluation of student teaching performance is based on the Evergreen faculty supervisor’s observations in combination with the assessment of the cooperating mentor teacher. We use Danielson’s model for assessment (adapted for pre-service teacher education), which is one of the 3 assessment models used in Washington State for continuing teachers. As required by the state of Washington, candidates must demonstrate a positive impact on student learning. They must also pass a state-required Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) administered and evaluated by Pearson to be recommended for certification.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Teaching and further graduate work
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
In the second year of the program, candidates complete a master's project. The minimum expense for binding will be at least $65; the cost will be higher if candidates order more than one copy of the project. In addition, the State of Washington requires that candidates seeking certification in Washington take the edTPA which will occur during fall student teaching. This assessment will cost $300 and will be paid directly to the company that manages the assessment procedure. Candidates also pay for gas or public transportation to their student teaching sites.
In spring upon completion of student teaching and recommendation for certification, candidates will pay a $74 certification fee to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction for their teaching certificate.
Class Size: 45
Scheduled for: Day
Additional details:
Weekly late afternoon/early evening seminar during fall and spring student teaching, times to be announced.
Winter coursework hours to be announced.
Located in: Olympia
Advanced Research Methods
Class Size: 15
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Advanced Research Methods (ARM) is a required course for the MPA's Public Policy Concentration, and is open as an elective for other MPA students. In order to take this course, students must have completed the MPA first year Core program and either be enrolled in, or completed, the MPA second year Core program. Advanced undergraduate students can apply for instructor permission to enroll on a space available basis.
Advanced Research Methods examines advanced and multivariate statistical methods from a practical viewpoint using SPSS and Microsoft Excel. Our aim is to introduce students to a variety of statistical research techniques as well as enhance their ability to read and interpret research findings.
Though this course takes place over of two intensive weekends, the learning will not be hurried. Our focus will be on becoming better users and readers of research and workplace data. Our task – and it is an important task – is to learn how to analyze data sensibly and in context to enhance decision-making and organizational performance.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Oct 14-16, Oct 28-30 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Analytical Techniques for Public Service I & II PNAPP
Winter 2017
Class Size: 60
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Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 60
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Thurs
Located in: Olympia
Comparative & International Administration
Class Size: 15
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This course will explore two beliefs that are strongly held by many Americans: that we have little to learn from other countries, and that we are better off going it alone rather than working through alliances or supranational organizations such as the United Nations. But the US has much to gain by learning from the administrative and policy experiences of other countries. And problems such as climate change, strengthening the global financial system, and unequal development require global solutions and working through both international and supranational organizations.We will explore the theory and reality of such organizations: why they are needed but also why they are very difficult to manage and lead. We will also compare the US with political and administrative systems elsewhere and examine how they have crafted policy solutions that provide useful examples for the US. We will also study the challenges to performing comparative research, the role of nongovernmental organizations, and the cultural knowledge/skills needed to work effectively at the global level. We will use lectures, seminars, films and workshops to explore these issues.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Oct 8-9, Nov 13, Dec 3-4, 9a-5p
Located in: Olympia
Creating Culturally Competent Organizations
Class Size: 15
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The organizational shift from diversity to one of Diversity & Inclusion requires a shift of mindset. Diversity and Inclusion are interrelated in that you cannot have one without the other which also begs the traditional “chicken and egg” question of which one do government leaders go after to effect the most positive change? Before we can create external change, we must first look internally. This course will cover three main areas of how we can become more culturally competent, bring cultural competency to our workplace, and effect organizational change towards systemic cultural competency.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
April 7-9, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Design Thinking for Public Service
Class Size: 10
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In this course, we apply a design thinking perspective to contemporary administrative, social, and physical problems and challenges. Design thinking brings together people from different disciplines to effectively explore, in collaboration, human-centered approaches to contemporary challenges. While we'll study the theory of design thinking, the main focus of this course is on the application of design thinking in communities and administration. We will examine both design as a physical element to create/make/sustain communities as well as design as a method for social innovation, service delivery, and management. We'll study design thinking, cases of social and communal innovation using design thinking, and work together to apply design thinking to real-world situations. Our learning laboratory is the City of Tenino. This course is applicable for students interested in social and administrative innovation, city planning, and community building.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 10
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Tues-Oct 4, 18, Nov 1, 15, 29, 6-10p, Sat-Oct 22 & Dec 3, 9a-5p
Located in: Olympia
Design Thinking for Public Service 2-Credit
Class Size: 10
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In this course, we apply a design thinking perspective to contemporary administrative, social, and physical problems and challenges. Design thinking brings together people from different disciplines to effectively explore, in collaboration, human-centered approaches to contemporary challenges. While we'll study the theory of design thinking, the main focus of this course is on the application of design thinking in communities and administration. We will examine both design as a physical element to create/make/sustain communities as well as design as a method for social innovation, service delivery, and management. We'll study design thinking, cases of social and communal innovation using design thinking, and work together to apply design thinking to real-world situations. Our learning laboratory is the City of Tenino. This course is applicable for students interested in social and administrative innovation, city planning, and community building.
Use this CRN to register for 2-credit option: 10334
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 10
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Tues. Oct 4, 18, & Nov 1, 6-10p , Sat. Oct 22, 9a-5p
Located in: Olympia
Designing Indigenous Research for Equitable & Sustainable Futures
Class Size: 20
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This course covers ways to design research and create a plan to carry out research that develops appropriate source material with an emphasis on indigenous communities, underserved populations and environmental policy issues, especially those relating to environmental and social justice. We will work beyond official sources to develop strategies for gathering and using references and information original research relevant to in-depth research papers like capstones, thesis and other formats as well as examine research strategies in some large grants
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
This class begins prior to the first official day of Summer quarter. If you receive financial aid, it will not be dispersed until Summer quarter officially begins on June 26th.
Jun 17, 6-10p, Jun 18, 9a-5:30p, Jun 19, 7-9p & July 21-23, Fri 5-9p, Sat/Sun 9a-5p
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-05-01 | Meeting dates changed |
Diversity in the Public Sector
Class Size: 20
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Diversity in the public sector can refer to a number of things but many limit this topic to workplace gender and race/ethnicity topics. This course will expand the conversation to include additional categories used in the public sector. We will discuss diversity of the people we serve, how they are served, how we collect data and define measures of success regarding “diversity” in the public sector.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Aug 18-20, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Doing Democratic Public Administration PNAPP
Class Size: 55
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Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 55
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thurs 6-10p, Sat Jan 28, 9a-5p
Located in: Olympia
Doing Democratic Public Administration TG
Class Size: 35
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Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 35
Scheduled for: Day and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Jan 13-15, 27-29, Feb 10-12, 1-5p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Tribal MPA
Economic and Community Development
Class Size: 15
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Is community and economic development different or are the objectives similar? This course will provide a foundation of development while comparing and contrasting community and economic development approaches. Additionally, local and global development perspectives will be explored analyzing different economic and community development decisions. The intersection of community and economic development will be framed as well as the desired outcomes of each approach. This course will be split into lecture and discussion for part of the class as well as in class projects and group assignments for the remainder. Attendance is critical to the success of this class and will provide the best learning environment for this conversational exchange of ideas. A final group project will be a culmination of concepts and ideas throughout the semester and this paper and presentation will be completed by analyzing case studies of communities where there is an intersection of economic and community development.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Wed
Located in: Olympia
Education Policy
Class Size: 15
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In their 2017-19 Strategic Action Plan the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) defines two state goals to be attained by 2023:
All adults in Washington will have a high school diploma or equivalent
At least 70 percent of Washington adults will have a postsecondary education
The overarching big question for this class will be: What policy strategies would be most effective in achieving these goals? In the process, we will explore the role and limitations of state policy in addressing state education goals, always keeping the focus on what Washington is doing to address these issues. During our weekend together, students will choose and explore in depth a policy strategy that they believe would be an effective approach to help Washington achieve these goals. Independent time will be provided for individual students to research in depth their chosen strategies.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Feb 24-26, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Emotional Intelligence
Class Size: 15
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The course focuses on how leaders, teams, and individuals can excel under pressure by practically applying emotional intelligence (EI) concepts. Students gain an understanding of leadership styles, EI competencies, and key aspects of communication, including various communication styles, verbal/nonverbal elements of communication, conflict management, and how their EI and communication style may impact their effectiveness, self-control, and personal adaptability.Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Jan 20-22, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Ethics and Leadership in Public Service
Class Size: 15
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In this course you will be given the opportunity to work through issues relevant to management of people in public and nonprofit organizations and the role professional ethics plays in those issues. We will examine different frameworks relevant to professional settings in the hope that this approach will provide a context to help you more clearly understand the interactions you observe in your workplace, and help you consider possible appropriate actions in ambiguous and complex situations. This course will examine some real world dilemmas you could encounter as a leader, dilemmas not necessarily covered in a text book. You will not walk away with a set of answers to these situations; however, one goal of the course is to have you recognize how your moral compass influences the professional ethical choices you may have to make. Another goal is to explore other influences at your disposal when making (and justifying) ethical decisions.
NB One of the sources to be used in the classroom and for discussion will be the third season of The Wire (HBO series--rated Mature for language, some nudity, adult subject matter). It is recommended (but not required) that you watch the first two seasons of The Wire by the start of Spring Quarter. The DVDs are available at the Daniel J. Evans Library (Evergreen). Resource: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wire
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Wed 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Foundations of Public Policy
Class Size: 15
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“Public Policy” is the sexy alter ego of public administration. The study of policymaking tantalizes us. It suggests that if we can unlock the secrets to how and when big policy decisions are made, and have an impact on those decisions, we can also benefit groups and causes we care about. The reality is more nuanced. The models describing the policy process don’t provide any magic buttons to push, but they do provide a variety of helpful frames for making sense of a complex reality. And despite the advent of “fact-free” campaigning, the study of policy analysis and mastery of policy analysis skills remain critical to effective governance.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tues 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Grant Writing
Class Size: 25
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Use hands-on practice to learn to write successful grants! We will start with an introduction to grants and their place in the development of nonprofit organizations and learn the sound planning skills needed for strong proposals. Students will write a grant for a nonprofit organization, getting feedback on each section as it is developed. A list of organizations seeking grant writing assistance will be provided**. Using interactive learning and assigned tasks, we will focus on planning, research, evaluation techniques, budgeting and how to effectively communicate issues and needs in a clear and concise manner.
**NOTE: If you have a non-profit or government agency you wish to write for, you MUST contact me in advance of the first day of class, so that I can send a form to be filled out by the agency and review their readiness.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wed 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Housing Policy
Class Size: 15
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This course explores the historical evolution of federal, state and local housing policy. Students will learn about how analytical and political frameworks are used to create, evaluate and shape housing programs, projects and services. We will examine the continuum of subsidies and programs that are provided to everyone from high income earners and investors to people who are chronically homeless. We will compare and contrast how different housing policies are used to provide shelter, stimulate the economy, protect the environment and support sustainable growth.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Feb 10-12, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Intergovernmental Relations
Class Size: 35
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Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 35
Scheduled for: Day and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Feb 24-26, March 10-12, 1-5p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Internal Audit and Public Stewardship
Class Size: 15
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In an era of recession, corporate malfeasance and political upheaval, how does a public organization maintain a responsible course and achieve the purpose for which it was created?
We’ll answer this question by first examining the function of audit in a democratic society—the function of oversight as a collective expectation and a political mandate, as well as a means for safeguarding and optimizing the use of communal resources and infrastructure. With this historical and social background as our context, we will then explore the internal audit function as a crucial activity in the organizational life of a public entity, with special emphasis on the practical methods by which students can reasonably assure the success of the organizations they lead.
We’ll study the purposes, standards, and best practices of internal audit as it is (or should be) practiced in public organizations, with special emphasis on the concepts of risk, control, assurance and governance. As civic leaders, we’ll also explore how to promote and engage with the internal audit function to achieve desired outcomes for our organizations and the public we serve. The course will provide practical insight into organizational architecture and processes, and offer opportunities to reflect on professional commitments, public expectations, and the strategies available for achieving organizational success through internal audit and oversight.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Jan 27-29, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Managing Human Systems
Class Size: 15
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People are one of the most important assets critical to the functions of contemporary government. The effective management of personnel in public agencies requires investing in these assets so that the organizations can accomplish their missions. In the public sector, personnel management requires working within the confines of law to provide a diverse and motivated workforce that is effective and fair in the implementation of policies. Civil servants are vital organizational assets and public personnel management is a key tool for holding these civil servants accountable for serving the public interest. Contemporary public personnel management is situated in a politicized environment that requires managing the tensions between merit and patronage. In addition, public personnel management takes place both within organizations, as well as outside traditional organizational boundaries. Managing within these complex human systems is a crucial task for today’s public leaders.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Marketing for Public Service
Class Size: 15
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Taught by
Karen Alman
“Can we sell brotherhood like soap?” Yes, we can! In Marketing for the Public Service students will learn how to apply the basic principles of marketing for bringing about positive social change in knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors—and how to do so in the most effective and resourceful ways. The course is specifically designed for those interested in public outreach, community-based initiatives, non-profit organizations, and NGOs. The highlight of this intensive weekend offering is the opportunity to work on selected cases to create strategic plans that address key marketing challenges.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
May 5-7, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Nonprofit Development
Class Size: 15
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This considers methods, techniques, and directed experiences in fund raising and resource development practices. Theories of fund raising, donor motivation, leadership and ethical considerations are highlighted. The purpose of this course is to provide a foundation of knowledge about methods and techniques by which voluntary, nonprofit organizations plan, budget and raise funds. This is accomplished through an exploration of the theories and practice of philanthropy, non-profit operations and leadership. Students will also develop a deeper sense of abundance and scarcity of resources as well as the historical significance of philanthropy in American society.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wed 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
NonProfit Theory and Practice
Class Size: 15
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Compared to most “developed” countries, US law and civic practice encourages people to band together to try to solve public problems. As a result, our society relies heavily on nonprofit entities to deliver social and health services, support the arts, and assist with many other important tasks. But although interest in nonprofits has exploded, the reality that nonprofits can’t be run either like businesses or government agencies is poorly appreciated. It is critical for students of public administration to better understand the sector, and how to run nonprofit organizations with skill. This course will focus on the unique characteristics and topics of the nonprofit sector. It aims to provide an introduction to the sector, its close linkages with the philanthropy and government sectors, and will explore how to manage a nonprofit effectively. This course is applicable to students aiming for a career in nonprofit management, who have an interest in the sector, or who might one day want to be a member of a nonprofit board and want to understand how nonprofits function in the US and elsewhere.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
April 29-30, May 27-28, June10, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Organizational Resiliency
Class Size: 15
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We will focus on sustaining delivery of services essential to your clients, even in the worst of times. Continuity Planning helps organizations fulfill a social responsibility to protect their patrons, community, and employees when things go awry. How can your agency, non-profit, or tribal entity quickly resume functioning and deliver the services critical to your mission? Don’t think terrorist attack. Consider more likely events: a major earthquake, a devastating computer virus, pandemic disease, widespread flooding, or the sudden departure of your executive director.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Nov 18-20, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Participatory Leadership
Class Size: 15
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Like never before, the world we face today is increasingly complex, fragmented and uncertain. The political climate is polarizing, and in many places trust in government and our other institutions is eroding. This two-credit course is for both emerging and mature leaders who understand that more and more of our modern challenges are ones that call for a new kind of collective action. Such action requires that we move beyond adversarial agendas and into new kinds of consultative process and engagement strategies that bring out the best in our organizations and communities and foster true collaboration. The intent of this course is to help you to create resilient teams, organizations and communities and to support the development of people around you. Foundational elements of this course will include a look at different leadership styles and approaches, systems dynamics and complexity theory, and a host of participative process methodologies and principles.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Oct 21-23, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Path to Sovereignty
Class Size: 40
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Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 40
Scheduled for: Day and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Nov 18-20, Dec 2-4, 1-5p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Tribal MPA
PNAPP Capstone
Class Size: 55
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Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 55
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Thurs & one Sat TBD
Located in: Olympia
Project Management
Class Size: 20
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What does success look like? In this course we will endeavor to respond to this question on both personal and professional levels. It takes integrated thinking and discipline to become a successful project manager. Tools are only tools. In addition to building an awareness of your own management style, we will use real world client based applications to explore and understand the nuances of successful project management. Students will work hands on with a pre-selected client organization to apply their learning and develop a viable project management plan.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Jan 10, Feb 28, Mar 7 6-9p, Jan 21-22 & Feb 11-12 9a-4p
Located in: Olympia
Promises, Pitfalls, and Ethics in Multisector Contracting
Class Size: 20
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The issue of public ethics is particularly important when government works with private contractors. The term “public ethics” is often used to suggest acting with compassion and empathy while ensuring thorough analysis and competence as we serve the public interest while seeking justice under the law. When public agencies rely on vendors to carry out their work a focus on ethical behavior is essential. In this course we will examine how contracts between government and various vendors can fail. In addition, we will examine the possibilities for government and their vendors to achieve contracting’s true win-win potential. In other words, we will use ethics as a lens to study how public managers materialize the promises while avoiding the pitfalls of multisector contracting in the twenty first century.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Jun 30-Jul 2, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Public Finance Policy
Class Size: 15
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Public Finance Policy will review finance and fiscal policy challenges facing federal, state, and local governments. We will examine issues central to public expenditure programs, and taxation policies. Students will seek practical solutions to planning, implementation, and reporting problems in public finance. The course will discuss budgetary formation, deliberation, adoption, implementation and execution. Further, each aspect of finance policy will be examined in order to understand the process, functions, and history of public budgeting reform. The course will discuss revenue policy, the spending of public resources, dynamics of changing budget processes, and issues associated with balancing budgets. Students – in the role of citizens, administrators, and public officials – shall engage public finance policy issues of concern to them in pursuit of fairness.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Public Health Policy
Class Size: 15
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Public health protects the health of people and communities by promoting healthy lifestyles, preventing injuries, and identifying solutions to detect and prevent disease. During this weekend intensive seminar we will examine public health policy development, implementation, and evaluation. This course will provide an overview of the public health system and essential services. We will explore diverse public health topics and current public health initiatives and efforts. We will discuss economic feasibility, legal and ethical considerations, the role of the science and public opinion, efforts to address health disparities, and other issues that impact policy decisions.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
May 19-21, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Public Law
Class Size: 20
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Law and policy are two sides of the same coin—you can't make one without the other. Agency and non-profit administrators interface with the law every day, be it administrative regulations, litigation impacting program mission, public records, or public service ethics laws. This course seeks to give MPA students a solid grounding in the areas of the law that relate to policy-making. It will explore administrative rule-making, including how agencies get the authority to do what they do (i.e., constitutional law), how they make rules, the public’s role in the rule-making procedure, and how these rules are challenged. This course will also consider the interplay between law and policy, including from a budgeting perspective, and touch on areas of law most salient in public administration, such as the Public Records Act, employment law, and ethics laws. Overall, we will explore the civil (and occasionally criminal) justice system with the idea that a better understanding of our third branch of government makes us better citizens and better leaders.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Aug 11-13, 25-27, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Public Policy, Finance & Budgeting for Public Administration PNAPP
Class Size: 55
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Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 55
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Thurs
Located in: Olympia
Public Policy, Finance & Budgeting for Public Administration TG
Class Size: 35
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Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 35
Scheduled for: Day and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
April 7-9, April 21-23, May 5-7, 1-5p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Public Service Delivery Networks
Class Size: 15
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An important contemporary administrative issue is the delivery of public goods and services to citizens. This course will review how governments deliver services, primarily focusing on contracting and the resulting delivery networks. As Laurence O’Toole proclaims “Those tasked with public management must often seek to operate on structurally uncertain terrain, firmament that can include ties with patterns of not-for-profits and profit-seeking entities as well as multiple formally governed institutions”. Public sector organizations – at the federal, state, and local levels – form working relationships with communities, other governments, nonprofit, and for-profit firms through contracts. The course will discuss the tools managers need to form, operate, terminate, or transform these contracts. Students will examine contracting environments of their own interests and understand the dynamics, technical, and political aspects of contracting with different types of vendors in public service delivery networks.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Public Speaking
Class Size: 20
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Oral eloquence still counts when you need to explain, persuade, collaborate, and lead. This intensive weekend course will help you learn to use your voice, body, and personal presence with confidence when speaking to others. You will learn to channel stagefright into creative energy and to organize your thoughts into a structure your audience can grasp. Students will write, revise, rehearse and present a short speech; they will also have opportunities to practice speaking impromptu. Credit will be awarded in Public Speaking.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Aug 4-6, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Science Policy to Action
Class Size: 15
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Imagine sitting at “the table,” negotiating science policy with international leaders. Or, researching and drafting a new invasive species law at the governor’s request. This course provides an introduction to science policy, with the goal of translating concepts into implementable action. We will study the actors in the science policy arena; analyze how the United States and international political institutions and processes govern science policy; and experience the roles of scientists and policymakers in creating and implementing policies through case studies covering a wide range of policy areas (e.g., water, health, climate, energy, environment). We also will explore how agencies, legislatures, and courts resolve resource-use conflicts, and the role of scientific information and uncertainty in this process. Background readings and in-class case studies focused on reaching a policy objective will prepare students for authoring a policy memo, and applying these skills to professional experiences. Science policy will come alive!
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Nov 4-6, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
The Context of Public Administration PNAPP
Class Size: 55
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Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 55
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Thurs
Located in: Olympia
The Context of Public Administration TG
Class Size: 35
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Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 35
Scheduled for: Day and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sept 30-Oct 2, Oct 14-16, Oct 28-30, 1-5p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Tribal MPA
The Welfare State: A Comparative Policy Perspective
Class Size: 20
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Given our current system, in the U.S. we are quite unaccustomed to interrogating the role of the state in ensuring well-being. Yet, most other countries take seriously this question, and their arrangements of benefits and income assurance are much more generous than ours. This course examines notions of the welfare state, considering why some societies insist on universal, state-controlled arrangements of social welfare and others implement heavily privatized, patchwork systems. Through considering how historical forces and values, ethics, and beliefs about human rights relate to the welfare state, students will be prepared for social welfare policy analysis and advocacy.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Jul 7-9, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Transportation Policy
Class Size: 15
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Whether you are a program manager at a non-profit, a policy analyst in a government agency, or simply a citizen trying to get to work your life is affected by the challenges of transportation. During this weekend intensive seminar we will analyze and discuss the wide range of transportation choices. This introductory course will focus on understanding how transportation policy is formed at the various levels of government by examining statutory and regulatory frameworks, institutions involved in transportation policy, and the stakeholders who shape transportation programs and procedures. The class will look at modes of surface transportation including motor vehicles, public transportation, bicycling and walking. We will examine the relationship between transportation policy and other critical regional policy issues including economic development, public health, land use, and climate change.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
April 28-30, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
Tribal Organizations
Class Size: 35
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Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 35
Scheduled for: Day and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
May 19-21, June 2-4, 1-5p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Tribal MPA
Working with Conflict
Class Size: 20
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Using conflict as a generative tool: How skillfully harnessing contrasting points of view can be a catalyst for learning and growth
In most collaborative environments, conflicts are feared and avoided. Yet the longer we go without addressing rising conflict, the farther away we move from each other and the most stuck we become in our positions. Skillful leaders must learn how to get the conflict out into the open and use it as a source of creativity and as a catalyst for learning and growth. The theories you will learn and the skills that you will practice in this course will increase you capacity to succeed in turbulent times by showing you how to work with differences in a group and turning destructive conflict into creative tension.
Much of the content of this course will be drawn from the Lewis method of Deep Democracy developed in post-apartheid South Africa and practiced in over 20 countries around the world. Deep Democracy is a psychologically based facilitation methodology particularly useful for working with relationship and group dynamics that are emotionally charged or marked by difference.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Aug 4-6, 5-9p Fri, 9a-5p Sat/Sun
Located in: Olympia
"As Real as Rain": The Blues and American Culture
Class Size: 50
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“The blues is no joke. The blues is real as rain.” – David Ritz, music writer
This program will provide an introduction to, and overview of, that magnificent and enduring American art form we know as “the blues”: its musical elements, African and African American roots and precursors, historical and stylistic evolution, major practitioners, and its influence on other musical genres (most notably, jazz, rhythm & blues, rock & roll, rock, and rap/hip hop). Equally importantly, we will examine its impact on American culture and, among other ventures, apply a blues theory of aesthetics to U.S. literature in general, and African American literature in particular.
Program texts will include biographical and autobiographical selections, fiction, poetry (including music lyrics), and scholarly articles on the blues. Weekly film screenings will include a range of fiction works and documentaries such as Martin Scorsese’s critically acclaimed series, The Blues: A Musical Journey. Finally, there will be extensive listening assignments that will provide the soundtrack for our journey from Africa to the southern United States, to the urban North, throughout our nation, and across the globe.
We will devote two weekly seminars to close readings of written texts, films, and music. In addition to short weekly writing assignments, students will produce a final project that will help them refine both their expository and creative nonfiction writing skills. There will be a weekly open mic opportunity for musicians—whether aspiring or experienced—to play and share the blues, as well as possible trips to area blues performances.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
humanities and education.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-27 | New spring opportunity added. |
21st Century Photography
Class Size: 15
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Important note: This program is taught by Steve Davis. A bug is displaying Stacey Davis instead of Steve Davis.
This class is an introduction to photographic expression using contemporary photographic techniques, and will explore the usage of photography through social media, archival inkjet printing, and multimedia (video.)
Students will learn to use prosumer and professional grade full-frame and medium format cameras. You will learn to edit and manage collections with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, and work in Photoland’s photography studios. You will have full access to the Digital Imaging Studio and to our darkroom facilities. Digital cameras are available through Media Loan. Class requirements include scheduled assignments, research, and a final project consisting of new, photographically-derived, digital work.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
photography, art, picture editing, teaching photography and media, photojournalism
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$50 for printing materials
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Tue/Wed, 9am - 3pm
Located in: Olympia
A Brief Survey of Western Art: From Cave Paintings to Urinals
Class Size: 25
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This class is designed to introduce students to the historical trajectory of Western art through its turbulent succession of movements and practices. We will explore the early development of representational images and how ancient civilizations came to lay the groundwork for almost 2,000 years of European art. The class will look closely at the broader implications of how developments in visual representation and stylistic forms were almost always tied to social, political, religious, and sexual / gendered battles happening on the ground. We will examine the sociopolitical implications of form and content in bodily and spatial representation in painting, sculpture, and photography. From Giotto's reintroduction of Greek Classicism and Humanism into 14th century religious painting to Neoclassicism's usurping of Rococo as a visual analogy of The Reign of Terror, and the total reorganization of artistic thought and practice brought about by Dadaism and photography, students will consistently seek to identify and contextualize the underlying factors of Western art's formal transformations. We will explore the disintegration of mimetic representation in the 19th and 20th centuries and the rise of abstraction, Modernism and Postmodernism.
Students will be expected to write close, critical analysis of artists and movements covered in the class. Students will write a final paper investigating the critical responses to a post-19th century artist and explore the ramifications of that artist and the public/critical responses to their work.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Art history, visual arts, media arts, visual culture
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Monday - Thursday, 10am - 2pm
Located in: Olympia
A Writer's Paradise
Class Size: 10
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Fiction! Essays! Non-fiction! Creative non-fiction! Academic writing! Journalism! Poetry! Dive into any of these genres in Writer’s Paradise . This craft-intensive program offers weekly peer-critique groups, copious feedback from faculty, seminars on fiction and creative non-fiction, workshops to sharpen skills and generate ideas, and one-on-one and online critique. Deepen your engagement with your own writing, build critical reading skills, and refine your editorial eyes and ears. We’ll work with stories, essays, a novel, and poems that allow us to study writing strategies. Students will be introduced to close, critical reading practices, and, in short, learn to read like writers.
In addition to intensive writing and study of the craft, you’ll engage in writing-related activities that explore the creative process and the written word, including weekend day-only retreats to delve deep into your writing process in the peace and tranquility of Evergreen's Organic Farm.
Writer’s Paradise is designed to help beginning and accomplished writers to develop skills that they can use artistically, academically, and professionally. Regular weeknight sessions will include lectures, workshops, seminar, and guided critique group opportunities. Classroom work emphasizes the critique process, fine tuning, generating work, close reading, and practices of literary study.
Some students will choose to engage in a series of local or regional hikes along with sensory exercises to expand the creative process. These techniques will enable you to engage in and maintain a creative space regardless of what your future holds.
Other students will develop varied writing-related group activities to fortify their writing experiences with support from the faculty.
*This program may help future Master in Teaching Students to fulfill the 12-credits in expository and other writing. The program may also help current MIT students to meet English Language Arts endorsements. Please contact faculty, parkesn@evergreen.edu , to further discuss this, or see me at academic fair for summer.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Writing, Communications, Media and Social Media
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 10
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 5-9:30pm and 10am-4pm 2 weekends (first session: July8/9 and July 22/23, second session: Aug 12/13, Aug 26/27). See the Schedule details description for more information.
Additional details:
This schedule is designed for students who can attend evenings and some weekends. We will meet from 5 to 9:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays; the 5 to 6 p.m. hour will be for on-site critique groups. We will meet from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on two weekends each session in "retreat style" without an overnight. First session weekend dates are Sat. July 8 and Sun. July 9; Sat. July 22 and Sun. July 23. Second session weekend dates will be Sat. Aug. 12 and Sun. Aug. 13; Sat. Aug. 26 and Sun. Aug. 27.
Located in: Olympia
Abnormal Psychology
Class Size: 25
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This course is designed to help students examine abnormal and normal behavior and experience along several dimensions. These dimensions include the historical and cultural influences in Western psychology, current views on abnormality and psychological health, cultural differences in the approach and treatment of psychopathology, and the role of healthy habitat in healthy mind. Traditional classification of psychopathology will be studied, including theories around etiology and treatment strategies. Non-traditional approaches will be examined including the role of eco-psychology in abnormal psychology. This course is a core course, required for pursuit of graduate studies in psychology
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Academic Writing at Evergreen
Class Size: 25
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This writing intensive course has two purposes. The first is to help students develop as academic writers, to engage in writing as intellectual work. We will work on developing "rhetorical reading" skills--noticing not only what something is about, but also how it is put together. Building on common readings, students will write and revise several academic essays. Students with more academic experience will have the option of writing essays in areas related to their academic concentrations. A key element for all students will be engaging in productive revision processes. We will also explore academic writing at Evergreen--in particular, the purpose and practice of Evergreen's Academic Statement. This course can serve as an introduction to academic writing; for more advanced students, it offers the opportunity to develop a stronger practice of revision.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mondays, 6-10 pm. First meeting Monday, September 26, 6pm, Sem II A2105.
Located in: Olympia
Adaptation: Evolutionary Patterns in Biological Space-Time
Winter 2017
Class Size: 25
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The vast majority of complexity in the observable universe is due to one process—selection, or the tendency for some patterns to out-compete alternatives for either resources, mates, or both. And though the basics of evolutionary selection can be summarized in a single phrase ("survival of the fittest"), details and diversity of patterns are surprising in the extreme, raising profound questions at every juncture. For example, why has a simple, shared drive to increase reproductive success taken aardvarks and spruce trees in such different directions? And why would a peahen choose to burden her sons with a giant handicap to their movement by mating with a peacock carrying genes for a massive tail?
We will take a broad approach to selection, studying what is known but focusing on that which remains mysterious. The adaptive interplay between genetic, epigenetic (regulatory), and cultural traits will be of particular interest. We will also place special emphasis on understanding the tension between selection exerted by mates and that exerted by environmental factors.
Fall quarter will be spent constructing a basic toolkit for evolutionary analysis: What is an adaptation and how can it be recognized? How can we infer function? What is the relationship between a trait's short- and long-term adaptive value? We will scrutinize structures, behaviors, and patterns found in the wild, and refine our ability to understand them through the language of game theory. Winter quarter we will focus on pushing our model of selection to its limits and beyond by applying it to the most complex and surprising adaptive patterns in nature, with a special emphasis on adaptive patterns manifest in Homo sapiens .
We will read books and articles, have lecture, and engage in detailed discussions. Discussions will be central to our work. Students will be expected to generate and defend hypotheses and predictions in a supportive and rigorous environment. We will go out and look at nature directly when conditions are right. There will be assignments, but the program will be primarily about generating deep predictive insight, not about producing a large volume of work. It is best suited to self-motivated students with a deep commitment to comprehending that which is knowable, but unknown. This program will focus on how to think, not what to think.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology, medicine, psychology, and public policy. This program will focus on how to think, not what to think. As such, it will be useful to in any career in which critical thinking is important.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$250 in fall and $350 in winter for overnight, required field trips.
Upper division science credit:
Upper-division credit will be awarded on the basis of novel analytical insight and innovation.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 9am (Sem II B2109)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-12 | Winter fee increased (from $250 to $350). |
Advanced Research in Environmental Studies
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Environmental Studies. This independent learning opportunity is designed to allow advanced students to delve into real-world research with faculty who are currently engaged in specific projects. The program will help students develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, written and oral communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills—all of which are of particular value for students who are pursuing a graduate degree, as well as for graduates who are already in the job market.
Abir Biswas studies nutrient and toxic trace metal cycles in terrestrial and coastal ecosystems. Potential projects could include studies of mineral weathering, wildfires, and mercury cycling in ecosystems. Students could pursue these interests at the laboratory scale or through field-scale biogeochemistry studies, taking advantage of the Evergreen Ecological Observation Network (EEON), a long-term ecological study area. Students with backgrounds in a combination of geology, biology, or chemistry could gain skills in soil, vegetation, and water collection and learn methods of sample preparation and analysis for major and trace elements.
Lalita Calabria focuses on biodiversity and conservation of bryophytes and lichens in temperate North America. As a broadly trained plant biologist, Lalita uses a multidisciplinary approach to investigating these topics including floristic surveys, ecological studies, herbarium-based research and phytochemical studies of plants. Current activities in her lab focus on assessing the impacts of fire on lichen and bryophyte communities of oak woodlands and prairies, estimating biomass and functional group diversity of bryophyte and lichen ground layers in Puget Sound prairies and quantifying biological nitrogen fixation rates of moss-cyanobacteria symbiosis. Students with backgrounds in botany, ecology, or chemistry could gain skills in bryophyte and lichen identification, as well as, field monitoring methods and studying symbiosis of bryophytes and lichens. Students participating in this program would engage with ongoing research in Lalita’s lab and may have opportunities to develop their own research projects.
Gerardo Chin-Leo studies marine phytoplankton and bacteria. His research interests include understanding the factors that control seasonal changes in the biomass and species composition of Puget Sound phytoplankton. In addition, he is investigating the role of marine bacteria in the geochemistry of estuaries and hypoxic fjords.
Dylan Fischer studies plant ecosystem ecology, carbon dynamics, and nutrient cycling in forests of the Southwest and western Washington. This work includes image analysis of tree roots, molecular genetics, plant physiology, carbon balance, nitrogen cycling, species interactions, community analysis, and restoration ecology. He also manages the EEON project ( blogs.evergreen.edu/eeon/ ). See more about his lab's work at: blogs.evergreen.edu/ecology . Students participating in this program work closely with ongoing research in the lab, participate in weekly lab meetings, and develop their own research projects.
Carri LeRoy conducts research on linkages between terrestrial and aquatic environments. She is trained as a freshwater ecologist and primarily studies in-stream ecosystem processes and aquatic communities. She and her students study leaf litter decomposition in streams as a major input of organic material to aquatic systems. In addition, she conducts research on aquatic macroinvertebrate community structure, aquatic fungal biomass and standard water quality and hydrology measurements in stream and river environments.
Paul Przybylowicz conducts research on soil fungi, mushroom cultivation and potential uses for fungi. He is particularly interested in bioremediation and biocontrol applications of fungi, along with practical mushroom cultivation methods for small-scale vegetable farmers. Current efforts are focused on isolating and screening fungi for bioremediation properties.
Alison Styring studies birds. Current activity in her lab includes avian bioacoustics and avian monitoring and research in Evergreen’s campus forest and other nearby locations. Bioacoustic research includes field monitoring of local birds using audio recordings and microphone arrays, and editing and identifying avian songs and calls from an extensive collection of sounds from the campus forest as well as tropical forest sites in Borneo. Local research projects in the campus forest and nearby locations include Pacific wren mating and life-history strategy, cavity formation and use by cavity-nesting birds (and other cavity-dependent species), and monitoring long-term trends in bird populations and communities using a variety of standard approaches.
Erik Thuesen conducts research on the ecological physiology of marine animals. He and his students are currently investigating the physiological, behavioral, and biochemical adaptations of gelatinous zooplankton to environmental stress and climate change. Other research is focused on the biodiversity of marine zooplankton. Students working in his lab typically have backgrounds in different aspects of marine science, ecology, physiology, and biochemistry.
Pauline Yu studies the developmental physiology and ecology of marine invertebrates. She is interested in the biochemistry of the seawater-organism interface, developmental nutritional biochemistry and metabolic depression, invasive species, carbonate chemistry (ocean acidification), and cultural relationships with foods from the sea. Students have the opportunity to collaboratively develop lines of inquiry for lab and/or field studies in ecology, developmental biology, physiology, marine carbonate chemistry and mariculture.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
botany, ecology, education, entomology, environmental studies, environmental health, freshwater science, geology, land use planning, marine science, urban agriculture, taxonomy, and zoology.
See below for more info.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Advanced Research in Environmental Studies with A. Biswas
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Environmental Studies. This independent learning opportunity is designed to allow advanced students to delve into real-world research with faculty who are currently engaged in specific projects. The program will help students develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking skills—all of which are of particular value for students who are pursuing a graduate degree, as well as for graduates who are already in the job market.
Abir Biswas studies in nutrient and toxic trace metal cycles in terrestrial and coastal ecosystems. Potential projects could include studies of mineral weathering, wildfires and mercury cycling in ecosystems. Students could pursue these interests at the laboratory-scale or through field-scale biogeochemistry studies taking advantage of the Evergreen Ecological Observation Network (EEON), a long-term ecological study area. Students with backgrounds in a combination of geology, biology or chemistry could gain skills in soil, vegetation and water collection and learn methods of sample preparation and analysis for major and trace elements.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
geology and earth sciences.
See below for more info.
seat availability and credit options vary per quarter.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Advanced Research in Environmental Studies with A. Styring
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Environmental Studies. This independent learning opportunity is designed to allow advanced students to delve into real-world research with faculty who are currently engaged in specific projects. The program will help students develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking skills—all of which are of particular value for students who are pursuing a graduate degree, as well as for graduates who are already in the job market.
Alison Styring studies birds. Current activity in her lab includes avian bioacoustics and avian monitoring and research in Evergreen’s campus forest and other nearby locations. Bioacoustic research includes field monitoring of local birds using audio recordings and microphone arrays, and editing and identifying avian songs and calls from an extensive collection of sounds from the campus forest as well as tropical forest sites in Borneo. Local research projects in the campus forest and nearby locations include Pacific wren mating and life-history strategy, cavity formation and use by cavity-nesting birds (and other cavity-dependent species), and monitoring long-term trends in bird populations and communities using a variety of standard approaches.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
See below for more info.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Advanced Research in Environmental Studies with C. LeRoy
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Environmental Studies. This independent learning opportunity is designed to allow advanced students to delve into real-world research with faculty who are currently engaged in specific projects. The program will help students develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking skills—all of which are of particular value for students who are pursuing a graduate degree, as well as for graduates who are already in the job market.
Carri LeRoy conducts research on linkages between terrestrial and aquatic environments. She is trained as a freshwater ecologist and primarily studies in-stream ecosystem processes and aquatic communities. She and her students study leaf litter decomposition in streams as a major input of organic material to aquatic systems. In addition, she conducts research on aquatic macroinvertebrate community structure, aquatic fungal biomass and standard water quality and hydrology measurements in stream and river environments.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
ecology and freshwater science.
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Advanced Research in Environmental Studies with D. Fischer
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Environmental Studies. This independent learning opportunity is designed to allow advanced students to delve into real-world research with faculty who are currently engaged in specific projects. The program will help students develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, written and oral communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills—all of which are of particular value for students who are pursuing a graduate degree, as well as for graduates who are already in the job market.
Dylan Fischer studies plant ecosystem ecology, carbon dynamics, and nutrient cycling in forests of the Southwest and western Washington. This work includes image analysis of tree roots, molecular genetics, plant physiology, carbon balance, nitrogen cycling, species interactions, community analysis, and restoration ecology. He also manages the EEON project ( blogs.evergreen.edu/eeon/ ). See more about his lab's work at: blogs.evergreen.edu/ecology . Students participating in this program work closely with ongoing research in the lab, participate in weekly lab meetings, and develop their own research projects.
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Advanced Research in Environmental Studies with E. Thuesen
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Erik Thuesen conducts research on the ecological physiology of marine animals. He and his students are currently investigating the physiological, behavioral and biochemical adaptations of gelatinous zooplankton to environmental stress and climate change. Other research is focused on the biodiversity of marine zooplankton. Students working in his lab typically have backgrounds in different aspects of marine science, ecology, physiology and biochemistry.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
marine science.
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Advanced Research in Environmental Studies with G. Chin-Leo
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Environmental Studies. This independent learning opportunity is designed to allow advanced students to delve into real-world research with faculty who are currently engaged in specific projects. The program will help students develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, written and oral communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills—all of which are of particular value for students who are pursuing a graduate degree, as well as for graduates who are already in the job market.
Gerardo Chin-Leo studies marine phytoplankton and bacteria. His research interests include understanding the factors that control seasonal changes in the biomass and species composition of Puget Sound phytoplankton. In addition, he is investigating the role of marine bacteria in the geochemistry of estuaries and hypoxic fjords.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
marine studies and oceanography.
See below for more info.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Advanced Research in Environmental Studies with L. Calabria
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Environmental Studies. This independent learning opportunity is designed to allow advanced students to delve into real-world research with faculty who are currently engaged in specific projects. The program will help students develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, written and oral communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills—all of which are of particular value for students who are pursuing a graduate degree, as well as for graduates who are already in the job market.
Lalita Calabria's research focuses on biodiversity and conservation of bryophytes and lichens in temperate North America. As a broadly trained plant biologist, Lalita uses a multidisciplinary approach to investigating these topics including floristic surveys, ecological studies, herbarium-based research and phytochemical studies of plants. Current activities in her lab focus on assessing the impacts of fire on lichen and bryophyte communities of oak woodlands and prairies, estimating biomass and functional group diversity of bryophyte and lichen ground layers in Puget Sound prairies and quantifying biological nitrogen fixation rates of moss-cyanobacteria symbiosis. Students with backgrounds in botany, ecology, or chemistry could gain skills in bryophyte and lichen identification, as well as, field monitoring methods and studying symbiosis of bryophytes and lichens. Students participating in this program would engage with ongoing research in Lalita’s lab and may have opportunities to develop their own research projects.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
lichen, bryophyte, and plant ecology and herbarium-based research.
See below for more info.
seat availability and credit options vary per quarter.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Advanced Research in Environmental Studies with P. Przybylowicz
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Environmental Studies. This independent learning opportunity is designed to allow advanced students to delve into real-world research with faculty who are currently engaged in specific projects. The program will help students develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, written and oral communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills—all of which are of particular value for students who are pursuing a graduate degree, as well as for graduates who are already in the job market.
Paul Przybylowicz conducts research on soil fungi, mushroom cultivation and potential uses for fungi. He is particularly interested in bioremediation and biocontrol applications of fungi, along with practical mushroom cultivation methods for small-scale vegetable farmers. Current efforts are focused on isolating and screening fungi for bioremediation properties.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
mycology and ecology
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-09 | New spring opportunity added. |
Advanced Research in Environmental Studies with P. Yu
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Environmental Studies. This independent learning opportunity is designed to allow advanced students to delve into real-world research with faculty who are currently engaged in specific projects. The program will help students develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, written and oral communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills—all of which are of particular value for students who are pursuing a graduate degree, as well as for graduates who are already in the job market.
Pauline Yu studies the developmental physiology and ecology of marine invertebrates. She is interested in the biochemistry of the seawater-organism interface, developmental nutritional biochemistry and metabolic depression, invasive species, carbonate chemistry (ocean acidification), and cultural relationships with foods from the sea. Students have the opportunity to collaboratively develop lines of inquiry for lab and/or field studies in ecology, developmental biology, physiology, marine carbonate chemistry and mariculture.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
environmental studies, marine science, and zoology.
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Adventures in Archaeology
Class Size: 20
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This program will introduce students to the science, methods, and theories of archaeology, both globally and locally. For the global component, we will examine the material remains of past civilizations, including architecture, artifacts, mortuary remains, and written sources. Our investigation takes us, virtually, to every corner of the globe and to many different periods in history, from the Mediterranean to Easter Island, and from the Neolithic Middle East to Colonial America. Primarily, we explore how the remains of past civilizations provide archaeologists and historians with clues that unlock the secrets of ancient societies. Students will gain a broad understanding of global prehistory and history, the rise and fall of civilizations, and human impact on the environment throughout history. We will examine how humans lived (the development of urbanism), how they organized their societies (experiments in politics), what they ate (hunter-gatherer to agriculture), how they worshiped (religion and myth), how they treated others (warfare and sacrifice), and how they explained the inexplicables of human existence (such as the afterlife). This course will also consider the history of the discipline and the ethics of archaeological inquiry.
The local component of this offering includes work with local archaeologists, archaeological sites, and museums: multiple field trips, including a behind-the-scenes trip to the Burke Museum and the Squaxin Museum, will explore the region's archaeological treasures. We will also visit archaeological sites such as the Mud Bay site, and students may (pending a permit) be able to engage in archaeological survey and/ or excavation themselves. Students will meet archaeologists who work for universities, museums, state agencies, and independently, and will be introduced to the variety of careers archaeologists occupy. Students may also work in the Evergreen archaeology lab, conserving, studying, and researching many of the artifacts found at a local historical site. A research presentation tailored to students' specific interests will be the capstone of this program. This program assumes no prior knowledge of archaeology, and will be of interest to any student wishing to learn more about the ancient world, history, or who is interested in pursuing archaeological fieldwork in the future. Students should note that this program is taught on a condensed schedule from August 14th to September 1st. Variable credit options for this offering are possible, and should be discussed with the instructor.
Students interested in taking this program for 4 credits can contact the faculty for more information and permission to register.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Anthropology, archaeology, history, teaching.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$66 fee for entrance fees and field supplies
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Condensed schedule: August 14th-September 1st
Mon-Thu, 9 am - 3 pm
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-05-30 | 4 credit option added |
2017-04-10 | Session Change: Now offered second session |
Advocating for a Sustainable Future
Class Size: 50
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How can we advocate for positions and promote informed decision-making about issues in the public sphere? In this program, we will begin by looking at advocacy and proposals targeting a just transition to clean energy. Is this an extreme case or a reachable goal? As a class, we will work down from global environmental and social justice concerns to local issues of interest. Guest speakers will provide current information about local issues, and we will take day-long field trips to view areas at risk and see some positive outcomes of local advocacy and action. Student groups will select an issue on which to focus and develop a panel presentation, pamphlet, article, social media campaign, or other product that serves as effective advocacy. The objective of the advocacy could range from educating the public to engaging citizens in action to influencing decision makers. In the process, methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis will be introduced and combined with scientific and public policy research to assess the complex landscape of proposals for a sustainable future. Students will work to improve their own fluency with numerical information and will focus on developing ways to highlight, clarify, and effectively communicate numerical data. Academic and journalistic writing, storytelling methods, and other modes of communication will be developed to create informative, influential products intended for specific audiences.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Sustainability Studies, Environmental Policy, Journalism/New Media
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$15 for purchase of online strengths assessment tool.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Mon (Sept. 26; Oct. 10; Oct 24; Nov. 14; Nov. 28; Dec. 5) and Wed (all)6-9:30p, and one weekend day only field trip Oct. 22,23 9:30 to 5:30. First meeting Monday Sept 26, 6:00pm, Sem II A1107.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-07-25 | $15 Special Expense added |
2016-04-28 | Program Title Changed (was Energy, Environment, and Justice) |
Afro-Brazilian Dance (A)
Class Size: 24
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Accompanied by live drumming, we will learn dances originating in Africa and migrating to Brazil during slavery. We will dance to the driving, rapturous beat from Brazil known as samba. For the people of the villages surrounding Rio de Janeiro, samba is considered their most intense, unambivalent joy. In addition, we will dance and sing to contemporary cross-cultural beat from Bahia: Samba-Reggae and the Candomble religious dances of the Orixas. We will also learn dances from other regions of Brazil, such as Baiao, Frevo and Maracatu.Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 24
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
9:30-11:30a Sat. First meeting Sat October 1, 9:30a, COM 209.
Located in: Olympia
Afro-Brazilian Dance (A)
Class Size: 24
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Taught by
Accompanied by live drumming, we will learn dances originating in Africa and migrating to Brazil during slavery. We will dance to the driving, rapturous beat from Brazil known as samba. For the people of the villages surrounding Rio de Janeiro, samba is considered their most intense, unambivalent joy. In addition, we will dance and sing to contemporary cross-cultural beat from Bahia: Samba-Reggae and the Candomble religious dances of the Orixas. We will also learn dances from other regions of Brazil, such as Baiao, Frevo and Maracatu.Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 24
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat 9:30-11:30a. First meeting Saturday, January 14th, 9:30a, Communications Building Room 209.
Located in: Olympia
Afro-Brazilian Dance (B)
Class Size: 24
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Taught by
Accompanied by live drumming, we will learn dances originating in Africa and migrating to Brazil during slavery. We will dance to the driving, rapturous beat from Brazil known as samba. For the people of the villages surrounding Rio de Janeiro, samba is considered their most intense, unambivalent joy. In addition, we will dance and sing to contemporary cross-cultural beat from Bahia: Samba-Reggae and the Candomble religious dances of the Orixas. We will also learn dances from other regions of Brazil, such as Baiao, Frevo and Maracatu.Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 24
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat 12-2p. First meeting October 1, NOON, in COM 209.
Located in: Olympia
Afro-Brazilian Dance (B)
Class Size: 24
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Taught by
Accompanied by live drumming, we will learn dances originating in Africa and migrating to Brazil during slavery. We will dance to the driving, rapturous beat from Brazil known as samba. For the people of the villages surrounding Rio de Janeiro, samba is considered their most intense, unambivalent joy. In addition, we will dance and sing to contemporary cross-cultural beat from Bahia: Samba-Reggae and the Candomble religious dances of the Orixas. We will also learn dances from other regions of Brazil, such as Baiao, Frevo and Maracatu.Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 24
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
12-2p Sat. First meeting is Sat, January 14, Noon in Communications Building Room 209.
Located in: Olympia
Agroforestry Systems
Class Size: 25
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Agroforestry is a land management system that combines cultivated trees with crops and/or livestock in ways that are beneficial to humanity and the environment. In this science-intensive and rigorous program, students will read, discuss, and write summaries of popular books and peer-reviewed scientific literature to understand how ecological theory and technical agroforestry practices are applied to design windbreaks, alley cropping, silvopasture, riparian buffers, and forest farming production systems. Growth characteristics and cultural practices of perennial fruit- and nut-bearing species used in agroforestry systems will be taught. Day and overnight field trips will highlight opportunities and challenges to implementing agroforestry concepts, with particular emphasis on forest farming and edible forest gardens. Students will complete and present an agroforestry research project that includes a scientific literature review and applied design project of their choice.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
agriculture, forestry, horticulture, land management, and permaculture design.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$300 for overnight field trips and registration.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First Class Meeting: Tuesday, September 27 at 9am (Sem II D2107)
Located in: Olympia
Alchemy of Ancient Jewelry Techniques
Class Size: 20
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Experience the eureka moments embedded in early metalsmithing technology. In this class we will explore the rich history of jewelry making through a survey of ancient techniques, including fusing metals, weaving fine silver loop-in-loop chains, silver granulation, filigree, and casting and shaping ingots and ancient alloys.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$180 fee for supplies
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Class meets for two weekends: Friday, 6-10 pm, Saturday and Sunday, 9 am - 5 pm, July 7, 8, 9 and July 21, 22, and 23
Located in: Olympia
Algebraic Thinking
Class Size: 25
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Students who want a broad overview of introductory college-level mathematics to prepare them for further study, as well as students who are looking for a mathematics survey course are a good fit for Algebraic Thinking. The emphasis on collaborative learning, context-based problems and data analysis make this a good course for educators. The topics included in Algebraic Thinking are: functions (linear, polynomial, exponential), modeling, and introductory trigonometry. A good foundation in intermediate algebra is required for the course.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Science, education, economics, social science, mathematics
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
A graphing calculator is required
$11 required fee for course materials
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 6-8pm. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6pm, Seminar 2 A2107.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-06 | $11 required fee added |
American Crime and Punishment: Exploring Incarceration and Its Human Consequences
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
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Today, the United States incarcerates more people -- both in raw numbers and per capita -- than any other nation on the planet. How have we arrived at this place in the world and where do we go from here?
This program will examine the history, the present, and the future of criminal imprisonment in the U.S. We will study the formal institutions driving incarceration policies over the course of American history and we will look at who are the people behind the bars, their families, their communities, and what are public attitudes towards them.
Students will learn about the U.S. legal system, from the trial courts in our own communities to the appellate court decisions that establish the framework for the criminal law. We will study the evolution of the U.S. criminal justice system and its roots in the political and economic forces affecting our nation throughout its history. We will consider particular historical touchstones that still echo in our prisons and courts today, including the Jim Crow laws of the post-Reconstruction South, the origins of the War on Drugs, the Red Scares of the early and mid-20th century, and post-9/11 law enforcement. We will also explore creative alternatives to crime and punishment and the economic and political obstacles to reforming the criminal law.
Our work will include learning how to read and understand relevant Supreme Court precedent and how to do basic legal research to better understand these cases. We will also study and critique existing statutory laws that affect the rights of defendants.
We will complement this theoretical understanding with the voices of prisoners themselves, reading literature, essays and poetry written about and by the men and women who have been imprisoned, or even executed, by the state. Students will read prison writers and poets such as Eugene Debs, Eldridge Cleaver, Etheridge Knight, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Troy Davis, and Mumia Abu-Jamal, as well as writers like James Baldwin, who wrote eloquently on behalf of the incarcerated. We will explore the importance of storytelling in legal advocacy for the accused and convicted and in related social change movements.
During the quarter, students will build skills in critical reading, writing, and collaboration, as well as independent self-directed research. We hope to spend time in the community observing the actual practice of the criminal justice system by visiting trial courts and the Washington State Supreme Court. Program content will also include film and video, in-class speakers, and meeting with community groups working towards criminal justice reform.
This program will be repeated in winter quarter. Students who take this program in fall should not register for the winter quarter repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
American history, law, literature, public administration, and political science.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First Class Meeting: Tuesday, September 27 at 9am (Sem II B1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-03-28 | New fall opportunity added. |
American Crime and Punishment: Exploring Incarceration and Its Human Consequences
Class Size: 36
90% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
This program is a repeat of the program in fall quarter. Students who take the program in fall should not register for the winter quarter program.
Today, the United States incarcerates more people -- both in raw numbers and per capita -- than any other nation on the planet. How have we arrived at this place in the world and where do we go from here?
This program will examine the history, the present, and the future of criminal imprisonment in the U.S. We will study the formal institutions driving incarceration policies over the course of American history and we will look at who are the people behind the bars, their families, their communities, and what are public attitudes towards them.
Students will learn about the U.S. legal system, from the trial courts in our own communities to the appellate court decisions that establish the framework for the criminal law. We will study the evolution of the U.S. criminal justice system and its roots in the political and economic forces affecting our nation throughout its history. We will consider particular historical touchstones that still echo in our prisons and courts today, including the Jim Crow laws of the post-Reconstruction South, the origins of the War on Drugs, the Red Scares of the early and mid-20th century, and post-9/11 law enforcement. We will also explore creative alternatives to crime and punishment and the economic and political obstacles to reforming the criminal law.
Our work will include learning how to read and understand relevant Supreme Court precedent and how to do basic legal research to better understand these cases. We will also study and critique existing statutory laws that affect the rights of defendants.
We will complement this theoretical understanding with the voices of prisoners themselves, reading literature, essays and poetry written about and by the men and women who have been imprisoned, or even executed, by the state. Students will read prison writers and poets such as Eugene Debs, Eldridge Cleaver, Etheridge Knight, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Troy Davis, and Mumia Abu-Jamal, as well as writers like James Baldwin, who wrote eloquently on behalf of the incarcerated. We will explore the importance of storytelling in legal advocacy for the accused and convicted and in related social change movements.
During the quarter, students will build skills in critical reading, writing, and collaboration, as well as independent self-directed research. We hope to spend time in the community observing the actual practice of the criminal justice system by visiting trial courts and the Washington State Supreme Court. Program content will also include film and video, in-class speakers, and meeting with community groups working towards criminal justice reform.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
American history, law, literature, public administration, and political science.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 36
90% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9am (Sem II B1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-21 | Five sophomore seats have been reserved for first year students who have transferred in with credit. |
2016-03-28 | New winter opportunity added. |
American Sign Language I (A)
Class Size: 28
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Taught by
fall quarter introduction to American Sign Language I uses
conversational methods to introduce basic knowledge about American Sign
Language and deaf people. Emphasis is upon acquisition of both language
comprehension and production skills as well as Deaf culture and history
with the goal that students be able to communicate with cultural
competence. The course begins with visual readiness activities, then
uses meaningful conversational contexts to introduce vocabulary,
grammar, and culturally appropriate behaviors. Basic fingerspelling
skills will also be practiced. Students will be invited to participate
in local Deaf community events.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 28
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
3-5p Tue/Thu. First meeting Tuesday, Sept 27, 3:00pm, Sem II B2109.
Located in: Olympia
American Sign Language I (B)
Class Size: 28
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Taught by
fall quarter introduction to American Sign Language uses conversational
methods to introduce basic knowledge about American Sign Language and
deaf people. Emphasis is upon acquisition of both language comprehension
and production skills as well as Deaf culture and history with the goal
that students be able to communicate with cultural competence. The
course begins with visual readiness activities, then uses meaningful
conversational contexts to introduce vocabulary, grammar, and culturally
appropriate behaviors. Basic fingerspelling skills will also be
practiced. Students will be invited to participate in local Deaf
community events.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 28
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:30-7:30p Tue/Thu. First meeting Tuesday, September 27, 5:30p, Sem II B2109.
Located in: Olympia
American Sign Language I - at SPSCC
Class Size: 8
0% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
This course introduces the two basic skills of American Sign Language (ASL): receptive and expressive communication skills. Students will study American Sign Language within its cultural context. Credits awarded will be 4 Evergreen credits.
NOTE: Course meets at South Puget Sound
Community College, Main Campus, 2011 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512,
Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5:30 – 7:45 pm in BLDG 21, Room 286 --
IMPORTANT: This class begins BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on
Tuesday, September 20. Students must be registered by 5:00 PM on
Thursday, September 15.
The textbook for
this course can be purchased at SPSCC Bookstore. The text will be listed
under the course ID ASL&121, and can be found at this address: http://www.spsccbookstore.com
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 8
0% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5:30 – 7:45 pm at South Puget Sound Community College BLDG 21, Room 286
IMPORTANT: This class begins BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on Tuesday, September 20.
Course meets at South Puget Community College, Main Campus, 2011 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512 -
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
Course meets at South Puget Community College, Main Campus, 2011 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5:30 – 7:45 pm in BLDG 21, Room 286 -- Course begins on September 20.
American Sign Language II (A)
Class Size: 28
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Taught by
American Sign Language II we will focus on building mastery of American
Sign Language grammar skills, increasing vocabulary, and gaining a
deeper knowledge and appreciation of Deaf culture. Spontaneous,
interactive use of American Sign Language is stressed through discussion
of events and activities, and the student will continue study of
information related to everyday life experiences of deaf Americans and
deaf people elsewhere in the world. Students will be invited to
participate in local Deaf community events.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 28
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
3-5p Tue/Thu. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 3pm in Seminar 2 D3107.
Located in: Olympia
American Sign Language II (B)
Class Size: 28
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Taught by
American Sign Language II we will focus on building mastery of American
Sign Language grammar skills, increasing vocabulary, and gaining a
deeper knowledge and appreciation of Deaf culture. Spontaneous,
interactive use of American Sign Language is stressed through discussion
of events and activities, and the student will continue study of
information related to everyday life experiences of deaf Americans and
deaf people elsewhere in the world. Students will be invited to
participate in local Deaf community events.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 28
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:30-7:30p Tue/Thu. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 5:30p in Seminar 2 D3107.
Located in: Olympia
American Sign Language III (B)
Class Size: 28
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In American Sign Language III we will focus on grammatical features such as spatialization, directionality, and non-manual components. Intensive work in vocabulary development, receptive skills, production of narratives (storytelling), and continued study of Deaf culture are stressed. Students will be expected to participate in local Deaf community events.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 28
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:30-7:30p Tue/Thu
Located in: Olympia
An Ethics of Generosity: Community In and Through Creative Writing, 2D Design and Visual and Literary Theory
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
In this program in experimental creative writing, two-dimensional design and visual and literary theory, we will work to look past the commodity function of art toward more social, political, and utopian possibilities. In doing so, we will emphasize the importance of the gifting traditions that weave together individuals and communities in Northwest Indigenous nations, as well as the push for new languages and alternative routes for circulation in and among poetic communities. Along the way, we will engage in artistic research, drawing and digital design, as well as pursue experiments in constraint-based writing, close reading, and academic essay writing.
Through two-dimensional drawing and design we will explore and research the historical and contemporary perspectives of traditional and innovative Indigenous artists from the Pacific Northwest regions. We will address diverse visual languages, design strategies, pattern recognition, and regional traditions. Working only on paper, students will learn to create unique images and illustrations that are guided by the principles and elements of design. Students will create a conceptual body of work that will interact with their creative writing practice.
In our creative writing practice, we will explore how collecting, shaping and re-shaping found language might bring the surprise of self-recognition, strike a familiar chord in an unfamiliar way. We will ask how working within the constraints of found or overheard textual material might disrupt our senses of self and offer new ways of accessing one another and our shared symbolic order. In an attempt to produce creative work differently, our creative writing will take up experimental procedures, e.g., using source texts as material to manipulate, distort, transform and otherwise “translate” language using combinatorial play, de-structuring and re-structuring. Students will spend the quarter working on a series of creative writing pieces that will be brought together, edited and self-published as individual “chapbooks” in our end-of-the-quarter final creative writing projects.
We invite students to take up these practices in the spirit of collaboration and art-making beyond the acquisition of skills. We will situate our practices in relation to the dominant art canon and contemporary world(s) of art. We will also work to develop different forms of literacies, including poetic, visual, cultural and political.
In art history and practice, we will read from texts such as S'abadeb the Gifts: Pacific Coast Salish Art and Artists , Contemporary Coast Salish Art , and The Truth About Stories: A Native Narrative. Our literary and poetic interlocutors will likely include recent and contemporary critical theorists, poets, and philosophers such as Derrida, Barthes, Blanchot, Sianne Ngai, Lyn Hejinian, Kwame Anthony Appiah, as well as Freud, Kristeva, and others.
This program will be repeated in winter and spring quarters. Students who take this program in fall should not register for the winter or spring quarter repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
psychology, writing, counseling, humanities, social work, human services, visual arts, graphic design, and education.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$60 for museum entrance fees and a drawing kit.
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, September 26th at 1pm (Sem II A1107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-02-12 | New opportunity added. |
An Ethics of Generosity: Community In and Through Creative Writing, 2D Design and Visual and Literary Theory
Class Size: 36
90% Reserved for Freshmen
Compare offerings and share your lists with others.
Taught by
This program is a repeat of the program in fall quarter. Students who take the program in fall should not register for the winter quarter program.
In this program in experimental creative writing, two-dimensional design and visual and literary theory, we will work to look past the commodity function of art toward more social, political, and utopian possibilities. In doing so, we will emphasize the importance of the gifting traditions that weave together individuals and communities in Northwest Indigenous nations, as well as the push for new languages and alternative routes for circulation in and among poetic communities. Along the way, we will engage in artistic research, drawing and digital design to include Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, as well as pursue experiments in constraint-based writing, close reading, and academic essay writing.
Through two-dimensional drawing and design we will explore and research the historical and contemporary perspectives of traditional and innovative Indigenous artists from the Pacific Northwest regions. We will address diverse visual languages, design strategies, pattern recognition, and regional traditions. Working only on paper, students will learn to create unique images and illustrations that are guided by the principles and elements of design. Students will create a conceptual body of work that will interact with their creative writing practice.
In our creative writing practice, we will explore how collecting, shaping and re-shaping found language might bring the surprise of self-recognition, strike a familiar chord in an unfamiliar way. We will ask how working within the constraints of found or overheard textual material might disrupt our senses of self and offer new ways of accessing one another and our shared symbolic order. In an attempt to produce creative work differently, our creative writing will take up experimental procedures, e.g., using source texts as material to manipulate, distort, transform and otherwise “translate” language using combinatorial play, de-structuring and re-structuring. Students will spend the quarter working on a series of creative writing pieces that will be brought together, edited and self-published as individual “chapbooks” in our end-of-the-quarter final creative writing projects.
We invite students to take up these practices in the spirit of collaboration and art-making beyond the acquisition of skills. We will situate our practices in relation to the dominant art canon and contemporary world(s) of art. We will also work to develop different forms of literacies, including poetic, visual, cultural and political.
In art history and practice, we will read from texts such as S'abadeb the Gifts: Pacific Coast Salish Art and Artists , Contemporary Coast Salish Art , Bill Holm's Northwest Coast Indian Art , and selections from Bill Reid's Solitary Raven . Our literary and poetic interlocutors will likely include recent and contemporary critical theorists, poets, and philosophers such as Jordan Abel, dg nanouk okpik, Lyn Hejinian, Adam Phillips, as well as Saussure, Wittgenstein, Freud, and others.
This program will be repeated in spring quarter. Students who take this program in winter should not register for the spring quarter repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
psychology, writing, counseling, humanities, social work, human services, visual arts, graphic design, and education.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$80 for museum entrance fees and drawing kit.
Class Size: 36
90% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 10am (Sem II A2109)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-02 | Fee increased to $80. Special Expenses cancelled. |
2016-11-21 | Five sophomore seats have been reserved for first year students who have transferred in with credit. |
2016-11-15 | Texts updated. |
An Ethics of Generosity: Community In and Through Creative Writing, 2D Design and Visual and Literary Theory
Class Size: 36
86% Reserved for Freshmen
Compare offerings and share your lists with others.
Taught by
This program is a repeat of the program in fall and winter quarters. Students who take the program in fall or winter should not register for the spring quarter program.
In this program in experimental creative writing, two-dimensional design and visual and literary theory, we will work to look past the commodity function of art toward more social, political, and utopian possibilities. In doing so, we will emphasize the importance of the gifting traditions that weave together individuals and communities in Northwest Indigenous nations, as well as the push for new languages and alternative routes for circulation in and among poetic communities. Along the way, we will engage in artistic research, drawing and digital design to include Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, as well as pursue experiments in constraint-based writing, close reading, and academic essay writing.
Through two-dimensional drawing and design we will explore and research the historical and contemporary perspectives of traditional and innovative Indigenous artists from the Pacific Northwest regions. We will address diverse visual languages, design strategies, pattern recognition, and regional traditions. Working only on paper, students will learn to create unique images and illustrations that are guided by the principles and elements of design. Students will create a conceptual body of work that will interact with their creative writing practice.
In our creative writing practice, we will explore how collecting, shaping and re-shaping found language might bring the surprise of self-recognition, strike a familiar chord in an unfamiliar way. We will ask how working within the constraints of found or overheard textual material might disrupt our senses of self and offer new ways of accessing one another and our shared symbolic order. In an attempt to produce creative work differently, our creative writing will take up experimental procedures, e.g., using source texts as material to manipulate, distort, transform and otherwise “translate” language using combinatorial play, de-structuring and re-structuring. Students will spend the quarter working on a series of creative writing pieces that will be brought together, edited and self-published as individual “chapbooks” in our end-of-the-quarter final creative writing projects.
We invite students to take up these practices in the spirit of collaboration and art-making beyond the acquisition of skills. We will situate our practices in relation to the dominant art canon and contemporary world(s) of art. We will also work to develop different forms of literacies, including poetic, visual, cultural and political.
In art history and practice, we will read from texts such as S'abadeb the Gifts: Pacific Coast Salish Art and Artists , Contemporary Coast Salish Art , Bill Holm's Northwest Coast Indian Art , and selections from Bill Reid's Solitary Raven. Our literary and poetic interlocutors will likely include recent and contemporary critical theorists, poets, and philosophers such as Jorden Abel, dg nanouk okpik, Lyn Hejinian, Adam Phillips, as well as Saussure, Wittgenstein, Freud, and others.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
psychology, writing, counseling, humanities, social work, human services, visual arts, graphic design, and education.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$80 for museum entrance fees and drawing kit.
Class Size: 36
86% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3rd at 10am (Sem II A2109).
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-28 | A small number of seats have been opened to sophomores to accommodate first year students who have transferred in credit and thus become sophomores by spring. |
2016-12-02 | Fee increased to $80. Special expenses cancelled. |
Anatomy and Physiology I
Class Size: 25
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Anatomy and Physiology is the study of the structure and functions of the organs and organ systems of a living body. Students will conduct scientific investigations using scientific knowledge and methodology that will enable them to make educated conclusions based on critical thinking and problem-solving skills. First session areas studied will integrate biology and chemistry and will include: anatomical terminology, organization of the body, chemical basis for life, cells and tissues, integumentary system, skeletal system and bone identification, the muscular system, muscle naming and actions, the nervous system and special senses. An emphasis will be placed on real-world applications, and active-learning exercises will be included along with laboratory experiences. Students will be guided through optional dissections of the brain and eye to supplement hands-on learning. By the end of this course, students will have an even greater appreciation of the complexity and wonder of the human body.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology, health fields
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-9:30 PM
Located in: Olympia
Anatomy and Physiology II
Class Size: 25
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Anatomy and Physiology is the study of the structure and functions of the organs and organ systems of a living body. Emphasis during the second session will focus on the unique workings of each organ system along with their contribution to the homeostatic balance of the body as a whole. The areas studied integrate biology and chemistry and will include: endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic and immune systems, respiratory systems, digestive system and metabolism, urinary system, and reproductive system. An emphasis will be placed on real-world applications, and active-learning exercises will be included along with laboratory experiences. Students will be guided through optional dissections of individual organs including the heart and kidney along with all organs systems of the fetal pig to supplement hands-on understanding. By the end of this course, students will have an even greater appreciation of the complexity and wonder of the human body.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology and health areas
Credits per quarter
Anatomy and Physiology I
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mondays and Wednesdays 6-9:30 PM
Located in: Olympia
Aquaria: Science and Society
Class Size: 35
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An aquarium is a tank with at least one transparent side allowing observation of its water-dwelling inhabitants. For almost two millennia humans have been keeping organisms in aquaria for observation and investigation. This program will examine husbandry of organisms in aquaria. We will study the theory and practice of keeping a modern aquarium. The diversity of organisms suitable for aquarium life, metabolic demands of these organisms, aquarium water chemistry, and other areas related to successful maintenance of aquatic organisms will be covered. Topics in applied chemistry and applied biology directly related to aquarium science require that students have previous laboratory skills in biology and chemistry. In seminar, we will explore the history of private and public aquaria, and we will consider ethical questions surrounding captive animals in aquaria. Students will work in small groups to manage their own aquaria. Some students will have the opportunity to spend one week visiting public aquariums on the Pacific Coast, and we will to learn about large scale aquarium management.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
zoology, marine science and aquaculture.
Credits per quarter
One year of chemistry with lab and one year of biology with lab, both at the college level, are required. These prerequisites will be verified the first day of class.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$460 for those students participating in the overnight field trip to Oregon and California to visit public aquaria.
Upper division science credit:
12 credits of Upper Division Science Credit may be earned upon successful completion of program learning objectives.
Class Size: 35
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9am (Lab I 043)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-21 | Amy Cook joins the program. |
2016-05-02 | New winter opportunity added. |
Archives of the Present
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
What is knowledge? What is information? What is a document, a category, a medium, or a network? What does it mean to be asking these questions today, as we interface with multiple archives? In this reading- and writing-intensive program we’ll explore real and virtual archives, emphasizing reading and research skills as well as media literacy. We’ll be centering many of our activities on the Evergreen Library.
We’ll critically engage with various library resources while developing research skills that will be valuable for future academic and creative projects. As we practice our skills in the use of various knowledge organization systems, including the Dewey and Library of Congress classifications, subject indexes, and keyword-based retrieval, we will also examine their conceptual underpinnings and social contexts. What does the structure of a system imply about the organization of the world? What values and assumptions does it express? Who is the presumed audience? What interests do these systems serve?
We’ll address the question of knowledge through the Western philosophical tradition, and then inflect it through concepts drawn from media theory, didactic and experimental poetics, and gender and queer theory. This trajectory will allow us to situate ourselves in relation to concepts and manifestations of knowledge, medium, and archive.
Our readings will include Plato and Kant in philosophy; Elaine Svenonius and Birger Hjørland in library and information science,and Will Alexander, Christian Bök, Vilèm Flusser, and Beatriz Preciado in experimental poetics, media theory, and gender and queer studies. With methods drawn from philosophy and library science, we’ll practice reading for both depth and breadth: close reading of particular texts and the efficient survey of potentially relevant resources. Assignments in this program will emphasize reading, writing and research practice, as well as creative experimentation with concepts and information.
This program will be repeated in winter and spring quarters. Students who take this program in fall should not register for the winter or spring quarter repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
philosophy, gender and queer studies, media theory, library and information science, and the humanities.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, September 26 at 10 am (Lecture Hall Workshop 2)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-06-30 | Description updated. |
2016-04-22 | New fall opportunity added. |
Archives of the Present
Class Size: 36
90% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
This program is a repeat of the program in fall quarter. Students who take the program in fall should not register for the winter quarter program.
What is knowledge? What is a document? What is a poem, an image, a medium, or a discipline? What does it mean to be asking these questions today, as we interface with multiple networks? In this reading- and writing-intensive program, we’ll explore real and virtual archives, emphasizing reading and research skills as well as media literacy. We’ll be centering many of our activities on the Evergreen Library.
Broadly, we’ll engage with two complementary activities: classification and critique. Through the former, we’ll explore the process of constructing structures of knowledge; through the latter, we’ll practice analyzing and criticizing them. As we synthesize these two approaches, we’ll be able to examine the social nature and construction of knowledge. With methods drawn from philosophy and library science, we’ll practice reading for both depth and breadth: close reading of particular texts and the efficient survey of potentially relevant resources. Assignments in this program will emphasize reading, writing and research practice, as well as creative experimentation with concepts and information.
We’ll critically engage with various library resources while developing research skills that will be valuable for future academic and creative projects. As we practice our skills in the use of various knowledge organization systems, we’ll also examine their conceptual underpinnings and social contexts. What defines a creative work and what are its boundaries? What does it mean for a book, a picture or a building to be ‘about’ something? What does a given knowledge structure tell us about its creators’ values, assumptions, and interests?
We’ll address the question of knowledge beginning with a study of the figure of the philosopher from Plato’s allegory of the cave to Kant and Foucault’s critiques of enlightenment. We’ll inflect our understanding of knowledge through concepts such as technical images, utopias, heterotopias, and pornotopias, drawn from media theory, narrative and experimental poetics, and gender and queer theory. This trajectory will allow us to situate ourselves personally, ethically, and politically in relation to concepts and manifestations of knowledge, medium, and archive.
In addition to the above-mentioned, our readings will include Thomas Kuhn, Vilèm Flusser, Beatriz Preciado, Jorge Luis Borges and Samuel R. Delany.
This program will be repeated in spring quarter. Students who take this program in winter should not register for the spring quarter repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
philosophy, gender and queer studies, media theory, library and information science, and the humanities.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 36
90% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 10am (Lecture Hall 2)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-21 | Five sophomore seats have been reserved for first year students who have transferred in with credit. |
2016-06-30 | Description updated. |
2016-04-22 | New winter opportunity added. |
Archives of the Present
Class Size: 36
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
This program is a repeat of the program in fall and winter quarters. Students who take the program in fall or winter should not register for the spring quarter program.
This introductory program in philosophy and library/information science will give students a strong foundation in reading and research skills. We will cover a wide range of material, from scholarly articles to poetry and essays, in our explorations of gender studies and media literacy. Students will be guided through student-initiated, college-level research and will learn to navigate library tools and research databases. We’ll explore real and virtual archives, centering many of our activities on the Evergreen Library.
Is there a difference between information and knowledge? Can an antelope be a document? What are the key differences between a cave painting and a digital photograph? Is archiving the new folk art? What does it mean to be asking these questions today, as we find ourselves interfacing with multiple networks?
To discuss these questions and many others, we’ll engage with two complementary activities: classification and critique. Through the former, we’ll explore the process of constructing structures of knowledge; through the latter, we’ll practice analyzing and criticizing them. As we synthesize these two approaches, we’ll be able to examine the social nature and construction of knowledge. With methods drawn from philosophy and library science, we’ll practice reading for both depth and breadth: close reading of particular texts and the efficient survey of potentially relevant resources. Assignments in this program will emphasize reading, writing and research practice, and creative experimentation with concepts and information.
We’ll critically engage with various library resources while developing research skills that will be valuable for future academic and creative projects. As we practice our skills in the use of various knowledge organization systems, we’ll also examine their conceptual underpinnings and social contexts. What defines a creative work and what are its boundaries? What does it mean for a book, a picture or a building to be ‘about’ something? What does a given knowledge structure tell us about its creators’ values, assumptions, and interests?
We’ll address the question of knowledge beginning with a study of the figure of the philosopher from Plato’s allegory of the cave to Kant and Foucault’s critiques of enlightenment. We’ll inflect our understanding of knowledge through concepts such as technical images, utopias, heterotopias, and pornotopias, drawn from media and gender/queer theory. This trajectory will allow us to situate ourselves personally, ethically, and politically in relation to concepts and manifestations of knowledge, information, and archive.
In addition to the above-mentioned, our readings will include Thomas Kuhn, Vilèm Flusser, Beatriz Preciado, and Jorge Luis Borges.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
philosophy, gender and queer studies, media theory, library and information science, and the humanities.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 36
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 10am (Lecture Hall 4)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-21 | This program is now open to all level |
2017-02-27 | A small number of seats have been opened to sophomores to accommodate first year students who have transferred in credit and thus become sophomores by spring. |
2017-02-22 | Description updated. |
2016-06-30 | Description updated. |
2016-04-22 | New spring opportunity added. |
Art of Helping
Class Size: 25
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Doing well while doing good is a challenge. Whereas some kind of help is the kind of help that helps, some kind of help we can do without. Gaining wisdom to know the paths of skillful helping of self and others is the focus of this four-credit course. We will explore knowing who we are, identifying caring as a moral attitude, relating wisely to others, maintaining trust, and working together to make change possible.Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Tue. First meeting Tuesday September 27, 6pm, Sem II C2105.
Located in: Olympia
Art of Mexico
Class Size: 25
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This program will examine Mexican art and history through the lens of its creative practitioners. We will take a thematic approach to our historical studies, exploring Mesoamerican art, poetry and spirituality, native paths of resistance to the conquest and the survival of native art forms and beliefs, the feminism of Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, the Virgin of Guadalupe, Frida Kahlo, Chicano art, and the post-revolutionary Mexican mural and printmaking traditions--considered the most radical art of the 20th century. Moving from theory to practice we will engage in studio art that is relevant to our cultural studies, which could include mask-making, performance art, collage and book arts. Students will learn how to analyze and critique art and will study the principles of design. There will be a strong focus on reading, writing, research and seminar discussions.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Education, Museum work
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$35 each quarter for art supplies
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon/ Wed 5:30-9:00 pm
Located in: Olympia
Art Since 1500
Class Size: 20
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This class surveys world art history since 1500 from the Renaissance to the 20th century. We will focus on paintings, sculpture, architecture and the decorative arts in Europe, North America, and Asia. Credit possible in either art history or world cultures/civilizations. This is a companion class to "Europe Since 1500."
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
art history, humanities, and teaching
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
This is an intensive class that will meet Mondays through Fridays, 1:30-5:30pm for two weeks, from June 26-July 7. Students enrolled for 6 credits will then have the rest of the summer session to research and write essays, with faculty guidance.
Located in: Olympia
Art, Mindfulness and Psychology: Racial Identity through the Lifespan
Winter 2017
Class Size: 40
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This program will use art, psychology, and mindfulness to explore the intersectionality of race, racial identity and societal health. The practices of mindfulness and creating art can increase our individual and collective resiliency to be able to respond to racial identity issues and structural oppression in adaptive and creative ways. Mindfulness and the body will be a central focus of the work. In the studio, we will focus on building skills as well as the expressive qualities of art, to explore non-verbal ways of processing our readings, writings, and discussions about race. The program will integrate mindfulness through theory, practice and its application in relation to developmental psychology, racial identity, and art practice. Questions to be explored include: How are mindfulness and art making being integrated into working with people at various developmental and racial identity stages of life? How do systems of racial identity live in the individual, family, and social bodies? How can the practices of mindfulness and creating art be integral to the healing of racism?
The program offers 16 and 8 credit options. All students will explore racial identity through the lifespan by developing skills in mindfulness, drawing and ceramics through intensive studio practice. Students taking 16 credits will also study developmental psychology and related quantitative reasoning skills for social sciences.
In fall, the program will focus on child and adolescent developmental psychology. In the ceramics lab, students will work though the basic methods of forming in clay and learn essentials for glazing and firing. Students will also be introduced to basic drawing skills. Constructive critique sessions on key pieces will help students to develop their ideas. In winter, students will focus on adult, geriatric and end of life developmental psychology. Building on the foundational skills and concepts in ceramics and drawing from the fall, students will develop a series of pieces that address the complexity of their own understanding of racial identity.
Students will have an opportunity to learn using diverse modalities and multiple intelligences. The program will participate in in depth dialogue, art-making, writing assignments, theoretical tests for developmental psychology studies, and critical study of important texts. This program is designed as a two-quarter program of study preparatory for careers and further study in psychology, fine arts, art therapy, education and cultural studies.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
psychology, fine arts, art therapy, education and cultural studies
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Students should expect to spend between $60-80 on personal art supplies and clay in fall and $40 in winter. These amounts will vary based on student driven projects. New students who enroll winter quarter will need to purchase some of the tools that the class used in fall as well as the new items for winter. In addition, students who attend the NCECA conference should expect to pay approximately $170-$371, for NCECA membership and registration fees, three nights hotel at the convention site, transportation to Portland, and a one-day shuttle tour to see exhibitions in Portland. Transportation within the city and food during the conference are additional and at the students' own expense.
$100 in fall and $85 in winter for art supplies.
Class Size: 40
Scheduled for: Day and Evening
Advertised schedule:
8 credit section meets Tue/Thu 6-10pm
First winter class meeting (16 credits): Monday, January 9th at 9am (Art Annex 1114)
First winter class meeting (8 credits) : Tuesday, January 10th at 6pm (Art Annex 1114)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-07 | Signature Requirement added for Winter |
2016-05-10 | Winter fees increased. |
2016-02-03 | New fall-winter opportunity added. |
Art, Mindfulness and Psychology: Racial Identity through the Lifespan (8 credit option)
Winter 2017
Class Size: 20
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This 8 credit program is part of the full-time, 16 credit program Art, Mindfulness and Psychology: Racial Identity through the Lifespan . For complete program details, including schedule and CRNs, click here .
This program will use art, psychology, and mindfulness to explore the intersectionality of race, racial identity and societal health. The practices of mindfulness and creating art can increase our individual and collective resiliency to be able to respond to racial identity issues and structural oppression in adaptive and creative ways. Mindfulness and the body will be a central focus of the work. In the studio, we will focus on building skills as well as the expressive qualities of art, to explore non-verbal ways of processing our readings, writings, and discussions about race. The program will integrate mindfulness through theory, practice and its application in relation to developmental psychology, racial identity, and art practice. Questions to be explored include: How are mindfulness and art making being integrated into working with people at various developmental and racial identity stages of life? How do systems of racial identity live in the individual, family, and social bodies? How can the practices of mindfulness and creating art be integral to the healing of racism?
The program offers 16 and 8 credit options. All students will explore racial identity through the lifespan by developing skills in mindfulness, drawing and ceramics through intensive studio practice. Students taking 16 credits will also study developmental psychology and related quantitative reasoning skills for social sciences.
In fall, the program will focus on child and adolescent developmental psychology. In the ceramics lab, students will work though the basic methods of forming in clay and learn essentials for glazing and firing. Students will also be introduced to basic drawing skills. Constructive critique sessions on key pieces will help students to develop their ideas. In winter, students will focus on adult, geriatric and end of life developmental psychology. Building on the foundational skills and concepts in ceramics and drawing from the fall, students will develop a series of pieces that address the complexity of their own understanding of racial identity.
Students will have an opportunity to learn using diverse modalities and multiple intelligences. The program will participate in in depth dialogue, art-making, writing assignments, theoretical tests for developmental psychology studies, and critical study of important texts. This program is designed as a two-quarter program of study preparatory for careers and further study in psychology, fine arts, art therapy, education and cultural studies.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
psychology, fine arts, art therapy, education and cultural studies
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Students should expect to spend between $60-80 on personal art supplies and clay in fall and $40 in winter. These amounts will vary based on student driven projects. New students who enroll winter quarter will need to purchase some of the tools that the class used in fall as well as the new items for winter.
$100 in fall and $65 in winter for art supplies and museum entrance fees.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
8 credit section meets Tue/Thu 6-10pm
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-07 | Winter Signature requirement added |
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 75
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Historically, art and the work of art emerge as simultaneously debased and exalted cultural categories, treated as both epitome and critic of commodity culture, a space apart from and the ironic fulfillment of the market economy. In this sense, they come to us as historically specific practices and discourses specific to “modernity.” Sianne Ngai suggests that 'zany,' 'interesting,' and 'cute' are the aesthetic categories best suited for grasping "how aesthetic experience has been transformed by the hypercommodified, information-saturated, performance-driven conditions of late capitalism."
In order to investigate this emergence, we will work between visual studies, philosophy, and art practice. The program will offer studies in visual and cultural studies, art and media practice, and 18 th -20 th century philosophy, writing regular critical essays in response to both theory and works of art. We will be interested in the increasing centrality of “aesthetics” in philosophy and the appearance of an aesthetic crisis within the worlds of art-making and criticism, the uneven emergence of industrial production and its representations, and transitions to the conditions understood as late-capitalism. Following our study of the early 20 th century avant-garde work and the emergence of cinema, we will look to the rise of conceptualism in art in the 1960s and 70s. From there, we will turn to contemporary forms and institutions of art that are grappling with the question of art as labor and artists as workers under current economic pressures. We will also look at the interventions of feminist thinkers and artists in art history and film studies, as well as psychoanalytic and structuralist approaches to art criticism and theory.
We will study a range of theorists, artists, objects and practices, as well as popular and comedic forms. We'll read texts in philosophy and critical theory by Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Arendt, Adorno, Benjamin, and contemporary critic and thinker Sianne Ngai. We'll study artists associated with the Bauhaus, abstract expressionism, minimalism and post-minimalism, New Wave and Third Cinemas, feminist, conceptual, pop and contemporary practices of neo-pop and social practice, art fairs and collectives, and read related art historical and visual studies texts.
In the fall and winter our creative practice will focus on Bauhaus-style design and materials experimentation, with color experiments, paper sculpture, and drawing, as well as handmade and cameraless approaches to photography and film, supported by both foundational work in philosophy and art history and the development of those critical and creative research skills needed for spring project work. In the spring, we will turn to the contemporary art world and late 20 th century-contemporary film. Each student will develop an individual line of research, reading, and creative production, resulting in a substantial interdisciplinary project, supported by their participation in small self-organizing groups. The program will go on at least one retreat, and one to two field trips to museums, galleries, and films each quarter.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
humanities, visual and media art, cultural studies, education and communication.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$265 in fall and winter and $235 in spring for overnight field trips, entrance fees, and art supplies.
Class Size: 75
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 12pm (Sem II A1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-23 | This program will not accept new enrollment spring quarter. |
Arts and the Child: Early Childhood
Class Size: 25
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All children enjoy singing, painting, and dancing. Yet, as we grow up, this natural ability becomes suppressed and often lost. This course will reach out to the inner child in students and provide opportunities to support children in need of care and education in the community. Lectures, studio arts, research, field trips and volunteer work with children in the community will develop students’ competency as artists, parents, and educators. The course will also examine practices of education and self-cultivation from Eastern and Western perspectives. Our study will focus on children of preschool age, 0-6 years old.
Credit will be awarded in arts and human development.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
teaching, education, social work
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$10 fee for art materials
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thu 5:30-9:00p. First meeting Thur, September 29, 5:30pm, Sem II A1105
Located in: Olympia
Arts, Culture, & Ecology
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 25
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While art is clearly influenced by culture, it can also be influenced by place. This program explores place-based arts such as basketweaving, plant arts, and nature journaling, and their eco-cultural foundations. Students gain a basic understanding in several areas including Pacific Northwest ecosystems and their dominant plant species; Coast Salish culture, history, and traditional arts; and dominant ecosystems associated with an element of one’s own cultural heritage. Students also develop the ability to critically analyze and communicate relationships between place-based arts and the places with which they are associated. During fall quarter, students gain a foundation in cultural ecology, Northwest Coast ethnoecology, and nature journaling as well as begin to examine an aspect of their own heritage. During winter quarter, students focus more intently on Northwest Coast arts, including museum visits and traditional basketweaving workshops, as well as on heritage-based arts and identifying the dynamic relationships between art, culture, and environment. Students also strengthen their skills in nature journaling and creating representational plant arts. During spring quarter, construction of a new Indigenous Fiber Arts Studio begins. Through learning about this building as both a home for art and art itself, students learn to integrate art, culture, and ecology in a creative culminating project that advocates for eco-cultural sustainability. Throughout the year, learning activities include lectures, workshops, seminars, reading, writing, research, and field trips. Texts include Introduction to Cultural Ecology (Sutton and Anderson) and Ancient Pathways, Ancestral Knowledge (Nancy J. Turner), among others. Students are welcome to join the program in winter or spring. It will be helpful for new students to contact the faculty and plan to read some background materials.)
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Arts, culture, Indigenous studies, education, ecology, ethnobiology
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$40 Fall & Spring, and $65 in Winter for Art Supplies and Museum Entrance Fees
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Weekends 9:30-5:30: Fall: Oct 1/2, 15/16, 29/30, Nov 12/13, Dec 3/4. Winter: Jan 14 (first meeting 9:30am, Seminar 2 A1105), 21, 28, 29 (field trip) , Feb 4, 11, 18, 19 (field trip), 25(1:30-5:30), Mar 4, 11, 12 Spring: Apr 8/9, 22/23, May 6/7, 20/21, June 3/4
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-29 | Description, Schedule, and Student Fees for Winter updated |
Astronomy and Cosmologies
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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We will learn beginning to intermediate astronomy through lectures, discussions, interactive workshops, and observations. Using naked eye observations, reason, and simple mathematics, the ancients measured the sizes, distances, and motions of the Earth, Moon and Sun. So will we. Making tools in class that students can take home, we will model heavenly motions, explore the nature of light and spectra, build telescopes, and more. We will learn about the evolution and structure of our universe and celestial bodies. We will explore our galaxy and neighboring galaxies using binoculars, telescopes, and planetarium programs. Students will explore a research topic and questions via observations and reading, and will share their learning with others.
We will read about and discuss cosmologies: how people across cultures and throughout history have understood, modeled, and ordered the universe they perceived. We will study stories, literature, and worldviews--from those of ancient peoples to modern writers and astrophysicists. Students will keep observation journals, tell star stories, make star maps, and explore the art and craft of essay writing. They will do substantial teamwork outside class, and will write essays and responses to readings. Students must be willing and able to use the internet for information and online assignments, to work in teams, and to meet after class on clear nights to participate in star-hunts.
Astronomy is a science. Algebra II and trigonometry are prerequisite for astronomy. We will learn physics together, from gravity and electromagnetism to dark matter and energy. There is no physics prerequisite.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
natural sciences, astronomy, physics, mathematics, research, environmental studies, sustainability, teaching, education, public programing, writing, literature, storytelling, mythology, cultural studies, history, and philosophy of science.
Credits per quarter
Students must have strong Algebra II and trigonometry skills.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Students will need binoculars and a tripod (approximately $200-300). Students may participate in an optional field trip (approximately $200 for entrance fees, guest speakers, camping, food, etc.).
$80 for entrance fees and equipment to be built and kept by students, e.g. solar motion detectors, light spectra meters; small telescopes, or other observational tools; entrance fees.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day and Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon 6-10pm, Wed 6-10pm, Fri 1-5pm
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 6pm (Lecture Hall 4)
Additional details:
Events Outside of Regular Schedule: Students will need to participate in star hunts outside of class. Science Carnival/Final Presentations 9a-5p on Friday, June 2nd. Fieldtrip (TBA)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-11 | New spring opportunity added. |
Astronomy and Cosmology: Stars and Stories
Class Size: 17
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This summer, our field-based interdisciplinary study of science and humanities will focus on the solar eclipse and activities designed for amateur astronomers. Our work will include exploring inquiry-based science education, mythology, archeo-astronomy, literature, philosophy, history, and cosmological traditions. Students will participate in a variety of activities from telling star-stories to working in a computer lab to create educational planetarium programs. We will employ qualitative and quantitative methods of observation, investigation, hands-on activities, and strategies that foster inquiry-based learning and engage the imagination. Through readings, lectures, films, workshops, and discussions, participants will deepen their understanding of the principles of astronomy, and refine their understanding of the role that cosmology plays in our lives through the stories we tell, the observations we make, and the questions we ask.
We will attend the Oregon Star Party, in Central Oregon, where we will be in the direct path of the solar eclipse on August 21st. We will camp in the high desert for a week, where we will participate in intensive field studies, develop our observation skills, learn to use binoculars, star-maps, and navigation guides to identify objects in the night sky, and operate 8” and 12” Dobsonian telescopes to find deep space objects.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
astronomy, education, public programs and interpretive work (museums, parks, observatories, outdoor education), writing, literature, philosophy, cultural studies, mythology and storytelling, scientific research
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students must bring their own camping gear, supplies, food, water, etc. for camping in the high desert. Contact instructor for details.
$500 for travel and field study expenses, guest lecturers, and supplies
Class Size: 17
Scheduled for: Day and Evening
Advertised schedule:
Located in: Olympia
Audio Recording I
Class Size: 20
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This course starts a sequence of courses introducing the subject of audio production and its relation to modern media. Fall quarter will focus on analog mixers and magnetic recording with some work in digital editing. Main topics will include field recording, digital audio editing, microphone design and application, analog multi-track recording, and audio console signal flow. Students will have weekly reading assignments and weekly lab assignments outside of class time.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Audio Engineering and Design
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Fall: $60 fee for analog tape and an external storage device.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:30-9:30p Wed. First meeting Wed, September 28, 5:30pm, Lib 1328.
Located in: Olympia
Audio Recording II
Class Size: 20
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This course continues a sequence of courses introduing the subject of audio production and its relation to modern media. In Fall quarter we focused on analog mixers and magnetic recording with some work in digital editing. Main topics included field recording, digital audio editing, microphone design and application, analog multi-track recording, and audio console signal flow. Winter continues this work while starting to work with computer-based multitrack production. Additional topics will include acoustics, reverb, and digital effects processing. Students will have weekly reading assignments and weekly lab assignments outside of class time.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Audio Engineering and Design
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:30-9:30p Wed
Located in: Olympia
Awakening the Leader Within
Class Size: 25
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We need a new generation of leaders and game-changers. The notion of leadership that once resonated with greatness no longer inspires new dreams, compelling visions, and revolutionary actions. The unethical behavior, self-indulging decisions, and ego-driven conduct of many contemporary leaders has eroded the society’s trust in corporate, public and political leaders. There is an urgent need for conscious and principled leaders who are driven by a set of universal virtues, a strong moral compass, and a deep desire to serve a global society and a sustainable world. This course teaches students critical concepts and skills to examine their passion and purpose, develop vision, mission, values, and a plan of action to serve their communities. This course provides students with the opportunity to reflect, collaborate, and learn through individual and group activities including self-evaluation, cases, discussions and seminars, and team projects.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon 6-10p. First meeting is Monday, January 9, 6pm, in Seminar 2 A2109.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-07-06 | Course Schedule Changed- now meets Monday (was Tuesday). |
Ballet Intensive
Class Size: 25
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Are you curious about the origins of dance and how they relate to classical ballet? In this program we will interrogate class, gender, and race through the philosophical and historical aspects of classical ballet. We will give much attention to the development of the individual co-learner to promote confidence and creativity emanating from the body in an atmosphere that facilitates such development. Students will be encouraged to learn through personal discovery as the most effective route to rapid technical change and unique creative expression. As a result, dancers should be sound in both mind and body with a sense of wonder about the world and the intellectual curiosity to explore the place of their art within that world.
This program offers a discursive observation of the role and function of classical ballet as the mirror, or shadow, of society. Ballet is directly tied to the world in which it is created but also transcends time and space in reverberation and relevancy. From its inception ballet has provided metaphors and symbols for cultural reflection. We will probe into the theory and history of ballet, primarily in the Western world, to familiarize ourselves with these symbolic, psychological, and cultural functions of this genre of dance. We will research and explore the historical underpinnings of dance and classical ballet to the present day to interrogate and find our places within the discipline of dance as a means to promote and facilitate one’s ultimate creative voice and expression. Students will take ballet workshops, learn French terminology, and collaborate on final projects relative to the subject matter and period of dance they choose to choreograph.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
dance, dance history, and performance.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$52 for tickets to Swan Lake.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting : Tuesday, September 27 at 10am (CRC 314)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-10-14 | Fee added ($52). |
Basics of Scientific Illustration
Class Size: 18
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Students will learn basic techniques in scientific illustration. This is a course for anyone wishing to improve their drawing skills, from quick sketches of moving animals to detailed and accurate illustrations. This course is also for scientists interested in creating visuals to interpret their work. With access to Evergreen’s natural history collections and gardens, students have unique reference material to work from. They may also choose to illustrate local research topics or special objects from their personal collections. Discussions in the history of the practice provide students with context for their work.
Media covered include pencil, ink, colored pencil, and watercolor. We will also cover basic digital editing and design using Photoshop. Students will learn to properly scan, save, edit, and reproduce their work in print and online. Class time consists of demonstrations, practicing techniques, discussions about illustration history and applications, guest lectures on special topics, field journaling, and critiquing finished originals and printed reproductions. Students will develop a portfolio of illustrations made for a variety of applications. Selected works by each student will be displayed in a small exhibit at the end of the course.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
scientific illustration, art education, science communication
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$100 for art supplies, trip to zoo, and costs of installing small exhibit
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 11a-3p Lab I, rm 2046
Located in: Olympia
Be Wilder: Writing from Wilderness
Class Size: 11
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Many cultures have traditions of teachers and students spending time in wilderness. We’ll let wilderness work in us, inspire us, and help immerse us in writing. Carrying our own food and shelter will focus us, and open new outlooks on sustainability. We’ll live Leave-No-Trace ethics as we paddle to Squaxin Island and hike and backpack in the Olympic and Cascade Mountains. We’ll write daily and we'll read, seminar and critique, with ongoing in-depth faculty feedback.
This all-level program could be an orientation for incoming students, and a chance for anyone to engage deeply with writing, and/or produce a finished publishable manuscript.
Participants need to be able to carry a 40-pound pack for up to six hours on backpacking days.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$474 total for entry fees, maps, campsites, motorpool, food, and guided paddling trip. If our costs are less, the difference will be reimbursed.
Class Size: 11
Scheduled for: Day and Evening
Advertised schedule:
July 31-August 2, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.: on campus; August 2: day hike in Capitol State Forest
August 8-10: backpacking trip in Hoh Rainforest, Olympic National Park
August 15: paddle to Hope and/or Squaxin Islands; August 16, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. on campus; August 17: day hike at Mt. Ellinor
August 22: day hike to Lena Lake; August 23, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. on campus; August 24: day hike at Mt. Rainier
August 28-31: backpacking in North Cascades National Park
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
wk 1: Capitol State Forest
wk 2: Hoh Rainforest (Olympic National Park)
wk 3: Hope and/or Squaxin Island & Olympic National Forest
wk 4: Olympic National Forest & Mt. Rainier
wk 5: North Cascades National Park
Biocultural Diversity Conservation in Peru
Spring 2017
study abroad option
Class Size: 15
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Peru offers a dynamic setting for students seeking a field-based program to study the opportunities and tensions in preserving biological and cultural diversity in the 21 st century. Peru is recognized for its geographic and climatic extremes, biodiversity, cultural diversity, and knowledge systems that have been shaped over thousands of years by coastal deserts, temperate valleys, glaciated mountains, subtropical cloud forests, and Amazonia. Appreciating this diversity firsthand and experiencing the theory and practice of biocultural diversity conservation is the focus of this two-quarter program.
Winter quarter will begin on the Olympia campus by studying Peruvian geography, climate, cultures, and conquests that have driven the use of biodiversity and modification of local environments. While learning how to access and review scientific literature, we will examine trends and links between Peru’s changing land cover, biodiversity, climate, cultures and languages, traditional agricultural diversity, natural resource extraction, tourism industry, glaciers, and water supplies. Ecological and ethnographic field research methods and case studies will also be introduced. Halfway through winter quarter students will travel to Peru where we will visit cultural landscapes such as Lake Titicaca, Colca Canyon, Machu Picchu, and highland communities to learn how traditional knowledge is being combined with conservation science in initiatives to preserve biocultural diversity via national parks, community conservation areas, agricultural gene banks, ecotourism, and cultural tourism projects.
Studies in Peru will continue through spring break and spring quarter, with the majority of time in the Cusco region, from the highland Quechua communities’ International Potato Park to the subtropical Machu Picchu biocultural reserve. Students will experience remnant wildlands, Incan sites that modified topography and hydrology to increase productivity of diverse domesticated species, and Quechua communities that maintain immense agricultural diversity, medicinal plants and healing practices, and dye plants, sheep and alpaca for weaving. Field research practice will be gained through activities with traditional knowledge holders and field surveys of important species and habitats. Cultural understanding and Spanish or Quechua language learning will be supported with four weeks of language study, homestays, and faculty-led outings to biocultural diversity projects in local communities. During the last five weeks faculty will assist students to complete and present independent research projects integrating scientific literature and experience with a Peruvian project focused on conservation of wild and/or domesticated biodiversity and its associated cultural knowledge. The program in Peru will conclude with students free to return home, continue studying, or travel.
Study abroad:
Total expenses beyond tuition for 16 weeks of study abroad in Peru (midwinter through spring) are approximately $6,200. This estimate includes all travel, in-country expenses, $300 for passport/health preparation, and $500 for personal expenses. $2500 will be paid as a student fee with winter quarter tuition to cover a portion of the overall expenses such as regional travel, community stays, language school, and lodging arranged by faculty. For additional details on study abroad, visit www.evergreen.edu/studyabroad or contact Michael Clifthorne at clifthom@evergreen.edu .
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
environmental studies, conservation science, agriculture, ethnobotany, cultural studies, and tourism.
Credits per quarter
One year of AP or college-level Spanish language study is a recommended prerequisite to optimize learning from site visits and community life in Peru. At least one quarter of Spanish language study is required for participation. Extensive hiking over uneven terrain and some camping are an integral part of the program. If you are a student with a disability and would like to request accommodations, please contact faculty or Access Services at L2153 or call (360)867-6348; TTY (360)867-6834) prior to the start of the program.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Upper division science credit:
Up to 16 upper-division science credits may be awarded in conservation science and field research to students with prior introductory science coursework and who successfully complete the assigned program work and an independent research project in Peru that integrates primary literature and field studies.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9am (Sem II A3107)
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
Date | Revision |
2016-11-16 | Study abroad fee updated ($6200). |
Bodies Speaking Out: Public Health and Community through the Lenses of Science, Ethnography, and Media
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 75
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This program builds interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in public health, ethnography, documentary media production, history, cultural studies, and community-based research as a basis for collaborative work with community partners in the Pacific Northwest, particularly at the intersections of health, labor, and migration. How have people and communities come to understand and represent the complexity of their embodied experiences of health, including individual and collective well-being, sickness, disability, and healing? What conditions of inequity can jeopardize health, including jobs, schooling, housing and industrial exposures? What social networks, educational resources and medical practices have communities created to address their concerns? How can we—as students and practitioners of documentary media, ethnography, history, and public health—contribute to their ongoing efforts? At the core of these questions lies an ethics of engagement that places us in the role of listeners, collaborators, and facilitators, recasting more conventional relationships between researchers and subjects, adults and youth, health workers and patients, academics and community members.
Drawing from a range of cases in the U.S. and abroad, we will learn foundations of global health, occupational health, epidemiology, and critical medical anthropology. We will study archival research, oral history, and ethnography as techniques for understanding and documenting people’s everyday lives, exploring experimental and collaborative methods that give voice to stories of illness and healing. We will learn practices of documentary photography and possibly video and activist art to document community efforts, and support communities to create their own narratives of struggle. We’ll explore community-based research projects that have the potential to change the relationship between higher education and local community. We’ll explore the politics and ethics of representation in visual images, and investigate how our own images, produced collaboratively with community members, can challenge relations of power and privilege that have traditionally existed in mainstream media.
Central to these studies will be consideration of the economic and social conditions that contribute to community health and well-being. We’ll learn how structural inequalities of race, class, and gender (among others) shape exposure to harm and access to remediation. We’ll learn how struggles over housing, schooling, jobs and other social and economic conditions affect individual health and the collective health of communities. We will consider how infectious diseases, once easily treatable such as tuberculosis, have resurged in virulent drug-resistant forms under conditions of incarceration, substandard housing, and biomedical abandonment. We’ll learn how economies of production and exposure to carcinogens and other industrial toxics affect poor communities and communities of color disproportionately, mapping onto patterns of social, economic, and political marginalization. We’ll learn how immigrant laborers, including those in Washington State, face particular occupational hazards and limits to care, and follow what they are doing or hope to do to address these challenges. Finally, we will learn how struggling communities develop strategies of resistance, including alternative health care programs and schools, and documentary media campaigns. We will explore these critical facets of environmental justice and health inequities both locally and in Southeast Asia and Latin America. A key focus will be studying and engaging with efforts in our region—through field trips, ethnographies, public health research, films, historical and contemporary studies—and projects that explore research and collaboration with nearby communities.
Fall quarter will emphasize in-class studies and beginning community dialogues to create a foundation for our collaborative work winter quarter. We will explore case studies and models of community collaboration to inform our efforts, taking a two-night field trip to Mt. Vernon farming communities. While the fall quarter media component will focus on archives and documentary photography, in winter we might widen our studies of art and media practices to incorporate video documentary, activist art and recorded oral histories. We will also conduct urban studies in Portland centered on housing instability. We’ll embark on collaborative projects with community organizations to document, support, and augment their work. Possible projects include facilitating community photography (Photovoice), video documentary, collaborative ethnographic studies, performance, public health communications, and health policy advocacy. Spring quarter we will focus on writing, revision, photo/video editing, presentations, and completion of our collaborative projects.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
public health, anthropology, history, media arts, biology, medicine, and community-based work.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$210 in fall and $190 in winter for overnight field trips and CPR and First Aid certification.
Winter and spring internship possibilities with community-based organizations. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
collaborative community-based research winter quarter.
Class Size: 75
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Tuesday, April 4th at 10am (Sem II C2105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-16 | Title and description updated (formerly Bodies Speaking Out: Documenting Health, Healing, and Community). |
Book Arts
Class Size: 25
Variable Credit Options Available
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Book Arts is a program for artists, writers, and craftspersons—and anyone who loves books. Students will get to approach the book arts from different angles: as writers, digital designers, fine-printers, bookbinders, and artists.
FIRST SESSION:First, students will learn the basic skills of the fine craft of letterpress printing. Steeped in lore, letterpress printing is a fantastic skill for poets, writers, graphic designers, lovers of typography, book artists, artists, and printmakers. Drawing on Evergreen's huge collection of mid-century metal type, you will learn to design, hand-set, and print your own projects on Evergreen's Vandercook printing presses.
At the same time, you will learn how to complete small scale or personal self-publishing projects (of book-length work). Working with professional design tools (Adobe InDesign and Photoshop), you'll design and submit for printing your own version of a copyright-free classic, your own work, or a class anthology. Opportunities for peer critique and discussion of the writing practice will nurture the writer in you.
SECOND SESSION: Students enrolled in both sessions can continue to develop projects using the letterpress and/or digital design practices and integrate hand bookbinding and experimental book-arts techniques. Those entering in second session will combine writing or art practices with book arts to create conventional and experimental book projects. Everyone will learn the basics of the ancient and modern craft of hand bookbinding, including the adhesive-free methods of coptic and cord-binding and the more modern case-binding approach—along with a variety of creative techniques and creative exercises.
Readings will familiarize students with the history of books and the contemporary poetics of the book form; according to student interest, other readings will emphasize creative writing practice, graphic design, craft, and/or the arts—according to student interest.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
Students may enroll for both sessions or just one of them. One session = 6 credits.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Expect to spend up to $75 on tools, materials, misc. project expenses
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Wed/Thu 10a-3p
Located in: Olympia
Bookmaking: Visual Artbooks, Photobooks and Zines
Class Size: 24
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The book puts the artwork into hands rather than onto screens. In the digital age, artists use handmade books and zines to extend the reach of their work to brick and mortar locations like bookstores, collections, art fairs, and library shelves across the globe. This course frames the artist's book in a critical, professional, and practical context. Students interested in attending should have a series or collection of images and/or text for creating a book. Students will acquire the technical skills to design and lay out their own artist books, whether printing those books themselves or working with a commercial printer. Through in-class demonstrations on designing, printing and binding processes, students will gain a solid foundation in book production. Independent channels of distribution as a way to reach larger and more diverse audiences will also be covered. By the end of the course, students will have developed a handmade book, a commercially printed book or collection of zines and an artist’s statement.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Books arts, art book publishing, and editing
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students should expect to spend $25-$50 on paper supplies.
Class Size: 24
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 6-9:30 pm
Located in: Olympia
Winter 2017
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
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Nowadays, the word border conjures images of the U.S.-Mexico border, patrol agents, walls and barbed wire. Yet there are many kinds of borders: between racial, ethnic, and cultural groups; between social classes; between genders and sexualities; and even between belief systems, languages, and different ways of knowing. They are real and they are metaphorical. Depending on who you are, you may barely notice some borders, while others may seem impossible to cross. What forces construct—and deconstruct—these various types of borders?
Economic systems involve many borders. Businesses and policy makers determine how fruits of economic labor are distributed between profits and wages, white collar and blue collar, and between Wall Street and Main Street. Behaviors of real estate agents and bank policies create barriers for people of color buying homes in predominantly white neighborhoods. Immigration status delineates who has the right to work and fully participate in society. What determines which residents, workers, and groups are protected? Who is, and is not, allowed to move freely and why?
Borders also play out in our identities, in sometimes conflicting ways. Society defines simplistic, often binary boxes—black-white, female-male, gay-straight, young-old, among others—that do not capture a range of experiences along a continuum. The intersections between different aspects of our selves create tensions between generations, within cultural groups, among political activists, within classrooms, or among friends.
We will combine literature, history, economics, and political economy to examine the role borders play in identities, economic welfare, and community self-determination. While we will be cognizant of all types of borders during both quarters, we will begin fall quarter with the impacts of the international borders dividing the United States from Latin America. In winter we will shift our primary focus to the peoples living within the United States. Students will gain an in-depth ability to critically analyze a range of texts in social context and to use political economic models. We will work systematically on critical reading, writing, and collaboration skills. Quantitative study will focus on international economics and personal finance. We will also cross the campus border to surrounding communities though field trips and some community-based learning with local organizations.
By the end of the program we will be better able to understand both the forces that create and enforce borders, and the forces that may modify or erase them, sometimes reinforcing patterns of domination, but other times enabling liberatory social change.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
literature, community studies, economics, political economy, cultural studies.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$150 per quarter for overnight field trips.
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9am (Sem II A1105)
Located in: Olympia
Botany: Plants, Fungi, and People
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program serves beginning to intermediate science students who are looking for an opportunity to expand their understanding of botany and challenge themselves. This one-quarter program allows students to learn introductory plant biology and mycology in an interdisciplinary format. Students will learn about plant and fungal anatomy, morphology, systematics, and ecological relationships. Lectures based on textbook readings supplement laboratory work. The learning community will explore how present form and function informs us about the ecology and evolution of major groups of plants and fungi. Students will get hands-on experience studying these organisms under microscopes and in the field. Students will also learn how to maintain a detailed and illustrated nature journal to develop basic plant identification skills of common Pacific Northwest vascular plant and fungal species.
In addition to laboratory and field work, this program investigates people's current and historical relationships with plants and fungi. Through seminar texts, films, and lectures, students will examine plants through the lens of agriculture, forestry, herbology, and horticulture and will learn how fungal plant diseases have shaped history. Weekly workshops will help students improve their ability to write thesis-driven essays defended with evidence from assigned texts.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
conservation, ecological agriculture, ecological restoration, forestry, natural resource management, plant ecology, and plant taxonomy.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, September 26 at 10am (Sem II E4115)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-07 | Fee removed. |
2016-04-04 | Description updated to reflect fall-only plans. |
2016-03-16 | Noelle Machnicki joins the teaching team. This program will be fall only. |
Bridging Cultures
Class Size: 25
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program is a unique experiment in intercultural learning. Students from Daejeon University in Korea will join students at The Evergreen State College for a rich exploration of culture and communication. What do we need to know about other people, other cultures, and other places in order to be competent intercultural communicators? What do we need to know about the cultural forces and cognitive patterns that limit our ability to communicate across significant differences? How can we help other people learn the language we speak when we don’t yet speak their language? How do the stories we tell about ourselves and our communities challenge and enrich cross-cultural learning? How is meaning shaped by both national culture and international media? These are just a few of the questions students will explore in this program.
Program activities will highlight themes of communication, narrative, language, and context. Students will learn about foundational concepts in intercultural communication theory, and work to expand their intercultural competence through research, practice and reflection. Students will explore the power of storytelling as a means of sharing experiences and engaging with the lived experiences of others. Students will work collaboratively as language learners and language mentors, supported by introductory study of ESL instruction techniques. Together we will investigate the cultural intersections of story, communication, language, and context through academic reading, small group projects, films, field trips, food, and fiction novels.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
communication, international studies, and education.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$300 for entrance fees and an overnight field trip.
Class Size: 25
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9:30am (Sem II C4107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-08 | This program now accepts all class levels. |
2016-12-29 | New spring opportunity added. This replaces the program Culture Matters, originally developed by Lori Blewett and Laura Citrin. |
Bruce and Jimi
Class Size: 25
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This course will explore the lives, art, and impact on popular culture of Bruce Lee and Jimi Hendrix. Course materials will include written texts (biographical works, scholarly studies, fiction, and poetry), films (fiction and documentary), and music. We will visit a number of Seattle sites associated with the lives and legacies of these legends, including Garfield High School, Seattle's International District, their gravesites, and the final installment of an acclaimed multiyear Bruce Lee exhibit at Seattle’s Wing Luke Museum. Students will have the option of producing a traditional research paper, a creative writing project, or a multimedia portfolio.This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, humanities, and cultural studies
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Located in: Olympia
Business and Ethics
Class Size: 25
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This program is designed for students with an interest in business studies. While this is primarily a business strategy program, we will be reading discussions of ethics from ancient philosophy to contemporary theater. These will shed light on the role that honesty and ethics play in the sometimes cut-throat world of business. We will view socially responsible business as an integral part of building a healthy society.
Starting with basic work on spreadsheet skills and understanding balance sheets we will move into the business strategy realm as we compete against each other in small teams using an in-depth on-line simulation that puts you in charge of a sneaker company with global sales. You will choose customer segments, set prices, respond to changes in taxation and global events, and be ready to pivot when your ‘friends’ get ahead of you in sales. We will also conduct in-class negotiations.
We will consider the ethics of global markets that use inexpensive foreign labor to keep low prices for our consumer goods. Theater and philosophy help us focus on the impact that economic decisions have on the quality of our lives. We will read about Nike’s rise in the footwear industry and essays by Socrates, Kant and Bok, and plays by the likes of Arthur Miller, Shakespeare, Suzan-Lori Parks and August Wilson. There will be guest speakers.
Whether you are a hard-core capitalist, a seller of Cheetos dust, an artist (or an aspiring con-artist), this program could be for you. You can expect to gain knowledge of business terminology, a grasp of the fundamentals of business plans, experience with business strategy and negotiations, public speaking and strong basic writing skills, useful for business or anywhere else.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
business and management.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$10 for theater tickets
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9am (Sem II E3107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-04-03 | $10 student fee added |
Business Economics and Accounting Fundamentals for Entrepreneurs and Managers
Class Size: 25
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Success in management for both non-profit and small business enterprises requires a basic level of knowledge and proficiency in economics, finance and accounting. This course provides a foundational knowledge and skill training in the areas of management, economics and finance for small businesses. This two-credit course will focus on the financial aspects of business, specifically: business accounting, finance, money and banking.
Students will have the opportunity to explore the issues, challenges and opportunities which arise from working in the area of small business and non-profit enterprises, and to investigate several key aspects of the international business environment such as trade and globalization.
This course is intended for students interested in the fields of entrepreneurship, accounting for small business, and economics.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Business, economics, non-profit management, entrepreneurship.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon, 5:30-9:30pm
Located in: Olympia
Calculus 2 and 3
Class Size: 25
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The program is divided into two major topics: integral calculus and multivariable calculus. The integral is developed as the area under a curve and approximated using various numerical methods. The Riemann Integral is introduced rigorously. The connection between anti-differentiation and the definite integral is made via the FTC. A standard variety of integration techniques are used to solve applied problems in geometry and the physical sciences. Differential equations are introduced. Multivariable calculus including gradients and multiple integrals are formally developed and used to strongly reinforce the idea of the derivative and the integral. Taylor polynomials are briefly introduced.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Mathematics, Computer Science, Physical Sciences, Economics, Education
Credits per quarter
Calculus 1
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mon-Thu, 9am - 1pm
Located in: Olympia
Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Class Size: 25
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Calculus I, II, and III is a year-long sequence of courses that will provide a rigorous treatment of the procedures, concepts, and applications of differential and integral calculus, multi-dimensional space, sequences, and series. This year-long (Winter, Spring, Summer) sequence is appropriate for students who are planning to teach secondary mathematics or engage in further study in mathematics, science, or economics. During winter quarter, we will engage in a rigorous study of derivatives and their applications through multiple modes of inquiry. If you have questions about your readiness to take this class, please contact the faculty. A graphing calculator is required for the course.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Mathematics, science, engineering, economics, and education.
Credits per quarter
Successful completion, or a strong understanding, of college-level precalculus and trigonometry.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 7:30a-9:00a. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 7:30a, in Seminar 2 A1107.
Located in: Olympia
Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
Class Size: 25
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Calculus II is the second of a year-long sequence of courses that will provide a rigorous treatment of the procedures, concepts, and applications of differential and integral calculus, multi-dimensional space, sequences, and series. This year-long sequence is appropriate for students who are planning to teach secondary mathematics or engage in further study in mathematics, science, or economics. Spring quarter will focus on procedures and applications of integration. There will be an emphasis on context-based problem solving and collaborative learning. If you have questions about your readiness to take this class, please contact the faculty. A graphing calculator is required for the course.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Mathematics, science, engineering, economics, and education.
Credits per quarter
Differential calculus for Spring.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 7:30a-9:00a
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 7:30 am (Sem II A1107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-04 | Course shifted from Winter to Spring |
Calculus and Analytical Geometry III
Class Size: 25
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Calculus III completes the year-long sequence of courses that provides a rigorous treatment of the procedures, concepts, and applications of differential and integral calculus, multi-dimensional space, sequences, and series. This three-quarter-long sequence is appropriate for students who are planning to teach secondary mathematics or engage in further study in mathematics, science, or economics. Summer quarter topics include introduction to multi-dimensional space, introduction to differential equations, and sequences and series. There will be an emphasis on context-based problem solving and collaborative learning. If you have questions about your readiness to take this class, please contact the faculty. A graphing calculator is required for the course.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Mathematics, science, engineering, economics, and education.
Credits per quarter
Differential and integral calculus for Summer.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Monday-Thursday, 8:00 am - 10:00 am
Located in: Olympia
Calculus I
Class Size: 25
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Calculus is the mathematical study of change. This course is designed for students interested in further studies in science, mathematics, engineering, technology and economics.
In the first
quarter of this thematically-integrated course, students will
cover calculus through small-group discussions, interactive
lectures, and hands-on laboratory investigations. We will learn about
limits, rate of change, differentiation and its rules, optimization,
integration and its applications (area under the curve, volumes of
revolution, arc length and surfaces), methods of integration,
differential equations and multi-variable calculus. We will take a
numerical, algebraic and graphical approach to the main concepts of
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Education
Credits per quarter
Solid background in college algebra and trigonometry.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-10. First meeting Tuesday September 27, 6pm, Sem II D3109.
Located in: Olympia
Calculus II
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
Calculus is the mathematical study of change. This course is designed for students interested in further studies in science, mathematics, engineering, technology and economics.
In the second
quarter of this thematically-integrated course, students will cover
calculus through small-group discussions, interactive lectures, and
hands-on laboratory investigations. We will learn about limits, rate of
change, differentiation and its rules, optimization, integration and its
applications (area under the curve, volumes of revolution, arc length
and surfaces), methods of integration, differential equations and
multi-variable calculus. We will take a numerical, algebraic and
graphical approach to the main concepts of calculus. This class will
cover many of the traditional topics of a first-year calculus sequence.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Education
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-10p. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6p, in Seminar 2 D1105
Located in: Olympia
Calculus III
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
Calculus is the mathematical study of change. This course is designed for students interested in further studies in science, mathematics, engineering, technology and economics.
In the third
quarter of this thematically-integrated course, students will cover a
full year of calculus through small-group discussions, interactive
lectures, and hands-on laboratory investigations. We will learn about
limits, rate of change, differentiation and its rules, optimization,
integration and its applications (area under the curve, volumes of
revolution, arc length and surfaces), methods of integration,
differential equations and multi-variable calculus. We will take a
numerical, algebraic and graphical approach to the main concepts of
calculus. This class will cover many of the traditional topics of a
first-year calculus sequence.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Physical sciences, mathematics, education, computer science, economics
Credits per quarter
Calculus I and II
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Capstone Project Preparation: A Research and Writing Seminar in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Class Size: 25
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A capstone project is a powerful representation and consolidation of one main focus of your undergraduate work. Such a project can become a representation of your work for graduate school, job applications, and/or prepare you for additional advanced work in your chosen field of study. It may also help you apply for grants and fellowships, and attune you to the kind of work you are likely to encounter if you pursue a Master’s degree or Ph.D.
If you are planning to pursue a significant research project in the humanities and related social sciences, including history, classics, literature, cultural studies, or anthropology, this program will help you begin this work. You will learn how to review relevant literature in your field, design a central argument, organize and present data effectively, and how to adapt your writing for a specific audience. Students will work in thematically organized groups on each other's work as well as collect faculty feedback. Peer review is an important part of scholarly work, and will be emphasized throughout the process. We will also share a set of common readings that explore how academic knowledge is produced, disseminated, and evaluated.
During the course of the quarter you will write weekly reading summaries and read commonly assigned seminar texts, some of which will be chosen by students. We will also take day trips to the UW library for their more comprehensive journal holdings. In addition, students will be expected to attend at least two academic lectures at Evergreen or a neighbor institution and write brief reports on them. We may also search for professional conferences or publication outlets. Finally, in occasional guest lectures, you will meet Evergreen faculty actively pursuing their own research, who may be future ILC sponsors. By the end of the quarter, you will have developed a research plan, prospectus, and bibliography that you can then execute in a subsequent quarter as an ILC, or save for graduate school.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
the humanities and social sciences.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$50 for conference registration.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 1pm (Sem II E2019)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-29 | New winter opportunity added. |
Catastrophe: Community Resilience in the Face of Disaster
Class Size: 75
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This program will explore the role of natural and human-made disasters—including earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, droughts, volcanic activity, landslides, wildfires, pandemics, wars, attacks, uprisings, and radioactive and toxic leaks—in shaping human society and consciousness. A central focus will be on how many of these place-based upheavals are becoming more common or intense in the climate crisis, and how communities can plan, respond, and adapt under new conditions. The program will apply the lessons from elsewhere in the world to locally in the Pacific Northwest.
On one hand, many so-called “natural” disasters have their roots in exploitation of the Earth and human beings, and social inequalities put the greatest burden of recovery on the poor (such as in earthquakes in Haiti and Nepal). “Disaster capitalism” is often used to centralize political and economic control in the aftermath of mass catastrophes, as Naomi Klein describes in The Shock Doctrine . These inequalities will be worsened as climate change generates more intense storms, sea-level rise, droughts, and flooding.
On the other hand, responses to disasters (such as hurricanes Katrina and Sandy) have become opportunities to build better relationships to each other and our ecosystems, as Rebecca Solnit describes in A Paradise Built in Hell . Planning for “disaster cooperativism” strengthens the ability of local communities and cultures to sustain shocks (such as climate change), unite communities across racial and cultural barriers, and promote greater social and ecological equality.
Our inquiry will draw insights from communities that have survived disasters and are recovering from historical trauma, including Indigenous and other colonized peoples, war refugees, and military veterans. It will learn from Indigenous epics that describe disasters through oral tradition, and methods of resilience that Native societies have used to persevere over the centuries. These insights will be explored through texts, lectures, workshops, field trips, films, art, and literature.
The program will explore how communities and nations can democratically prepare and practice for disasters, as Elaine Scarry describes in Thinking in an Emergency . Planners and activists can use emergency planning and response to increase awareness of ecological ways to prevent future disasters, the need to share resources among neighbors, and deepen lasting cooperation. In particular, climate change adaptation can be effectively used a reason to quickly make necessary changes for a healthier future that otherwise may take many more years to implement.
Our inquiry will be conducted at the intersections of climate justice studies, Native studies, and geography. It will use varied research methodologies as tools of inquiry, including ethnographic interviews that establish narratives (storytelling), community mapping, film analysis, government document research, and case studies of disasters. Students will have the opportunity to participate in community emergency response training.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
disaster preparedness, hazards and risk assessment, community development, and climate change adaptation and resilience.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Students have may choose to register for 3-day Thurston County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training ($95).
$170 for 3-day field trip to Olympic Peninsula (Grays Harbor, and Quinault, Quileute, Makah nations).
Class Size: 75
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 9:30am (Sem II B1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-10-03 | Kristina Ackely joined the teaching team. |
2016-02-03 | New spring opportunity added. |
Ceramics: An Introduction
Class Size: 20
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This course is intended as an overview of ceramic studio practices. Students will learn a variety of wheel-thrown and hand-built ceramic techniques including slip-casting and sprig mold making. Thematic projects are designed to aide students toward the development of an informed and personal style while gaining solid foundation skills in both functional and sculptural work. Critical analysis of resulting work will be scheduled through written observations and through group discussions. Demonstrations will introduce students to clay types, kiln firing methods, glazing and related surfacing techniques. Presentations on the history and contemporary application of ceramic arts will contextualize studio work.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon 5:30-9:30p. First meeting, Mon September 26, 5:30pm, Arts Annex 1100.
Located in: Olympia
Ceramics: Expressive Portraits
Class Size: 20
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In this all-level course, we will work to capture an expression/presence with a portrait bust. Our goal will be to make a full sized, fairly realistic bust using photographs in the round. Students will build observational skills as well as learn how to translate two dimensions into three. With a variety of helpful visual aides, handouts, and demos, students will learn the planes of the face, the basic anatomy of the head and neck, and will work to sculpt the features to give the bust a sense of presence. We will use a basic solid building construction method with a steel pipe armature. Students will be introduced to a variety of surface techniques to finish their pieces including textural, fired, and cold surface treatments.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
visual arts, art therapy
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students should expect to spend $25 for clay, and $20 for basic tools and armature.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu 6- 10 pm
Located in: Olympia
Ceramics: Form and Function
Class Size: 20
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In this class students will explore the sculptural and design potential of functional ceramic forms. Topics discussed will include elements of design, historical and cultural significances of functional forms, and integration of surface and form. Techniques will include wheel throwing, alteration of thrown forms, piecing parts to make complex or larger forms, and creating hand-built accoutrements.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
visual arts
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$50 or more for initial clay allotment and additional materials.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 6-8:30p
Located in: Olympia
Ceramics: Wheel-throwing
Class Size: 20
10% Reserved for Freshmen
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The goal of this course is to provide students with opportunities to concentrate on advanced wheel throwing techniques. It is highly encouraged that students have previously taken a ceramics course and have the ability to center clay on a pottery wheel. Students will learn to develop better control over their cylinders, create forms with walls of uniform thickness, improve handles, spouts, lids and trimming techniques. Weekly demonstrations will include surface techniques, lidded forms, plates, large vases, double wall cylinders and teapots. Students will work toward the development of a personal style while drawing from a library of historically celebrated ceramic design.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
10% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon 5:30-9:30p. First meeting is Monday, January 9, 5:30p, in Art Annex 1100.
Located in: Olympia
Children's Literature
Class Size: 25
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To understand more about children’s literature, participants will engage in readings, discussions, written analyses, workshops, and lesson planning that will address literary and informational texts for children from birth to age 12. Topics include an examination of picture and chapter books, multicultural literature, literature in a variety of genres, non-fiction texts across a range of subjects, and censorship. Fulfills teacher certification prerequisite and endorsement requirements.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Early childhood education, elementary and middle school education, and child psychology. Fulfills teacher certification prerequisite and endorsement requirements.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Located in: Olympia
China and Japan: Traditional and Contemporary "Silk Roads"
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
study abroad option
Class Size: 50
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This program will introduce the history, culture and philosophy of China and Japan. We will use the theme of the Silk Road in our examination of China as the heart of Asian civilization and Japan as a constant presence at the eastern end of the route.
Our inquiry into Chinese and Japanese history will focus on periods in which foreign contacts were most influential, for example when Buddhism, along with tea, traveled the Silk Road to reach Japan. Japan embraced Chinese culture while modifying it to fit Japan’s political and cultural needs. Japanese language, literature and art cannot be discussed without Chinese influences. Japan is also a repository of both tangible and intangible Chinese culture, which has disappeared from China itself. For example, treasures from the Silk Road, as well as Tang Dynasty dance and music from the 8th century, still survive in Japan. Such a heritage has, in turn, helped produce a present day cultural renaissance in China. We will examine contemporary “Silk Roads” that incorporate new trends, technologies and aspirations.
The program will also include discussions on Asian philosophies, including Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Shintoism and their distinct time/space concepts. We will study the Chinese and Japanese ideographic languages and their embedded worldviews and sensitivities as expressed in poetry and literature, both classic and contemporary.
In the Fall quarter we will study Chinese and Japanese history, along with important cultural concepts for understanding these two countries. In winter we shift our focus to a more thorough examination of both cultures. Students will take part in a three-day Lunar New Year celebration in early February. There will be an optional three-week study abroad trip to both China and Japan starting in Week 9 and extending into the spring break at an estimated cost of $3,500. During Spring quarter students will continue their focused studies through independent or group projects and will have an opportunity to connect their learning with the community. Other program activities include field trips to the Chinese and Japanese gardens in Portland, Oregon; calligraphy demonstrations and workshops, and studying Chinese tea culture and the Japanese tea ceremony.
Students are strongly encouraged to take a Japanese or Chinese language course for four credits in addition to this program.
Study abroad:
Optional study abroad trip to both China and Japan starting in Week 9 of Winter quarter and extending into the spring break at an estimated cost of $3,500.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Optional study abroad at the end of Winter quarter in Japan and China - approximately $3500.00 for three weeks of study
Fall: $125 for field trips, entrance fees, and calligraphy and tea supplies. Winter: $30 for a tea ceremony presentation. Spring: $50 for field trips, entrance fees, and calligraphy and tea supplies.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Saturdays, 9am-5pm. First Winter meeting Saturday January 14, 9am, Sem II B1105. There will be an optional three-week trip to China and Japan during Winter quarter week 10, evaluation week, and spring break week.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-06 | Winter fee increased (from $15 to $30). |
Chinese, Beginning I
study abroad option
Class Size: 20
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This introductory Chinese course will emphasize the standard Chinese pronunciation and the building of useful vocabularies. Students with no or little prior experience will learn Chinese pinyin system and modern Mandarin Chinese through interactive practice and continuous small group activities. Learning activities may also include speaker presentations and field trips. Chinese history and culture will be included as it relates to each language lesson.
Study abroad:
Travel and study in China will be offered as a study abroad program in the summer.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
International Relations, International business, Education, Cultural studies and practice, and Language studies
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30 - 7:30 pm. First meeting Tuesday September 27, 5:30pm, Library 2619.
Located in: Olympia
Chinese, Beginning II
study abroad option
Class Size: 20
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This introductory Chinese course will emphasize the standard Chinese pronunciation and the building of useful vocabularies. Students with no or little prior experience will learn Chinese pinyin system and modern Mandarin Chinese through interactive practice and continuous small group activities. Learning activities may also include speaker presentations and field trips. Chinese history and culture will be included as it relates to each language lesson.
Study abroad:
Travel and study in China will be offered as a study abroad program in the summer.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
International Relations, International business, Education, Cultural studies and practice, and Language studies
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30 - 7:30 pm. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 5:30p, in Library 2619.
Located in: Olympia
Chinese, Beginning III
study abroad option
Class Size: 20
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This third course in the introductory Chinese series will emphasize the standard Chinese pronunciation and the building of useful vocabularies. Students with beginning Chinese experience will learn Chinese pinyin system and modern Mandarin Chinese through interactive practice and continuous small group activities. Learning activities may also include speaker presentations and field trips. Chinese history and culture will be included as it relates to each language lesson.
Study abroad:
Travel and study in China will be offered as a study abroad program in the summer.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
International Relations, International business, Education, Cultural studies and practice, and Language studies
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Located in: Olympia
Coming to Our Senses: Blessing the Space Between Us
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Bless thou to me mine eye
May mine eye bless all that it sees
I will bless my neighbor
May my neighbor bless me.
-a Celtic prayer trans. A Carmichael
Often we feel we are individuals and the space between us and other individuals is empty, barren. But sometimes we say others give off a “vibe,” or that we have a “hunch” or an “intuition” about someone. We sense … something, something between us. Often though, we don’t trust our sensibilities and dismiss them as unreasonable or fanciful. In this program we will try to become sensible again — sensible to trust our senses, including our common sense, and approach them as a kind of knowledge not to be shrugged off as "just a feeling." We’ll enlist some bright people to help us understand how our sensibilities transcend our bodies and apprehend the spaces between us: Aristotle on the senses and on true friendship, monastics on community, philosophers Martha Nussbaum and Harry Frankfurt on love, theologian Karen Armstrong who offers us a distinction between two kinds of knowing — logos (what we apprehend empirically) and mythos (what we perceive through our senses), anthropologists Kathryn Geurts and Rebecca Lester on the cultural origins of our sensibilities and the meaning we make of them, Irish poet John O’Donohue on anam ċara , a peculiarly Celtic form of friendship, Martin Buber on education and the change in sensibility that happens when we think not in terms of separate I and It but in terms of the unitary I-You. In what ways would we live our lives differently if we recognize and bless the space between us?
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 12pm (Library 1001)
Located in: Olympia
Commodities, Conflict, and Cooperation
Winter 2017
Class Size: 75
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program examines how the capitalist drive to extract commodities stokes divisions among cultural communities and deepens their differences and conflicts, as well as how those communities can and have come together to defend common ground. In our inquiry we will use multiple disciplinary and interdisciplinary lenses, including political economy, geography, ethnic and racial studies, political science, sociology, political ecology, feminist economics, literature, and cultural studies.
The program will explore the creative tension between particularism (which emphasizes the autonomy of different identities such as race, ethnicity, or religion) and universalism (which emphasizes unity around similar identities such as social class or the environment). The class will also examine the related interaction between corporate globalization from above (involving cultural homogenization and dividing communities) and grassroots globalization from below (stitching together place-based social movements and cultural communities).
The program will review case studies where the quest to control commodities such as crops, minerals, energy, and labor contributes to ethnic, racial, or religious conflicts as well as cooperation. Fall quarter we will focus on North American cases, such as the origins of racial slavery and the white race in relation to early colonial tobacco plantations; treaty rights struggles of indigenous nations over access to fish and water; and the use of migrant labor from Latin America in fruit fields and orchards. We will review examples of conflicts that led to unlikely alliances between former enemies and redefined the meanings of commodities beyond mere economic purpose. Winter quarter we will compare and contrast North American case studies in other parts of the colonized world, such as the ethnic and sectarian conflicts that divide the oil-rich Middle East, the forested tribal territories of South Asia, and the heartland of corn and chocolate in Mexico. We will draw parallels between domestic and overseas resource wars generated by the same global capitalist systems and link processes of decolonization at home and abroad. We we examine how changing labor markets have shifted gender roles and relations. In general the program will stress community-based learning both within and outside the walls of academia through group work and the use of field trips, field work, guest speakers, and visual depictions of people and places. Students will also participate in workshops on social movement tactics, community engagement, humor, cultural respect, counter-mapping, and social media.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
non-governmental organizations, community-based advocacy, public policy, law and legal rights, education, public health, alternative justice systems, graduate school in social science, history, law, cultural studies, feminist economics, geography, and political economy.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$200 per quarter for overnight field trips.
Class Size: 75
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9:30am (L4300)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-30 | This program will accept new winter enrollment with faculty signature. |
2016-11-17 | Sarah Williams leaves the teaching team winter quarter. She will teach SOS: Commodification and Its Alternatives. Commodities, Conflict, and Cooperation will end after winter quarter. |
2016-04-26 | Fees added ($200 per quarter) |
Communication and Security
Class Size: 25
Variable Credit Options Available
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In this program, students will hone their written and oral communication skills as they learn about different areas of Information and Computer Science. Students will develop a deeper understanding of Information Security issues and important Computer Science concepts, including algorithm complexity and dynamic programming. The individual threads comprising the program are Communication, Information Security seminar, and Topics in Computer Algorithms.
Communication fuses oral and written communication. The students will learn the basics of creating a powerful presentation. The students will also get training in creating written documents such as reports, formal written communications and program documentation. In Information Security seminars, students will give presentations, view related movies, hear talks by outside experts and participate in vigorous discussion of relevant concepts and facts. The Topics inComputer Algorithms thread covers important algorithms and relevant data structures. The students will study important algorithms, design and analysis approaches, and how to choose the most appropriate algorithm for a given problem. Students successfully mastering these topics will be better prepared for upper-level courses in Computer Science and future employment in computing-related fields.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
computer science.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
variable credit options available. Contact faculty for more information.
At least two quarters college-level computer science.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Upper division science credit:
Upper division science credit can be earned upon successful completion of the program objectives; contact the faculty prior to the beginning of the program.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 10am (Sem II E2105)
Located in: Olympia
Community Connections - What Makes Communities Work (at Grays Harbor)
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 25
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The purpose of this three-quarter program is to help students develop the skills needed to assess their communities, capture their observations, and articulate them in a useful form. Students will work to improve their skills in critical thinking, research methods, analytical reading and writing, and understanding across differences of socio-economic class, race and ethnicity. This program will support students pursuing advanced degrees or careers in the field of education, government and non-profit service organizations.
Students will work in teams as they learn research skills, participate in field activities, and keep a record of their progress through a variety of assignments, such as mapping, journaling, oral histories, and data analysis. One of the primary objectives of this program will be to give back to the communities we are studying by adding to historical internet archives, creating photo journals, stories, poems and published articles.
Our contextual focus will be the formation of communities in the “Harbor” – generally speaking the geographic region that is connected to the communities of Aberdeen, Cosmopolis and Hoquiam. Special emphasis will be given to how communities met their need for housing – from the settlement period through to current day challenges of creating affordable housing and meeting the needs of seniors, special needs populations and the homeless.
The communities of the Harbor will be our learning laboratory for our investigation into what makes communities work. We will use a multidisciplinary approach in the examination of how these communities evolved and the role that the private, public and non-profit sectors played in the development of housing as the region grew and developed.
Our examination of the history of the region will seek out answers to how past events inform the current issues in housing and community development policy that the Grays Harbor region is facing now and in the future. Students will learn how to work with primary source material and conduct research as a means of learning skills that are transferable to a broad range of social science disciplines.
Fall quarter will focus on settlement years through WWI. Students will learn primary source research skills as they collect information about the early development of the Harbor Region with a focus on natural resources based industries and meeting the needs of a growing labor force and diverse immigrant populations.
Winter quarter will focus on growth of federal and state housing programs during the boom and bust years of 1920s through 1980. Students will explore how housing programs were created as part of the welfare state of this period and examine their success and shortcomings based on research of how programs, projects and services were implemented in the Harbor Region.
Spring quarter will look at current housing challenges in the Harbor Region including an examination of issues related to affordability, homelessness and innovative approaches to meeting the needs of communities that are gripped by change influenced by local, state, national and international forces.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Education, social services, non-profit management.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat 9a-5p. Classes held on the Grays Harbor College campus, Manspeaker Building, Room 2250.
Located in: Grays Harbor
Community Resilience: Science and Society
Class Size: 48
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What can people do to foster the health of ecological systems and of human communities? Interplays of stress and resilience shape living systems, human and environmental. We can think of resilience as a system’s capacity to absorb or adapt to disturbance while holding to its original function and purpose. Stress broadly defined is anything that makes a system’s development more difficult, as the system acquires and transforms energy and material.
We will investigate the dynamic connections in living systems between stress (also referred to as change, or disturbance) and resilience (response or adaptation). Key questions include: What is resilience in ecological and human communities? How do ecological systems, and the human mind and aptitudes for action, draw resilience from stressful experience? And how can we build social capital (human relationships) and promote collective action, while supporting ecological and social capacities to respond positively to change?
Our second class meeting will be a one-day Saturday field trip to an old-growth forest and to Mt. St. Helens. There we will begin to examine relevant scientific and social concepts. During the rest of the quarter, Olympia’s Capitol Lake and the community of Olympia will focus our investigations of social and ecological capacities that support resilience before, during, and after stressful disturbance.
Program learning activities will include field work, labs and interactive workshops, discussions, readings, and research and writing assignments. Program participants will explore scientific perspectives, and work together to develop analytic habits of mind and performance as thoughtful observers and writers. Credit will be awarded in biology, ecology, and resilience and community studies.
Community Resilience: Science and Society can be taken as a one-quarter program. It is also linked to Community Resilience programs in Winter and Spring.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
environmental science, education, community organizing, non-profit/associational sector, government
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 48
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Wednesdays, 6-10 pm and Saturdays, 9 am- 5 pm. First meeting Wednesday, September 28, 6pm, Sem II C1107.
Located in: Olympia
Community Resilience: Social Equity and Environmental Issues
Class Size: 50
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Community Resilience: Social Equity and Environmental Issues is a program about thriving in the midst of potentially catastrophic shifts. We will be thinking and talking from the perspectives of sociology and community studies along several lines of inquiry:
- the ways in which environment and nature are socially constructed in history, and how various social forces contribute to the identification, emergence, and community responses to environmental issues.
- the effects of inequality – how social aspects of environmental realities in the U.S. are manifested along the lines of race, income and wealth.
- the promise of equity, especially transformative community responses to climate crisis. Here we will focus on innovative ways of reorganizing communal life, already underway around the world.
Several of our program “texts” will be serious games, learning activities through which we can explore issues and develop abilities necessary to effectively engage “wicked” problems (complex problems without an endpoint, which evolve and take new directions over time). Game-based learning fosters skills in collaboration, analytical thinking, decision making, and strategic innovation – capacities vital to community resilience.
Please note that our work will address equity aspects of community organization, environmental issues, and social transformation. This program is not a science-based investigation into global warming, or an investigation of environmental science.
Community Resilience: Social Equity and Environmental Issues is the third of three programs in the Community Resilience series. Junior and senior students new to the series are welcome. (First- and second-year students who began the series in Fall or Winter are welcome to continue through Spring quarter.)
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
government and public service, education, social work, non-profit management, community development and organizing
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Wednesdays, 6-9:45 pm and Saturdays 9:30 am - 4:45 pm Apr 8, 22, May 6, 20, June 3
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-15 | This program is now all-level |
2017-02-05 | Saturday meetings now begin at 9:30 am |
Community Resilience: Women Making Change
Class Size: 25
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Resilient communities depend on relationships of trust and respect between their members. Our attention in Community Resilience: Women Making Change will focus on women’s experiences of organizing and acting for racial and gender equity. We will celebrate the public accomplishments of successful advocates, and consider how best to continue to work for change. An introduction to public policy and its role in shaping lives will provide context for our considerations.
Resilience can be thought of as capacity for learning and for response to change. Writings arising from advocacy work for women’s equity form one record of U.S. society’s social resilience. Program texts will be drawn from U.S. women’s, feminist, and womanist writings from the 1840s, 1970s, and the 1990s and 2000s. These texts encompass four types of writing: history, poetry, the prose of public policies, and creative nonfiction. (Creative nonfiction is factual writing combining accounts of personal experience with more abstract or theoretical thinking.) Women working for change have long relied on crafting and reading poetry and creative nonfiction, in particular, as ways to acknowledge where women stand in the world and where and how they might move forward. History and public policy are important centers of work for social justice and equity – history as a record of human effort, and public policy as one guide for, and path of, action.
Participants in this program will have opportunities to develop the habits of mind of analytic, creative, and resilient thinkers who work with others to create life-affirming choices. Our work to develop skills in research, in clear and thoughtful speaking, in idea-based creative nonfiction writing, and in cultivating a culture of resilience and relationship-building across the significant human differences apparent in any community will be essential components of our work together.
Credit will be awarded in writing and women's studies.
Community Resilience: Women Making Change can be taken as a one-quarter program. It is also linked to the Spring quarter program Community Resilience: Social Equity and Environmental Issues.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
government and public service, education, social work, community development and organizing
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Wed 6-10p and Sat 9:15a-4:45p Jan 14, 28, Feb 11, 25, Mar 11. First meeting is Wednesday, January 11, 6p, in Seminar 2 C2105.
Located in: Olympia
Computability and Language Theory
Winter 2017
Class Size: 46
Variable Credit Options Available
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This program will explore what computers can do, how we get them to do it, and what they can't do. It is designed for advanced computer science students and students with an interest in both mathematics and computer science. The program covers topics in formal computer languages, computability theory, artificial intelligence, and programming language design and implementation. Students will also study a functional programming language, Haskell, learn the theoretical basis of programming languages, and do an in-depth comparison of properties and capabilities of languages in the four primary programming paradigms: functional, logic, imperative, and object-oriented.
These topics are offered in four distinct threads. The Formal Languages thread will cover the theoretical basis of language definitions, concluding with a study of what is computable. The Artificial Intelligence thread will cover machine learning and techniques for building intelligent programs. The Functional Language thread covers advanced programming techniques using the programming language Haskell. The Programming Language thread covers both the theoretical basis and practical implementation of programming languages. Students will have a project opportunity to implement an interpreter for a small programming language.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
computability theory, computer science, education, formal language theory, mathematical logic, mathematics, and programming language design.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
On a space-available basis 4-, 8-, or 12-credit enrollment options are possible for students planning to focus on only one, two or three threads of the program, such as students with a strong mathematical background but little programming experience or students with little mathematical background but strong programming experience. As with the 16-credit option, students joining the program in winter must have course work or experience equivalent to prior fall quarter work for each appropriate thread of study.
Computer Science Foundations program or a strong mathematical background with two quarters of computer programming. Students with a strong mathematical background but little programming experience will be accepted in variable credit options.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Upper division science credit:
All parts of the program cover upper-division material. Upper-division credit will be awarded for successful completion of upper-division work.
Class Size: 46
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 10am (Lib 2612)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Computer Science Foundations
Winter 2017
Class Size: 75
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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In this program students will have the opportunity to learn intellectual concepts and skills essential for advanced work in computer science and beneficial for computing work supporting other disciplines. Students will achieve a deeper understanding of increasingly complex computing systems by acquiring knowledge and skills in mathematical abstraction, problem-solving, and the organization, and analysis of hardware and software systems. The program covers material such as algorithms, data structures, computer organization and architecture, logic, discrete mathematics, and programming in the context of the liberal arts and compatible with model curriculum developed by the Association for Computing Machinery's Liberal Arts Computer Science Consortium.
Program content will be organized around four interwoven themes. The computational organization theme covers concepts and structures of computing systems from digital logic to the computer architecture supporting high-level languages and operating systems. The programming theme concentrates on learning how to design and code computer programs to solve problems. The mathematical theme helps develop mathematical reasoning, theoretical abstractions, and problem-solving skills needed for computer scientists. A technology and society theme explores social, historical, or philosophical topics related to science and technology.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
computer science, mathematics, and computing support for other sciences.
Credits per quarter
High School Algebra II or its equivalent.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 75
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 10am (Lecture Hall 3)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-08-03 | Irene Gassko has joined the teaching team; Adam King has left. |
Computers and Cognition
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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What types of problems can be solved by computers? How do humans and computers differ in the types of problems they can solve? What is the future of computing, and will computers evolve an intelligence that includes what we would define as human thought? Can computers learn or create on their own? This program will explore the basics of computer science, how computers work, and their possibilities and limits. The program will include basic programming in Javascript, Web development, introductory computer electronics, and other computer science topics. We will contrast this with human cognition. We will then look at how computers will likely affect the way we live, work, and relate in the future. In seminar we will explore the issues surrounding machine vs. human consciousness and strong artificial intelligence.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon & Wed 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Computing Practice and Theory: Consumer Behavior
Class Size: 50
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This project-oriented program for intermediate and advanced computer science and business students will weave together the theory and practice of cross-cutting topics in computer science, data mining, and data analytics in the context of Big Data. The overriding question of the program is how do we organize and analyze large amounts of data to discover or confirm patterns.
The program will meet for lectures, seminar, workshops, and labs. Particularly in seminar, students will share responsibility for presenting and discussing concepts from the readings and lectures. In addition to seminar and lecture, the program will have two disciplinary components and a project. The disciplinary components will focus on: 1) data mining, machine learning, and pattern recognition and 2) statistics, modeling, and visualization.
Students will also be expected to apply the computing sub-discipline of their choice to a research paper, or a programming or statistics project, and present their work orally and in written reports. To facilitate projects, faculty will organize small affinity groups that meet twice weekly (once with a faculty adviser) to discuss progress and questions. Projects will begin with a proposal and bibliography, and should be either small enough in scope to be completed in one quarter or a self-contained part of a larger project. While faculty will encourage project work in areas related to program themes (data mining, machine learning, database systems, data visualization—especially visual analytics—networking, security, algorithmic complexity), they will approve other well-defined and promising projects that have a significant computer science or programming component. Projects can be either individual or small group.
This program aims to give students from Computability and Computer Science Foundations opportunities to continue work begun in those programs. Students who have taken Computability will be expected to complete more advanced work to earn upper-division credit.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
computer science and mathematics.
Credits per quarter
Computer Science Foundations (including discrete mathematics) or equivalent experience.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Upper division science credit:
Students seeking to earn upper-division credit must complete the "Seeking Upper Division" form during the first week of the quarter. This form will ask questions that allow students to describe the area of their proposed project work and their competency to complete work at the upper-division level (e.g., completion of two quarters of Computability). The form will be posted on the program website about mid-March.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 10am (Sem II C1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-16 | Description updated. |
2016-02-08 | Jon Baumunk will teach this program with Richard Weiss. |
Consciousness, Dreams, and Beliefs: The Nature of Personal Reality
Winter 2017
Class Size: 50
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In this interdisciplinary program, we will focus on advanced topics in consciousness studies and the psychology of dreams. We’ll explore consciousness by examining dreams and personal belief systems using both scientific research and first-person experience. We’ll explore dynamics of the psyche by examining the following questions. What is the psyche, what is consciousness, and what are their properties and dynamics? Are there different types of consciousness? What is the relationship between unconscious and conscious mental processes? What is the relationship among the conscious, unconscious, and personal beliefs in constructing our sense of self and our experience individually and en masse?
Fall quarter we’ll consider consciousness and dreams from a variety of viewpoints. In addition to the third-person approach of our texts and lectures, students will explore the topics by keeping structured journals of their first-person experiences and dreams. Winter quarter we’ll continue with a more in-depth analysis of these topics and the role of beliefs in perception and experience. There will be a substantial individual research component winter quarter culminating in a presentation to the class.
The work will be challenging intellectually and personally. Students will be expected to keep a detailed log of their work and expect to document working efficiently for a minimum of 48 hours each week, including class time. Students should be willing to study details of empirical research of conscious and unconscious processes as well as be willing to explore their personal beliefs in a variety of areas and in both personal and group activities.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
consciousness studies, psychology, social work, and government.
Credits per quarter
Be prepared to explore challenging and unfamiliar ideas! This program is for junior or senior level students, but the only prerequisites are to have learned how to work hard, read actively, identify authors’ evidence for main points, and be willing to work on both third-person texts and first-person introspective activities.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$30 in winter for entrance fees and supplies.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day and Evening
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 11am (Com 323)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-09-21 | Fall fee removed. |
2016-03-15 | A visitor will join the teaching team; enrollment has been increased. |
Consciousness: Eastern Philosophy of Mind and Contemplative Practices
Class Size: 25
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Can consciousness be studied through trained subjective experience? In the recent decade, methodologies utilizing first person inquiry have evolved as a crucial tool in investigating the nature of consciousness. Exploring and comprehending the nature and function of human consciousness can help us to discover our innate potential at the deepest levels of advanced consciousness. Students in this program will integrate the findings of Western science with Eastern (Buddhist) philosophies of mind, and will engage in contemplative techniques such as systematic training in universal ethics, refined attention, classical/contemporary mindfulness, analytical skills, and direct experience. Main areas of inquiry include the nature of mind and its functions, store-house consciousness, grosser and subtler mind, conceptual thought and non-conceptual awareness, attention, emotions and perceptions.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Mon, Wed, 6-10 pm; Sat 9 am - 4:30 pm
Located in: Olympia
Core Ballet
Class Size: 22
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In this course, students will be learning the basic steps and terminology of Classical Ballet. In addition they will learn a series of exercises that help strengthen and develop their core muscular system. This course is excellent for those who want to increase their flexibility and overall coordination as well as work on their ability to focus and experience a greater self awareness via movement. Basic dance attire is required.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Dance, Theater, Personal Trainer
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$31 fee for required exercise tool
Class Size: 22
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu 5:30-7:30p
Located in: Olympia
Core Ballet A
Class Size: 22
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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In this course, students will learn fundamentals of ballet and gain greater physical flexibility and coordination. In addition, we will practice developmental movement therapy, Beamish BodyMind Balancing Floorbarre and visualization exercises. We will use them to achieve heightened awareness of self through movement both in and outside class. Students will need ballet slippers.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$35 for an exercise tool
Class Size: 22
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Saturdays 10a-noon
Located in: Olympia
Core Ballet A
Class Size: 22
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Taught by
In this course, students will learn fundamentals of ballet and gain greater physical flexibility and coordination. In addition, we will practice developmental movement therapy, Beamish BodyMind Balancing Floorbarre and visualization exercises. We will use them to achieve heightened awareness of self through movement both in and outside class. Students will need ballet slippers.Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$31 for an exercise tool
Class Size: 22
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Saturdays 10a-noon. First meeting is Saturday, January 14, 10a, in CRC 116.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-20 | Student fee decreased to $31 (was $35) |
Core Ballet A
Class Size: 22
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
In this course, students will learn fundamentals of ballet and gain greater physical flexibility and coordination. In addition, we will practice developmental movement therapy, Beamish BodyMind Balancing Floorbarre and visualization exercises. We will use them to achieve heightened awareness of self through movement both in and outside class. Students will need ballet slippers.Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$31 for an exercise tool
Class Size: 22
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Saturdays 10a-noon.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-20 | Student Fee decreased to $31 (was $35) |
Core Ballet B
Class Size: 22
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
In this course, students will learn fundamentals of ballet and gain greater physical flexibility and coordination. In addition, we will practice developmental movement therapy, Beamish BodyMind Balancing Floorbarre and visualization exercises. Students will learn to apply these techniques to achieve heightened awareness of self through movement both in and outside class.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$35 for exercise tool
Class Size: 22
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-8p
Located in: Olympia
Core Ballet B
Class Size: 22
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Taught by
In this course, students will learn fundamentals of ballet and gain greater physical flexibility and coordination. In addition, we will practice developmental movement therapy, Beamish BodyMind Balancing Floorbarre and visualization exercises. Students will learn to apply these techniques to achieve heightened awareness of self through movement both in and outside class.Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$31 for exercise tool
Class Size: 22
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-8p. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6p, in CRC 116.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-20 | Student fee decreased to $31 (was $35) |
Core Ballet B
Class Size: 22
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
In this course, students will learn fundamentals of ballet and gain greater physical flexibility and coordination. In addition, we will practice developmental movement therapy, Beamish BodyMind Balancing Floorbarre and visualization exercises. Students will learn to apply these techniques to achieve heightened awareness of self through movement both in and outside class.Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$31 for exercise tool
Class Size: 22
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon 5:30-7:30pm
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-20 | Student fee decreased to $31 (was $35) |
Cornerstone: Foundations for Success
Class Size: 25
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For new and returning students, this class is designed to help develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to be successful in your college experience. There are many kinds of academic learning and many ways of knowing. Students will have to make sense of lectures, discussions, literature, and research, all of which involve different approaches to learning. This course is designed to help you discover a pathway toward reading, writing and discussing critical issues relevant to your complex worlds. Students will examine how to increase their understanding and knowledge in relation to Evergreen's Five Foci (Interdisciplinary Study, Collaborative Learning, Learning Across Significant Differences, Personal Engagement, and Linking Theory with Practical Applications) as well as charting a course for a liberal arts degree that links career goals with lifelong learning.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thursdays, 5:30-9:30 pm. First meeting is Thursday, January 12, 5:30p, in Seminar 2 A2109.
Located in: Olympia
Cornerstone: Foundations for Success
Class Size: 25
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What do you hope to gain from being in college? What will it take for you to succeed here? This 4-credit class is an opportunity for beginning and returning students to think deeply about their education, to develop skills that contribute to college success, and to chart a path toward career goals and life-long learning. We will begin by investigating the history and function of the Liberal Arts in society, with special attention given to the Five Foci of an Evergreen Education (Interdisciplinary Study, Collaborative Learning, Learning Across Significant Differences, Personal Engagement, and Linking Theory with Practice). In the process of our investigation, students will work to strengthen their academic reading, writing, note-taking, speaking, and critical reasoning skills. Students will identify areas of particular academic interest and need, and they’ll develop strategies to meet those learning goals in the future.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thu 6-10 pm
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-24 | Schedule update: Class now meets Thursday (was Monday) |
Cornerstone: Foundations for Success (A)
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
For beginning and returning students, this 4-credit class is designed to strengthen students' reading, writing, and critical thinking skills in relation to Evergreen's Five Foci (Interdisciplinary Study, Collaborative Learning, Learning Across Significant Differences, Personal Engagement, and Linking Theory with Practical Applications). Students will read, write about, discuss in seminar, and do workshops focused on a common theme. This quarter, the theme will be the place of higher education in contemporary society. Students will also do research and writing on a topic of particular importance to them in their own college education. Through doing this work, students will sharpen the abilities needed to shape a strong Liberal Arts education at Evergreen.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-10p. First meeting Tuesday Sept 27, 6p, Sem II C2109.
Located in: Olympia
Cornerstone: Foundations for Success (B)
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
For beginning and returning students, this 4-credit class is designed to strengthen students' reading, writing, and critical thinking skills in relation to Evergreen's Five Foci (Interdisciplinary Study, Collaborative Learning, Learning Across Significant Differences, Personal Engagement, and Linking Theory with Practical Applications). Students will read, write about, discuss in seminar, and do workshops focused on a common theme. This quarter, the theme will be neurobiology and motivation as they relate to learning in higher education. Through doing this work, students will sharpen the abilities needed to shape a strong Liberal Arts education at Evergreen.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Liberal Arts education
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Th. First meeting Thursday, September 29, 6p, Sem II C2107.
Located in: Olympia
Cosmology and Mythology: Science and Story
Winter 2017
Class Size: 50
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During this year-long program, we will cultivate a sense of wonder as we explore our place in the universe. Through a study of astronomy and cosmology, science and story, intellect and imagination, we will develop tools to understand the nature of our world—from human through astronomical scales—as we study critical and creative models of thinking in the sciences and humanities, including language, literature, myth, history, philosophy, mathematics, sustainability, education, and the arts . How do diverse cultures and disciplines express a relationship to the cosmos as they ask foundational questions: “Who are we?” “Why are we here?” and “What difference does it make?”
As we follow the historic development of astronomical ideas--from prehistory to contemporary cosmological theories—we will consider scientific, literary, mythological, alchemical, and ecological systems of thought that reveal cycles of transformation and change. Through embracing the tools of science and story, we will deepen our understanding about the evolution of the cosmos, life on earth, and the evolutionary and ecological challenges of sustainability that face the world today.
Through workshops and observations, participants will combine theory and practice as they analyze various models. They will make quantitative inquiries into the nature and origin of physical phenomena as they explore various narratives about the natural world. They will develop critical and creative writing skills, along with the ability to analyze diverse poetic, literary, cultural, and philosophic texts and traditions.
Over the year, students will learn to use binoculars and telescopes to do field-studies and identify stars, planets, constellations, and other astronomical phenomena. We will take field trips to a planetarium, science center, or observatory. Students will use virtual technologies and software to simulate the night sky, navigate star charts, and plan stargazing explorations.
There are no science prerequisites to enter this program. We will develop all scientific topics from the ground up. By the end of the program students will precisely describe and explain the motion of objects in the solar system, stellar evolution, the creation of the building blocks of the material world, modern theories of the origin of the universe, and the connection between science, wisdom, sustainability, and the future.
Fall: Celestial Motions
In the fall, we will explore celestial motions. We will ask, what is the relationship between earth and sky, time and space? We will look at different calendars and explore cycles and seasons; we will learn about the ecliptic, fixed stars, the zodiac, solar and lunar motion, and how and when eclipses occur. We will study classic and cross-cultural star lore, literature and essays that explore the human connection between earth and sky, and investigate ancient cultures and archeo-astronomy. Students will tell star stories and create their own star maps based on qualitative and quantitative information. Students will work in teams to do research and create virtual planetarium programs or other projects.
Winter: Stellar Evolution and Transformation
In the winter, we will deepen our understanding of cosmology as we learn about stellar and solar evolution, cosmic cycles of transformation and change, and the building blocks of the cosmos. We will investigate the history of scientific thought, medieval alchemical traditions, and solar cosmologies from the Salish Star Child myth to ancient Vedas. Students will read and write poetic and fictional works related to astronomy, complete a research project and paper, and will create an artistic project, such as a Cornell Box, based on the alchemical symbols and art, or other course themes.
Spring: Big Bang--Science, Wisdom, and The Future
In the spring we will deepen our understanding through exploring theories about relativity, the Big Bang, cosmic evolution, life on earth, the search for extraterrestrial life, and other cosmic quandaries. We will study creation stories and myths, and a variety of writers exploring the relationship between science, wisdom, and the future. Bringing our studies back to earth, and evolutionary processes, we will study sustainability and global warming from both a planetary and ethical point of view, connecting astronomy to cultural, ecological, and social justice issues. Students will develop educational or research projects that they can present at Science Circus, or other public venues. They will continue to develop their star-finding skills, after class in the evenings, and will learn to give public star hunts and presentations about the upcoming eclipse in the summer of 2017.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
astronomy, mathematics, and science education and research; education, public programs, and interpretive work (museums, parks, observatories, outdoor education); writing, fiction, literature, philosophy, cultural studies, mythology and storytelling; sustainability, social, and environmental ethics;
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Fall: $80 for field trips and supplies. Winter: $80 for field trips and supplies. Spring: $300 for an overnight field trip and supplies.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Fall: Mon and Wed 6-10p. Winter: Mon and Wed 6-10p plus a Weekend Retreat Fri Feb 3 (evening)- Sat Feb 4. First meeting is Monday, January 9, 6p, in Seminar 2 C1105. Spring: Mon and Wed 6-10 p plus one weekend field trip, dates to be confirmed.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-24 | This program has been cancelled for Spring quarter |
Cosmology: Science, Wisdom, and the Future
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
We will cultivate a sense of wonder as we explore our place in the universe. Through a study of astronomy and cosmology, science and story, intellect and imagination, we will develop tools to understand our world from human through astronomical scales . How do diverse cultures and disciplines express a relationship to the cosmos as they ask foundational questions: “Who are we?” “What is the nature of the universe?" "How do we create knowledge about ourselves and the universe?". Students will write extensively throughout the quarter as they explore these questions.
By observing the night sky, we look into space and time and directly encounter some of the universe's most profound elements and mysteries. Students will learn to use binoculars and telescopes to do field-studies and identify stars, planets, constellations, and other astronomical phenomena. Students will use virtual technologies and software to simulate the night sky, navigate star charts, and plan stargazing explorations.
Our scientific explorations of the cosmos have revealed wondrous and mysterious aspects of the physical universe. Artists, writers, and filmmakers have explored possibilities not yet realized by current technology. By examining the laws of physics, as they are best understood today, we will separate the possible from the impossible and critically analyze works of fiction that speculate about the limits of human experience.
Some of our most startling views of the cosmos are not found in fiction but in clearly established physical and cosmological theories. We will work with Albert Einstein's theories of relativity and see how strange our world really is. We will accomplish this with no prior science or mathematics prerequisites! All of our work will be developed from the ground up. Students are expected to write and read at a college level, but no specific prior writing experience is required.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Education, physical sciences,
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$5 fee for an outdoor thermometer
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 6-10 pm
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-24 | New offering added for Spring 2017 |
Counting on the Brain
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
Neuroscience continues to be one of the fastest growing areas of biology and is at the cutting edge of technical and conceptual advances in the life sciences. If you want to know how animals (including humans) touch, hear, see, smell, and remember things, then you need to study ions, molecules, cells, neural networks, brain structure and behavior. We will first learn about the function of the brain’s cellular computers: neurons. We will learn how neurons differ from other cells, how they generate electrical signals, and how they communicate with one another via synapses. We will then investigate how neurons cooperate in circuits by studying five sensory systems: vision, touch, hearing, taste and smell. Cellular and molecular mechanisms will be emphasized alongside the physics and mathematics of neurobiology. In the mathematics workshops we will study linear, exponential, rational, and logarithmic functions using a problem-solving approach to college algebra. Collaborative learning will be emphasized. A graphing calculator is required. Strong emphasis will be placed on developing students' quantitative skills in order that they be prepared to undertake future scientific programs.
Our learning goals will include development of analytical and critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, reading, and writing skills. Weekly activities will include lectures, presentations, labs, workshops, and seminars. Students will be required to submit weekly homework assignments, lab and workshop reports, and seminar papers and to contribute actively to the learning community. Students who successfully complete the math portion of the program will receive six credits of Algebraic Thinking for Science and be prepared for precalculus I.
Note: This program will be repeated winter and spring quarters. Students taking the program fall quarter should not register for the winter or spring repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology, mathematics, physics, health sciences, education, and other natural sciences.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, September 26 at 9am (Lib 0406)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-07-20 | New fall opportunity added. |
Counting on the Brain
Class Size: 50
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
Neuroscience continues to be one of the fastest growing areas of biology and is at the cutting edge of technical and conceptual advances in the life sciences. If you want to know how animals (including humans) touch, hear, see, smell, and remember things, then you need to study ions, molecules, cells, neural networks, brain structure and behavior. We will first learn about the function of the brain’s cellular computers: neurons. We will learn how neurons differ from other cells, how they generate electrical signals, and how they communicate with one another via synapses. We will then investigate how neurons cooperate in circuits by studying five sensory systems: vision, touch, hearing, taste and smell. Cellular and molecular mechanisms will be emphasized alongside the physics and mathematics of neurobiology. In the mathematics workshops we will study linear, exponential, and logarithmic functions using a problem-solving approach to college algebra. Collaborative learning will be emphasized. Strong emphasis will be placed on developing students' quantitative skills in order that they be prepared to undertake future scientific programs.
Our learning goals will include development of analytical and critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, reading, and writing skills. Weekly activities will include lectures, presentations, labs, workshops, and seminars. Students will be required to submit weekly homework assignments, lab and workshop reports, and seminar papers and to contribute actively to the learning community. Students who successfully complete the math portion of the program will receive five credits of Algebraic Thinking for Science and be prepared for precalculus I.
Note: This program will be repeated spring quarter. Students taking the program winter quarter should not register for the spring repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology, mathematics, physics, health sciences, education, and other natural sciences.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 50
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 9am (Lecture Hall Classroom 7)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-11-14 | Change to the description: a graphing calculator is not required. |
2016-05-04 | New winter opportunity added. |
Counting on the Brain
Class Size: 50
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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Note: This program is a repeat of a program offered winter quarter. Students who took the winter program should not register for the spring repeat.
Neuroscience continues to be one of the fastest growing areas of biology and is at the cutting edge of technical and conceptual advances in the life sciences. If you want to know how animals (including humans) touch, hear, see, smell, and remember things, then you need to study ions, molecules, cells, neural networks, brain structure and behavior. We will first learn about the function of the brain’s cellular computers: neurons. We will learn how neurons differ from other cells, how they generate electrical signals, and how they communicate with one another via synapses. We will then investigate how neurons cooperate in circuits by studying five sensory systems: vision, touch, hearing, taste and smell. Cellular and molecular mechanisms will be emphasized alongside the physics and mathematics of neurobiology. In the mathematics workshops we will study linear, exponential, and logarithmic functions using a problem-solving approach to college algebra. Collaborative learning will be emphasized. Strong emphasis will be placed on developing students' quantitative skills in order that they be prepared to undertake future scientific programs.
Our learning goals will include development of analytical and critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, reading, and writing skills. Weekly activities will include lectures, presentations, labs, workshops, and seminars. Students will be required to submit weekly homework assignments, lab and workshop reports, and seminar papers and to contribute actively to the learning community. Students who successfully complete the math portion of the program will receive five credits of Algebraic Thinking for Science and be prepared for precalculus I.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology, mathematics, physics, health sciences, education, and other natural sciences.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 50
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, Apriril 3 at 9am (Lecture Hall Classroom 5)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-04 | New spring opportunity added. |
Create. Destroy. Repeat.
Winter 2017
Class Size: 25
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Imagine every creative artifact—story, poem, essay, video essay—is the result of a process of radically optimistic disruption. Using writing, moving image and sound as modes of creative and critical inquiry, participants in this program will seek to understand and make use of the generative potential of processes that require a deliberate and mindful break, rupture or deviation from our sense of meaning and how it is represented and communicated. We will explore concepts and processes such as adaptation, recursion, translation, mutation, permutation, erasure, multiplication, fragmentation, hybridity, and more.
Over the course of two quarters, students will generate a body of creative work in text, moving image, and audio, engaging in a process-based interrogation of the relationships between form and content. Working iteratively, students will radically adapt their work in response to successive formal constraints designed to catalyze leaps of imagination, to inspire rigorous critical inquiry, to cultivate a deeper connection to individual voice, and to introduce a variety of creative forms and practices.
Program participants will learn about and develop skill with the elements of narrative, lyrical and time-based discourse through workshops, presentations, seminar, screenings, critique, and through iterative critical and creative writing assignments. Participants will experiment with different ways of engaging their work independently and as a community of artists: developing a sustaining creative practice, building and participating in an online community, and going away together for extended creative retreats.
Texts and assignments will facilitate deeper awareness of the relationship between critical and creative thought and practice. There will be a strong emphasis on writers and artists whose perspectives and work exist in the borderlands of identity, genre, and discipline. Authors and media artists currently being considered for the program reading list include Claudia Rankine, Lia Purpura, Bhanu Kapil, Susan Howe, Teresa Hak Kyung Cha, Pipilotti Rist, Laurie Simmons and others.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
criticism, editing/publishing, literature and writing.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$200 in fall and $50 in winter for field trip transportation and lodging, workshop registration and supplies.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 10am (Lib 1326)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-04 | This program will not accept new enrollment. |
2016-11-04 | Winter fee reduced ($200 to $50). |
2016-02-24 | New fall-winter opportunity added. |
Creating Community and Health Through Gardens
Class Size: 25
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In this 8-credit summer class, we explore ways in which various types of gardens can contribute to community and health. Each week we visit medicinal, edible, community, and ethnobotanical gardens. We will interview gardeners, identify plants, strengthen nature drawing and journaling skills, and consider themes related to sustainability. Our work will consist of readings, seminars, workshops, and plant studies as well as community-based garden care and a small, related research project. This class is suitable for students interested in education, community development, health studies, plant studies, Indigenous studies, sustainability, ethnobotany, herbalism, and horticulture.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
health, community, education, ecology, botany, sustainability
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$60 for entrance fees, garden tools, and workshop supplies
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
9:30-5:30; Tues, Wed, Thurs; June 27-July 20; Weeks 1-4 (no class July 4)
Located in: Olympia
Creating Motivating Learning Environments for Diverse Learners
Class Size: 25
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This course will explore motivational theory and culturally responsive teaching. Students will reflect on their own experiences as learners and identify concrete ways to create motivating learning environments in various settings. Students will create professional development materials for teachers in P-12 and/or higher education to make their classroom environments more motivating for today's diverse learners.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
classroom teaching, college teaching, professional development and training, leadership
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Located in: Olympia
Crisis and Transformation in the U.S.: Political Economy, Class, Social Movements, and Media
Class Size: 50
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This program will investigate four periods of crisis and transformation in the US, focusing on their impact on political economy, social movements, and the media. While crises are often seen as "rough times" unexpectedly and temporarily interrupting what is taken as a "normal" aspect of progress, we will study them as aspects of fundamental change and restructuring which result in opportunities for some and reversals for others, often setting in motion a new political-economic trajectory.
For many, the economic and political crisis of the past decade was their first experience with a relatively sudden and severe economic downturn in which political priorities are restructured and outcomes uncertain. Similarly, for many, 2011-12’s Occupy was their first experience of a mass opposition movement. Yet these were not new phenomena in the US. We will place our current crisis in historical and theoretical context through the examination of four major periods of political-economic crisis and transformation. Two periods are well known; our current crisis and the deep depression that bridged the close of World War I to the opening of World War II. Another largely forgotten period is the "Great Depression" of the late 19th century, out of which emerged a "modern" industrialized United States. Additionally, we will investigate the first period of crisis, spanning the end of the revolutionary war through the ratification of the Constitution. Each period was characterized by economic crisis and social upheaval, raising new political-economic possibilities and closing off others, ultimately resulting in a transformation of US capitalism.
We will also address the crisis of US journalism, providing theoretical and historical context by looking at the way critical junctures in the evolution of the media (involving print journalism, telegraph, radio, and internet) coincided or not with the major crises of capitalism. We will pay special attention to how and when the media served the interests of the powerful, and how and when the media served the interests of social movements.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
graduate study in political economy, political science, history and historical sociology, teacher education programs, and informed citizenship.
Credits per quarter
Prior college-level work in history and/or political economy.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, January 10 at 10am (Sem II A3105).
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-02-12 | Paul McMillin joins Jeanne Hahn to offer this program. This program will now accept Sophomores through Seniors. |
Critical Reasoning
Class Size: 25
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In this intensive writing course, students will learn how to critically evaluate persuasive writing as well as how to write well-reasoned, persuasive writing of their own. Students will study informal reasoning and develop their own abilities to give good reasons in writing for their own views. Students will develop their reasoning and writing skills through sustained engagement with a particular theme. This quarter's theme will be the reliability and accuracy of "open Internet" information sources.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays, 6-10 p. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6p, in Seminar 2 B3107.
Located in: Olympia
Critical Thought and Social Consciousness Through Film
Class Size: 23
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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This introductory program uses film that revolves around complex issues found in society and that may offer different perspectives on human and societal behavior. Students will view and analyze popular and documentary films that include the topical areas of race relations, corporate influence and impacts, LGBTQ community issues, gender study, and student selected topics. Films may include: Crash, Milk, American History X, Wall Street, Grand Torino, Blackfish, Traffic, Missrepresentation, and How to Survive a Plague. Students will review critiques of the films, participate in seminars, use organizing techniques to identify concepts, review competing and historical perspectives, and study foundational books. In addition, students will begin to understand the roots of social and activist movements. Students will produce reflections, comparative analyses, a substantial research paper on the topic of their choice, deep reflective questions regarding the films, and research work associated with each film category. Students will produce a short introductory film within the framework of their research topic. They will understand the meaning of social consciousness and the value of significant dialogue. Students should be prepared to enter into difficult discussions with civility and respect and are expected to critically examine their own beliefs in light of differing perspectives. Students have the opportunity to earn credit in political science, critical thought, social consciousness, media studies, or social justice.
NOTE : students in this program must be prepared to view films that offer controversial, uncomfortable, emotional or trigger subject matter, and may be rated R. Students need to be able to access assigned films on sites such as Netflix or Amazon.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
social services, politics, social justice, media
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students will be required to watch films on their own and should expect to pay (approximately $9-60) for the expense of renting them or streaming films via Netflix, Amazon, or other sites.
Class Size: 23
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9:30am (Lib 1540)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-11 | New spring opportunity added. |
Cultivating Voice: A Writing Tutor's Craft
Class Size: 20
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This course combines a seminar with a practicum to prepare students to become peer tutors at Evergreen's Writing Center on the Olympia campus. In seminar, we will explore tutoring theories, examine the role of a peer tutor and develop effective tutoring practices. In the practicum, students will observe peer tutoring and graduate to supervised tutoring. The course also will address working with unique populations of learners. Students considering graduate school in related fields will benefit from this course.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
4-6p Thursdays
First class meeting: Thursday, April 3 at 4pm (Lib 1412)
Located in: Olympia
CultureLab: Advanced Projects in Visual and Media Arts
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 42
Variable Credit Options Available
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This program offers students ready for intensive full-time work in the theory and practice of visual and/or media arts opportunities to pursue multi-quarter individual or collaborative capstone projects or media and arts-related internships. This program is designed for students with a broad interdisciplinary background in the liberal arts and significant in-depth studies in the theory and practice of one or more of the visual or media arts. These may include 2-D practices such as drawing, painting, printmaking, photography; 3-D design or sculpture; installation or performance; video, film or animation; digital or interactive arts; and sound design. Students with a significant background in media theory or art history and who wish to deepen their studies to include an arts-based practice or an academic project, such as museum studies or curatorial practices, or an arts-related internship are also welcome.
Building on perspectives and approaches developed in previous work in visual and/or media arts, and prior interdisciplinary program work, students will pursue research agendas, share their findings in presentations, develop projects based on that research and practice skills in conceptual design and project planning. They will work intensively together, producing a significant body of thematic work in the context of a supportive, critical, and creative learning community. Students may develop projects in a wide range of media and media forms to investigate an even wider range of themes and questions. Students will engage in reading, reflective and theoretical writing, rigorous weekly critiques, targeted technical skill workshops, and professional development opportunities for those contemplating graduate school or post-college careers in media and/or visual arts related fields. Students will attend frequent presentations by visiting artists and scholars to broaden their fluency with themes and concerns of contemporary arts and culture.
In fall, students will engage in a series of generative, conceptual design exercises and research activities to define the direction of their work for the year and expand their facility with technologies, materials, and creative approaches including ceramics, 3-D design, animation, and other time-based forms.
In winter, the focus shifts from concept development to practice and production. Work-in-progress critiques will be central as students engage in regular critical analysis of one another’s creative work. Students will also collaborate on short research projects about contemporary artists who have attempted to push the technological and conceptual boundaries of the visual or media arts. During spring, students will complete their projects, engage further in extensive critiques, produce a public exhibition of their works, and develop a professional portfolio and related documents.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
visual arts, media arts, and education.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
8-16 credit options available.
Students must have 1) A broad liberal arts foundation including college-level reading, writing, and critical thinking skills indicated by at least 32 credits of an Evergreen interdisciplinary program or the equivalent, 2) at least 32 credits of in-depth study and practice in visual or media arts (such as Mediaworks or Studio Projects). Evidence of these skills will be assessed through a portfolio of creative work, recent draft of the Academic Statement and a faculty evaluation of student achievement. In lieu of an Academic Statement and a faculty evaluation, transfer students may substitute a transcript and cover letter describing their academic history, and goals and a short letter of recommendation from a prior faculty. See program application for more details.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$80 per quarter for entrance fees and art supplies.
Class Size: 42
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10am (Art Annex Critique Room 2104)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-16 | Prerequisites, winter and spring signature, and winter quarter activities updated. |
2016-04-28 | Fall fees reduced. |
Dance Intensive
Class Size: 18
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This two-week, Monday through Friday class runs from July 10-21 and is for students of any level of dance experience. The morning session consists of Ballet and the Beamish Bodymind Balancing System. This system has been used by elite dancers, singers and actors around the world to help prevent injuries, increase flexibility, strength and focus while decreasing tension in the body and mind. The afternoon session consists of contemporary, modern and other dance forms.
Students may take both morning and afternoon classes for a total of 4 credits or the morning or afternoon session for 2 credits. Dance clothing is required. Please contact faculty for details.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Dance, Choreography, Arts
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
The class meets Monday through Friday, July 10-21, from 9-12 am and 1-4:30 pm, if taking for 4 credits. If taking for 2 credits you can choose am or pm times.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-06-19 | Schedule change: Afternoon session now ends at 4:30 pm |
Dance of Power, Freedom, Belonging, and Fun
Spring 2017
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This full-time, two-quarter program is dance-based, emphasizing student-centered composition and performance. Daily movement activities include 1) Pilates-based conditioning, 2) Nikolais/Louis-based modern dance technique, 3) Laban-based theory/improvisation and analysis, 4) dance composition and critique, including film, text, and movement seminars, and 5) bi-weekly performance forums. Students will learn basic skills of creating and presenting choreography in an open, non-judgmental workshop setting. In winter, we will learn basic methods of generating, developing, and analyzing movement into meaningful compositions. In the spring, we will develop and refine winter work, and identify key areas of student interest through student-directed final projects. Students will organize in cohorts around common interests and develop group project objectives, rehearsal and production schedules toward a studio performance at the end of the quarter.
There are ten basic learning objectives: 1) acquire experiential knowledge of basic anatomy and principles of kinesiology related to dance technique, 2) generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and theories of dance, 3) organize and develop artistic ideas into dance compositions, 4) refine and complete compositions, 5) select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation, 6) develop and refine dance compositions for presentation, 7) convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work, 8) interpret intent and meaning in artistic work through critique and discussion, 9) synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make dance art, and 10) relate artistic ideas and works in societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
Students will learn the basics of dance composition, such as finding and developing a theme, phrasing, organization of performance space, musical time, visual design, and the development of a durable and responsive dance language. We will explore questions such as: What can the body and its parts—hand, eye, heart, hip, knee, etc.—symbolize and express metaphorically? How do we model and explore personal and social relationships in context of solo, small, and large group dance forms? Dance is a visual, as well as a kinetic art. How do visual forces , such as depth perception, perspective, color, architectural space, etc., coordinate with kinetic forces such as weight, momentum, inertia, muscular effort, to create cohesive, meaningful, and clearly articulated artistic statements? We will explore ways that movement and dance can empower and liberate the individual's latent creative intelligence, build community , and promote health and well-being .
Each week explores a clearly defined artistic premise that fits progressively and recursively into the two-quarter syllabus. Study includes units in correct warm-up, injury prevention and care, trust building and collaborative learning. Text seminars will include methods of working with and against texts and writing about them.
Please note: Although the program involves exploration of creative insights and blocks, it is aesthetically, not psychologically oriented. All are welcome without exception to engage in a mature, sophisticated inquiry of embodied awareness and control within the broad area of aesthetics; not psychotherapy.
Credits per quarter
Prior experience in dance, movement, or other focused kinetic forms and genres, including athletics is necessary. This is a rigorous movement-based program requiring robust kinesthetic aptitude and ability. For further clarification please visit the faculty at Academic Fair, and/or contact Rob at espositr@evergreen.edu.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 10am (Com 209)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-16 | New winter-spring program added. |
Dance of Wisdom: Embodied Consciousness
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Note: Rob Esposito taught in this program fall-only. A bug in the catalog makes it appear as though he is teaching the full length of the program.
Every sensation, emotion, thought, and movement we experience, we experience in and through our bodies. This year-long program explores how we fully know and express ourselves and our world through the study and practice of authentic movement, music, drawing, writing, and dance. We will examine the formal components of movement through study of experiential anatomy and kinesiology while also exploring the subjective dimensions of experience using instruments and theories of psychology, existential phenomenology, Gestalt, art history, and movement forms such as Open Floor, Authentic Movement, and modern dance technique, improvisation, composition, and performance.
The first quarter will address foundational and historical roots of somatic psychology, dance, and fine art and introduce practical methods for working with and composing movement, drawing, music, and writing. Through progressively integrated classes in these expressive arts, we will learn concrete methods for accessing the body's wisdom, beauty, and wholeness. In the second quarter, students play freely with basic theories, principles, and methods for creating original work with personal and social meaning and value. Together we will learn how emotions and thoughts live in the body, and how movement reveals and expresses what we think, feel, sense, and know. Working individually and in groups we will discover how personal decisions and actions affect the group and build holistic communities. Spring quarter integrates learning from fall and winter, linking theory with unique creative applications. Students take the lead in creating, organizing, and performing original multimedia art and performance rituals, and present culminating reports and papers.
Throughout the year the program will work with multiple forms of intelligence, somatic practices, and integrative expressive arts approaches to learning. Students will explore practices of movement (such as dance or yoga), writing, drawing, and theater in order to cultivate the senses as well as the imagination and powers of expression. These practices will help us understand the deeper aspects of the human experience, which are the source of self-leadership, intentional living, and positive change. Students will also investigate the relationship between inner transformation and social change through engagement in community service.
Come join us!
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
consciousness studies, dance, leadership studies, somatic studies, and theater.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$85 in fall, $15 in winter, and $110 in spring for supplies and overnight retreats.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 9:30am (CRC 314)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-13 | Spring fee increased (from $85 to $110). |
2017-02-23 | This program will not accept new students spring quarter. |
2016-12-08 | This program will not accept new students winter quarter. |
2016-11-16 | Rob Esposito has left the program to teach Dance of Power, Freedom, Belonging, and Fun. |
Dancing Molecules, Dancing Bodies
Spring 2017
Class Size: 50
40% Reserved for Freshmen
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Our bodies are always moving. Even when you are sitting absolutely still, there is movement throughout your body — the pumping of your heart, the flow of blood through your blood vessels, and a continuous vibration of the molecules that make up your body. In this program we will explore dance from the perspectives of culture, physiology, and introductory chemistry. We will explore properties in chemistry connected to movement (conductivity, molecular vibrations, energy, reactivity, and solubility) and study how chemicals both construct and move within the human body. Students will become in tune with their bodies through movement and dance workshops and scientific studies of the anatomy and physiology of the human body. We will examine and perform dance, not simply within categories like ballet or modern, but from a broader perspective of movement and culture.
Winter quarter we will begin to examine the molecular, anatomical, and physiological basis of dance and other demanding activities. Through labs and lectures we will gain an understanding of how these systems function to allow us to do anything from walking across the street to performing the complex movements of dance. Concepts from introductory biology will be reinforced in dance workshops and students will be encouraged to learn through paying attention to what is happening in their own bodies. Students will begin to develop an understanding of the dance community and how it fits into a larger social and community context. Some time will also be spent unpacking issues of privilege, stereotypes, and accessibility in the fields of dance, chemistry, and biology.
This model of the culture of dance will continue to be refined in spring through readings and other texts, including film and performances. We will continue to explore the physiology and molecular biology behind dance and discuss nutrition in the context of exercise physiology and dance. We will also explore the idea of dance in other animals. Spring quarter students will work on a group project that brings together various threads of the program and which will culminate in a final presentation and performance.
We will explore these topics through seminar assignments, exams and quizzes, reflective writing, laboratory experiments, movement workshops, and a group choreography assignment. No previous experience in dance, biology, or chemistry is required.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
performing arts, sciences, and health.
Class Size: 50
40% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 10am (Sem II A1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-12 | This program will now accept students of all class levels (Fr-Sr). |
2016-04-18 | Fees increased (from $50 to $75). |
Dangerous Ladies in Changing Times: An Investigation of Significant Women of American Identity in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Class Size: 25
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This class will examine the role of women in the development of America's social, economic, legal, and political history. More particularly, the class will focus on women from slavery, suffrage, the civil rights movement, and new issues raised by a contemporary interpretation of the 14th Amendment. All aspects of the gender equity gap will be explored, including new definitions and the impact of who is included therein.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
history, law, teaching, sociology, political science, social services
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 10a-2p, Tacoma Campus
Located in: Tacoma
Defending Mother Earth: Science, Energy, and Native Peoples
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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This introductory program brings together a variety of climate and energy issues occurring on Native American homelands. Students will explore the science and ethics of energy production and consumption, the environmental impacts of energy, and topics in alternative energy. For example, we will investigate impacts of hydropower on Native communities and cultures while learning the science associated with this energy source. Students will also examine contemporary Native American struggles to resist cultural and environmental devastation to their communities and their efforts to affirm tribal sovereignty and indigenous knowledge. Students will gain a solid understanding of both the science of energy and Native American tribal sovereignty in order to fully comprehend these issues. We will approach our learning through a variety of modes, including hands-on labs, lectures, workshops, field trips, group work, research papers, and weekly seminars on a variety of related topics.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
chemistry, physics, Native American studies, environmentally-related fields, and science education.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting : Monday, September 26 at 10am (Sem II C1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-17 | Fee cancelled. |
2016-06-01 | This introductory program now accepts students of all class levels. |
Deviance, Crime, and Punishment in the Past and Present
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 50
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How have deviance and crime been viewed differently in societies over time, and how have punishments for deviance and criminal behavior varied by society and historical period?
This program will engage in historical and sociological studies of deviance, crime, and punishment. Our studies will primarily entail a comparison of contemporary American and Western European societies with their historical roots from the 16th century to the present. We will examine themes of power, social control, surveillance, and resistance as they relate to the evolving social definitions of deviance, crime, and punishment. Within these overarching themes, we will consider topics such as crime waves, hysteria, identities, bodies, prostitution, witchcraft, genetic determinism, and the media sensationalization of crime.
This program involves extensive student-initiated studies, and students will learn how to conduct historical and sociological research on a topic of their choice. During the 10-week period spanning the second half of winter quarter and the first half of spring quarter, students will have the option of pursuing their independent research interests or participating in an internship for up to 40 hours a week, the equivalent of 16 credits. During this time, students will communicate electronically with faculty and peers to discuss their learning, and students working locally may meet with faculty and peers every other week for seminar discussions.
Students will return to the classroom in the middle of spring quarter to reflect on, critically examine, and integrate their fall quarter theoretical and methodological learning with their winter and spring quarter research or practical experience. The major project this quarter for interns will be a synthesis paper that details this integration. Research students will produce a research paper that represents a culmination of their best writing and thinking abilities.
Our studies will be grounded in sociology and history, but will turn to other fields, including anthropology, biology, law, and media studies, to enrich our understandings of deviance, crime, and punishment. Throughout the year students will engage in seminars, films, workshops, fieldwork exercises, writing, and research projects designed to deepen their knowledge and apply theory to real-world situations.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
history, sociology, criminology, law, gender studies, humanities, and social sciences.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$50 in fall for theatre tickets.
Students will do a major independent research project or internship for the 10 weeks between the middle of winter quarter and the middle of spring quarter. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Students will do a major independent research project or internship for the 10 weeks between the middle of winter quarter and the middle of spring quarter.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 10am (Lib 1412)
Located in: Olympia
Differential Equations
Class Size: 10
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The full-time program Physical Systems and Applied Mathematics covers Differential Equations and Multivariable & Vector Calculus (in fall) and Linear Algebra (in winter), all at the upper division science level. Each of these subjects is available to students as stand-alone 4 credit courses by taking a partial credit option within Physical Systems and Applied Mathematics . The prerequisite for any of these courses is proficiency in one year of introductory calculus (including both differential and integral calculus). Students must demonstrate meeting prerequisites through completion of an application form and a diagnostic entrance exam, available at https://sites.evergreen.edu/psam1617/ .
Differential Equations is a rigorous course in applied mathematics, and will include concepts, procedures, and applications of: direction fields, first- and second-order differential equations, series solutions of second order differential equations, and Laplace transforms. Students will apply differential equations to modeling physical situations. Collaborative learning and context-based problem solving will be emphasized. Students will be evaluated on engagement, homework, quizzes, and exams. Class meetings are Tuesdays and Thursday 9 - 11 am. Students successfully completing this portion of the program may be awarded 4 credits of upper division science credit in Differential Equations.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Mathematics, science, engineering, economics, and education.
Credits per quarter
Proficiency in one year of introductory calculus (including both differential and integral calculus).
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Upper division science credit:
Students successfully completing this portion of the program may be awarded 4 credits of upper division credit in Differential Equations.
Class Size: 10
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, September 26 at 9am (Sem II D3105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-27 | New opportunity added. |
Digging Up Diseases
Class Size: 50
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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"King Tut Mysteries Solved: Was Disabled, Malarial, and Inbred!" - reads a recent National Geographic headline ( Source)
Sensationalizing as this headline is, the studies it is based on are grounded in real science and social science. In this program, we will introduce students to these sciences. This program will offer students an introduction to the biological sciences, archaeology, and the study of diseases, contemporary as well as ancient. Through lectures and workshops students will gain an understanding of pathology and epidemiology. In addition, they will learn the history, methods, and theories of archaeological practice through case studies, texts, and archaeological reports. General science concepts in designing experiments, analyzing and interpreting data will be interwoven by applying biostatistics. Class materials will also include considerations of research ethics in both fields. Weekly seminar readings will deepen the understanding of specific case studies. In labs, students will learn archaeological and biological skills, specifically techniques in microbiology and artifact identification and preservation. Prior experience in biology or archaeology are not required.
Students will write weekly seminar papers and complete assignments that will evaluate student comprehension and retention of the material and the readings. Students will participate in one field trip to the Squaxin Island center and a local archaeological site. At the end of the quarter, students will present an individual or group project on a specific archaeological site that has relevance to the class material and themes.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology, archaeology, epidemiology, anthropology, biostatistics, history, and science.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$10 for museum entrance fees.
Class Size: 50
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9:30am (Sem II E3105)
Located in: Olympia
Dimensions of Inequality and Options for Change
Spring 2017
Class Size: 50
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over the rise of economic inequality has grown over the last
several decades as the gap between upper-income Americans and
everyone else has grown wider. Much of the writing on
inequality by economists has focused on the quantitative
aspects: which deciles or centiles of the population
get what percentage of income or wealth? This work tends
to look at society as an undifferentiated mass of individuals
but there are other dimensions of inequality such as race, gender,
immigration status, geography, culture and family that
interact with the economic dimensions and with each other. How
to address all of these factors together is more complex (and
maddening) than addressing each of them on their
own: affirmative action and/or redistributive
economic policies and/or improved public education
and/or investments in public infrastructure in general.
the first quarter of the program we will review the recent work on
economic inequality by leading economists and then look at
other research that further breaks down the distribution of wealth
and income by the other societal dimensions. Spring
quarter will focus on policy options to reduce inequality such
as affirmative action and anti-discrimination laws. We will
also look at taxation and budgets in order to understand
how the way governments raise and disburse money
affects inequality. In addition to readings in economics,
politics and public policy we will also consider philosophical
questions about how to prioritize the needs of all of the
Students will learn to go beyond slogans by
learning to think quantitatively about emotionally
charged issues. The program will serve as context
for students to increase their quantitative thinking skills through
a study of statistics. Students who successfully complete the
full two-quarter program will complete studies and earn
credit equivalent to a standard
first-quarter statistics course. With these skills in
hand, students can then begin to evaluate policy proposals
that attempt to mitigate inequality from both an analytic
and a political perspective.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mondays and Wednesdays, 6-10 p. First meeting is Monday, January 9, 6p, in Seminar 2 D1107.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-10-31 | Description updated |
Discrete Mathematics
Class Size: 25
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In this course, we'll study standard topics in discrete mathematics, including: logic and proof; sets, relations, and functions; combinatorics; basic probability; and graph theory. Along the way, we'll focus on skills and techniques for problem-solving. This is an excellent course for teachers and future teachers, people wanting to broaden their mathematical experience beyond algebra, and students considering advanced study in mathematics and/or computer science.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Mathematics, Computer Science, Math Education
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Upper division science credit:
Upper Division Science Credit is possible in this course; contact the faculty for details.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Monday - Thursday, 10 am - 12 pm
Located in: Olympia
Do Organizations Really Need HR?
Class Size: 25
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With many firms now implementing full employee self service functions and subcontracting other HR traditional roles and responsibilities, is there a need for the HR department in organizations? This course explores the position of HR, investigating pivotal questions such as: does making HR a separate business function still make sense? Should HR return to a narrower personnel role? Should key areas like talent management be reassigned to leadership and management functions outside of HR? What about strategic and legal roles of HR? This course also discusses whether or not there is an opportunity for a more integrated and leaner HR function. Students in this course will learn about the traditional and contemporaneity role that HR plays in the flatter and less centralized organizations and research and develop strategies that can be used to integrate this role into other functions. The primary objective of this course is to develop a HR model that better fits the needs of emerging organizations in the new economy. This course provides students with the opportunity to practice critical thinking, reflecting, collaborating, researching and learning through individual and group activities, discussions and seminars, and team projects.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thu 6-10 pm. First Meeting Thursday, September 29, 6pm, Sem II A2109.
Located in: Olympia
Drawing Foundations
Class Size: 20
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This course is an introduction to principles and techniques in drawing. Emphasis will be on learning to draw what you see through close observation. Students will be introduced to a variety of drawing materials and techniques as well as proportion, sighting, perspective, value and composition. Students will develop a context for their work through readings and research projects about influential artists. Students will be required to keep a sketchbook throughout the quarter and complete drawing assignments outside of studio time. A final portfolio of completed assignments will be due at the end of the quarter.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
visual arts, art therapy
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 6-8p
Located in: Olympia
Drawing the Figure
Class Size: 20
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This course is designed to further develop technical drawing skills, expressly through representation of the nude figure. At the same time, the focus will be on personal interpretation and expression, while working analytically and responsively to nature. A range of home studio assignments will be assigned to improve fluency in drawing the figure as well as to explore issues related to making figurative work and engaging the human body.
This class will cover a wide range of technical, observational and pictorial drawing issues, with some exploration of abstraction and an emphasis on the history of anatomy studies in art history.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tuesday & Wednesday 1-5 pm
Located in: Olympia
Drawing: Foundations
Class Size: 20
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This course is an introduction to principles and techniques in drawing. Emphasis will be on learning to draw what you see through close observation. Students will be introduced to a variety of drawing materials and techniques as well as proportion, sighting, perspective, value and composition. Students will develop a context for their work through readings and research projects about influential artists. Students will be required to keep a sketchbook throughout the quarter and complete drawing assignments outside of studio time. A final portfolio of completed assignments will be due at the end of the quarter.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$50-$75 for personal drawing supplies
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 6-8p. First meeting Tuesday, Sept 27, 6p, Arts Annex 2109.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-10 | Schedule has changed- class now meets Tu/Th (was M/W) |
East and West: Sanskrit and Greek Dance and Theatre
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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In this program, students will learn about two traditions of theatre and movement that come out of a common origin. They will study both spoken Greek theatre and gestural movement coming out of Sanskrit from South Asia. The gestural movement in Sanskrit theatre came out of various peoples not understanding Sanskrit, resulting in the creation of dance theatre that is communicable to one and all. Thus, they will learn a language similar to sign language. All students will be participating in both theatre and dance/gestural language workshops, resulting in a performance that incorporates material from both traditions. They will rehearse in order to produce theatre/movement/gestural language from both traditions. Performance art is also communication art. We will explore two traditions of performance art that will include technical theatre. There will be interactive lectures, two workshops, and rehearsals every week. Attendance is imperative.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
teaching in the arts, international studies, and South-Asian studies.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$75 for performance tickets and art supplies.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4th at 11am (Sem II D4107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-16 | Fee increased (from $50 to $75). |
2016-02-03 | New spring opportunity added. |
EastWest Psychology: Destructive Mind/Emotion
Class Size: 25
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Are destructive emotions innately embedded in human nature? Can they be eradicated? A growing body of Western research has examined these and other questions through the perspectives of Eastern psychology and philosophy which view destructive emotions, perceptions, and behaviors as the primary source of human suffering. To alleviate this suffering, Eastern psychology has developed a rich and varied methodology for recognizing, reducing, transforming, and preventing these destructive forms of mind and emotion. After examining the nature and function of the afflictive mind/emotions, students will choose one emotion to study in-depth and develop effective East/West interventions to transform this emotion/state of mind.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat 9a-4:30p (Jan. 14, 28, Feb. 11, 25 and March 11). First Meeting January 14, 9:00a, Seminar 2 B2109
Located in: Olympia
EastWest Psychology: Positive Mind/Emotion
Class Size: 25
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In what ways do our positive emotions/perceptions enhance our ability to see reality? Are there effective methods for training the mind to cultivate positive thought/emotions? Students will analyze the nature of constructive emotion/thoughts, their influence on our mental stability and brain physiology, and methodologies for influencing and improving mental development and function. Students will explore the correlation between mental training of the mind and physiological changes in the brain. We will also examine the nature of the genuine happiness from Eastern and Western psychological models of mind/emotion as well as from a traditional epistemological model of cognition based on Indo-Tibetan studies.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Alternating Saturdays from 9am-4:30pm: Oct 1, 15, 29, Nov 12, Dec 3. First Meeting Saturday October 1, 9am, Sem II A3109.
Additional details:
Saturdays from 9am-4:30pm
Located in: Olympia
Ecological Niche: The Interface of Human and Animal Behavior
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
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The word environment encompasses multiple meanings, from the natural to the built, from the interiors of our minds to the spiritual. In each case there is a constant interface of environments with one another and with other creatures, each defining and circumscribing our experience of the world.
Some of our essential questions revolve around how we define the environment and how we are shaped by as well as how we shape the environment, both natural and built. For example, does the concept of wilderness include humans? Is the ecological niche of a human essentially different from that of other living things? We will explore the habitats we occupy along with other creatures in those environments. We will explore dichotomies that foster dynamic tensions, such as the dichotomy between concepts of "natural" versus "human." We intend to investigate these tensions through our study of psychology, personal biography, biology, environmental studies, ornithology, and cultural studies.
Fall quarter we will develop the foundational skills in environmental studies and psychology needed to understand and critique the writings and current research in community ecology, animal behavior, and conservation biology; and to examine the conscious and unconscious, and the theories of perception and cognition in psychology. We will examine parallels and links among disciplines in terms of methods, assumptions, and prevailing theories. Winter quarter we will continue building on this foundation and move ourselves from theory to practice through an emphasis on methodologies in ecological and social science research, analyses, and their underlying assumptions. Spring quarter we will implement the skills and knowledge we've developed through specific student-directed projects and a field trip. Faculty will foster creativity, experimentation, and imaginative processes as means of discovering and bringing a new awareness to our extraordinary world. Students will respond to program themes through individual and collaborative projects.
To build our learning community we will use experiential collaboration activities such as Challenge and Experiential Education as a means to develop a sense of commitment and group citizenship. We will use multicultural discussion opportunities such as Critical Moments to explore the politics of identity and meaning. We will develop our observational skills via field workshops and field trips. We will have writing and quantitative reasoning workshops to further develop students' current skills and to develop advanced skills in these areas.
Students completing this program will come to a stronger understanding of their personal lives as situated in a variety of contexts. They will develop strategies for engaging in a range of settings to promote social change, in-depth personal development, increased self-awareness, critical commentary and analyses, and practices that promote stewardship of our personal lives, our immediate environment, and global communities.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
psychology, behavioral sciences, and environmental science.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$65 for entrance and other fees in fall, $65 for entrance and other fees in winter (applies to new students only), and $450 for a field trip in spring.
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10am (Sem II C3105)(Sem II C3107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-22 | Spring fee reduced ($650 to $450). |
Class Size: 25
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Mind and nature are inseparable. The natural world is not outside of us or separate from us, but it is us. Ecopsychology is an exciting emerging perspective that explores the connection between psychological and ecological health. Many of our psychological ills and our addictions are directly related to our lack of awareness and our perceived disconnection from our natural origins. The very destruction of our habitat is an expression of this lack of connection to the ground of our being. There are many emerging approaches to deal with this, such as the greening of playgrounds, nature-based therapy, architecture that aims to connect us with a healthy habitat, and the exploration of our assumptions.
We will explore the historical and cultural influences underlying and leading up to this perceived separation from nature, cultural differences in perspectives, assumptions in psychology, the connections between pathology and this perceived separateness from nature, and the role of connectedness with nature in child development.
We will also explore the role of innovation, creativity and Active Hope in ecopsychological healing. Students will review the literature, engage in experiential activities and projects, and brainstorm solutions. Depending on the weather, we may spend some time outdoors.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays, 6-10pm
Located in: Olympia
Education for Life
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Where is the Life we have lost in living?
Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
The cycles of Heaven in twenty centuries
Bring us farther from God and nearer to the Dust.
T. S. Eliot, “Two Choruses from the Rock”
Education is not schooling. Schooling is for fish and maybe for getting a job. Life is not living. Living is what you have to make or, to some, everything that happens between birthing and dying. What could “Education for Life” mean? We’ll read some sages who seem to have wisdom enough to offer answers.
Annie Dillard muses, “If God does not cause everything that happens, does God cause anything that happens? Is God completely out of the loop?" We’ll see where that comes from and where it leads. Victoria Sweet, a physician, thinks we need to learn to wait. She found herself in many situations where she “was presented with an experience, a person whose value one did not know in advance. What seemed to be good might be bad; what seemed to be bad, good. One didn’t know; one had to wait.” We’ll see if that can mean anything. Martin Buber thinks that sin is not doing the wrong thing but that sin lies in not making a decision. “If there were a devil it would not be one who decided against God, but one who, in eternity, came to no decision.” We’ll see. Charles Bowden asks, “How can a person live a moral life in a culture of death?” and answers, "by saying Yes to life," all of it. We shall certainly see.
There are others who might help us claw our way back up T. S. Eliot’s slippery slope to our future. We’ll find some.
Also, students will learn to write well. They will learn to craft beautiful sentences.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, September 26 at 12pm (Sem II D2105)
Located in: Olympia
Elections and the Economy
Class Size: 25
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Are you interested in the future of our economy? Do you want to find out how public policy relates to economics? This November, voters will be called upon to make choices about future leadership and public policy at all levels of government. Topics that have been raised and will continue to be discussed through the elections - and that may guide the policies of successful candidates - include wages and incomes, inequality, budget and trade deficits, financial sector oversight, among others. All these topics are fundamentally related to the economy, particularly to macroeconomics, and yet the analysis of candidates' economic positions receives less public attention than it merits.
This program will equip students to better understand and assess candidates’ economic positions. Looking closely at national and state campaigns and their aftermath, students will analyze the positions of candidates from the perspective of economics and develop the tools to carefully examine candidates’ positions. We will also gain an historical perspective by devoting attention to several candidates and their positions on the economy from the 19th and 20th centuries. Students will learn the methods and the data that support this kind of work.
Students will demonstrate their learning in a number of ways, including mock video campaign ads that capture candidates’ perspectives on the economy and papers analyzing candidates’ economic positions taken from the content of their websites or campaign presentations. Following the election, we will explore the results to determine the impact of the economic issues on the outcome. Students will prepare a research paper on this subject focusing on a demographic group – state, gender, ethnicity, urban/rural – to determine what economic factors, if any, may have influenced their voting patterns.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
macroeconomics, campaigns and elections, policy analysis, politics, public policy analysis, applied economics, and law.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, September 27 at 9am (Sem II C2109)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-06-01 | New fall opportunity added. |
Electronics in Music : Collaborating With Machines
Class Size: 18
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In this course, students will explore methods for using technology as an active collaborator in the creation of music. Students will develop compositions in the music technology labs while diving deep into modular synthesis, MIDI programming, creative mixing techniques and other topics. We’ll take our conceptual and technical cues from pioneering electroacoustic composers and experimenters such as Pauline Oliveros, Brian Eno, Morton Subotnick, Laurie Spiegel, and others. Students entering this course are expected to have some foundation in music technology, either through the “Introduction to Electronics in Music” courses or through equivalent experience. Please contact the faculty for a course application.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$70 supply fee for magnetic tape
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Wed. First meeting Wednesday Sept 28, 6pm, COM 346.
Located in: Olympia
Electronics in Music : Compositional Processes
Class Size: 18
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From serialism to chance music, musical dice games to change-ringing, musicians have often found methods of creating music that rely on external processes. In this course, students will work extensively with Max/MSP, a visual programming environment, to develop algorithms and generative processes for creating music. Students will learn how musical ideas can be expressed and manipulated using numbers, simple math, and logic. Students entering this course are expected to have some foundation in music and/or music technology, either through the “Introduction to Electronics in Music” courses or equivalent experience. Preference is given to students continuing from the fall quarter of “Electronics in Music.” Please contact the instructor for a course application.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Wed. First meeting is Wednesday, January 11, 6p, in Library 1404.
Located in: Olympia
Electronics in Music: Projects
Class Size: 18
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The spring quarter of Electronics in Music is a chance for students to develop musical compositions and/or interactive projects centered around the use of technology. Students will work closely with the instructor and classmates to develop concepts, tackle technical hurdles, and get critical feedback on their work. Students will regularly present works in progress on route to a final composition, which will be presented at a public concert at the end of the quarter. Students entering this course are expected to have a strong foundation in music technology, either through the “Introduction to Electronics in Music” courses or equivalent experience. Preference is given to students continuing from the fall or winter quarters of “Electronics in Music.” Please contact the instructor for a course application.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Wed.
Located in: Olympia
Employment Law
Class Size: 25
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The course will review the major employment laws, including those dealing with discrimination, sexual harassment, disability, family leave, wage standards, and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act as well as and the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). Students will learn how to apply these major laws to 'real-work' situations and will have a very good understanding of the major provisions.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Human Resources
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Tuesday, 6-9:30 pm. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6p, in Seminar 2 B2109.
Located in: Olympia
Enduring Stories (at Grays Harbor)
Class Size: 25
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Our stories are expressions of our values, our identity, our culture, and our history, and they help us make meaning of our experiences. We communicate our stories not only through words, but also through cultural practices and traditions - music, dance and craft, how we grow and prepare food, our celebrations and rituals. Using this broad conceptualization of story, students will explore the purpose and value of story in family, community, cultural and occupational life in the Harbor and outlying region. We will consider what stories and cultural practices shape the dominate narrative, what stories are left out, and who decides which stories we hear. Students will also consider how the process of constructing narratives impacts our individual and collective behavior. Students connect theory with practice by conducting fieldwork that documents and interprets a tradition or cultural practice in their own lives. The project will help students locate their own story within the local, regional, and national narratives.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wednesdays 6-9:30pm at Grays Harbor College. First meeting is Wednesday, January 11, 6p, at Grays Harbor College.
Located in: Grays Harbor
Environmental Analysis
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 38
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This rigorous program will focus on investigations in hydrogeology and biology supported with analytical chemistry. Instrumental techniques and chemical analysis skills will be developed in an advanced laboratory. The expectation is that students will learn how to conduct accurate chemical, ecological, and hydrogeological measurements in order to define baseline assessments of natural ecosystems and determine environmental function and/or contamination. Quantitative analysis, quality control procedures, research design, and technical writing will be emphasized.
The program will start with a two-week field trip to Yellowstone National Park that will introduce students to the regional geology of the Columbia River Plateau, Snake River, Rocky Mountains, and the Yellowstone Hotspot. Issues of water quality, hydrothermal systems, extremophilic organisms, and ecosystem diversity will also be studied during the trip.
Fall and winter quarters we will address topics in hydrogeology, geochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, freshwater ecology, genetics, biochemistry, analytical chemistry, GIS, and instrumental methods of chemical analysis. Students will participate in group projects studying aqueous chemistry, hydrology, and the roles of biological organisms in the nutrient cycling processes of local watersheds. Analytical procedures based on EPA, USGS, and other guidelines will be used to measure major and trace anion and cation concentrations. Molecular methods and biochemical assays will complement more classical procedures in determining biodiversity and the role of specific organisms within an ecosystem. Computers and statistical methods will be used extensively for data analysis and simulation, and GIS will be used as a tool to assess spatial data. Spring quarter will be devoted to extensive project work continuing from fall and winter. There will be a five-day field trip to eastern Washington. Presentation of project results in both oral and written form will conclude the year.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
hydrology, chemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, ecology, chemical instrumentation, environmental analysis and environmental fieldwork.
Credits per quarter
One year college chemistry, and college algebra required. One year college biology with a molecular emphasis recommended.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$550 in fall for a field trip to Yellowstone National Park and $200 for a spring field trip to eastern Washington.
Upper division science credit:
Up to 48 upper-division science credits may be awarded in the following disciplines: Environmental microbiology, microbial ecology, hydrogeology, geochemistry, GIS, analytical chemistry, chemical instrumentation, molecular biology.
Class Size: 38
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 8:30am (Lecture Hall Classroom 8)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-05-06 | No variable credit option offered. |
2016-04-22 | Fall signature required. |
2016-04-13 | Ken Tabbutt has left the teaching team. |
Environmental Challenges and Solutions
Class Size: 25
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Ask yourself how well you understand the most important environmental challenges of your generation – global climate change; unprecedented human population levels; pollutants in our air, freshwater, oceans, and soils; and the decline of species everywhere. These are issues that are directly affecting your life and that all educated citizens should understand. In this program you will learn about these challenges and others, with an emphasis on the search for solutions. Previous students have found this program to be engaging and eye opening, partly because it makes use of a wide variety of teaching and learning styles. In the 10-week summer term, we will be taking 9 field trips – on campus, in our community, and to a few sites as far away as Mount Rainier National Park. You will also enjoy films, guest speakers, case study projects, and lectures and seminars on a wide array of critical environmental issues. You will study one textbook, as well as reading two classics of the environmental literature that have inspired and informed citizens for generations, plus a notable contemporary book in the field, as well as a novel. Through it all, we will be using the tools of natural and social science plus the humanities to discover solutions to the enormous environmental challenges of this generation.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
1-5p Tue/Wed/Thu
Located in: Olympia
Equity and Education
Class Size: 23
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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By the end of the 2016 school year, nearly 15% of all students who had enrolled in 9 th grade in a Washington public school, or transferred in, dropped out before graduation. The majority of those were students of color, bilingual students, students from families with low incomes, and students with special needs.
We will examine reasons why some students do not benefit from public education. For example, we will explore how: 1) teachers’ cultural knowledge supports or interferes with students’ abilities to engage in learning; 2) understanding brain development might improve students’ learning opportunities; 3) school experiences are affected by systemic biases related to race, ethnicity, socio-economic background, home language and a range of learning needs; and, 4) some current federal and state policies impact students’ abilities to benefit from public education.
Public education is a complex system and its challenges are not easily unraveled and addressed. This program is not intended to allow us to simply take an objective stance about difficult issues. To understand what changes are needed, we need to hear each other and to collectively arrive at greater wisdom. As Wheatley stated in Turning to One Another, ”Whatever we know, it is not sufficient. We can’t see enough of the whole.”
Therefore, we will begin by improving our abilities to hear each other and to value each other’s experiences and ideas as well as examining our own cultural filters. Through our collaborative investigations, we will seek to illuminate the significant challenges facing the diverse range of students who attend public schools and to discover possible ways to make education more meaningful for them.
Learning opportunities include creating visual and spoken analyses of a range of texts, participating in workshops, and presenting a culminating research project about an area of interest related to the program content.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, social work, and any work with children and youth.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 23
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 9am (Sem II B3105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-07 | Description updated. |
2016-03-09 | New spring opportunity added. |
Ethnobotany Grows in the Garden
Class Size: 25
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In this summer intensive, the Longhouse Ethnobotanical Garden –– with its various habitat and theme areas –– will be our primary teacher. Each day we will explore the garden with different foci including food, medicine, pollinators, and dyes. We will identify plants in their late summer expressions, and expand our relationships with them through tending the garden, maintaining a nature journal, reading, and hands-on workshops. This program is suitable for students interested in environmental education, health studies, plant studies, sustainability, ethnobotany, herbalism, and horticulture.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
environmental education, health studies, plant studies, sustainability, ethnobotany, herbalism, and horticulture
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
One-week intensive, August 28-September 1, 9:30am - 5:30pm
Located in: Olympia
Europe Since 1500
Class Size: 25
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This class surveys the social, cultural, political, intellectual and religious history of Europe since 1500, including the Reformation, the Dutch Republic, 18th-century Enlightenment and absolutism, the French Revolution, 19th-century imperialism and industrialization, the Russian Revolution, the two World Wars and decolonization. Social, gender and intellectual topics will be stressed. Students earn 4 credits during two weeks of intensive class meetings, June 26 to July 7. Students enrolled for 6 or 8 credits will then have the remainder of the summer session to research and write essays, with faculty guidance. This is a companion class to "Art Since 1500."
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
history, the humanities, teaching
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
This is an intensive class meeting Mondays through Fridays, 9am-1pm for two weeks, from June 26-July 7. Students enrolled for 6 or 8 credits will then have the rest of the summer session to research and write essays, with faculty guidance.
Located in: Olympia
European Ethnobotany and Art
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Students in this program will learn about medieval and early modern European botany and northern Renaissance art in a historical and cultural context, with some limited hands-on learning in herbology. Our study will include European herbals with an emphasis on the period between the 15th and 18th centuries, which was an important period in the history of western botany. We will explore how the rise of the market economy and scientific revolution influenced the rise of botany as a profession. The growing interest in plants, science and medicine at this time goes hand-in-hand with the development of the art as it moves toward a focus on nature and humanity in landscape painting and secular portraits and away from a single-minded attention on religion. However, spirituality is still a prime motivator of the age. In studying art of the northern Renaissance we will examine exquisite panel paintings, visionary illuminated manuscripts, expressionistic German Renaissance sculpture and the origins of printmaking. During the 16th century this world is shaken by the Reformation and religious wars—leading to the enigmatic, tortured subject matter of Grunewald and Bosch. We will also examine the claim that the witch-hunts constituted a kind of pogrom on women with healing knowledge and midwifery skills. Lectures and readings will cover the history of art, colonial botany, horticulture, medicine, and natural history from 1400 to 1800. In hands-on practicums, students will learn to prepare salves, tinctures, decoctions, and infusions. They will also spend time learning botanical illustration in watercolor and creating their own herbal in the form of a handmade book using the historical and beautiful Coptic Stitch.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
book arts, cultural studies, ethnobotany, printmaking, visual literacy, art history, studio art, alternative medicine, education, and museum work.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$40 for supplies.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 10am (Sem II C1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-16 | Description updated. |
2016-04-14 | New winter opportunity added. |
Exiles, Outsiders, Friends: Studies in Film Theory and Global Cinema
Class Size: 25
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In this introductory film studies course we will survey a range of post-war and contemporary documentary, fiction and experimental film in order to reflect on the way film cultures offer crucial perspectives on global circuits of migration and individual struggles for citizenship and belonging. We’ll explore sites, experiences and stories of exile, exclusion and community and belonging, as we think about how racial, ethnic, caste, class, gender, sexual and indigenous identities shape everyday life for those living "outside," or on the peripheries, both material and immaterial, of the modern capitalist nation-state. In turn, we'll engage with a diverse group of filmmakers, seeking to understand how systems of cultural production, funding, exhibition, and circulation, as well as forces of censorship, determine what films get made, what stories are told and which audiences have access to them. Possible films include: the 1950s Hollywood melodramas of Douglas Sirk, himself a Jewish exile from Europe, and queer revisions of his films by German and American filmmakers; historical and contemporary films by Cuban, German, Indian, Iranian, Senegalese, Thai, and Turkish filmmakers. Students will view 2-3 films per week, both in class and on their own, complete weekly readings in film/media history, theory and analysis, and complete several kinds of weekly and bi-weekly writing assignments, from regular screening notes to post-screening responses to short pieces of close, formal analysis to short essays. Students will workshop their writing in small groups and seminar on readings. We will also take 2-3 field trips during our evening sessions to cinemas in Olympia, Tacoma and Seattle.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Film and media studies, Media and Visual Arts, Cultural Studies, Literature
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Students will be expected to maintain a 1 month subscription to 1-2 online film sources, which will cost approx. $25.
$30 for tickets to screenings
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 5:30-8:30, Sat 11-5
Located in: Olympia
Experience Japan
study abroad option
Class Size: 10
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The program aims to give students firsthand experience of Japanese college life through participating in classes in the Department of Comparative Culture at Tamagawa University in Tokyo, Japan, for three weeks. Students will work closely with Tamagawa students and be engaged in many social activities with them both on and off campus. There will be weekend excursions to sites selected for their historic and cultural importance as well as optional outings to places like a kabuki theater, museums and antique shops. Students will have valuable opportunities to observe and experience Japanese culture both on and off campus. Students will stay at Tamagawa University’s on-campus accommodation reserved exclusively for Evergreen students. The length of stay is three weeks--from June 19 to July 10, 2017. Interested students should contact Tomoko Hirai Ulmer for more information and an application form. The selection process will start in February of 2017.
Study abroad:
Our destination is Tamagawa University in Tokyo, Japan. The length of stay will be three weeks (Monday, June 19 - Monday, July 10.) The estimated total cost for the three-week stay, including the airfare, is $3,100.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Education, Cultural Anthropology, Arts, Language Studies.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 10
Scheduled for: Day, Evening, and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
This is a three-week study abroad program. The host institution is
Tamagawa University in Tokyo, Japan. The departure date is Monday, June
19 and the return date, Monday, July 10.
Located in: Olympia
Experimental Photography
Class Size: 12
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What is a Photograph? This program includes a broad range of techniques rooted in 19th century photographic printmaking that predate traditional negative-to-positive gelatin silver printing. Contemporary photography is experiencing a revival of these traditional methods, now applied in hybrid and intermedia practices. This program is specifically designed to support students as they test the boundaries of the common understanding of “photography” and pursue informed experimentation with processes and materials. We’ll focus on the meaning and modes of cameraless photography and abstraction and explore the language of the photogram, a cameraless image closely related to the monoprint, in cyanotype and in the darkroom. We’ll also make paper and film negatives in the field with our own pinhole cameras and create negatives by hand with ink, paint, and more. Other processes covered include anthotypes (plant-based emulsions) and lumenprints. From hand-coating paper with emulsions to timing sun exposures, we will work together to better understand how to put these methods to use in your own creative practice. Classes will combine demonstrations, supervised studio work, group critique and discussion, and short lectures on historical and contemporary practices and artists. Students will be expected to do short readings, conduct research, and give a presentation. In the final weeks of the term, each will student write a project proposal and produce a small body of work for a final show. Students will submit a complete portfolio of all work made and participate in a final critique. This course is equally suited to students new to photography who want to learn basic photographic principles through experimental, low-tech methods; advanced photography students who are ready to incorporate non-silver, non-digital techniques in their practice and experiment with new materials; and students with a background in 2D media who are interested in exploring the rich intersections among drawing, painting, printmaking and photographic processes.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Arts, Humanities, Education
Credits per quarter
Background in black-and-white darkroom photography will be very helpful for students taking this program. Students without previous photography experience are welcome, but will need to do some simple catch-up work in the first week of class. Previous coursework in visual/media arts, even if basic, will be helpful.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Expect to also spend up to approx $50-75 on art supplies specific to your project and a required textbook: Lyle Rexer,The Edge of Vision:The Rise of Abstraction in Photography ($25). An optional textbook, The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes (3rd edition), by Christopher James, is approx $75.
$75 fee for photographic supplies.
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Thur/Fri 9a-5p
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-13 | Updated class schedule |
2017-02-13 | New Title (was previously Alternative Photographic Processes) |
Experimental Watercolor I
Class Size: 25
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Experimental Watercolor embraces the concept of play and builds upon basic watercolor skills to extend a student’s technical and conceptual range. Students will explore, through various application techniques and personal experimentation, to find a rhythm within their work and technical skill. This will be done by looking at the different spaces we traverse and examining the objects within that space. We will be looking at authors who speak about objects and how our perception of things reveals how we are oriented toward the world.
Students are expected to show personal growth and development in their skills and aesthetic awareness.
Class time will be used to experiment with various forms of watercolor and ways to manipulate the water to the artist's advantage.
Group critique follows each project. The conversation can show the artist what is working within the creative process and which areas can be improved. Students will learn to form critical comments, make observations, form respectful opinions and listen with intent to feedback about the “work” and not about the artist.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 6-8 pm
Located in: Olympia
Experimental Watercolor II
Class Size: 25
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In this second session we will be spending a considerable amount of time creating new forms of pigment with spices, natural dyes, coffee, henna and foods that offer opportunity for color extraction. This class builds upon the first session of basic watercolor techniques by adding a pigment creation skill to the artists tool box. Through class instruction and experimentation we will traverse the colored playing field to create stunning watercolor effects on paper and three dimensional objects.
Experimental Watercolor embraces the concept of play and builds upon basic watercolor skills to extend a student’s technical and conceptual range. Students will explore, through various application techniques and personal experimentation, to find a rhythm within their work and technical skill. This will be done by looking at the different spaces we traverse and examining the objects within that space. We will be looking at authors who speak about objects and how our perception of things reveals how we are oriented toward the world.
Class time will be used to experiment with various forms of watercolor, alternative forms of waterbased color and how to manipulate the water to the artists advantage. By watching several Czech and Polish animations we will be looking at how our work can be challenged simply by changing our view of the world around us.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 6-8 pm
Located in: Olympia
Fantastic Resistances: Astounding Tales for Envisioning Futures
Winter 2017
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Speculative and fantastic fiction responds to tensions in reality. Envisioning impossible pasts, alternative presents, and potential futures empowers us to contribute to better futures. This program will mine the rich reserves of oppositional and radical thought in “what-if” modes of storytelling and media, from the 19th Century to the present. Fusing these with nonfiction and science studies, we will envision realistic and fantastic possibilities for just and sustainable futures.
We will study speculative genres’ critiques of, and proposed alternatives to, existing power asymmetries – colonial, technological, sexual, economic, raced and gendered – and their unjust and unsustainable outcomes. How do imagined futures, alternative presents, and invented “never-weres” challenge social, political and material predicaments? Are the continued economic growth and social asymmetries required by capitalism sustainable? Are other socio-economic models feasible?
Walidah Imarisha says “all social organizing is science fiction…dreaming new realities together.” Is there a difference between science and science fiction, and between the fantastical and our reality, when thinking about our future? How can we tell? How do these different disciplines complement each other? Can science, technology, policy, or even thaumaturgy offer new routes out of traditional ruts? Can renewable energy and sustainable agriculture replace fossil fuel dependence? Should we escape to another planet, try to heal the Earth, seek out a wormhole, or just take refuge in hidden or parallel realms? What questions should be asked about future technologies, polities, and personhoods? What are the potential costs, who benefits and who pays?
We will study imperial and popular histories; political philosophies; and the science of energy, systems, and climate change, in order to develop tools for analyzing questions like these. We will also develop pre-calculus skills with interactive workshops, applied to questions we care about.
Supporting each other in teams, students will produce creative works of writing, art, research, or other media. These projects will attain final and fully polished form, ready for public presentation, by the end of winter quarter.
We will deeply explore the speculative, the scientific, and the fantastical together, while developing our communication skills and critical reasoning. We will do physics and math (there is no physics prerequisite – we will learn together). We will explore both cinema and literature, so students must be prepared for a viewing- and reading-intensive two quarters, including the nightmarish urbanities of Octavia Butler, China Miéville and Austin Troy; the monsters of Mary Shelley and Nnedi Okorafor; the hopes and nightmares of Ursula K. Le Guin and Elizabeth Kolbert; all threaded with Mike Hulme’s analysis of climate change, from science to social responses.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
natural science, environmental science, sustainability, social justice, education, writing for page or screen, media studies, and philosophy
Credits per quarter
Students must have the capacity to write analytically and creatively, and to use algebra.
Students must be willing and able to use the internet for both information and online assignments.
Students must be willing to work in teams.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$20 in winter to attend performances.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 1pm (Sem II B1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-16 | This program will accept winter enrollment without signature. Students need to do catch-up work over winter break. Description has been updated. |
2016-04-18 | New fall-winter opportunity added. |
Feminist Epistemologies: Critical Approaches to Biology and Psychology
Class Size: 25
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How is knowledge generated from a feminist theoretical perspective? Looking closely at the history of science and the construction of gender in biology, we will explore feminist interventions into knowledge production in these fields.
The history of women’s intellectual production and thought has long been silenced or suppressed by patriarchal structures, and to a great extent continues today through institutionalized sexism, androcentrism, and heteronormativity. This program will provide an opportunity for upper-level students familiar with mainstream methodologies within the natural sciences who wish to examine feminist critiques of such epistemologies and engage in research through a critical lens.
We will read feminist philosophy of science, sociological studies on science and how it operates in society, research on women scientists, and critical deconstructions of sociobiology and the related field of evolutionary psychology. Possible topics to be examined through feminist lenses are developmental biology, fertilization, reproduction, sex determination, sexuality, and gendered social norms. Possible authors include Emily Martin, Evelyn Fox Keller, Sandra Harding, Donna Haraway, Anne Fausto-Sterling, Stacy Alaimo, Cordelia Fine, Marlene Zuk and Karen Barad. Research will be conducted in the lab and in the field, which, for marine and developmental biology will include local marine field sites.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
gender studies, biology, science historian, bioethics, science and technology studies.
Credits per quarter
Students should ideally have taken at least 4-8 credits of science or social science coursework in the past, as this program builds on and critiques dominant scientific methodologies from a feminist perspective. This program is also appropriate for students who have a background in feminist theory or critical theory (but no science or social science) and wish to learn about scientific inquiry from a feminist perspective.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$35 for reader.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting : Tuesday, September 27 at 10am (Sem II C3109)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-10-25 | Fees reduced (from $150 to $35). |
2016-06-06 | Fee has increased. |
Feminist Jurisprudence
Class Size: 25
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Feminist jurisprudence is a philosophy of law based on the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. Students will be introduced to various schools of thought and concepts of inequality in the law spanning historical periods from the 1920s (ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution) to the present. Students will investigate historical foundations of gender inequality as well as the history of legal attempts to address that inequality, including U.S. Supreme Court cases; Federal laws, including Title VII and Title IX; and feminist jurisprudence. Lectures and discussions will include topics on the development of the Constitutional standard for sex equality, legal feminism from the 1970s to the present incorporating work and family as well as home and workplace conflicts. Students and faculty will review legal precedents related to feminist jurisprudence raised by the Supreme Court’s interpretations of the law and analyzed and discussed by the legal community in law review articles and related academic research.
Issues presented by the cases will include, among others: women as lawyers, women and reproduction, prostitution, surrogacy and reproductive technology, women and partner violence, pornography, sexual harassment, taxation, gender and athletics. Students will also examine current and historical documents on inequality and legal issues that continue to impact women. Intersections of gender and race will also be critically analyzed.
The Socratic method and lectures will be the principal modes of instruction. Student panel presentations on assigned topics/cases will contribute to new knowledge and an enhanced understanding of feminist jurisprudence and its place in the historical development of women’s rights and responsibilities.
In addition to panel presentations, students will be required to produce legal memoranda, journals and a final research project submitted in one of the following forms: a well-documented research paper/article on feminist jurisprudence, an art/graphics project reflecting historical or current women’s legal issues, or a forum on a specific feminist legal issue/topic, among others.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
government, political science, law, education, and public policy.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Students should expect to pay approximately $25 for transportation to board meetings and interviews
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 10am (Sem II D3107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2015-08-31 | New spring opportunity added. |
Fiction: The Speculative Mode
Class Size: 20
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This program will be a space for thinking together about the phenomenon of speculative fiction—what we could call the speculative mode in literature. We could ambitiously say that the speculative mode is more general than any genre or form, appearing whenever writing simultaneously 1) builds a world, 2) shows us how it builds that world, 3) suggests other possible worlds and 4) places the very idea of 'world' in question. As the speculative mode has gained in importance and focus, science fiction novels, fantastic tales, and lyric poetry (to cite a few examples) all seem increasingly influenced by it. In this program we'll primarily study speculative literature, including short stories, novels, and poetry, and cast our net wide enough to include Chinese, Polish, Russian, Argentine, and U.S. works from the early twentieth century to today. Philosophy and theory have become informed by speculation and thereby stranger as well: we'll also work through a few key theoretical essays to challenge our assumptions about what the speculative mode can do. We'll enjoy the literature of Samuel R. Delany, Stanislaw Lem, Jorge Luis Borges, H.P. Lovecraft, Ursula Le Guin and César Aira; alongside these will be a few theoretical readings, including essays by Octavia Butler, Quentin Meillassoux, and Donna Haraway, to focus the conceptual elements of speculation. Through all of these texts, we’ll pay special attention to the following questions: to what urgent political, social, cultural, ethical, or aesthetic needs do these speculative worlds respond? How does the writing of various sorts of prose genres and poetic forms intersect with the speculative mode? What is the relation between genre and gender, and what is queer speculation? What could a speculative translation be? Classroom time will be divided between succinct lectures and seminar discussion, with plenty of opportunity for in-class writing. Students can additionally expect to write regular reading responses and two essays, with additional possibilities for creative writing.
Students taking 8 credits will also participate in Saturday writing workshops in addition to the Tuesday and Thursday meetings.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 3:30-7:30p; Sat 10a-6p (8 credit students only)
Located in: Olympia
Field Plant Taxonomy and Conservation
Class Size: 50
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How can we identify, track, characterize and measure patterns in floristic diversity? How can plant taxonomists help to assess the health of ecosystems? How can scientists help to protect species and preserve the ecosystems that support them? This program fosters field plant taxonomy skills needed to address such questions for both vascular and non-vascular plants (bryophytes). Lectures topics will include plant systematics, ecology and evolution, as well as plant biodiversity and conservation. Students will learn about the importance of herbaria as the basis for all scientific inquiry and will have the opportunity to learn about how plant specimens that reside in herbaria can serve as both physical and genetic resources for examining patterns in species diversity and distribution.
In lab, students will learn how to use Hitchcock and Cronquist's Flora of the Pacific Northwest , and other technical keys for identifying unknown plants. We will spend time in the field and laboratory discussing diagnostic characters of plant families with emphasis on both vascular and non-vascular plants. In the field, students will have the opportunity to learn vegetation sampling methods including small and large-scale plots, species-area sampling and transects). Students will also learn the difference between characterizing the average abundance of species in plot data, and getting a complete inventory of plants at a site.
Seminars will provide students with the opportunity to delve deeply into local plant biodiversity and conservation topics, including threats to Pacific Northwest plant communities such as climate change, small and large scale disturbances (e.g., fire, grazing, and air pollution). Individual and group research projects will included an herbarium curation project, as well as a scientific writing and presentation component relating to a rare plant species or habitat from the Pacific Northwest.
A multi-day field trip to Sun Lakes State Park as well as multiple day-long field trips will give students an opportunity to learn about Pacific Northwest plant communities in the field, including sagebrush steppe, prairies, oak woodlands and coniferous forests. Students will be expected to maintain a detailed field journal and will be taught basic botanical illustration skills to support this work. Field trips are an essential part of the program and required. Students will also learn to properly collect plant specimens and prepare museum-quality collections that will be deposited in the Evergreen Herbarium.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
conservation, ecological restoration, floristic research methods, forestry, natural resource management, plant ecology, plant taxonomy, and vegetation ecology.
Credits per quarter
introductory plant biology that includes evolution of major groups.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$250 for transportation, meals and lodging for a field trip to Sun Lakes State Park.
Upper division science credit:
Students who successfully complete the course will earn 16 units of upper-division science credit in field plant taxonomy, applied vegetation ecology, seminar in plant ecology, and statistics.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 10am (Sem II B1105)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-04-14 | Fees reduced (from $300 to $250) and prerequistes updated (precalculus no longer required). |
2016-04-11 | Description updated. |
2016-03-16 | Lalita Calibria replaces Dylan Fischer. Dylan Fischer will teach Trees. |
Filling the Silence: News, Numbers and Poetry
Winter 2017
Class Size: 50
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Most people would agree that media censorship undermines democracy. But can the news be censored through silence and under-reporting of important events? In this writing-intensive program of poetry and journalism, we will explore how current issues and events make or do not make the news. Stories in our communities of vital public interest that historically were regularly covered by journalists go largely unreported or under-reported in mass media, only to become the focus of poetry by both the youth-driven spoken word movement and literary poets as well. This vacuum of too little local reporting with a potentially broad audience coupled with poets' burgeoning focus on social justice issues but with much smaller audiences draws into question to what degree our democracy can effectively function and inform the public and decision-makers on issues such as the environment, public health, and systemic racial inequity.
Specifically, we will explore and engage with two genres of writing - community-based journalism and poetry - to cover critical issues of the day. We will write journalistic articles and craft spoken word and literary poetry to explore themes critical to marginalized and majority communities. Quantitative reasoning is an integrative part of both journalism and poetry and are to be woven into written assignments. Additionally, this program will explore the statistical process of obtaining, describing, interpreting and using of the quantitative data in news making, and engage with the surprising yet fascinating mathematical aspect of poetry.
Our poetic study and practice will be partially based on the visionary work of the national spoken word/slam poetry movement. Beginning in its current form in the late 1980s, spoken word is a vital and energetic movement in poetry, revitalizing poetry as a performing art. Connecting poetry to its roots in oral tradition, spoken word and poetry slams are often highly politicized, drawing upon racial, class, gender and other injustices as well as current events for subject matter. Our journalistic work will draw inspiration from Project Censored. Founded in 1976 at Sonoma State University, Project Censored is a media research program with a focus on student development of media literacy and critical thinking skills as applied to news media censorship in the U.S. The program continues to educate students and the public about the crucial role of a free press for democratic self-government.
Fall quarter, we will study and practice the fundamentals of writing effective local journalism and poetry. Winter quarter, students will choose a specific issue or theme and develop two pieces of writing - a local journalistic piece to be submitted for publication and a spoken word or literary poem to be performed at a local poetry venue.
Students who participate both quarters in good standing will have an opportunity to do internships winter quarter.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Journalism, communications, government, education, nonprofits.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$15 per quarter for entrance fees for program-related events in the community.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Class meets every Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., plus field trips to local poetry venues one Wednesday evening and one Thursday evening per month. First Winter meeting is Sat, January 14, 10am in Sem 2 A1107.
Located in: Olympia
Film and Gender
Class Size: 25
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This course examines film through the lens of gender studies. Both film studies and gender studies will be covered at an introductory level, with additional support and opportunities provided to students with previous experience. We will focus primarily on women performers, producers, and directors, but we will address their work through an intersectional lens, with attention paid to elements of race and sexuality, as well as to non-binary gender identities. There will be one screening with lecture every week; students will watch additional films at home and post weekly screening reports. More advanced students may pursue a research or screenwriting project in lieu of weekly reports.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Media arts, communications, education, activism
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat Noon-5p
Located in: Olympia
Food, Health, and Sustainability
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 50
33% Reserved for Freshmen
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What should we eat? What is the link between diet and health? How is our diet shaped by our agricultural practices? How sustainable is our food system?
This program will take a scientific approach to food and cooking. Throughout history, food and cooking have not only been essential for human sustenance, but have played a central role in the economic and cultural life of civilizations. This interdisciplinary exploration of food will take a broad ecological systems approach as it examines the biology and chemistry of food while also incorporating political, historical, and anthropological perspectives. Topics will span a broad range of scale, from ecological agriculture to molecular structure, including sustainable production, the coevolution of humans and food, the connection between food and medicine, as well as the transformation of food through the processes of cooking and fermentation.
Students will directly apply major concepts learned in lectures to experiments in the laboratory and kitchen. Field trips will provide opportunities for observing food production and processing in the local community. Program themes will be reinforced in problem-solving workshop sessions and seminar discussions focused on topics addressed by such authors as Michael Pollan, Harold McGee, Gary Paul Nabhan, Sidney Mintz, and Sandor Katz.
Fall quarter we will introduce the concept of food systems and analyze conventional and sustainable agricultural practices. We will examine the botany of vegetables, fruits, seed grains, and legumes that constitute most of the global food supply. In parallel, we will study the genetic principles of plant and animal breeding and the role of evolution in the selection of plant and animal species used as food by different human populations. We will consider concepts in molecular biology that will allow us to understand and assess genetically modified crops.
Winter quarter we shift our attention to cooking and nutrition. We will explore the biochemistry of food, beginning with basic chemical concepts, before moving on to the structure of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. We will study meat, milk, eggs, vegetables, and cereal doughs and examine what happens at a biochemical level during the process of cooking and baking. We will explore how our bodies digest and recover nutrients, and consider the physiological roles of vitamins and antioxidants, as well as the complex relationship between diet, disease, and genetics. Finally, we will study the physiology of taste and smell, critical for the appreciation of food.
Spring quarter we will examine the relationship between food and microbes from several perspectives. We will produce specific fermented foods while studying underlying biochemical reactions. We will also consider topics in microbiology as they relate to food safety and food preservation, and focus on the human microbiome, including specific interactions between particular microbes and the human immune system.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
agriculture, food policy, and biological sciences including ecological agriculture, genetics, biochemistry, nutrition, and microbiology.
Credits per quarter
High school biology and chemistry. This is a intensive science program and is not intended as a survey program.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$150 in fall and winter for conference registration and food supplies, $200 in spring for food supplies and an overnight field trip.
Class Size: 50
33% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 9am (Sem II D1107)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2017-02-23 | This program will not accept new students spring quarter. |
Food: Development, Political Economy, and Environment
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Why are there 795 million people in the world without enough food - even though agricultural output has almost doubled in the last half century? What explains the concentration of the vast majority of the world’s hungry in developing countries? How does financing and speculation affect agricultural commodity and food prices across the globe? Do alternative forms of energy affect food and agriculture production and prices? Can non-conventional small-scale methods of agriculture feed the world? In this program, we'll use questions like these to guide our study of the economics, politics and environmental impacts of the modern industrial food system.
This program will offer an introductory examination into the issues of food, distribution, policy, and hunger from a political economic perspective. We will survey and compare food and agriculture issues in both industrialized and developing countries. Using economic concepts, we will look to provide an analytical understanding of these issues. Topics such as hunger, agricultural policy, food distribution, food sovereignty, food security, food aid, biotechnology and the Green Revolution, as well as other related themes will be explored throughout the quarter.
In addition to studying and critiquing the existing system, we will spend significant time exploring more sustainable alternatives to mainstream methods of food production, distribution and consumption. Students will learn to apply economic theories studied in class to specific aspects of the food system and undertake an independent project on an alternative to mainstream food production.
Students will be assigned weekly readings in addition to guest lectures and films. Assignments will include problem sets, weekly papers, and a research-based term paper in which they integrate and apply class material to a particular country. Students will also be asked to do in-class presentations and present their work in an end-of-quarter symposium.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
agriculture and food policy, international development, non-governmental organizations, community-based advocacy, public policy, history, cultural studies, economics, and political economy
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-17 | Fee cancelled. |
2016-08-26 | New fall opportunity added. |
Foundation of Economics and Accounting for Business Sustainability
Class Size: 25
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In modern societies, businesses are growth engines for building strong economies and communities. The objective of this course is to provide the basic knowledge and skill training in the area of business economics and accounting necessary for developing and managing successful and sustainable enterprises.
Specifically, this course will focus on the fundamentals of business accounting and economics, planning for start-up enterprises, marketing and business analysis. Also covered are topics in macro and micro economics, money, banking and international trade.
This course is intended for students interested in exploring new business ventures and in learning about sustainable business practices and organizational development. Students will learn how:
- To develop basic accounting competencies in order to operate successful small business enterprises.
- To increase skills in business management and financial analysis of business organizations
- To develop effective business proposals for funding and raising capital
- To communicate effectively across cultural boundaries
- To better assess the economic impacts of monetary and fiscal policies on businesses
This course is designed to facilitate learning through active involvement with real-world situations, and as such, students will have the opportunity to design and perform an in-service Learning Project with a local business or organization. Time commitment: 2 hours per week for 10 weeks (or combined into other time patterns for a total of 20 hours per quarter). Evaluation of each student’s in-service work will be completed by the participating business or organization. At the end of the quarter, students are expected to present their in-service learning findings to the class.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Business Management, Accounting, Economics, Leadership and Community Development.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 5:30 - 9:30p. First class meeting Tuesday, Sept 27, 5:30p, Sem 2 A3109
Located in: Olympia
Foundation of Economics and Accounting for Business Sustainability
Class Size: 25
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In modern societies, businesses are the growth engines for building strong economies and communities. The objective of this course is to provide the basic knowledge and skill training in the area of business economics and accounting necessary for developing and managing successful and sustainable enterprises
Specifically, this course will focus on the fundamentals of business accounting and economics, planning for start-up enterprises, marketing and business analysis. Also covered are topics in macro and micro economics, money, banking and international trade.
This course is intended for students interested in exploring new business ventures and in learning about sustainable business practices and organizational development. Students will learn how:
- To develop basic accounting competencies in order to operate successful small business enterprises.
- To increase skills in business management and financial analysis of business organizations
- To develop effective business proposal for funding and raising capital
- To communicate effectively across cultural boundaries
- To better assess the economic impacts of monetary and fiscal policies on businesses
This course is designed to facilitate learning through active involvement with real-world situations, and as such, students will have the opportunity to design and perform a 2-credit in-service Learning Project with a local business or organization. Time commitment: 2 hours per week for 10 weeks (or combined into other time patterns for a total of 20 hours per quarter). Evaluation of each student’s in-service work will be completed by the participating business or organization. At the end of the quarter, students are expected to present their in-service learning findings to the class.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Business Management, Accounting, Economics, Leadership and Community Development.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 5:30-9:30p
Located in: Olympia
Foundations of Washington State's Governance System
Class Size: 25
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Washington State’s local governance system was forged during two of our nation’s great mass democratic political actions – the Populist and Progressive movements. The cultural, economic and political forces that informed our state’s creation and development provide insight into how social movements develop and what factors contribute to their success and failure. Students will engage in primary source research of events that occurred following Washington’s territorial years to just prior to World War I. Class sessions will be interactive, combining presentations by the instructor and guests with seminar discussions. Learning objectives include developing student's critical thinking and writing skills.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Public and non-profit administration and teaching.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thursday evenings 5:30 to 9:30 PM. First meeting Thur, September 29, 5:30pm, Sem 2 B1107.
Located in: Olympia
French - First Year I
Class Size: 25
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This year-long sequence of courses in French emphasizes mastery of basic skills through a solid study of grammatical structures and focus on interactive oral activities. Classes use immersion style learning and students are surrounded by authentic French from the start. Student work encompasses all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will develop accurate pronunciation, build a useful vocabulary, work regularly in small groups and learn conversational skills. Classes are lively and fast-paced with a wide variety of creative, fun activities including music, poetry, videos, role-play, and web sites. Through aloud reading and discussions in French, students will acquire vocabulary proficiency, accurate pronunciation, fluidity, and dialogues. Throughout the year, students use the Language Laboratory to accelerate their skills.
Credits per quarter
No Prerequisites
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
7:15-9p Tue/Thu. First class meeting Tues, September 27, 7:15pm, Sem 2 B2105.
Located in: Olympia
French - First Year II
Class Size: 25
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This year-long sequence of courses in French emphasizes mastery of basic skills through a solid study of grammatical structures and focus on interactive oral activities. Classes use immersion style learning and students are surrounded by authentic French from the start. Student work encompasses all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will develop accurate pronunciation, build a useful vocabulary, work regularly in small groups and learn conversational skills. Classes are lively and fast-paced with a wide variety of creative, fun activities including music, poetry, videos, role-play, and web sites. Winter quarter themes focus on regional French traditions, cuisine, fables and poetry. Through aloud reading and discussions in French, students will acquire vocabulary proficiency, accurate pronunciation, fluidity, and dialogues. Throughout the year, students use the Language Laboratory to accelerate their skills.
Credits per quarter
Equivalent of 1 quarter college French or 2-3 years High School French
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
7:15-9p Tue/Thu. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 7:15p, in Seminar 2 B2105.
Located in: Olympia
French - First Year III
Class Size: 25
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This year-long sequence of courses in French emphasizes mastery of basic skills through a solid study of grammatical structures and focus on interactive oral activities. Classes use immersion style learning and students are surrounded by authentic French from the start. Student work encompasses all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will develop accurate pronunciation, build a useful vocabulary, work regularly in small groups and learn conversational skills. Classes are lively and fast-paced with a wide variety of creative, fun activities including music, poetry, videos, role-play, and web sites. Spring quarter themes focus on development of reading skills through tales, legends and viewing Francophone films from the Francophone world alongside grammatical study. Through aloud reading and discussions in French, students will acquire vocabulary proficiency, accurate pronunciation, fluidity, and dialogues. Throughout the year, students use the Language Laboratory to accelerate their skills.
Credits per quarter
Equivalent of 2 quarters college French or 3 years High School French
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
7:15-9p Tue/Thu
Located in: Olympia
French - Second Year I
Class Size: 25
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This year-long course is designed for those who are in between Beginning and Intermediate Level, but beyond basic Beginner level. It is targeted to bring student skills up with overview and review of first year structures moving quickly to more advanced grammar. Classes will be conducted entirely in French. Students need to have a working knowledge of basic structures, particularly present and past tenses. The primary objectives are communicative interactions in French, alongside enhanced development of grammatical proficiency. Students will practice all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will learn not only to express themselves in French, but to understand written and spoken French and discover much they didn't know about themselves. Fall quarter Students will develop reading skills through short stories and poetry. Throughout the year, students use the Language Laboratory to accelerate their skills.
Credits per quarter
Equivalent of 2-3 quarters of college French or 3 years High School French
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:15-7p Tue/Thu. First meeting Tue September 27, 5:15pm, Sem2 B2105
Located in: Olympia
French - Second Year II
Class Size: 25
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This year-long course is designed for those who are in between Beginning and Intermediate Level, but beyond basic Beginner level. It is targeted to bring student skills up with overview and review of first year structures moving quickly to more advanced grammar. Classes will be conducted entirely in French. Students need to have a working knowledge of basic structures, particularly present and past tenses. The primary objectives are communicative interactions in French, alongside enhanced development of grammatical proficiency. Students will practice all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will learn not only to express themselves in French, but to understand written and spoken French and discover much they didn't know about themselves. Winter quarter themes will include theater scenes, role-play and work with films. Throughout the year, students use the Language Laboratory to accelerate their skills.
Credits per quarter
Equivalent of 2-3 quarters of college French or 3 years High School French
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:15-7p Tue/Thu. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 5:15p, in Seminar 2 B2105.
Located in: Olympia
French - Second Year III
Class Size: 25
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This year-long course is designed for those who are in between Beginning and Intermediate Level, but beyond basic Beginner level. It is targeted to bring student skills up with overview and review of first year structures moving quickly to more advanced grammar. Classes will be conducted entirely in French. Students need to have a working knowledge of basic structures, particularly present and past tenses. The primary objectives are communicative interactions in French, alongside enhanced development of grammatical proficiency. Students will practice all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will learn not only to express themselves in French, but to understand written and spoken French and discover much they didn't know about themselves. Spring quarter students will read a short novel and work with its companion film. Throughout the year, students use the Language Laboratory to accelerate their skills.
Credits per quarter
Equivalent of 2-3 quarters of college French or 3 years High School French
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:15-7p Tue/Thu
Located in: Olympia
Freshwater Ecology: A Landscape Perspective
Class Size: 50
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Rivers flow through complex landscapes in which upland and riparian elements interact in complex ways. In this program, we will take a landscape perspective to understanding these interactions. We will investigate the impacts of how local geology, land-use practices (logging, urbanization, agriculture), and terrestrial disturbances (forest fires, landslides, insect outbreaks) influence the chemistry and hydrodynamics of river water.
Rivers and streams rank as some of the most imperiled ecosystems on Earth. They have been heavily impacted by transportation, irrigation, energy production, waste disposal and recreation. Due to high extinction rates of freshwater species, it is crucial to understand how freshwater ecosystems function and habitats can be restored. We will study freshwater ecology and landscape ecology concepts in order to understand spatial patterns and connectivity so we may consider restoration and management paradigms in rivers today.
We will conduct field studies, lectures and labs addressing broad landscape patterns and processes in watersheds and water bodies. Students will learn to make scientific observations, ask research questions, design field experiments, collect and analyze data, run statistical analyses, analyze spatial patterns, make maps, and communicate their findings using scientific writing, oral presentations, and lay summaries. Seminar readings will focus on human-freshwater interactions and local topics in the Pacific Northwest.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
land management, ecology, GIS, and field biology
Credits per quarter
One year of General Biology and at least one quarter college-level chemistry required.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$250 for an overnight field trip to the Olympic Peninsula
Upper division science credit:
Upper division science credit can be earned through demonstration of upper division work.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 9am (Lecture Hall Classroom 8)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-03-09 | New spring opportunity added. |
Furniture Design I
Class Size: 16
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Furniture design I is a course in the preparation and construction of a piece of furniture of the student’s original design. Students enrolling in this course must have successfully completed Introduction to Woodworking or have significant prior experience in joinery and fabrication in wood, and the instructor’s authorization. In Furniture Design I, students will be introduced to furniture design from an historical perspective. Emphasis will be placed on the mid-nineteenth century to the present day, noting the progression and the enduring qualities of philosophy, design concepts and fabrication methodologies. Our study will focus on designers and makers from the Arts and Crafts movement, the International Style, Art Deco, Mid-Century Modern, Craft Revival, and artisan furniture makers of the Pacific Northwest. Students will develop original designs through engaging in the design process; consultation with the instructor and their design team members, defining design parameters, sketching design ideas, critiquing design options among the design teams, producing scale drawings, cut lists and fabrication sequences; and production of a scale model of their final design.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Artisan furniture design and fabrication.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$35 to cover expenses for model making materials.
Class Size: 16
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesday evenings 5:30 to 9:30p. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 5:30p, in Art Annex 0111.
Located in: Olympia
Furniture Design II
Class Size: 16
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Furniture Design II is a continuation of the design work completed during Furniture Design I. At this point, students should have prepared drawings, models, parts lists and fabrication sequences which will facilitate the fabrication of their original design. The size of the piece is determined by the storage space available in the Art Annex. Students will further develop and employ traditional joinery techniques, machine and hand tool skills, understanding of the aesthetic and working properties of wood, and an aquaitence with the development of furniture design over the past 200 years.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Artisan furniture design and fabrication.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$85.00 for basic materials for student's to fabricate their original furniture design.
Class Size: 16
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 5:30-9:30pm
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-24 | New offering added for Spring quarter |
G.W.F. Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
Class Size: 25
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This is an opportunity for students to work through one of the most complex works in the history of western philosophy, Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit . Hegel’s thought attempts to deal with what he takes to be the alienation of the modern subject from the project and products of knowledge, education and culture. This model of alienation and the dialectic approach it yields have had a long history of influence, starting with Marx and continuing through the existentialists and the development of critical theory. In addition to seminars and lectures, we will have writing workshops and close reading sessions.
Credits per quarter
Some preparatory background in any one of the areas of philosophy, critical theory, or Marxist thought is advised.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Monday and Wednesday 1p-5p
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-04-25 | Updated Schedule: Now meets M/W 1-5p |
2017-04-25 | Course is now offered for 4 credits (was 8) |
Gateways for Incarcerated Youth: Acknowledging the Past, Claiming the Future
Winter 2017
Class Size: 20
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This program offers Evergreen students the opportunity to co-learn with individuals incarcerated in a medium/maximum-security institution for juvenile males institution (Green Hill Institution in Chehalis, Washington). It is high stakes work that demands consistent engagement and self reflection—approximately 10-12 hours a week in class and 4-6 hours a week at the institution (including travel time) and a 20 hour a quarter involvement in other activities (such as fundraising) that help support and expand the educational resources available to the incarcerated youth.
A fundamental principle of the Gateways program is that every person has talents and valuable experiences that can contribute to our shared learning. It is our job as human creatures to encourage each other to seek out and develop our passions and gifts. These values are manifested in the practices of popular education, central to our work in the prison classroom.
Our goal is to create an environment in which each person becomes empowered to share their knowledge, creativity, values and goals by connecting respectfully with people from other cultural and class backgrounds. The main feature of popular education is that it empowers those seeking education to be the local experts in shaping their own course of study. Popular education works through conscientization, the ongoing process of joining with others to examine socioeconomic conditions, to reflect critically on those conditions, and thereby to imagine new possibilities for living. In order to do this work successfully, students will practice learning how to meet other learners "where they are at" (literally, in order to better understand the conditions that put some of us in prisons and others in colleges). Students will also develop or hone their skills in contextualizing and analyzing socioeconomic phenomena. Most importantly, students will learn that solidarity does not mean "saving" other people or solving their problems—it means creating conditions that allow them to articulate those problems through genuine dialogue and supporting them as they work toward their own solutions.
Program participants will have the opportunity to reflect on how different individuals access and manifest their learning as they gain experience in facilitating discussions and workshops. In the process of collectively shaping the Gateways seminar, they will also learn how to organize productive meetings and work through conflict. Students will take increasing responsibility for designing, implementing and assessing the program workshops and seminars. Throughout the program we will seek to expand our collective knowledge about various kinds of relative advantage or privilege while continually working to create a space that is welcoming and generative for all learners.
High stakes community-based work requires trust, and trust requires sustained commitment. This program requires that all participants be ready to fully commit themselves to the program.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
juvenile justice, education, law, policy, social work, and community organizing.
Credits per quarter
Participating students are required by Green Hill to submit and pass a background check in order to work on site.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$50 per quarter for overnight field trips.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 10am (Sem II E3105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-10 | Fees reduced. |
2016-02-17 | New opportunity added. |
Gender and Science: An Introduction
Class Size: 23
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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How do knowledge, power, language and gender interact? How has that interrelationship generated the very idea of gender and gender difference? How does our human understanding of the universe relate to ideas such as universality and objectivity? This introductory program explores and interrogates the gendered production of knowledge and its close relationship to power, human culture and the idea of nature.
The history of women’s intellectual production and thought has long been silenced or suppressed by patriarchal structures, and to a great extent continues today through institutionalized sexism, androcentrism, and heteronormativity. This fraught history will be unpacked, attendant with the celebration of women's and othered genders' contributions to scientific knowledge. This program will provide an opportunity for lower division students to gain exposure to the interaction of the natural sciences and social sciences, the societal imprint on science about gender, traditional and critical perspectives on biology and the achievements of women with science. Students who wish to study further in science, science history, gender studies and/or critical theory will obtain a broad foundational overview in this program.
We will read feminist philosophy of science, sociological studies on science, work by and research on women scientists. We will conduct workshops to confront issues of gender socialization as it relates to quantitative reasoning. Topics to be examined through feminist lenses and laboratory investigations may encompass ecology, developmental biology, genetics, fertilization, reproduction, sex determination, sexuality, and gendered social norms. Books by Rachel Carson, Marlene Zuk and Cordelia Fine will be featured alongside work by Sandra Harding, Donna Haraway, and Patricia Hill Collins. Writing exercises, essays, in-class workshop and lab activities, and lab notebook observations will be emphasized.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
gender studies, history or philosophy of science, and biology.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$47 for entrance tickets and supplies, including a reader produced by the copy center.
Class Size: 23
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 12pm (Sem IIA2109)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-10-17 | New winter opportunity added. |
General Biology
Class Size: 25
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Living systems will be studied on the molecular, cellular, and organismal level. Topics that will be covered include, but are not limited to, biomolecules, cell structure and function, genetics, gene expression and regulation, evolutionary biology, biodiversity, introduction to ecology, plant and animal physiology, and the scientific method. The lab component will reinforce concepts and ideas explored in lectures, readings, and workshops. Some components of our work will take us outside to do field surveys and learn about the ecosystem and habitats around us. This biology course is excellent preparation for students interested in taking more advanced life science courses or for future work in environmental science.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
advanced biological sciences, environmental sciences, agriculture, botany, evolutionary biology, molecular biology, microbiology, medicine
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays, Noon-4pm; Wednesdays, 8am - 5 pm; Thursdays, 8am-Noon
Located in: Olympia
General Chemistry
Class Size: 25
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This full time one-quarter program will offer an intensive introduction
to the concepts and methods of college-level general chemistry,
providing the equivalent of a yearlong course in general
chemistry. It will use an organizing theme that is based on the
cycles and transformations of matter and energy at a variety of scales
in both living and nonliving systems. Use of quantitative methods will
be emphasized in all areas of the program, providing additional insights
into these processes. Students will undertake assignments focused on
interpreting and integrating all of the topics covered. The work will
emphasize critical thinking and quantitative reasoning, as well as the
development of proficient writing and speaking skills.
activities will include lectures, small-group problem-solving workshops,
and laboratory work. Students can expect to spend several hours a day
in lab each week, maintain laboratory notebooks, write formal laboratory
reports and give formal presentations of their work. Group work will
also include reading and discussion of topics of current or historical
significance in chemistry. This will be a rigorous program, requiring a
serious commitment of time and effort on the part of the student.
Overall, it is expected that students will end the program with the
ability to reason critically, solve problems and have hands-on
experience with general chemistry.
This program will give
students the chemistry prerequisite needed to pursue upper division work
in chemistry, biochemistry and environmental science.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
chemistry, biology, environmental science, medicine, health and education.
Credits per quarter
Strong grasp of algebra (exponents, logarithms, equations, linear graphing). Refer to the math proficiency document (http://blogs.evergreen.edu/mckinstl) to evaluate your level of preparation for entry into this program.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, September 26 at 9am (Purce Hall Classroom 1)
Located in: Olympia
General Chemistry I with Lab
Class Size: 25
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This course is designed to be the first half of the equivalent of a year-long study of general chemistry and will include lecture, small-group problem-solving activities, and laboratory. The class will begin by learning the structure of the atom. This knowledge will then be applied to understand why atoms combine the way they do to form various substances and also to explain why different substances have different chemical properties. Additional topics covered will include stoichiometry, aqueous solutions, and thermochemistry. Laboratory will focus on developing good lab habits and skills while applying the principles learned in class to real-world problems.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
chemistry, biology, natural sciences, environmental sciences
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 9am-Noon, Tue/Thu 10am-Noon and 1pm-4pm
Located in: Olympia
General Chemistry II with Lab
Class Size: 25
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This course is designed to be the second half of the equivalent of a year-long study of general chemistry and will include lecture, small-group problem-solving activities, and laboratory. Topics covered include intermolecular forces, equilibrium, acids and bases, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, and kinetics. Laboratory time will continue to develop good lab habits and skills while applying the principles learned in class to real-world problems.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
chemistry, biology, natural sciences, environmental sciences
Credits per quarter
Successful completion of the first half of a year-long college level course in general chemistry or the equivalent.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 9am-Noon, Tue/Thu 10am-Noon & 1pm-4pm
Located in: Olympia
General Chemistry with Laboratory I
Class Size: 25
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Chemistry is the foundation for everything around us and relates to everything we do. General Chemistry I is part of a 3-part series. These courses provide the fundamental principles of general chemistry. They also provide the prerequisites for advanced chemistry, health sciences, and medical offerings. These courses also provide a basic laboratory science for students seeking a well rounded liberal arts education.
General Chemistry with Laboratory I
This is the first course in a year-long general chemistry sequence. Topics covered in fall quarter include unit conversions, electron structures, and chemical bonding and will include related laboratory experiments.
General Chemistry with Laboratory II
General Chemistry II builds upon material covered in General Chemistry I. Topics covered in winter quarter include thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibria, and acid-base equilibria. Lab work will complement in-class learning.
General Chemistry with Laboratory III
General Chemistry III will continue with acid-base chemistry, pH, complex ion equilibria, entropy, and transition metals, as well as other related topics. This quarter also includes a lab section that will complement the course work.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
science, medicine
Credits per quarter
Winter & Spring course requires successful completion of the preceding course or equivalent. Contact the instructor for an assessment of proficiency.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-9:30p Mon; 6-10p Wed. First meeting Mon Sept 26, 6pm, Sem 2 B2105.
Located in: Olympia
General Chemistry with Laboratory II
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
Chemistry is the foundation for everything around us and relates to everything we do. General Chemistry II is the second part of a 3-part series. These courses provide the fundamental principles of general chemistry. They also provide the prerequisites for advanced chemistry, health sciences, and medical offerings. These courses also provide a basic laboratory science for students seeking a well rounded liberal arts education.
General Chemistry with Laboratory I
This is the first course in a year-long general chemistry sequence. Topics covered in fall quarter include unit conversions, electron structures, and chemical bonding and will include related laboratory experiments.
General Chemistry with Laboratory II
General Chemistry II builds upon material covered in General Chemistry I. Topics covered in winter quarter include thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibria, and acid-base equilibria. Lab work will complement in-class learning.
General Chemistry with Laboratory III
General Chemistry III will continue with acid-base chemistry, pH, complex ion equilibria, entropy, and transition metals, as well as other related topics. This quarter also includes a lab section that will complement the course work.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
science, medicine
Credits per quarter
Winter & Spring course requires successful completion of the preceding course or equivalent. Contact the instructor for an assessment of proficiency.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-9:30p Mon; 6-10p Wed. First meeting is Monday, January 9, 6p, in Seminar 2 A3107.
Located in: Olympia
General Chemistry with Laboratory III
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
Chemistry is the foundation for everything around us and relates to everything we do. General Chemistry III is the final course of a 3-part series. These courses provide the fundamental principles of general chemistry. They also provide the prerequisites for advanced chemistry, health sciences, and medical offerings. These courses also provide a basic laboratory science for students seeking a well rounded liberal arts education.
General Chemistry with Laboratory I
This is the first course in a year-long general chemistry sequence. Topics covered in fall quarter include unit conversions, electron structures, and chemical bonding and will include related laboratory experiments.
General Chemistry with Laboratory II
General Chemistry II builds upon material covered in General Chemistry I. Topics covered in winter quarter include thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibria, and acid-base equilibria. Lab work will complement in-class learning.
General Chemistry with Laboratory III
General Chemistry III will continue with acid-base chemistry, pH, complex ion equilibria, entropy, and transition metals, as well as other related topics. This quarter also includes a lab section that will complement the course work.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
science, medicine
Credits per quarter
Winter & Spring course requires successful completion of the preceding course or equivalent. Contact the instructor for an assessment of proficiency.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-9:30p Mon; 6-10p Wed
Located in: Olympia
Class Size: 25
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This class is an introduction to both Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry suitable for teachers or others interested in gaining a deeper understanding of mathematics, mathematical proof, and the historical and conceptual evolution of geometrical ideas. The course will concentrate on problem solving and the development of mathematical skills, particularly proofs, with the goal of understanding the major conceptual developments in the history of geometry. Class activities will be primarily reading, problem solving, and discussion with lectures as needed. The course is suitable for middle and secondary math endorsements.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
mathematics-related fields, education
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tue & Thu, 1-4:30 pm. Note that the course will meet first session through the first week of second session. Any schedule conflicts can be resolved with the instructor.
Located in: Olympia
Geopolitics, Energy, Economics and Stewardship of the Pacific Northwest
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program examines the political, ecological and energy-related foundations of the Pacific Northwest’s culture and economy. The unique mix of energy, natural resources, agriculture, manufacturing, military, high technology and finance have created a diverse cultural and economic base. The regional economy, led by manufacturing, agriculture, forest products and finance, served the region well during most of the 20th century, creating a variety of sources of employment and opportunities for families to achieve a high quality of life.
Changes in the late 20th and early 21st century present new challenges. As we explore these changes, our goals are to define a concrete vision of a sustainable economy in the Pacific Northwest that will account for employment, prosperity and preservation and restoration of the environment, as well as to examine the roles public policy and entrepreneurship can play to ensure it is achievable, and to understand why it is important to transition to a sustainable future. We believe innovation, creativity and stewardship will help achieve the goals of this program to positively benefit the region.
Three overarching topics will be explored in depth. Pacific Northwest energy regimes—including natural gas, hydroelectric sources and emerging technologies of tidal, geothermal and wind—will be examined. Energy is vital to the Pacific Northwest because of the comparative advantages on price the region has long enjoyed. We will examine the composition of, and changes in, the regional economy, including how to understand key economic relationships, how technology and other emerging sectors impact education, demographics, employment, wage structures and demands for infrastructure and tax base. To fully understand energy and the regional economy, we will integrate considerations of how economics, governance and ecology are now at critical turning points.
This program is organized around class work that includes lectures, workshops, book seminars and field trips. Assignments will include seminar papers, field trip reports, briefing papers, individual and team research and a final project and presentation.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
government, business, public policy, economic development, public administration and entrepreneurship.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 11am (Lecture Hall 3)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-11 | New spring opportunity added. |
German, Beginning I
Class Size: 25
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Komm und lern Deutsch! In this first course in a year-long sequence of courses for beginning German students will cover basic grammatical concepts, vocabulary, and conversation. Students will develop basic skills in speaking, reading, translating, and writing standard high German. Students will also learn about culture, traditions, and customs of the German people, new and old. Through involvement in children’s stories, music, and activities in the language laboratory, students will also become familiar with idiomatic expressions. By the end of the year, students will improve their oral skills to the point of discussing short films and modern short stories and learning how to write a formal letter, a resumé, or a job application. Classes will use a communicative method and will move quickly toward being conducted primarily in German.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mondays and Wednesdays, 6-8 pm. First meeting Mon, Sept 26, 6pm, Seminar 2 B3109.
Located in: Olympia
German, Beginning II
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
Komm und lern Deutsch! In this second course of a year-long sequence of courses for beginning German students will cover basic grammatical concepts, vocabulary, and conversation. Students will develop basic skills in speaking, reading, translating, and writing standard high German. Students will also learn about culture, traditions, and customs of the German people, new and old. Through involvement in children’s stories, music, and activities in the language laboratory, students will also become familiar with idiomatic expressions. By the end of the year, students will improve their oral skills to the point of discussing short films and modern short stories and learning how to write a formal letter, a resumé, or a job application. Classes will use a communicative method and will move quickly toward being conducted primarily in German.Taught by a NATIVE SPEAKER.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 6-8 p. First meeting is Monday, January 9, 6p, in Seminar 2 B3109.
Located in: Olympia
German, Beginning III
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
Komm und lern Deutsch! In this third course of a year-long sequence of courses for beginning German students will cover basic grammatical concepts, vocabulary, and conversation. Students will develop basic skills in speaking, reading, translating, and writing standard high German. Students will also learn about culture, traditions, and customs of the German people, new and old. Through involvement in children’s stories, music, and activities in the language laboratory, students will also become familiar with idiomatic expressions. By the end of the year, students will improve their oral skills to the point of discussing short films and modern short stories and learning how to write a formal letter, a resumé, or a job application. Classes will use a communicative method and will move quickly toward being conducted primarily in German.Taught by a NATIVE SPEAKER.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mondays and Wednesdays, 6-8 pm
Located in: Olympia
Gestural Metal Sculpture
Class Size: 15
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Students begin by studying the human form. Drawing from life, you will create a series of gestural drawings. Working from your drawings, you will create a welded steel and cast metal sculpture, representing the human form in action, exploring design elements of mass, volume, form, space, movement and line. In this beginning to advanced level class, we will cover welding and casting as well as working from a live model.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$250 Student fee required for consumable and project materials.
Class Size: 15
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays 5:30-9:30pm
Located in: Olympia
Global Exchange
Winter 2017
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program is designed for students to gain an introductory understanding of the historical role of trade and business in the global economy of today. The age-old urge to trade has led to empires, wars, trade restrictions and, more recently, violent protests against economic and financial globalization.
This two-quarter program examines the impact of trade on the political, economic, financial, ecological, religious, and energy-related foundations of the U.S. economy. We will explore the evolution of trade from the ancient world to today. Our historical review will help us understand how trade shaped the past and will provide lessons for how trade may well shape the future. As we explore these changes, our goals are to define how the development of trade is part of a society’s natural progression toward prosperity. Several field trips are planned for each quarter, which could include visits to local ports and global business in the Pacific Northwest. The goal of the field trips is to enhance and broaden classroom activities with experiences in real-world settings where we can gain perspectives from people engaged in trade and business. In addition, there will be a large emphasis on writing, including brief and very focused assignments as well as seminar papers. At the end of each quarter students will present their research findings on trade and business in multimedia presentations.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
business, finance, history, and economics.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 10am (Sem II D1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-07-27 | This program now accepts students of all class levels (Freshmen through Seniors). |
2016-01-11 | Jon Baumunk joins the teaching team. |
Globalization and the Politics of Walls
Class Size: 25
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Although globalization has led to increasing interdependence of societies and peoples, one of the most striking features on the contemporary global landscape is the proliferation of massive walls built between peoples, such as those on the U.S.-Mexico border, around Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, between India and Bangladesh, around Spanish enclaves in Morocco, and dozens more around the world. Students in this global politics program will examine the proliferation of walls in contemporary global society through detailed case studies and theoretical writings in order to understand why wall-building is on the rise today, how these walls affects various populations and why many people are resisting these walls. While these new walls are typically justified in the name of national security and defending borders, we will read diverse critics who contend that these walls may also reflect neoliberal strategies of socioeconomic exclusion between rich and poor and neocolonial attempts to marginalize unwanted populations. Students will also learn about attempts to subvert, repurpose or remove these walls. Through intensive reading, writing, and discussion, students will be asked to develop their own theories about the politics of walls in contemporary global society and to create public installations of some of these wall-building projects as pedagogical exercise.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
international studies, political economy, and political science.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 12pm (Lib 1412)
Located in: Olympia
Government in an Evolving Democracy
Class Size: 25
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The defining question for this class is: What good is government?
Why do we pay for “government” and what does it give us? Why does Washington State have the most regressive tax structure in the United States? Why do western states, including ours, have a citizen initiative process? How do United States Supreme Court rulings affect ideas, policies and laws about gender, marriage, gun control, education and media? What is the role of both state and federal government in: Food production? Housing? Privacy? Water? Health? Education? What is infrastructure, and how does state-level investment in construction differ from that invested in human-delivered social/educational services? Why are roads, bridges and dams mentioned in the media only when they fail? How do gun laws like “Stand Your Ground” relate to the criminal justice system?
These questions and more will be addressed in a class that provides students with theoretical and pragmatic knowledge about how government and democratic systems function in the United States and in the State of Washington. Themes include, but are not limited to, federalism, states' rights, and citizens' participatory governance and individual rights. Readings will include U. S. Supreme Court and Washington State court cases. Students will write short papers, maintain a journal on the reading assignments, participate in class discussions, and work in groups to complete a final project. The final project includes participatory research on a particular state official, which could include elected representatives and appointed state personnel, the development of structured interview questions for the research subject, a written report and an oral presentation of your research process and findings.
The class will include field trips to the Temple of Justice (Washington State Supreme Court), the Washington State Archives, the Washington State Library, the Washington State Legislative building, as well as visits with state representatives, senators and local officials.
Credit may be awarded in civics, government and political science. Parts of the curriculum may also contribute to coursework expectations for various teaching endorsements
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
public administration, teaching
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Up to $15 for bus transportation
Class Size: 25
Located in: Olympia
Grammar for Teachers
Class Size: 25
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Writing is critical for learning and a vital tool for communication. Effective teachers of writing gain insight from their own writing experiences and also that of their peers. English grammar provides many challenges for writers as they move from early drafts to finished pieces of writing. Decades of research suggest that teaching grammar in isolation has little, if any, effect on student writing.
In this course we will explore English grammar in the context of our own writing, including issues of style, punctuation, and mechanics. Through the process of addressing grammar in our own writing, we will develop strategies to support student writers in the classroom.
Even though this course is especially suited for educators and undergraduate students interested in education, all writers interested in developing and polishing their writing are welcome.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Early childhood education, elementary and secondary education, graduate school academic writing
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Classes meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Meeting dates are July 31, August 2, 7, 9, and 14.
Located in: Olympia
Grammar for Writers
Class Size: 25
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Standard written English has enough irregularities to make any careful writer or teacher nervous. Given that it's impossible to memorize everything, what's a writer or teacher to do? Which strategies for working on conventions of written English are most productive for you as a writer? Which ones will engage writers you find yourself working with? This course is based on the premise that learning grammar happens best in the context of meaningful writing. Expect to write, and think about writing, and develop both your grammatical vocabulary and your grammatical reasoning skills, with the aim of becoming a more effective writer. Class time will spent in workshops, so regular participation in essential. All writers welcome.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
elementary and secondary education, college writing, graduate/professional writing and editing
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat 9a-2p + 2 hours per week online classwork
Located in: Olympia
Grammar in Context
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
Standard written English has enough irregularities to make any careful writer or teacher nervous. Given that it's impossible to memorize everything, what's a writer or teacher to do? Which strategies for working on conventions of written English are most productive for you as a writer? Which ones will engage any writers you find yourself working with? This course is based on the premise that learning grammar happens best in the context of meaningful writing. Expect to write, and think about writing, and develop both your grammatical vocabulary and your grammatical skills, all with the aim of becoming a more effective writer. Class time will spent in workshops, so regular participation in essential. All writers welcome.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mondays 6-10pm. First meeting is Monday, January 9, 6p, in Seminar 2 E3109.
Located in: Olympia
Grant Writing and Fundraising: Ideas to Realities
Class Size: 25
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This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of grant writing and fund raising. After an orientation to contemporary philanthropy and trends, students will learn how to increase the capacity of an organization to be competitive for grants and other donations. We will share ways to plan realistic projects, identify promising funding sources and write clear and compelling components of a grant, based either on guidelines for an actual funder or a generic one. Working individually or in small groups, students will develop their project idea, outline the main components of a grant and prepare a brief common application.Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
10a-2:30p Sat (Oct. 1, 15, 29. Nov. 12, Dec. 3). First meeting Saturday, Oct 1, 10am, Seminar 2 B2109.
Located in: Olympia
Grant Writing and Fundraising: Ideas to Realities
Class Size: 25
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This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of grant writing and fund raising. After an orientation to contemporary philanthropy and trends, students will learn how to increase the capacity of an organization to be competitive for grants and other donations. We will share ways to plan realistic projects, identify promising funding sources and write clear and compelling components of a grant, based either on guidelines for an actual funder or a generic one. Working individually or in small groups, students will develop their project idea, outline the main components of a grant and prepare a brief common application.Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
10a-2:30p Saturdays, January 14, 28; February 11, 25; & March 18
Located in: Olympia
Grant Writing and Fundraising: Ideas to Realities
Class Size: 25
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This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of grant writing and fund raising. After an orientation to contemporary philanthropy and trends, students will learn how to increase the capacity of an organization to be competitive for grants and other donations. We will share ways to plan realistic projects, identify promising funding sources and write clear and compelling components of a grant, based either on guidelines for an actual funder or a generic one. Working individually or in small groups, students will develop their project idea, outline the main components of a grant and prepare a brief common application.Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
10a-2:30p Sat, April 8, 22, May 13, 20 and June 3
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-07 | Schedule update: May 6th meeting changed to May 13th |
2016-12-12 | Offering added for Spring |
Group Dynamics
Class Size: 25
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Groups have become a part of everyday life and practitioners who are capable of understanding self and environment in relationship to groups will succeed. This course is designed for students who want to increase their knowledge and skills in working with groups. We will focus on the unique characteristics and common qualities of small groups. The course will cover group issues such as leadership, decision-making, power and creativity. Students will gain awareness of their own behavior in groups as participants and/or leaders. The students’ skill focus will be: to develop effectiveness in groups; to improve skills in problem-solving and decision making in groups; and to improve skills in process observation, use of self, feedback and communication.
As a group participant/observer students will learn to discriminate between observation, interpretation, judgment, description and evaluation. Students will observe and attend to group levels of systems, the individual, interpersonal, sub-group, group and organization. A gestalt perspective will be used as a foundation for group analysis of the internal and external dynamics affecting the group.
Credit will be offered in management development and organization psychology.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
management and psychology
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$20 for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat/Sun 9a-5p: April 8, 22, 23, May 20, 21, June 3, 4
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-25 | Require fee raised to $20 (was $10) |
2016-12-19 | New Offering added for Spring |
Hacking Human Nature
Class Size: 25
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We have arrived at a defining moment for our species. Humans have raced competitively around the globe, we have leveraged technology to increase our numbers, and we have innovated unsustainable and wildly unfair patterns of consumption. The facts of our predicament will force massive and arbitrary changes upon all humanity if we do not come together to design a wise and self-correcting replacement system first.
Given the above, this program will focus on several related questions:
- What is the evolutionary nature of humans, and how did it produce our present predicament?
- What does our evolutionary nature say about the range of viable futures?
- Given the range of what’s possible, what type of future is most desirable?
- What is the best hope of making the transition?
This program will not be presented at the front of the room and consumed by the audience. It will emerge from the combined efforts, knowledge, and wisdom of all program participants. It is appropriate to self-motivated students who are open to the idea that massive changes are inevitable, whether humans design them or not. Passive students are likely to feel adrift in this program, just as self-motivated students are energized. A science background is not required, but acceptance of a broad and inclusive scientific worldview is essential.
There will be lectures, readings, and student projects. We will go on two week-long retreats where hiking will occur daily. Students should expect this program to absorb a great deal of time and attention, well beyond the in-class schedule and formal assignments.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
evolutionary biology.
Credits per quarter
This will be a high intensity program well suited to self-motivated students. Students who require precise assignments are likely to find the structure of this program frustrating. Students that enjoy collaborating at the intellectual frontier will likely find this program stimulating.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$400 for overnight field trips.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9am (Sem II D2109)
Located in: Olympia
Health for All of Us: Staying Healthy While We Create an Equitable System
Winter 2017
Class Size: 50
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This two-quarter program will explore the definitions, determinants, and implications of health for both individuals and populations. How do individuals define health and wellbeing? How do culture, economics, and institutional racism affect the attainment of health? Why are some people healthier than others? What are the physical manifestations of chronic stress on an individual’s health? What can we do about the systematic difference that results in health inequity in the United States? How do people who wish to eliminate barriers to equity remain healthy themselves?
The program will examine the context of individual health and wellbeing, in terms of the World Health Organization definition of health: a state of mental, physical, and social well-being. We will consider health psychology, the ways that behavior and culture influence individual perceptions of health, illness, and interactions with the healthcare system. Contrasts between modern medicine and the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) sector will explore the allopathic and CAM viewpoints on treating the individual as a whole versus overspecialization of healthcare, locating the cause of disease, treatment of symptoms and restoration of health. Students will explore the social determinants of population health in The United States. Health literacy and Health activation will be examined as ways to link individual self-efficacy and autonomy to effective interaction with the health care system. Discussion will include epigenetics and the impact of thoughts, traumas and toxins relating to physical responses within the body’s nervous, endocrine and digestive systems, along with nutritional requirements to maintain health. The importance of individual self-awareness and health preservation for those who would catalyze change will also be explored.
This program is designed for students who would like to enhance their understanding of the social, cultural, and political factors that influence health and health care in the United States. By the end of the third quarter, students will understand more about the relationships between individual wellbeing, culture, the social determinants of health, and health care. They will also have the tools to remain healthy themselves as they advocate for improvements to the current and inadequate healthcare system in the United States.
Winter Quarter 2017
The focus of the 2nd quarter will be an analysis of how our collective understanding of health as well as our attainment of health is influenced by our relative status in society. Our study will include a focus on how non-equity affects our ability to be healthy as well as our mental construction and our reaction to disease. Particular attention will focus on how these constructs impact specific communities (communities of color, ethnicity/culture, women, and gays and lesbians). This quarter is an overview of the cultural dimension of human systems, including worldviews, kinship and social organization, and healthcare beliefs. The central question for this quarter will be: How do the differences in culture, present in diverse communities, interact with the inequality present in the US to affect both health care system and the attainment of health?
Winter Quarter - 12 credit option only
We will examine the state legislative process with respect to health care related legislation, observe how various stakeholders engage in the process, and learn how we can participate effectively in an arena that significantly affects the wellbeing of Washington state residents.
Credits will be awarded in health psychology, community health and health management.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Health Professions, Psychology, Social Services, Education, Advocacy
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
9a-5p Sat/Sun. First Class Winter Quarter January 14 at 9 am, Sem 2 B2105. Additional meeting dates are February 4/5, 18/19, March 11/12.
Located in: Olympia
Health Psychology and Counseling
Class Size: 25
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This program will focus on applications of behavioral healthcare for medical conditions and psychosocial conditions. The course will explore ways in which psychologists are working with integrated healthcare models in counseling, integrative medicine and performance enhancement. Readings and discussions will explore systems of health from multicultural and neurobiological lenses. Students will learn an energy psychology counseling model that integrates Eastern and Western paradigms of health with expressive arts therapies. Other clinical practices that will be explored include medical qigong, jin shin jyutsu self care practices and mindfulness. Students will have the opportunity to implement a 50 hour health based project during the program.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$85 Fee for art supplies for expressive therapy practice and jin shin jyutsu charts for location of safety energy locks in the body.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Fri, 6-9pm, Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 9am-5pm for three weekends: June 30- July 2, July 7- July 9, July 28- July 30
Located in: Olympia
Health vs. Wealth
Class Size: 25
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We will explore the intersection where valued health care meets paid health care. In the health care arena, good intent is plagued by paradox and can yield under-funding and a mismatch with initial intent. Paradoxes and costs haunting prevention, access, and treatment will be reviewed. The books Redefining Health Care and The New Health Care System aid our journey as will the video series, "Remaking American Medicine", "Sick Around the World," and "Sick Around America". We will consider the path of unintended consequences where piles of dollars are not the full answer to identified need.Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Tue
Located in: Olympia
Health, Power, and Justice
Class Size: 36
90% Reserved for Freshmen
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Note: This program is a repeat of a program offered fall quarter. Students who took the fall program should not register for the winter repeat.
What are the factors that determine our health? In what ways do race, class, and gender affect the health of individuals and communities? In this introductory program we will explore health and well-being within the contexts of narrative, power, and social justice. We will use an interdisciplinary lens of science and the humanities to question the embodied experiences of sickness and healing. Our focus will be on the linkages between Northwest places and Native American and Indigenous peoples, framing our discussions of health around themes of environmental and economic sustainability, social justice and education, and popular culture. We will question and examine competing public narratives, particularly how the health and wellness of Native people are portrayed in the medical field, museums, case studies, films, and texts. From the biological perspective, we will analyze the physiological and genetic basis for the apparent health disparities in these communities. We will explore scientific articles and texts about the effect of culture-based diets and nutrition on disease and immunity.
Through program workshops, students will develop a variety of skills, including the scientific method, historical research, quantitative and qualitative analysis of data, policy research and writing, film critique, interviewing, and oral history. Students will use these skills to become stronger writers and researchers, and importantly, community members. We will help students learn to listen and observe attentively, do close and critical reading with challenging texts, contribute clear and well developed writing, make relevant contributions to seminar discussions, and acquire research and laboratory skills in biology, history, and Native American studies. Guest presenters, documentary films, museum exhibits, and two field trips to tribal museums and urban community organizations will support our analysis.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Native American studies, biology, cultural studies, health, and history.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$20 for entrance fees to museums.
Class Size: 36
90% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9am (Sem II B1107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-21 | This program now accepts students of all class levels (Fr-Sr). |
2016-11-21 | Five sophomore seats have been reserved for first year students who have transferred in with credit. |
2016-06-07 | Title changed (formerly Health, Humanities, and Social Science). |
2016-05-09 | New winter opportunity added. |
Health, Power, and Justice: A Native Perspective
Class Size: 36
72% Reserved for Freshmen
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What are the factors that determine our health? In what ways do race, class, and gender affect the health of individuals and communities? In this introductory program we will explore health and well-being within the contexts of narrative, power, and social justice. We will use an interdisciplinary lens of science and the humanities to question the embodied experiences of sickness and healing. Our focus will be on the linkages between Northwest places and Native American and Indigenous peoples, framing our discussions of health around themes of environmental and economic sustainability, social justice and education, and popular culture. We will question and examine competing public narratives, particularly how the health and wellness of Native people are portrayed in the medical field, museums, case studies, films, and texts. From the biological perspective, we will analyze the physiological and genetic basis for the apparent health disparities in these communities. We will explore scientific articles and texts about the effect of culture-based diets and nutrition on disease and immunity.
Through program workshops, students will develop a variety of skills, including the scientific method, historical research, quantitative and qualitative analysis of data, policy research and writing, film critique, interviewing, and oral history. Students will use these skills to become stronger writers and researchers, and importantly, community members. We will help students learn to listen and observe attentively, do close and critical reading with challenging texts, contribute clear and well developed writing, make relevant contributions to seminar discussions, and acquire research and laboratory skills in biology, history, and Native American studies. Guest presenters, documentary films, museum exhibits, and two field trips to tribal museums and urban community organizations will support our analysis.
Note: This program will repeat winter quarter. Students who take the fall program should not register for the winter repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Native American studies, biology, cultural studies, health, and history.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$20 for entrance fees to museums.
Class Size: 36
72% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting : Tuesday, September 27 at 9am (Sem II A2105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-08-11 | This program now accepts all class levels (Freshmen through Seniors). |
2016-06-07 | Title changed (formerly Health, Humanities, and Social Science). |
2016-05-09 | New fall opportunity added. |
History and Systems in Psychology
Class Size: 25
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The purpose of this course is to provide an overall view of the emergence of psychology as a field, its historical roots, its evolution within a broader sociocultural context, and philosophical currents running throughout this evolution. Attention will be paid to the interaction of theory development and the social milieu, the cultural biases within theory, and the effect of personal history on theoretical claims. This course is a core course, required for pursuit of graduate studies in psychology.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays, 6-10 pm. First meeting Tuesday, Sept 27, 6pm, Seminar 2 A3107.
Located in: Olympia
History of Agriculture in Washington State (1900-1980)
Class Size: 25
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Agriculture in Washington first developed during a period of agrarian revolt. Populism, in its many forms, took root in our state through political organizations such as the Grange – an agriculturally based fraternal organization that played a dominant role in the politics of the state prior to WWII. Both agriculture and politics were shaped by the replacement of the family farm with corporations controlled by national and international financial interests. The story of the industrialization of agriculture provides deep insight into the political economy of our state and helps explain how our nation’s food production and distribution system was shaped.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$10 for a required text that will be provided by the faculty
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thursdays 5:30-9:30 PM
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-15 | $10 required fee added |
2016-11-22 | Course moved from Winter to Spring quarter |
Housing Policy (Grays Harbor)
Class Size: 25
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Housing has become one of the defining economic and social issues of our time. This class will examine the political, financial and social forces that determine how the public and private sectors struggle to meet our collective need for housing. Using the current housing issues in Grays Harbor county as an active case study, students will work together to gain an understanding of how housing impacts both the quality of life and the overall health of a community.
Learning Objectives:
- Explore how to use census data to assess a community’s housing needs
- Examine what ‘affordability’ means
- Examine what constitutes ‘appropriate housing’ at various income levels as well as housing cost
- Explore how median income is applied to determine eligibility for housing loans, grants, and ‘high needs’ programs & services
- Explore how housing programs are funded and supported
- Explore local housing inventory including Grays Harbor’s “10 Year Plan to End Homelessness”
- Investigate the spectrum of housing and see it’s place within the social service context including ‘fair market’ and ‘service enriched’ housing
- Investigate the basics of financial literacy including how mortgages and insurance are managed
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wed 6-9:30p
Located in: Grays Harbor
Date | Revision |
2017-01-20 | New offering added for Spring |
Human Resource Management
Spring 2017
Class Size: 25
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The success of organizations depends on the human beings that enable organizations to achieve their objectives. An organization’s human resources are its most critical assets. The management of human resources is a specialization in management that encompasses several functions including the recruitment, selection and maintenance of a qualified, motivated, smoothly functioning and productive workforce.
This two quarter program is designed to provide an introduction to human resource fundamentals as well as detailed overview of four specific areas of human resource management:
- Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
- Labor Relations
- Performance Management
- Human Resource Development and Training
All areas of the program are designed to provide conceptual understanding through readings and case analyses while developing skills through practice, role plays, and simulations.
Winter quarter's work focuses on the first two areas. We will cover the basics of human resource management including strategic planning, recruitment, orientation, retention, job design, and organizational development. We will also review aspects of labor law including the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA). 8 credits will be awarded in Fundamentals of Human Resource Management.
Spring quarter will focus on human resource development and training and performance management. We will cover a number of training and development topics including needs analysis and instructional design and evaluation while distinguishing between leadership development and skills development. 8 credits will be award in Employee Training and Development.
Students in this program will be given priority enrollment status for the Employment Law course offered in winter quarter 2017 and for the Strategic Compensation course offered in spring quarter 2017.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Business and Human Resource Management
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Winter Quarter: Saturday & Sunday (9:00AM to 5:00PM) January 14 & 15, 2017; February 11 & 12, 2017 and March 11 & 12, 2017. First meeting January 14, 9a, Seminar 2 D2107. Spring Quarter: Saturday & Sunday (9:00AM to 5:00PM) April 8 & 9, 2017; May 6 & 7,2017 and June 3 & 4, 2017.
Located in: Olympia
Human Resource Management for Non-HR Managers and Supervisors
Class Size: 25
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Today's managers and supervisors are required to share more and more of the human management responsibilities in their organizations. As managers and supervisors, they need to learn and apply critical human resource management (HRM) solutions to make more effective personnel decisions on daily basis. As a result, they are engaged in the HRM processes and practices, including recruitment, selection, hiring, development, training, performance management, promotion, investigation, termination, and risk management. Erroneous personnel decisions can cost supervisors their careers and the companies significant short and long-term damages. This course teaches students the critical knowledge and skills in human resource management to help them supervise and lead their teams and organizations more effectively and confidently, improving the overall performance of their company and job satisfaction of the staff. This course provides conceptual understanding of HRM through readings, videos and case analyses while developing skills through practice, critical and reflective thinking, writing, and group activities and projects.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat 9a-4p
Located in: Olympia
Identities, Power, and Relationships in Context
Class Size: 25
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The course explores the relationship between identity constructs and systems of power and privilege, using feminist intersectional analysis. Students will examine critically case studies about racism, homophobia, and gender-based violence with special attention to the interplay between identity and power on college campuses. Through the use of films, small-group discussions, role-playing and other interactive activities, students will not only become aware, but also build confidence and practical skills to confront injustice and inequalities on campus and in the community.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
July 7-9, 2017, Friday 6-10pm, Sat & Sun 9am-5pm
Located in: Olympia
Illustrations of Character: A Literary and Philosophical Inquiry
Winter 2017
Class Size: 78
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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How do we determine what to do when faced with hard choices? Is happiness uppermost in our minds, or can something else guide us, such as loyalty to a friend, religious principle, or political commitment? What if the right decision goes against our sense of self? How can we live with integrity in the face of temptation or tragedy? How do historical, political, and social contexts shape how we think and act in such situations? Can we really have free will when context limits how we understand, feel, and imagine our circumstances and how to change them?
These ethical questions demand that we think carefully about character. Character comprises not only distinctive individual qualities, but also the disposition to act in certain ways. Character can also refer to collective identifiers such as ethnicity, sex, gender, class, race, religion, region, and nation. These markers can both inspire intractable conflicts and frame claims to justice. We will study works of philosophy, history, drama, and fiction that illuminate our understanding of character. We’ll explore how character affects, and is affected by, desire, deliberation, action, and suffering. We’ll read literary and historical accounts that illustrate the character of people or a people and portray profound moral dilemmas. Works of ethics will broaden how we think about character in relation to external goods, habit, happiness, friendship, and duties. They provide powerful interpretive tools and a refined vocabulary for grappling with questions raised by our texts.
Fall quarter will focus on Aristotelian ethics. We’ll learn how the ancient Greeks understood the challenges of their experiment with democracy and consider their efforts to attune desire to responsibility, friendship to self-interest, and deliberation to action. We’ll read retellings of their myths, dramas, and epic poetry to consider how their concerns resonate in our own times. Authors will include Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Toni Morrison, and Walt Whitman. In winter we will learn how Immanuel Kant’s moral philosophy provided new tools for the critical analysis of age-old social practices such as slavery, gender domination, and economic inequality. We will also consider the perpetual challenges of maintaining hope and faith in the face of persistent injustices.
This program is suitable for students who are prepared not only to think critically, but to investigate their own beliefs and submit them to rigorous scrutiny, to practice ethical thinking as well as study it. Writing will be central to that practice. Students will practice analytical, creative, and critical writing, and learn how to both give and receive constructive criticism. We look forward to a thriving community focused on studying, puzzling over, understanding, and celebrating character—an abiding challenge of the human condition.
Note: a version of this program will repeat in spring quarter. Students who take the fall-winter program should not take the spring program.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
humanities, education, human services, and the arts.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$100 in fall for theater tickets and an overnight field trip; $250 in winter for transportation, lodging, and fees for overnight field trips to the Quileute Reservation.
Class Size: 78
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 9:30am (Sem II E1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-30 | This program will not accept new enrollment winter quarter. |
2016-11-30 | This program will not accept new enrollment winter quarter. |
2016-09-09 | Fall fee increased (from $75 to $100). |
2016-04-26 | This program is offered in fall and winter. A similar program will be offered spring quarter. |
Illustrations of Character: A Literary and Philosophical Inquiry
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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Note: this program is a repeat of a fall-winter program. Students who took the fall-winter program should not take the spring program.
How do we determine what to do when faced with hard choices? Is happiness uppermost in our minds, or can something else guide us, such as loyalty to a friend, religious principle, or political commitment? What if the right decision goes against one’s sense of self? How can we live with integrity in the face of temptation or tragedy? How do historical, political, and social contexts shape how we think and act in such situations? Can we really have free will when context limits how we understand, feel, and imagine our circumstances?
These are ethical questions, and they demand that we think carefully about character. Character comprises not only distinctive individual qualities, but also the disposition to act in certain ways. Character can also refer to collective identifiers such as ethnicity, sex, gender, class, race, religion, region, and nation. These markers can both inspire intractable conflicts and frame claims to justice. We will study works of philosophy, history, drama, and fiction that illuminate our understanding of character. We’ll explore how character affects and is affected by desire, deliberation, action, and suffering. We’ll focus on modern literary works that illustrate the character of people--or a people--and portray profound moral dilemmas. Works of ethics by Aristotle, Kant, and Nietzsche will broaden how we think about character in relation to external goods, habit, happiness, friendship, and duties. They provide powerful interpretive tools and a refined vocabulary for grappling with questions raised by our texts. And we will consider the perpetual challenges of maintaining hope and faith in the face of persistent injustices.
This program is suitable for students who are prepared not only to think critically, but to investigate their own beliefs and submit them to rigorous scrutiny, to practice ethical thinking as well as study it. Writing will be central to that practice. Students will do analytical, creative, and critical writing, and learn how to both give and receive constructive criticism. We look forward to a thriving intellectual community focused on studying, puzzling over, understanding, and celebrating character—an abiding challenge of the human condition.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
humanities, education, human services, and the arts.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$175 for transportation, lodging, food, and fees for overnight field trip to the Pacific Coast.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9:30am (Sem II E1105)
Located in: Olympia
Independent Readings in the French Revolution
Class Size: 25
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Students will work independently, studying the social, political, gender and intellectual trajectories of the French Revolution from 1789 through the Terror and the Napoleonic Empire. To understand the origins of the Revolution, students will read philosophy and political theory from Enlightenment authors like Voltaire, Rousseau and Montesquieu. Students will share a reading list in common and have the option to meet periodically for book discussions as a group and with the faculty member. Since this is an independent readings course, students enrolled at different credit levels will read different texts and write different numbers of essays. Students enrolled for more than 4 credits will complete a library research paper on one aspect of the Enlightenment or the French Revolution. This class can be taken by students who are 100% off-campus.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
history, the humanities, teaching, law
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mon, 1-3pm. Students will work independently, meeting occasionally or communicating via email with faculty and other students. Monday sessions 1-3 are optional. This independent readings contract is well suited to students who are entirely off-campus.
Located in: Olympia
India: Dance and Culture
Class Size: 20
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Odissi, one of the major classical dances of India, combines both complex rhythmic patterns and expressive mime. This class will be devoted to the principles of Odissi dance, the synthesis of foot, wrist, hand and face movements in a lyrical flow to express the philosophy of yoga based dance. Throughout the quarter, we will study the music, religion, and history of Indian dance and culture.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
6-8p Tue/Thu/Sat. First meeting Tuesday, Sept 27, 6pm, Communications Building Room 117.
Located in: Olympia
India: Dance and Culture
Class Size: 15
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Odissi, one of the major classical dances of India, combines both complex rhythmic patterns and expressive mime. This class will be devoted to the principles of Odissi dance, the synthesis of foot, wrist, hand and face movements in a lyrical flow to express the philosophy of yoga based dance. Throughout the quarter, we will study the music, religion, and history of Indian dance and culture.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
6-8pm Tue/Thu
5:30-7:30 pm Saturday
Located in: Olympia
Individual Study (ILC) and Internship (INT) Sponsor Options for Summer 2017
Class Size: 50
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The following faculty are available to sponsor Independent Learning Contracts (ILC) or Internships (INT) for Summer quarter 2017. Please contact the faculty for more information.
Expressive Arts:
- Peter Bacho
- Lori Blewett
- Don Chalmers
- Rebecca Chamberlain
- Lin Crowley
- Amanda Davidson
- Stacey Davis
- Alejandro De Acosta
- Chico Herbison
- Erica Hernandez-Scott
- Andrew Reece
- Liza Rognas
- Seyta Selter
- Hirsh Diamant
- Kathleen Eamon
- Sara Huntington
- Nancy Parkes
- Jay Stansell
- Sean Williams
- Elizabeth Williamson
- Anthony Zaragoza
Natural Sciences and Mathematics:
- Dharshi Bopegedera
- Dylan Fischer
- Kevin Francis
- Steve Herman
- Nancy Murray
- Allen Olson
- Martha Rosemeyer
- Steve Scheuerell
- Frances Solomon
- Erik Thuesen
- Brian Walter
- Richard Weiss
Social Sciences:
- Theresa Aragon
- Bill Arney
- Laura Citrin
- Marja Eloheimo
- Karen Gaul
- Jeanne Hahn
- Martha Henderson
- Mark Hurst
- Cynthia Kennedy
- Dariush Khaleghi
- Mukti Khanna
- Ulrike Krotscheck
- Glenn Landram
- Cheri Lucas-Jennings
- Carrie Margolin
- Alan Nasser
- DT North
- Gary Peterson
- Gilda Sheppard
- Eric Trevan
- Zoe Van Schyndel
- Artee Young
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day, Evening, and Weekend
Located in: Olympia
Individual Study: Anthropology and History
Class Size: 12
Variable Credit Options Available
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Individual Studies offers opportunities for intermediate to advanced students to create their own course of study and research. Eric will sponsor student research, reading, and internships in anthropology and history, especially work related to Southeast Asia, medical anthropology, medical history, material culture, museum studies, nationalism, colonialism, gender, power, or immigration.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
anthropology and history.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
12 seats at 8-16 credits
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Faculty will support student internships.
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Individual Study: Classics, Archaeology, and Humanities
Class Size: 25
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Individual studies offers important opportunities for advanced students to create their own course of study and research. Interested students must consult with the faculty sponsor to develop an outline of proposed projects to be described in an Individual Learning Contract. If students wish to gain internship experience they must secure the agreement and signature of a field supervisor prior to the initiation of the internship contract.
This faculty welcomes internships and contracts in the areas of the humanities (including classics and archaeology).
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
the humanities.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students may develop an internship. Students must complete an In-program Internship Learning Contract (designed for this program) in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day and Evening
Located in: Olympia
Individual Study: Humanities and Social Sciences
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Variable Credit Options Available
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Taught by
Individual Study offers opportunities for students to pursue their own courses of study and research through individual learning contracts or internships. Bill Arney sponsors individual learning contracts and internships in the humanities and social sciences. All students ready to do good work are welcome to make a proposal to Bill Arney.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
12-16 credit options available.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Individual Study: Poetics and Literary Studies
Class Size: 10
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Individual Studies offers opportunities for intermediate to advanced students to create their own course of study and research. Leonard is interested in sponsoring contract proposals in the area of poetics and creative writing. This could include literary studies of modernist figures or examinations of avant-garde movements. It could also involve projects in literary theory, continental philosophy, or theories of language.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
literature, philosophy, poetics, and writing.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 10
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-09-01 | New fall opportunity added. |
Inscribing the Body: Embodiment and the Performance of Identity in Creative Writing
Class Size: 25
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In what ways is writing necessarily gendered? Or raced? Or seen through the lens of class? This class will take up "the body" as a site of radical cultural production as expansively as possible, considering some of the forms in which bodies are othered through language, including through discourses of disability, gender performance, and other zones of often-felt difference and social dislocation. Though this is primarily a creative writing class, our writing will push itself outside its usual modes of expression. We will explore texts anthologized in the recent collection Troubling the Line, as well as in past collections, such as texts from The Black Arts Movement. We will discuss and critique the rich tradition of "somatic" practices in the world of performance and live art, including the work of artists such as Marina Abramovic, and we will familiarize ourselves with important recent experiments in poetry and prose by authors such as kari edwards, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, and Renee Gladmann. Our end goal will be to curate a show and live reading that provides us a space to test out some of our textual experiments.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Wed 5:30-7:30p, Sat 4-6p. First meeting is Wednesday, January 11, 5:30p, in Seminar 2 A2109.
Located in: Olympia
Integrated Precalculus and Calculus 1
Class Size: 25
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This program is focused on differential calculus. The derivative is introduced intuitively using geometry and dynamics, defined rigorously using limits, and applied to problems in geometry and the physical sciences. All standard theorems and symbolic differentiation techniques are developed and used to determine the properties of functions and their graphs. Strong emphasis will be placed on optimization. Precalculus topics will be covered as they are needed in the calculus curriculum. Background in college algebra and trigonometry are essential for success.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Economics, Education
Credits per quarter
Good background in college algebra and some trigonometry.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mon-Thu, 9am-1pm
Located in: Olympia
Intensive French : Beginning and Intermediate
Class Size: 25
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This course is appropriate for beginners and for low and high intermediate students who wish to improve oral proficiency. All instruction is in French. The summer is the perfect time to concentrate on French language. This course offers basic communicative skills, both structures and vocabulary, which allow you to function comfortably in French speaking areas when traveling or studying abroad. It is also excellent for past students of French who want to gain or regain oral fluency. Be prepared to work hard both in class and outside class on speaking, writing and reading French and to learn more French than you might imagine possible in a short five weeks.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
International Studies, Humanities Advanced Studies, International Business and Charitable work
Credits per quarter
No Prerequisites
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu 9a-1p
Located in: Olympia
Introduction to Biology
Class Size: 25
0% Reserved for Freshmen
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This course is a basic introduction to a wide range of topics in biology, from molecules to ecosystems. We will study biological molecules, photosynthesis and metabolism, evolutionary processes and phylogenetic diversity of plants and animals, and topics in ecological science.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
0% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wed 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Introduction to Electronics in Music I
Class Size: 18
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In Introduction to Electronics in Music I, students will be introduced to the creative use of music technology from the perspective of the composer. Students will create original compositions while developing technical skills in the studio. We’ll contextualize our creative work by looking to early pioneers and experimenters of electronic music. Students will develop proficiency in the music technology labs, learning about signal flow, effective use of the mixing board, EQ, and reverb, and use analog tape machines to make tape loops and create compositions. No experience is required. Please contact the instructor for a course application.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$80 fee for magnetic tape
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-10p. First meeting Tue, Sept 27, 6pm, Communications Building Room 343.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-04 | Course is now limited to So-Sr |
Introduction to Electronics in Music II
Class Size: 18
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In Introduction to Electronics in Music II, students will continue to develop technical and creative skills in the music technology labs while exploring the music and ideas of early electronic music composers. This quarter will focus on the fundamentals of sound synthesis and the creative use of the analog modular synthesizer. Students will create compositions using the modular synthesizer, analog tape machines, and MIDI. Students wishing to join in the winter quarter will be expected to complete a catch up assignment. Please contact the instructor for a course application.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$40 for project components
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-10p. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6p, in Communications Building 343.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-02 | Required Fee added |
2016-05-04 | Course is now limited to So-Sr |
Introduction to Electronics in Music III
Class Size: 18
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In Introduction to Electronics in Music III, students will wrap up their year of creative exploration in the music technology labs. Students will create compositions building upon the work of previous quarters while learning about more advanced topics in sound synthesis, effect processing, mixing, and digital editing. In addition, students will build contact microphones and simple electronic circuits during hands-on electronics workshops. No new students will be accepted to the course this quarter.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$60 fee for electronic supplies
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-04 | Course is now limited to So-Sr |
Introduction to Environmental Studies: Land
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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In this program, we will explore the complexities of environmental issues in terrestrial (land) environments. We will use climate change as a central theme, demonstrating how social phenomena and natural environments are intertwined. We will also explore how local forests and communities affect, and are affected by, climate change. We will focus especially on forests, which dominate the land-base of the Pacific Northwest, and are central to the evolving global agreements on climate change. Because environmental issues are not strictly science problems, and not strictly social problems, our focus will be equally divided between the social and natural sciences.
For the social science component, students will be introduced to several key approaches to examining the environment-society relationship, including explanations of the social determinants of the destruction of the environmental commons as well as their solutions. We will explore various theories about the environment-society relationship, including those that focus on population growth, economic growth, technological innovation, and social justice, using examples and case studies from the local and global environments as appropriate to illustrate concepts. Students will consequently develop familiarity with key debates in the broad field of the environmental social sciences, and develop the capability of engaging with this scholarly conversation by formulating and defending a well supported position in these contentious debates. Students will apply this learning to the context of the global atmospheric commons, critically evaluating policies to mitigate climate change, including those that involve carbon sequestration in forests. Student learning will be facilitated by a variety of texts, films, workshops and seminar discussion that will delve into these topics in various ways.
For the natural science component, students will learn about climate change and forest ecology from a carbon cycling perspective. Students will learn to do basic forest measurements, inventory carbon sequestration in forests, and identify the dominant tree and forest species of our region. Weekly field labs will give students hands-on experience working with our local forests in a series of permanent forest measurement plots in the Evergreen State College forest reserve. Students will then learn about how these measurements are related to global carbon budgets and how global carbon budgets are related to climate change.
Our studies will use a combination of weekly lectures in social science and forest ecology, data analysis labs, seminars, workshops, and weekly field labs to accomplish our goals. The program is also designed to give students a foundation for understanding multiple environmental issues such as conservation biology, pollution, invasive species biology, and bioengineering.
This program will be repeated in winter quarter. Students who take this program in fall should not register for the winter quarter repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
environmental studies, government, geography, social science, ecology, and forestry.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$300 for overnight field trips to explore marine and terrestrial environments.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, September 27 at 9am (Sem II E2105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-01-29 | IES: Land is now a 1-quarter program that will repeat in winter quarter. |
Introduction to Environmental Studies: Land
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
This program is a repeat of the program in fall quarter. Students who take the program in fall should not register for the winter quarter program.
In this program, we will explore the complexities of environmental issues in terrestrial (land) environments. We will use climate change as a central theme, demonstrating how social phenomena and natural environments are intertwined. We will also explore how local forests and communities affect, and are affected by, climate change. We will focus especially on forests, which dominate the land-base of the Pacific Northwest, and are central to the evolving global agreements on climate change. Because environmental issues are not strictly science problems, and not strictly social problems, our focus will be equally divided between the social and natural sciences.
For the social science component, students will be introduced to several key approaches to examining the environment-society relationship, including explanations of the social determinants of the destruction of the environmental commons as well as their solutions. We will explore various theories about the environment-society relationship, including those that focus on population growth, economic growth, technological innovation, and social justice, using examples and case studies from the local and global environments as appropriate to illustrate concepts. Students will consequently develop familiarity with key debates in the broad field of the environmental social sciences, and develop the capability of engaging with this scholarly conversation by formulating and defending a well supported position in these contentious debates. Students will apply this learning to the context of the global atmospheric commons, critically evaluating policies to mitigate climate change, including those that involve carbon sequestration in forests. Student learning will be facilitated by a variety of texts, films, workshops and seminar discussion that will delve into these topics in various ways.
For the natural science component, students will learn about climate change and forest ecology from a carbon cycling perspective. Students will learn to do basic forest measurements, inventory carbon sequestration in forests, and identify the dominant tree and forest species of our region. Weekly field labs will give students hands-on experience working with our local forests in a series of permanent forest measurement plots in the Evergreen State College forest reserve. Students will then learn about how these measurements are related to global carbon budgets and how global carbon budgets are related to climate change.
Our studies will use a combination of weekly lectures in social science and forest ecology, data analysis labs, seminars, workshops, and weekly field labs to accomplish our goals. The program is also designed to give students a foundation for understanding multiple environmental issues such as conservation biology, pollution, invasive species biology, and bioengineering.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
environmental studies, government, geography, social science, ecology, and forestry.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$300 for overnight field trips to explore marine and terrestrial environments.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9am (Lecture Hall Classroom 7)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-01-29 | New winter opportunity added. This is a repeat of the fall program of the same name. Students who take the fall program should not register for the winter program. |
Introduction to Environmental Studies: Water
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program is designed to serve as a foundation for advanced programs in environmental studies. As such, it will survey a range of disciplines and skills essential for environmental problem-solving from both a scientific and social science perspective. Specifically, we will study ecological principles and methods, aquatic ecology, methods of analysis in environmental studies, American political and economic history of environmental policy-making, microeconomics, and political science. This information will be used to analyze current issues on a range of topics in environmental studies.
The focus of this program will be on aquatic systems. We will examine the major physical and chemical characteristics of aquatic environments and factors controlling species diversity, distribution, and productivity of aquatic organisms. Current issues such as marine pollution, harmful algal blooms, over-fishing, and global climate change will be discussed. These scientific issues will be grounded in the context of politics, economics, and public policy. In addition, we will examine how the values of democracy and capitalism from the founding era to the present influence resource management, and the scope and limitations of governmental policy-making, regulatory agencies, and environmental law. Understanding the different levels (federal, state, local) of governmental responsibility for environmental protection will be explored in-depth. Field trips, seminar, and case studies will offer opportunities to see how science and policy interact in environmental issues. Finally, we will introduce quantitative methods relevant to environmental studies.
Material will be presented through lectures, seminars, labs, field trips/field work, and quantitative methods. Laboratory and field trips will examine microscopic life in aquatic systems and will examine the ecology of estuarine habitats.
This program will be repeated in winter quarter. Students who take this program in fall should not register for the winter quarter repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
environmental studies, government, social science, ecology, and marine science.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting : Tuesday, September 27 at 11am (Lab 1 2046)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-16 | Fee cancelled. |
Introduction to Environmental Studies: Water
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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Taught by
This program is a repeat of the program in fall quarter. Students who take the program in fall should not register for the winter quarter program.
This program is designed to serve as a foundation for advanced programs in environmental studies. As such, it will survey a range of disciplines and skills essential for environmental problem-solving from both a scientific and social science perspective. Specifically, we will study ecological principles and methods, aquatic ecology, methods of analysis in environmental studies, American political and economic history of environmental policy-making, microeconomics, and political science. This information will be used to analyze current issues on a range of topics in environmental studies.
The focus of this program will be on aquatic systems. We will examine the major physical and chemical characteristics of aquatic environments and factors controlling species diversity, distribution, and productivity of aquatic organisms. Current issues such as marine pollution, harmful algal blooms, over-fishing, and global climate change will be discussed. These scientific issues will be grounded in the context of politics, economics, and public policy. In addition, we will examine how the values of democracy and capitalism from the founding era to the present influence resource management, and the scope and limitations of governmental policy-making, regulatory agencies, and environmental law. Understanding the different levels (federal, state, local) of governmental responsibility for environmental protection will be explored in-depth. Field trips, seminar, and case studies will offer opportunities to see how science and policy interact in environmental issues. Finally, we will introduce quantitative methods relevant to environmental studies.
Material will be presented through lectures, seminars, labs, field trips/field work, and quantitative methods. Laboratory and field trips will examine microscopic life in aquatic systems and will examine the ecology of estuarine habitats.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
environmental studies, government, social science, ecology, and marine science.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 11am (Lecture Hall Classroom 5)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-27 | Fee cancelled. |
2016-01-29 | New winter opportunity added. This is a repeat of the fall program of the same name. Students who take the fall program should not register for the winter program. |
Introduction to Natural Sciences
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 75
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program will offer students a conceptual and methodological introduction to biology and chemistry. In order to understand our world from a scientific perspective, we need to be able to analyze complex systems at multiple levels. We need to understand the ways that matter transforms chemically and how energy and entropy drive those transformations. Biological systems can be understood at the molecular level, but we also need to know about cells, organisms, and ecological systems and how they change over time. The language for describing these systems is both quantitative and computational. We will have a strong focus on the evolutionary mechanisms that have led to the current life on earth, and interpretation and design of experimental tests for hypotheses in biology and chemistry.
The integration of biology and chemistry will assist us in asking and answering questions that lie in the intersections of these fields. Such topics include the chemical structure of DNA, the flow of nutrients and energy through ecosystems, mathematical modeling of biological population growth, equations governing chemical equilibria and kinetics, and the algorithms underlying bioinformatics. Program activities will include lectures, small group problem-solving workshops, laboratory and field work, and seminar discussions. Students will learn to describe their work through scientific writing and public presentations. Our laboratory work in biology and chemistry will also allow us to observe phenomena, collect data, and gain firsthand insight into the complex relationship between mathematical models and experimental results. There will be a significant laboratory component—students can expect to spend at least a full day in the lab each week, maintain laboratory notebooks, write formal laboratory reports, and give formal presentations of their work. Biology laboratories in this program will include participation in the SEA-PHAGE program coordinated by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the use of bioinformatics tools on a bacteriophage genome.
In addition to studying current scientific theories, we will consider the historical, societal, and personal factors that influence our thinking about the natural world. We will also examine the impacts on societies due to changes in science and technology. Spring quarter there will be an opportunity for small student groups to conduct independent, scientific investigations designed in collaboration with program faculty.
This program is designed for students who want a solid preparation for further study in the sciences. Students who only want to get a taste of science will find this program quite demanding and should consult with faculty before the program begins. Overall, we expect students to end the program in spring with a working knowledge of scientific, mathematical, and computational concepts, ability to reason critically and to solve problems, and with hands-on experience in natural science.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
physical and biological sciences, medicine and health sciences, scientific writing, environmental sciences, and education.
Credits per quarter
Students should have a solid understanding of mathematics at the Algebra II or pre-calculus level.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$115 in fall for an overnight field trip.
Class Size: 75
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Tuesday, April 4th at 9am (Sem II A1107)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-04-22 | Fall fee added ($115). |
2016-01-25 | Riley Rex joined the teaching team. |
Introduction to Oil Painting: Landscape and Figure
Class Size: 25
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This program will serve an introduction to oil painting through an investigation of the sublime, dealing specifically with the figure in the landscape. Emphasis will be placed on developing technical skills through observational painting, while researching the history of the sublime and its influence on culture. Paintings will be done from life, exploring both plein air painting and figure painting sessions. Study of historically significant works will be done to develop a personal vision.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Wed 6-10 pm
Located in: Olympia
Introduction to Psychology
Class Size: 25
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Scientific inquiry into human behavior and cognition is a dynamic and rapidly growing field that influences personal development and diverse careers. This course examines essential aspects of the human experience (neurology, sensation and perception, personality, learning, memory, cognition, emotion) and political, economic, and cultural influences. Contemporary trends and specific sub-disciplines (neuropsychology, childhood development, gerontology, organizational behavior, wellness, etc.) will be addressed. Those seeking underpinnings for work in mental health and social work, education, medicine, public policy, and law, will find this course indispensable. Students will demonstrate skill at applying theory to practice in “psychological notebooks”, integrative response papers and group activities.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Psychology, social work, education, government, business, politics, law enforcement and corrections, non-profit, etc.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Oct. 1st, 15th, 29th; Nov. 12th; Dec. 3rd). First meeting Saturday Oct 1, 9am, Seminar 2 A2105
Located in: Olympia
Introduction to Woodworking
Class Size: 16
20% Reserved for Freshmen
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In Introduction to Woodworking, students will engage in the foundational skills necessary to produce a piece of artisan furniture safely. Study will include design elements and concepts, fabrication methodogy, aesthetic and working properties of wood species, finish types and their application, assembly techniques, and machine and hand tool skills, and an introduction to artisan furniture as a means of personal expression. Given the basic materials necessary to produce a small table, students will develop design options within the parameters set by the volume and species of wood to be used, develop necessary fabrication skills, and produce a small side table using basic joinery techniques.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Fine arts and artisan woodworking.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$80.00 fee covers basic materials for fabrication of student project.
Class Size: 16
20% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 5:30-9:30p. First meeting Tue, Sept 27, 5:30pm, Art Annex 0111
Located in: Olympia
Introduction to Woodworking
Class Size: 16
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The basic processes and joinery employed in the fabrication of wood furniture has been in use for thousands of years. This course is intended to introduce the beginning woodworker to the tools, materials, processes and joinery commonly found in the fabrication of artisan furniture and case work. The beginning project will consist of a small rectilinear three dimensional construction in the form of a curio cabinet, reliquary, shrine, tansu, or tool box, employing joinery common to artisan furniture. This will be constructed from a hardwood species common to the western United States. The student will have limited flexibility in the design of the project due to size constraints of project storage and our focus on skill development. Introduction to Woodworking is a skills based course focused on the fundamentals of tool use, aesthetic and working properties of wood, methods of work, both physical and mental, and an introduction to design considerations in artisan woodworking. Students completing Introduction to Woodworking should leave with a basic understanding of the working properties of wood, methods of furniture construction, hand and machine tool use and skills necessary to produce additional works in wood.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Artisan furniture design and fabrication.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$80.00 for basic materials needed to complete student project.
Class Size: 16
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wed 5:30-9:30pm
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-24 | New offering added for Spring quarter |
Introduction to Woodworking: Building the Adirondack Chair
Class Size: 16
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Enroll in a class that emphasizes tool safety and a positive learning environment. Learn from a woodworking instructor with over 30 years of experience in encouraging students, who also builds strong tool-using skills and instills confidence for students to succeed at their goals. This course will teach you to safely use the following tools: table saw, chop saw, saw, band saw, jointer, hand-held router, table router, cordless hand drill, edge sander and hand sanders. You will also learn how to build and use jigs for many of the aforementioned tools. Your work will culminate in production of a handsome, classic East Coast, Adirondack Chair made from premium western red cedar. All materials for one chair are included in the materials fee.Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$195 fee covers all lumber and hardware needed to complete 1 adirondack chair
Class Size: 16
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu 1-5 pm
Located in: Olympia
Inventing Systems
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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To look at things as a system simply means to notice how the change of a part can change the whole. What implications does this have in the worlds of music and movement, social behavior, and theater? How does looking at something as a system change the thing we look at? How does it influence our ideas and actions? This program invites students who are interested in investigating the idea of system as well as creating systems of composition in sound and movement.
One cybernetic concept we'll explore is that of emerging properties. How can we, as composers of movement and of sound, compose the smallest elements so that their dynamic result is significantly different from their individual behavior? In other words, can we compose the dynamics of a system so that its resulting whole is not merely sum of its parts? And does this attitude towards composition mirror in some fashion the workings of the world we live in?
The readings that we will study range from aesthetics to anthropology and from the mathematics of information theory to the biology of cognition. Students should be prepared to address some difficult texts, ones that richly give back with careful reading.
Students will collaborate on a group composition project, a group research project, and a solo performance project during the quarter. They will also participate in weekly readings, seminars, and workshops in music and movement notations systems and scores, theater, and the study of cybernetics.
Among the authors we will read are: Gregory Bateson, Samuel Beckett, Bertolt Brecht, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. There will also be a readings packet containing articles by Herbert Brün, Friedrich Engels, Franz Kafka, Humberto Maturana, Heinz von Foerster, and Warren Weaver.
The combination of fiction, scientific research, and philosophy will allow us to learn about the range and the reach of cybernetics, and the range and the reach of our creative potential.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
music, theater, teaching, performing arts, and critical studies.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$100 for concert and performance entrance fees.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10am (Com 110)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-06 | New Spring opportunity added. |
Ireland in History and Memory
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
study abroad option
Class Size: 50
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Taught by
note: This program is taught by Sean Williams and Geoffrey Cunningham
(FW). A bug is displaying Geoffrey Cunning as teaching the full length
of the program.
This two-quarter program explores Ireland and Irish America through the lenses of history, literature, politics, spirituality, the Irish language, film, poetry, and the arts. Fall quarter we begin with Irish ways of understanding the world, focusing on the roots of pre-Christian spirituality and traditional culture. We will examine the blend of pre-Christian and Christian cultures in the first millennium C.E., and move forward to the layered impact of the Vikings, Normans, and English. We end fall quarter with the Celtic Literary Revival (Yeats, Joyce, and others) at the turn of the 20th century. Winter quarter we shift to Irish America for four weeks, then focus our attention on Ireland from the 20th century and into the present.
Most weeks will include lectures, seminars, small-group work, songs, play-reading out loud, instrumental music practice, poetry, and a film. Short pre-seminar papers will often be required to focus your attention on each week's texts. In fall quarter three papers are required (on ancient Ireland, the English conquest, and the Celtic Revival). In winter, two larger papers are required (on Irish America and contemporary Ireland). At least one work of visual art—drawing, painting, collage, or sculpture—will be required each quarter (on the Famine and on the Troubles). The last week of fall and winter quarters will focus on collaborative, student-led productions. Students will learn to cook Irish food for a food-and-music gathering once each quarter.
Every student is expected to work intensively with the Irish-Gaelic language all year—no exceptions. Our work will include frequent lessons and short exams in grammar and pronunciation, as well as application of those lessons to Irish-language songs and poetry. Irish is a challenging language—it requires considerable skills in listening, bravery in speaking, and the ability to accept the existence of very strong regional accents while sorting out the meaning of the individual words and sentences. Similarly, you will be expected to learn to sing and play Irish music on a musical instrument if you cannot already play one. We will practice this music each week. This program is a prerequisite for the spring quarter visit to Ireland.
Spring quarter, up to 25 students will travel to Ireland for at least six weeks of study abroad. The first two weeks will include independent research; after that, we will meet in Gleann Cholm Cille in County Donegal for four weeks of intensive hands-on learning. Students will improve their language skills, learn traditional skills (singing, dancing, poetry writing, drumming, tin whistle playing, weaving, knitting) and explore the region, which is rich in archaeological features such as standing stones and dolmens. Upon their return at the end of May 2017, students will write a significant (20-page) integrative essay, combining the theory of Irish Studies with what they have learned in the practice of living and studying in Ireland.
Study abroad:
In spring quarter the entire program will travel to Gleann Cholm Cille in County Donegal, Republic of Ireland which will cost approximately $4,000 per student, including airfare. We will live in shared housing in a small Irish-speaking village next to a beach and surrounded by archaeological wonders that predate the Egyptian pyramids. We will experience daily (and nightly) classes in the Irish language, poetry writing, visual art, weaving, knitting, dancing, singing, archaeology, herbology, politics, and spirituality. We will also make short visits by bus to Northern Ireland and to several major local archaeological sites. Students must be able to hike on uneven territory and be fully prepared for wild Atlantic coastal weather. Students may leave for Ireland anytime between March 25 and April 20 to begin their independent research prior to meeting up with the group for their four weeks of study in Donegal, and everyone must return by May 30. For details on study abroad, visit www.evergreen.edu/studyabroad or contact Michael Clifthorne at clifthom@evergreen.edu .
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Irish studies, ethnomusicology, cultural studies, and history.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
All students are expected to bring a musical instrument to class in fall and winter quarters; pennywhistles cost approximately $15. We are likely to attend at least one live performance in each of fall and winter. Entrance fees for the performances vary, but expect to pay up to $30 each quarter for either a theatrical or musical performance.
A study abroad deposit of $500 is required by March 15, 2017.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 9:30am (Sem II B1105)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-12-06 | This program will not accept new enrollment winter quarter. |
2016-06-07 | Fall signature requirement removed. |
2016-06-07 | Ireland in History and Memory, formerly fall-winter-spring, will now be two separate programs: a fall-winter program and a spring study abroad program. |
2016-05-24 | This program is now fall-winter. The study abroad opportunity is offered as a separate spring program. |
Irish Language and Song
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
Important note: This program is taught by Sean Williams. A bug is displaying Dawn Williams instead of Sean Williams.
The Irish language (Gaelic) has a number of complex rules (grammar, spelling, pronunciation) that are remarkably easier when the language is spoken, sung, conversed in, joked with, and celebrated. We will work our way through the rules by singing gorgeous songs in the Irish language, making small talk with each other, doing exercises designed to smooth the way in Irish conversations, and figuring out how and why "go raibh maith agat" means "thank you." We'll meet just once a week on Saturdays, but you will have access to online resources and exercises to keep things fresh during the week. By the end of the session you will be able to sing about a dozen songs and engage in small talk.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Cultural Studies, Music
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat 10am-2pm
Located in: Olympia
Japanese - First Year I
Class Size: 30
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This first quarter of a year-long sequence covers Japanese language studies and is designed for complete beginners. Students will learn how to function in Japanese in everyday situations by learning useful expressions and basic sentence structures. Both hiragana and katakana letters as well as elementary kanji characters will be introduced. Class activities will include presentations, watching film and TV clips, and discussion. Japanese culture and life will be discussed throughout the course.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 30
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:15-7 pm. First meeting Tue, Sept 27, 5:15pm, Seminar 2 B3105.
Located in: Olympia
Japanese - First Year I at SPSCC
Class Size: 8
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Taught by
This introductory Japanese language course is designed for complete
beginners. The course will introduce the four basic skills of Japanese
language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The students will
learn the language within a cultural context.
NOTE: This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, in Building 21, Room 294, Monday and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 to 7:45 p.m.
IMPORTANT: This class begins BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on Monday, September 19. Students must be registered by 5:00 PM on Thursday, September 15.
BOOKS: If a text is
required students will need to purchase texts for this course from the
SPSCC bookstore. The book list can be found on the bookstore website
under the course JAPN&121.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 8
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Monday and Wednesday 5:30-7:45pm. This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, in Building 21, Room 294
IMPORTANT: This class begins BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on Monday, September 19. Students must be registered by 5:00 PM on Thursday, September 15.
Located in: Olympia
Japanese - First Year II
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
This second quarter of a year-long sequence covers Japanese language studies and is designed for beginners. Students will learn how to function in Japanese in everyday situations by learning useful expressions and basic sentence structures. Both hiragana and katakana letters as well as elementary kanji characters will be introduced. Class activities will include presentations, watching film and TV clips, and discussion. Japanese culture and life will be discussed throughout the course.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:15-7 pm. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 5p, in Seminar 2 B3105.
Located in: Olympia
Japanese - First Year III
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
This third quarter of a year-long sequence covers Japanese language studies and is designed for students who have taken Japanese language studies previously. Students will learn how to function in Japanese in everyday situations by learning useful expressions and basic sentence structures. Both hiragana and katakana letters as well as elementary kanji characters will be introduced. Class activities will include presentations, watching film and TV clips, and discussion. Japanese culture and life will be discussed throughout the course.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:15-7 pm
Located in: Olympia
Japanese - Second Year I
Class Size: 25
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This first quarter of a year-long sequence covers the beginning of the second year of Japanese language studies. Students must be familiar with basic verb forms and elementary kanji letters. Students will build on previous skills and learn new grammar and vocabulary so they can function in a variety of situations. Classroom activities include presentations, watching film and TV clips, and discussion. Students will continue their kanji studies at their own levels in small groups. Japanese culture and life will be discussed throughout the course. The class is conducted primarily in Japanese. Student who have completed two years of Japanese may join this class and study at the third year level.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3-5 pm. First meeting Tue Sept 27, 3pm, Seminar 2 B3105.
Located in: Olympia
Japanese - Second Year II
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
This second quarter of a year-long sequence covers more advanced Japanese language studies. Students must be familiar with basic verb forms and elementary kanji letters. Students will build on previous skills and learn new grammar and vocabulary so they can function in a variety of situations. Classroom activities include presentations, watching film and TV clips, and discussion. Students will continue their kanji studies at their own levels in small groups. Japanese culture and life will be discussed throughout the course. The class is conducted primarily in Japanese. Student who have completed two years of Japanese may join this class and study at the third year level.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3-5 p. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 3p, in Seminar 2 B3105.
Located in: Olympia
Japanese - Second Year III
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
This third quarter of a year-long sequence covers the second year of Japanese language studies. Students must be familiar with basic verb forms and elementary kanji letters. Students will build on previous skills and learn new grammar and vocabulary so they can function in a variety of situations. Classroom activities include presentations, watching film and TV clips, and discussion. Students will continue their kanji studies at their own levels in small groups. Japanese culture and life will be discussed throughout the course. The class is conducted primarily in Japanese. Student who have completed two years of Japanese may join this class and study at the third year level.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3-5 pm
Located in: Olympia
Jazz Ensemble - at SPSCC
Class Size: 12
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This class provides the instrumentalist with an opportunity to study, rehearse and perform selected jazz music, and is open to students who have the ability to play a wind instrument. Students will develop skill in musical improvisation. Participation by “non-music majors” is highly encouraged. Students must have the ability to read music and have basic knowledge of music theory and ability to play a jazz instrument. College drums and piano will be used. Otherwise, students are expected to use their own instruments. If you’re uncertain whether your instrument is appropriate for this ensemble, contact faculty. Fees payable at SPSCC: $10 for music
Faculty: James Schneider jschneider@spscc.edu
NOTE: This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, in Building 21, Room 253, Tuesday evenings from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
IMPORTANT: This class begins BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on Tuesday, September 20. Students must be registered by 5:00 PM on Thursday, September 15.
BOOKS: If a text
is required students will need to purchase texts for this course from
the SPSCC bookstore. The book list can be found on the bookstore website
under the course Musc 134.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Fees payable at SPSCC: $10 for music
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays 5:30pm - 8:30pm
This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, in Building 21, room 253
IMPORTANT: This class begins BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on Tuesday, September 20 .
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 21, room 253
IMPORTANT: This class begins BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on Tuesday, September 20.
Jazz Ensemble - at SPSCC
Class Size: 15
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Taught by
This class provides the instrumentalist with an opportunity to study, rehearse and perform selected jazz music. Students will develop skill in musical improvisation. Participation by “non-music majors” is highly encouraged. Students must have the ability to read music and have basic knowledge of music theory and ability to play a jazz instrument. College drums and piano will be used. Otherwise, students are expected to use their own instruments. If you’re uncertain whether your instrument is appropriate for this ensemble, contact faculty. Fees payable at SPSCC: $10 for music
Faculty: James Schneider jschneider@spscc.edu
NOTE: This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College and starts 1 week before Evergreen classes. The class starts January 3rd, at 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, in Building 21, Room 253, Tuesday evenings from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
If a text is required students will need to purchase texts for this
course from the SPSCC bookstore. The book list can be found on the
bookstore website under the course Musc 134.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Fees payable at SPSCC: $10 for music
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays 5:30pm - 8:30pm
This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, in Building 21, room 253. The first meeting is Tuesday, January 3rd.
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location: This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 21, room 253. The first meeting is Tuesday, January 3rd.
Jazz Ensemble - at SPSCC
Class Size: 12
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Taught by
This class provides the instrumentalist with an opportunity to study, rehearse and perform selected jazz music, and is open to students who have the ability to play a wind instrument. Students will develop skill in musical improvisation. Participation by “non-music majors” is highly encouraged. Students must have the ability to read music and have basic knowledge of music theory and ability to play a jazz instrument. College drums and piano will be used. Otherwise, students are expected to use their own instruments. If you’re uncertain whether your instrument is appropriate for this ensemble, contact faculty. Fees payable at SPSCC: $10 for music
Faculty: James Schneider jschneider@spscc.edu
NOTE: This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, in Building 21, Room 253, Tuesday evenings from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. SPSCC Spring quarter runsApril 3- June 13 PLUS assigned finals week meeting time during the week of June 14-21 .
BOOKS: If a text is required students will need to purchase texts for
this course from the SPSCC bookstore. The book list can be found on the
bookstore website under the course Musc 134.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Fees payable at SPSCC: $10 for music
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays 5:30pm - 8:30pm, SPSCC Spring quarter runsApril 3- June 13 PLUS assigned finals week meeting time during the week of June 14-21 This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, in Building 21, room 253
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 21, room 253
Date | Revision |
2017-02-28 | New offering added for Spring |
Language, Literature, and the Schools
Spring 2017
Class Size: 20
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As external pressures on schools increase—through such forces as standardized testing and public accountability—many people concerned about education would argue that we have lost sight both of the active learning of the individual student and of the social conditions in which our school systems exist.
This program will explore the question: In what ways can an understanding of language, learning, and creativity clarify our vision of the education of children, lead to more pedagogically sound classroom practice, and meet social justice goals of equity and opportunity? Focusing primarily on language and the literary arts, this program will examine the psychological, social, and philosophical foundations of language development; the teaching of writing within constructivist and social-constructivist pedagogy; literature and literary theory as they relate to all levels of elementary and secondary education; and the historical tensions between philosophy of education and educational practice in the past century. Students will also participate in weekly writing groups as one way to observe closely the interaction between language, writing, and learning.
In spring quarter, we will draw together these strands in studying the current political struggles between traditional and constructivist education, with particular attention to the teaching of writing and literature in the schools and to arts education in general. In addition, students will conduct classroom observations (in elementary or secondary classrooms) and/or significant reading-research projects on topics in language, literature, the arts, and public education.
The 12-credit option will enable students to meet specific requirements for Washington State teacher certification. Students may earn the additional four credits in any of the following areas: children’s literature, adolescent literature, multicultural literature, or language skills/structure. (Please note that only 2-3 choices will be available each quarter.) Students will earn these credits through participating in a weekly small-group seminar and completing significant independent work in coordination with the curriculum of the 8-credit core of the program.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
K-12 education, writing, early childhood education.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Students who wish to undertake an internship in a school setting could arrange sponsorship from faculty in this program. Such an internship would either be voluntary (on the student's part) or would occur as an additional Internship Contract. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Wednesday evenings, 6:00-10:00 and Saturdays, 9:00-5:00 on Jan 14, Jan 28, Feb 11, Feb 25, Mar 11 (Winter quarter); 12-credit students also meet 6-10pm Mondays starting Week 2. First 8 credit meeting is Wednesday, January 11 at 6p, First 12 credit meeting is Monday, January 9 at 6p, in Seminar 2 A2109.
Located in: Olympia
Latin: An Intensive Introduction
Class Size: 25
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This class provides an introduction to classical Latin, the language of the Roman Republic and Empire, as represented by authors including Cicero, Horace, Virgil, and Tacitus. It also prepares students to read Medieval, Renaissance, or Ecclesiastical Latin texts. Knowledge of Latin improves one’s grasp of the vocabulary and grammar of Spanish, French, and Italian, as well as English, especially the specialized vocabularies of law, medicine, and natural science. At the program’s completion, students should enjoy a solid grounding in basic vocabulary, forms, and syntax and will need little additional study before reading primary Latin works in the original.
Students may enroll for 4 credits first session, 4 credits second session, or 8 credits full session. If you wish to join in second session, please contact the faculty to make sure you are prepared.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mon-Thu 10am-12pm
Located in: Olympia
Letterpress Basics
Class Size: 20
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In this hands-on studio class, students will learn basic letterpress techniques. As an introduction to the medium, students will learn about different fonts, type setting, different papers, and press operation. This is a studio based class in which students will work both independently and together. In addition to printing, students will create a technical journal documenting their discoveries and also develop a written artist statement. At the end of the session, students will present and participate in a group critique to investigate and support their accomplishments.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Visual Arts, Graphic design
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students should expect to spend between $50 - $75 for the printmaking supplies required to complete the course assignments.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 6-8p
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-16 | Catalog correction: Class is So-Sr only |
2017-01-24 | New offering added for Spring quarter |
Life Drawing
Class Size: 20
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In this evening course, basic structural drawing and perceptual skills will be expanded through study of the figure’s relation to environment, including movement and draping. Students will discover individual sensibilities of mark-making and aspects of personal vision through a variety of traditional and non-traditional drawing media and techniques. This course will emphasize observational skills and proportional relationships of a live nude model. Additionally, students will study basic anatomy.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Visual Arts, Illustration, Graphic Design
Credits per quarter
One quarter fundamental drawing, figure drawing, or equivalent.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Students will be expected to spend between $35-$50 for art supplies.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 6-8p. First meeting is Monday, January 9,6p, in Art Annex A2109.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-02 | Course description updated |
Life Writes Beautiful Stories: Growing-up Experiences in Literature, Script Writing, and Performance
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program is about creative expressions of the universal experience of growing up. It’s about how authors, performers, and other artists, including you, represent the personal process of a life unfolding in time and place. This brings into play the conditions of memory, experience, community, and culture that shape the act of growing up. From a classical-mythological perspective, the story of Persephone represents individual transformations that take place in a life, while contemporary writers, such as David Sedaris, Lynda Barry, and Bill Bryson, make sense of the human experience in evocative, emotional, and humorous ways.
In this program, students will explore the dynamic unfolding of life by reading and writing stories, viewing films and observing how that medium portrays lives over time, and composing and acting out scripts crafted from students' own life stories. Growing up, as a universal experience, might be perceived as a pattern or a set of stages that elucidate the human experience. Movement workshops and theater performance workshops allow program participants to explore these patterns and stages.
This program is designed for students who are curious about the process of growing up and are eager to read, write, create, and perform in serious ways in order to act on that curiosity. Students in this program will work in groups and must collaborate, support, and encourage the bold act of inquiring about the personal experience of growing up. At the end of the quarter, a theatrical presentation of these stories will summarize the experience.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
theater and the performing arts, creative writing, multicultural literature, human development, social science, education, and psychology.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$15 for theater tickets.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting : Monday, September 26 at 10am (Com 332)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-07 | Fall fee reduced (from $30). |
Lifespan Developmental Psychology
Class Size: 25
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This course will focus on milestones of human development from conception through death. We will consider the nature of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development throughout the lifespan, addressing major theories and current research that explain how and why developmental change occurs. Some practical topics to be explored will include child rearing, learning disorders, adolescent rebellion, adult midlife crisis, and care giving for elderly parents. This course serves as a prerequisite for upper-division work and graduate school admission in psychology, social work, education, and health care.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Tue/Thu
Located in: Olympia
Making Change: Business Management in Turbulent Times
Winter 2017
Class Size: 38
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The title of this upper-division business program is intended to convey that we will study two aspects of “making change.” Our primary focus will be on making change in the sense of how to respond to new challenges, foreseen or unforeseen, in the business environment. We will consider both how to anticipate and respond to these challenges and also how to design an organizational structure that is resilient enough to adapt readily to whatever comes along. We will also look at the need for and techniques of managing the routine aspects of a business or organization – that is, making change as represented by what happens (used to happen?) at the cash register during a business transaction. If the manager doesn’t look after these sometimes boring and generally routine tasks the organization will founder. While we will deal with business, most of what we study will apply also to government and nonprofit organizations.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
business and management.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 38
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 9am (Sem II C3105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-04 | New fall-winter opportunity added. |
Managing and Leading Human Service Organizations
Class Size: 25
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Human service organizations support the most vulnerable members of
their communities. Leaders and administrators in this sector face
challenges in maintaining and moving their organizations forward.
Some of the culprits include dependence on
outside resources, smaller size of the organization's human
resources, low pay and limited overall compensation, higher attrition
rate, inconsistent levels of volunteers, lack of resources for
training and development, and increasing demands on their services.
Leaders of human service organizations, as a result, must be prepared
with the strongest leadership skill sets to inspire their organizations
achieve their mission. The primary learning objective of this
course is to help students gain leadership and management skills
necessary to become successful leaders and managers in human service
fields. This course provides students with
the opportunity to reflect, collaborate, and learn through
individual and group activities including self-evaluation, cases,
discussions and seminars, and team projects.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat 9a-4p
Located in: Olympia
Mapping for Change
Class Size: 25
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Maps are powerful tools for understanding the relationships between people and place. They have been used to divide and unite, to expose environmental problems, to plan for peace, and to prepare for war. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a map might be worth millions.
In this course, students will learn the basics of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the production of digital maps using computer software. We will study the elements of good cartographic design and apply those elements to produce meaningful maps with a purpose. The first half of the quarter will be spent developing fundamental skills with GIS software. The second half of the quarter will culminate in a project to produce a series of maps that illustrate a social or environmental problem, and which could be used to advocate for a change in policy or raise public awareness about an issue.
Credits per quarter
Students who enroll should be comfortable using computers, have a
knowledge of basic algebra, and some experience using spreadsheet
software like Excel. Knowing how to navigate the Windows file/folder
system in some depth will help you avoid a "double learning
curve." Both upper and lower division students are welcome.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Tuesdays. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6p, in Library 1223B.
Located in: Olympia
Mapping for Change
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
Maps are powerful tools for understanding the relationships between people and place. They have been used to divide and unite, to expose environmental problems, to plan for peace, and to prepare for war. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a map might be worth millions.
In this course, students will learn the basics of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the production of digital maps using computer software. We will study the elements of good cartographic design and apply those elements to produce meaningful maps with a purpose. The first half of the quarter will be spent developing fundamental skills with GIS software. The second half of the quarter will culminate in a project to produce a series of maps that illustrate a social or environmental problem, and which could be used to advocate for a change in policy or raise public awareness about an issue.
Credits per quarter
Students who enroll should be comfortable using computers, have a knowledge of basic algebra, and some experience using spreadsheet software like Excel. Knowing how to navigate the Windows file/folder system in some depth will help you avoid a "double learning curve." Both upper and lower division students are welcome.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Thursdays
Located in: Olympia
Marine Biodiversity
Class Size: 50
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This program focuses on learning the identity and evolutionary relationships of marine organisms. Marine environments support an extremely diverse group of autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms, which together comprise an important fraction of Earth’s biodiversity. The proximity of Evergreen's campus to various marine habitats provides excellent opportunities to study many diverse groups of organisms. Emphasis will be placed on learning the regional marine flora and fauna. Students will learn fundamental laboratory and field techniques and will be required to complete a research project utilizing the available microscopy facilities (light and scanning electron microscopes). Workshops on the statistical analysis of biodiversity will provide a quantitative aspect to our work. This program will include extensive work in both the lab and field.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
marine science, environmental science, and other life sciences.
Credits per quarter
Two quarters of college-level biological sciences with labs.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Students should expect above-average book costs.
$240 for an overnight field trip to the Olympic Peninsula.
Upper division science credit:
Students completing all the work in this program at a satisfactory level will earn 16 upper-division science credits.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 9:30a (Sem II A1105)
Located in: Olympia
Marine Biology of the Pacific Northwest
Class Size: 15
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This program introduces principles of marine biology focusing on the marine life and marine habitats of the Pacific Northwest coast. We will study the environment, taxonomy, adaptations, and ecology of marine organisms as well as the major oceanographic features of the northwest coast. There will be various field trips including a survey of a local estuary and a camping trip to study the rocky intertidal habitats of the Olympic Peninsula.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$110 for field trip expenses
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
9a-5p Tue/Wed/Thu
Located in: Olympia
Mathematics in Geology
Winter 2017
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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This interdisciplinary, introductory-level program will explore topics in physical geology and applied precalculus mathematics. It is designed for students with a desire to have a broader and deeper understanding of the Earth, of mathematical concepts and functions, and of applications of math to earth sciences. The study of lab and field sciences and mathematical problem-solving through rigorous, quantitative, and interdisciplinary investigations will be emphasized. We expect students to finish the program with a strong understanding of the scientific and mathematical concepts that help us investigate the world around us.
In fall quarter geology we will study fundamental concepts in Earth science including geologic time, plate tectonics, and earth materials. Winter quarter geology will focus on Earth processes including soil development, nutrient cycling, and climate change. In both quarters our precalculus material will focus on families of mathematical functions, including polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Pattern identification and conceptual understanding of mathematical ideas will be emphasized along with applications to geological sciences. Additional math topics will include symmetry and geometry (with applications to mineral structure), and introductory concepts in probability and statistics. Quantitative reasoning and statistical analysis of data will be emphasized throughout the program and students will participate in weekly geology-content-based workshops focusing on improving mathematical skills. Fall quarter we will focus on skill-building in the laboratory and math workshops with the goal of doing meaningful field-lab work later in the year. Students will conduct group projects, including library research and writing, with opportunities for fieldwork.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
environmental sciences, geosciences, and mathematics. This program will provide good background for more in-depth science programs such as Introduction to Natural Science or Models of Motion.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$275 in fall for overnight field trips.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9am (Sem II E1107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-30 | Winter fee cancelled. |
2016-05-23 | This program now accepts enrollment for all class levels (Fr-Sr). |
2016-04-11 | Fees added. |
Matter and Motion
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This year-long program is a rigorous introduction to knowledge and skills students need to continue their studies in physics, chemistry, mathematics, and the natural sciences. We will cover key concepts in university-level physics, general chemistry, and calculus.
Modern science has been remarkably successful in providing understanding of how natural systems behave. Such disparate phenomena as the workings of cell phones, the ways in which we detect super-massive black holes in the galactic core, use of magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis of disease, the effects of global carbon dioxide levels on shellfish growth, and design of batteries for electric cars are all linked at a deeply fundamental level. This program will introduce you to the theory and practice of the science behind these and other phenomena while providing the solid academic background in mathematics, chemistry, and physics necessary for advanced study in those fields, as well as for engineering, medicine, and biology.
There will be a strong laboratory focus during which we will explore the nature of chemical and physical systems in a highly collaborative environment. The key to success in the program will depend on commitment to work, learning, and collaboration. The work will be intensive and challenging, but the material exciting. Students should expect to spend at least 50 hours a week engaged with assignments and material during and outside of class. During fall, we will focus on skill-building in the laboratory and acquiring the basic tools in chemistry, physics, and calculus. By winter quarter students will increase their ability to integrate disciplines, moving between established models and experimental data to ask and seek answers to their own questions. A spring quarter component will be a library or laboratory research project and presentation of findings to the public, allowing students to share their knowledge with a broad audience.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
chemistry, physics, mathematics, medicine and health-care fields, engineering, environmental science, and science teaching.
Credits per quarter
Pre-calculus I and II (algebra and trigonometry) is a prerequisite, and a good knowledge of the subject is assumed. Background in high school science is desirable. Students must complete a mathematics assessment test, available on the program website, to evaluate their level of preparation for the program.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students are encouraged to have a computer, ideally a laptop, with a USB2 port and a common operating system, such as MAC OSX or Windows.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 9:30am (Lecture Hall 2)
Located in: Olympia
Media Internships
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 8
Variable Credit Options Available
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This program is the home for Evergreen media internships. Media internships provide advanced students opportunities to gain deep knowledge of specific media concepts and skills in the context of a tightly-knit cohort who collaborate on developing academic and creative research agendas that parallel and are informed by their work as interns. Internships involve about 30 hours per week for 12-14 credits per quarter and are available in animation/imaging, audio, Media Loan, multimedia lab, music technology, production, video production, and video post-production. Each intern gains and strengthens instructional, technical, research, organizational, leadership, communication, and collaborative skills as they work with supervising staff associated with each of these areas to support instruction, maintenance, and administration of facilities, and to fulfill campus production needs.
The Media Internship program includes two to four credits of academic inquiry per quarter that will involve individual research in the critical history of specific media technologies with an emphasis on the social, cultural, and economic influences on their development and adoption by both mainstream and alternative producers. As students expand their practical and theoretical knowledge of media technologies, they will examine their own roles as producers, artists, teachers, and leaders through reflective writing and through the production of both individual and collaborative creative media projects. Interns meet weekly as a group with staff or faculty to share skills, seminar on readings or screenings, peer review writing, and collaborate on projects, productions, and cross-training in all Media Services areas.
The Media Internship program requires a year-long commitment from fall through spring quarters. For more details, including information about each specific internship, prerequisites for them and how to apply, please refer to www.evergreen.edu/electronicmedia/eminternships.htm .
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
media arts, media production, media education, professional studio management, communications, and computer applications in media art.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
A 14-credit option is available with faculty signature and field supervisor approval.
Students must have completed at least one quarter of an 8 credit or 16 credit interdisciplinary program and a minimum of one year of study of college-level media theory and skills training pertaining to the internship, such as Mediaworks, Media Artist Studio, Audio Recording, Introduction to Music Technology, or their equivalents.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 8
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 9:30am (L1540)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Mediaworks: Re/presenting Power and Difference
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 48
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What does it mean to make moving images in an age of omnipresent media, information overload, social inequality, and global capitalism? What's the relationship between aesthetic form and power across race, class, gender, sexuality, and other axes of difference? How can we understand the interplay between popular media and experimental modes? How do we critically engage with the history and traditions of media practices while testing the boundaries of established forms? What responsibilities do media artists and producers have to their subjects and audiences? How can media makers represent or transform the “real” world? Can media artists contribute to social change? As media artists, how do we enter debates around social and political justice? How do we critically engage new media as a form of activism and cultural critique? Students will engage with these questions as they gain skills in film/video/television history and theory, critical analysis, media production, collaboration, and critique.
This is the foundational program for media arts/media studies at Evergreen, linking theory with practice. The program emphasizes media technology and hands-on production practices along with the study of media history and theory—inquiry that is central to developing strategies of representation in our own work as media artists. As creative critics, we will gain fluency in methodologies including close reading and formal analysis, mapping narrative and genre, unpacking power from feminist, critical race, de-colonial, and anti-capitalist perspectives, and cultural, historical, and technological framing of commercial and independent media production. These analytical skills will help us understand strategies that artists have employed to challenge, mobilize, and re-appropriate mainstream media forms. As critical creators, we'll learn foundational production skills and experiment with alternative approaches including documentary, nonfiction, video art, autobiography, essay films, remix, and research/writing for and about media. In addition to production assignments, program activities will encompass analysis and criticism through screenings, readings, seminars, research, and critical writing. We'll also spend significant time in critique sessions discussing our creative and critical work.
In fall students will explore ways of seeing, listening, and observing in various formats, focusing intensively on 16 mm film production and completing both skill-building exercises and short projects. These collaborative exercises and projects will have thematic and technical guidelines consistent with program curriculum. Our production work will be grounded in the study of concepts and methodologies from media history and theory, including significant critical reading, research, and writing. In hands-on workshops and assignments we'll analyze images as communication and commodities and investigate how images create and contest meaning in art, politics, and consumer culture. Collaboration—a skill learned through practice—will be an important aspect of our work in this learning community.
In winter students will delve deeply into field- and studio-based video/audio production and digital editing, using the CCAM studio and HD video technologies. We'll do this learning in conjunction with studying the social and technological history of television and video. Our production work will be primarily collaborative, although students will conclude the quarter by working on an independent project proposal.
In spring, as a culmination of the conceptual, collaboration, and production skills developed in fall and winter, students will create independent projects, individually or collaboratively. Technical workshops, screenings, research presentations, and critique discussions will support this emerging work.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
media, visual art, journalism, communication, education, and the humanities.
Credits per quarter
Students must demonstrate intermediate college-level reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. In addition, successful completion of at least two quarters of college-level studies spanning multiple disciplines is a prerequisite for admission. This could be satisfied by interdisciplinary programs at Evergreen or classes at Evergreen or elsewhere that demonstrate breadth of subject matter. Previous experience in media production is not required.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students should expect to pay $150 for an external hard drive and $100 per quarter in supplies and travel for productions, depending on individual project needs.
$300 in fall for film festival admission, an overnight field trip, film production expenses, and supplies. In winter,$120 for entrance fees, studio production expenses, and supplies. In spring,$50 for film festival admission.
Students may choose to do an internship in a local or regional organization focusing on media production, media education, or a related subject. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Class Size: 48
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9:30am (Com 308)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-28 | hidden variable credit section added as per JR/Fac. |
2016-11-17 | Winter signature information updated. |
2016-04-14 | The application is now available online. |
Metalworking: An Introduction
Class Size: 15
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This course is an introduction to the tools and processes of metal fabrication. Students will practice sheet-metal construction, forming, forging, and welding, among other techniques, while accomplishing a series of projects that encourage student-centered design with a focus on fine art and metal sculpture.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$100 Student fee required for consumable and project materials.
Class Size: 15
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Monday 5:30-9:30pm. First meeting is Monday, January 9, 5:30p, in Art Annex 0100.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-10-27 | New offering added for Winter |
Metalworking: An Introduction
Class Size: 15
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This course is an introduction to the tools and processes of metal fabrication. Students will practice sheet-metal construction, forming, forging, and welding, among other techniques, while accomplishing a series of projects that encourage student-centered design with a focus on fine art and metal sculpture.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$100 Student fee required for consumable and project materials.
Class Size: 15
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Mondays 5:30-9:30 pm
Located in: Olympia
Metalworking: An Introduction (A)
Class Size: 12
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This course is an introduction to the tools and processes of metal fabrication. Students will practice sheet-metal construction, forming, forging, and welding, among other techniques, while accomplishing a series of projects that encourage student-centered design.This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
metal fabrication and sculpture
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$100 for materials and supplies
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:30-9:30p Tue. First Meeting Tue, Sept 27, 5:30pm, Art Annex 0100
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-09-12 | Student fee raised to $100 (was $85) |
Metalworking: An Introduction (B)
Class Size: 12
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This course is an introduction to the tools and processes of metal fabrication. Students will practice sheet-metal construction, forming, forging, and welding, among other techniques, while accomplishing a series of projects that encourage student-centered design.This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
metal fabrication and sculpture
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$100 for materials and supplies
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:30-9:30p Mon. First meeting Mon Sept 26, 5:30pm, Art Annex 0100.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-09-12 | Student fee raised to $100 (was $85) |
Molecule to Organism
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 75
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This program will develop and interrelate concepts in laboratory biology, organic chemistry, and biochemistry, thus providing a foundation for students who plan to continue studies in chemistry, laboratory biology, field biology, and medicine. In a yearlong sequence, students will carry out upper-division work in genetics, organic chemistry, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, developmental biology, and physiology.
The program will examine the subject matter through the central idea that structure defines function, integrating a scaled theme from the organismal to the cellular to the molecular level. As the year progresses, the scaled theme will continue through studies of cellular and biochemical processes in biological systems. We will examine organic chemistry, the nature of organic compounds and reactions, and carry this work into biochemistry and the fundamental chemical reactions of living systems. Biological concepts of inheritance will be covered through the study of Mendelian and population genetics, leading to an understanding from a molecular DNA perspective. Building on these fundamental processes, we will study how multicellular organisms develop.
The program will contain a significant laboratory component. Students will write papers and maintain laboratory notebooks weekly. All laboratory work and approximately half of non-lecture time will be spent working in collaborative problem-solving groups. In spring quarter more in-depth laboratory and library research projects will be a culmination of all major concepts learned throughout the year.
This is an intensive program. The subjects are complex and the sophisticated understanding we expect to develop will require devoted attention and many hours of scheduled lab work each week.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology, chemistry, education, medicine, and health science.
Credits per quarter
One year of college-level general biology with laboratory and one year of college-level general chemistry with laboratory.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Upper division science credit:
Upper-division science credits will be awarded to students who successfully complete all program requirements.
Class Size: 75
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9am (Lecture Hall 4)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2017-02-16 | Twelve credit option now offered spring quarter. |
Monsters: A Literary Exploration
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Monsters occupy a conspicuous place in our consciousness, in our discourse, and in our literary creations. Why are we so fascinated by them? Why have they cropped up in cultures around the world for thousands of years and why, in a modern and technological age, do they continue to thrive? And what can we learn about ourselves and our world by critically examining our relationship with them, however imaginary they may be? In Western literature, monsters inhabit texts from the ancient epics to medieval works like Beowulf and Dante's Divine Comedy to Milton's Paradise Lost (1667) and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818). The 1880s and 1890s alone give us a rich vein of inquiry with Robert Louis Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde , Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, H.G. Wells's The Island of Dr. Moreau , and Bram Stoker's Dracula --all tales that meld the human and the bestial into new and disturbing forms. Our studies will encompass a number of these classic texts as well as more contemporary examples, such as David Beauchard's groundbreaking graphic novel, Epileptic .
Class activities will include seminars, films, small-group discussions, and workshops. Students will develop and articulate their new understandings by means of response papers, reflective journals, bibliographic summaries, and related writings. Because our topic invites investigation and interpretation from so many different perspectives--for example, those of philosophy, psychology, history, art, and the biological sciences--the program will also host guest speakers who can connect our inquiry to that of other disciplines. We may also attempt to consider some "real-life" monsters along the way: predator species, unstoppable disease agents, and humans themselves, with their immense and proven capacity for destruction. Where are the limits of the monstrous? Let's find out together.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
humanities and education.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 5:30-9:30p
Located in: Olympia
Class Size: 50
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Perhaps the greatest certainty that comes with being alive is that we are all mortal and that someday we will perish. This is our fate. How does this unwanted wisdom influence the way we chart a path from birth to our ultimate end? Would we be different if immortal? In earlier times, these questions were mostly the domain of religion and the arts. But with the dawning of the modern age and the advent of psychology, we are now able to examine mortality from a variety of disciplinary perspectives to better understand how artists, scientists, and intellectuals have provided imaginative and penetrating insights into the phenomenon all living things have in common. In this one quarter, 8 credit program, we will examine the particulars of “self” and “narrative” that are true for each life, whether examined or not. We will explore psychological theory, science, and practice. We will learn how humans have searched for and found meaning in mortality -- through theatre, poetry, visual art, and music -- in works by Shakespeare, Mozart, Kushner, Picasso, and Welles, to name a few. The class may include a Seattle or Tacoma field trip to attend gallery or performance events relevant to our themes. Credits will be awarded in Psychology and Performance Studies.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Performing arts, psychology, and many humanities and social sciences fields.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$25 for tickets to a live performance event
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Wednesdays from 6 – 9:30 pm and 10 a.m. - 5:00 pm on FIVE Saturdays -- April 8 & 22, May 6 & 20 and June 3.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-09 | Freshman and Sophomore specific CRNs created |
Movements and Migrations: Sustainability and Change in Religion and Culture.
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
study abroad option
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Variable Credit Options Available
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Cultures are always changing; traditions persist, evolve and take on new shapes over time.
In this program, we will look at religious and cultural movements in South Asia and the Middle East. We will look at the roots of Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism and ways they have traveled and changed over time. We will also explore the ways that some of their principles and lived practices inform sustainability and justice movements today. Yoga, for example, is a transnational phenomenon with roots in some of the same texts and traditions that have given rise to Hinduism. Buddhism, also arising in South Asia, has made its own popularized journeys around the world. Global understandings of Islam range from transnational Sufi movements to fearsome groups such as ISIS to Islamophobia. All of these traditions offer lessons for living respectfully with the natural world, and for overcoming injustices and inequality.
Focusing on South Asia and the Middle East, we will explore differing religious and cultural world views on the environment and humans’ place within it as well as how religious traditions interact with politics on the ground. We will look at both historical foundations and contemporary lived cultural and religious traditions. In South Asia, we’ll examine cultures in the Himalayan region as warming temperatures melt critical glaciers and multiple dams potentially increase the risk of earthquakes. We will explore development models for rural communities in India and Nepal, focusing on food and forests. These every day issues are crosscut by religious practices and social movements often rest on the foundations of religious principles. In the Middle East, we will explore ways that orthodoxy in Islam gets shaped and reshaped. As we explore how Islam and political Islam are lived and changed, we uncover the paradox that orthodoxy, which implies immovability and constancy, undergoes movements and migrations of its own.
Migrations of peoples, materials, and ideas have been around for millennia, often producing vibrant practices based on adaptation and innovation. Yet colonization and capitalist globalization have also contributed to the systematic destruction of indigenous and non-Western cultures, inciting various forms of resistance. How do transnational relationships affect the integrity, identity, and sustainability of local communities? How do religion and culture serve to sustain or separate communities in a world of mass migrations due to political, economic, and environmental disruptions?
Through the lenses of religious studies, cultural anthropology, and sustainability studies, we will explore tensions between movement, migration, and rootedness, the familiar and unfamiliar, and how movements for justice are conditioned by both individual and systemic change. We will draw on yoga, both as an example of cultural exchange that has fueled debates about authenticity and appropriation, and as a practice of sustainability from the inside out. In fall quarter, our intentional learning community will build theoretical foundations and develop skills in cultural analysis through critical reading, expository writing, ethnographic methods, and seminar discussions. Students will have options for reflective work through yogic practices. In the winter, some students will travel to Nepal to think on the ground about issues of sustainability, religion, boundaries, biomigration, natural disasters and population shifts. Other students will develop local projects on topics of their choice related to program themes. Students can also participate in a religious module focused on studying notions of “God” in different religious traditions. Spring quarter students will continue to develop projects, with options for local internships and community partnerships, as we continue with weekly thematic explorations. Through the use of workshops, students will develop proficiencies in ethnographic methods, sustainability practices, yoga, and writing.
Study abroad:
Students have the option to spend four weeks in Nepal, with a cost of approximately $3,200 (approximately $1,400 for airfare and $1,800 for room, board, and other expenses). A $200 deposit is due mid-fall quarter. Students interested in scholarship support for study abroad should review the Gilman Scholarship site for eligibility, http://www.iie.org/programs/gilman-scholarship-program#.V74IFRLXvEQ , and contact Michael Clifthorne in the Office of International Programs for more scholarship information. Applications should be started in summer. For details on study abroad, visit www.evergreen.edu/studyabroad or contact Michael Clifthorne at clifthom@evergreen.edu .
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
sustainability studies, anthropology, international studies, religious studies, community development and gender studies.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
12-credit option available for students enrolled in language studies.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$200 per quarter for field trips and supplies.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 9:30am (Sem II E2109)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-03-31 | Title changed (formerly Movements and Migrations: Religion, Culture, and Sustainability in a Transnational World). Description has been updated. |
Movements: Advanced Studies
Winter 2017
Class Size: 6
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This is an opportunity for a small number of Sophomore-Senior students with a strong background in one or a combination of the following: visual art, art history, literature, creative writing, media theory, cultural studies, critical race studies, or African-American studies. Students with this background will participate in all of the activities and readings of Movements: African-American Culture in the Long 20th Century , but also be asked to complete longer and more in-depth assignments and a large-scale project that will be developed over the course of the two quarters. These students will also act as peer mentors for the Freshman in the class, and will have opportunities to develop and supervise workshops and activities with those students.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Education, African-American Studies, Literature, Media Arts
Credits per quarter
Successful completion of at least two years of interdisciplinary study in one or more of the following: African-American Studies, visual art, art history, literature, creative writing, media studies, cultural studies, critical race studies, or feminist studies. Students must also have experience writing papers of at least 10-15 pages, and experience completing independent writing, research and creative work.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$100 per quarter for entrance fees and field trips.
Class Size: 6
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10 at 10am (Sem II C1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-22 | New fall opportunity added. |
Movements: African-American Culture in the (Long) 20th Century
Winter 2017
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
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Movements emerge out of adverse political conditions and embody new creative strategies and possibilities. This program will explore how African-American writers, media makers, musicians, artists, and community activists use a range of methods to resist white supremacy and foster resilience within their communities. We will examine interrelated political, literary, artistic, and musical movements that have emerged from African-American experience through the “long 20th century,” beginning at Reconstruction and continuing into the present day. Our program trajectory will be historical, and will consider the arts as a primary connective tissue among the movements up for consideration. Our work together will bring us to the Harlem Renaissance, the civil rights movement, the Black Arts movement, Afrofuturism, Neo Soul, and Black Lives Matter. We will consider how the unique conditions and histories of African-Americans have shaped these movements, and how they have interacted with other artistic and social-justice movements.
In fall quarter students will learn to read African-American cultural texts—including film, music, visual art and literature—to understand the relationships of people and communities, their sense of identity and possibilities for solidarity across differences. Through workshops students will develop skills in visual and media literacy, library and community-based research, digital photography and video editing, creative and expository writing, analytical reading and viewing, and literary analysis.
In winter quarter students will bring their historical studies into the present day by conducting collaborative research projects examining contemporary African-American movements. Students will be encouraged to use the range of skills they have developed in the program to plan, execute, and share these projects with the broader Evergreen community.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, African American studies, literature, and media arts.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$115 per quarter for entrance fees, overnight field trips, and a reader.
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting : Tuesday, January 10 at 10am (Sem II C1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-23 | This program will accept new winter enrollment without signature. |
2016-11-28 | This program will accept new winter enrollment with signature. |
2016-09-01 | Fees increased (from $50 to $65). |
Multitrack Audio Production
Class Size: 14
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Taught by
Important note: This program is taught by Terry Setter. A bug is displaying Sarah Eltantawi instead of Terry Setter.
This class provides instruction in the use of digital recording studio equipment, microphone design and placement techniques, mixing console design, signal flow, monitoring techniques, room acoustics, and signal processing. There will be written assignments based upon lectures, and readings in Huber's Modern Recording Techniques. Students will present research on topics related to audio production. In addition to the in-class activities, students will do at least 50 hours of recording and familiarization work in teams of two. We will record local musicians and produce finished mixes of the sessions.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Media Production, Audio Engineering
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 14
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu, 10am-4pm, Wed 10am-1pm
Located in: Olympia
Multitrack Composition I
Class Size: 20
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Composition is the study of audio technology and its role in changing
the art of music composition and production. This three quarter long
sequence is concerned with the use of modern recording technologies as
instrument. The use of signal processing, tape/computer based
manipulation, and the structure of multitrack recorders and audio
consoles allow a great number of techniques to be created on the fly to
generate, modify, and document musical sound.
Fall quarter will
be spent reviewing operation, design and application of the campus
facilities to gain common skill levels and technical knowledge, and
complete proficiency in the Communications Building API1608 and Neve
5088 studios and associated facilities.
The course is for
musicians and engineers who want to develop compositional, technical and
collaborative skills in modern production. This is a lab course with
limited (20) positions available. Please make sure you complete an
application and speak with the sponsor regarding your skills. If
you have any questions, please contact the sponsor.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Audio, music and media composition and production.
Credits per quarter
Intro to Audio Recording or equal musical skills.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays, 6-10 pm. First meeting Tue, Sept 27, 6pm, Communications Building Room 118.
Located in: Olympia
Multitrack Composition II
Class Size: 20
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Multitrack Composition is the study of audio technology and its role in changing the art of music composition and production. This three quarter long sequence is concerned with the use of modern recording technologies as instrument. The use of signal processing, tape/computer based manipulation, and the structure of multitrack recorders and audio consoles allow a great number of techniques to be created on the fly to generate, modify, and document musical sound
The course is
for musicians and engineers who want to develop compositional, technical
and collaborative skills in modern production. This is a lab course
with limited (20) positions available. Please make sure you complete an
application and speak with the faculty regarding your skills. If
you have any questions, please contact the faculty.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Audio, music and media composition and production.
Credits per quarter
Intro to Audio Recording or equal musical skills.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays, 6-10 p. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6p, in Communications Building Room 118.
Located in: Olympia
Multitrack Composition III
Class Size: 20
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Multitrack Composition is the study of audio technology and its role in changing the art of music composition and production. This three quarter long sequence is concerned with the use of modern recording technologies as instrument. The use of signal processing, tape/computer based manipulation, and the structure of multitrack recorders and audio consoles allow a great number of techniques to be created on the fly to generate, modify, and document musical sound.
The course is
for musicians and engineers who want to develop compositional, technical
and collaborative skills in modern production. This is a lab course
with limited (20) positions available. Please make sure you complete an
application and speak with the faculty regarding your skills. If
you have any questions, please contact the faculty.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Audio, music and media composition and production.
Credits per quarter
Intro to Audio Recording or equal musical skills.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays, 6-10 pm
Located in: Olympia
Multivariable and Vector Calculus
Class Size: 10
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The full-time program Physical Systems and Applied Mathematics covers Differential Equations and Multivariable & Vector Calculus (in fall) and Linear Algebra (in winter), all at the upper division science level. Each of these subjects is available to students as stand-alone 4 credit courses by taking a partial credit option within Physical Systems and Applied Mathematics . The prerequisite for any of these courses is proficiency in one year of introductory calculus (including both differential and integral calculus). Students must demonstrate meeting prerequisites through completion of an application form and a diagnostic entrance exam, available at https://sites.evergreen.edu/psam1617/ .
Multivariable and Vector Calculus is a rigorous course in applied mathematics, and will include concepts, procedures, and applications of: vector-valued functions, partial derivatives and multiple integrals; gradients, divergence, and curls; Stoke’s Theorem, Green’s Theorem, and The Divergence Theorem. Throughout the quarter, concepts and procedures of multivariable and vector calculus will be used to solve problems in physics. Collaborative learning and context-based problem solving will be emphasized. Students will be evaluated on engagement, homework, quizzes, and exams. Students successfully completing this portion of the program may be awarded 4 credits of upper division science credit in Multivariable and Vector Calculus.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Mathematics, science, engineering, economics, and education.
Credits per quarter
Proficiency in one year of introductory calculus (including both differential and integral calculus).
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Upper division science credit:
Students successfully completing this portion of the program may be awarded 4 credits of upper division credit in Differential Equations.
Class Size: 10
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, September 26 at 9am (Sem II D3105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-27 | New opportunity added. |
Music Matters
Winter 2017
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Music, its meaning, importance in human lives, and role in human civilizations have been topics considered by philosophers from ancient Greece to the present day. What do our experiences of music have to do with our intellectual understanding of the subject? In what ways does the experience of performing music differ from the experience of listening? Are there approaches to listening that result in more meaningful engagement with the music?
In this program we will explore points of intersection between music as it is created and perceived in the moment, philosophical writings about music from antiquity to the present, and theoretical principles that influence our musical experiences and understanding. Our work with progressive skill development will require physical immersion into the practices of listening, moving, and making music. Theoretical, philosophical, and literary studies will require the development of a common working vocabulary, writing skills, and critical-thinking skills. Weekly activities will include readings, lectures, seminars, and interactive workshops designed to encourage students to expand and meld their creative interests within an intellectual infrastructure. Performance workshops will provide opportunities to gain firsthand understanding of fundamental skills and concepts as well as the transformative possibilities that exist through honest confrontation of challenging experiences. Writing workshops and assignments will encourage thoughtful consideration of a broad range of program topics. This balanced approach to the development of physical craft, artistry, and intellectual engagement is expected to culminate in a significant written and performance project.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
music and performance.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$50 in winter for concert tickets and workshop materials.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 9am (Com 117)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-28 | This program will not accept new enrollment winter quarter. |
2016-11-15 | Fall fee deferred to winter quarter. |
Class Size: 20
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Students will learn fundamentals of music literacy and piano technique, and develop free, healthy singing voices. This class emphasizes the value of live performance and collaboration with other musicians. At the end of the quarter, students will perform both vocally and on piano for other class participants and invited family and friends. This class requires excellent attendance and a commitment to practice every day. Credit will be awarded in Musicianship.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thu 6-8p. First meeting Thu, Sept 29, 6pm, Communications Building Room 308.
Located in: Olympia
Class Size: 20
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Students will learn fundamentals of music literacy and piano technique, and develop their sight singing skills. This class emphasizes the value of live performance and collaboration with other musicians. At the end of the quarter, students will perform both vocally and on piano for other class participants and invited family and friends. This class requires excellent attendance and a commitment to practice every day. Credit will be awarded in Musicianship.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thu 6-8p. First meeting is Thursday, January 12, 6p, in Communications Building Room 308.
Located in: Olympia
Class Size: 20
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Students will learn fundamentals of music literacy and piano technique, and develop sight singing skills. This class emphasizes the value of live performance and collaboration with other musicians. At the end of the quarter, students will perform both vocally and on piano for other class participants and invited family and friends. This class requires excellent attendance and a commitment to practice every day. Credit will be awarded in Musicianship.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thu 6p to 8p
Located in: Olympia
Natural History and Science Writing: Observations and Representations
Class Size: 50
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This program will help students gain fluidity as readers and writers of science. They will be able to evaluate the quality of science writing found in the mainstream and specialty media, and among poetry circles. Students will appreciate the importance of natural history writing to everyone’s health and well-being by connecting with our environment.
Natural history is the scientific study of animals and plants, especially based on observation rather than experimentation. Through storytelling, we will consider how natural history helps us understand the living world and travel the byways of our past, present and future. Crucial personal and public decisions must be based on good scientific research, and effective science writing is often the catalyst between scientists, the public, and policy makers.
We will consider what science is and how it works, explore natural history, including that of the Pacific Northwest, and work toward developing a scientific perspective on some current major issues, such as global climate change. We will work toward developing skills to communicate information and concepts using verbal and graphic representations and equation
Science writers work in various genres – scientific papers, spoken word and literary poetry, and journalism – that are fascinating and engage audiences such as the scientific community, general public, and poetry lovers. Science writers of today – scientists, journalists, poets – are making it possible for the public to engage with critical issues, such as climate change, health equity, food sustainability, environmental justice, and systems of privilege and inequity built into these debates. In this hands-on, writing-intensive program we will explore the import and versatility of science writing and reading through abstracts, journalism and poetry within the framework of natural history.
Assignments may include writing: 1) an article abstract suitable for a scientific journal 2) a journalistic article based on attending a local public policy meeting or hearing, live interviews and additional research, 3) a discussion of a topic in science accessible to an educated public, 4) spoken word or literary poetry for stage and page using natural history as a framework and/or theme, as well as illustrated field journals. Students may also track and critique natural history articles in a variety of mainstream, alternative, and specialty media for effective communication of science appropriate to various audiences. Activities will include lectures, workshops, seminars and field trips.
Required readings may include Charles Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle, Jon Luoma's The Hidden Forest: Biography of an Ecosystem, works by Mary Oliver and John Muir, and science articles written for popular and professional audiences.
This program will serve as a foundation for advanced study or work in natural history, science writing, journalism, poetry, communication, nonprofits, government and education.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
natural history, science writing, journalism, poetry, communication, nonprofits, government and education.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$20 for admission/entrance fee for field trips.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Saturdays 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., plus required field trips Thursday evening April 20 from 6:30-8:30 p.m., Wednesday evening May 17 from 6:30-8 p.m. for community poetry events and possibly one overnight field trip.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-17 | This program is now open to all levels. |
2017-03-17 | New Title: Natural History and Science Writing (previously Natural History and Storytelling). Content of program has not changed. |
Class Size: 25
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This is an intensive visual arts program for students who have a good background in representational drawing, who are passionate about the natural world, and who are eager to learn more about it. How have past artists, philosophers, and scientists understood and depicted the physical world? How are contemporary artists reinterpreting and reshaping our fundamental relationship to the environment and to other species? What is the role of the artist in a time of environmental crisis? Through readings, lectures, seminars, and intensive studio work, we will examine these questions. Individually, we will take the approach of artist/naturalists and delve deeply into an exploration of one or more species, ecosystems, or natural processes that intrigue us. Program activities will include skill workshops in painting (watercolor, gouache, and acrylics) and scientific illustration, lectures, seminars, individual research, and thematic studio work. Each student will create a body of images that expresses his/her research into and personal vision of an aspect of nature.
In the first weeks of the quarter each student will present a proposal for an in-depth, individual field study of a site, organism, natural process, or system. During week six, each student will conduct a field study at a site either on- or off-campus in the U.S. In week eight, students will present their field research and creative work to the program.
Students will need to commit at least 40 hours per week to their program work and must be willing to work in close quarters in the studio on campus. Students will be asked to regularly present work and to engage in critical assessment, dialog, research, and writing.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
painting, drawing, scientific illustration, and the visual arts.
Credits per quarter
Students should have a solid base of skills in representational drawing.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Students who choose to travel a significant distance from campus for the field study should plan to cover travel and living costs personally.
$50 for common studio supplies to be available to students for creating artworks.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, September 27 at 9am (Art Annex 2104)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-11 | This program is now offered fall quarter (not spring). |
Neoliberalism in the Neighborhood: Researching Recent History in Your Hometown
Class Size: 12
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Consider how much has changed since the 1970s... Epochal economic restructuring has resulted in massive growth in inequality, increases in corporate power, acceleration of climate change, etc. It's the economics of the 1%, and the term “neoliberalism” is used to describe the package of economic policies, political priorities and ideas that legitimize these changes. We see it in how the structure of the world around us has changed, and we can examine and research these changes right in our own neighborhoods. This class offers an introduction to the political economy of our times and a chance to research key aspects of neoliberalism and resistance to it in our communities.
Students who take the course for more than four credits will have the option of doing independent projects and readings related to deepening the learning and work of the course. For the 8 credit students we will set up weekly meetings based on your availability. 12 and 16 credit students will complete the additional work over the full summer session. If you are absolutely unable to meet at the listed hours, but are still interested in the class, email me at zaragozt@evergreen.edu, and we can find a solution.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Education, popular education, social movements, teaching and learning in diverse environments, community work, social work, economic justice, multicultural history and polycultural studies, graduate school in social science, history, law, geography and political economy, alternative justice systems, among others.
Credits per quarter
There are no prerequisites, and throughout the class we will be sure to make all concepts and terms relevant, concrete, and understandable.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
All students meet Tue/Thu, 1-5 pm; additional credits scheduled by arrangement
Located in: Olympia
Neon: Shaping Light
Class Size: 12
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This course introduces students to the history and basic skills of neon lighting and its fabrication. Each student will learn to heat, bend, weld and anneal glass tubing using a ribbon burner, cannon fire and tipping torch. Students will learn the bending process for the four basic bends and will learn to blow bubbles and make twists in glass tubes. They will use these techniques to fabricate a self-contained PVC tube-based lighting project and to safely attach and handle high-voltage transformers to energize their neon project. (Note: this is not a sign bending course -- creating letters and numbers is NOT covered)Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$200 to cover neon supplies
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Located in: Olympia
Class Size: 20
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Neuroscience continues to be one of the fastest growing areas of biology and is at the cutting edge of technical and conceptual advances in the life sciences. If you want to know how animals touch, hear, see, smell, and remember things, then you need to study ions, molecules, cells, neural networks, brain structure and behavior. We will first learn about the function of the brain’s cellular computers: neurons. We will learn how neurons differ from other cells, how they generate electrical signals, and how they communicate with one another via synapses. We will then investigate how neurons cooperate in circuits by studying five sensory systems: vision, touch, hearing, taste and smell. Topics include the physical and chemical bases for action potentials, synaptic transmission, and sensory transduction; anatomy; development; sensory and motor pathways; memory and learning at the molecular, cellular, and systems level; and the neuroscience of some brain diseases. There may be an opportunity for upper division credit.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Biology, health sciences, education, and other natural sciences.
Credits per quarter
High school biology required; College level general biology preferred.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Upper division science credit:
Opportunities for upper division science credit will be available. Please talk to faculty for more information.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Wed/Thu 10a-2p
Located in: Olympia
Class Size: 25
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Nietzsche has inspired, frightened, frustrated, and provoked his readers for more than a century. In this course, we will focus on how he can teach willing and hard-working readers something about how to read, how to think, and how to regard the world and oneself. We will read several books from his mature period in their entirety, have close reading seminars to elucidate his thinking, and practice writing on Nietzsche’s themes.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1-5 p.m.
Located in: Olympia
Olympic Invertebrates
Class Size: 16
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Evergreen's proximity to diverse natural landscapes provides a unique opportunity to study invertebrate organisms in terrestrial and aquatic environments. In this program, students will examine the taxonomy, morphology, and ecology of insects and marine invertebrates to enhance their understanding of biodiversity among animals.
Each class session includes outdoor fieldwork in various ecosystems near the Evergreen campus. We will keep illustrated field notebooks, emphasizing the importance of careful observation of morphology and behavior as learning and identification tools. In the lab, students will practice microscopy techniques and develop skills in museum specimen curation by preserving, labeling, and presenting specimens in displays and museum drawers. Specimens collected during the program will be used to supplement the college's teaching collection.
There will be a mandatory 6-day field trip to the Olympic Peninsula August 18-23.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$200 fee for overnight trip expenses
Class Size: 16
Scheduled for: Day and Weekend
Additional details:
Class meets Saturdays August 5, 12, & 26, 9am-5pm. Optional lab day August 26.
There will be a mandatory 6-day field trip to the Olympic Peninsula August 18-23.
Located in: Olympia
On Reading Well
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This course will help students to develop clearer and more comprehensive understandings of literary texts, as well as to forge a more rewarding relationship with reading in general. In a supportive group environment, students will explore a range of reading strategies, including textual analysis, background research, response and summary writing, and recitation. Then they will apply these tools to an in-depth study of several works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature . Titles under consideration for Fall 2016 include Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 . Our overall goal is to become more resourceful, effective, and insightful readers.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
humanities and education.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thu 5:30-9:30p. First class meeting Thur, September 29, 5:30pm, Seminar 2 B3109.
Located in: Olympia
On Reading Well
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This course will help students to develop clearer and more comprehensive understandings of literary texts, as well as to forge a more rewarding relationship with reading in general. In a supportive group environment, students will explore a range of reading strategies, including textual analysis, background research, response and summary writing, and recitation. Then they will apply these tools to an in-depth study of several works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature . Our overall goal is to become more resourceful, effective, and insightful readers.
Our winter texts will include Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre , Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451 , and Muriel Spark's The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie .
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Humanities, literature, education.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thursday, 5:30-9:30p. First meeting is Thursday, January 12, 5:30p, in Seminar 2 B2109.
Located in: Olympia
Orchestra - at SPSCC
Class Size: 8
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This orchestra is comprised of students and community members. Standard symphonic orchestral literature is studied and rehearsed. Performances are scheduled near the end of each academic quarter. Orchestra members are expected to be good music sight readers and to possess at least high school playing ability. Participation requires an interview with the director and may also require an informal audition. Students interested in enrolling must contact the director, Chip Schooler cschooler@spscc.edu , for permission to register.
Required fee payable at SPSCC: $45 for orchestra music
NOTE: This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College , 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 21, room 253, Thursdays, from 7-9:30 pm
IMPORTANT: This class begins BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on Thursday, September 22. Students must be registered by 5:00 PM on Thursday, September 15.
BOOKS: If a text is required
students will need to purchase texts for this course from the SPSCC
bookstore. The book list can be found on the bookstore website under the
course Musc 160
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Required fee payable at SPSCC: $45 for orchestra music
Class Size: 8
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thursdays 7:00pm - 9:30pm
This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, in Building 21, room 253
IMPORTANT: This class begins BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on
Thursday, September 22. Students must be registered by 5:00 PM on
Thursday, September 15.
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 21, room 253
IMPORTANT: This class begins BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on Thursday, September 22.
Orchestra - at SPSCC
Class Size: 8
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Taught by
This orchestra is comprised of students and community members. Standard symphonic orchestral literature is studied and rehearsed. Performances are scheduled near the end of each academic quarter. Orchestra members are expected to be good music sight readers and to possess at least high school playing ability. Participation requires an interview with the director and may also require an informal audition. Students interested in enrolling must contact the director, Chip Schooler cschooler@spscc.edu , for permission to register.
Required fee payable at SPSCC: $45 for orchestra music
NOTE: This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College and starts 1 week before Evergreen classes. The first meeting is January 5th at 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 21, room 253, Thursdays, from 7-9:30 pm
BOOKS: If a text is required students will need to purchase texts for
this course from the SPSCC bookstore. The book list can be found on the
bookstore website under the course Musc 160
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Required fee payable at SPSCC: $45 for orchestra music
Class Size: 8
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thursdays 7:00pm - 9:30pm. This class starts 1 week before Evergreen classes, first meeting on January 5.
This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, in Building 21, room 253
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 21, room 253. This class starts 1 week before Evergreen classes, first meeting on January 5.
Date | Revision |
2016-12-15 | Signature requirement added |
Orchestra - at SPSCC
Class Size: 8
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Taught by
This orchestra is comprised of students and community members. Standard symphonic orchestral literature is studied and rehearsed. Performances are scheduled near the end of each academic quarter. Orchestra members are expected to be good music sight readers and to possess at least high school playing ability. Participation requires an interview with the director and may also require an informal audition. Students interested in enrolling must contact the director, Chip Schooler cschooler@spscc.edu , for permission to register.
Required fee payable at SPSCC: $45 for orchestra music
NOTE: This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College , 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 21, room 253, Thursdays, from 7-9:30 pm. SPSCC Spring quarter runs April 3- June 13 PLUS assigned finals week meeting time during the week of June 14-21.
BOOKS: If a text is required students will need to purchase texts for
this course from the SPSCC bookstore. The book list can be found on the
bookstore website under the course Musc 160
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Required fee payable at SPSCC: $45 for orchestra music
Class Size: 8
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thursdays 7:00pm - 9:30pm. SPSCC Spring quarter runsApril 3- June 13 PLUS assigned finals week meeting time during the week of June 14-21. This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, in Building 21, room 253.
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 21, room 253
Date | Revision |
2017-02-28 | New offering added for Spring |
Organizational Behavior: Attitude, Behavior, Impact
Class Size: 25
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People in organizations are its ultimate competitive advantage. It is, however, a challenge to predict human behavior in groups and within organizations. Organizational behavior (OB) studies individuals, groups, and structures and their interactions in organizations. OB is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, anthropology, ethics, information technology, economics, communication, and management. Learning OB allows leaders and managers to understand, explain, influence and predict human behavior. This course is designed to expose students to critical theories and conceptual models of OB for analyzing, understanding, and managing human behavior within organizations. Through readings, seminars, small group activities, research, reflection journals, and a final project, students in this course will learn the foundations and underlying theoretical frameworks that impact individual and group attitudes and behaviors and increase their critical thinking skills to identify, analyze, and predict individual and group behavior within organizations.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wed 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Pacific Northwest History: Multicultural Perspectives
Class Size: 25
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The Pacific Northwest history explored in this course will introduce students to regional and U.S. history. Working with film and primary documents, students will research and inquire how liberty and justice have been interpreted and applied in the Northwest. Using a multicultural approach at intersections of class, race, and gender, we will shed light on Native American Indian perspectives about European imperialism and engage social histories, as well as explore how labor, race and gender inform the experiences of Chinese Americans, African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Japanese Americans during the period 1700-1950.
This course is also designed to meet criteria for Masters in Teaching program, and to complement the Pacific Northwest Weather and Climate course offered by Dr. Sara Rose.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
History; Social Studies; Cultural Studies; Gender Studies; K-12 Education; Public Service; State Government;
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed, 1-5pm
Located in: Olympia
Pacific Northwest Weather and Climate
Class Size: 25
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Pacific Northwest Weather and Climate will cover basic atmospheric physics related to weather and climate of the region. Three overarching themes will frame introductory algebra-based physics and pre-calculus level math. First, the fundamental concepts that explain the workings of weather (motion, force/pressure, energy, temperature, thermodynamics, light, and optics). Second, an in-depth look at transport of energy, air, and water in the earth system (heat transfer mechanisms, phase changes, fluid dynamics), to broadly explain how patterns of weather and climate emerge considering regional geography. Third, physical principles will lead to discussions and investigations of likely factors contributing climate changes in the Pacific Northwest. Topics in math include algebra and algebraic thinking, linear and power functions, proportional reasoning, basic trigonometry & geometry, and scientific reasoning.
The study of physics and math in this course is meant to meet the criteria for the Masters in Teaching program, and to complement the Pacific Northwest History course offered by Dr. Liza Rognas.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Masters in Teaching, mathematics, physics, chemistry, environmental studies
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 9a-1p
Located in: Olympia
Pacific Rim Rivals: China, Russia, Japan, and the United States
Class Size: 50
0% Reserved for Freshmen
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China has become a world power ambitious to expand its political and economic influence not only in Asia, but across the globe. China's commercial and political inroads in Africa are so great that some have called it China’s SecondContinent . Meanwhile, American policy makers have signaled a shift in U. S. vital interests from Europe and the Middle East to the Pacific Rim and East Asia. Already the United States and its Pacific allies are in conflict with a more aggressive and robust China over the control of the South China Sea.
At the same time, Russia is testing the limits of its power not only in the European East, but through expansion of air and naval forces in the western Pacific region. Add to this Japan's recent "improbable military resurgence," and it is easy to conclude that a new era of conflict is at hand.
But viewed historically, the current Pacific rivalry is only the latest version of "great powers" politics that have deep roots in the aggressive and expansive policies of these nation-states, going back to the late nineteenth century. Knowledge of these ongoing rivalries will help us understand how regional international relations in the Pacific Rim have developed and how they might unfold--hopefully short of global war--but certainly with new socioeconomic and cultural consequences.
This program will explore the complex imperial international relations between the United States, Japan, China, and Russia in the twentieth century and the legacies of those conflicts and negotiations in today's world. How did these geo-political rivalries help foment and shape the Chinese Revolution and the emergence of modern China as a global power? Is Japan seeking to recover some of its pre-war imperial might? How is Russia seeking to exert itself more than a quarter century after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and how is the United States reacting?
Against this background of ongoing imperial rivalries, we will examine in detail the history of Revolutionary China from 1911 and culminating with the Chinese Communist Revolution of 1949. We will also cover the global Cold War between China, the United States and the Soviet Union (Soviet Russia) and its impacts on national liberation movements in Southeast Asia and the emergence of China as an expanding world historical political economic power in the late twentieth century. This program will be of great interest to any students of history, geography, geopolitics, political economy, and anyone interested in Chinese, Russian, Japanese or American studies.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Political science, history, geography, regional studies (Pacific Rim), culture studies
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 50
0% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon & Wed 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Painting: Concepts and Techniques
Class Size: 20
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This course is intended as an overview of painting techniques, concepts, and related history. It has been designed for a broad range of students to become competent with composition, brushwork, and color application. It is recommended that students have some previous experience with college-level drawing courses. Projects will include still-life, landscape, portraiture and color field abstraction paintings. Students will explore specific techniques through group activities which will provide the basis for individual exploration. Thematic concepts will be discussed as primers to aide students toward loosely narrative work. Class time will be devoted to studio work, presentations, demonstrations, and critiques. In addition, students will be expected to work outside of the designated class time to complete all required assignments.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$15 for project supplies
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mondays 5:30 -9:30 pm
Located in: Olympia
Paris Muse: Evoking Place in Literature, Art, Music, and Myth
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
study abroad option
Class Size: 100
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"An artist has no home . . . except in Paris," F. Nietzsche
What power of evocation made Paris the center, a hive of salons generating energies for creative risks and intellectual vibrancy? Baudelaire prowled her streets, Mallarmé drew a world of poets to talk poetry. Dadaists, surrealists and existentialists made Paris cafés hubs of pure creativity. Stravinsky and Nureyev launched modern music and dance there, and philosophy effected alchemical alliances with poetry, sociology, and psychology. From Africa, the Caribbean, and the U.S. came brilliant black writers and musicians like Senghor, Césaire, Baldwin, and Bechet. Paris lured Wilde, Beckett and Pound, Picasso and Stein. Energies, arts, and beats of diverse French-speaking cultures mingle there—Martiniquan, Moroccan, Senegalese, and Haitian among others.
Nietzsche writes that “existence and the world is justified only as an aesthetic phenomenon.” Perhaps Paris is the city of artists because her energies call us to recreate beauty – to recreate our language, our arts and thought, our existence. The program will work to uncover the creative secrets of this muse.
Seminars—our salons—will analyze the novels, poems, philosophical texts, images, and musical compositions woven into Paris’s past, and create our own in response in creative workshops. All students will attend lectures and seminars in aesthetics, philosophy, literature, and music that emanates from the Parisian “metropole.” Students will also choose to specialize in book arts, creative writing, literary analysis and theory, black-and-white photography, or music studies. French language will be taught at three levels throughout the year. French study will be required for those planning travel to France in spring. Language study is optional, and encouraged, for students not traveling to France.
Fall and winter quarters will entail intensive study of Parisian movements from the decadence of Baudelaire, Rimbaud and Mallarmé through surrealism, into existentialism, absurdism, oulipo, négritude, and critical theory.
In spring, students have two options. Travel to France, where they will spend three weeks in the ancient town of Rennes, Brittany for exploring the deeply Celtic (Breton) heritage, intensive French study, then three weeks in Paris for fieldwork in arts and music. Finally all will travel south on a "vagabondage" to discover their individual places of inspiration and complete a writing project evoking their place. Alternatively, students may remain on campus to undertake a major personal project, springing from ideas, writers, and artists studied in prior quarters, an excellent opportunity to complete substantive creative or research-oriented work, with guidance from program faculty and peer critique, and continuing French language study if desired.
Study abroad:
Ten weeks in France spring quarter. Estimated expenses are $7,000. For details on study abroad, visit www.evergreen.edu/studyabroad or contact Michael Clifthorne at clifthom@evergreen.edu .
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
graduate studies in humanities, arts, French language and literature, travel/tourism industry, international relations, business and nonprofit organizations, photography, and place-based education.
Credits per quarter
One year of successful college study.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students participating in the Book Arts & Creative Writing seminar should expect costs of approximately $30-50 per quarter for tools and materials.
Class Size: 100
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 9:30am (Lecture Hall 1)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-06-06 | This program is available for 4 or 12 credits, in addition to 16 credits. |
2016-04-25 | Special expense added. |
2016-02-01 | Bob Haft joined the teaching team in fall. |
Paris Muse: French - First Year III
Class Size: 25
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The full-time program Paris Muse includes French language instruction. Students may register for a stand-alone 4 credit option (CRN 30192) within Paris Muse .
This course in French emphasizes mastery of basic skills through a solid study of grammatical structures and focus on interactive oral activities. Classes use immersion style learning and students are surrounded by authentic French from the start. Student work encompasses all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will develop accurate pronunciation, build a useful vocabulary, work regularly in small groups and learn conversational skills. Classes are lively and fast-paced with a wide variety of creative, fun activities including music, poetry, videos, role-play, and web sites. Spring quarter themes focus on development of reading skills through tales, legends and viewing Francophone films from the Francophone world alongside grammatical study. Through aloud reading and discussions in French, students will acquire vocabulary proficiency, accurate pronunciation, fluidity, and dialogues. Students use the Language Laboratory to accelerate their skills.
Credits per quarter
Equivalent of 2 quarters college French or 3 years High School French
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:00-7:00p Mon/Wed
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-04-03 | Course schedule updated at faculty request: Should be 5-7pm (was previously listed at 7:15-9pm) |
2017-03-07 | New spring opportunity. Students may register for 4 credits of language instruction within Paris Muse. |
PATHWAYS to HEALTHCARE: A Clinical Practicum at the Student Health Center (formerly Medical Assisting: A Practical Approach)
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 6
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This is a nine-month pre-medical practicum, designed for students who are interested in health and medical care careers. Students gain clinical hours and experience by working directly with patients and alongside health care professionals in The Student Health Center.
The course starts two weeks prior to the first day of Fall Quarter, with an intensive 2-week training which includes triage and laboratory skills, venipuncture, injections and managing medical records. Each quarter builds on the basic front and back office clinical skills with advanced techniques and increased autonomy.
Public Health is also a component and students are expected to design and provide outreach health events for the campus community.
Credits are awarded in clinical skills, medication administration, public health, anatomy/physiology, clinical microbiology and medical terminology.
During the academic year, students will receive the credits and training necessary to become licensed in the state of Washington as Registered Medical Assistants. At the end of the course those students who have met all the requirements will be eligible to take the national exam to become Certified Medical Assistants. This is a valuable step in accessing additional clinical experiences in the larger community.
Students have completed our program to enter a variety of post-graduate healthcare fields including Medical school, Physician Assistant, Nursing, Nurse Practitioner/Midwife, Naturopathic and Acupuncture programs.
Applications are due May 18, 2016 for the 2016-17 academic year. See www.evergreen.edu/eveningandweekend/medicalassisting for more information.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Health related fields including Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner, Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist, Registered Nurse
Credits per quarter
1 year (15 credits each) college level math and English
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$90 Department of Health Credential Application: Medical Assistant-Registered (Fall)
$75 National Heathcareer Association Tutorial and Assessment (Fall)
$115 Department of Health Credential Application: Medical Assistant-Certified (Spring)
$175 National Medical Assistant Certification Exam Fee (Spring)
Class Size: 6
Scheduled for: Day and Evening
Advertised schedule:
4 - four hour shifts per week in the Student Health Center plus Wednesday and Friday in-services
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-04-07 | Course title change, was Medical Assisting |
Performance in Process: Examining Performance as an Opportunity for Personal and Social Change
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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I believe that we learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same. –Martha Graham
What role do performances play for the performer? For the audience? Can our experiences on stage impact ways we experience the world when we are off the stage?
In this program we will explore the role of performance as a learning process. We will consider opportunities for personal growth as well as possibilities for significant social impact that performance opportunities provide. Performance types to be explored will include speeches, presentations, and stage productions of all kinds but with a strong focus on music. We will examine the process of performance from its preparatory stages to its aftermath, and address the psychological and physiological components present. We will consider the paradoxical role of ego throughout the process, the importance of mastery of craft, the physical and mental stamina demands, and the critical role of intentionality.
We will also examine performance as a powerful tool for social change as well as personal growth. Students will consider and deconstruct human tendencies to identify ourselves or our group as superior to others. We will contrast this perspective with an examination of powerful performances that emphasize connections across perceived boundaries. We will explore how these performances communicated ideas that significantly impacted the direction of social and political movements throughout the 20th and into the 21st century.
Our work throughout the quarter will include exploration of a variety of learning theories, skill-building workshops, writing activities, physical and mental conditioning, ensemble coaching, and performance workshops. Each performance throughout the program is an important step in the learning process rather than the endgame. Through each of the course activities as well as course readings, students will be offered the opportunity to further develop their awareness of the possibilities for personal growth through regular and thoughtful consideration of what connects us as humans.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
dance, music, theater, and public speaking.
Credits per quarter
Minimum of one quarter of college-level work in a performance arts area.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$30 for entrance fees.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-22 | Fees reduced (from $100 to $60). |
Performing the Text: Creative Writing as Dissent
Class Size: 25
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What does it mean to perform the text? What happens when genres collide? This creative writing program will bring together several terms often thought to be well-defined—including "poetry," "prose," "theater," "politics," and "essay"—and, through experiments in writing, reading, and collaborating, re-narrate their meanings and implications. Along the way we’ll investigate key concepts and texts in poets theater, guerilla poetry, and other forms of performance-based text by writers such as Kaia Sand, Hannah Weiner, Raul Zurita, and Tracie Morris, mining them to create our own individual and collaborative writings. During the quarter, our meetings will consist of weekly seminars, lectures, and "language labs"—times for brainstorming, rehearsing, and trying out language experiments.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Wed 5:30-7:30p, Sat 4-6p
Located in: Olympia
Personal Finance and Investing
Class Size: 25
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Personal finance and investing can sometimes be daunting to initiate. Yet long-term investing in the stock market can yield significant results with relatively low risk. We will examine the benefits of systematic investing and how to initiate a low-cost, long-term plan. We will work from the critically acclaimed A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel. This class is for the novice who would like to take charge of their own lifetime savings as well as those who have some understanding of finance and would like to learn more. We will also examine typical personal finance issues such as compounding, insurance, credit cards, student loans, the buy-vs.-lease auto decision and other personal finance areas as identified by students. Emphasis will be on in-class exchanges with like-minded investors.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:30-9:30p Tues and Thurs (no class on July 4)
Located in: Olympia
Photography Techniques
Class Size: 16
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This is an intermediate to advanced class where students will be using older photographic methods and techniques. We’ll be spending a significant part of this class learning about and using view cameras. Additionally, we'll be working with UV printing, lith films, pinhole cameras, and more. There will be assignments based in these processes, and each student will produce a final project. We’ll also look at the work of contemporary and historical artists using these methods.
Credits per quarter
Prefer college photography and darkroom experience
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 16
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5-7p Mon/Wed
Located in: Olympia
Photography, Beginning
Class Size: 24
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This course emphasizes beginning-level skill development in camera function, exposure, and black-and-white film development and darkroom printing. We will focus on photography's role in issues of the arts, cultural representation, and mass media. Students will have assignments, critiques, collaborations, and viewing of work by other photographers. Each student will complete a final project for the end of the quarter.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$175 or more for text, photo paper, and film
Class Size: 24
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5-7p Mon/Wed. First meeting Mon, Sept 26, 5pm, Library 1326.
Located in: Olympia
Photography, Beginning
Class Size: 24
0% Reserved for Freshmen
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Important note: This program is taught by Steve Davis. A bug is displaying Stacey Davis instead of Steve Davis.
This course emphasizes beginning-level skill development in camera use, lighting, exposure, b/w film and print processing. We will also briefly explore digital photography techniques. The essential elements of the class will include assignments, critiques and surveys of images by other photographers. Students of this class will develop a basic understanding of the language of photography, as a communications tool and a means for personal expression. Students must invest ample time outside of class to complete assignments.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$100 for film and paper materials fee
Class Size: 24
0% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5-7p Tue/Thu
Located in: Olympia
Photography, Beginning Color
Class Size: 9
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In this beginning color photography class, we'll emphasize skill development, learning to see more photographically and printing from color negatives. We’ll have workshops in proper camera operation, the color darkroom process, film processing and metering for ambient light and electronic flash. Using assignments, critiques, and slide viewing of historical and contemporary artists, students will develop the tools to pursue their own projects. Students registered for 8 credits will earn the additional credit by doing independent photo projects.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$175-$275 for photography supplies (film and paper). The total cost will depend on the number of credits students register for. The students are expected to purchase these products on their own. They'll be available on campus.
Class Size: 9
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
9a-1p Mon/Wed (Jun. 26 - Jul. 28)
Located in: Olympia
Photography, Color and Lighting
Class Size: 20
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In this course we'll be learning to print from color negatives, work with medium format cameras, photograph with electronic flash and work in the studio environment. There will be assignments, critiques, and viewing the work of other photographers. All assignments and all work for this class will be in the studio with lighting set-ups. In addition to assignments, each student will be expected to produce a final project of their own choosing and turn in a portfolio at the end of the quarter.
Credits per quarter
Prefer college level photography and darkroom experience.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$175 for text, film, film processing and paper.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5-7p Mon/Wed. First meeting is Monday, January 9, 5p, in Seminar Library 1326.
Located in: Olympia
Photography, Digital
Class Size: 16
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This course will introduce students to photographic practice through digital means. Building from students' existing photographic skills and vocabulary, we will explore image-making with digital cameras and work with computers, scanners and inkjet printers. A brief introduction to digital video will also be included. Students will create work as exhibition-quality prints, and also create a photographic portfolio for the Web.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
photography, media, visual art
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$50 for printing and miscellaneous
Class Size: 16
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5-7p Tue/Thu. First meeting Tue, Sept 27, 5pm, Library 1326.
Located in: Olympia
Photography, Documentary
Class Size: 16
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This class will explore how photography can be effectively used as a tool for creative documentation. You may work in any photographic mediums with which you are experienced (conventional B/W, color, digital). Students will be expected to maintain an online blog/web gallery showing in-progress photography with appropriate text. Final projects must address a particular topic (from your perspective) and clearly communicate your message to a broad audience.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
photography, photojournalism, visual art, media
Credits per quarter
previous college-level photography coursework and a portfolio
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$100 for film, paper, and inkjet materials
Class Size: 16
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu 5-7p. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 5p, in Library 1326.
Located in: Olympia
Physical Computing: Robotics, 3D Printing, Arduino
Class Size: 48
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Physical computing is computing that interacts with the physical world. We will explore this in multiple forms, emphasizing the interconnections among 3D printing, robotics, interactivity, and microcontrollers. This program can be an introduction to programming, integrating the arts, engineering and computing.
For Robotics, we will explore programming, image processing, and AI. One robot we will use is the Scribbler by Parallax. Students will work on projects in groups, and will learn the fundamentals of programming in Python to develop an understanding of the object-oriented programming paradigm, program design, and problem solving. This is ideal for students who have programmed in another language.
We will explore solid modeling techniques for 3D printing, using online apps and parametric tools to design for the particular constraints of desktop 3D printers. We'll focus on making parts that interconnect, integrate electronic devices, or enhance robotics projects. Students can also integrate thrift store finds using 3D printed interconnections.
Students will also learn how to program and connect Arduino microcontrollers, connecting programming with sensors, motors and displays, e.g., to build interactive devices. Students will develop final projects that use the systems above, with the option to explore other areas such as the Raspberry Pi computer or wireless mobile devices.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Computing, Robotics, Interactive & Electronic Arts
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 48
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mon-Thu, 10 am - 3 pm
Located in: Olympia
Physical Systems and Applied Mathematics
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 32
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This intermediate-to-advanced program builds on previous introductory work in calculus and calculus-based physics to deepen students’ understanding of nature, how it can be represented via physical models, and the powerful connections between mathematics and physical theories. We will integrate topics in physics (from classical mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics) with topics in applied mathematics (from differential equations, multivariable and vector calculus, and linear algebra). We will also devote time to looking at our studies in a broader historical, philosophical, and cultural context.
We will integrate theory and experiment in a collaborative environment that mirrors practices of contemporary scientists. By studying classical and cutting-edge problems, we aim to ask increasingly sophisticated questions about the nature of physical reality and develop tools for answering those questions. Through readings, lectures, workshops, labs, and seminars we will examine the principal models by which we describe and understand the physical world, expanding from the realms of our immediate senses out to many orders of magnitude of scale of distance, time, matter, and energy. We will emphasize understanding the nature and formal structure of quantitative physical theories, unifying the concepts and mathematical structures that organize different physical theories into a coherent body of knowledge. Mathematical skills will be developed as needed in the context of their use in the physical sciences. Quantitative problem solving will be emphasized, with computational tools used to gain insight into physical processes. The theoretical focus will be complemented with laboratory work.
Our theoretical and experimental investigations will integrate mathematically sophisticated and conceptually challenging subject areas, and will require, for well-prepared students, a significant time commitment of at least 50 hours per week, including mastery of prerequisite material, willingness to work in a learning community, practiced time-management skills, and experience balancing intensive work over extended periods of time. The result should be beautiful and mind-boggling insights into our breathtaking universe. Our goal is to provide students the opportunity to develop the conceptual knowledge and mathematical ability required to pursue further advanced work in physics and related disciplines.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
physics, mathematics, engineering, and math and science education
Credits per quarter
Proficiency in one year of introductory calculus (including both differential and integral calculus, including multiple integrals) and one year of calculus-based physics (including introductory mechanics and electricity and magnetism).
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Math and physics textbooks at intermediate and advanced levels are generally very expensive, and may be more than $600 total for new texts in the fall. However, those texts cover the entire year, and students will be required to have access to these texts for successful completion of the program. Students will also need to own or have easy access to computers with appropriate software. More information will be available by the beginning of spring quarter 2016 at the program website.
Upper division science credit:
Most, but not all, of the work in this program will be equivalent to intermediate or advanced work in undergraduate mathematics (e.g. differential equations, linear algebra) or physics (e.g. classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics). Students who successfully complete program requirements will earn upper-division science credit in mathematics or physics in those areas.
Class Size: 32
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9am (Lab 2 1223A)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-09-19 | Fee removed ($50 per quarter). |
Physics: Electromagnetism (Section A)
Class Size: 25
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What is electricity? We use it for all sorts of things, but where
does it come from? This course provides an overview of the
physics of electromagnetism. Topics will include electrical
circuits, static electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic
interactions. Conceptual understanding will be emphasized with
algebra and basic trigonometry as mathematical foundations. Laboratory
exercises will involve some experimental design and will focus on
developing skill in observation and analysis while reinforcing
conceptual understanding.
While there are no prerequisites for this course, prior experience in physical science is beneficial as is a general confidence in approaching mathematical information.
Taking this course as part of a sequence with Physics: Motion and Physics: Lightprovides the equivalent of a standard, algebra-based, first-year physics sequence.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
medicine, science education, and further studies in STEM fields.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
5:30-7:30p Tue/Thu. First class meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 5:30p in Lab 2 2238. (If you are looking for the section that meets from 7:30-9:30, check the catalog for Section B.)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-12-15 | Additional section of Physics added for Winter |
Physics: Electromagnetism (Section B)
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
is electricity? We use it for all sorts of things, but where does
it come from? This course provides an overview of the physics of
electromagnetism. Topics will include electrical circuits, static
electricity, magnetism, and electromagnetic interactions.
Conceptual understanding will be emphasized with algebra and basic
trigonometry as mathematical foundations. Laboratory
exercises will involve some experimental design and will focus on
developing skill in observation and analysis while reinforcing
conceptual understanding.
While there are no prerequisites for this course, prior experience in physical science is beneficial as is a general confidence in approaching mathematical information.
Taking this course as part of a sequence with Physics: Motion and Physics: Light provides the equivalent of a standard, algebra-based, first-year physics sequence.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
medicine, science education, and further studies in STEM fields.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
7:30-9:30p Tue/Thu. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 7:30p, in Lab 2 2238. (If you are looking for the section that meets from 5:30-7:30, check the catalog for Section A)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Physics: Light
Class Size: 25
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Is light a wave? Or is it a particle? This is one of the
central mysteries of physics and our physical world. This course
provides an overview of the physics of light. Topics will include
waves, optics, the photoelectric effect, atomic spectra, and an
introduction to quantum physics. Conceptual understanding will be
emphasized with algebra and basic trigonometry as mathematical
foundations. Laboratory exercises will involve some
experimental design and will focus on developing skill in observation
and analysis while reinforcing conceptual understanding.
While there are no prerequisites for this course, prior experience in physical science is beneficial as is a general confidence in approaching mathematical information.
Taking this course as part of a sequence with Physics: Motion and Physics: Electromagnetismprovides the equivalent of a standard, algebra-based, first-year physics sequence.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
medicine, science education, and further studies in STEM fields.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
7:30-9:30p Tue/Thu
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2017-03-17 | The signature requirement for this course has been removed. |
Physics: Motion
Class Size: 25
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How can we systematically describe and predict the motion of objects,
from falling apples to orbiting moons? This course provides an
overview of the physics of motion. Topics will include forces and
acceleration, momentum, energy, and special relativity. Conceptual
understanding will be emphasized with algebra and basic trigonometry as
mathematical foundations. Laboratory exercises will involve some
experimental design and will focus on developing skill in observation
and analysis while reinforcing conceptual understanding.
While there are no prerequisites for this course, prior experience in physical science is beneficial as is a general confidence in approaching mathematical information.
Taking this course as part of a sequence with Physics: Electromagnetism and Physics: Lightprovides the equivalent of a standard, algebra-based, first-year physics sequence.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
medicine, science education, and further studies in STEM fields.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
7:30-9:30p Tue/Thu. First class meeting Tue, Sept 27, 7:30pm, Seminar 2 A2105.
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Physics: Relativity
Class Size: 25
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Ever heard that the speed of light is the universal speed limit? What are the consequences of taking the speed of light to be constant? And what evidence do we have that the world actually works that way? Take a quick 5-week tour of Einstein's theory of relativity by completing a close reading of Richard Wolfson's book, Simply Einstein: Relativity Demystified supplemented with mathematical models and analogies that illustrate the concepts. We will focus on special relativity though we may have time for a quick look at general relativity at the end of the tour. We will use some basic trigonometry and algebra, but the focus is conceptual, and the concepts are suitable for all levels. It will be helpful if you are interested in science from a philosophical perspective (or perhaps interested in philosophy from a scientific perspective).
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
science and education
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
9a-12:30p Saturdays and Sundays, Aug. 5-6, 12-13, 19-20, 26-27, and Sep. 2-3
Located in: Olympia
Plant Biology
Class Size: 25
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This lab and field-based botany course is designed as an introduction to the evolution and diversity of land plants. In lectures, we will survey the major groups of the Plant Kingdom including bryophytes, seedless vascular plants, gymnosperms, and angiosperms. We will also draw on contemporary scientific journals articles to enrich our understanding of important biological concepts and to apply this understanding to current events. In labs, students will gain hands-on experience studying plants with microscopes as we examine the form and function of plant organs, cells, and tissues. On campus plant walks and field trips students will learn to recognize and identify some of the common native plants of the Pacific Northwest.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
botany, ecology, natural resources, conservation, restoration ecology
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$20 fee for needed supplies
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Th 1p-5p, plus we will meet 3 of the 5 weeks on Saturday for field trips to Mima Prairie and Evergreen Beach Trail 9-3pm and one study session during week 4 Sat from 9-12.
Located in: Olympia
Plant Chemical Ecology: The Secret Life of Plants
Class Size: 40
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In order to survive, organisms need to obtain energy, successfully reproduce, and avoid their enemies. The survival strategies of animals often include movement: stalking prey, visually or audibly communicating, or escaping/avoiding their enemies. Plants, however, cannot rely on movement-based strategies since they are rooted in place. So how can plants survive if they cannot run away when threatened? Do they communicate with other organisms? What can they do to attract mates or beneficial partners? The key to these questions can be found in a more subtle strategy used by plants: the production of a vast array of chemical compounds, known as plant hormones and secondary metabolites.
These plant chemicals serve as the basis for plant communication within their ecosystems by mediating interactions between plants and mutualists such as pollinators, seed dispersers, and microbial partners as well as enemies such as pathogens, herbivores, and competitors. This program will focus on increasing students' understanding of “the secret life of plants”- that is, the the unseen chemical world of plants that ultimately determines the distribution, abundance, and diversity of species in an ecosystem. Lectures, labs, and seminar readings will focus on topics in plant morphology, physiology, chemistry, and ecology including a survey of the major classes of secondary metabolites found in plants and their known ecological functions as well their distribution in major plant families.
In labs, students with have the opportunity to practice techniques and experiments in plant chemistry for separating and analyzing mixtures of secondary metabolites, such as extraction, distillation, and chromatography. In botany and plant physiology labs, students will become familiar with family-level characteristics of major groups of plants, as well as learn techniques for measuring plant growth and plant response to stress using plant chemical bioassays and culturing techniques for plant pathogenic and symbiotic fungi. Students will participate in group and individual research projects focusing on topics in plant chemical ecology that may include data collection and analysis, scientific writing, and library research. Group research projects will culminate in contributing to the program’s popular science blog and a final group presentation.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology, botany, ecology, and environmental studies.
Credits per quarter
At least two quarters of both general biology and chemistry; one quarter of botany strongly preferred.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$25 for workshop supplies.
Upper division science credit:
All credit will be designated upper-division science for those students who demonstrate a solid working understanding of the prerequisites and successfully complete all of the program work.
Class Size: 40
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 10am (Sem II A1107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-04 | Fee added ($25). |
2016-05-04 | New winter opportunity added. |
Playing Politics: Psychology, Performance, Strategy, and the Elections in Real Time
Winter 2017
Class Size: 50
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The 2016 electoral cycle was unlike any other in modern history. The surprising election of Donald Trump—a billionaire developer, reality tv star and political neophyte—revealed an electorate clamoring for “change.” But change to what? In Fall Quarter we studied American electoral politics at all levels—local, state and national. We delved into the use and construction of political power—how it leverages cultural trends and reflects the geography of the electorate. Satire, rhetoric, “spin,” appeals to values, the invocation of class struggle and outrage, portrayals of the Constitution, bi-partisanship, race relations, LGBTQ and gender rights—all of these were part of our curriculum. We followed the campaigns as they unfolded in real time—through political ads, talking points, debates, and damage control. Fake news through social media became a significant factor in (mis)informing the public. We learned how tactics of performance are employed to create images that have purchase on the political stage. We also analyzed plays, narrative and documentary films, and other forms of art and entertainment to determine how they can reflect or shape political action and thought. In Winter Quarter we’ll consider the Inaugural Address (and the first 100 days) of President-elect Donald Trump as it compares to those of past presidents, as well as scrutinize the start of new national and state congressional sessions. How will newly elected and continuing politicians frame their plans for the future? How will the Democratic Party seek to resolve its internal contradictions and bolster its electoral appeal? What are the implications when a candidate wins the Electoral College but loses the popular vote by two million votes? Are there historical precedents that can help us understand this election? What will this mean for minorities? How might protest, in the form of theatre, marches and other actions, influence policy in the new administration? Will Trump govern on a hard right platform or tack to the center to appease the political opposition? What can we, as an informed electorate, anticipate from the next political cycle? Students who enroll in this program should expect to do independent research on the elections, study political rhetoric and events, analyze polls and election results, and gain a strong sense of the present state of affairs at local, state, and national levels, in the context of American political history. Expect a field trip to a stage performance or other relevant event. We will end this program as better informed citizens, more ready to exercise our rights from a position of knowledge
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$25 fee per quarter for performance tickets.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Wednesdays , 6-9:30 p.m. and five Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. First Winter class meeting is Wednesday, January 11, 6pm, Seminar 2 D1105. Fall Quarter Saturdays (10am - 5pm): Oct 8, 22, Nov 5, 19, Dec 3. Winter Quarter Saturdays (10am - 5pm): Jan 21, Feb 4, 11, 25, Mar 11
Located in: Olympia
PLE Document Writing
Class Size: 30
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Prior Learning from Experience allows people with significant professional and/or community-based experience to kick-start or accelerate a college degree. Students receive significant support from peers and faculty in learning how to assemble a portfolio that shows the “college equivalent learning” they have gained through professional and/or community-based work. Students earn credit through a combination of coursework and faculty evaluation of the completed essay.This separate and economical assessment and award of credit for prior learning speeds time to degree. Students completing a PLE document generally describe the experience as “transformative,” helping them to understand the college level equivalence of their professional and community-based experience, as well as preparing them for future academic and professional work. The program has a prerequisite course, which you will find under “Writing from Life.” You will also find further information, including a video, at http://www.evergreen.edu/eveningweekend/ple.htm .
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 30
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Tue. First class meeting Tuesday, September 27, 6p, Seminar 2 A3105.
Located in: Olympia
PLE Document Writing
Class Size: 30
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Taught by
Prior Learning from Experience allows people with significant professional and/or community-based experience to kick-start or accelerate a college degree. Students receive significant support from peers and faculty in learning how to assemble a portfolio that shows the “college equivalent learning” they have gained through professional and/or community-based work. Students earn credit through a combination of coursework and faculty evaluation of the completed essay.This separate and economical assessment and award of credit for prior learning speeds time to degree. Students completing a PLE document generally describe the experience as “transformative,” helping them to understand the college level equivalence of their professional and community-based experience, as well as preparing them for future academic and professional work. The program has a prerequisite course, which you will find under “Writing from Life.” You will also find further information, including a video, at http://www.evergreen.edu/eveningweekend/ple.htm .
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 30
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Tue
Located in: Olympia
PLE Document Writing
Class Size: 30
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Taught by
Prior Learning from Experience allows people with significant professional and/or community-based experience to kick-start or accelerate a college degree. Students receive significant support from peers and faculty in learning how to assemble a portfolio that shows the “college equivalent learning” they have gained through professional and/or community-based work. Students earn credit through a combination of coursework and faculty evaluation of the completed essay.This separate and economical assessment and award of credit for prior learning speeds time to degree. Students completing a PLE document generally describe the experience as “transformative,” helping them to understand the college level equivalence of their professional and community-based experience, as well as preparing them for future academic and professional work. The program has a prerequisite course, which you will find under “Writing from Life.” You will also find further information, including a video, at http://www.evergreen.edu/eveningweekend/ple.htm .
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 30
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Tue
Located in: Olympia
Political Economy and Social Movements
Winter 2017
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Variable Credit Options Available
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This program is the primary gateway to the study of political economy at Evergreen. It introduces students to the fundamental building blocks of political-economic analysis: the history and institutions of capitalism, mainstream economics and radical alternatives, theories of democracy and social change, and the strategies and practice of social movements that seek to transform the existing framework. We examine political economy at all scales, from the very local to the international, and we analyze inequality in its different forms—the hierarchies of class, gender, nationality, race, and other statuses and identities. Special attention will be given to the role of culture in maintaining or challenging mainstream political and economic ideology. Students will expand their capacity to engage in public debate and social justice organizing through building skills in democratic decision-making, writing, public speaking, media communication, research, and quantitative methods. Credit equivalencies will be offered for introductory economics (micro and macro), politics, communication, and history.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
Reduced credit options (12 or 14 credits) will be available to students who wish to combine this program with a 4-credit course.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$25 per quarter for tickets and entrance fees.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9am (Sem II C2105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-28 | Fee added ($25 per quarter). |
Political Economy of Public Education
Winter 2017
Class Size: 50
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Throughout U.S. history, a wide range of politically contested views about the nature of public life have been present. An inquiry into the nature of public life raises the following questions: What constitutes the public? Who should have access? What does the public mean for a democracy? What does it mean for education? What are the implications of neoliberal policies for public education? We further ask: What are the effects of private, state-sponsored charter schools on public education?
In this program we will analyze competing perspectives about public life and the role of the public through the institution of public education and the sociopolitical and economic contexts in which public schools exist. As a basis for our analysis, we will examine public education and schools broadly, using a macro sociopolitical and economic lens, and narrowly, using a micro school-in-community lens.
Schools are a human invention with a history. As such, schools change form and adapt in response to social and political pressures. We will examine the significant political, economic, and social tensions on what the term “public” in public education means. We will analyze historical patterns of U.S. schooling from sociopolitical and economic perspectives. This inquiry includes an investigation of the locally controlled Protestant Christian origin of public education and its effects on our contemporary, multicultural environment. We will also investigate the political and economic debates surrounding the expectations for holding public education accountable through high-stakes standardized tests and various federal initiatives. At the micro level we will analyze the school-in-community as a formal institution that socializes groups of children and youth into specific behaviors and roles. This school-level lens examines the socializing process by primarily focusing on the demographic characteristics of the people who make up the power structures of public schools and the dynamics of their interactions as power wielders.
Fall quarter provides a foundation for winter quarter advanced study, in which students will prepare and present an in-depth research paper. In our collaborative learning community, students will engage in a close reading of texts and write concise analytic essays. Writing is central to student learning in this program. Writing assignments will include text-based seminar, workshop preparations, and research papers. Students can expect to leave this program having developed academic research skills and analytical reading, writing, and speaking to participate in current political and economic debates about the purposes of public education and informed by the historical patterns that have created the present climate.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, political economy, and history.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$20 per quarter for supplemental reading and registration fees.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting : Tuesday, January 10 at 9:30am (Lecture Hall 03)
Additional details:
Event Outside of Regular Schedule: This class will be required to attend the Northwest Teachers for Social Justice conference in Portland (Saturday, October 15, 2016).
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-07 | Winter fee reduced (from $50 to $20). |
2016-09-19 | Fall fee reduced (from $35 to $20). |
Political Shakespeares
Winter 2017
Class Size: 25
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Shakespeare’s scripts are in many ways notoriously conservative. Women dress up as men, only to be railroaded into marriage at the end of the play; Jews and people of color are regularly treated horribly by otherwise likeable characters; servants are routinely sidelined into supporting roles. Early in the 20th century, E.M.W. Tillyard went so far as to argue that the plays were written expressly for the purpose of maintaining the Elizabethan social order. Since the 1960s, however, scholars and theater professionals have been working to draw out the subversive content of the plays, arguing that Shakespeare’s representation of oppressive social norms can be read as a critique of those norms, as well as a prefiguration of our own contemporary political struggles. In the spirit of these subversive readings and productions, we will ask what, if anything, can Shakespeare’s plays DO for us in America of 2016? What kind of work can we make them perform?
This program is designed for students who want to engage in the project of reading literature against the grain. Liking Shakespeare is not a prerequisite. Rather, our focus will be on reimagining the potential of these plays by reading them alongside critical theory texts focused on race, class, gender, and disability, among other targeted identities. Students will read one play per week, along with sample pieces of critical theory, and write essays applying particular theoretical lenses to the plays.
This is not an acting program per se, but students will be expected to participate fully in weekly exercises that will help us better understand the plays as scripts designed for performance. Equally important, students will be expected to engage in thoughtful and occasionally challenging conversations about forms of power and privilege operating in the texts and on our own bodies. The program will be divided equally between creative and analytical modes of thought. Both are integral to the final project, in which students will research, rehearse, and perform sample scenes that express their interpretations of the plays.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
advanced or graduate study in literature or other humanities, and careers in theater. This program is ideal for students considering graduate study in the humanities, or for student actors who are interested in creating performances informed by research and analysis.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$25 in winter for theater tickets.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 10am (Com 308)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-17 | Fall fee cancelled. |
Positive Psychology
Class Size: 25
20% Reserved for Freshmen
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Following Frankl's existentialist urgings toward hope and meaning, as well as the humanists’ emphasis on self-actualization, leading scholars in psychology founded "positive psychology" in 1998. Since that time, we now have a better understanding of humans at their best. This worldwide collaborative effort has attempted to balance early psychology’s focus on psychopathology. In this class, we will study correlates to life satisfaction and examine empirical science as well as practical strategies for promoting well being, quality of life, and resilience. Students will engage in experiential activities related to gratitude, hope, savoring, leadership, forgiveness, teamwork, curiosity, humor and playfulness, self-regulation, altruism, etc. The goal of this course is for students to develop a general body of knowledge (and experience) about the new social science regarding the more positive aspects of human existence. We will be “living” much of this material, so this information should be directly applicable to your personal and professional development.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Psychology, education, leadership, business, and politics.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
20% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Weekend
Additional details:
Sundays 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Oct. 2nd, 16th, 30th; Nov. 13th; Dec. 4th). First class meeting Sun, Oct 2, 9am, Seminar 2 A2105.
Located in: Olympia
Poverty: What, Why, and How (at Grays Harbor)
Class Size: 25
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Many of us have seen the ugly face of poverty. But what is poverty? Why is poverty so prevalent? Who are the poor? What are the underlying causes of poverty? Why is poverty a disease of the whole society (not just the poor)? How is poverty manifested in people’s everyday life? Why are certain racial and ethnic groups more likely to fall into poverty? How do economic processes contribute to poverty? What are the goals and purposes of social welfare programs? What are the limits of policy? How can we act as a community to eliminate poverty?
This course will explore poverty in the larger social context of increasing social inequality and use sociological theories to investigate various aspects of poverty and its particularities in the U.S.
Using poverty as our subject of inquiry, we will study sociological theories and key concepts and critically examine their applicability in class and poverty related issues. We will explore the intricate and complex relationship between social structure and individuals. Course activities will include lectures, seminar, and workshop, individual and group projects. Students will write seminar essays, self-reflection papers, and carry out a mini research project oriented toward action.
This course is complementary to Community Connections: What Makes Communities Work. It can also be taken as a separate course.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$35 each quarter for technology access at Grays Harbor College. If you are registered for the additional course at Grays Harbor, you will only be assessed the fee once per quarter.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wednesdays, 6-9:30 pm at Grays Harbor College
Located in: Grays Harbor
Power Play(ers): Actions and Their Consequences
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 200
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This program will explore colonial, postcolonial, and neocolonial issues as they are unfolding on local, national, and global stages. Colonialism has resurfaced in new forms of neocolonialism that we encounter in our daily lives and work. We will place emphasis on how individuals and groups acquire mental resistance, how to assert individual, family, and community values and identities, and how to decipher and reframe meanings from information channeled through mass media. This also includes analyzing the powers at play in societal structures, how to empower oneself and community, and how to understand the ways in which these structures of power and control impact the quality of life for ordinary people at home and abroad. These are some of the skills students will learn from Power Play(ers).
This upper-division program will examine local, national, and international policy issues of the postcolonial and neocolonial world in education, health care, social welfare, and the environment through interdisciplinary studies of law, biology, public health, environmental studies, the legislative process, mathematics modeling, sociology, psychology, American and world history, media literacy, and world literature and cultures. Research methods in social and natural sciences and statistics emphasized in this program will present students with a systematic approach and analytical tools to address real-life issues in research practice throughout the activities of the program.
The theme for fall quarter is identifying the problem and clarifying the question. The first quarter of the program will be used to lay the foundation for the rest of the year, both substantively and in terms of tools necessary to operate effectively in the learning community. We will explore theories, history, and practices of colonialism. Colonialism will be analyzed from the perspectives of both political economy and history. In seminars we will read, discuss, and analyze texts that will add to our understanding of the ways in which colonialism and neocolonialism have created unequal distributions of power, wealth, and access to resources.
Winter quarter's theme is researching roots, causes, and potential solutions . We will look at specific contemporary issues of power viewed from a variety of institutional perspectives, most notably in health, education, law, science, government, politics, youth, environment, community development, women's empowerment, and human rights. Students will investigate specific issues of unequal distributions of power with the purpose of identifying a particular problem, defining its dimensions, determining its causes, and establishing action plans for its remedy.
In spring the theme will progress to implementation. The program will devote the final quarter to the design and implementation of projects to address issues of unequal distributions of power identified in winter quarter. Seminar groups will combine their efforts to undertake actions to target current imbalances of power in the community. These actions may take the form of educational events, publications, multimedia presentations, or art installations. Academic courses will assist in the successful implementation and evaluation of the student group activities.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
community development, organizational development, law and public policy, education, social and human services, public administration, communication and media arts, environmental studies, and public health.
Credits per quarter
To be formally admitted to the Tacoma Program prospective students must meet the following criteria:
- Complete a minimum of 90 transferable college credits or a transferable associate degree . You will start at the Tacoma Program as a junior or senior.
- Complete an in-person intake interview at the Tacoma location. You can interview either before or after beginning the online application, but your application will not be processed until after your interview.
To schedule an interview, contact the student services coordinator at (253)680-3005 or if you have questions about applying to the Tacoma program.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$10 per quarter for entrance fees.
Class Size: 200
Scheduled for: Day and Evening
Advertised schedule:
All students attend Tuesdays and two additional days. A standard schedule consists of the core Lyceum course offered on Tuesdays (six credits) and two five-credit classes offered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. This program is offered day (10am-2pm) and evening (6pm-10pm).
Located in: Tacoma
Practice of Organic Farming
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Do you want to produce food for yourself, your family, and others in your community? What does it take to grow food and feed yourself and others every day throughout the year? This three-quarter program (spring, summer and fall) will explore details of sustainable food production systems using the three pillars of sustainability—economic, environmental, and social justice—as our lens. Our focus will be on small-scale organic production, but we will compare and contrast that system to other production systems. We will cover the scientific underpinning of sustainable and organic food production, critical thinking, and observation skills necessary to grow food using ecologically informed methods. In addition, we will explore the farm management and business skills necessary to operate a small-scale farm.
We will be studying and working at the Evergreen Organic Farm through an entire growing season, from seed propagation to harvest, and on to market. The farm includes a small-scale direct market stand and CSA, as well as a variety of other demonstration areas. All students will work on the farm every week to gain practical experiential learning. This program is rigorous physically and academically and requires a willingness to work outside in adverse weather on a schedule determined by the needs of crops and animals.
Spring quarter we will focus on soil science, nutrient management, and crop botany. Additional topics will include introduction to animal husbandry, successional crop planning, season extension, and the principles and practice of composting. In summer, main topics will be disease and pest management, which includes entomology, plant pathology, and weed biology. Water management, irrigation system design, maximizing market and value-added opportunities, and regulatory issues will be covered. Fall's focus will be on farm and business planning, crop physiology, storage techniques, seed saving practices, and cover crops. Additional topics covered throughout the program will include record keeping for organic production systems, alternative crop production systems, techniques for adding value to farm and garden products, hand-tool use and maintenance, and farm equipment safety. We will also include communication and conflict resolution skills needed to work effectively in small groups.
Topics will be explored through on-farm workshops, seminar discussions, lectures and laboratory exercises, and field trips. Expect weekly reading and writing assignments, extensive collaborative group work, and a variety of hands-on projects. The final project in fall will be a detailed farm and business plan which integrates all the topics covered in the program. Books may include Crop Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers by Theriault and Brisebois, Planning Workbook: Organic Whole Farm by Huelsman, Building Soils for Better Crops 3rd ed. by Magdoff and van Es; The Backyard Homestead Guide to Raising Farm Animals: Choose the Best Breeds for Small-Space Farming , Produce Your Own Grass-Fed Meat, Gather Fresh ... Rabbits, Goats, Sheep, Pigs, Cattle, & Bees, both by Damerow; The Big Book of Preserving the Harvest by Costenbader; and Building A Sustainable Business, A Guide to Developing a Business Plan for Farms and Rural Businesses, by the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture.
If you are a student with a disability and would like to request accommodation, please contact the faculty or Access Services Program Coordinator Steve Schmidt at L2153 or call (360)867-6348; TTY 360.867.6834 prior to the start of the quarter. If you require accessible transportation for field trips, please contact the faculty well in advance of field trip dates to allow time to arrange this.
Students planning to take this program who are receiving financial aid should contact financial aid early in fall 2016 to develop a financial aid plan that includes summer 2017.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
farm and garden management, working with nonprofits organizations focusing on food, land use, and agriculture, state and county extension, and state and federal regulatory agencies.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$300 for overnight field trips to visit Northwest regional farms and for farm work supplies.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9am (SAL)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Practice of Organic Farming
Class Size: 25
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Do you want to produce food for yourself, your family and others in your community? What does it take to grow food and feed yourself and others every day throughout the year? This three-quarter program (spring, summer and fall quarters) will explore the details of sustainable food production systems using the three legs of sustainability—economic, environmental and social justice—as our lens. Our focus will be on small-scale direct marketing organic production, with each quarter has a unique focus that builds on the total program training. Spring will focus on the academic undermining of sustainable, organic agriculture, the summer will focus on farm management and practical skills, and the fall will bring everything together with a strong focus on farm and business planning and successional crop management. Through all three quarters when appropriate our focus will be on the scientific foundations of sustainable and Organic food production, critical thinking and observation skills necessary to grow food using our three lenses to inform our work. In addition we will explore the critical farm management practices and business skills necessary to successfully operate a small acreage farming operation.
We will be studying and working on the Evergreen Organic Farm through an entire growing season, from seed propagation to harvest and on to market. Farm sales include a small-scale direct market stand and CSA, as well as a variety of other demonstration areas. All students will work on the farm every week to gain practical experiential learning. This program is rigorous both physically and academically and requires a willingness to work outside in adverse weather on a schedule determined by the needs of the crops and animals raised on the farm.
In summer, the main topics will be disease and pest management, which includes entomology, plant pathology and weed biology. In addition, water management; irrigation system design, maximizing market and value-added opportunities and regulatory issues will also be covered. Fall quarter's focus will be on farm and business planning, crop physiology, storage techniques, seed saving practices and cover crops.
Books that may be used in the program may include Crop Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers by Theriault and Brisebois, Planning Workbook: Organic Whole Farm by Huelsman, The Farm as Ecosystem: Tapping Nature's Reservoir.... Biology, Geology, Diversity by Brunetti, The Holistic Orchard: Tree Fruits and Berries the Biological Way by Phillips, The Lean Farm: How to Minimize Waste, Increase Efficiency, and Maximize Value and Profits with Less Work by Hartman, The Backyard Homestead Guide to Raising Farm Animals: Choose the Best Breeds for Small-Space Farming , Produce Your Own Grass-Fed Meat, Gather Fresh ... Rabbits, Goats, Sheep, Pigs, Cattle, & Bees by Damerow, The Big Book of Preserving the Harvest by Costenbader, Building A Sustainable Business A guide to Developing a Business Plan for Farms and Rural Businesses by The Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture.
If you are a student with a disability and would like to request accommodations, please contact the faculty or the office of Access Services (Library Bldg. Rm. 2153 Program Coordinator Steve Schmidt ), PH: 360.867.6348; TTY 360.867.6834; E-mail: prior to the start of the quarter. If you require accessible transportation for field trips, please contact the faculty well in advance of the field trip dates to allow time to arrange this.
Financial aid is available three out of the four quarters each academic year. if you need financial aid in the Summer, contact the Financial Aid office for more details at finaid@evergreen.edu or http://www.evergreen.edu/financialaid/ or call at x6205.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Farm and green management; working with nonprofit organizations that focus on food, land use and agriculture; State and County extension; and State and Federal regulatory agencies.
Credits per quarter
High School algebra, biology and chemistry; good communication skills; and ability/willingness to adhere to a structured work schedule, follow detailed directions in a work environment; and resolve conflicts in a group setting.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$300 of field trips to other Northwest farming regions, and farm supplies.
Possibility of In Program internships in Summer quarter. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Classes meet Tue, Wed, Thu, 9 am - 4:30 pm. Students must be available for farm chores at 8:00 a.m., Monday-Friday.
Located in: Olympia
Practice of Organic Farming: Fall
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Note: This is the third quarter of a spring-summer-fall program.
What does it take to be successful at farming? The Practice of Organic Farming, formerly the Practice of Sustainable Agriculture, is a three-quarter program (spring, summer, and fall) that can help you answer this question and more. This program will explore the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in organic farming and food-production systems using the underlying sciences as a framework. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of agriculture, the various topical threads (plant science, soils, horticulture, animal husbandry, organic regulations, business, etc.) will be presented throughout all three quarters, and our primary focus will be on small-scale, direct market, organic production. We will emphasize the scientific underpinning and practical applications critical for growing food using ecologically informed methods, along with the management and business skills appropriate for small-scale production.
We will be studying and working at the Evergreen Organic Farm through an entire growing season, from starting seed to the sale of farm products, to preparing the farm for winter. All students will work on the farm every week to gain practical experiential learning (one day per week in spring, two days per week in summer and fall). This program is rigorous both physically and academically and requires a willingness to work outside in adverse weather on a schedule determined by the needs of crops and animals raised on the farm.
Topics will follow activities on the farm throughout the growing season. During spring quarter our primary focus will be exploring soil and plant sciences, gaining quantitative skills, and developing a working knowledge of the yearly planning documents that guide the organic farm. Beginning with the organic system plan and the farm crop plan, we will study documents and record-keeping systems needed to guide our work throughout the growing season. In summer the main focus will be integrated pest management for insects, weeds, and diseases. Marketing, water management, irrigation system design, and regulatory issues will also be covered. Fall quarter's focus will be on farm and business planning and cover crops.
The farm practicum provides students with the opportunity to integrate theory with the practice of farming. Students will learn the various elements and systems of the farm and hands-on skills throughout the growing season. These skills and topics will include livestock care, greenhouse management, crop establishment and management (seeding, transplanting, irrigating, weeding, harvesting, marketing), monitoring for pests/diseases, equipment maintenance/repair, and composting. Students will also learn how to market produce through community-supported agriculture (CSA), as well as a market stand.
If you are a student with a disability and would like to request accommodation, please contact the faculty or Access Services at L2153, or phone (360)867-6348; TTY (360)867-6834) prior to the start of the quarter. If you require accessible transportation for field trips, please contact faculty well in advance of field trip dates to allow time to arrange this.
Students planning to take this program who are receiving financial aid should contact financial aid early in fall quarter 2015 to develop a financial aid plan that includes summer quarter 2016.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
farm and garden management, working with nonprofit organizations focusing on food, land use, and agriculture, state and county extension offices, and state and federal regulatory agencies.
Credits per quarter
High school algebra, biology and chemistry, good communication skills, and ability/willingness to adhere to a structured work schedule, follow detailed directions in a work environment, and resolve conflicts in a group setting.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$425 for field trips to other Northwest farming regions, conference fees, and farm supplies.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-01-29 | Paul Przybylowicz will be teaching Fungal Kingdom with Lalita Calabria. |
Precalculus I
Class Size: 25
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Pre-calculus is problem-solving-based overview of functions that model change. We will cover a variety of functions (linear, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic) and represent them algebraically, numerically, graphically, and verbally. There will be an emphasis on context-based problem solving and collaborative learning. Pre-calculus is designed for students who have an interest in mathematical reasoning and for those who need a more substantial preparation for further study in business, the social sciences, math, or science. Pre-calculus I along with pre-calculus II (offered Spring 2017) will complete your preparation for Calculus. You are expected to come into the course with a strong foundation in intermediate algebra (or high school algebra 2 or integrated 3). A graphing calculator is required for the course.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Science, teaching, mathematics, economics, business.
Credits per quarter
Successful completion of high school Algebra 2 or Integrated 3 or Intermediate Algebra.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 1p, in Seminar 2 D1105.
Located in: Olympia
Precalculus II
Class Size: 25
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Precalculus II is a continuation of the functions-based study began in precalculus I. The course is designed to complete your preparation for calculus. Topics include: trigonometric functions, rational functions, parametric curves, vectors, and polar coordinates. Each area will be explored algebraically, numerically, graphically, and verbally. Collaborative learning will be emphasized. A graphing calculator is required for the course.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tuesday and Thursday 1:00 pm - 3:00pm
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 1pm (Sem II B1105)
Located in: Olympia
Principles of Accounting at SPSCC
Class Size: 10
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This class will introduce students to the basic structure of accounting. Students will learn to receivables, payables and inventories for merchandising enterprise, deferrals, accruals and depreciation. The key concepts are applicable to small and large businesses and non-profits. Students receive Evergreen credits.
NOTE: This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College and starts 1 week before Evergreen classes. The class starts January 3rd , 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 34, room 129, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5:30 -7:45 pm.
Texts for this course can be purchased at the SPSCC bookstore. The course will be listed as ACCT&201.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 10
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5:30 -7:45 pm- first class meeting January 3rd
NOTE: This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College and starts 1 week before Evergreen classes , 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 34, room 129
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
NOTE: This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 34, room 129, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5:30 -7:45 pm.
Principles of Finance - at SPSCC
Class Size: 10
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This class will introduce students to basic finance theory and decision-making. Students will learn to analyze financial statements, evaluate risk and return, and examine sources of internal and external funds for businesses. The class will review basic economic concepts, including the effect of monetary policy and will study securities, the securities market, and the effect of debt. The key concepts are applicable to both small and large businesses.
NOTE: This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 34, room 129, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5:30 -7:45 pm. The first class will be held Tuesday, September 20th- one week prior to the Evergreen start date. Students must be registered by 5:00 PM on Thursday September 15th.
BOOKS: If a text is required students will need to purchase texts for
this course from the SPSCC bookstore. The book list can be found on the
bookstore website under the course Business 240.
Credits per quarter
Introductory knowledge of business and accounting is highly recommended.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 10
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu 5:30pm-7:45pm
The first class will be held Tuesday, September 20th- one week prior to the Evergreen start date .
This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 34, room 129
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
This class meets at South Puget Sound Community College, 2011 Mottman Road, SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Building 34, room 129
Printmaking: Block Printing
Class Size: 20
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In this summer intensive course, students will learn the technique of traditional fine art relief printmaking. Together, we will design create block prints using traditional relief materials, wood and linoleum. In this studio course, students will have an opportunity to operate a Takach printing press. Students will gain a good understanding of proper ink mixing and also explore alternative inking techniques. In addition to making prints, students will create a technical journal documenting their discoveries and also develop a written artist statement. At the end of the session, students will present and participate in a group critique to investigate and support their accomplishments.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Visual Arts, Graphic Design, Illustration
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students are expected to pay for art materials. These supplies can be purchased in the printmaking studio on campus. Based on assignments students should plan to spend between $50-$80.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Sat/Sun 9a-4:30pm: Aug 5/6, 12/13, 19/20
Located in: Olympia
Printmaking: Photo Stencil and Digital Techniques for Screen Printing
Class Size: 20
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In this intermediate course, students will learn digital processes to apply to traditional screen printing techniques. Throughout this course, students will learn simple and direct means of how to use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator for fine art printmaking. This is a studio based class in which students will work both independently and together. In addition to making art, students will create a technical journal documenting their discoveries and also develop a written artist statement. At the end of the session, students will present and participate in a group critique to investigate and support their accomplishments.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Visual Arts, Illustration, Graphic Design
Credits per quarter
One quarter screen printing
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students should expect to spend between $70 - $100 for the printmaking supplies required to complete the course assignments.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thur 6-8pm. First class meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6pm, Lab 2 2225.
Located in: Olympia
Printmaking: Print Stratum, Screen Printing and Collage
Class Size: 20
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In this intermediate course, students will gain hands-on experience and technical skills by creating a body of print editions and monotypes. Students will apply critical thinking through experimentation of various techniques. This is a studio based class in which students will work both independently and together. In addition to making art, students will create a technical journal documenting their discoveries and also develop a written artist statement. At the end of the session, students will present and participate in a group critique to investigate and support their accomplishments.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Visual Arts, Illustration, Graphic Design
Credits per quarter
One quarter screen printing or equivalent.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students should expect to spend between $50 - $75 for the printmaking supplies required to complete the course assignments.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thu 5:30-9:30p
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-28 | Course description updated: this course is intermediate level (not introductory) |
2017-02-03 | New Schedule: class now meets Thursdays only (was Tu/Th) |
2017-01-24 | New offering added for Spring quarter |
Printmaking: Screen Printing
Class Size: 20
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In this introductory course, students will gain hands-on experience and technical skills by creating a body of print editions. Students will be exposed to the history of serigraphy (screen-printing) as well as current contemporary art applications through presentations, lectures, and discussion. Assignments will focus on technical aspects of the process. In addition to the print work, the student will be responsible for completing readings, a midterm paper, concept drawings and lab notes. At the end of the session, students will present and participate in a group critique.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
visual arts
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students are expected to purchase materials such as printing paper, masking paper, acetate, and other drafting tools. Depending on the individual scale and scope of each assignment, students can expect to spend between $70.00-$100.00. These items are available in the printmaking supply store located in the classroom.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon 5:30-9:30p. First meeting Mon, Sept 26, 5:30pm, Lab 2 2231.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-10 | Schedule has changed- Class now meets Mondays (Was Tu/Th) |
Producing and Sequencing Music
Class Size: 20
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Computers are now the basic sketchpad for creating music. From recording instruments into them to using software instruments that sound like nearly anything, software allows extremely complex production. This five-week class will familiarize members with the use of computer-based MIDI soft and hardware, synthesizers, and will cover some of the technical ‘mysteries’ which are critical to comprehending their use. Studio production, recording with mics, and basics of audio will be covered. This class is mostly about exploring the musical production process. The only prerequisites are interest in music, some keyboard and/or guitar skill, and curiosity.
The class structure will consist of three separate elements. Lecture/Workshop sessions will cover operation of the systems, demonstrating different techniques in a group setting. This will be the time for reviewing readings, presenting questions, and troubleshooting. Students will play back their pieces for feedback and so others can see how different people compose. Individual studio times will be assigned to each student, for trying the different functions of the software, creating short musical ideas to apply learned skills, and experimenting with new techniques. Members will be expected to spend a minimum of two 4 hour blocks in the studio per week. Consulting times will be scheduled to permit students to meet for individual or small group assistance in the studio.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Week One: Tue/Wed 9a-Noon & 1-4p, Thu 9a-1p
Regular schedule: Tue 9a-Noon & 1-5p, Wed 9a-1p (*Students must schedule 12 hrs of studio time each week for the duration of the session*)
Week 5 schedule:Wed 9a-Noon, Thu/Fri 9a-Noon & 1-5p
Located in: Olympia
Professional Practices for Artists
Class Size: 25
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What does it mean to be an artist today, tomorrow and thirty years from now? Professional Practices for Artists looks at and potentially challenges the rules and systems within the art world to help you create your own dialog for maintaining a practice that is both engaging and financially viable.
Topics will include career options for creative professionals; writing cover letters, resumes, and CVs, as well as artist statements and press releases; creating portfolios; preparing for a studio visit; planning exhibitions in traditional and nontraditional exhibition spaces; working with nonprofit organizations, galleries, dealers, agents, and consultants; writing proposals and grants; dealing with contracts, agreements, and other legal issues; participating in residencies and public art projects; forming formal and loose collectives; creating and maintaining an online presence; and creating and maintaining a community.
Through guided personal research, class discussions, and interactions with guests artists and guest art-world professionals, students will develop and present a basic professional portfolio that includes a cover letter, CV, artist statement, bio, and project packet.
More information at https://sites.evergreen.edu/ppfa/
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Visual arts, media arts, arts-related non-profits, and creative industries.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Thu 6-9:30 pm
Located in: Olympia
Promoting Social Change Through Student Leadership in Higher Education
Class Size: 25
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Through the lens of the Social Change Model of Leadership Development, this course will explore the impact that can be made by student leaders in higher education and Evergreen. We will read, discuss, and write about the history, value, and social impact of higher education, the liberal arts, and Evergreen. Using student development and identity theories, we will develop a shared understanding of the needs of college students in the 21st century. We will then delve into literature that describes various leadership styles and work to define our own approaches to leadership. The course will culminate with small group projects where students will follow a program development model while designing an educational program that addresses an identified need on campus and highlights the leadership style of each member of the team.
Note: Students who complete this course will be well positioned to apply for a New Student Mentor position for the 2017-2018 academic year.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
supporting student success, mentoring, coaching, and/or community organizing.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Fri 3-5pm
First class meeting: Friday, April 7 at 3pm (Lecture Hall Classroom 8)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-03 | This course is now offered to freshmen and sophomores. |
Psychology and Cultures of Dreaming
Class Size: 25
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This program explores the fascinating world of dreaming through many lenses—psychological, cultural, and typological. As we survey the field of Dream Psychology through Freud, Jung, and other twentieth century and current dream theorists, we will explore our own dreams using methods we encounter. We will view dreaming from multi-cultural and historical vantage points, and cover various types of dreaming, including lucid dreams, extraordinary dreams, and nightmares. Students will be required to keep a dream journal and engage with personal dream-work with their peers. Come open the door to your dream life!
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Psychology, Consciousness Studies
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Saturdays 11am-5pm, Tuesdays 6-8pm
Located in: Olympia
Psychology and Mindfulness
Class Size: 25
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Mindfulness is the ability to fully attend to what is at hand and be in the present moment. Mindfulness is being applied to a variety of professional fields, including health care and education, to improve effectiveness and enhance well-being. The practice of mindfulness can increase our individual and collective resiliency to respond to changing personal and global situations in adaptive and creative ways. The program will focus on mindfulness through theory, practice and its application in relation to abnormal psychology and clinical healthcare practice. We will explore such questions as how mindfulness can be applied to mental and physical health.
The four-credit module (weekend only) will focus on clinical applications of mindfulness. Mindfulness will be explored through theoretical, applied and expressive arts projects. In addition, students in enrolled in the sixteen-credit module (week days and weekend) will also look at how these dimensions of mindfulness interface with developmental and abnormal psychology. Sixteen-credit students will study abnormal psychology and see how mindfulness is being integrated into the treatment of mental illness, pain, addictions, hypertension, and other health conditions. Students will also study quantitative reasoning skills for social sciences.
Students will have an opportunity to learn in many ways using diverse modalities and multiple intelligences. We will integrate mindfulness practices into our studies, including movement, integrative health practices, and expressive art workshops (no prior experience necessary). We will participate in community readings, rigorous writing assignments, theoretical tests, and critical study of important texts. The program will include a full day mindfulness retreat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
psychology, philosophy of mind/emotion and the mental health field.
Credits per quarter
Students need to have competency with high school math for quantitative reasoning work connected to social science study.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Students may need additional art materials (approximately $25).
$75 for art supplies.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
4 credit component will meet Sat, 9a-4:30p, Apr 8, 22, May 6, 20, June 3
First 16-credit option class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10am (Sem II B2105)
First 4-credit option class meeting: Saturday, April 8 at 9am (Sem II D1107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-02-24 | New spring opportunity. |
Psychology and Mindfulness (4-credit section)
Class Size: 25
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This four-credit module (weekend only) of the 16-credit program Psychology and Mindfulness will focus on clinical applications of mindfulness. Mindfulness will be explored through theoretical, applied and expressive arts projects. In addition, students in enrolled in the sixteen-credit module (week days and weekend) will also look at how these dimensions of mindfulness interface with developmental and abnormal psychology. Sixteen-credit students will study abnormal psychology and see how mindfulness is being integrated into the treatment of mental illness, pain, addictions, hypertension, and other health conditions. Students will also study quantitative reasoning skills for social sciences.
For CRNs, please see the Psychology and Mindfulness 16-credit catalog listing:
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$75 for art supplies
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat, 9a-4:30p, Apr 8, 22, May 6, 20, June 3
Located in: Olympia
Psychology in Film
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Variable Credit Options Available
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Psychology is the study of human behavior, interaction, and mental processes. Film, in essence, is behavior projected onto a screen. An increased ability to analyze psychological components in films will enable students to enjoy and understand films on a deeper level. It will also give them the tools to see each new film as more than just a form of entertainment, but as source material for examples and models of every type of human behavior that can be portrayed. Film is a hugely popular medium and a multi-billion dollar industry because movies communicate to a wide audience. By analyzing the psychology behind films, students will understand how films communicate and the messages they convey.
In this program, psychological issues and theories will be studied through the process of film analysis. The program is divided into four areas of analysis: 1) using psychoanalysis to analyze film, 2) psychological science fiction in film, 3) the psychology of the Western film genre, and 4) the psychology of fantasy in film.
Each week, two different films will be viewed and analyzed. The perspectives of psychology and media studies will be taken in the interpretation of the films and in the analysis of how film reflects and shapes psychological themes. Topics that will be covered include: Freudian themes, Jungian Archetypes, mind control, psychic powers, memory and memory disorders, dreams and dream symbolism, the American frontier mythology and the archetype of the Western hero, and psychological symbols from mythology, fairytales, and fantasy literature, as represented in films. The work of various directors will be viewed, including Hal Ashby, John Ford, Spike Jones, Miloš Forman, Michel Gondry, George Stevens, Christopher Nolan, Mike Nichols, and Guillermo del Toro.
This program will be relevant for anyone interested in the ways that various psychological themes, issues and topics have been dealt with in film. Students will learn the process of film analysis – breaking down the elements of films and discussing the psychological issues they depict. Through this process, students will increase both their knowledge of psychological theory and of film-making technique. This program will impart a deeper understanding of how films create lasting and meaningful impressions on viewers through their portrayals of psychological issues. Classic works of great directors will be included as well as exemplars from independent and contemporary mainstream cinema.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
media studies and psychology.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
Options available. Contact the faculty for more information.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Psychology: Professional Conference
Class Size: 100
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This course involves travel to the annual convention of the Western Psychological Association (WPA). The convention attracts 3000+ students and professionals of psychology. It showcases the range of activities and topics that psychology offers, and highlights cutting edge research in all areas of psychology. Many events are specifically geared towards helping students network, and to learn what is needed to succeed in a career in psychology. The convention features invited lectures by notable psychologists, poster sessions of current research by students and professionals in broadly based disciplines within psychology, and psychology-related films in the Film Festival held during the Convention.
Requirements for the course are attending a planning meeting prior to travel, attending a minimum of 20 hours of presentations during the four days of the convention, and writing a short paper about your convention activities upon your return from the convention.
This year’s convention will be held in Sacramento, California from April 27-30, 2017, at the Sheraton Grand Downtown Sacramento. Convention activities start at 8 am on Thursday April 27 and end at 12:30 pm on Sunday April 30. To take advantage of all the special events (including the not-to-be-missed finale on Sunday morning), students need to arrive in Sacramento on Wednesday April 26 (anytime) and stay until Sunday afternoon (your flight home should be 4 pm or later). You can decide to stay over Sunday night for travel home on Monday if the additional cost of an extra night in the hotel is offset by the often-cheaper Monday flights.
Students who are taking So You Want to be a Psychologist or Research Capstone in Psychology should not register for this course.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
psychology, education, and social work
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Approximately $242-$409 for travel to attend the WPA annual convention (exact amount depends on the type of accommodations students require). This includes WPA membership/registration fees and four nights hotel at the convention site. Transportation and food are additional and at student's own expense. (An extra night at the hotel is possible for an additional amount.)
Class Size: 100
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Wednesday, April 12 at 10:30am (Sem II B34105). This is a required planning meeting.
Convention activities start at 8 am on Thursday April 27 and end at 12:30 pm on Sunday April 30. Please plan to arrive in Sacramento on Wednesday, April 26, anytime, and to leave anytime after 4 pm on Sunday, April 30.
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Race and Rage: A History of Civil Rights, the Counterculture, and the Conservative Counterrevolution
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program examines the political, social, and cultural rise of the modern right beginning with the election of Lyndon Baines Johnson and the passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965. The first third of this program will survey the political and social history of the modern Civil Rights Movement before assessing, in depth, the conservative “counterrevolution,” in part as a reaction to the rising visibility and popularity of counterculture. Our study of civil rights will remain focused on the words and actions of participants while considering the tension between "high and low politics," culture wards, and the importance of democratic movements in American life. As we transition to the conservative counterrevolution for the greater portion of our studies, we will assess the politics of the last fifty years through political, social, and cultural lenses that will incorporate plays, historical texts, primary documents, films, and documentaries. In addition to assessing how Civil Rights affected politics, this program will also look at its effect on popular culture, specifically on the counterculture and its fallout, with special attention paid to the music of that movement. The nature of reform and importance of mass movements in American politics will remain central to our studies.
Program meetings will include lecture, seminar, small-group work, and play reading as well as film and or documentary screenings. Students are expected to write two ten-page integrative essays and weekly seminar responses, participate in reader’s theater, prepare two visual assignments, and contribute to a final collaborative group project. By the end of the quarter students will have a firm understanding of late twentieth-century American history, culture, and politics as well as exposure to historical methodology and experience with integrative historical writing.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
humanities, united states history, politics, government, and education.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-11 | New spring opportunity added. |
Race, Gender, and Representation in Documentary Film
Class Size: 23
80% Reserved for Freshmen
Variable Credit Options Available
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How do documentaries tell stories? How do they tell the truth? Why do we believe in the truth that they tell?
Our study of the theory and practice of documentary will focus on how construction of documentary “truth” can be a double-edged sword for people marginalized by race, gender, and other markers of difference. We will examine ways that documentaries can exploit, exalt, or support their subjects, consider the role of ethics in documentary film practice, and pay careful attention to the responsibilities that documentary film directors have to the communities that they represent. Our examination will include careful attention to the formal tools used in documentary filmmaking, while placing documentary films into broader social and historical context. We will consider limits and possibilities of representing race and gender on screen by considering the power the documentarians hold, and the critical importance of wielding that power with thought and care.
In this introductory program, students will learn to use a variety of creative and critical strategies to make documentaries, including video production, video editing, and documentary writing/scripting techniques. Students will read historical and theoretical texts about documentary film, and screen a wide variety of films from the U.S. and abroad. Class work will include weekly seminar papers and screening exercises, analytical essays, research projects, video, audio and editing workshops, observation assignments, and micro-documentary projects.
This program is designed to be an introduction to Evergreen media studies. It is ideal for those interested in pursuing yearlong media programs in the future, as well as for those wishing to integrate media into a broad liberal arts curriculum.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, media, visual arts, gender studies, ethnic studies, and African American studies.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
Variable credit options available. Contact faculty for more information.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$95 for overnight field trip and museum entries.
Class Size: 23
80% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10am (Lib 1326)
Located in: Olympia
Reading Rocks: Earth Science and Art in the Pacific Northwest
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program will explore the relationship between earth science and visual art. Through an introductory study of the earth’s physical characteristics, we can find evidence to support theories about the history of the planet, changes in climate, and human activities.
Artists observe landscapes and use natural materials including pigment, clay, and plants that come from the earth and are supported by geological processes. Importantly, geological concepts can inspire expressive artwork. We are all concerned about human impacts on earth processes—for example, climate change and increased soil erosion affect our ability to develop soil and support agriculture, or sequester carbon. Artwork about the earth and changes in the earth must be grounded in an understanding of earth’s processes. Artists could be at the forefront of highlighting the vital importance of fundamental life-giving earth materials, most notably soils that affect our survival as a species. While scientists and artists both use close observation in doing their work, their communication processes and audiences are different. Scientists investigate environmental processes and advise government and business communities about geological factors that will impact human activities, while communicating through advisory reports and journal articles. Artists however can reach a different and potentially broader audience through visual communication that can tug at the heartstrings of the public to value earth materials and processes that we don’t understand, and take for granted. In conjunction with the program, there will be a library exhibition, Dirt? , in which contemporary book artists and poets will provide a timely example of the connection between visual arts and earth sciences, inspiring student engagement in this interdisciplinary endeavor.
Initially, we will study geological processes including the formation of the earth, geologic time, plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, physical and chemical erosion, while honing our observational skills through drawing and field journaling. A three-day field trip to the Olympic Peninsula will allow us investigate high impact coastal erosion, while making on-site artistic installations that draw attention to these processes. These field studies will be conducted in the context of the consequences of sea level rise and ocean acidification for coastal communities. Back on campus, we will explore –from multiple perspectives-- how human activities affect geological processes and in particular soil formation. We will use earth materials in our artistic expression, making paint from natural pigments and paper from local plants. We will use natural materials in mono-printing. Woven through the quarter, students will work on independent projects conducting research and creating an artist book about an important geological or climate-related issue.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
environmental sciences, geosciences, and art.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$225 for art supplies and an overnight class field trip to Olympic Peninsula.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 9am (Sem II D3105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-24 | Fee reduced (from $270 to $225). |
2017-02-24 | Description updated. |
2016-04-13 | Fees increased (from $250 to $270). |
Reality Check: Indian Images and [Mis]Representations
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program will address historic and contemporary images and misrepresentations of Indians in a variety of media. Indian images from films, photographs, language, mascots, popular culture, and commercial interests will be deconstructed and analyzed for meaning, significance, power, representation, and issues of authenticity. Colonialism, U.S./Indian history, geopolitics, and economics will be decolonized through the lenses of Native resistance, Native sovereignty, and Native political and economic issues. Essential to this exploration will be an investigation of the dynamics of "self" and "other."
Learning will take place through readings, seminars, lectures, films, and workshops. Students will improve their research skills through document review, observations, and critical analysis. Students will also have opportunities to improve their writing skills through weekly written assignments. Verbal skills will be improved through small-group and whole-class seminar discussions, and through individual final project presentations. Options for the final project will be discussed in the syllabus and in class.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
art, cultural studies, education, geography, history, media studies, Native studies, and political science.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 9am (Sem II D3109)
Located in: Olympia
Research Capstone in Psychology
Class Size: 25
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This program is designed to provide a capstone opportunity within psychology (or closely related social science disciplines such as sociology or cultural anthropology) to conduct independent research projects within a supportive intellectual environment of other researchers. Research projects may be inductive or deductive in their approach, and may utilize qualitative or quantitative methodology. Research may be aimed at testing a well-established theory, replicating a study, crafting an elegant psychological experiment, designing and executing a written survey, conducting interviews, or engaging in observational ethnographic research.
Students will form research groups within the program based on shared research interests (or methodological interests or theoretical interests). Faculty will provide structured support to these learning communities across all aspects of the research process. Students entering this capstone program should do so with a particular research project in mind, although faculty will work one-on-one with students to help shape the nature of their project in both practical and theoretically meaningful ways.
Students will attend the annual meeting of the Western Psychological Association (WPA) in Sacramento, CA from April 27-30, 2017. This field trip will provide direct exposure to researchers in psychology, enabling students to talk with other researchers (many of whom are undergraduate or graduate students), find out about the latest trends in research psychology, and be intellectually stimulated by poster sessions, panel presentations, and talks by well-known scholars in the field.
Students who successfully complete this capstone program will have collected, analyzed, and written up their findings by the end of the spring 2017 quarter. This program is timed to correspond with the November 2017 deadline to apply to present research findings at WPA the following spring 2018 in Portland, OR.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Credits per quarter
Students should have familiarity with empirical research methods in the social sciences, quantitative or qualitative analysis, and study design; significant previous study (two quarters or more) in psychology, sociology, political science, or anthropology; and a preliminary plan for research topic. Most importantly, students should be academically, intellectually, and emotionally prepared for conducting an independent research project with other students who are similarly prepared. Students who apply to participate in this program should take their intellectual life seriously, be prepared for critical thinking, and be able to engage in constructive collaboration with other students.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students will need to arrange and purchase their own transportation (e.g., air fare) to Sacramento, CA and 4 days of meals during the Western Psychological Association conference.
$262-$429 for poster printing costs ($20) and an overnight field trip to the annual conference of the Western Psychological Association (WPA) in Sacramento, CA from April 27-30, 2018. Depending on the type of accommodation the student requires at WPA, the student fee for WPA will range between $242-$409 and includes WPA membership/registration fees and four nights hotel at the conference site.
This is a capstone opportunity within psychology (or closely related social science disciplines such as sociology or cultural anthropology).
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10am (Lib 2617)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-07-26 | New spring opportunity added. |
Research In Ecology - Local to Global
Class Size: 25
0% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program will provide students with the opportunity to develop research work in ecology. Students may work individually; small groups (two to three students) are encouraged to provide the opportunity to learn from each other. There will be time during the first week of class for students to develop their research ideas and to form small groups if desired.
The program will have three components: 1) we'll read and have a weekly seminar on key research papers from the peer-reviewed ecological literature that have significantly influenced the development of ecological thought; 2) we'll have lectures and workshops on research methods, experimental design, descriptive and inferential statistics, and modeling; and 3) students will conduct their own research projects. The research projects will be the central feature of the program. Students will meet regularly to discuss their ongoing work and share ideas.
The research topics could range from local to global, including larger environmental issues such as global climate change, biodiversity loss, invasive species, disruption of ecosystem processes, etc. Research projects could include producing a review article or meta-analysis based on published work, creating a computer simulation model of an ecological problem, or doing original fieldwork. Students will write a scientific paper about their work.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Upper division science credit:
Upper division science credit may be possible. Students seeking to earn upper division credit must discuss this with the faculty to during the first week of the quarter, to develop agreed-upon criteria for upper-division work. Students will need to consult at least weekly with the faculty to ensure that their work meets expectations for upper division credit. The faculty reserves the option of not awarding upper division credit.
Class Size: 25
0% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day, Evening, and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Monday and Wednesday evening 6-10 pm each week, and Saturdays 9am-5pm Jan 14, 28, Feb 11, 25, Mar 11.
Located in: Olympia
Reservation-Based, Community-Determined Program: Contemporary Indian Communities in a Global Society (Muckleshoot)
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 12
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This program's overall theme prepares students to understand the structural inequalities of wealth and economic development. Students will examine social problems in Native communities through multiple methods and perspectives and grow to understand the impacts of social and political movements, both past and present, by comparing Indigenous societies in the world. Each quarter, a nine-credit upper-division interdisciplinary sub-theme will be taught as part of the curriculum for the Reservation-Based, Community-Determined (RBCD) Program.
The fall 2016 sub-theme, Indigenous Pathways to Rich and Thriving Communities, will explore contemporary economic development issues in tribal communities. Students will examine the field of community and economic development, explore the values, vision, and principles that guide community and economic development efforts, the process of development, and change strategies such as asset building and community organizing. Students will address critical issues such as poverty, racism, and disinvestment and investigate challenges facing tribal communities. Students will explore political aspects of tribal sovereignty and continued development of self-governance as the basis for tribal community and economic development, self-determination, and community sustainability, all with a focus toward promoting, advocating for, and understanding economic development in Indian Country.
The sub-theme for winter 2017 is Building Healthy Communities . Students will examine the field of social problems and policies while exploring the values, vision, and principles that guide efforts to identify and resolve social problems. They will study challenges to tribal communities, the process of building healthy communities and change strategies including community organizing and community empowerment. This component will explore the political aspects of tribal sovereignty and continued development of self-governance, as the basis for tribal community building and self-determination in Indian Country.
The sub-theme for spring 2017 is Comparing Indigenous Societies through Social and Political Movements, which uses a variety of methods, materials, and approaches to interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize the impact of indigenous peoples’ history and politics on 21st century indigenous societies. Students will focus on movements and activism that changed Indigenous societies at various levels of the social/political landscape from local to international. Students will conduct research, debate, discuss, and analyze various aspects of Native American activism that altered or revised a community. Students will gain an understanding of ways in which diverse cultural, religious sociological, linguistic, ideological, historical, and communication factors play a role in Indigenous social movements throughout the world, and how efforts to promote human relations, international consciousness, and interconnectedness of Indigenous peoples can result in positive changes in the lives of Indigenous people everywhere.
Students will attend four, daylong upper-division Saturday classes at the Longhouse on the Evergreen Olympia campus each quarter. During the year, students will attend a total of three, two-credit classes in morning sessions. In the afternoon sessions, students will attend Battlegrounds, a one-credit class based on original case studies about contemporary issues in Indian Country.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
public administration, political science, social sciences, human services, education, law and tribal administration, and government.
Credits per quarter
This program is designed for students with strong social, cultural or economic ties to local tribal communities. To be formally admitted to the RBCD Program, prospective students must meet the following criteria:
- Complete or be close to 90 transferable college credits or a transferable associate degree .
- Complete an intake packet . To obtain the packet, contact rpcdprog@evergreen.edu.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Internships are encouraged. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Students attend classes at tribal sites and four Saturdays per quarter at the Longhouse
Located in: Tribal
May be offered again in:
Reservation-Based, Community-Determined Program: Contemporary Indian Communities in a Global Society (Nisqually)
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 12
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Taught by
This program's overall theme prepares students to understand the structural inequalities of wealth and economic development. Students will examine social problems in Native communities through multiple methods and perspectives and grow to understand the impacts of social and political movements, both past and present, by comparing Indigenous societies in the world. Each quarter, a nine-credit upper-division interdisciplinary sub-theme will be taught as part of the curriculum for the Reservation-Based, Community-Determined (RBCD) Program.
The fall 2016 sub-theme, Indigenous Pathways to Rich and Thriving Communities, will explore contemporary economic development issues in tribal communities. Students will examine the field of community and economic development, explore the values, vision, and principles that guide community and economic development efforts, the process of development, and change strategies such as asset building and community organizing. Students will address critical issues such as poverty, racism, and disinvestment and investigate challenges facing tribal communities. Students will explore political aspects of tribal sovereignty and continued development of self-governance as the basis for tribal community and economic development, self-determination, and community sustainability, all with a focus toward promoting, advocating for, and understanding economic development in Indian Country.
The sub-theme for winter 2017 is Building Healthy Communities . Students will examine the field of social problems and policies while exploring the values, vision, and principles that guide efforts to identify and resolve social problems. They will study challenges to tribal communities, the process of building healthy communities and change strategies including community organizing and community empowerment. This component will explore the political aspects of tribal sovereignty and continued development of self-governance, as the basis for tribal community building and self-determination in Indian Country.
The sub-theme for spring 2017 is Comparing Indigenous Societies through Social and Political Movements, which uses a variety of methods, materials, and approaches to interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize the impact of indigenous peoples’ history and politics on 21st century indigenous societies. Students will focus on movements and activism that changed Indigenous societies at various levels of the social/political landscape from local to international. Students will conduct research, debate, discuss, and analyze various aspects of Native American activism that altered or revised a community. Students will gain an understanding of ways in which diverse cultural, religious sociological, linguistic, ideological, historical, and communication factors play a role in Indigenous social movements throughout the world, and how efforts to promote human relations, international consciousness, and interconnectedness of Indigenous peoples can result in positive changes in the lives of Indigenous people everywhere.
Students will attend four, daylong upper-division Saturday classes at the Longhouse on the Evergreen Olympia campus each quarter. During the year, students will attend a total of three, two-credit classes in morning sessions. In the afternoon sessions, students will attend Battlegrounds, a one-credit class based on original case studies about contemporary issues in Indian Country.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
public administration, political science, social sciences, human services, education, law and tribal administration, and government.
Credits per quarter
This program is designed for students with strong social, cultural or economic ties to local tribal communities. To be formally admitted to the RBCD Program, prospective students must meet the following criteria:
- Complete or be close to 90 transferable college credits or a transferable associate degree .
- Complete an intake packet . To obtain the packet, contact rpcdprog@evergreen.edu.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Internships are encouraged. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Students attend classes at tribal sites and four Saturdays per quarter at the Longhouse
Located in: Tribal
May be offered again in:
Reservation-Based, Community-Determined Program: Contemporary Indian Communities in a Global Society (Peninsula)
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 12
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Taught by
This program's overall theme prepares students to understand the structural inequalities of wealth and economic development. Students will examine social problems in Native communities through multiple methods and perspectives and grow to understand the impacts of social and political movements, both past and present, by comparing Indigenous societies in the world. Each quarter, a nine-credit upper-division interdisciplinary sub-theme will be taught as part of the curriculum for the Reservation-Based, Community-Determined (RBCD) Program.
The fall 2016 sub-theme, Indigenous Pathways to Rich and Thriving Communities, will explore contemporary economic development issues in tribal communities. Students will examine the field of community and economic development, explore the values, vision, and principles that guide community and economic development efforts, the process of development, and change strategies such as asset building and community organizing. Students will address critical issues such as poverty, racism, and disinvestment and investigate challenges facing tribal communities. Students will explore political aspects of tribal sovereignty and continued development of self-governance as the basis for tribal community and economic development, self-determination, and community sustainability, all with a focus toward promoting, advocating for, and understanding economic development in Indian Country.
The sub-theme for winter 2017 is Building Healthy Communities . Students will examine the field of social problems and policies while exploring the values, vision, and principles that guide efforts to identify and resolve social problems. They will study challenges to tribal communities, the process of building healthy communities and change strategies including community organizing and community empowerment. This component will explore the political aspects of tribal sovereignty and continued development of self-governance, as the basis for tribal community building and self-determination in Indian Country.
The sub-theme for spring 2017 is Comparing Indigenous Societies through Social and Political Movements, which uses a variety of methods, materials, and approaches to interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize the impact of indigenous peoples’ history and politics on 21st century indigenous societies. Students will focus on movements and activism that changed Indigenous societies at various levels of the social/political landscape from local to international. Students will conduct research, debate, discuss, and analyze various aspects of Native American activism that altered or revised a community. Students will gain an understanding of ways in which diverse cultural, religious sociological, linguistic, ideological, historical, and communication factors play a role in Indigenous social movements throughout the world, and how efforts to promote human relations, international consciousness, and interconnectedness of Indigenous peoples can result in positive changes in the lives of Indigenous people everywhere.
Students will attend four, daylong upper-division Saturday classes at the Longhouse on the Evergreen Olympia campus each quarter. During the year, students will attend a total of three, two-credit classes in morning sessions. In the afternoon sessions, students will attend Battlegrounds, a one-credit class based on original case studies about contemporary issues in Indian Country.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
public administration, political science, social sciences, human services, education, law and tribal administration, and government.
Credits per quarter
This program is designed for students with strong social, cultural or economic ties to local tribal communities. To be formally admitted to the RBCD Program, prospective students must meet the following criteria:
- Complete or be close to 90 transferable college credits or a transferable associate degree .
- Complete an intake packet . To obtain the packet, contact rpcdprog@evergreen.edu.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Internships are encouraged. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Students attend classes at tribal sites and four Saturdays per quarter at the Longhouse
Located in: Tribal
May be offered again in:
Reservation-Based, Community-Determined Program: Contemporary Indian Communities in a Global Society (Quinault)
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 12
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Taught by
This program's overall theme prepares students to understand the structural inequalities of wealth and economic development. Students will examine social problems in Native communities through multiple methods and perspectives and grow to understand the impacts of social and political movements, both past and present, by comparing Indigenous societies in the world. Each quarter, a nine-credit upper-division interdisciplinary sub-theme will be taught as part of the curriculum for the Reservation-Based, Community-Determined (RBCD) Program.
The fall 2016 sub-theme, Indigenous Pathways to Rich and Thriving Communities, will explore contemporary economic development issues in tribal communities. Students will examine the field of community and economic development, explore the values, vision, and principles that guide community and economic development efforts, the process of development, and change strategies such as asset building and community organizing. Students will address critical issues such as poverty, racism, and disinvestment and investigate challenges facing tribal communities. Students will explore political aspects of tribal sovereignty and continued development of self-governance as the basis for tribal community and economic development, self-determination, and community sustainability, all with a focus toward promoting, advocating for, and understanding economic development in Indian Country.
The sub-theme for winter 2017 is Building Healthy Communities . Students will examine the field of social problems and policies while exploring the values, vision, and principles that guide efforts to identify and resolve social problems. They will study challenges to tribal communities, the process of building healthy communities and change strategies including community organizing and community empowerment. This component will explore the political aspects of tribal sovereignty and continued development of self-governance, as the basis for tribal community building and self-determination in Indian Country.
The sub-theme for spring 2017 is Comparing Indigenous Societies through Social and Political Movements, which uses a variety of methods, materials, and approaches to interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize the impact of indigenous peoples’ history and politics on 21st century indigenous societies. Students will focus on movements and activism that changed Indigenous societies at various levels of the social/political landscape from local to international. Students will conduct research, debate, discuss, and analyze various aspects of Native American activism that altered or revised a community. Students will gain an understanding of ways in which diverse cultural, religious sociological, linguistic, ideological, historical, and communication factors play a role in Indigenous social movements throughout the world, and how efforts to promote human relations, international consciousness, and interconnectedness of Indigenous peoples can result in positive changes in the lives of Indigenous people everywhere.
Students will attend four, daylong upper-division Saturday classes at the Longhouse on the Evergreen Olympia campus each quarter. During the year, students will attend a total of three, two-credit classes in morning sessions. In the afternoon sessions, students will attend Battlegrounds, a one-credit class based on original case studies about contemporary issues in Indian Country.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
public administration, political science, social sciences, human services, education, law and tribal administration, and government.
Credits per quarter
This program is designed for students with strong social, cultural or economic ties to local tribal communities. To be formally admitted to the RBCD Program, prospective students must meet the following criteria:
- Complete or be close to 90 transferable college credits or a transferable associate degree .
- Complete an intake packet . To obtain the packet, contact rpcdprog@evergreen.edu.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Internships are encouraged. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Students attend classes at tribal sites and four Saturdays per quarter at the Longhouse
Located in: Tribal
May be offered again in:
Russia and the Forging of Empires: Vikings, Mongols, and Slavs
Class Size: 50
Variable Credit Options Available
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This program offers an interdisciplinary approach to Russian and Eurasian history, literature, culture, geography, and film. Our journey will take us across the territories that once comprised the Russian and Soviet empires—territories that today make up more than 15 independent states. In lectures, seminars, and film analyses and discussions, we will travel from the fjords of Norway to the cities of Constantinople and Baghdad; from the grasslands of Mongolia to the Moscow cathedrals; from the Arctic Ocean to the marketplaces of Central Asia; from the peaks of the Caucasus Mountains to the deserts of Uzbekistan.
Our focus is the rise and fall of empires in this region, beginning with the Mongol and Russian empires. We will investigate the development of the Russians through history, starting with Viking invasions of Slavic territories in the 800s and progressing to the thriving imperial era in the 1800s. This latter period witnessed not only Napoleon's invasion, but the initial emergence of the great culture for which Russia is well known. This included the literature of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, and Turgenev, the beginnings of the Russian national school of art, the start of Russian nationalist music, and the first collections of Russian folklore.This latter period witnessed not only Napoleon's invasion, but the emergence of great literature (including Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, and Turgenev). The diverse ethnicities that had cultural, political, social, economic, and religious contact with the Russians—the Vikings, Mongols, Greeks, Tatars and Turkic peoples, among others—will all play key roles in our examinations.
Faculty will provide lectures and students will read and discuss a diverse selection of historical and literary texts in seminars, view and discuss documentaries and films, and write three major essays. We will also undertake a field trip to the Maryhill Museum to view their icon collection and other Russian- and east European-related items and to a Greek Orthodox women’s monastery in Goldendale, Washington, for a tour of the grounds and the icon studio, all geared to expanding our understanding of the spiritual roots of the evolving early Russian culture.
Students are strongly urged to take the Beginning Russian Language segment within the full-time program. Those who opt out of language should register for only 12 credits.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, diplomatic and security services, film, music, art, international business, and graduate studies in international affairs and in Russian and Slavic literary, historical, political and social studies.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
A 12-credit option is available to students who do not wish to participate in the daytime Russian language segment within the program; a four-credit option available to students wanting only the Russian language segment.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$40 for an overnight field trip.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, September 27 at 9am (Sem II E4115)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-27 | Fees reduced. |
Russia Falls, the Soviet Union Rises: Imperial Beauty, Turmoil, and Tragedy
Class Size: 50
Variable Credit Options Available
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This program emphasizes the Russian Empire’s extraordinary political, historical, literary, artistic, and musical developments of the 19th and early 20th centuries. We will explore literary masterpieces by Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Tolstoy, and Chekhov; examine paintings by Repin, Nesterov, and Vereshchagin; and listen to the compositions of Mussorgsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, and Tchaikovsky. We will also examine the rise of the Russian Empire’s radical intelligentsia who rebelled against autocratic tsarist policies and the institution of serfdom and whose activities led to the world-changing revolutions of the early 20th century.
Readings from social and revolutionary activists, such as Marx and Lenin, will allow us to better understand how these thinkers managed to transform the economically and socially “backward” Russian Empire into the planet’s most experimental and, at times, most feared political power. Our diverse readings from Russian and Soviet imperial literature and history will help us appreciate the cultural, social, and political nuances of this expansive, beguiling, and enigmatic land.
Along with faculty lectures to guide our study, we will read and discuss in seminar a diverse selection of historical and literary texts; view and discuss relevant documentaries and films; and write two major essays based on seminar readings. A special all-program workshop in the art of pysanky (wax-resist egg decorating) will offer a hands-on Slavic folk art experience.
Students may choose between Russian language study and a special history workshop segment to earn the full 16 credits. The history workshop familiarizes students with Russia’s status as a multiethnic and multi-confessional empire. Students and faculty explore the myriad of nationalities within the expanding 19th-century Russian Empire from the perspective of the Imperial government and from the viewpoint of the non-Russian peoples resident in the empire. We will consider the impact of growing Russian nationalistic discourse in the late 19th century and assess its role in the disintegration of the empire.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, diplomatic and security services, film, music, art, international business, and graduate studies in international affairs and in Russian and Slavic literary, historical, political and social studies.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
A 12-credit option is available to students who do not wish to participate in the daytime Russian language segment within the program or the special workshop; a four-credit option available to students wanting only the special workshop or Russian language segment. New language students will be accepted in the Beginning Russian Language segment if they have one quarter college-level, or equivalent, study of Russian.
Students choosing the Russian language segment within the program must have at least one quarter of college-level Russian or the equivalent.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$10 for supplies for a special folk craft workshop.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9am (Sem II D3105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-17 | Description updated. |
Russian, Beginning I
Class Size: 30
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In the fall quarter, students will explore the roots of Russian language, learn to read the mysterious looking Cyrillic script, write the unique Russian cursive, construct sentences and express themselves in Russian. Students will be introduced to basic grammatical structures and vocabulary to enable them to successfully develop thematic reports in the target. From the very start, students will be immersed in the colorful cultural and historical context provided by authentic text, film, music, and visual arts. Also, an essential component of students' learning experience will be discussion of or attendance of culturally significant events.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 30
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu, 6-8 pm. First meeting Tue, Sept 27, 6pm, Seminar 2 C3109.
Located in: Olympia
Russian, Beginning II
Class Size: 25
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In winter quarter, students will continue to learn the mechanics of Russian grammar and new vocabulary to enable them to develop thematic presentations prompted by the topics covered in class. The class setting will provide students with ample opportunities for dialog and productive interaction in the target language. We will also start exploring selected works by such literary masters as A. Pushkin, L. Tolstoy, and A. Chekhov, to name a few, in order to understand not only the specifics of Russian grammar and vocabulary but also the complexities of Russian character and the Russian way of thinking as documented and preserved by outstanding Russian authors.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu, 6-8 pm. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6p, Seminar 2 C3109.
Located in: Olympia
Russian, Beginning III
Class Size: 25
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In spring quarter, students will continue to learn the essentials of Russian grammar and new thematic vocabulary. They will continue to study verbs of motion, their forms, and various ways to express direction and location. Students will be required to complete assignments from their text and workbook, pass tests, and write and present thematic reports. Additionally, students will attempt to read, analyze and memorize selected works of Russian poets. To maximize the learning experience, the class will be constantly immersed in a colorful cultural context, and have field trips to the Russian Orthodox Church and a Russian Community Center in Seattle.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu, 6-8 pm
Located in: Olympia
Scientific and Artistic Inquiry
Winter 2017
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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We often think of art and science as polarized disciplines, yet the processes of scientific and artistic inquiry are remarkably alike. Both the scientist and the artist work with the material world, asking questions about what it does, how it works, why it matters, and what happens if ….? Both science and art require a significant knowledge base, imagination, and a sense of wonder. Each discipline relies on critical engagement by others in the field. Scientists and artists 1) require the development of skills that enable close observation and fresh perspectives, 2) are inherent problem-solvers and creators of new knowledge, 3) engage in exhaustive revision, reiteration, and practice, and 4) need to develop strong skills in synthesis and interpretation of outcomes and diverse kinds of information. This program will examine the similarities between scientific and artistic processes and inquiry through lectures, field studies, laboratory, and studio assignments. This program is an especially good fit for students who have previously felt they don’t belong in the arts or sciences.
Fall Quarter we’ll explore histories of science and art, using texts -- The People’s History of Science and The Invention of Art -- that question conventional accounts, including the dominant culture’s biased assumption that scientific thinking is largely a Euro-American enterprise. Part of our work in fall will involve learning how First Peoples gained scientific knowledge and developed technological innovations through trial-and-error in many cases, well before Europeans . Students will learn skills for contributing to, and learning from, seminars, lectures, and trial-and-error in labs, field work and the studio. Through weekly labs and studio sessions, students will learn introductory skills and knowledge of fresh water ecology and introductory drawing instruction. No prior experience in any of these disciplines is necessary!
Building on the knowledge and skills gained in fall quarter, students will learn how to read scientific articles, use their drawing skills to explore intaglio printmaking (etching and engraving). They’ll learn stream ecology through small group projects and experience the challenges and rewards of collaborative, interdisciplinary research through a major project incorporating scientific and artistic modes of demonstration in winter quarter. Although central themes of the program will remain, student learning will be deepened by putting theory into practice in the studio, field, and lab. The focus will be on developing skills and practice in the scientific and creative process, from observations to communication.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
visual arts and art history. This program is not intended as a prerequisite for upper-division science programs, but will prepare students for further study in natural sciences.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Students should expect costs of approximately $25 in fall for drawing materials and $50 in winter for etching materials.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9am (Lab II 2209)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-28 | Correction: Students need to read chapter 22 of Freshwater Ecology, not chapter 24. |
2016-11-17 | This program will accept new winter enrollment without signature. Students will need to do some catch-up work over winter break. |
2016-04-26 | Special Expenses updated. |
Sea Life and Sea Lives
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Variable Credit Options Available
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We are all part of an oceanic commons that sustains and bonds all life . –Astrida Neimanis
What is the current condition of this commons, what is its past and future, and what do we have to do to sustain it? The fate of the planet and humanity is inextricably linked to the fate of the ocean, in terms of deep (both geological and bathyal) as well as human scales. In this program, we will consider the histories, science, and creative representations which serve as lenses on the health, productivity, resilience, and aesthetic value of the sea.
In laboratories, on the beach, and on the water, we will learn introductory methodologies in marine science. We will study the history and future of the sea as a resource for our food, energy, and water; a medium for transporting not just goods, but cultural domination; as an inhabitable space; and finally, as a place upon which humanity projects hopes, fears, and dreams. We will study literary and film representations of what it is to work the waters and how it is that the wealth of the sea is depleted, destroyed, sustained, and restored.
During our time on shore in Olympia, we will have weekly marine science lectures and labs. Two, day-long field trips will take us to ocean beaches and Native maritime communities. Finally, we will spend one week in the San Juan Islands, combining time on the water conducting marine science field studies from the deck of a tall ship, with time in shore-based marine laboratories.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
marine science, maritime cultural studies, marine resource management/policy, environmental studies, sustainability studies, literature, and history.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
Please contact the faculty to discuss variable credit options.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$800 for museum entrance fees and a six-day field trip in the San Juan Islands.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 1pm (Sem II D1107)
Additional details:
Field trips : Students should plan on two Friday field trips and to be away from campus for a field trip all of Week 8.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-27 | Fee reduced (from $900 to $800). |
Self and Story: Studies in Psychology, Literature, and Writing
Class Size: 50
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Who do you say you are, and why? How and why do people continually adjust and adapt their claims about themselves—their origins, preferences, values, and actions—to suit different audiences and occasions, at times even overhauling their identities completely? We will apply the practices and insights of psychology and the literary arts to the topic of self-narratives, both formal and informal: how they function, the many and varied forms they take, and the highly influential role they play in shaping our understanding of human experience. In the process, we will explore how self-stories can both expand and limit people’s thinking as they interpret their past, narrate their present, and plan their future.
Through a variety of small- and large-group seminars, lectures, and experiential workshops, we will use psychology as a lens to examine, investigate, and theorize about our own identities and experiences. Recent innovations and activities in the field—for example, James Pennebaker’s groundbreaking work on narrative therapy—will be explored via video conferences with leading social psychologists. Specific topics may include self-determination, willpower, the nature of happiness, and the notion of the double.
At the same time, we will explore the world of literature with a focus on considerations of the self. Of particular importance will be autobiographical narratives and the rich and intricate issues of memory, authority, persona, and truth that face every self-portraying writer. These accounts—ranging from Charlotte Perkins Gilman's feminist classic "The Yellow Wallpaper" to Frank McCourt’s contemporary memoir, Angela's Ashes—embody a particularly critical function of self-stories: to open windows onto times, places, and social and political settings that differ sharply from our own. Writing assignments will include response papers, summaries, short narratives, reflective journals, and a substantial memoir-essay.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, literature, psychology, social work, and writing.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Sat/Sun 9a-4:30p: Jan 14/15, 28/29, Feb 11/12, 25/26, Mar 11/12. First meeting is Saturday, January 14,9a, Seminar 2 A3105.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-01 | Description Updated |
Senior Seminar
Class Size: 25
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If you are in your last year of undergraduate study at Evergreen, this course will help you to reflect on your education – its overall shape, and its significance both for yourself and for the world you will live in. You will engage in a series of reflective workshops and exercises to help you to reveal and articulate the shape of your education. Seminar readings will be largely drawn from texts that have been central to students' own studies. Through this work we will explore connections among each others' studies and consider what it means to have a liberal arts education. You will also write and revise with care your Academic Statement, which you may include in your transcript. Note:For students admitted to Evergreen beginning in 2013-14, a transcript Academic Statement is a graduation requirement.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays, 5:30-9:30
Located in: Olympia
Shakespeare Reproduced
Class Size: 25
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This program offers students the chance to study Shakespeare's playscripts as trace records of early modern theatrical productions and as springboards for contemporary ones. Students will read a small number of plays -- including Macbeth , Othello and The Tempest -- and analyze multiple 20th- and 21st-century adaptations; reading materials will be supplemented by lectures with a focus on film history. Our analysis will be informed by a study of the works' formal elements, but also by ideological considerations. We will ask questions such as: What kinds of cultural values are emphasized or de-emphasized in these adaptations? What difference does casting make, including cross-casting along the lines of gender or race? All students will be expected to engage thoughtfully in discussions of systematic oppression. Students will demonstrate their interpretative and analytical skills through regular critical writing assignments. They will also be given the opportunity to design a final project, based in part on their previous training and academic work. This project may focus on creative writing, live performance, and/or critical writing. A background in literature and/or performance is not necessary to succeed in this program, but advanced students will be given opportunities to stretch their skills.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
advanced or graduate study in literature or other humanities, and careers in theater. This program is ideal for students considering graduate study in the humanities, or for student actors who are interested in creating performances informed by research and analysis.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$25 for theater tickets.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10am (Com 320)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-01-13 | New spring opportunity. |
Shaping: Identities and Objects
Winter 2017
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
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Becoming is superior to being. –Paul Klee
In this interdisciplinary program, we will explore shaping of the self and the world from the perspectives and processes of psychology and art. We will consider how these two practices can inform, shape, and express our past, present, and future identities.
Psychological perspectives will examine questions such as: How do my culture, society, institutions (e.g. schools, houses of worship), and family influence my identities? Do my ingrained beliefs limit or expand who I am? Do I dare to find my authentic self? Paradigm shifts in thinking (from dichotomous and hierarchical to holistic) and learning (from conceptual to transformative) will be emphasized through lectures, workshops, reflective and expressive writing activities, and mindfulness practices. In arts studios over the course of the program, we will learn drawing, crafting, and sculpture techniques as means to explore and express oneself. In a world full of stuff, what does it mean to be a maker of things? How can the things we make serve our need for self-expression even as they serve and enrich the cultures we live in? And how can making things itself be a practice of mindfulness? Beginning from a close haptic understanding of materials we use, and study of their environmental and cultural significances, we will make imagery and objects to develop our distinctive voices and handling, and to express ourselves and the selves of others. We will work to contextualize, write about, and speak for what we make in the world.
Individual and collaborative work, readings, and seminars will address the program's generative questions of identity, making, and materiality. Possible readings include The Gift: Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World (Hyde) and The Thinking Hand (Pallasmaa). Field trips and visiting artists and lecturers will further enrich our perspectives. Engaged students can expect to gain deeper knowledge of both psychology and art, fuller awareness and understanding of their own identities in the midst of complex cultural and social worlds, and greater agency as creative artists and individuals seeking to make positive change through their thinking and actions.
Note: this program is designed for students new to the college experience.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
visual arts, architecture, sustainable design, and human and social services (psychologists, counselors, social workers, teachers, etc.).
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$40 per quarter for admission fees and studio supplies.
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9am (Art Annex 2103)
Located in: Olympia
Show Me the Numbers: Statistics for Social Sciences
Class Size: 25
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In this world of information explosion, we are constantly bombarded by numbers. How do you make sense of those numbers? How can you tell which are used correctly and which are not? How can we use statistical tools to inform, to explore and to empower? What are the larger frameworks behind those numbers? How do we use quantitative reasoning to enhance our understanding of the society and make changes? This class will put statistics into context. We will cover basic statistical concepts and processes used in social sciences including descriptive and inferential statistics. Focus will be placed on real life scenarios and sense making practices. Besides workshops, students will conduct a research project and practice statistical analysis. This course meets the statistics prerequisite requirements of the Evergreen Master of Public Administration (MPA) program and the Master in Teaching (MiT) general college math prerequisite.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesday, 6-10 pm. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6p, Seminar 2 A2109.
Located in: Olympia
Show Me the Numbers: Statistics for Social Sciences
Class Size: 25
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In this world of information explosion, we are constantly bombarded by numbers. How do you make sense of those numbers? How can you tell which are used correctly and which are not? How can we use statistical tools to inform, to explore and to empower? What are the larger frameworks behind those numbers? How do we use quantitative reasoning to enhance our understanding of the society and make changes? This class will put statistics into context. We will cover basic statistical concepts and processes used in social sciences including descriptive and inferential statistics. Focus will be placed on real life scenarios and sense making practices. Besides workshops, students will conduct a research project and practice statistical analysis. This course meets the statistics prerequisite requirements of the Master of Environmental Studies (MES) and the Master of Public Administration (MPA) programs. It also meets the MiT general prerequisite for college-level math, and endorsement requirement for those pursuing middle level or secondary math.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesday, 6-10 pm
Located in: Olympia
So You Want to be a Psychologist
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Students will investigate theories and practices of psychologists to enhance their understanding of counseling, social services, and the science of psychology. We will cover history and systems of psychology. Students will read original source literature from major divisions of the field, including both classic and contemporary journal articles and books by well-known psychologists. Students will explore careers in psychology and the academic preparations necessary for these career choices. We will cover the typical activities of psychologists who work in academia, schools, counseling and clinical settings, social work agencies, and applied research settings.
Among our studies will be ethical quandaries in psychology, including the ethics of human and animal experimentation. Library research skills, in particular the use of PsycInfo and Science and Social Science Citation Indexes, will be emphasized. Students will gain expertise in the technical writing style of the American Psychological Association (APA). The class format will include lectures, guest speakers, workshops, discussions, films, and an optional field trip.
There's no better way to explore the range of activities and topics that psychology offers—and to learn of cutting-edge research in the field—than to attend and participate in a convention of psychology professionals and students. To that end, students have the option of attending the annual convention of the Western Psychological Association (WPA), the western regional arm of the APA. This year's convention will take place April 27-30, 2017 in Sacramento, California.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
psychology, education, and social work.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Approximately $242-$409 for an optional field trip to attend the WPA annual convention (depending on the type of accommodations students require). This includes WPA membership/registration fees and four nights hotel at the convention site. Transportation and food are additional and at student's own expense.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9am (Sem II C3105)
Located in: Olympia
Social Entrepreneurs: The Unsung Heroes of Community Building
Class Size: 25
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Managers of non-profit organizations ( also known as social entrepreneurs) are the unsung heroes of the newly developed concept of “socially responsible capitalism.” They are the champions of social movements geared at helping to right the wrongs of the competitive free-market capitalist system. They are the social architects for community building and implementing culture changes throughout the world, and most of all, for correcting the social imbalances caused by the highly competitive global market. This course is for students with strong interests in the field of business management of non-profit organizations, community building and organizational development. Its focus is to help build the student’s managerial skills needed for operating successful and effective community-based organizations. Specifically this course will explore the following learning areas:
- Analyzing the shortcomings of the free- market capitalist system and the need for the social entrepreneurs as corrective agents.
- Developing business plans and grant proposals for non-profit enterprises
- Understanding the basic accounting system for non-profit enterprises and preparing the organization’s financial statements and tax reports.
- Marketing the products and/or services of non-profit enterprises
- Managing effectively the human resources of non-profit organizations.
- Communicating effectively across cultural boundaries
- Promoting ethical behavior in the organization.
- Assessing the role of International non-governmental Organizations (INGO) in the global economy.
Students will have the opportunity to explore the issues, challenges and opportunities which arise from working with various types of businesses across the boundaries of cultural difference. This course is designed to facilitate learning through active involvement with real-world situations, and as such, students are expected to perform an in-service learning project with a local business or nonprofit organization. At the end of the quarter, students are expected to present their in service learning findings to the class.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Business management, organizational development, community-based entrepreneurship
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wed 5:30-9:30pm. First meeting Wed, September 28, Seminar 2 A3109.
Located in: Olympia
Social Entrepreneurs: The Unsung Heroes of Community Building
Class Size: 25
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Managers of non-profit organizations ( also known as social entrepreneurs) are the unsung heroes of the newly developed concept of “socially responsible capitalism” . They are the champions of social movements geared at helping to right the wrongs of the competitive free-market capitalist system. They are the social architects for community building and implementing culture changes throughout the world, and most of all, for correcting the social imbalances caused by the highly competitive global market. This course is for students with strong interests in the field of business management of non-profit organizations, community building and organizational development. Its focus is to help build the student’s managerial skills needed for operating successful and effective community-based organizations. Specifically this course will explore the following learning areas:
- Analyzing the shortcomings of the free- market capitalist system and the need for the social entrepreneurs as corrective agents.
- Developing business plans and grant proposals for non-profit enterprises
- Understanding the basic accounting system for non-profit enterprises and preparing the organization’s financial statements and tax reports.
- Marketing the products and/or services of non-profit enterprises
- Managing effectively the human resources of non-profit organizations.
- Communicating effectively across cultural boundaries
- Promoting ethical behavior in the organization.
- Assessing the role of International non-governmental Organizations (INGO) in the global economy.
Students will have the opportunity to explore the issues, challenges and opportunities which arise from working with various types of businesses across the boundaries of cultural difference. This course is designed to facilitate learning through active involvement with real-world situations, and as such, Students will have the opportunity to explore the issues, challenges and opportunities which arise from working with various types of businesses across the boundaries of cultural difference. This course is designed to facilitate learning through active involvement with real-world situations, and as such, students are expected to perform an in-service learning project with a local business or nonprofit organization. At the end of the quarter, students are expected to present their in-service learning findings to the class.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Business management, organizational development, community-based entrepreneurship
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wed 5:30-9:30p
Located in: Olympia
Spanish, Beginning I
Class Size: 25
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Have you wanted to learn Spanish so you can communicate face-to-face when you take that long-dreamed of trip to the sunny beaches of Mexico, Central or South America? Have you noticed that you hear more Spanish being spoken in the various community locations you frequent such as grocery, hardware and department stores? Are you curious about the culture of the people that now constitute the largest ethnic minority in the United States? Have you come to the conclusion that being able to communicate in Spanish would greatly increase your professional or academic flexibility and value? Did you study Spanish previously and want to “brush up” on your skills? Any and all of these are excellent reasons to study Spanish, and one of the Spanish classes offered at Evergreen will meet your needs.
You may need to start with Beginning Spanish I if you have little or no experience with learning the language or if your previous experience with studying the language was some years ago.
Classes are highly interactive, safe environments to practice your new skills. A wide range of learning activities is provided so that students learn to read, write, speak and understand the language. Students use a written text and workbook for self-study. An online learning vehicle is also used so that students are immersed in the various components of the language. Students have access to a language lab that incorporates Rosetta Stone for additional practice. Cultural activities are integrated into the classes so that students learn not only the language but also the major cultural values and traditions of countries where Spanish is spoken. A culminating language fair is held during spring quarter in conjunction with other language classes and provides language students with opportunities to display their own learning as well as learn about the other cultures represented by those languages. Come join us and begin expanding your world – present and future!
The following is a short description of the material covered in Beginning Spanish I: Beginning Spanish I students acquire the skills to understand written and oral language and to express themselves in written and oral language about the following: greetings, introductions, expressions of courtesy, academic life, days of the week, schedules, family, identifying and describing people, professions and occupations, leisure activities, sports, asking for and giving directions within a city or campus, travel and vacation arrangements and activities, months and seasons of the year and weather. Students acquire the following grammatical structures: use of the verbs hay and gustar , conjugation of verbs in the present tense including stem-changing verbs, ser and estar , noun/adjective agreement, subject/verb agreement, and various idiomatic expressions related to the topics studied.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
commerce, education, law, medicine, social work, journalism and broadcasting, tourism and public service among innumerable others.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-8p Tue/Thu
Located in: Olympia
Spanish, Beginning I (A)
Class Size: 25
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This year-long sequence of courses covers the first year of Spanish.
Have you wanted to learn Spanish so you can communicate face-to-face when you take that long-dreamed of trip to the sunny beaches of Mexico, Central or South America? Have you noticed that you hear more Spanish being spoken in the various community locations you frequent such as grocery, hardware and department stores? Are you curious about the culture of the people that now constitute the largest ethnic minority in the United States? Have you come to the conclusion that being able to communicate in Spanish would greatly increase your professional or academic flexibility and value? Did you study Spanish previously and want to “brush up” on your skills? Any and all of these are excellent reasons to study Spanish, and one of the Spanish classes offered at Evergreen will meet your needs.
You may need to start with Beginning Spanish I if you have little or no experience with learning the language or if your previous experience with studying the language was some years ago.
Classes are highly interactive, safe environments to practice your new skills. A wide range of learning activities is provided so that students learn to read, write, speak and understand the language. Students use a written text and workbook for self-study. An online learning vehicle is also used so that students are immersed in the various components of the language. Students have access to a language lab that incorporates Rosetta Stone for additional practice. Cultural activities are integrated into the classes so that students learn not only the language but also the major cultural values and traditions of countries where Spanish is spoken. A culminating language fair is held during spring quarter in conjunction with other language classes and provides language students with opportunities to display their own learning as well as learn about the other cultures represented by those languages. Come join us and begin expanding your world – present and future!
The following is a short description of the material covered in each of the Beginning Spanish classes:
Beginning Spanish I: Beginning Spanish I students acquire the skills to understand written and oral language and to express themselves in written and oral language about the following: greetings, introductions, expressions of courtesy, academic life, days of the week, schedules, family, identifying and describing people, professions and occupations, leisure activities, sports, asking for and giving directions within a city or campus, travel and vacation arrangements and activities, months and seasons of the year and weather. Students acquire the following grammatical structures: use of the verbs hay and gustar , conjugation of verbs in the present tense including stem-changing verbs, ser and estar , noun/adjective agreement, subject/verb agreement, and various idiomatic expressions related to the topics studied.
Beginning Spanish II: Beginning Spanish II students acquire the skills to understand written and oral language and to express themselves in written and oral language about the following: vacations and other free time activities, months of the year, seasons and weather, clothing and shopping, negotiating a price and buying, colors, daily routines and time expressions, food and meals. Students acquire the following grammatical structures: use of the reflexive mood and preterit tense, including verbs ser and ir in the preterit, demonstrative pronouns, direct and indirect object pronouns, and various idiomatic expressions related to the topics studied.
Beginning Spanish III: Beginning Spanish III students continue to build their knowledge base of the foundational communicative structures, including: use of reflexive verbs, indefinite and negative words, preterite of irregular and stem-changing verbs, double object pronouns, the imperfect tense, contrasting uses and meanings of preterite and imperfect tenses, familiar and formal commands, and the present subjunctive. These structures are acquired while communicating about the following: describing one’s daily personal hygiene and life routines, shopping for and describing food and preparing meals, parties and celebrations, family relationships and stages of life, identifying parts of the body and symptoms and medical conditions to obtain medical assistance and daily domestic chores and routines.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-8p Tue/Thu. First meeting Tue Sept 27, 6p, Seminar 2 D3107.
Located in: Olympia
Spanish, Beginning I (B)
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
This year-long sequence of courses covers the first year of Spanish.
Have you wanted to learn Spanish so you can communicate face-to-face when you take that long-dreamed of trip to the sunny beaches of Mexico, Central or South America? Have you noticed that you hear more Spanish being spoken in the various community locations you frequent such as grocery, hardware and department stores? Are you curious about the culture of the people that now constitute the largest ethnic minority in the United States? Have you come to the conclusion that being able to communicate in Spanish would greatly increase your professional or academic flexibility and value? Did you study Spanish previously and want to “brush up” on your skills? Any and all of these are excellent reasons to study Spanish, and one of the Spanish classes offered at Evergreen will meet your needs.
You may need to start with Beginning Spanish I if you have little or no experience with learning the language or if your previous experience with studying the language was some years ago.
Classes are highly interactive, safe environments to practice your new skills. A wide range of learning activities is provided so that students learn to read, write, speak and understand the language. Students use a written text and workbook for self-study. An online learning vehicle is also used so that students are immersed in the various components of the language. Students have access to a language lab that incorporates Rosetta Stone for additional practice. Cultural activities are integrated into the classes so that students learn not only the language but also the major cultural values and traditions of countries where Spanish is spoken. A culminating language fair is held during spring quarter in conjunction with other language classes and provides language students with opportunities to display their own learning as well as learn about the other cultures represented by those languages. Come join us and begin expanding your world – present and future!
The following is a short description of the material covered in each of the Beginning Spanish classes:
Beginning Spanish I: Beginning Spanish I students acquire the skills to understand written and oral language and to express themselves in written and oral language about the following: greetings, introductions, expressions of courtesy, academic life, days of the week, schedules, family, identifying and describing people, professions and occupations, leisure activities, sports, asking for and giving directions within a city or campus, travel and vacation arrangements and activities, months and seasons of the year and weather. Students acquire the following grammatical structures: use of the verbs hay and gustar , conjugation of verbs in the present tense including stem-changing verbs, ser and estar , noun/adjective agreement, subject/verb agreement, and various idiomatic expressions related to the topics studied.
Beginning Spanish II: Beginning Spanish II students acquire the skills to understand written and oral language and to express themselves in written and oral language about the following: vacations and other free time activities, months of the year, seasons and weather, clothing and shopping, negotiating a price and buying, colors, daily routines and time expressions, food and meals. Students acquire the following grammatical structures: use of the reflexive mood and preterit tense, including verbs ser and ir in the preterit, demonstrative pronouns, direct and indirect object pronouns, and various idiomatic expressions related to the topics studied.
Beginning Spanish III: Beginning Spanish III students continue to build their knowledge base of the foundational communicative structures, including: use of reflexive verbs, indefinite and negative words, preterite of irregular and stem-changing verbs, double object pronouns, the imperfect tense, contrasting uses and meanings of preterite and imperfect tenses, familiar and formal commands, and the present subjunctive. These structures are acquired while communicating about the following: describing one’s daily personal hygiene and life routines, shopping for and describing food and preparing meals, parties and celebrations, family relationships and stages of life, identifying parts of the body and symptoms and medical conditions to obtain medical assistance and daily domestic chores and routines.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 6-8p. First meeting is Monday, Sept 26, 6pm, Seminar 2 C3107.
Located in: Olympia
Spanish, Beginning I - at SPSCC
Class Size: 10
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This beginning Spanish course introduces the four basic skills of the language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The language will be studied within its cultural context. This course requires that students have regular access to high-speed internet, login to the publisher's website (subscription included with purchase of a new textbook), and complete online assignments. Students receive Evergreen credits.
NOTE: Course meets at South Puget Sound Community College, Main Campus, 2011 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA 98512, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 5:30 – 7:45 pm in BLDG 23, Room122.
IMPORTANT: This class begins
BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on Tuesday, September 20. Students
must be registered by 5:00 PM on Thursday, September 15.
The textbook for this course can be purchased at the SPSCC Bookstore. The text will be listed under the course ID SPA 121, and can be found at this address: http://www.spsccbookstore.com
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 10
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30-7:45 pm at South Puget Sound Community College-Building 23, room 122.
IMPORTANT: This class begins BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on Tuesday, September 20.
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30-7:45 pm
Building 23, room 122, South Puget Sound Community College
IMPORTANT: This class begins BEFORE Evergreen’s Fall quarter, on Tuesday, September 20.
Spanish, Beginning II (A)
Class Size: 25
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This year-long sequence of courses covers the first year of Spanish.
Have you wanted to learn Spanish so you can communicate face-to-face when you take that long-dreamed of trip to the sunny beaches of Mexico, Central or South America? Have you noticed that you hear more Spanish being spoken in the various community locations you frequent such as grocery, hardware and department stores? Are you curious about the culture of the people that now constitute the largest ethnic minority in the United States? Have you come to the conclusion that being able to communicate in Spanish would greatly increase your professional or academic flexibility and value? Did you study Spanish previously and want to “brush up” on your skills? Any and all of these are excellent reasons to study Spanish, and one of the Spanish classes offered at Evergreen will meet your needs.
Beginning Spanish II may be the best class for you if you have fairly recent or familial experience with the language and a good grasp of the fundamentals of grammar such as conjugation of verbs and the appropriate use of ser/estar . Sometimes, students with recent, more advanced study, whether through real world or academic experience, are ready for Beginning Spanish III. One of the Spanish language faculty can assist you in finding the right class for your needs.
Classes are highly interactive, safe environments to practice your new skills. A wide range of learning activities is provided so that students learn to read, write, speak and understand the language. Students use a written text and workbook for self-study. An online learning vehicle is also used so that students are immersed in the various components of the language. Students have access to a language lab that incorporates Rosetta Stone for additional practice. Cultural activities are integrated into the classes so that students learn not only the language but also the major cultural values and traditions of countries where Spanish is spoken. A culminating language fair is held during spring quarter in conjunction with other language classes and provides language students with opportunities to display their own learning as well as learn about the other cultures represented by those languages. Come join us and begin expanding your world – present and future!
The following is a short description of the material covered in each of the Beginning Spanish classes:
Beginning Spanish I: Beginning Spanish I students acquire the skills to understand written and oral language and to express themselves in written and oral language about the following: greetings, introductions, expressions of courtesy, academic life, days of the week, schedules, family, identifying and describing people, professions and occupations, leisure activities, sports, asking for and giving directions within a city or campus, travel and vacation arrangements and activities, months and seasons of the year and weather. Students acquire the following grammatical structures: use of the verbs hay and gustar , conjugation of verbs in the present tense including stem-changing verbs, ser and estar , noun/adjective agreement, subject/verb agreement, and various idiomatic expressions related to the topics studied.
Beginning Spanish II: Beginning Spanish II students acquire the skills to understand written and oral language and to express themselves in written and oral language about the following: vacations and other free time activities, months of the year, seasons and weather, clothing and shopping, negotiating a price and buying, colors, daily routines and time expressions, food and meals. Students acquire the following grammatical structures: use of the reflexive mood and preterit tense, including verbs ser and ir in the preterit, demonstrative pronouns, direct and indirect object pronouns, and various idiomatic expressions related to the topics studied.
Beginning Spanish III: Beginning Spanish III students continue to build their knowledge base of the foundational communicative structures, including: use of reflexive verbs, indefinite and negative words, preterite of irregular and stem-changing verbs, double object pronouns, the imperfect tense, contrasting uses and meanings of preterite and imperfect tenses, familiar and formal commands, and the present subjunctive. These structures are acquired while communicating about the following: describing one’s daily personal hygiene and life routines, shopping for and describing food and preparing meals, parties and celebrations, family relationships and stages of life, identifying parts of the body and symptoms and medical conditions to obtain medical assistance and daily domestic chores and routines.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu 6-8p. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6p, Seminar 2 A3105.
Located in: Olympia
Spanish, Beginning II (B)
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
This year-long sequence of courses covers the first year of Spanish.
Have you wanted to learn Spanish so you can communicate face-to-face when you take that long-dreamed of trip to the sunny beaches of Mexico, Central or South America? Have you noticed that you hear more Spanish being spoken in the various community locations you frequent such as grocery, hardware and department stores? Are you curious about the culture of the people that now constitute the largest ethnic minority in the United States? Have you come to the conclusion that being able to communicate in Spanish would greatly increase your professional or academic flexibility and value? Did you study Spanish previously and want to “brush up” on your skills? Any and all of these are excellent reasons to study Spanish, and one of the Spanish classes offered at Evergreen will meet your needs.
Beginning Spanish II may be the best class for you if you have fairly recent or familial experience with the language and a good grasp of the fundamentals of grammar such as conjugation of verbs and the appropriate use of ser/estar . Sometimes, students with recent, more advanced study, whether through real world or academic experience, are ready for Beginning Spanish III. One of the Spanish language faculty can assist you in finding the right class for your needs.
Classes are highly interactive, safe environments to practice your new skills. A wide range of learning activities is provided so that students learn to read, write, speak and understand the language. Students use a written text and workbook for self-study. An online learning vehicle is also used so that students are immersed in the various components of the language. Students have access to a language lab that incorporates Rosetta Stone for additional practice. Cultural activities are integrated into the classes so that students learn not only the language but also the major cultural values and traditions of countries where Spanish is spoken. A culminating language fair is held during spring quarter in conjunction with other language classes and provides language students with opportunities to display their own learning as well as learn about the other cultures represented by those languages. Come join us and begin expanding your world – present and future!
The following is a short description of the material covered in each of the Beginning Spanish classes:
Beginning Spanish I: Beginning Spanish I students acquire the skills to understand written and oral language and to express themselves in written and oral language about the following: greetings, introductions, expressions of courtesy, academic life, days of the week, schedules, family, identifying and describing people, professions and occupations, leisure activities, sports, asking for and giving directions within a city or campus, travel and vacation arrangements and activities, months and seasons of the year and weather. Students acquire the following grammatical structures: use of the verbs hay and gustar , conjugation of verbs in the present tense including stem-changing verbs, ser and estar , noun/adjective agreement, subject/verb agreement, and various idiomatic expressions related to the topics studied.
Beginning Spanish II: Beginning Spanish II students acquire the skills to understand written and oral language and to express themselves in written and oral language about the following: vacations and other free time activities, months of the year, seasons and weather, clothing and shopping, negotiating a price and buying, colors, daily routines and time expressions, food and meals. Students acquire the following grammatical structures: use of the reflexive mood and preterit tense, including verbs ser and ir in the preterit, demonstrative pronouns, direct and indirect object pronouns, and various idiomatic expressions related to the topics studied.
Beginning Spanish III: Beginning Spanish III students continue to build their knowledge base of the foundational communicative structures, including: use of reflexive verbs, indefinite and negative words, preterite of irregular and stem-changing verbs, double object pronouns, the imperfect tense, contrasting uses and meanings of preterite and imperfect tenses, familiar and formal commands, and the present subjunctive. These structures are acquired while communicating about the following: describing one’s daily personal hygiene and life routines, shopping for and describing food and preparing meals, parties and celebrations, family relationships and stages of life, identifying parts of the body and symptoms and medical conditions to obtain medical assistance and daily domestic chores and routines.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 6-8p. First meeting is Monday, January 9, 6p, Seminar 2 C3107.
Located in: Olympia
Spanish, Beginning III
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
This year-long sequence of courses covers the first year of Spanish.
Have you wanted to learn Spanish so you can communicate face-to-face when you take that long-dreamed of trip to the sunny beaches of Mexico, Central or South America? Have you noticed that you hear more Spanish being spoken in the various community locations you frequent such as grocery, hardware and department stores? Are you curious about the culture of the people that now constitute the largest ethnic minority in the United States? Have you come to the conclusion that being able to communicate in Spanish would greatly increase your professional or academic flexibility and value? Did you study Spanish previously and want to “brush up” on your skills? Any and all of these are excellent reasons to study Spanish, and one of the Spanish classes offered at Evergreen will meet your needs.
Students with recent, more advanced study, whether through real world or academic experience, are ready for Beginning Spanish III.
Classes are highly interactive, safe environments to practice your new skills. A wide range of learning activities is provided so that students learn to read, write, speak and understand the language. Students use a written text and workbook for self-study. An online learning vehicle is also used so that students are immersed in the various components of the language. Students have access to a language lab that incorporates Rosetta Stone for additional practice. Cultural activities are integrated into the classes so that students learn not only the language but also the major cultural values and traditions of countries where Spanish is spoken. A culminating language fair is held during spring quarter in conjunction with other language classes and provides language students with opportunities to display their own learning as well as learn about the other cultures represented by those languages. Come join us and begin expanding your world – present and future!
The following is a short description of the material covered in each of the Beginning Spanish classes:
Beginning Spanish I: Beginning Spanish I students acquire the skills to understand written and oral language and to express themselves in written and oral language about the following: greetings, introductions, expressions of courtesy, academic life, days of the week, schedules, family, identifying and describing people, professions and occupations, leisure activities, sports, asking for and giving directions within a city or campus, travel and vacation arrangements and activities, months and seasons of the year and weather. Students acquire the following grammatical structures: use of the verbs hay and gustar , conjugation of verbs in the present tense including stem-changing verbs, ser and estar , noun/adjective agreement, subject/verb agreement, and various idiomatic expressions related to the topics studied.
Beginning Spanish II: Beginning Spanish II students acquire the skills to understand written and oral language and to express themselves in written and oral language about the following: vacations and other free time activities, months of the year, seasons and weather, clothing and shopping, negotiating a price and buying, colors, daily routines and time expressions, food and meals. Students acquire the following grammatical structures: use of the reflexive mood and preterit tense, including verbs ser and ir in the preterit, demonstrative pronouns, direct and indirect object pronouns, and various idiomatic expressions related to the topics studied.
Beginning Spanish III: Beginning Spanish III students continue to build their knowledge base of the foundational communicative structures, including: use of reflexive verbs, indefinite and negative words, preterite of irregular and stem-changing verbs, double object pronouns, the imperfect tense, contrasting uses and meanings of preterite and imperfect tenses, familiar and formal commands, and the present subjunctive. These structures are acquired while communicating about the following: describing one’s daily personal hygiene and life routines, shopping for and describing food and preparing meals, parties and celebrations, family relationships and stages of life, identifying parts of the body and symptoms and medical conditions to obtain medical assistance and daily domestic chores and routines.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-8p Tue & Thu
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-10-20 | Faculty changed: Course will now be taught by Arleen Sandifer |
Spanish, Intermediate I
Class Size: 25
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The Spanish Intermediate sequence of courses is designed for students who have developed conversational Spanish language skills. Communication in class takes place entirely in Spanish. These courses build upon previous work to strengthen communication skills and fluency in Spanish. Coursework focuses on intensive conversation, reading, and writing, as well as practice of selected grammatical structures. Group conversations and written work will focus on practical themes as well as on many topics related to Latin American societies and Hispanic cultures. By spring, students will be working with complex and abstract ideas in their reading of selected short stories and current news from different sources and in their writing of papers based on specific questions.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6:30-8:30p Mon/Wed. First meeting Mon, Sept 26, 6:30pm, Seminar 2 B3107.
Located in: Olympia
Spanish, Intermediate II
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
The Spanish Intermediate series is designed for students who have developed conversational Spanish language skills. Communication in class takes place entirely in Spanish. These courses build upon previous work to strengthen communication skills and fluency in Spanish. Coursework focuses on intensive conversation, reading, and writing, as well as practice of selected grammatical structures. Group conversations and written work will focus on practical themes as well as on many topics related to Latin American societies and Hispanic cultures. By spring, students will be working with complex and abstract ideas in their reading of selected short stories and current news from different sources and in their writing of papers based on specific questions.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 6:30-8:30p. First class meeting is Monday, January 9, 6:30p, Seminar 2 B3107.
Located in: Olympia
Spanish: Conversación y Composición
Class Size: 25
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Conversación y composición is designed for students who are interested in learning and practicing advanced-level Spanish reading and essay writing strategies. For the Spring quarter, students will read short plays from Latin American writers in Spanish. In addition to this, students are expected to actively participate in seminar-like activities talking about grammatical topics of interest as well as analyzing the play's form and content. Students will write several short response papers and a final essay and may be expected to act some of the play content.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mondays and Wednesday, 6:30-8:30 pm.
Located in: Olympia
Sport: Politics, Economics, and Personal Engagement
Class Size: 25
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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In this program students will analyze the political and economic forces that shaped and influenced the rise of corporate sports in contemporary culture. Through a close examination of scholarly texts and sports media, including television, film, and various forms of social media, the program will explore the following questions: 1) How has the motivation for profit impacted the growth and popularity of particular sports? 2) How has sport spectatorship and sports “fandom” contributed to particular social and cultural values? 3) How are power relations both reproduced and resisted in and through sports? 4) Whose voices are and are not represented in the narratives and images portrayed through sports? 5) How do sports reproduce and reinforce issues surrounding race, class, and gender identities?
In order to develop credible responses to the questions, students will engage in close reading of texts and a variety of academic writing activities, including seminar preparation papers, workshop preparation notes, integration papers, and a research-based review of the literature on a self-selected topic related to program themes. Students will make an oral presentation of their literature review supported by PowerPoint technology. Students can expect to leave this program having developed academic research proficiency and analytical reading, writing and speaking skills to participate in current political and economic debates about corporate sport culture.
In addition, on designated Thursday afternoons class members will play selected sports together in an “intramural” low-key competitive environment in order to develop and enhance the learning community. Students will produce written reflection on their experiences in relation to program themes.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, journalism, sports management, and leadership studies.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9:30am (Lecture Hall Classroom 6)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-22 | Description updated. |
Spring Fungi
Class Size: 25
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When people think of mushrooms, they often picture something like a button mushroom. Although gilled mushrooms are among the most recognizable fungi, they represent only a fraction of total fungal diversity. In fact, 75% of all described fungi belong to a less well-known group called Ascomycetes. Ascomycetes include non-gilled mushrooms such as morels, truffles, and cup fungi, as well as lichens and fungi of economic importance such as yeasts and molds. In the Pacific Northwest, Ascomycete diversity is highest in the spring, making it a perfect time to study the biology, ecology, biodiversity and natural history of this important group of fungi.
Students will engage in lectures, workshops, and seminar discussions to learn the fundamentals of fungal biology, ecology, and systematics. Lab sessions will support student learning of fungal taxonomy, morphology, and methods used in molecular systematics. Students will learn to formally describe and identify fungi using taxonomic keys, microscopic features, and molecular methods. One overnight and several day field trips will provide students with an opportunity to practice field collection and survey techniques and to study the natural history of western Washington.
There will be opportunities for independent student learning. Research projects will focus on exploring the potential of ecologically and economically significant fungi to address 21 st century challenges. Topics may include the role of fungi in development of antibiotics, their contributions to our understanding of genetics, their potential use as biological control agents, or their use as tools in bioengineering. Students will participate in library research, interpret and discuss peer-reviewed literature, and take part in library and media workshops to practice formal expository and popular science writing styles.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology, ecology, environmental studies and natural history.
Credits per quarter
One year of general biology and one quarter of ecology/natural history.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$225 for overnight field trips.
Upper division science credit:
Up to 16 credits of upper-division science may be earned by students who meet the prerequisites and successfully meet program learning objectives.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 10am (Sem II D3109)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-17 | Fee added ($225) |
2017-03-03 | Prerequisites added. |
Statistics and Research Design, Introduction
Class Size: 30
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This class covers key statistical concepts at the conceptual and computational level with an emphasis on how statistics is used in research in natural and social sciences. Important elements of research design are covered in the class. Descriptive and inferential statistical tests are covered including scales of data, measures of central tendency, normal distributions, probability, chi square, correlation and linear regression, tests of hypothesis, and Type I and Type II errors. Students will develop a clear understanding of introductory statistics and the ability to correctly interpret findings found in journals, newspapers, books and your own research and data collection. The class meets the statistics prerequisite for MES and MPA programs at Evergreen and most other graduate schools with a statistics prerequisite.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
business, government, policy and environment
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 30
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Mon/Wed
Located in: Olympia
Statistics and Research Methods for Psychology and Other Social Sciences
Class Size: 40
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This program provides a concentrated overview of the statistics and research methodology required for the GRE and prerequisites for graduate schools in psychology, social work, education, and other social sciences. It also meets the statistics prerequisite for the MES, MPA, and MIT programs at Evergreen. We emphasize hands-on, intuitive knowledge and approach statistics as a language rather than as math alone; thus this course is gentle on "math phobics." No computer skills are required. You will become an informed and savvy consumer of information, from the classroom to the workplace. We will cover descriptive and inferential statistics, research methodology and ethics.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$15-$20 for a statistical calculator (graphing calculator not required)
$15 for required reading materials
Class Size: 40
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu 9a-5p (Jun. 27 - Jul. 27)
Located in: Olympia
Statistics for Public Service and Managers
Class Size: 25
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Statistics can transform data into useful information for decision makers. In this course students will be shown why statistics are relevant and will become familiar with software that is commonly used in the public sector as well as the business world. In fun and interactive ways students will learn how: (1) to present and describe information; (2) draw conclusions about populations of interest using sample information; (3) make reliable forecasts; and (4) ultimately to gain knowledge about improving organizational processes in the public as well as private sectors by using statistics.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Public Administration, management
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tu/Thu 6-10 pm
Located in: Olympia
Statistics I
Class Size: 25
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This course is an introduction to statistics for students with limited mathematical skills, little if any formal exposure to data and data analysis, and no experience with statistics. This class will introduce the student to the statistical process, including data collection, ways of organizing data, an introduction to data analysis, and an opportunity to learn how practitioners present their findings. We will examine several case studies, explore how data is used in explaining common events, and develop a more critical understanding about how statistics allows us to understand the world around us. (Note: Please bring a calculator.)This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Environmental Policy and Science, Public Administration, Education, Scientific Research
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Mon. First class meeting is Monday, January 9, 6p, Seminar 2 A1107.
Located in: Olympia
Statistics I (A)
Class Size: 25
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Ever feel the urge to question the reams of data that swirl around us every day? Want to develop tools that make you a more powerful presenter? Statistics is what you need! This course is an introduction to statistics for students with limited if any formal exposure to data and data analysis, and no experience with statistics. This class will introduce the student to the statistical process, including data collection, ways of organizing data, an introduction to data analysis, and an opportunity to learn how practitioners present their findings. We will examine several case studies, explore how data is used in explaining unusual events, and develop a more critical understanding about how statistics allows us to understand the world around us.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-10p. First meeting Tue, Sept 27, 6pm, Seminar 2 A1107.
Located in: Olympia
Statistics I (A)
Class Size: 25
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Taught by
This course is an introduction to statistics for students with limited mathematical skills, little if any formal exposure to data and data analysis, and no experience with statistics. This class will introduce the student to the statistical process, including data collection, ways of organizing data, an introduction to data analysis, and an opportunity to learn how practitioners present their findings. We will examine several case studies, explore how data is used in explaining common events, and develop a more critical understanding about how statistics allows us to understand the world around us. (Note: Please bring a calculator.)This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Environmental Policy and Science, Public Administration, Education, Scientific Research
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Statistics I (B)
Class Size: 25
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Ever feel the urge to question the reams of data that swirl around us every day? Want to develop tools that make you a more powerful presenter? Statistics is what you need! This course is an introduction to statistics for students with limited if any formal exposure to data and data analysis, and no experience with statistics. This class will introduce the student to the statistical process, including data collection, ways of organizing data, an introduction to data analysis, and an opportunity to learn how practitioners present their findings. We will examine several case studies, explore how data is used in explaining unusual events, and develop a more critical understanding about how statistics allows us to understand the world around us.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thu 6-10p. First meeting Thu, Sept 29, 6p, Seminar 2 A1107.
Located in: Olympia
Statistics I (B)
Class Size: 25
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This course is an introduction to statistics for students with limited mathematical skills, little if any formal exposure to data and data analysis, and no experience with statistics. This class will introduce the student to the statistical process, including data collection, ways of organizing data, an introduction to data analysis, and an opportunity to learn how practitioners present their findings. We will examine several case studies, explore how data is used in explaining common events, and develop a more critical understanding about how statistics allows us to understand the world around us. (Note: Please bring a calculator.)This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Environmental Policy and Science, Public Administration, Education, Scientific Research
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thu 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Statistics I: Introduction to Statistics
Class Size: 30
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Ever feel the need to question the reams of data that swirl around us every day? Want to develop tools that make you a more powerful presenter? Statistics is what you need! This course is an introduction to statistics for students with limited if any formal exposure to data and data analysis, and no experience with statistics. This class will introduce the student to the statistical process, including data collection, ways of organizing data, an introduction to data analysis, and an opportunity to learn how practitioners present their findings. We will examine several case studies, explore how data is used in explaining unusual events, and develop a more critical understanding about how statistics allows us to understand the world around us.
Students who enroll for the 5 credit
option will complete an additional project for the additional 1 credit.
Students will also consider, in a short focus paper, the policy
implications of a recent law (your choice) passed by the Washington
State Legislature and explain those implications in terms of the
background data. This exercise is meant to link the classroom work in
Statistics to real world issues affecting the people of Washington State
This class meets the statistics prerequisite for Evergreen's MES and MPA programs.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 30
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon and Wed 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-05-04 | 5 credit option added |
Statistics II
Class Size: 25
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Our greatest challenge every day as decision-makers is making choices based on limited information. In this class we will explore exactly that challenge, using the concepts of inferential statistics. The class will discuss probability in the context of the likelihood of events occurring, and move on to testing hypotheses about these events. In this context, the class will work with several distributions, such as t, chi square, F as well as the normal distribution, and work with ANOVA and multiple regression. The class will finish with an introduction to non-parametric statistics. In addition, the students will consider journal articles and research concepts, and will prepare a small presentation using the concepts from the class.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wed 6-10p. First class meeting is Wednesday, January 11, 6p, Seminar 2 A1107.
Located in: Olympia
Statistics II
Class Size: 25
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Our greatest challenge every day as decision-makers is making choices based on limited information. In this class we will explore exactly that challenge, using the concepts of inferential statistics. The class will discuss probability in the context of the likelihood of events occurring, and move on to testing hypotheses about these events. In this context, the class will work with several distributions, such as t, chi square, F as well as the normal distribution, and work with ANOVA and multiple regression. The class will finish with an introduction to non-parametric statistics. In addition, the students will consider journal articles and research concepts, and will prepare a small presentation using the concepts from the class.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Wed 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Strategic Compensation
Class Size: 25
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Strategic Compensation is a human resource management approach employers use to attract, retain, and grow talented employees while aligning their behaviors and job performance with the organization's goals and objectives. The course is designed to enable the students to gain knowledge of both theoretical and applied aspects of the compensation functions. The primary objective is to help the students develop a solid understanding of the strategies, issues, process, and techniques involved in developing and administering a strategic compensation system that promotes competitive advantage. The class will involve reading, writing, research, seminars, case studies, group activities, and a final project.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
business and management
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-10pm
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-09 | Douglas Hammel added as faculty |
Student Voices Matter: Participatory Research Seminar
Class Size: 20
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Everywhere, students are raising concerns about the quality of their educational experiences, insisting their voices matter. Students who enroll in this seminar will have the opportunity to use a common set of questions to evaluate the learning opportunities they are experiencing in other courses and programs. During our seminars, students will share observations with each other, working on making sense out of everyone's experiences. This is the first time the seminar has been offered, and so an important component is making sure the common questions capture what matters for students at Evergreen. We'll discuss the research behind the questions, modifying them as needed. At the end of the seminar, we will "publish" the questions for students to use in other forums, as well as in the Fall 2017 research seminar. Additionally, as a team, students will work to create a final report that summarizes key observations about the quality of their experiences at Evergreen during Spring 2017. The final report will be made public in a variety of ways, to encourage more conversation and action.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Participation in this research seminar is good preparation for studies or careers in any field, because the focus is on developing voice and agency, individually and collectively. Students will practice skills in observation, evaluation, sense-making, and communication.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 5:30-7:30p
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2017-01-25 | New offering added for Spring |
Student-Originated Studies (SOS): Agriculture and Food Systems
Class Size: 25
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Interested in learning more about agriculture? Got an individual project that you’d like to investigate? This Student-Originated Studies (SOS) will support students pursuing individual work in agricultural and food related topics. Such topics may include on-farm internships and/or research projects in agriculture and food related themes. Twelve credits of this SOS will focus on individualized learning goals. The remaining four credits will be earned through common work and a required weekly group meeting to help form a peer support group. This program is ideal for self-motivated students with an interest in agriculture and/or food systems.
Students will hold in-program ILC for an internships or research project that will be for 25-30 hours of work per week in scope, and everyone will come together as a class once a week. The common work will include a group meeting one day a week, maintenance of a “field” journal to capture research and internship learning, weekly readings and seminar, group discussion papers, and a final paper and presentation. In the required weekly group meetings, students will explore timely issues relevant to small scale, local, and direct market farming and food topics through discussions and workshops. These issues may include, but are not limited to, winter maintenance of perennial fruit trees and shrubs, vegetative plant propagation, appropriate scale technology, nutrient cycling, water use and law, food production regulations, finances, farm and crop planning and farm business planning, sustainable production practices and other relevant issues decided upon by the class. Students’ individual projects/internships will provide the foundation for exploring relevant farming topics and give a richer and broader basis for discussion.
This program is ideal for self-motivated students with an interest in agriculture and/or food systems.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
agriculture and farming.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Thursday, January 12th at 10am (Organic Farm)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-17 | Description updated. |
2016-10-27 | New winter opportunity added. |
Student-Originated Studies: Collaborative Projects in the Arts and Society
Winter 2017
Class Size: 25
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This SOS program provides an opportunity for students to work on larger, highly collaborative projects that require a multiplicity of skills and knowledge that individuals may not possess on their own. In this two-quarter program, students will form their own learning communities in order to work collectively and collaboratively on a project of common interest. For example, students could organize as political activists and work for a political campaign or on a political issue, rehearse and perform a play or musical, or write and produce a film. Students could also create a business plan and take steps to open their own business, write and perform a comedy sketch show, create an improv performance troupe, or contribute daily work to an ongoing charity such as Habitat for Humanity. There are countless possibilities, limited only by one's interests and imagination. The most important aspect in the selection of a project is the recognition that the size and scope of the work requires the commitment of more than one individual and is possible only with the creation of a learning community.
Faculty will support student work through regular meetings, critiques, and problem-solving discussions. The peer learning community will also provide support and direction for the various projects
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
political activism, performing arts, business, and community service.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day, Evening, and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Wednesday, January 11th at 11am (Sem II D4106)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-19 | This program will now accept qualified freshmen. |
Student-Originated Studies: Commodification Processes and Alternatives
Spring 2017
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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“Can we wake up to the earth as something not owned?” --Beata Tsosie-Pena
“How long is it since economy discarded the physiocratic illusion, that rents grow out of soil and not out of society? … Value … does not stalk about with a label describing what it is.” –Karl Marx
How and why does the process of commodification appear to turn everything into objects of economic value? Should everything--human and non-human--be measurable and exchangeable? What alternatives exist? What alternatives can be created? This SOS will support students to design and then engage with an individual or group project that explores an area of student interest regarding commodification processes and alternatives. While everything from eating to voting, from learning to (re)producing are possible topics, the commodification of what we all eat will provide a foundation for weekly seminars and a tasting lab. In addition to reading, writing and discussions on selections from The Secret Financial Life of Food: From Commodities Markets to Supermarkets (Newman), Racial Indigestion: Eating Bodies in the 19th Century (Tompkins) and Chronicles: Stories from the Front Line in the Battle for Environmental Justice (LaDuke) weekly sessions will focus on the taste of specific foods and processes of—and alternatives to—the commodification of eating. Students prepared for 25-30 hours per week of independent work will use an online field journal to document their individual research, apprenticeship, or internship. Options for more structured learning during winter quarter include participation in weekly lectures, films, and workshops in collaboration with Commodities, Conflict, and Cooperation or hands-on learning at the Evergreen organic farm in collaboration with SOS: Agriculture and Food Systems.
In the spring quarter students will be supported to design and then engage with an individual or group project that explores an area of student interest regarding commodification processes and alternatives including substantive community engagement. Spring quarter students will engage with in-program internships, field studies, or research and service projects to apply their skills and knowledge by focusing on our local Pacific Northwest region or a location of a student's choice. Students will be guided to complete an in-program Individual Learning Contract regarding their project and to use an online field journal to document their project, including a log of hours, scholarly resources, images, and a weekly post describing their activities and learning. While anything imaginable is a possible topic, the commodification of eating--and alternatives to the commodification of food-- will provide a foundation for a tasting lab and weekly seminar. Spring quarter options for hands-on learning at the Evergreen organic farm will be determined in consultation with faculty and farm staff.
Weekly winter and spring program sessions will include circle check-ins regarding student projects. Mid-quarter self-evaluations and final presentations will be required of all students winter and spring quarters.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
non-governmental organizations, community-based advocacy, public policy, education, public health, alternative justice systems, graduate school in social science, history, cultural studies, feminist and alternative economics, and political economy.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Up to $100 for an optional field trip.
$20 per quarter for a tasting lab.
Students will engage in in-program internships, field studies, or research and service projects to apply their skills and knowledge by focusing on our local Pacific Northwest region or a location of a student's choice. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Students will engage in in-program internships, field studies, or research and service projects to apply their skills and knowledge by focusing on our local Pacific Northwest region or a location of a student's choice. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Tuesday, April 4th at 9:30am (SAL 102)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-22 | Spring fee added ($20). |
2016-12-16 | Winter fee added ($20). |
2016-11-17 | New winter-spring opportunity added. |
Student-Originated Studies: Community-Based Learning and Action
Class Size: 25
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This Student-Originated Studies program is intended for students with a general background and interest in social science, community life, public policy, social movements, and social justice. It is offered for students who are making (or have made) solid arrangements with community-based organizations or agencies to shape an internship or students who developed a plan for an independent study that involves community-based learning, organizing, research, and participation. Students will develop strong links to organizations, regional social movements, and community mentors and partners who will be the students guides and hosts in their work.
A combination of internship (or individual study) and academic credit will be awarded. Students may arrange for an internship for up to 30 hours a week. Typically, four to six academic credits will be awarded for seminar work on community-based studies, social science, and participatory action research. Students with less than 10 credits of internship may supplement their project with accompanying research, reading, and writing associated with their community work.
The program includes a required weekly program meeting that will focus on discussion of readings in social science, community studies, and participatory research. There will be other meetings as needed and in connection with community life and events. Students will be doing extensive writing, both as analysis of readings and as field-based logs and reflection. Students will organize small interest/support groups to discuss issues related to projects and to collaborate on a presentation at the end of the quarter. Students will submit weekly progress/reflection reports to the faculty sponsor. Contact faculty member Lin Nelson ( nelsonl@evergreen.edu ) if further information is needed.
The program is connected to Evergreen’s Center for Community-based Learning and Action (CCBLA) which supports learning about, engaging with, and contributing to community life in the region. As such, this program benefits from the rich resource library, staff, internship support, and workshops offered through the center.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
social science, psychology, education, health, community organizing, and social change.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Wednesday, January 11 at 9am (Sem II E2109)
Located in: Olympia
Student-Originated Studies: Community-Based Learning, Practice, and Theory
Class Size: 25
Variable Credit Options Available
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In this Student-Originated Studies (SOS), faculty will support student research, learning, and practice in a cluster of areas linking political economy, economic justice, and global justice with local, national, and global social movements. There will be especially strong support for students developing projects that are connected to local communities, groups, and organizations. Although students will register for this program, you will be primarily doing independent study and/or an in-program internship. This program offers opportunities for serious, responsible, and self-motivated students to create their own course of study and research in which you are encouraged to work with the broader community. The SOS will have close ties to Evergreen’s Center for Community-Based Learning and Action (CCBLA). The CCBLA will serve as the center and support for this study—for learning about, engaging with, and contributing to community life in the region.
Students, through individual or group projects, will be able to link with social movements, nonprofits, community groups, and economic and social justice organizations that focus on the issues listed above. Students will benefit from faculty knowledge of and experience with local organizations, and experience working with students across the curriculum who are interested in learning through community-based research, learning, and activism. The CCBLA will also be a key resource and can assist students in developing ideas and contacts.
We will meet together once a week for four hours. We will combine seminar on books and articles with films, faculty and guest lectures, workshops, and time for groups of people who are working on similar projects and study to meet together to share experiences, ideas, and learn from each other. In addition, students will meet with faculty in small groups every other week to discuss progress, ideas, feedback, etc. Toward the end of spring quarter, we will organize a public campus event to share our research and make connections between groups we are interning with and the Evergreen community.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
political economy, community development, organizing for economic and social justice, teaching, sociology, international solidarity, activism, and research.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
8-16 credit options available. Preference will be given to students registering for 16 credits.
Previous study in political economy or about social movements strongly recommended, as is previous experience working in an economic, environmental, or social justice group.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Majority of students will do internships through this program from 4 to 12 credits. This will be coordinated with the Center for Community Based Learning and Action (CCBLA). All students in this SOS will do an internship and/or an independent study as part of the SOS. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Students in this program can do up to 12 credits of individual study or research. Research topics should be within one or more of the following subjects: political economy, social movements, global studies, community, student or labor organizing, Latin American studies and solidarity, anti-poverty, housing, immigration, anti-racism, anti-war, environmental justice, popular education, health care, economics, radical theory, or alternative economies. All students in this SOS will do an internship and/or an independent study as part of the SOS.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10am (Sem II E3109)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Student-Originated Studies: Fantastic Resistances
Class Size: 25
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With the increasing prominence of fantastic and speculative fiction in mainstream culture, much recent controversy has erupted over what stories should be told, by and for whom. Some have gone so far as to insist that progressivism is an unwelcome new intrusion into fantastic and speculative genres, ruining them entirely. There is, however, nothing recent or alien about progressive thought in these fictions, it has been integral and even foundational since Captian Nemo set sail against slavery and empire in 1870. Science fiction and fantasy help us envision social change and sustainable alternatives, imagination conjoined to technical knowledge synthesizes powerful new possibilities. This program will excavate the rich traditions and praxes of resistant, oppositional and radical thought arrayed against the imperial and the authoritarian by what-if modes of story-telling (e.g. fantasy, magical realism, science fiction, etc.) in print, cinematic, broadcast and new electronic media.
The program is, in brief, a training dojo for aspiring “social justice warriors”. It will focus upon speculative genres’ critiques of power asymmetries – colonial, technological, economic, raced, gendered, and especially their intersections. How do imagined futures, alternate presents and invented never-were-s challenge existing social and political realities, and postulate alternative ones? Which such realities have been so challenged, and when? And most importantly, how do we continue this rich critical tradition into the future, and in the face of mounting opposition?
Readings will include The Physics of Star Trek by Lawrence Krauss, Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire, Alif the Unseen by G. Willow W ilson, and The Female Man by Joanna Russ. The program will also make extensive use of video materials. In addition to the usual program expectations, each student will develop over the course of the program their own speculative narrative, and present it in completed form as a short story, comic, script, game, or by means of some other media as appropriate.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
cultural studies, writing for page or screen, sequential art, and games design.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, from 1-6pm
Located in: Olympia
Student-Originated Studies: Gender in Music
Class Size: 3
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As with many facets of society, the culture and industry of music has been disproportionately dominated by men and masculine themes. Women and non-binary musicians are typically represented less in the musical canon than cis-men, and where feminine figures are portrayed, they often end up stereotyped or reduced to objects of the male gaze. This results in a problematic portrayal of non-cis-male models for consumers of music, as well as a difficult experience for non-cis-male artists and producers within the music industry.
This Student Originated Studies program commits to examine the the experience of artists and producers in the music industry, the impact of gender-representation on music consumers of various gender identities, and the way gender roles are portrayed in music and its related media. The ultimate product of this study will be a compilation of songs that have traditionally been gendered as male or masculine, which will be re-recorded with non-cis-male artists, particularly focusing on female and non-cis gendered singers. To achieve this, students will study various aspects of audio recording/production, including microphone techniques, audio effects, and the general processes of music production and promotion.
Readings will include Modern Recording Techniques by David Miles Huber and Gender in the Music Industry: Rock, Discourse and Girl Power by Marion Leonard, as well as various articles. Students will hold seminars and compose bi-weekly essays on readings, in preparation for a final research essay based on interviews with artists and other music professionals.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 3
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-14 | New spring opportunity added. |
Student-Originated Studies: Linear Algebra
Class Size: 12
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This SOS is a rigorous study of linear algebra that will include concepts, procedures, and applications of systems and solutions for linear equations, Linear Transformations, Matrix Algebra, the Invertible Matrix Theorem, Determinants in Analytic Geometry, Vector Spaces, including Null Space, Column Space, Change of Basis, and Markov Chains, and Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors including discrete dynamical systems. Students successfully completing this SOS may be awarded upper division credit. You are strongly encouraged to have a graphing calculator with an embedded CAS.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Scheduled to be determined at first class meeting on January 9, 2017 at 9:00 am in Library 2304.
Located in: Olympia
Student-Originated Studies: Linguistics, Mathematics, and Cognitive Studies
Class Size: 10
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This Student-Originated Studies (SOS) program is designed for students who wish to engage in significant independent learning and project work in linguistics and/or math, while also learning more about the nature of human cognition in these abstract domains. So, it is for students who are interested in thinking about thinking.
Students in this small SOS cohort should be prepared for independent learning, and motivated to develop their own learning goals and plan of activities for achieving the goals. Part of the SOS structure will consist of a 4-credit unit on human cognition relating to math and language. This unit will involve shared readings, seminars, written responses to the reading, and some lecture during two full days of class every two weeks.
The remaining 12 credits will consist of student-designed and faculty-approved work, which may be completed individually or in small groups. Some students may decide to engage in a major research and writing project for this part of the program, while others may choose independent study of topics such as introductory linguistics, the structure of a particular language, a specific area of math, writing mathematical proofs, or cross-cultural mathematics. Students may also pursue interdisciplinary topics such as how math and language emerged in human culture and cognitive capacity. All students will be expected to submit work weekly, whether in the form of problem sets, essays, research outlines, bibliographies, etc.
Class time will be limited, and will take place on Monday and Tuesday every two weeks. On the remaining Mondays, students will meet in small groups for peer review of their writing and/or for library research support. We will also meet an additional day for final presentations. Students will need to be able to access electronic resources and participate in online discussions and feedback sessions during weeks that the class does not meet as a whole.
Although there are no content prerequisites for this program, the ability to work independently, meet commitments, and actively shape one’s own education are all essential. For students wishing to pursue a project in linguistics, but without prior coursework in this area, the first few weeks of the quarter will need to focus on gaining the necessary background.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
linguistics and mathematics.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Upper division science credit:
Students with at least a year of calculus and learning goals in upper division mathematics may earn upper division science credit for the portion of their work that represents successful learning of upper level mathematics.
Class Size: 10
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9am (Lab 2 3270)
Located in: Olympia
Student-Originated Studies: Poetics and Creative Writing
Winter 2017
Class Size: 24
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Poetics involves language as creative functions (writing, poetry, fiction), language as performance, language as image, and language as a tool of thought (philosophy, criticism). Our work will be to calibrate these various activities, which is to say find the relationships between poetic and critical thought.
Students are invited to join a learning community of culture workers interested in language as a medium of artistic production. This SOS is designed for students who share similar skills and common interests in doing advanced work in creative writing that may have grown out of previous academic projects and/or programs. Students will work with faculty throughout the program to design small study groups, collaborative projects, and critique groups that will allow students to support each other's work.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
writing, publishing, and graduate studies in literature-related disciplines.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 24
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Wednesday, January 11th at 10am (Com 360)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-16 | This program is accepting new students for winter quarter! Those wishing to join the program should contact the faculty and complete the signature requirements (see sidebar). |
Student-Originated Studies: Psychology
Winter 2017
Class Size: 50
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This Student-Originated Studies (SOS) is an opportunity for students to do intermediate to advanced work in psychology. Students will work independently on their own individual projects or areas of study. Areas of study may include prerequisites for graduate work, internships, or empirical research projects. Students are encouraged to cluster together around projects that reflect their shared interests. Students will meet in a forum in which they will share work-in-progress to get feedback and advice. The forum is intended to provide a sense of community and support to students.
All students will develop a plan for 12 or 16 credits that includes any combination of individual study, faculty-provided study, or an in-program internship. Students are encouraged to reserve four or eight of their credits for faculty-provided components. Carrie Margolin will lead a four-credit seminar on Cognitive Neuroscience. This seminar will involve reading and discussing seminar books, making online postings, and writing one paper. Bill Indick will offer a four-credit option in Developmental Psychology. This option will involve attending lectures; reading a textbook; and a choice of either writing a term paper, doing a presentation, or doing the publisher-provided "Learning Curve" tests for their assignments.
Students planning to study one or more standard or prerequisite area(s) of psychology,such as Human Sexuality or Social Psychology, will use self-selected recent academic textbooks to guide their study. Students planning to study either Theories of Personality or Abnormal Psychology will read a faculty-chosen textbook and will have a choice of either writing a term paper, doing a presentation, or doing the publisher-provided "Learning Curve" tests (for Abnormal Psychology only).
Students will demonstrate their learning through a variety of ways, including online tools (publisher-provided exams or study guides), chapter outlines, writing a paper, etc. Students proposing empirical research for an option will be guided through the research process with the goal of presenting their research at the Western Psychological Association Convention in Sacramento, CA in Spring 2017.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
psychology and empirical research in psychology, social work, education, health-related fields, and social sciences.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Internships (maximum of 12 credits for internship component) are available with faculty approval. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Wednesday, January 11th at 9am (Sem II C3105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-08-29 | Description updated. |
Student-Originated Studies: The Archival Impulse - Advanced Studies in Humanities, Social Sciences, and Library Research
Class Size: 18
Variable Credit Options Available
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This upper-division program combines some of the usual features of a one-quarter program (readings, lecture, seminar) with focused work on a student research project. Some readings, lecture, and seminar discussions will be shared with the program Archives of the Present . The student research project should be emergent from a previous program (for example, a final essay you’d like to broaden with further reading or research) or in-depth self-study. Students will be supported in all phases of revising and expanding the project with extensive library research as they seek to answer the question "what is the archive of my project?" and delve deep into that archive. The Archival Impulse is an ideal space for students wanting to go on to graduate work or just deepen their understanding in areas such as philosophy, queer and gender studies, media theory, literature, creative writing, translation, library science, information science, political economy, and related areas.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
philosophy, queer and gender studies, media theory, literature, creative writing, translation, library science, information science, political economy, and related areas.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
options available. Contact faculty for more information.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-22 | New opportunity added. |
Student-Originated Studies: Theory and Practice of Craft and Sustainable Design
Class Size: 6
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This program is for intermediate to advanced students who are ready for intensive full-time work in the theory and practice of craft and sustainable design. Students will design their own projects, complete visual research and write papers appropriate to their topics, share their research through seminars and presentations, work intensively in the studio together, produce a significant thematic body of work, and participate in demanding weekly critiques. The program will provide opportunities for independent work while providing a learning community of students with similar interests. This program will also provide opportunities for professional development for students who are thinking of graduate school, professional work in craft and sustainable design, internships, or arts education at any level.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 6
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-09-20 | New fall opportunity added. |
Studio Projects: The Seen and Unseen
Winter 2017
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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This is an entry-level visual arts program emphasizing 2- and 3-D studio practices, art history, visual literacy, artistic research, and writing. We will delve intensively into the development of studio skills in 3D design, photography, small-scale sculpture, mixed media, and drawing, while exploring how these material gestures express content. The overarching questions being posed by this program will focus on the seen and unseen. What do artists choose to reveal and conceal in their work? More importantly, what does it mean for art to be made within the context of secrets? This very question lies at the tensions found in historical/religious traditions of image-making (especially in the Abrahamic traditions) and can be found across the myriad landscapes of art production. Students will focus on the stakes and implications of inclusion/exclusion in regards to the content of their work and the decision-making process surrounding that work.
As a working group, students will engage in an art practice that explores what it means to be in conversation with art history and the sociopolitical world, drawing encouragement and influence from a greater community of artists, philosophers, writers, and social critics.
The program is designed to support students interested in the visual arts, as well as those who are curious about visual literacy and want to experience using materials as an approach to inquiry and expression. No prior art experience is necessary, but enthusiasm, curiosity, and a strong work ethic are required. Students should be prepared to dedicate at least 40 hours per week to studio work and rigorous reading and writing on topics related to the concepts of 20th- and 21st-century art history and critical theory. Students will be exposed to an interdivisional approach to visual arts that includes both art and humanities work: studio work; art history; visual/cultural studies, including literature, philosophy, and history; and a significant writing component.
Fall and winter quarters will provide students with basic studio experience with several material approaches and will offer design and drawing workshops. Students will work in either 2-D or 3-D fall quarter, switching to the other medium in winter. There will be visits to regional museums and we will attend the Art Lecture Series. In the spring, students will have the opportunity to apply their learning to individual projects, utilizing knowledge and skills gained over fall and winter. By the end of this program, students will understand how one engages with an art community to share support and inspiration, and how the artist’s work expands beyond that community and connects to critical issues. Students will begin to imagine how to situate their own projects in terms of the world around them.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Approximately $25 for entrance fees during field trips. Additional expenses may apply depending upon individual projects.
$200 in fall and winter for 2D and 3D studio supplies.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 9am (Sem II E4115)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-03 | Winter fee added ($200). |
2016-09-26 | First class meeting fixed (Tuesday rather than Monday). |
Study Abroad Consortium Partnerships
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
study abroad option
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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A consortium is a formal relationship with other institutions to increase travel abroad opportunities for Evergreen students. More than 300 destination programs are offered through consortium and financial aid can be used to pay for approved program costs. Evergreen students pay the consortium's tuition and fees; they do not pay Evergreen tuition or fees when enrolled in consortium. Enrollment is recorded at both the consortium and at Evergreen; Evergreen students register at Evergreen with a special Course Record Number created specifically for the designated consortium and retain their student status.
Alliance for Global Education offers interdisciplinary study programs in India and China. In India, students can focus on issues of public health, Indian studies, development, or the environment, in programs located in Manipal, Pune, and Varanasi. In China, students can focus on issues of globalization, development, business, politics, social change, and Chinese language, in programs located in Xi'an, Beijing, or Shanghai. Internship opportunities are available in both countries. Full semester and summer options. Students earn 15 semester credits (22 quarter credits).
American University in Cairo is a premier, full-service, English-language university founded in Cairo, Egypt, in 1919. Students can focus on a wide range of disciplinary studies through the semester or summer options as study abroad, non-degree students, or they can focus on intensive Arabic language through the Intensive Arabic Program. Credits will vary by individual enrollment but typically range from 15 to 18 semester credits (22 to 27 quarter credits).
Center for Ecological Living and Learning offers programs in Iceland, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras, and Kenya that focus on sustainability, environmental issues, experiential learning, and close connection to local communities. Students earn 15 semester credits (22 quarter credits).
Center for Global Exchange provides a set of interdisciplinary study abroad programs sponsored by Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minn. Students can focus on issues of gender and social change, international business, migration, globalization, or social work in Mexico; sustainable development and social change in Central America; or nation building, globalization and decolonization in Namibia. Language study and internships, as part of or in addition to the programs, are available. Students earn 16 semester credits (24 quarter credits).
Council for International Educational Exchange provides study abroad programs in conjunction with multiple university sites in Africa, the Middle East, Europe, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Australia. Students can choose from a wide variety of disciplines, with programs taught either in English, the local language, or both. Students earn 15-18 semester credits (22-27 quarter credits).
Danish Institute for Study Abroad offers 14 coordinated programs in Architecture and Design, Biomedicine, Child Diversity and Development, Communication and Mass Media, European Culture and History, European Politics and Society, Global Economics, International Business, Justice and Human Rights, Medical Practice and Policy, Migration and Identity/Conflict, Pre-Architecture, Psychology, Public Health, and Sustainability in Europe. All programs and courses are taught in English, with the exception of Danish language and culture studies. Students earn 15-18 semester credits (22-27 quarter credits).
Educational Programs Abroad arranges internship placements in several European countries: England, Scotland, Germany, Belgium, and Spain. Students typically intern 30-35 hours per week, with one or two supplemental classes. Adequate fluency in the language is often, but not always, required. Students earn 16 quarter credits, with options to earn more through special coursework with the University of Rochester and at additional cost.
Institute For Study Abroad - Butler, operated through Butler University in Indiana, connects students with multiple university sites in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Peru. Students enroll in regular university course offerings, with opportunities for internships as well. Fluency in Spanish is required for most Latin American studies programs, with some options for students with lower-level Spanish skills. Students earn 15-18 semester credits (22-27 quarter credits). Summer programs also available.
Jackson School of International Studies - UW Seattle offers juniors and seniors a chance to spend one year focusing on one of 14 regional study areas: Africa, Canada, China, Comparative Religion, European, International, Japan, Jewish Studies, Korea, Latin America and Caribbean, Middle East, Russia-Eastern Europe-Central Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia studies. Students earn 12-18 quarter credits each quarter, depending on class selection. Evergreen can only recommend a small number of students to this program, so it is competitive, with applications due each March for the following year.
International Partnership for Service Learning (IPSL) offers programs that combine language, area studies, and community service placements in a number of countries: Argentina, Cambodia, Ecuador, France, Greece, Guatemala, Ireland, Italy, Peru, Spain, Tanzania, Thailand, and Vietnam. Students gain valuable experience serving in a variety of community organizations. Semester and summer programs available. 15-18 semester credits (22-27 quarter credits).
School for International Training offers a wide variety of interdisciplinary programs in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East that focus on the arts, cultural expression, global health, identity and globalization, environmental issues, post-conflict transformation, social movements, human rights, and sustainable development. Programs entail language, thematic studies, independent study projects, and close connection to local communities. Students earn 16 semester credits (24 quarter credits). Summer programs are also available.
School for Russian and Asian Studies offers programs throughout the European, Central Asian, and Siberian regions of the former Soviet Union on a wide variety of topics: Central Asian Studies, Acting in Russia, Russian Studies Abroad, Translation Abroad, Art in Russia, The Russian Far East, The Russian Psyche, Museums and Art Restoration, Kyrgyz Adventure, Politics and International Relations, Internships, and more. Students earn 15-18 semester credits (22-27 quarter credits).
SEA Education Association offers programs that focus on ocean exploration, documenting change in the Caribbean, oceans and climate, sustainability in Polynesian island cultures and ecosystems, and energy and the ocean environment. Students spend the first part of the semester in Woods Hole, Mass., preparing for the second part of the semester when they embark on tall-masted sailing ships to continue studies at sea and among island communities. The program offers both Atlantic and Pacific routes. Students earn 16 semester credits (24 quarter credits). Options for upper-level credits are available. Summer programs offered as well.
Studio Arts Centers International in Florence, Italy, offers undergraduate options for study in more than 20 studio art and design programs, art history, art conservation, and Italian language and culture. Graduate level studies are also available. Students earn 15-18 semester credits (22-27 quarter credits).
University of Arizona - Russia offers the opportunity to study Russian language and culture in Moscow during the academic year, with summer options in Saint Petersburg. Students receive 20-30 hours of instruction per week depending on their level placement. The program takes place at the GRINT Language Center at the Moscow Humanities University. Options for internship placement in Moscow also exist. Students earn 15 semester credits (22 quarter credits).
Wildlands Studies offers programs through a number of environmental field projects in several countries: Australia, Belize, Borneo, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, Nepal, New Zealand, Panama, Peru, South Africa, and Thailand. Wildlands' domestic U.S. programs are not eligible for consortium status. Students are engaged in field studies for seven-week periods typically, and many include cultural studies, since communities are part of local environmental systems. Students earn 10 semester credits (15 quarter credits - 10 upper division science credits and 5 upper division cultural studies credits), issued through Western Washington University.
Study abroad:
destination and duration vary. For details on study abroad, visit http://www.evergreen.edu/studyabroad or contact Michael Clifthorne at clifthom@evergreen.edu.
See below for more info.
seats and credits vary.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Summer Ornithology: Birds in the Hand
Class Size: 15
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Summer Ornithology is a three-week bird course taught entirely in the field. We leave campus shortly after our first meeting, travel through some of the finest birding country in Oregon, camp the first night in a remote site about halfway to our target location. The next morning novices are introduced to the business of birding, including use of binoculars and the basics of bird identification. The next afternoon we are in our campsite on Steens Mountain, a 28 mile long fault block that rises to nearly 10,000 feet some 150 miles east and south of Bend. Based there, we study birds the majority of daylight hours for the remainder of the course. Our studies are built around banding birds after we have captured them in mist nets and taken them to a central location for processing. All birds are routinely released within a few minutes of capture. Typically we band between 400 and 500 birds of about 25 species, focusing on aspects of banding protocol including net placement, removing birds from nets, identification, sexing, ageing, and record-keeping. We balance the in-hand work with field observations, and take local field trips to provide instruction in the myriad aspects of natural history and local culture in the High Desert of southeastern Oregon. We focus in particular on the wildlife of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. This course has been taught for over 30 years; more than 24,000 birds have been banded in that time. The only prerequisites are enthusiasm for studies in natural history and a fascination with wildness in the American West. Entry level students are welcome. Upper Division credit is awarded for Upper Division work. Two links to photo essays describing aspects of the program are here: Inside Evergreen and a slide show through flickr .
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$1000 for transportation, supplies, and food. All field equipment (except personal gear) supplied by instructor; meals are prepared by a professional cook.
Upper division science credit:
Upper-division science credit awarded for upper-division work.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day, Evening, and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Three weeks of travel at the beginning of second session (Jul. 31 - Aug. 18)
Located in: Olympia
Sustainability: Reimagining the Built Environment and the Written Word
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
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In this program, we will explore issues of sustainability in the context of the built environment and the community around us. Through observation, academic and creative writing, research and presentation students will work to define sustainability in architecture--in new, existing, and hybrid structures. Together, we will answer: How do elements relate to the users? What is the influence of site? How is energy use considered? What does net-zero mean? How can re-visioning the existing fabric work to achieve more sustainable structures and communities?
Our focus in this writing-intensive program will be on pursuing ideas and concepts that re-use, re-habilitate, re-energize, and re-define the existing fabric of the urban and suburban built environment. Through discussion in small peer groups and critical and creative writings, we will examine the ideas presented in the literature. Students will also practice honing their close reading skills through reflective writing exercises and will develop and articulate their new understandings by means of response papers, reflective journals, bibliographic summaries, and creative assignments. Students improve their ability to write thesis-driven essays defended with evidence from the assigned texts in weekly workshops. They will also be challenged to re-imagine and revitalize the conventional notion of an essay.
Students will visit local and regional examples of civic and commercial projects that exemplify sustainability goals to help students envision how these ideas are incorporated and expressed in the built form. Through group research projects focused on site influences and design choices of existing projects, students will identify design elements, document materials choices, and understand energy use. As part of a culminating project, students will create annotated site plans and use basic 2-D drawing skills in developing conceptual design proposals, supported by written arguments to propose solutions that can re-imagine and re-define a new use for an existing structure.
This program will be repeated in winter quarter. Students who take this program in fall should not register for the winter quarter repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
urban design, urban planning, architecture, and writing.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Approximately $50 for drawing supplies.
$25 for entrance fees.
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, September 27 at 2pm (Sem II B1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-07-28 | This program now accepts enrollment by all class levels (Freshmen through Seniors). |
2016-03-31 | New fall opportunity added. |
Sustainability: Reimagining the Built Environment and the Written Word
Class Size: 36
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program is a repeat of the program in fall quarter. Students who take the program in fall should not register for the winter quarter program.
In this program, we will explore issues of sustainability in the context of the built environment and the community around us. Through observation, academic and creative writing, research and presentation students will work to define sustainability in architecture--in new, existing, and hybrid structures. Together, we will answer: How do elements relate to the users? What is the influence of site? How is energy use considered? What does net-zero mean? How can re-visioning the existing fabric work to achieve more sustainable structures and communities?
Our focus in this writing-intensive program will be on pursuing ideas and concepts that re-use, re-habilitate, re-energize, and re-define the existing fabric of the urban and suburban built environment. Through discussion in small peer groups and critical and creative writings, we will examine the ideas presented in the literature. Students will also practice honing their close reading skills through reflective writing exercises and will develop and articulate their new understandings by means of response papers, reflective journals, bibliographic summaries, and creative assignments. Students improve their ability to write thesis-driven essays defended with evidence from the assigned texts in weekly workshops. They will also be challenged to re-imagine and revitalize the conventional notion of an essay.
Students will visit local and regional examples of civic and commercial projects that exemplify sustainability goals to help students envision how these ideas are incorporated and expressed in the built form. Through group research projects focused on site influences and design choices of existing projects, students will identify design elements, document materials choices, and understand energy use. As part of a culminating project, students will create annotated site plans and use basic 2-D drawing skills in developing conceptual design proposals, supported by written arguments to propose solutions that can re-imagine and re-define a new use for an existing structure.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
urban design, urban planning, architecture, and writing.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Approximately $50 for drawing supplies.
$25 for entrance fees.
Class Size: 36
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 2pm (Sem II E1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-12-13 | This program now accepts enrollment for all class levels (Fr-Sr). |
2016-11-21 | Five sophomore seats have been reserved for first year students who have transferred in with credit. |
2016-03-31 | New winter opportunity added. |
Class Size: 25
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Symbiosis can be defined as the living together of differently named organisms. This program will look at the biology of symbiotic associations through lectures, readings, laboratory, field work, and seminar topics taken from primary literature. Although particular attention will be paid to mutualistic symbioses, parasitic associations will also be covered. Defining aspects of plant-animal, fungi-plant, animal-animal, bacteria-plant, bacteria-animal, and protozoa-animal symbioses will be examined at the organismal, physiological, cellular, biochemical, molecular, and ecological levels. Characteristics that define integration between host and symbiont of specific associations will be investigated through fieldwork and experimental laboratory sessions. Students will complete a take-home examination, keep a lab notebook, and develop and carry out a research project that culminates in a poster and oral presentation.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
the life sciences, including biology, botany, ecology, symbiosis, ecological physiology, and scientific research.
Credits per quarter
One year of chemistry with lab and one year of biology with lab, both at the college level, are required. One quarter of organic chemistry is recommended. These prerequisites will be verified the first day of class.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Upper division science credit:
Upper-division science credit will be awarded in symbiosis, symbiosis seminar, parasitology, ecological physiology, symbiosis laboratory, and research.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, September 27 at 9am (Sem II D2109)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-03-28 | Fee removed. |
2016-03-28 | This program is fall only (previously fall-winter). |
Teaching English Language Learners: Culture, Theory and Methods
Winter 2017
Class Size: 50
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In this program, we will explore the role of family and community in language acquisition and identity formation among K-adult English Language Learners (ELLs). We will examine how certain contextual factors such as history, political climate, school policies, and curriculum impact the education of language learners from adults to students in grades K-12. We will also study language acquisition theory, teaching methods, curriculum design, and implementation of theory to instructional practice relevant to Washington K-12 English Language Development standards as well as TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) standards for adult ELLs in local as well as international settings.
These ELL concepts will be analyzed through readings, group collaboration, workshops, student-led seminars, lectures, and multimedia/video. Students will lead discussions, complete reflective writing activities, conduct teaching demonstrations, and create a community ethnography project. Writing and research workshops will also be a focus of this program.
In the fall the program will survey the history of second language education in the United States, while introducing central issues in language acquisition research. We will also discuss the role of dominant and minority communities and culture in identity formation of English language learners, their lived experiences and how knowledge of both family and community can inform school policies, curriculum, and instruction. We will begin our research and tutoring activities in local K-12 settings.
In the winter the program will focus on study of language as a system with an emphasis on linguistic, literacy, and content-area K-adult instructional strategies. Among topics addressed will be English phonology, morphology, and syntax as well as implications for teaching the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We will also continue our K-12 ELL tutoring practices in the local schools with an emphasis on content-area instruction and academic-language development.
Reading topics will include the history of ESL/bilingual education, immigrant learners in the public schools, introduction to ESL/ELL teaching methods, language acquisition theory, literacy and linguistics for ELLs, assessment, sheltered instruction, as well as the practice of culturally relevant pedagogy.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
K-12 teacher preparation (Masters in Teaching) for ESL/English Language Learners, cross-cultural/international teaching of ESL K-12 and adults, K-12 and adult literacy instruction, and community-based organizations.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$150 in winter for transportation, registration, and entrance fees.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 10am (Sem II C4107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-17 | This program will accept new enrollment without signature. Students will need an understanding of language acquisition theory, ELL teaching methods, and curriculum planning. |
2016-02-18 | Leslie Flemmer joins the teaching team. |
Team-building, Facilitation and Challenge
Class Size: 15
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Humans are social animals. We form groups for work and play, for a wide variety of reasons. But the process of how groups develop and become supportive, functional teams is often overlooked. This program will focus on how groups form, develop and work together and what we can do as participants and leaders to ensure success for all. We will explore these questions through readings, writing, discussions, workshops and hands-on field experiences, which will focus on group facilitation skills using Evergreen’s Challenge course.
The Challenge course and its framework will serve as both a tool to explore our own dynamics and as a model to explore group development. As participants, we will experience different learning styles, the struggles of team development and the complexity of challenges that face individuals. As facilitators, we will learn how to help ourselves and others negotiate challenges. Students will be trained to facilitate groups on the Evergreen Challenge course. For students who successfully complete the program, there will be employment opportunities for qualified facilitators throughout the remainder of the summer and into the fall.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
This class will take place during weeks 3 and 4 of first summer session
9a-4p Tue/Wed/Thu: Tue July 11-Thu July 13 & Tue July 18-Thu July 20
9a-Noon: Fri July 21
Located in: Olympia
The 1970s @ 33⅓
Class Size: 25
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This course will explore U.S. popular culture of the 1970s through a number of the decade’s seminal albums. These may include The Beatles' Let It Be , The Rolling Stones' Exile on Main Street, Led Zeppelin IV, Ramones, Joni Mitchell's Court and Spark, Stevie Wonder's Songs in the Key of Life, Steely Dan's Aja, and Patti Smith's Horses. Our texts will include each album’s counterpart from the 33 ⅓ music book series. The final project will be a similar close reading of another 1970s album. Students interested in expanding their final projects into a major piece of music writing—à la the 33 ⅓ series—can develop Individual Learning Contracts for additional credit during second session.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, humanities, cultural studies, writing
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Wed 9am - 1pm
Located in: Olympia
The Addict Archetype
Class Size: 25
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This course offers students an opportunity to explore the intersection between human development, addiction, and Jungian Psychology. The goal is to help students expand their worldview and identify competency in delivering social services to people impacted by addiction. We will examine the shadow of addiction in all its contexts; historical, social, political, as well as interpersonal. Guiding questions will include: What is the culture of addiction? How does the cultural shadow of addiction impact the personal narrative of a substance user? How does the shadow impact the person in the helping role? In addition to Jungian Psychology we will explore theories including attachment, motivational interviewing, as well theoretical concepts from human development, and adverse childhood experiences.Topics will be presented to students in media, lectures, workshops, seminars, guest speakers, reflective and expressive writing, group discussions, mindful movement, and presentations in small groups. In addition to emphasizing consciousness and introspection, students will explore the intra-personal aspects as a way of identifying resources for effective interventions and treatment.This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Human services including social work, counseling, psychology, addiction
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thu 6-9:30p
Located in: Olympia
The Art of Acting: Empathy, Integrity, Eloquence
Class Size: 20
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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What does it take to interpret the great works of dramatic literature with your whole body and mind? The art of acting is inherently interdisciplinary. It helps you develop empathy, integrity, eloquence, imagination, flexibility, discipline, logic, research, critical analysis, and a well-trained voice and body. This program will include intense training in voice, body, and emotional technique. We will study the history and theory of acting styles and apply our learning to preparing short performance pieces. Our methods will include self-reflection through journaling; analysis of dramatic structure and of individual characters; rigorous vocal exercises; and scene work from great plays. Students will also be required to pursue, outside of class time, a disciplined physical practice of their choice, such as yoga, Tai Chi Chuan, or a martial art. Texts will include Benedetti's translation of Stanislavski's classic work, An Actor's Work and Linklater's Freeing the Natural Voice . Credit will be awarded in Acting and Voice.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$10 fee for theatre tickets
Class Size: 20
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mondays and Wednesdays 6 to 9:30 p.m. First meeting Mon, Sept 26, Communications Building 332.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-08-30 | Student fee reduced to $10 (was $25) |
The Art of Blacksmithing
Class Size: 13
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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In this beginning level blacksmithing class, learn the fine art of forging. Utilizing 6 basic techniques: tapers, upset, twist, scroll, punch, slit/drift, create a series of projects emphasizing student centered design. Focus is on repetition and practice to master the basic forging skills necessary to make tools, functional objects and metal sculpture.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$100 for project materials.
Class Size: 13
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Tuesdays 5:30-9:30p. First class meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 5:30p, Art Annex 0100.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-10-27 | New Offering added for Winter |
The Business of Cannabis: Opportunities and Risks in an Emerging Market
Class Size: 25
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This class will provide students with an overview of the emerging cannabis marketplace and what one can expect to find there. In November 2016, four states voted to legalize recreational cannabis, and another four states voted to approve or expand the use of medical marijuana. Medical marijuana is now legal in more than half of the states in the United States. However, with the election of a new President, tolerance for marijuana use may change at the federal level. Because the federal government may try to stop cannabis sales in states where it is now legal, cannabis-based businesses face an ambiguous environment.
Historically, other drugs, some arguably worse than cannabis, have been treated differently by legislators and the courts. We will look at the history of legal and legislative treatment of other drugs and intoxicants. Although cannabis has been a part of the human experience for centuries, a formerly deviant and illegal activity is now being normalized. Students will consider historical perspectives on cannabis culture, production, consumption, and regulation. This class will also explore regulatory and approval processes in the emerging cannabis industry. Given the changing legal environment for cannabis, students will evaluate the legal and ethical issues pertaining to cannabis, including considerations of gender and racial equity.
We will examine economic and tax impacts, as well as financing and operating challenges for medical and recreational based cannabis businesses. Students will be exposed to contemporary social, health, and policy issues that are relevant to cannabis in Washington and beyond. Class sessions will contain some dedicated time for news updates regarding cannabis-related issues. A major goal of this class is to develop practical business skills; however, it is NOT a how-to guide for establishing a cannabis-based business, but the study of an emerging marketplace.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm
Located in: Olympia
The Evergreen Singers
Class Size: 50
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No auditions are needed for this continuing singing ensemble. We learn the basics of good voice production and master songs from a wide range of musical idioms. Members of the Evergreen Singers should be able to carry a tune, learn their parts, and sing their parts with their section. This class requires excellent attendance and basic musicianship skills. Credit will be awarded in Chorus.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-8 PM Tuesday. First meeting Tue, September 27, 6pm, Communications Building Room 110.
Located in: Olympia
The Evergreen Singers
Class Size: 50
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No auditions are needed for this continuing singing ensemble. We learn the basics of good voice production and master songs from a wide range of musical idioms. Members of the Evergreen Singers should be able to carry a tune, learn their parts, and sing their parts with their section. This class requires excellent attendance and basic musicianship skills. Credit will be awarded in Chorus.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-8p. First meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6p, Communications Building Room 110.
Located in: Olympia
The Evergreen Singers
Class Size: 50
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Taught by
No auditions are needed for this continuing singing ensemble. We learn the basics of good voice production and master songs from a wide range of musical idioms. Members of the Evergreen Singers should be able to carry a tune, learn their parts, and sing their parts with their section. This class requires excellent attendance and basic musicianship skills. Credit will be awarded in Chorus.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-8 PM Tuesday
Located in: Olympia
The Evolution of Constitutional Law Beyond the Twentieth Century
Winter 2017
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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What does it mean when we say the Constitution of the United States is a living document? What are the major shifts in U.S. Supreme Court doctrine? How have the First Amendment speech and religion clauses expanded and encompassed corporations and money as speech? How have women’s reproductive rights been eroded to the extent that some employers can refuse to provide health insurance to include birth control to employees based on the employer’s personal religious beliefs? What are the legal issues raised by current immigration cases?
In this program, we will ask these and related questions as we explore the landscape of judicial review in the 21st century. We will look for answers to our questions by exploring a number of substantive issues currently raised in the courts by the people and their representatives. These issues include higher education student debt, economic disparities and taxation, availability and access to health care insurance, reproductive rights, voting rights, immigration, age discrimination, the criminal justice system, ideals of equal justice under the law, and others.
Lectures, readings, and discussions will examine Constitutional theories and legal construction of selected cases, with particular focus on the currently sitting Roberts Court. Students and faculty will review legal precedents related to Constitutional doctrines raised by the Supreme Court’s interpretations of the law, established in its decisions, and analyzed and discussed by the legal community in law review articles and related academic periodicals. The program will employ the Socratic method to explore and examine students’ abilities to “think like a lawyer,” thereby deepening critical thinking and reasoning. Additionally, it is expected that students will acquire an enhanced knowledge of when and how precedents have evolved.
Students will conduct legal research on specific issues that will include legal history on Constitutional evolution and federal statutes. Through this process, students will expand understanding of precedents and recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions impacting rights and responsibilities of citizens.
Concomitant with program content and research, students will prepare and demonstrate knowledge of Constitutional law and legislative history by participating in moot court activities. Students will be placed in teams to research and present written and oral arguments on a selected topic for the Evergreen moot court competition. As part of this process, students will write legal memoranda and briefs on the case presented before the moot court. In preparing for moot court, students will be instructed, coached, and judged by Evergreen faculty as well as lawyers and judges outside of the Evergreen community.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
law, government, and public policy.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 9am (Longhouse 1007A)
Located in: Olympia
The Fungal Kingdom
Class Size: 50
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Fungi. What are they? Where are they and what roles do they play in terrestrial ecosystems? How do they get their energy? How do they grow? What do they taste like? How do they interact with other organisms? This program will focus on understanding these unique and pivotal organisms through exploring the taxonomy, ecology, biology and physiology of fungi and lichens.
Our program time will consist of field work, laboratory work, lectures, workshops and seminars. There will also be one-day field trips and two multi-day field trips. There will be an emphasis on learning relevant field methods to assess biodiversity of lichens and fungi, along with developing the laboratory skills to identify lichens and mushrooms using chemical and microscopic techniques. Students will also learn methods for isolating and growing fungi. We will expect students to research topics in the primary scientific literature and to summarize and share their findings with the entire class. There will be opportunities for independent directed work, both individually and in small groups. Students will also have the chance to further their skills in technical writing, library research, critical thinking and public presentations.
If you are a student with a disability and would like to request accommodations, please contact the faculty or the office of Access Services (Library Bldg. Rm. 2153, PH: 360.867.6348; TTY 360.867.6834) prior to the start of the quarter. If you require accessible transportation for field trips, please contact the faculty well in advance of the field trip dates to allow time to arrange this.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$325 for field trips.
Upper division science credit:
Up to 16 credits of upper-division science may be earned by students who meet the prerequisites and successfully meet program learning objectives .
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, September 26 at 9am (Sem II A1107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-03-02 | New fall opportunity added. |
The Geography of Polar Regions
Winter 2017
Class Size: 50
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This program focuses on the regional dynamics that form the environmental conditions of the Arctic and Antarctic. The two regions share similar and contrasting physical and social settings. The Arctic is an ocean surrounded by land and has been inhabited by indigenous peoples for approximately 10,000 years with increasing Euro-American dominance in the last 100 years. In contrast, Antarctic is a continent surrounded by ocean and has only been sporadically inhabited by humans. This program will investigate the interactions of the physical conditions, exploration, economic attractiveness, political conditions, and indigenous populations of the two sub-regions.
The program will focus on the Arctic during fall quarter. This region is a complicated mixture of seawater, sea ice, isolated islands, and land areas surrounded by eight nations. The physical geography of the area is being strongly affected by warming temperatures. Newly accessible natural resources and healthy fisheries challenge indigenous populations as countries attempt to control these resources. We will investigate the role of the Arctic Council as the political organization in “control” of the Arctic region. Students will deliberate in a mock Arctic Council to understand indigenous relations with Euro-American political states, impacts of changing land uses, the role of research in decision-making, and the globalization of the Arctic. Our learning will be enhanced by a multi-day trip to the North Cascades Institute and National Park.
We will examine Antarctica in winter quarter and compare it with the Arctic. Antarctica is governed by a 1958 treaty that emphasizes peace and scientific research. Established research stations and tourism operations bring thousands of people to the continent each year, introducing conflict and exploratory activities that defy the intent of the treaty. We examine the development of the whaling industry, the physical geography, sea ice, climate and climate change, animal life including extremophiles, explorations and claiming of the continent, and contemporary political and economic activities in the sub-region.
Students will develop knowledge of physical and social processes that have defined the two regions, compare and contrast regional differences, and gain experience in scientific methods including quantitative and qualitative research, and geographic information systems (GIS). Students will participate in field trips to local sites with polar conditions. Guest speakers and multi-media presentations will provide further polar learning. Student learning will be measured by participation and completion of lab work, participation in field trips, note-taking and journal writing, research projects, and participation in lecture, seminar and workshops.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
geography and environmental history.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$550 for overnight field trips in fall.
Upper division science credit:
Upper division science credit may be awarded in Earth Sciences upon completion of an independent research project.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 10am (Sem II D2105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-11 | New fall-winter opportunity added. |
The Global Hunt for Civic Intelligence
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 24
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This program focuses on the social phenomenon that we call "civic intelligence."
may seem elusive, yet civic intelligence is all around us — if we know
what to look for. It can be seen locally — in a community garden
project, for example — and it can be seen globally as well — addressing
climate change, for example — and anywhere in between on issues such as
education, social equity, or environmental restoration.
intelligence is the ability of groups of diverse sizes and composition
to address shared significant issues effectively and equitably. This can
take the shape of new approaches to social service, such as Robert
Eggers' DC Kitchen. It can take the form of new initiatives such as the
Sustainable Prisons Project that Evergreen helped launch or
supporting economically disadvantaged neighborhoods to define and
struggle for their own health objectives. Or "democracy vouchers" that
were recently adopted in Seattle via the initiative process. These
exciting examples just begin to scratch the surface of what
it means to be civically intelligent.
While the
term civic intelligence is not in common usage, the idea is not new.
John Dewey, the American psychologist, philosopher, educator, social
critic and political activist (whose insights helped inspire Evergreen's
educational philosophy), was a proponent of the concept, although he
didn't put a precise name on it. Nevertheless, the necessity—and
the difficulties—of thinking and acting together are universal and
require us to consider a wide variety of perspectives, including social
movements, education, government and democracy, community studies,
organizational studies, systems theory, and design. Because civic
intelligence requires action, the program also requires active
We are using the metaphor of the hunt
to focus on finding phenomena that's often hidden. We will also use the
metaphor of an expedition as a broader, more holistic and organized
approach to orienting our research and action.
Fall quarter, we posed questions and used our social imagination to
envision how our hunt might unfold. We identified, discussed, and
analyzed potential projects and organizations that seemed to demonstrate
civic intelligence, including efforts in our region.
Winter and Spring quarters, we will continue the expedition through
research and interaction and begin to evaluate, sum up, and think about
ways that the work could continue to expand and evolve. How is the best
way to record our findings? Or publicize them? How should we
communicate with other researchers and practitioners? In Spring we
are tentatively planning to convene a public event in relation to our
Students who elect to take the 12 credit
option will participate in the Civic Intelligence Research and Action
Laboratory or CIRAL. The lab is designed to allow students of diverse
interests and skills to work in issue-oriented "clusters" with students,
faculty, and others inside and beyond Evergreen who are engaged in
real-world projects that integrate research and action. These
opportunities will also include developing the capacities of the CIRAL
lab itself, including engaging in research, media work, or tech
Integrating theory and practice, we
will learn civic intelligence by doing it. We will consciously leverage
Evergreen's underlying philosophy as a nontraditional, experimental
school to explore how students can take a more active role in their
education and in their interactions in the world. Students in
this program will take an active role in how the program is
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
social services, policy, activism, community development, education
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
There will be a complementary undergraduate research opportunity in civic intelligence.
Class Size: 24
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
6:15 -10 pm; five Saturdays per quarter (Fall: Oct 1, 15, 29, Nov 12,
Dec 3; Winter: January 14, 28; Feb 11, 25; March 11; Spring: April 8,
22; May 6, 20; June 3) 9 am- 5 pm. Students in the 12 credit
option meet from 4:30 - 6:00 every Wednesday in addition. First
winter meeting is Wednesday January 11, 4:30p (12 credits) or 6:15p (8
credits), Seminar 2 B1107.
Located in: Olympia
The Graphic Novel
Class Size: 25
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Over the past 30 years, the graphic novel has won numerous readers with its bold topics, innovative forms, and vivid artwork. We will explore the origins, development, and unique workings of these sequential narratives, from the socially conscious woodcut novels of the 1930s (e.g., Lynd Ward’s Gods’ Man ) to the complex vigilante heroes of Moore and Gibbons' Watchmen, to some idiosyncratic recent works. Other texts will include Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics and the graphic memoirs of Marjane Satrapi and David Small. Our overall goal is to develop an informed and critical perspective on this powerful medium. Students who register for eight credits will read and research additional graphic works or, with faculty approval, create graphic narratives of their own.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Humanities, literature, visual arts
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu 5:30-9:30p
Located in: Olympia
The History and Future of Experiments in Music and Theater
Winter 2017
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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To look at an artwork as an experiment means to see how it was, in its time, a step towards what was new, uncertain or without evidence. The ways in which an experiment was brought about could happen in many different ways: with its content (the plot, the characters, the harmonies), with its structure (repetition or the lack of it, disturbing the natural sequence of events, undermining the form), or with other aspects of the material that makes up the artwork.
Both music and theater use time for their unfolding, and so, share aspects of composition and development. In our class, we'll be reading, listening to, and discussing artworks of the past and experiments of the present. Some of the older authors and composers we might study are Shakespeare, Shaw, Brecht, Mozart, Ravel and Schoenberg. Some of the contemporary experimenters might be Robert Wilson, Pina Bausch, Adrianne Kennedy, Chaya Czernowin and Luigi Nono. From these conversations, we'll develop assignments and performance exercises for ourselves to create now.
Through a combination of seminars, a movement and gesture experimentation studio, coached rehearsals, lectures and presentations, shared attendance at performances, and our own performances, the class will study music and theater pieces – how they were experimental in their time, and how might we continue and move on from that experimentation in our time. We will make experimental works together using our growing awareness of what’s been done before and why.
As one center of activity during fall quarter, each student will participate in three group projects. Each group will create a performance based on and in response to the experiments we've studied. These performances will be presented to and discussed with the class. The question of “what is experimental now” will be a primary focus.
As a center of activity during winter quarter, each student will remain in one group for the entire quarter, as if forming a temporary company, and that group will develop their project and their ideas for "what is experimental now" for a final public performance. As their work develops over the quarter, each group will present its scripts, music, and rehearsals to the class, explaining their ideas and inviting discussion.
Each quarter, students will be asked to write a research paper, addressing some part of the authors, composers and artworks studied. A draft of the paper will be due in week 5, and a final version will be due in week 10. Primary emphasis will be placed on understanding of the intentions of the authors, composers and artists studied, and their contribution. Students will develop writing skills as an additional emphasis.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
performing arts, theater, music, and education.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$100 per quarter concert and performance entrance fees.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 12pm (Com 110)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-06 | New fall-winter opportunity added. |
The Journey of a Teacher
Class Size: 25
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This course is designed to introduce students to the sociopolitical context of education, schooling and teaching and learning. It will provide and an overview of education in a multicultural democracy, a historical perspective of school conditions and academic achievement of urban students who are mostly African American, Latino/a Americans, and other racial/ethnic groups and immigrants. Specifically, it will introduce students to culturally responsive teaching, the social justice teacher and social empowerment. Opportunities will be provided for students to review research, debunk stereotypes, negative views, and to explore the possibilities of a career in education.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Located in: Olympia
The Narrative Tableau: Conceptual Strategies in Studio Photography
Class Size: 20
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This program will explore the range of challenges, problems and possibilities in conceptualizing, constructing, and photographing in a studio environment. Students can expect to use a broad range of materials (cameras, printing techniques, etc.) but all shooting will remain on film (35mm, medium, and large format). While students can expect to print from those negatives in traditional black and white and color darkrooms, the program will also cover the process of scanning negatives and producing digital prints from those scans. The primary focus of the program will be how to formulate the outlines of a cohesive body of work, conduct research for that content, and for students to ultimately produce images based on that research in a controlled, studio environment.
We will employ strategies for challenging basic assumptions about the role and lexicon of the constructed image as well as immerse ourselves in the rich history of narrative tableaus (still lifes, historical paintings, etc.) as they have developed over the course of art history. Students will be asked to place their work and ideas within the context of contemporary photography and contemporary art, more generally, as the photograph has become an almost ubiquitous surrogate for lived experience. Students will be especially challenged to confront how their photographs are situated within the context of representation and depiction (addressing the inevitable conclusion that all images are, at their core, political in one way or another).
Students will be responsible for providing a written statement regarding their final body of work, which will reflect the quarter’s accumulation of research, transformation, and final production. Students can expect to edit down their quarter’s worth of images to 8-11 final photographs, which will constitute their final body of work. There will be weekly lectures, critiques, and seminars in addition to workshops and studio time. Students will also be required to attend the weekly Critical and Cultural Theory lecture series. Students can expect weekly reading assignments followed with written responses and formal participation in each seminar.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
art history, photography, media studies and visual arts.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Students can expect to spend between $400 - $700 on their own materials, such as paper, film and materials required for tableau construction.
$100 for materials and supplies.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day and Evening
Advertised schedule:
Students should expect to spend a significant amount of time outside of scheduled class time in the photo studio and darkrooms.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-10 | New spring opportunity added. |
The Play's the Thing: Study of Theatre and Drama
Spring 2017
Class Size: 44
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Great dramatic literature is an essential component of cultural literacy. Performing plays from different historical periods creates a unique opportunity to combine theory and practice, and to simultaneously explore our history and our own identities through creative collaboration. In this two-quarter program, we will study selective great plays from the Greeks through the modern era, theater performance practices and cultural context for each text, and dramatic theory from Aristotle through Brecht and beyond. Students will learn to closely read and analyze plays, connect literature and history, and explore the relevance of historical/dramatic texts to contemporary life. Playwrights to be studied may include Euripides, Plautus, Shakespeare, Congreve, Ibsen, Chekhov, Brecht, and Beckett.
In addition, our performance studies will bring these texts to life through rigorous and disciplined practice in acting, voice, and movement. In addition to developing oral, kinetic, and corporal eloquence, these studies will help students develop the core competencies of Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence model—self-awareness, self-regulation, social skill, empathy, and motivation.
In spring quarter we will apply our learning to the production of a full-length play of historical significance for public performance. Students will explore different aspects of theater arts and learn strong collaborative skills in preparing and presenting this production.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
theatre performance, dramatic literature, theatre history and theory, cultural studies, performing arts, and careers demanding good written and oral communication skills.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$30 in winter and $10 in spring for theater tickets.
Class Size: 44
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 10am (Com 335)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-28 | Winter fee reduced (from $30 to $10). |
2016-05-02 | This program no longer offers a 12-credit option winter quarter. |
The Practice of Writing
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This course will give students a broad overview of prose writing and help them to broaden, deepen, and improve their own writing practice. We will explore every element of the writing process, learning to brainstorm, structure, draft, critique, rewrite, polish, share, and reflect. The course will also address key principles of good writing, challenges like procrastination and writer’s block, and ways to develop productive writing routines.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
... everything.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 5:30-9:30p. First meeting Tue, September 27, 5:30pm, Seminar 2 B3109.
Located in: Olympia
The Practice of Writing
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This course will give students a broad overview of prose writing and help them to broaden, deepen, and improve their own writing practice. We will explore every element of the writing process, learning to brainstorm, structure, draft, critique, rewrite, polish, share, and reflect. The course will also address key principles of good writing, challenges like procrastination and writer’s block, and ways to develop productive writing routines.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Humanities, writing, education.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Wed 5:30-9:30p
Located in: Olympia
The Social Animal
Class Size: 25
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Because we as human beings spend a good deal of our time interacting with other people--being influenced by them, influencing them, being delighted, amused, saddened, and angered by them--it is natural that we develop hypotheses about social behavior. In that sense, we are all amateur social psychologists.
Eliot Aronson, The Social Animal , 2012
In this full-time program, we will explore the fundamentals of social psychology, the field that bridges psychology and sociology, to examine how people think, feel, and behave because of the real (or imagined) presence of social others. This program starts with the premise that human beings are inherently social beings informed, influenced, and constituted by the social world. This social psychological view of the self explores the ways that individuals are enmeshed and embodied within the social context both in the moment and the long-term, ever constructing who we are, how we present ourselves to the world, and how we are perceived by others.
Through reading classic and newly published research studies in social psychology, twice-weekly seminar, lecture/workshop, film, and writing and research assignments, we will cover the fundamental topics within the field including: conformity, emotions, persuasion, obedience to authority, social cognition, stereotyping, prejudice, aggression, pro-social behavior, attraction, and love. We will also learn about and practice social psychological research methods and data analysis, including systematic observation, online survey, experiment, and interview. A final project will be to conduct interview-based, qualitative research on a social psychological phenomenon of each student's own interest.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
graduate school in psychology or sociology
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 10am (Sem II D4107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-10-05 | New winter opportunity added. |
The Social Transformation of War in the 21st Century
Winter 2017
Class Size: 25
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The nature and practice of warfare typically reflect the sociology, technologies, and strategies of power and resistance within societies of a particular era. Today social media, such as Twitter and YouTube, is employed as weapons of war by increasingly transnational networked actors who operate in a global environment and reflect the impact of information-age global society on the practice of war.
This program will examine the social transformations of warfare in the modern period, from the rise of industrial war to new forms of asymmetrical insurgencies and networked warfare we see today, and how this reflects major sociological transformations within global society. We will explore theorists like Clausewitz, Mao, Virilio, Hardt, and Negri, among others, and examine what their theories tell us about changing forms of social organization and strategies of power and resistance across the social field. We will examine key historical turning points in the evolution of war that include Napoleon’s industrialization of warfare in Europe in the early 19th century, Maoist “people's war” in the early 20th century, and the rise of “Fourth Generation” warfare today. We will look at topical case studies such as the proliferation of drones and surveillance technologies, information warfare, and cyber-warfare, as well as historical case studies such as the recent Iraq war, Zapatista social netwar in Mexico, and the rise of networked terror insurgencies such as al-Qaida and ISIS. In all these cases, we will examine how new forms of warfare mirror broader changes in global society, such as the emergence of networked communications technologies and late capitalist economic globalization. We will learn about how the changing nature of war serves as a vector of both power and resistance.
Primary learning goals include obtaining a thorough knowledge of the modern history of war and social transformation; developing an understanding of contending theories and strategic approaches to war and social change; understanding the diversity and strategies of guerrilla and insurgent groups and their adversaries; and developing an ability to engage in critical thinking, analytical writing, and informed opinions regarding these topics.
The program will be organized around a series of texts, exercises, films, and assignments, including class presentations, role plays, and several analytical papers. We will watch films and documentaries to supplement our learning, including The Battle of Algiers , Body of Lies,No Country for Old Men , and others. This program will demand a serious commitment by students to all of the work within the program and will focus on skill development in writing, analysis, and public speaking.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
international studies, political economy, and political science.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 12pm (Lib 1540)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-16 | This program will accept new winter enrollment with signature. |
The Soviet Union and the Rebirth of Russia: Stalin, Gorbachev, and Putin
Class Size: 50
Variable Credit Options Available
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This program will investigate the 74-year lifespan of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), as well as the two and a half decades that have passed since its collapse in 1991. We will explore poetry and prose and analyze why the USSR produced such remarkable and world-renowned talents as writers Bulgakov and Solzhenitsyn and composers Prokofiev and Shostakovich. We shall also investigate how this society included inhumane prison camps and totalitarian rule. Indeed, how did Josef Stalin became responsible for the murder of at least 20 million of his fellow citizens while at the same time transforming a relatively backward empire into an undisputed world power?
Economic difficulties and shortages of consumer goods plagued citizens of the USSR until its collapse, but the empire’s last leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, did his best to revitalize the Soviet socialist experiment. Gorbachev’s campaigns to “restructure” the empire’s economy and become more “open” towards a free press simply hastened the collapse of the empire. We will examine these policies, but equally as important, we will also investigate the rise of 15 independent states that emerged and trace their paths since they gained independence in 1991. Vladimir Putin has led Russia since 2000 and his authoritarian policies suggest that he will remain in power until 2024.
Faculty will provide lectures to guide our study, students and faculty will seminar on a diverse selection of historical and literary texts, and we will view and discuss relevant documentaries and films. The centerpiece of student work will be a major research paper on any topic connected with the Soviet Union and Russia, along with the production of a professional-quality poster for a final presentation. Students will be able to choose between language study and a special history workshop segment, which will explore the former Central Asian republics of the Soviet Union through their ancient and diverse cultures, languages, religions, traditions, gender relations, ethnicity, and collective identities.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, diplomatic and security services, film, music, art, international business, and graduate studies in international affairs and in Russian and Slavic literary, historical, political, and social studies.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
Students are strongly urged, but not required, to take the Beginning Russian Language segment within the full-time program. A 12-credit option is available to students who do not wish to participate in the daytime Russian language segment or the special workshop; a four-credit option available to students wanting only the Russian language segment or special workshop. To enter language study at this point, students should have the equivalent of two quarters of college Russian.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$40 for poster presentations and workshop supplies.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 9am (Sem II D1105)
Located in: Olympia
The Spanish-Speaking World: Cultural Crossings
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
study abroad option
Class Size: 50
Variable Credit Options Available
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Spain and Latin America share not only the Spanish language, but also an intertwined history of complex cultural crossings. The cultures of both arose from dynamic and sometimes violent encounters and continue to be shaped by uneven power relationships as well as vibrant forms of resistance. In this program students will engage in intensive study of the Spanish language and explore cultural production by Spaniards and Latin Americans in historical context. Every week will include seminars on readings in English, Spanish language classes, a lecture or workshop conducted in Spanish, and a Spanish-language film. There will be regular written seminar responses, synthesis essays, and creative writing exercises. Please note that Spanish language classes are integrated into the program—students do not have to register for them separately. We welcome students with any level of Spanish from true beginner to advanced.
Fall quarter we will explore cultural crossings in Spain and Latin America prior to the 20th century and examine cross-linguistic influences, questions of epistemology, cultural negotiation, and hybridization in the context of unequal relations of power. We will study the coexistence of Jews, Christians, and Muslims in medieval Spain and the suppression of Jewish and Muslim communities during the Spanish Inquisition. We will also focus on the encounter between indigenous and European cultures after the arrival of Europeans on the American continent. Finally, we will turn to Latin America's struggles for independence in the 19th century and analyze to what extent they changed or reproduced colonial institutions and structures. Our readings will include historical accounts as well as contemporary cultural products that reexamine and reimagine these encounters.
Winter quarter, we will turn to the 20th and 21st centuries in Spain and Latin America by considering multiple perspectives on the significance and legacies of iconic historical and cultural events. Possible cases include the Mexican Revolution, the Spanish Civil War, transitions to democracy in Spain and Latin America, the Nicaraguan Revolution, and the impact of unprecedented migration in the Americas. In each of these contexts, we will explore the interrelationships between politics and cultural production and how literature and film can impact processes of social change. Students will have the opportunity to develop a project around a book of their choosing and to engage in local community work.
Spring quarter offers two options for study abroad and an internship option with local Latino organizations for those who stay on campus. The Santo Tomás, Nicaragua, program is coordinated with the Thurston-Santo Tomás Sister County Association and its counterpart in Nicaragua and is open to four to eight intermediate/advanced language students. The Mérida, Mexico option is coordinated with HABLA Language and Culture Center, and is open to 15 or more students of all language levels. For students staying in Olympia, the program will have an on-campus core of Spanish classes and seminars focused on Latino/a communities in the U.S. and the opportunity for student-originated projects and/or internships. All classes during spring quarter, in Olympia and abroad, will be conducted entirely in Spanish.
Study abroad:
Mexico or Nicaragua, 10 weeks, spring, approximately $4,700 for Mexico (15 or more students at all language levels) or approximately $3,600 for Nicaragua (4-8 intermediate/advanced language students), plus airfare. A deposit of $250 is due by Feb 1, 2017. For details on study abroad, visit www.evergreen.edu/studyabroad or contact Michael Clifthorne at clifthom@evergreen.edu .
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Latin American and international studies, literary and cultural studies, Spanish language, politics, history, education, film studies, writing, and human and social services.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
Variable credit is available in spring, based upon internship options.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$100 in winter for overnight field trips.
Students remaining on campus spring quarter may intern with organizations serving local Latino/a communities. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10am (Sem II B3109)
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-11-17 | Fall fee cancelled. |
Theories of Personality
Class Size: 25
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The major personality theorists will be presented sequentially within their cultural and historical contexts. This will provide the students with a broader understanding of the evolution of ideas concerning human nature. Exploration of theories will be limited to those that apply specifically to the practice of counseling. Attention will be paid to the interaction of the individual with the social milieu, the cultural biases within theory, and the effect of personal history on theoretical claims. This course is a core course, required for pursuit of graduate studies in psychology.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue 6-10 pm. First class meeting is Tuesday, January 10, 6p, Seminar 2 C3107.
Located in: Olympia
Therapy Through the Arts (daytime)
Class Size: 20
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This class will explore the role that movement, visual art, theater, music, and media can play in problem solving and in the resolution of internalized fear, conflicts, or blocks. Through a variety of hands-on activities, field trips, readings, films/video, and guest speakers, students will discover sources of imagery, sound, and movement as tools to awaken their creative problem solving from two perspectives—as creator and viewer. Students interested in human services, social sciences, media, humanities and education will find this course engaging. This course does not require any prerequisite art classes or training. Students may attend either day or evening sessions; first, second or full sessions for 8 or 16 credits accordingly. Students wanting 12 credits full session will negotiate with the faculty on course requirements.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Counseling, Education, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day and Evening
Advertised schedule:
Day sessions Monday through Thursday 10am-1:45pm or
Evening sessions Monday through Thursday 6pm-9:45pm
Students may attend either day 10am-1:45pm or evening sessions 6p-9:45p.
Located in: Tacoma
Date | Revision |
2017-05-24 | 12 credit option now available |
Therapy Through the Arts (evening)
Class Size: 20
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This class will explore the role that movement, visual art, theater, music, and media can play in problem solving and in the resolution of internalized fear, conflicts, or blocks. Through a variety of hands-on activities, field trips, readings, films/video, and guest speakers, students will discover sources of imagery, sound, and movement as tools to awaken their creative problem solving from two perspectives—as creator and viewer. Students interested in human services, social sciences, media, humanities and education will find this course engaging. This course does not require any prerequisite art classes or training. Students may attend either day or evening sessions; first, second or full sessions for 8 or 16 credits accordingly. Students wanting 12 credits full session will negotiate with the faculty on course requirements.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Counseling, Education, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day and Evening
Advertised schedule:
Day sessions Monday through Thursday 10am-1:45pm or
Evening sessions Monday through Thursday 6pm-9:45pm
Students may attend either day 10am-1:45pm or evening sessions 6p-9:45p.
Located in: Tacoma
Date | Revision |
2017-05-24 | 12 credit option now available |
Thing Nothing
Class Size: 20
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When is a thing a thing, and when is it nothing? On what objects do we place importance and why? How do we establish the use or uselessness of objects? In a creative practice, how do we know when something we have been working on is complete?
During this spring quarter program, we will consider our relationship to objects and object making. We will study and discuss skill and deskilling in the arts, and material hierarchy and contingency. With the goal of developing a personal visual vocabulary, participants will begin by discussing what we admire and collect, while considering and questioning our aesthetic predispositions. Students will quickly move on to create a collection of completed objects, using material experiments to develop their ideas and explore the line between what makes a piece done or undone. In the fine metalsmithing studio we will focus on hollow form techniques, advanced construction, and joining skills. Using mixed media in the context of metalsmithing will also be investigated, and discussed alongside broad considerations of material use, value, hoarding, and waste.
Students in this program should look forward to spending a significant amount of time outside of class working on studio work. We will attend the Evergreen Art Lecture Series, and weekly seminars, lectures and workshops will center on discussions of craft, art, and design. Reading and writing in preparation for weekly seminars will feed visual and material research done in the studio. Regular work reviews will encourage listening, group problem solving, and thoughtful critique. The development of a regular drawing practice will be emphasized and students will keep a sketchbook specific to the program.
By the end of the program, students will have developed a portfolio of writings, illustrations, and images related to their studio investigations, and will edit and produce a supplemental printed companion to the physical series of work made throughout the quarter.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
visual arts, craft, design, and humanities.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Additional material expenses of $100-$200 may apply depending upon individual student projects. Students new to the metals studio may need to purchase some basic supplies.
$125 for entrance fees and supplies.
Class Size: 20
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3rd at 9:30am (Sem II C2107).
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-09-13 | New spring program added. |
Thinking about Thinking
Class Size: 25
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What is thinking? Where does it come from? How can we help others do it better and get better at it ourselves? Take a quick, 5-week introduction to the philosophy of mind from an educational psychology perspective. We will read, write, and talk about thinking. Using the psychology of Piaget and Vygotsky and the philosophy of Dewey as a starting point, we will move on to modern research and theories about thinking. There is no way to cover all the thinking about thinking in this short course. Our focus will be theories that relate to human learning and development and the role of language in thinking. As such, this course is a great fit for teachers or prospective teachers who have an interest in philosophy and psychology.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Weekend
Advertised schedule:
1-4:30p Saturdays and Sundays, Aug. 5-6, 12-13, 19-20, 26-27, and Sep. 2-3
Located in: Olympia
Thinking In Indian: Democracy, Civic Engagement, and Resistance
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program is intended for students committed to activism, allyship, and praxis. We’ll study the scholarship of John Mohawk, posing essential questions to understand the current state of the world and how to survive as both individuals and as peoples. We’ll study world history, United States history, and regional histories of the United States in terms of the doctrine of discovery, sovereignty, self-governance, conflict resolution, land and economics, health and reproduction, education and socialization of children, and political philosophy. Using the river of culture template highlighting laws and policies impacting the lived experience of American Indians, students will conduct research. In this research, students will pose and respond to essential questions about contemporary issues that continue to deprive American Indians of land, economic opportunities, treaty rights, natural resources, religious freedom, repatriation, and access to and protection for sacred places. We will look at the history behind the headlines, track contemporary resistance phenomenon like the Idle No More global movement, conduct ethnographic interviewing highlighting personal stories that can’t be gleaned from text, look up alternative sources (Ethnic NewsWatch and Indian Country Today), search Washington State Historical Society’s clipping files, tribal photo files, and rare document rooms at historical museums. Students will interview tribal activists and read novels and poetry that tell stories of resistance in a personal way.
During fall and winter quarters U.S. history will be studied in terms of the doctrine of discovery, steps of colonization, and court recognition and enforcement of the Indian tribes’ legal, political, property, and cultural rights as indigenous peoples. Lectures, films, readings, seminars, and student-led, text-based seminars will compose the primary structures used by this learning community. Students will propose an academic project using an essential question format, report out findings, and write up their research. Groups will write for newspapers they generate and distribute to local Indian tribes. Introduction to art therapy, reclaiming of art traditions and protocols, and participation in the liberation theater component of the program requires students to make art products to extend their learning/leadership when the program hosts Generations Rising/Tribal Youth Make Art day and students volunteer at the art stations (an annual event sponsored by our program with the Longhouse staff and the Hazel Pete Institute of Chehalis Basketry). Liberation theater is a readers theater group that welcomes visitors to a program hosted by the Longhouse Education and Cultural Center. Students will have an opportunity to volunteer to assist with the making of art items (“potlatching”) for tribes in the Puget Sound area getting ready to participate in the “Paddle to Sliammon First Nation in 2017” at Campbell River, B.C., Canada. The Tribal Canoe Journey was formally organized in 1989 when the “Paddle to Seattle” was initiated during the 100th anniversary of Washington statehood. Local tribes, including Nisqually, Skokomish, Squaxin Island, and Chehalis, typically participate in the journeys.
Students will engage in program service-learning volunteer projects, environmental stewardship, and program internships during winter and spring quarters. Spring quarter, students will begin a formal presentation of their research and program time will focus on program themes examining contemporary issues. All students will participate in orientation(s) to the program theme and issues, historic and political frameworks, and work respectfully with communities and organizations. Participation in this program means practicing accountability to the learning community, other communities, interacting as a respectful guest with other cultures, and engaging in constant cross-cultural communication with co-learners.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
K-12 teaching, social work, writing-related fields, and tribal and state/federal government-related fields.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$75 per quarter for art supplies to support the understanding of reclaiming cultural art and protocols of American Indians.
Students will engage in service learning volunteer projects, environmental stewardship, and program internships during winter and spring quarters. Students must complete an in-program Internship Learning Contract in consultation with the faculty and Academic Advising. Please go to Individual Study for more information.
Class Size: 50
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First spring class meeting: Monday, April 3rd at 9am (Longhouse 1007B)
Located in: Olympia
Tiny Homes, Earthships, and Living Buildings: Design Principles for Low-impact and Regenerative Homes.
Class Size: 25
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Students will be introduced to fundamental design concepts and practices for low to no-impact homes. We will explore the theory and applications behind the systems that make Tiny Homes, Earthships, and other innovative housing options both attractive and practical. Students will gain an understanding of structural design, energy, resource, and waste systems, how they work, and the balances that must be defined and maintained to minimize both environmental impacts and operating costs. Finally, the class will explore options for a demonstration building/sustainability laboratory on campus.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mon - Thursday afternoons, 1 - 5 pm
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
We may visit a couple local tiny homes or other low impact homes, depending upon the owners' availability and travel times.
Tools for Working Wood
Class Size: 16
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This is an introductory course on hand tools, their history, fabrication and habits of mind necessary for their effective use. We will examine the cultural history, design and function of traditional woodworking hand tools used in craft traditions of Europe, North America and Asia. Students will be introduced to craft philosophy and methods of tool use of western and eastern traditions. We will examine and practice the application of mindful awareness to facilitate an increased focus of attention to the application of control and power from the body, through the hands, and tools themselves, maximizing precision and effectiveness in our work. Students will make at least two heirloom quality hand tools of their own, an English bow saw, and a wood bodied hand plane. Other additional options can be a card scraper, a mallet, and a marking gauge. Advanced students, may also fabricate a tool box designed to store their growing collection of hand tools.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Artisan furniture making and sculpture.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$80 for supplies needed to produce required projects.
Class Size: 16
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesday and Thursday evenings 5:30 to 9:30 PM.
Located in: Olympia
Toward Becoming a Teacher
Class Size: 25
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Many idealistic, well-intentioned new teachers find themselves frustrated by their early experiences in public schools and soon leave public education entirely. This frustration is not inevitable. This course, taught by an Evergreen graduate with more than 30 years’ experience teaching in public schools, will explore the skills needed to become a passionate, effective teacher in the 21st century. We will investigate some of the inevitable struggles—both political and personal—that teachers encounter in public schools today, and we will hear how passionate teachers overcome those tensions. This course may be of particular interest to upper-division students who are considering careers in education, but will also interest any student who wishes to look closely at issues in public education today. As part of this course, students who plan to apply to the Master in Teaching program can begin the classroom observations required for application.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, social work, education policy
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tuesday, 6-10 pm. First class meeting Tue, Sept 27, 6pm, Seminar 2 C2107.
Located in: Olympia
Transnational Feminisms
Class Size: 50
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At a time of globalization, heightened immigration from Latin America, ongoing conflicts between the United States and the Arab/Muslim world, and displacements of many kinds in the Global South, gender issues are inseparable from questions of military intervention, global economic inequities, and community-based struggles for self-determination. Multicultural feminism in the U.S., while offering important critiques of intersecting systems of power (race, class, gender, sexuality), sometimes overlooks transnational and transborder perspectives that offer a more global understanding of feminism as a decolonizing and liberatory project. This program will explore contemporary fiction and non-fiction by women in the U.S., Latin America, and the Middle East who literally and figuratively cross borders and national divisions in their work. This program will explore the relationships between literature and political theory, connections between national and global struggles, questions of religion and spirituality, anti-racism and postcolonialism, gender and sexuality. We will also consider tensions between recognition of difference or specificity and the possibilities for solidarity and unity. Writers may include Gloria Anzaldúa, June Jordan, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Dionne Brand, Leila Ahmed, Nawal el Saadawi, Maya Angelou, Daisy Zamora, and Rachel Corrie, among others.
Throughout the quarter, we will situate our close analysis of readings within their historical and political contexts. We will also view films by and about women in transnational and transborder struggles for social change. Students will write analytical essays about the program materials, at least one creative piece, and a small project on a writer of their choice. We will also participate in community events relevant to the quarter's work, including Day of Absence/Presence. Through our studies, students will gain skills in literary/cultural, historical, and theoretical analysis, and examine textual and film representations as sites of resistance. Students will also gain a greater understanding of postcolonial, Third World, transnational, and Islamic feminist movements.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
education, international studies, community advocacy, social work, and foreign service.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$150 for field trips.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 9am (Sem II E1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-10 | New spring opportunity added. |
Trees and Native People
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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In this program, we will closely examine the natural history and diversity of trees as well as how Native Peoples have interacted with trees and forest communities. How do trees work? How do we identify different species in our region? How old are trees? How did Native Peoples maintain forests? How did these forests change with colonization? How have different types of forests affected the cultures and lifestyles of Native Peoples in different regions? We will use an interdisciplinary approach to our studies in order to understand tree form and function and Native relationships with trees. Students will learn about basic botany, history, geography, Native studies and ecology. They will also gain an introduction to basic concepts in math (precalculus), genetics, forestry, and plant chemistry.
Our studies will be divided between a focus on natural history of trees (especially trees of the Northwest) and a broad history of Native/forest relationships across time and geography. We will also read classic and recent texts about human interactions with trees and how our relationships to trees continue to help shape our collective identities and cultures. Students will be challenged to reconcile popular beliefs about the roles of trees with scientific observations. Day trips, workshops, labs and a multiple-day field trip will allow us to observe the diversity of trees in the Northwest, as well as trees from around the world planted in our region. Communication skills will be emphasized, particularly writing and giving public talks.
Expected credit will be given in: Dendrology (4 credits), Introduction to Botany (2) Introduction to Ecology and Natural History (2 credits), Native American Studies (8).
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
botany, forestry, natural science, biology, ecology and environmental science.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$75 for an overnight field trip.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10am (Sem II C4107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-13 | This program will now accept Freshmen through Sophomores. |
2016-04-12 | Frances Rains joins the teaching team. |
Tutoring Math and Science for Social Justice
Class Size: 25
20% Reserved for Freshmen
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The class is designed to help add to your skills working with diverse types of people and learners. A significant amount of time in the course explores issues of social justice as they concern power and privilege in the teaching and learning of math and science.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Teaching or tutoring mathematics and science.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
20% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Wed 7:30a-9a
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Projects in Critical and Creative Practices
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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This is an opportunity for students to work on faculty-driven scholarly and creative projects. By working with faculty in a studio and research “apprentice” model, students will gain hands-on experience in visual arts studio practices, film/media production practices, the creative writing workshop focused on craft, critical research and writing, library and archival research practices, and much more.
Naima Lowe (experimental media and performance art) creates films, videos, performances, and written works that explore issues of race, gender, and embodiment. The majority of her work includes an archival research element that explores historical social relationships and mythic identities. She is currently working on a series of short films and performances that explore racial identity in rural settings. Students working with Naima will have opportunities to learn media production and post-production skills (including storyboarding, scripting, 16 mm and HD video shooting, location scouting, audio recording, audio/video editing, etc.) through working with a small crew comprised of students and professional artists. Students would also have opportunities to do archival and historical research on African-Americans living in rural settings, and on literature, film, and visual art that deals with similar themes. Students are generally best equipped for this option if they have taken at least one full year of studies in Media or Visual Arts in a program such as MediaWorks, NonFiction Media, or its equivalent.
Shaw Osha (visual art) works in painting, photography, drawing, writing, and video. She explores issues of visual representation, affect as a desire, social relationship, and the conditions that surround us. She is currently working on a project based on questions of soul in artwork. Students working with Shaw will have opportunities to learn about artistic research, critique, grant and statement writing, website design, studio work, and concerns in contemporary art making.
Joli Sandoz (creative nonfiction) directs scholarly research focused on critique and/or the writing of creative nonfiction, or critique and/or design of analog games. This opportunity is open to people nearing the end of their Evergreen education, who may wish to pursue a major research project, senior thesis, or capstone project in their particular relevant interest. Projects of this type bring together theory and application in the critical and creative pursuit of knowledge new to the researcher. Outstanding creative and critical projects add value to graduate school and job applications, and can enhance skills in synthesis, analysis, and creative thinking and practice. Sandoz specializes in personal and lyric essays, and in board and card games; she does not sponsor projects centered on autobiography, memoir, or computer games (interesting as those topics are).
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
creative writing, writing, education, editing, media studies, media production, visual arts, film studies, web development, and the humanities.
See below for more info.
Seat availability and credit options vary per quarter.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day, Evening, and Weekend
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Projects in Critical and Creative Practices with J. Sandoz
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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This is an opportunity for students to work on faculty-driven scholarly and creative projects. By working with faculty in a studio and research “apprentice” model, students will gain hands-on experience in visual arts studio practices, film/media production practices, the creative writing workshop focused on craft, critical research and writing, library and archival research practices, and much more.
Joli Sandoz (creative nonfiction) directs scholarly research focused on critique and/or the writing of creative nonfiction, or critique and/or design of analog games. This opportunity is open to people nearing the end of their Evergreen education, who may wish to pursue a major research project, senior thesis, or capstone project in their particular relevant interest. Projects of this type bring together theory and application in the critical and creative pursuit of knowledge new to the researcher. Outstanding creative and critical projects add value to graduate school and job applications, and can enhance skills in synthesis, analysis, and creative thinking and practice. Sandoz specializes in personal and lyric essays, and in board and card games; she does not sponsor projects centered on autobiography, memoir, or computer games (interesting as those topics are).
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
creative writing, education, and the humanities.
See below for more info.
seat availability and credit options vary per quarter.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Evening
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Projects in Critical and Creative Practices with N. Lowe
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
This is an opportunity for students to work on faculty-driven scholarly and creative projects. By working with faculty in a studio and research “apprentice” model, students will gain hands-on experience in visual arts studio practices, film/media production practices, the creative writing workshop focused on craft, critical research and writing, library and archival research practices, and much more.
Naima Lowe (experimental media and performance art) creates films, videos, performances and written works that explore issues of race, gender, and embodiment. The majority of her work includes an archival research element that explores historical social relationships and mythic identities. She is currently working on a series of short films and performances that explore racial identity in rural settings. Students working with Naima would have opportunities to learn media production and post-production skills (including storyboarding, scripting, 16mm and HD video shooting, location scouting, audio recording, audio/video editing, etc) through working with a small crew comprised of students and professional artists. Students would also have opportunities to do archival and historical research on African-Americans living in rural settings, and on literature, film and visual art that deals with similar themes. Students are generally best equipped for this option if they have taken at least one full year of studies in Media or Visual Arts in a program such as MediaWorks, NonFiction Media, or its equivalent.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
media studies, art history, African American studies and visual art.
See below for more info.
seat availability and credit options vary per quarter.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day, Evening, and Weekend
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Projects in Critical and Creative Practices with Shaw Osha
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
This is an opportunity for students to work on faculty-driven scholarly and creative projects. By working with faculty in a studio and research “apprentice” model, students will gain hands-on experience in visual arts studio practices, film/media production practices, the creative writing workshop focused on craft, critical research and writing, library and archival research practices, and much more.
Shaw Osha (visual art) works in painting, photography, drawing, writing and video. She explores issues of visual representation, affect as a desire, social relationships and the conditions that surround us. She is currently working on a project based on questions of soul in artwork. Students working with Shaw would have opportunities to learn about artistic research, critique, grant and statement writing, website design, studio work and concerns in contemporary art making.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Art, art history, art administration
See below for more info.
seat availability and credit options vary per quarter.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
Compare offerings and share your lists with others.
Taught by
quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of
academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow
science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty
members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an
apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take
on more independent projects within the context of the specific
research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital
skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling
and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration
and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a
graduate degree or entering the job market.
Faculty offering undergraduate research opportunities are listed below. Contact them directly if you are interested.
Abir Biswas (geology, earth science) studies nutrient and toxic trace-metal cycles in terrestrial and coastal ecosystems. Potential projects could include studies of mineral weathering, wildfires, and mercury cycling in ecosystems. Students could pursue these interests at the laboratory scale or through field-scale biogeochemistry studies, taking advantage of the Evergreen Ecological Observation Network (EEON), a long-term ecological study area. Students with backgrounds in a combination of geology, biology, or chemistry can gain skills in soil, vegetation, and water collection and learn methods of sample preparation and analysis for major and trace elements.
Andrew Brabban (biotechnology) studies the physiology and biochemistry of prokaryotes of industrial and agricultural importance. Students who commit at least a full year to a research project, enrolling for 4 to 16 credits each quarter, will learn a broad range of microbiology (both aerobic and anaerobic techniques), molecular (DNA analysis and cloning), and biochemical techniques (chemical and pathway analysis, protein isolation). Students will also have opportunities for internships at the USDA and elsewhere, and to present data at national and international conferences.
Dharshi Bopegedera (chemistry) would like to engage students in two projects: (1) There is concern that toxic metals are found in unsafe quantities in children’s toys and cosmetics. She would like to engage a student in the quantitative determination of these metals, using the AA and the ICP-MS. Students who are interested in learning to use these instruments and quantitative analysis techniques will find this project interesting. (2) Science and education. With Dharshi, students will work with local teachers to develop lab activities that enhance the science curriculum in local schools. Students with an interest in teaching science who have completed general chemistry with laboratory would be ideal for this project. (3) Dharshi is also interested in looking at chemicals present in e-cigarettes. A student interested in this project could work on the organic or inorganic chemicals.
Clarissa Dirks (biology) conducts research in many areas of microbiology and ecology. Her recent work in microbiology has focused on the biodiversity and distribution of tardigrades in different ecosystems. She also aims to better understand the evolutionary principles that underlie the emergence, spread, and containment of infectious disease by studying the co-evolution of retroviruses and their hosts. Lastly, she is conducting snail surveys in Washington state to better characterize the species in the state, something that hasn’t been done in many decades. Depending on the project, students will gain experience in molecular biology techniques, microbiology, field ecology, genetics, bioinformatics, and tissue culture.
Robin Forbes-Lorman (biology) is interested in neurobiology, molecular neuroscience, and cell physiology. She uses C. elegans (roundworms) as a model organism. Potential student projects include investigating a C. elegans gene that is homologous to a human gene, potentially one that is implicated in human disease. They will use bioinformatics tools and primary literature to learn about their gene’s function in humans and worms, and will use molecular biology lab techniques to determine how the disruptions in the gene affects worm’s phenotype. Students can also investigate the impact of environmental stressors on gene expression, development, and behavior. Through these projects, students have the opportunity to gain experience in relevant techniques including RNA interference, Western immunoblotting, bioinformatics, and behavioral analysis.
David McAvity (mathematics) is interested in problems in mathematical biology associated with population and evolutionary dynamics. Students working with him will help create computer simulations using agent-based modeling and cellular automata and analyzing non-linear models for the evolution of cooperative behavior in strategic multiplayer evolutionary games. Students should have a strong mathematics or computer science background.
LydiaMcKinstry (organic chemistry) is interested in organic synthesis research, including asymmetric synthesis methodology, chemical reaction dynamics, and small molecule synthesis. One specific study involves the design and synthesis of enzyme inhibitor molecules to be used as effective laboratory tools with which to study the mechanistic steps of programmed cell death (e.g., in cancer cells). Students with a background in organic chemistry and biology will gain experience with the laboratory techniques of organic synthesis,as well as the techniques of spectroscopy.
Donald Morisato (biology) is interested in the developmental biology of the Drosophila embryo, a model system for analyzing how patterning occurs. Maternally encoded signaling pathways establish the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes. Individual student projects will use a combination of genetic, molecular biological, and biochemical approaches to investigate the spatial regulation of this complex process.
Jim Neitzel (biochemistry) uses methods from organic and analytical chemistry to study biologically interesting molecules. A major focus of his current work is on fatty acids; in particular, finding spectroscopic and chromatographic methods to identify fatty acids in complex mixtures and to detect changes that occur in fats during processing or storage. This has relevance both for foods and in biodiesel production. The other major area of interest is in plant natural products, such as salicylates. Work is in process screening local plants for the presence of these molecules, which are important plant-defense signals. Work is also supported in determining the nutritional value of indigenous plants. Students with a background and interest in organic or analytical biochemistry will contribute to this work.
Neal Nelson (computer science) is interested in working with advanced computer topics and current problems in the application of computing to the sciences. His areas of interest include simulations of advanced architectures for distributed computing, advanced programming languages and compilers, and programming languages for concurrent and parallel computing.
Mike Paros (physiology, microbiology, veterinary medicine) is interested in animal health, diseases that affect the animal agriculture industry, and basic ecology of bacteriophage in physiologic systems. Currently funded research includes the development of bacteriophage therapy for dairy cattle mastitis. A number of hands-on laboratory projects are available to students interested in pursuing careers in science, with a particular emphasis on microbiology.
Riley Rex (materials science, chemistry) is interested materials science for solar energy applications. In this project, his goal is to fabricate solar cells and measure their performance while exploring the effects of various methods to increase light absorbance. We will use a variety of wet-chemistry, physical vapor deposition, and thermal techniques to synthesize nanoparticles which will be characterized by absorbance spectroscopy and electron microscopy. The nanoparticles will then be incorporated into a complete solar cell device and voltage and current measurements will be used to calculate an overall power efficiency for the device. Theories associated with the optical and electronic properties of nanoparticles and proper device characterization can also be explored. The project is available to advanced students with chemistry, physics, and/or material science backgrounds.
Paula Schofield (organic, polymer, materials chemistry) is interested in the interdisciplinary fields of biodegradable plastics and biomedical polymers. Research in the field of biodegradable plastics is becoming increasingly important to replace current petroleum-derived materials and to reduce the environmental impact of plastic wastes. Modification of starch through copolymerization and use of bacterial polyesters show promise in this endeavor. Specific projects within biomedical polymers involve the synthesis of poly (lactic acid) copolymers that have potential for use in tissue engineering. Students with a background in chemistry and biology will gain experience in the synthesis and characterization of these novel polymer materials. Students will present their work at American Chemical Society (ACS) conferences.
Sheryl Shulman (computer science) is interested in working with advanced computer topics and current problems in the application of computing to the sciences. Her areas of interest include advanced programming languages and compilers, programming language design, programming languages for concurrent and parallel computing, and logic programming.
Rebecca Sunderman (inorganic/materials chemistry, physical chemistry) is interested in the synthesis and property characterization of new bismuth-containing materials. These compounds have been characterized as electronic conductors, attractive activators for luminescent materials, second harmonic generators, and oxidation catalysts for several organic compounds. Traditional solid-state synthesis methods will be utilized to prepare new complex bismuth oxides. Once synthesized, powder x-ray diffraction patterns will be obtained and material properties such as conductivity, melting point, biocidal tendency, coherent light production, and magnetic behavior will be examined when appropriate.
Brian Walter (mathematics) is interested in problems relating to graphs, combinatorial games, and especially, combinatorial games played on graphs. He would like to work with students who have a strong background in mathematics and/or computer science and are interested in applying their skills to open-ended problems relating to graphs and/or games.
Richard Weiss (computer science, mathematics) has several ongoing projects in computer vision, robotics, and security. There are some opportunities for students to develop cybersecurity games for teaching network security concepts and skills. In robotics, he is looking for students to develop laboratory exercises for several different mobile robotic platforms, including Scribbler, LEGO NXT and iRobot Create. This would also involve writing tools for image processing and computer vision using sequences of still images, video streams and 2.5-D images from the Kinect. In addition, he is open to working with students who have their own ideas for projects in these and related areas, such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and analysis of processor performance.
Pauline Yu (marine science) studies the developmental physiology and ecology of marine invertebrates. She is interested in the biochemistry of the seawater-organism interface, developmental nutritional biochemistry and metabolic depression, invasive species, carbonate chemistry (ocean acidification), and cultural relationships with foods from the sea. Students have the opportunity to collaboratively develop lines of inquiry for lab and/or field studies in ecology, developmental biology, physiology, marine carbonate chemistry and mariculture.
EJ Zita (physics), who has expertise in energy physics, modeling, and organic farming, is researching sustainability and climate change. Many students have done fine projects on sustainable energy and food production in her academic programs. Zita is working with Judy Cushing and Scott Morgan to establish a new research program at Evergreen. She and Cushing will model land use impacts on climate change; she and Morgan will plan and facilitate sustainability projects on campus. More information on Zita's research is available at .
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, astronomy, and applied mathematics.
See below for more info.
variable credit options available.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Upper division science credit:
Students seeking to earn upper division credit must contact the faculty to discuss options prior to the start of the quarter.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
May be offered again in:
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with A. Biswas
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Abir Biswas (geology, earth science) studies nutrient and toxic trace-metal cycles in terrestrial and coastal ecosystems. Potential projects could include studies of mineral weathering, wildfires, and mercury cycling in ecosystems. Students could pursue these interests at the laboratory scale or through field-scale biogeochemistry studies, taking advantage of the Evergreen Ecological Observation Network (EEON), a long-term ecological study area. Students with backgrounds in a combination of geology, biology, or chemistry can gain skills in soil, vegetation, and water collection and learn methods of sample preparation and analysis for major and trace elements.
See below for more info.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with A. Brabban
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Andrew Brabban (biotechnology) studies the physiology and biochemistry of prokaryotes of industrial and agricultural importance. Students who commit at least a full year to a research project, enrolling for 4 to 16 credits each quarter, will learn a broad range of microbiology (both aerobic and anaerobic techniques), molecular (DNA analysis and cloning), and biochemical techniques (chemical and pathway analysis, protein isolation). Students will also have opportunities for internships at the USDA and elsewhere, and to present data at national and international conferences.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology, biotechnology, and health sciences.
See below for more info.
seats and credit options vary.
Upper division science credit:
Upper division credit awarded for upper division work.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with B. Walter
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Brian Walter (mathematics) is interested in problems relating to graphs, combinatorial games, and especially, combinatorial games played on graphs. He would like to work with students who have a strong background in mathematics and/or computer science and are interested in applying their skills to open-ended problems relating to graphs and/or games.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
See below for more info.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with C. Barlow
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
ClydeBarlow (chemistry) works with biophysical applications of spectroscopy to study physiological processes at the organ level, with direct applications to health problems. Students with backgrounds in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics or computer science can obtain practical experience in applying their backgrounds to biomedical research problems in an interdisciplinary laboratory environment.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with C. Dirks
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Clarissa Dirks (biology) conducts research in many areas of microbiology and ecology. Her recent work in microbiology has focused on the biodiversity and distribution of Tardigrades in different ecosystems. She also aims to better understand the evolutionary principles that underlie the emergence, spread and containment of infectious disease by studying the coevolution of retroviruses and their hosts. Lastly, she is conducting snail surveys in Washington state to better characterize the species in the state, something that hasn’t been done in many decades. Depending on the project, students will gain experience in molecular biology technique, microbiology, field ecology, genetics, bioinformatics and tissue culture.
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with D. Bopegedera
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Dharshi Bopegedera (chemistry) would like to engage students in two projects: (1) There is concern that toxic metals are found in unsafe quantities in children’s toys and cosmetics. She would like to engage a student in the quantitative determination of these metals, using the AA and the ICP-MS. Students who are interested in learning to use these instruments and quantitative analysis techniques will find this project interesting. (2) Science and education. With Dharshi, students will work with local teachers to develop lab activities that enhance the science curriculum in local schools. Students with an interest in teaching science who have completed general chemistry with laboratory would be ideal for this project. (3) Dharshi is also interested in looking at chemicals present in e-cigarettes. A student interested in this project could work on the organic or inorganic chemicals.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with D. McAvity
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. This independent learning opportunity allows advanced students to delve into real-world research with faculty who are currently engaged in specific projects. Students typically begin by working in apprenticeship with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, written and oral communication, collaboration, and critical thinking that are valuable for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
David McAvity (mathematics) is interested in problems in mathematical biology associated with population and evolutionary dynamics. Students working with him will help create computer simulations using agent-based modeling and cellular automata and analyzing non-linear models for the evolution of cooperative behavior in strategic multiplayer evolutionary games. Students should have a strong mathematics or computer science background.
See below for more info.
seat availability and credit options vary per quarter.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with D. Morisato
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Donald Morisato (biology) is interested in the developmental biology of the Drosophila embryo, a model system for analyzing how patterning occurs. Maternally encoded signaling pathways establish the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes. Individual student projects will use a combination of genetic, molecular biological and biochemical approaches to investigate the spatial regulation of this complex process.
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with E. Zita
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
EJ Zita (physics), who has expertise in energy physics, modeling, and organic farming, is researching sustainability and climate change. Many students have done fine projects on sustainable energy and food production in her academic programs. Zita is working with Judy Cushing and Scott Morgan to establish a new research program at Evergreen. She and Cushing will model land use impacts on climate change; she and Morgan will plan and facilitate sustainability projects on campus. More information on Zita's research is available at
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with J. Neitzel
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Jim Neitzel (biochemistry) uses methods from organic and analytical chemistry to study biologically interesting molecules. A major focus of his current work is on fatty acids; in particular, finding spectroscopic and chromatographic methods to identify fatty acids in complex mixtures and to detect changes that occur in fats during processing or storage. This has relevance both for foods and in biodiesel production. The other major area of interest is in plant natural products, such as salicylates. Work is in process screening local plants for the presence of these molecules, which are important plant-defense signals. Work is also supported in determining the nutritional value of indigenous plants. Students with a background and interest in organic or analytical biochemistry will contribute to this work.
See below for more info.
seat availability and credit options vary per quarter.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with L. McKinstry
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
LydiaMcKinstry (organic chemistry) is interested in organic synthesis research, including asymmetric synthesis methodology, chemical reaction dynamics, and small molecule synthesis. One specific study involves the design and synthesis of enzyme inhibitor molecules to be used as effective laboratory tools with which to study the mechanistic steps of programmed cell death (e.g., in cancer cells). Students with a background in organic chemistry and biology will gain experience with the laboratory techniques of organic synthesis,as well as the techniques of spectroscopy.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
laboratory-based chemistry and related disciplines.
See below for more info.
seat availability and credit options vary per quarter.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Upper division science credit:
Upper divsion science credit may be awarded for upper level work.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with M. Paros
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Mike Paros (physiology, microbiology, veterinary medicine) is interested in animal health, diseases that affect the animal agriculture industry, and basic ecology of bacteriophage in physiologic systems. Currently funded research includes the development of bacteriophage therapy for dairy cattle mastitis. A number of hands-on laboratory projects are available to students interested in pursuing careers in science, with a particular emphasis on microbiology.
See below for more info.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with N. Nelson
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Neal Nelson (computer science) is interested in working with advanced computer topics and current problems in the application of computing to the sciences. His areas of interest include simulations of advanced architectures for distributed computing, advanced programming languages and compilers, and programming languages for concurrent and parallel computing.
See below for more info.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with P. Schofield
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Paula Schofield (organic, polymer, materials chemistry) is interested in the interdisciplinary fields of biodegradable plastics and biomedical polymers. Research in the field of biodegradable plastics is becoming increasingly important to replace current petroleum-derived materials and to reduce the environmental impact of plastic wastes. Modification of starch through copolymerization and use of bacterial polyesters show promise in this endeavor. Specific projects within biomedical polymers involve the synthesis of poly (lactic acid) copolymers that have potential for use in tissue engineering. Students with a background in chemistry and biology will gain experience in the synthesis and characterization of these novel polymer materials. Students will present their work at American Chemical Society (ACS) conferences.
See below for more info.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with P. Yu
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Environmental Studies. This independent learning opportunity is designed to allow advanced students to delve into real-world research with faculty who are currently engaged in specific projects. The program will help students develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, written and oral communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills—all of which are of particular value for students who are pursuing a graduate degree, as well as for graduates who are already in the job market.
Pauline Yu (marine science) studies the developmental physiology and ecology of marine invertebrates. She is interested in the biochemistry of the seawater-organism interface, developmental nutritional biochemistry and metabolic depression, invasive species, carbonate chemistry (ocean acidification), and cultural relationships with foods from the sea. Students have the opportunity to collaboratively develop lines of inquiry for lab and/or field studies in ecology, developmental biology, physiology, marine carbonate chemistry and mariculture.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
environmental studies, marine science, and zoology.
See below for more info.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with R. Forbes-Lorman
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Robin Forbes-Lorman (biology) is interested in neurobiology, molecular neuroscience, and cell physiology. She uses C. elegans (roundworms) as a model organism. Potential student projects include investigating a C. elegans gene that is homologous to a human gene, potentially one that is implicated in human disease. They will use bioinformatics tools and primary literature to learn about their gene’s function in humans and worms, and will use molecular biology lab techniques to determine how the disruptions in the gene affects worm’s phenotype. Students can also investigate the impact of environmental stressors on gene expression, development, and behavior. Through these projects, students have the opportunity to gain experience in relevant techniques including RNA interference, Western immunoblotting, bioinformatics, and behavioral analysis.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with R. Rex
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Riley Rex (materials science, chemistry) is interested materials science for solar energy applications. In this project, his goal is to fabricate solar cells and measure their performance while exploring the effects of various methods to increase light absorbance. We will use a variety of wet-chemistry, physical vapor deposition, and thermal techniques to synthesize nanoparticles which will be characterized by absorbance spectroscopy and electron microscopy. The nanoparticles will then be incorporated into a complete solar cell device and voltage and current measurements will be used to calculate an overall power efficiency for the device. Theories associated with the optical and electronic properties of nanoparticles and proper device characterization can also be explored. The project is available to advanced students with chemistry, physics, and/or material science backgrounds.
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with R. Sunderman
Winter 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Rebecca Sunderman (inorganic/materials chemistry, physical chemistry) is interested in the synthesis and property characterization of new bismuth-containing materials. These compounds have been characterized as electronic conductors, attractive activators for luminescent materials, second harmonic generators, and oxidation catalysts for several organic compounds. Traditional solid-state synthesis methods will be utilized to prepare new complex bismuth oxides. Once synthesized, powder x-ray diffraction patterns will be obtained and material properties such as conductivity, melting point, biocidal tendency, coherent light production, and magnetic behavior will be examined when appropriate.
See below for more info.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in Scientific Inquiry with S. Shulman
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Rigorous quantitative and qualitative research is an important component of academic learning in Scientific Inquiry. Research opportunities allow science students to work on specific projects associated with faculty members’ expertise. Students typically begin by working in an apprenticeship model with faculty or laboratory staff and gradually take on more independent projects within the context of the specific research program as they gain experience. Students can develop vital skills in research design, data acquisition and interpretation, modeling and theoretical analysis, written and oral communication, collaboration and critical thinking. These are valuable skills for students pursuing a graduate degree or entering the job market.
Sheryl Shulman (computer science) is interested in working with advanced computer topics and current problems in the application of computing to the sciences. Her areas of interest include advanced programming languages and compilers, programming language design, programming languages for concurrent and parallel computing, and logic programming.
See below for more info.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in the Humanities
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Students of the humanities who are nearing the end of their Evergreen education may wish to pursue a major research project, senior thesis, or capstone project in their particular field of interest. Often, the goal is to construct an original argument around a particular body of literature, set of ideas, or historical events. These kinds of projects develop advanced research skills in the humanities, including the ability to read deeply and critically in a particular field, and to discover and engage with important theoretical writings in that field. Students will also gain valuable skills in reading, analyzing, synthesizing, writing, and editing long pieces of complex prose. The best kinds of this work will be invaluable for graduate school applications, and will be an asset to those entering the job market directly following graduation.
Stacey Davis (European history) specializes in French history from the 18th century to the present, as well as the history of French colonies in North and West Africa. Students who wish to study European social, cultural, political, intellectual, or religious history from the Middle Ages to the present, including topics in the history of gender and sociocultural aspects of the history of art, are welcome to propose research projects. Students are welcome to work with Dr. Davis on her ongoing research projects on 19th-century political prisoners, notions of citizenship and democracy in modern Europe, memory, and the history of aging.
Nancy Koppelman (American studies) specializes in American social, literary, and intellectual history until 1920. Students who wish to study in these fields are welcome to propose research projects and senior theses. Particular interests include the social and intellectual history of the Puritans; the founding generation, immigrants, the working class, and the middle class; industrialization and reform movements; pragmatic philosophy; the history of childhood; and the history of technology and consumer culture. Students are also welcome to work with Nancy on her ongoing research projects on the histories of social/economic mobility and of individual physical movement.
Trevor Speller (British/anglophone literature) specializes in British and Anglophone literature from the 17th century to the present. Students who wish to study literature and literary theory from the Middle Ages to the present are welcome to propose research projects, including capstone projects and senior theses. Previous projects have included studies of Virginia Woolf, Romantic women writers, and travel writing. Dr. Speller is looking for students to assist with his ongoing research projects around the rise of the novel, experimental literature, and conceptions of modernity.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
literature, history, and the humanities.
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in the Humanities with N. Koppelman
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Students of the humanities who are nearing the end of their Evergreen education may wish to pursue a major research project, senior thesis or capstone project in their particular field of interest. Often, the goal is to contruct an original argument around a particular body of literature, set of ideas or historical events. These kinds of projects develop advanced research skills in the humanities, including the ability to read deeply and critically in a particular field, and to discover and engage with important theoretical writings in that field. Students will also gain valuable skills in reading, analyzing, synthesizing, writing and editing long pieces of complex prose. The best kinds of this work will be invaluable for graduate school applications, and will be an asset to those entering the job market directly following graduation.
Nancy Koppelman (American studies) specializes in American social, literary, and intellectual history until 1920. Students who wish to study in these fields are welcome to propose research projects and senior theses. Particular interests include the social and intellectual history of the Puritans; the founding generation, immigrants, the working class, and the middle class; industrialization and reform movements; pragmatic philosophy; the history of childhood; and the history of technology and consumer culture. Students are also welcome to work with Nancy on her ongoing research projects on the histories of social/economic mobility and of individual physical movement.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
literature, history and the humanities.
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in the Humanities with S. Davis
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Students of the humanities who are nearing the end of their Evergreen education may wish to pursue a major research project, senior thesis or capstone project in their particular field of interest. Often, the goal is to contruct an original argument around a particular body of literature, set of ideas or historical events. These kinds of projects develop advanced research skills in the humanities, including the ability to read deeply and critically in a particular field, and to discover and engage with important theoretical writings in that field. Students will also gain valuable skills in reading, analyzing, synthesizing, writing and editing long pieces of complex prose. The best kinds of this work will be invaluable for graduate school applications, and will be an asset to those entering the job market directly following graduation.
Stacey Davis (European history) specializes in French history from the 18th century to the present, as well as the history of French colonies in North and West Africa. Students who wish to study European social, cultural, political, intellectual or religious history from the Middle Ages to the present, including topics in the history of gender and sociocultural aspects of the history of art, are welcome to propose research projects. Students are welcome to work with Dr. Davis on her ongoing research projects on 19th-century political prisoners, notions of citizenship and democracy in modern Europe, memory and the history of aging.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
literature, history and the humanities.
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research in the Humanities with T. Speller
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 0
See below for more info.
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Taught by
Students of the humanities who are nearing the end of their Evergreen education may wish to pursue a major research project, senior thesis or capstone project in their particular field of interest. Often, the goal is to contruct an original argument around a particular body of literature, set of ideas or historical events. These kinds of projects develop advanced research skills in the humanities, including the ability to read deeply and critically in a particular field, and to discover and engage with important theoretical writings in that field. Students will also gain valuable skills in reading, analyzing, synthesizing, writing and editing long pieces of complex prose. The best kinds of this work will be invaluable for graduate school applications, and will be an asset to those entering the job market directly following graduation.
Trevor Speller (British/anglophone literature) specializes in British and Anglophone literature from the 17th century to the present. Students who wish to study literature and literary theory from the Middle Ages to the present are welcome to propose research projects, including capstone projects and senior theses. Previous projects have included studies of Virginia Woolf, Romantic women writers, and travel writing. Dr. Speller is looking for students to assist with his ongoing research projects around the rise of the novel, experimental literature, and conceptions of modernity.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
literature, history and the humanities.
See below for more info.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 0
Scheduled for: Day
Located in: Olympia
Undergraduate Research: Civic Intelligence Research and Action Laboratory (CIRAL)
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 12
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Civic intelligence attempts to understand how "smart" a society is in addressing the issues it faces and to think about—and initiate—practices that improve this capacity. It is an interdisciplinary area of inquiry that includes the sciences—social and otherwise—as well as the humanities. Visual art, music, and stories, are as critical to the enterprise as the ability to analyze and theorize about social and environmental issues.
This learning opportunity is designed to allow students of various knowledge and skill levels to work with a high level of autonomy on the design and implementation of real-world research and action projects in virtually any field. Students will collaborate via issue-oriented "clusters" with students, faculty, and others inside and beyond Evergreen. The undergraduate research opportunity will help students develop important skills in organizational and workshop design, collaboration, analysis and interpretation, written and oral communication, critical thinking skills, and interpersonal skills. We also expect to focus on the development of online services, information, and tools, including civic engagement games and online deliberation.
Although there are many ways to engage in this research, all work will directly or indirectly support the work of the Civic Intelligence Research and Action Laboratory (CIRAL). These opportunities will include working with the "Home Office." The home office work will focus on developing the capacities of the lab, including engaging in research, media work, or tech development that will support the community partnerships. Other work can include direct collaboration outside the classroom, often on an ongoing basis. We are also hoping to support students who are interested in the development of online support for civic intelligence, particularly CIRAL. This includes the development of ongoing projects such as e-Liberate, a web-based tool that supports online meetings using Roberts Rules of Order, and Activist Mirror, a civic engagement game, as well as the requirements gathering and development of new capabilities for information interchange and collaboration.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 12
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Located in: Olympia
Understanding the Economic Crisis
Class Size: 25
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No one reading this has not experienced or witnessed the painful effects of the combined financial crisis, long recession and severe shortage of well-paying jobs. These are turning points in American society and world history. Two of the nation’s most prominent economists have recently warned that Americans must now accommodate themselves to an unending condition of chronic slow economic growth, low wages, high unemployment and permanent economic insecurity. Are they right? A great deal hangs in the balance.
Understanding the origins and future of the present crisis can help in making sense of the world and planning for the future. This class helps students understand where the crisis came from, why it has the features it has, and where it is likely to lead. Clear explanations will be offered for terms like financial bubble, securitization, derivatives, credit default swaps and financial economy vs. real economy. Implications for income and job growth will also be studied. No prior background in economics is required. Required readings have been selected for clarity and general accessibility
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Economics, Political Science, Government Service, Social Studies Teaching, Political Economy, Sociology, Business
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
$26.00 fee for required text
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Monday and Wednesday, 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Vertebrate Evolution
Class Size: 50
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Evolution provides an explanation for the extraordinary biological diversity on this planet. In this program we will focus on macroevolutionary processes, specifically speciation and the evidence it leaves behind. In doing so, we will address several philosophical questions, including: How do we make claims of knowledge in an historical science such as evolution? We will investigate questions that may seem simple at first—what is a species?—but turn out to have myriad, conflicting answers. This complexity, and our attempts to discern the pattern in that complexity, will be our focus.
We will use vertebrates as our model with which to study evolution, reviewing the morphological history and diversity of this clade. Innovations have marked the history of vertebrates, including the origins of cartilage, bone, brains, endothermy, and the amniotic egg, which allowed for the invasion of terrestrial habitats. The transformation of existing structures to take on new functions has been another notable feature of vertebrate evolution from lungs into swim bladders, hands into wings, and scales into both feathers and hair.
Classroom work will include workshops and lectures in which active participation by all students will facilitate an enriching learning community. In weekly wet labs, we will study the comparative anatomy of vertebrate skulls and skeletons, and dissect cats and sharks. In the computer lab, we will use software designed for systematic character analysis, and students will generate and analyze morphological datasets.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
biology, veterinary medicine, health-related fields, and evolutionary biology.
Credits per quarter
At least one quarter each of college-level biology and college-level writing.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$10 for entrance fees to zoos and museums.
Upper division science credit:
Up to 16 upper-division science credits will be awarded to students who demonstrate a solid working understanding of the prerequisites and successfully complete all program work.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting : Monday, September 26 at 9am (Sem II A1105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-15 | Fall fee reduced (from $100 to $10). |
2016-04-26 | Fees reduced. |
Veterans' Next Mission: Crossing the Bridge Between Military and Academic Life
Class Size: 25
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This course is envisioned to aid active duty, veterans and dependents in adjusting to a college environment and to provide them with an orientation to the tools that are available to help them adjust. We will use a seminar format, where class members discuss issues confronting their re-entry into the civilian community, particularly an academic environment. Through reading and research, you will discover effective tools and strategies for dealing with those challenges. The class will feature short lectures and films on various topics, followed by discussions. Students will read the novel, Catch -22, and discuss it, do a team research project, resulting in a paper and presentation, and write short essays on various topics. You will interact with guest lecturers, share your discoveries with classmates, and keep a journal of your feelings, emotions and observations over the length of the quarter. Credit will be awarded in research methods and in descriptive, expository, and creative writing.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-9:30p Thu. First class meeting Thu, September 29, 6pm, Library 1412.
Located in: Olympia
Veterans' Next Mission: Crossing the Bridge Between Military and Academic Life
Class Size: 25
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This course is envisioned to aid active duty, veterans and dependents in adjusting to a college environment and to provide them with an orientation to the tools that are available to help them adjust. We will use a seminar format, where class members discuss issues confronting their re-entry into the civilian community, particularly an academic environment. Through reading and research, you will discover effective tools and strategies for dealing with those challenges. The class will feature short lectures and films on various topics, followed by discussions. Students will read the novel, Catch -22, and discuss it, do a team research project, resulting in a paper and presentation, and write short essays on various topics. You will interact with guest lecturers, share your discoveries with classmates, and keep a journal of your feelings, emotions and observations over the length of the quarter. Credit will be awarded in research methods and in descriptive, expository, and creative writing.
The faculty member, Thomas R. Kelley, is a retired Mustang - Navy Lieutenant Commander with 25 years of Naval Service. After retirement, he has worked in K – 12 administration as an Assistant Superintendent and has taught Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Management, and Leadership at Averett University in Danville VA. Randy arrived at Evergreen in the Fall of 2013 to open and direct the new Veterans Resource Center and to establish a program for Veterans Success.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-9:30p Thu
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-17 | Randy Kelly added as faculty |
Visual Literacies
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Visual literacy skills enhance communication, advance learning, and expand thinking. They are essential for effectively navigating today's social and cultural environment. In this course we will explore Western and non-Western approaches to art while focusing on how we see, how we learn, and how visual information can be used generally in communication and specifically in education. Our study will be enhanced by weekly art and media workshops which will include work with digital photography, Photoshop, animation/video, and presentation software.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$15 for admission to the Seattle Art Museum
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Thu 5:30-9:00p
Located in: Olympia
Visual Music in 16mm and 35mm Direct Animation
Class Size: 15
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In direct animation, a century-old camera-less form, artists use painting, scratching and myriad techniques not recommended by manufacturers to animate on motion picture film. It is an analog fine art offering experiential liberation from increasingly digital visual cultures. In this intensive hands-on class students practice numerous methods of direct animation including darkroom hand-processing, and invent their own techniques to create lots of footage in a short time, while studying genre masters like Len Lye, McLaren, Sistiaga, and Neubauer. Final culminating projects will explore analog and digital methods for publicly presenting students' work in celebratory projection performance extravaganzas on campus and in downtown Olympia.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
media arts, visual arts, education
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$110 fee for film supplies and equipment
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
9a-5p Tue/Thurs
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-04-12 | Required fee reduction- was $150, now $110. |
Wait, What? How Things Really Work in Science and Business
Spring 2017
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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In this introductory-level program we will explore the science, economics, and public policies surrounding debates on topics such as air and water pollution, sustainability and sources of energy, health care, finance, pharmaceutical drugs, and genetic engineering. Our primary emphasis will be the critical thinking involved.
Do you really understand the controversial topics of pesticide usage, water pollution, food and drug supplements, economics and finance, economics, or alternative sources of energy? Or do rumors and myths about these issues carry the day? As responsible members of society, we will look at these issues with a critical eye and investigate the scientific evidence, ethical dilemmas, and analytic misperceptions associated with each. We will apply science, statistics, and analytical thinking to separate facts from fiction.
In winter quarter we will study topics concerning pollution and energy as themes for examining our world, considering subjects such as water use and treatment, and acid rain and the ozone layer. In spring we will look at issues concerning nutrition and health, drugs and food additives, and genetically modified organisms. Students will be introduced to economics and finance during both quarters. Program activities will include lectures, small-group problem-solving workshops, laboratories, seminars, films, field trips, team projects, and student presentations. Through our readings, discussions, and assignments students will pull together ideas and concepts from several subject areas, work collaboratively to develop knowledge and skills, and apply quantitative methods to critically evaluate the facts and debates about the real-world issues above. This work will emphasize quantitative reasoning as well as the development of proficient writing and speaking skills.
This is a non-repeating, lower division program intended for students seeking to gain an introduction to molecular science, as well as practice with the quantitative methods used in chemistry and business. Strong algebra skills are required to be successful in this work. This program is also appropriate for students seeking to study science or business as part of a liberal arts education. It is not intended as a prerequisite for upper-division work in science.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
general science, sustainability, humanities, business, and teaching.
Credits per quarter
Strong grasp of algebra (exponents, logarithms, equations, linear graphing).
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$50 in winter for overnight field trips.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 9am (Sem II D1105). Please be prompt.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-13 | This program is now open to all class levels. |
2017-02-23 | Spring fee removed. |
Washington State Legislative Internships
Spring 2017
Class Size: 14
Variable Credit Options Available
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Taking advantage of Evergreen's proximity to the capital of Washington State, this internship presents the opportunity to observe first hand the development of public policy in that arena. Drawing from the social sciences and systems and change theory, students explore the evolving systems of law, regulation, and governance. Students will learn about proposed legislation on a variety of issues. They will reflect on the dynamics of the legislative process as a means for making change.
Each student will work as an intern with a legislator and her or his staff for a regular forty-hour work week during the 2017 legislative session. Intensive staff-apprenticeship activities include conducting legislative research, drafting policy and other documents, bill tracking, and constituent communications. Responsibilities also include attendance at guest presentations, seminars, workshops on budget, and media panels.
Students accepted as legislative interns will develop an internship learning contract, profiling legislative responsibilities and linkages to their academic development.
Each intern will keep a weekly journal that is submitted to the faculty sponsor on a regular basis and a portfolio of all materials related to legislative work submitted upon faculty request. During regular in-capitol seminars, Evergreen interns will confer with colleagues and the faculty sponsor to address challenges and reflect upon their experiences. Each intern will translate his or her activities in the internship into analytic and reflective writing about what they are learning and implications of the work by producing a minimum of three short essays per quarter. Students will also write a self-evaluation at the end of each quarter. At the conclusion of the legislative session during spring quarter, interns will produce a substantial integrative essay, and meet with colleagues in person to review and reflect upon their legislative internship experience.
Students are encouraged to serve as interns over both winter and spring quarters. In winter quarter, interns will have a Legislative Internship Contract for 16 credits; for spring quarter, students can develop an 8-credit Legislative Internship Contract and augment it with another 8-credit project or program involving specific post-session research and writing. Student performance for the two-quarter internship is evaluated by the faculty sponsor, field supervisors and legislative office staff.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
community studies, government, law, political science, public interest advocacy, public policy and social issues.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
16-credit internship in Winter Quarter, with 8- or 16-credit option available in Spring Quarter.
One year of interdisciplinary study.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 14
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Interns work 8:00 am to 5:00 pm assignment at the State Capitol. Seminars and other meetings with faculty and intern colleagues will be scheduled during that work week.
Located in: Olympia
Off-campus location:
Interns work 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on assignment at the State Capitol. Seminars and other meetings with faculty and intern colleagues will be scheduled on the State Capitol Campus.
May be offered again in:
Date | Revision |
2016-01-07 | New Opportunity Added |
Watersheds: People, Rivers, and Change in Cascadia
Class Size: 75
25% Reserved for Freshmen
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Important note: This program is taught by Rob Knapp, Clarissa Dirks, and Peter Dorman. A bug is preventing Rob Knapp's name from appearing properly.
As the Cascadia region responds to regional and planetary changes in climate, economy, and ecology and tries to find sustainable forms of settlement and industry, water has an essential role. In fact, it has many roles—support for life, productive ingredient, source of delight, and many more. This program will explore key interactions between water and people, as they play out now in three locales in the Cascadia bioregion, and as they may change in the future while the region searches for sustainability.
Our work will be outdoors as well as in, with several field trips (one multi-day), and opportunities for field observation and regeneration projects alongside lectures, book discussions, lab exercises, and skill workshops. Concepts and information will be drawn from earth system science, public health, sports and recreation, civil engineering, ecosystem management, political economy, and urban design. The emphasis will be on linkages and influences among these topics, because sustainability depends on them working together. The quarter’s goal will be what professionals call conceptual designs, that is, imaginative ideas disciplined by working out how they fit in the settings they aim to improve. The quarter will conclude with presentations in the style of TED talks.
Students at all levels, from freshmen to seniors, will find challenge and new learning in this program. Moving toward sustainability in American society means finding workable paths for the widest possible range of personal situations, so each student’s unique background will be valuable to consider and build on. Meanwhile, finding one’s place in this uncertain, fast-changing time of transition toward sustainability will be a challenge that each student, and the program as a whole, will confront.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
sustainability, environmental affairs, urban affairs, governance, and policy.
Credits per quarter
No specific subject knowledge is required, but all students need to be willing to tackle open-ended problems, combine abstract and concrete thinking, respond with insight to real-world information and obstacles, and produce carefully finished writing, presentations, and other work.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$220 for a multi-day field trip to explore the ecology, economics and recreation of river systems in Washington state.
Class Size: 75
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10am (Sem II E1107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-26 | Fee added ($220). |
Web Design and the Connected Individual
Class Size: 25
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What does it mean to have--and use--a voice on the internet? What can be said about--and done about--new structures of privacy, conversation, and agency in a radically connected society? We'll develop these questions, discussing current scholarship on society and communication in the internet connected age. And we'll learn the fundamentals of web development, using HTML and CSS, along with some very basic programming, to visually shape discourse on the web. We'll emphasize designing for generated content like blogs. We'll also work on writing for internet messages. The program will emphasize the persistence of communication through adaptation and advocacy.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Web Design, Study of Technology
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mon/Wed 6-9:30 pm
Located in: Olympia
What is She Saying?
Class Size: 25
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Participants in this program will engage creative writing—their own and that of published authors—as a nexus for critical and creative inquiry, delving into the content and characteristics that mark the work and words of women writing today in very different voices from different perspectives. What are women saying to us—about themselves, about us, about the world? How do fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry serve as modes of critical engagement? What can we say in these modes that can’t be said any other way? How do gender, sexual orientation, economics, race and other aspects of intersectional identity affect our reading of “women”? How do we respond? How does identity shape our own writing, regardless of how that is defined? How do we speak for ourselves and for others, and to whom are we speaking?
Program participants will "locate" themselves and their work in a cultural and critical context, and will contribute to the discourse of contemporary writers. We will study and practice the elements of narrative and lyrical discourse through workshops, presentations, seminar, critique and through iterative critical and creative writing assignments. There will be an emphasis on formal hybridity, the relationship between critical and creative thought and practice, as well as on development of a sustaining creative writing practice. Participants will experiment with different ways of engaging their work independently and as a community of artists: developing a daily writing practice, building and participating in an online community, and going away together to the Washington coast for a 4-day writing retreat.
Participants will develop two significant creative projects throughout the quarter through iterative drafts and critiques; and they will work together to conduct a research project on a set of mutually agreed-upon writers as a way of extending and augmenting our shared reading list—using primary creative texts, secondary critical texts, and biographical works they will conduct a rich and dimensionally complex investigation.
We will read two books each by four writers in order to develop a sense of how/if an author can say different things in the same “voice.” The writers are: Claudia Rankine, Lidia Yuknavich, Maggie Nelson, and Bhanu Kapil.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
writing, publishing, and literary criticism.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$220 for field trip transportation and lodging, workshop registration and supplies.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 10am (Sem II A2105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-02-24 | Fee increased (from $175 to $220). |
2016-03-09 | New spring opportunity added. |
Where Are You? Introduction to Geography and Geographical Awareness
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Variable Credit Options Available
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Ever wonder why sixth grade geography was so boring? Memorizing place names and locations is NOT geography! Join this program and learn a new way of being in the world. This program will provide an overview of geography as an academic discipline and a knowledge base that defines the uniqueness of places, regions, environmental conditions, and spatial abilities. Using a traditional geography textbook, we will cover the four main areas of geography—physical or Earth sciences, regions of the world, patterns of social organization, and basic methods of data collection and mapping techniques. We will also read a set of texts that inform the creation of landscapes of meaning, environmental awareness, and resource management in the United States. Class meeting times will be used for introductory lecture materials, seminar on texts, and field trips. The online component will include a set of assignments and inquiry-based learning.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
teaching and education, environmental studies, and geography.
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
12-credit includes Pacific Northwest History (4 cr), Pacific Northwest Geography (4 cr) and Earth Science (4 cr); 16-credit option adds World Geography (4cr). Contact faculty for permission to register for the 12-credit option.
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers 25 - 49% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
$25 for entrance fees to museums and science centers.
Class Size: 25
25% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Thursday, April 6 at 9am (Sem II C3107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-03-22 | This program is available for 12 or 16 credits. |
Wilderness First Responder
Class Size: 18
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Wilderness First Responder (WFR) is designed specifically to meet the needs of wilderness guides, trip leaders, and outdoor enthusiasts. This program emphasizes a variety of problems that might be encountered in a wilderness setting. While the focus remains on expedition medicine, the information and skills learned in the WFR can be directly applied to other emergency medical situations where ambulances and advanced medical care are not available, such as disaster relief and international travel. This is a hands-on program that utilizes both the classroom and outdoors to teach effective patient care. At least 50% of the course will take place outside in a variety of environmental conditions, so students should be able to walk for 1/2 hour with a backpack and lift 50 lbs. Students who successfully complete the course will receive nationally recognized WFR and CPR certification from the Wilderness Medicine Training Center. This is a nine-day intensive course with pre-course reading assignments.
Credits per quarter
Must be able to lift 50lbs and hike with a pack for 1/2 hour.
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Approximately $360 for contractor-supplied materials
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Day and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Class meets from 8 am to 6 pm every day (including weekends), Saturday, August 12 through Sunday, August 20, 2017
Located in: Olympia
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
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This ten-week program is designed to give students an intensive interdisciplinary introduction to critical and creative reading and writing, on the one hand, and scientific fieldwork and forest ecology, on the other. Our curriculum aims to identify parallels between the sciences and the humanities on behalf of articulating transdisciplinary theories and practices that are adequate to the urgent scientific, ethical, and political questions that confront our cultural moment.
We will explore how observation and analysis are vital to both the sciences and the humanities and, will apply these skills across a variety of fields. We will read from a wide range of authors and genres from a wide range of time periods, and we will experiment both with writing styles and with lab equipment. We will conduct long-term ecological monitoring and embrace revision in our compositions. Our 1000-acre campus forest and our 750,000-book library will be the primary fieldsites of our interdisciplinary inquiry. Call these branches of our investigation “forest space” and “book space.”
We will ask, and try to answer, tough questions that challenge how we view the world. What needs to be the case for things to be otherwise? This question, in particular, will allow us to address the fact and possibility of change --- of transformation and metamorphosis --- in both the human and the natural worlds, and perhaps also to understand some of the ways in which our understandings of nature and culture have come into being in the first place. What is the relationship between evolution and revolution, between photosynthesis and rhetoric? How do patterns influence processes? How can we identify, define, describe, observe, and analyze the objects of our inquiry—whether that be a 14-line sonnet on the page of a book, or a meter-squared quadrat in the forest?
This program will give you the chance to stretch your creative, analytical, logical, and critical muscles while preparing you for a successful journey through Evergreen. No experience necessary, some assembly required, all students welcome. We proceed on the premise that there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear. So come prepared to write and to perambulate outdoors, and bring a good notebook and a good writing utensil, a good pair of boots and good raingear. The only way to do this right is by writing, and going for some long walks in the woods.
This program will be repeated in winter and spring quarters. Students who take this program in fall should not register for the winter or spring quarter repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
communication, ecology, environmental studies, linguistics, natural history and writing.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 36
100% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting : Monday, September 26 at 10am (Sem II C1107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-04-11 | New fall opportunity added. |
Class Size: 36
90% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program is a repeat of the program in fall quarter. Students who take the program in fall should not register for the winter or spring quarter program.
This ten-week program is designed to give students an intensive interdisciplinary introduction to critical and creative reading and writing, on the one hand, and scientific fieldwork and forest ecology, on the other. Our curriculum aims to identify parallels between the sciences and the humanities on behalf of articulating transdisciplinary theories and practices that are adequate to the urgent scientific, ethical, and political questions that confront our cultural moment.
We will explore how observation and analysis are vital to both the sciences and the humanities and, will apply these skills across a variety of fields. We will read from a wide range of authors and genres from a wide range of time periods, and we will experiment both with writing styles and with lab equipment. We will conduct long-term ecological monitoring and embrace revision in our compositions. Our 1000-acre campus forest and our 750,000-book library will be the primary fieldsites of our interdisciplinary inquiry. Call these branches of our investigation “forest space” and “book space.”
We will ask, and try to answer, tough questions that challenge how we view the world. What needs to be the case for things to be otherwise? This question, in particular, will allow us to address the fact and possibility of change --- of transformation and metamorphosis --- in both the human and the natural worlds, and perhaps also to understand some of the ways in which our understandings of nature and culture have come into being in the first place. What is the relationship between evolution and revolution, between photosynthesis and rhetoric? How do patterns influence processes? How can we identify, define, describe, observe, and analyze the objects of our inquiry—whether that be a 14-line sonnet on the page of a book, or a meter-squared quadrat in the forest?
This program will give you the chance to stretch your creative, analytical, logical, and critical muscles while preparing you for a successful journey through Evergreen. No experience necessary, some assembly required, all students welcome. We proceed on the premise that there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear. So come prepared to write and to perambulate outdoors, and bring a good notebook and a good writing utensil, a good pair of boots and good raingear. The only way to do this right is by writing, and going for some long walks in the woods.
This program will be repeated in spring quarter. Students who take this program in fall or winter should not register for the spring quarter repeat.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
communication, ecology, environmental studies, linguistics, natural history and writing.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 36
90% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 10am (Sem II E2105)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-21 | Five sophomore seats have been reserved for first year students who have transferred in with credit. |
2016-04-11 | New winter opportunity added. |
Class Size: 36
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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This program is a repeat of the program in fall and winter quarters. Students who take the program in fall or winter should not register for the spring quarter program.
This ten-week program is designed to give students an intensive interdisciplinary introduction to critical and creative reading and writing, on the one hand, and scientific fieldwork and forest ecology, on the other. Our curriculum aims to identify parallels between the sciences and the humanities on behalf of articulating transdisciplinary theories and practices that are adequate to the urgent scientific, ethical, and political questions that confront our cultural moment.
We will explore how observation and analysis are vital to both the sciences and the humanities and, will apply these skills across a variety of fields. We will read from a wide range of authors and genres from a wide range of time periods, and we will experiment both with writing styles and with lab equipment. We will conduct long-term ecological monitoring and embrace revision in our compositions. Our 1000-acre campus forest and our 750,000-book library will be the primary fieldsites of our interdisciplinary inquiry. Call these branches of our investigation “forest space” and “book space.”
We will ask, and try to answer, tough questions that challenge how we view the world. What needs to be the case for things to be otherwise? This question, in particular, will allow us to address the fact and possibility of change --- of transformation and metamorphosis --- in both the human and the natural worlds, and perhaps also to understand some of the ways in which our understandings of nature and culture have come into being in the first place. What is the relationship between evolution and revolution, between photosynthesis and rhetoric? How do patterns influence processes? How can we identify, define, describe, observe, and analyze the objects of our inquiry—whether that be a 14-line sonnet on the page of a book, or a meter-squared quadrat in the forest?
This program will give you the chance to stretch your creative, analytical, logical, and critical muscles while preparing you for a successful journey through Evergreen. No experience necessary, some assembly required, all students welcome. We proceed on the premise that there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear. So come prepared to write and to perambulate outdoors, and bring a good notebook and a good writing utensil, a good pair of boots and good raingear. The only way to do this right is by writing, and going for some long walks in the woods.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
communication, ecology, environmental studies, linguistics, natural history and writing.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$125 for an overnight field trip.
Class Size: 36
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10aam (Sem II B1107)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-03 | Fee added ($125). |
2016-04-11 | New spring opportunity added. |
Work and Disability: Minimizing the Human and Financial Impact of Disability
Class Size: 25
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Work and Disability: Minimizing the Human and Financial Impact of
Disability focuses on the interplay of work and disability. How do
we balance the needs of people with disability and needs of society?
How does our perception of disability shape our reality in dealing with
individuals with disability? This course will primarily address
the impact of adult onset disabilities such as musculoskeletal injuries,
occupational disease, and chronic illness. Students will gain an
understanding of disability legislature, disability programs, disability
rights, psychosocial aspects of disability, and vocational
rehabilitation strategies to enhance employment outcomes. There
will be opportunities for career exploration. We will learn about
jobs held in the public and private sector including human resources,
vocational rehabilitation, disability benefits programs, and job
modification specialists.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
Vocational rehabilitation, Human Resources, Policy , Insurance, Disability Management, Ergonomics
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Work and the Human Condition
Winter 2017
Spring 2017
Class Size: 50
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This class will examine the nature and place of work in human life and culture. Studying literature, philosophy, and history in the Western tradition, we will develop an understanding of work that goes well beyond the concept of work as a way to pay the bills. We will consider important questions: Why is work important in a complete human life? What roles can it play both for an individual and for the whole social system? What meaning does, or can, work have in a person's life and in a society? What ways of working should a person strive to practice? Who does what work, and why? To better understand and critique challenging material, we will spend time improving skills in close reading, critical reasoning, writing clearly and well, and engaging in focused research. We will examine the ways in which approaching an idea through different disciplinary lenses allows us to deepen our understanding of it—often complicating the picture in generative ways.
During fall quarter , we begin our study of ideas about the place of work in human life and the concept of labor , which concerns how humans stay alive; that is, what we do to provide ourselves with food, clothing, shelter, and warmth. We will begin with an introduction to Hannah Arendt’s classic text, The Human Condition , and focus on the historical changes that lead to industrial labor and erosion of the common world. We will examine the ways in which the new industrial economy changed where people lived, the work they did, and the ways in which some challenged the capitalist model. We will read primary texts in literature, philosophy, and history. We’ll also use film, visual art, and poetry.
Winter quarter’s studies will shift our focus to the creation of the artificial world and the durable objects in it. We will continue working with Arendt’s text, and think about the made world and the art and use objects that make it up. Historically central to human labor has been the laboring of women and of slaves, whose place was in the home: in the private rather than the public sphere. In the winter, we’ll read work from Frederick Douglass, as well as Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin , and George Eliot’s Middlemarch .
We will conclude the program in spring by examining the idea of action ; that is, the ways in which people interact with each other in politics, science, art, and the public sphere generally. Coming out of the labor experience of women and slaves, political action in the United States will be our focus. We will continue our study of Arendt's The Human Condition and read literary and philosophical texts that inform our ideas of action. We will study liberatory movements as well as action in the arts and sciences. In their major project work, students will focus on one area in which people engage in action today, such as in liberation movements, in artistic endeavors, and in scientific inquiry.
Credit may be awarded in Philosophy, Literature, Cultural Studies and American Studies.
Work and the Human Condition: 12 Credit option
Students taking Work and the Human Condition for 12 credits will focus their work on library research that engages concepts and history they will read about in two required texts. The first is The Return of Martin Guerre , by Natalie Zemon Davis; the second is the classic historical analysis of E.P. Thompson: The Making of the English Working Class . Students will meet with program and library faculty on Thursday, October 6 and Thursday, October 13 in the Library classroom. During weeks 3-9 of fall quarter, these students will participate in a “real time” on line seminar. Each week, a student will facilitate the seminar discussion, which will take place in a structured format accessed on the program’s Canvas site. The seminar discussions will focus on the assigned reading for that week. In addition, students will begin a research project connected to the history of labor and work presented in both the The Return of Martin Guerre and The Making of the English Working Class . At the end of fall quarter, they will have completed an annotated bibliography on their topic. They will use their bibliographies as background for their work winter quarter. The 12 credit option will continue for winter quarter, but only for those students who began this work in the fall.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Monday and Wednesday: 6:00-9:30. First Winter class meeting Mon, January 9, 6pm, Seminar 2 B1105.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-05-09 | Description updated and 12 credit option added |
Worker Cooperatives and Democratic Management
Class Size: 25
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This course will offer a general overview of the worker cooperative business model, in context of the history of cooperatives and international definitions of cooperatives. A multimedia approach will be used combining lectures, case studies, panel discussion, films, and games to help students learn about the unique challenges of worker ownership and democratic management. A specific focus of the course will include the governance and accountability models used to manage a business in which the employees own and control their workplace and how worker-owners balance the needs of the business with the needs of the individual member. Students will complete a research project comparing either the governance or accountability model of an existing worker coop to a traditional business within the same industry.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
management, cooperative development, human resources
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu, 5-9p
Located in: Olympia
Working Artists: The Business of Creativity and Art
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
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What does it mean to be a working artist? How does the need to make money influence our artistic expression? Are artistic freedom, authenticity, and purity of expression inevitably tarnished once art is produced in anticipation of sale? From the buyer's perspective, what exactly is being bought? Is it the pure aesthetics of the object or is it the name of the artist being purchased, or even an intimate relationship with the artist herself? How do the artist, the gallery, and the buyer determine the appropriate price? What roles do galleries and other intermediaries play in uniting the artist with the connoisseur? These are not new questions. In fact, artists such as Michelangelo depended on patronage—their artistic expression was defined and constrained by those paying them to be artists. Today this process reaches into every corner of the globe—Australian aborigines, for example, have rescaled their art to easily fit in suitcases of their tourist buyers.
We will explore these issues in this program, designed for students interested in the intersection of art and business. Our focus will be the economic, cultural, and production dynamics involved in making a living as an artist or entrepreneur in the art world. We will critically explore commercial relationships and market transactions among artists, galleries, collectors, and patrons.
This program is not a preparatory course on how to make a living as an artist, on marketing strategies, or establishing portfolios and promotional materials.
Artists who sustain life-long artistic practice and make a living in the process do so by undertaking daily—and often uninspiring—practices. We will similarly engage in daily practice as artists in business, developing skills in intaglio printmaking and personal finance. Our regular rigorous practice will serve both as metaphors for the daily work of artistic production and as opportunities for improving foundational skills necessary for the business of art.
In addition to seminar, lecture, workshops, writing, and exams, each week will include 8 hours in printmaking and personal finance workshops. Sharpen your pencils, grab your calculators, and join us at 8:55 am sharp.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
arts administration, business, visual art, political economy, and economics.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$85 for intaglio printmaking supplies and a financial calculator.
Class Size: 40
50% Reserved for Freshmen
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 9am (Lab 1 3064)(Lab II 2215). Students will be welcomed in either location.
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-01 | Fee added ($35). |
Wrangell Mountain Alaska Summer Field Study
Class Size: 16
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This interdisciplinary expedition in Alaska’s Wrangell-St. Elias Mountains will help students understand geophysical, biological and cultural change in a rapidly evolving setting situated in the United States’ largest national park. With glaciers flowing from 16,000-foot peaks, canyons deeper than Yosemite, and spruce-forested valleys, the Wrangell-St. Elias study area is in the middle of the world’s largest international complex of protected wilderness lands. Glaciation, volcanism, erosion and ecological succession are exposed and active, making Wrangell-St. Elias an ideal natural laboratory in which to explore Alaska’s landscape of extremes. In one and three-week backpacking trips in rugged, trail-less Alaska wilderness, including camping and hiking on glaciers, students will investigate the politics of Alaska’s protected lands and inquire into personal roles in wild lands preservation and conservation. This program considers geologic time and geomorphic process questions such as, “How did the Wrangell Mountains form and what is the history of the glaciers they support?” Hiking up from the valley floor, we ask questions such as, “What are the successional changes in fluctuating glacier-edge environments?” “What are the ecological characteristics of unique alpine habitat where Dall sheep, brown bear, and mountain goat overlap?” Using square meter plots we will count vegetative species and discover how botanical diversity is scale-dependent. We will uncover how there can there be areas with more spiders than there is food for spiders to eat. Throughout the program we will also study adaptations of species to the stresses of sub-arctic existence, and see first-hand the effects of climate change on the landscape. Following in the footsteps of Darwin and Linnaeus we will keep a daily natural history field journal, including Grinnell Technique, writing and drawing our observations for a permanent personal record of our time in the Wrangells.
Classes include lectures and discussions, course readings, field activities, visits with local experts, encounters with ongoing park research, extended backcountry excursions, and field studies through individual students projects. The program generally progresses from faculty-led instruction in the beginning (i.e., more lectures and readings) to student-led critical evaluation, analysis, and synthesis.
Learning Objectives:
-Describe the ecosystems of South-central Alaska in terms of flora, fauna, and ecological processes, including threats, conservation, and ongoing change.
-Explain geologic history and processes at work in the Wrangell Mountains on multiple
spatial and temporal scales, including glacial processes and range formation.
-Summarize the cultural, political, and management history within the Wrangell-St. Elias region, including indigenous Native and homesteader perspectives, policies governing use (federal, state, local), and local community involvement.
-Design a field research project, collecting field data, managing, synthesizing, and
presenting interpretations of this data to peers, faculty, and the public both in writing
and oral presentations.
-Read critically, discuss, and evaluate primary literature in ecology, geology,
and social science.
-Apply theoretical concepts of wildness vs. wilderness, management vs. preservation, and sustainable development vs. sustainability, to real world conservation initiatives.
-Learn field observation and note-taking skills, including methods for documenting and sharing findings in diverse formats.
The Alaska Wrangell Mountains Field Quarter is suitable for any adventurous student in good physical condition; all necessary skills will be taught and previous backpacking experience is not required. As the program’s overarching goal, students will employ skills and extensive knowledge about the Wrangell-St. Elias region — emblematic of dynamic and fragile landscapes— to understand ecological, geophysical and cultural change from scientific, social scientific, and humanity perspectives. Students will depart better able to critically evaluate the role of humanity in stewarding mountain wildness/wilderness in other places worldwide.
Program website and application information: http://www.wrangells.org/fieldstudies
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Total program cost (including tuition) is $7516 plus round-trip airfare and other personal field expenses.
A $100 application fee is paid directly to Wrangell Mountain at the time of application. A $1600 deposit is due to the college April 21st. The balance of the student fee ($1800) is due June 1st, and tuition ($4016) is due June 30th.
Upper division science credit:
Upper division credit is available. Speak with the faculty for more information.
Class Size: 16
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
7 week intensive: June 22 - Aug 9
Located in: Olympia
Writer's Workshop: Writing for Change
Spring 2017
Class Size: 25
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How do we use writing effectively to propel social movements and change? Many genres of writing, from academic papers to poetry, provide the information to engage the public in critical issues such as inequality and human rights. We will gain foundations in several areas over two quarters in order to deepen our knowledge and educate others on student selected topics. In winter, we will focus extensively on how to use research as a tool of persuasion, and to present our findings effectively. Students will draft and revise a journalistic or magazine style piece, as well as complete an essay, that address current topics and crises that have both a local and global angle. We will pay particular attention to theories of persuasion and the work of Marshall Ganz in influencing social movements. In spring, we will expand to the use of creative writing that may influence critical societal issues. For example, how might students use poetry, fiction, or science fiction to draw readers into “story” that ultimately engages them in critical issues? Is there fiction for our generations that have the impact of The Grapes of Wrath ? How do we construct characters, narratives, and scenes that galvanize our readers and audiences? Throughout both quarters, we will engage in many writing exercises and workshops, ranging from interviewing to spoken word poetry.
Credits per quarter
- Hybrid Online Learning - This offering delivers < 25% of its instruction online, rather than via face-to-face contact between you and your instructors.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening and Weekend
Advertised schedule:
Mondays and Wednesdays, 6-9:30 pm
One Saturday/Sunday Writing Workshop Winter and Spring (9:30 am to 5 p.m. on campus)
Winter: Jan. 23, Jan. 24
Spring: April 16, April 17
Located in: Olympia
Writing and Resistance
Class Size: 50
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How do writers respond to political crises? How might we cross pollinate personal and political writing, and to what effect? And what roles do imagination and hope play in galvanizing social action? During this ten week writing workshop, students will read broadly, engage in self-directed research, and explore the permeable boundaries between journalism, activism, and creative writing.
Program readings span (and sometimes combine) fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and performance writing to examine past and present creative strategies for writing and resistance. We will consider the role of literature in a variety cultural contexts, from historical resistance to fascism in Europe to present-day writing about the U.S. criminal justice system. Throughout these investigations, we will track shifting frames of gender, class, and racialization, considering how the literature in question mediates difference and affinity, empathy and anger, individual experience and collective aims. Through critical and creative investigation of these texts, we will examine literature’s potential for bringing unimaginable processes to a human scale.
In class, dynamic writing exercises will broaden our range of tactics for engaging the blank page and the political arena. We will occasionally incorporate simple movement practices to get into the writing zone. Our readings will include the following books, supplemented by short readings: The Great Derangement by Amitav Ghosh (97802263230390), Angels with Dirty Faces by Walidah Imarisha (9781849351744), and The Revisionist by Miranda Mellis (9780977072378). As a culminating project, students will undertake a creative research and writing project around an issue of their choosing. To build community and deepen our writing practices, the program will take a three-night writing retreat to Ft. Worden in Port Townsend. This program is a good option for students who have had some previous course experience with creative writing, creative non-fiction, or literary criticism.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
creative writing, literature, and cultural studies.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$285 for an overnight field trip and a reader from the Copy Center.
Class Size: 50
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First class meeting: Tuesday, April 4 at 10am (Com 323)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-03-30 | Fee increased (from $265 to $285). |
2017-02-27 | Fee added ($265). |
Writing as Thinking: The Power of Reflection
Class Size: 25
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What's the relationship between language and thinking, or between thinking and writing, and what does that relationship mean for us as writers? The purpose of this course is explore the relationship between writing and thinking, language and thought, and to understand how becoming aware of that relationship can help us become more effective writers, better critical thinkers, and stronger analytical readers. Students in this course will tackle the question of writing and thinking head-on, reading about it, writing about it, and reflecting on their own experiences as writers and thinkers. We'll also examine what it means to "reflect" on our experiences--the role reflection plays in learning.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
Mondays, 6-10p
Located in: Olympia
Writing Beyond the Basics
Class Size: 15
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This class will focus on enhancing writing skills needed for communicating with academic and popular audiences. During the first session, students will study the art of composition, with an emphasis on improving writing projects typically associated with the effective dissemination of community resource materials, manuals, position papers, etc. Students will study the art of effective and accurate editing. Regarding the latter, students will edit an unedited version of a journal entry that is part of a novel – written by the Instructor – and published by the University of Hawai’i Press.
During the second session, students will shift their focus to creative writing. They will create a credible protagonist, do a variety of effective creative writing exercises, and hold weekly readings of their work. They will write a flash fiction piece, after which they will convert their piece into a treatment - the precursor to a film script.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
communications, journalism, editing, and a variety of fields requiring good writing skills
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Located in: Tacoma
Writing from Life
Class Size: 22
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The Writing from Life class serves two distinct groups of students -- those planning to earn credit through Prior Learning from Experience, and those who want to build their skills in creative writing.
Prior Learning from Experience Prerequisite: Students will have the chance to kick-start, or accelerate, a college career by documenting professional and/or community-based experience. With significant support, they will learn to write essays that show the "college equivalent learning" they have gained through professional and/or volunteer work in community. Writing from Life is the springboard to this highly supportive learning community, where adults work together to ensure one another's success. Students headed toward PLE will receive significant faculty support, both one-on-one, and in class. We will also focus on academic skills that will help students to succeed in Prior Learning and in other academic courses and programs at Evergreen. Students earn four credits for this course, and may take up to 16 further credits in the Prior Learning from Experience Program. The Prior Learning prerequisite requires an easily-obtained faculty signature. Please attend the academic fair for the quarter you would like to attend (contact Admissions), and/or contact Nancy A. Parkes at parkesn@evergreen.edu . You will also find further information, including a video, at http://www.evergreen.edu/eveningweekend/ple.htm.
Creative and Effective Writing: A group of up to eight students will concentrate on autobiography, essays, and writing of choice. They will participate with future Prior Learning from Experience students in reading and seminars on texts and essays, as well as writing workshops. Students in this section don't require a faculty signature to register, but must be highly capable of independent work.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 22
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Thu. First meeting Thursday, Sept 29, 6pm, Seminar 2 A3105.
Located in: Olympia
Writing from Life
Class Size: 18
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Taught by
The Writing from Life class serves two distinct groups of students -- those planning to earn credit through Prior Learning from Experience, and those who want to build their skills in creative writing.
Prior Learning from Experience Prerequisite: Students will have the chance to kick-start, or accelerate, a college career by documenting professional and/or community-based experience. With significant support, they will learn to write essays that show the "college equivalent learning" they have gained through professional and/or volunteer work in the community. Writing from Life is the springboard to this highly supportive learning community, where adults work together to ensure one another's success. Students headed toward PLE will receive significant faculty support, both one-on-one, and in class. We will also focus on academic skills that will help students to succeed in Prior Learning and in other academic courses and programs at Evergreen. Students earn four credits for this course, and may take up to 16 further credits in the Prior Learning from Experience Program. The Prior Learning prerequisite requires an easily-obtained faculty signature. Please attend the academic fair for the quarter you would like to attend (contact Admissions), and/or contact Nancy A. Parkes at parkesn@evergreen.edu . You will also find further information, including a video, at http://www.evergreen.edu/eveningweekend/ple.htm.
Creative and Effective Writing: A group of up to eight students will concentrate on autobiography, essays, and writing of choice. They will participate with future Prior Learning from Experience students in reading and seminars on texts and essays, as well as writing workshops. Students in this section don't require a faculty signature to register, but must be highly capable of independent work.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Thu.
Located in: Olympia
Writing from Life
Class Size: 18
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Taught by
The Writing from Life class serves two distinct groups of students -- those planning to earn credit through Prior Learning from Experience, and those who want to build their skills in creative writing.
Prior Learning from Experience Prerequisite (use CRN 30357): Students will have the chance to kick-start, or accelerate, a college career by documenting professional and/or community-based experience. With significant support, they will learn to write essays that show the "college equivalent learning" they have gained through professional and/or volunteer work in community. Writing from Life is the springboard to this highly supportive learning community, where adults work together to ensure one another's success. Students headed toward PLE will receive significant faculty support, both one-on-one, and in class. We will also focus on academic skills that will help students to succeed in Prior Learning and in other academic courses and programs at Evergreen. Students earn four credits for this course, and may take up to 16 further credits in the Prior Learning from Experience Program. The Prior Learning prerequisite requires an easily-obtained faculty signature. Please attend the academic fair for the quarter you would like to attend (contact Admissions), and/or contact Nancy A. Parkes at parkesn@evergreen.edu . You will also find further information, including a video, at http://www.evergreen.edu/eveningweekend/ple.htm.
Creative and Effective Writing (use CRN 30466): A group of up to eight students will concentrate on autobiography, essays, and writing of choice. They will participate with future Prior Learning from Experience students in reading and seminars on texts and essays, as well as writing workshops. Students in this section don't require a faculty signature to register, but must be highly capable of independent work.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Evening
Advertised schedule:
6-10p Thu
Located in: Olympia
Writing Matters: Syntax, Style, & Sources
Class Size: 13
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We will begin with sentences—how to write them clearly; how to shape them; how to make them flow, one into the next. As we develop a language about writing, students will learn how to edit and revise their own work and examples of professional writing. We will become adept at library research, bibliography, and conventions for integrating sources into writing craft, across genres. Students will attend lectures and participate in workshops, presentations, tutorials, and individual projects (for the 8 credit option). This is a community of inquiry where all writers at all levels will be challenged and welcome. Students signed up for 4 credits can attend class through the first session only, or are welcome to continue through the full session.
Credits per quarter
- No Required Online Learning - No access to web tools required. Any web tools provided are optional.
Class Size: 13
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu, 9a-1p
Located in: Olympia
Writing Well: Making Your Statement (A)
Class Size: 15
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If you are in or nearing your last year of undergraduate study at Evergreen, this course is an opportunity to develop and refine your writing skills. It will help you polish a portfolio of your written work, including your final academic statement. If you are developing a capstone project, senior thesis, independent research, an internship, or other culminating assignment, these skills will help you improve your final product.
The aim of the program is to help you become an independent writer capable of both reading and revising your own writing. We will aim for professional competence that will serve you now and beyond Evergreen. Because writing is a social act, you will participate in lively group critiques, complemented by individual conferences in support of your goals. We will integrate assignments with your other academic commitments, including programs, projects, ILCs, courses, and your academic statement.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
9:00-12:00 Mondays Lib 3301
First class meeting: Monday, January 9th at 9am (Lib 3301)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2016-11-17 | New winter course added. |
Writing Well: Making Your Statement (A)
Class Size: 15
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Taught by
If you are in or nearing your last year of undergraduate study at Evergreen, this course is an opportunity to develop and refine your writing skills. It will help you polish a portfolio of your written work, including your final academic statement. If you are developing a capstone project, senior thesis, independent research, an internship, or other culminating assignment, these skills will help you improve your final product.
The aim of the program is to help you become an independent writer capable of both reading and revising your own writing. We will aim for professional competence that will serve you now and beyond Evergreen. Because writing is a social act, you will participate in lively group critiques, complemented by individual conferences in support of your goals. We will integrate assignments with your other academic commitments, including programs, projects, ILCs, courses, and your academic statement.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
9:00-12:00 Mondays Lib 3301
First class meeting: Monday, April 3 at 9am (Lib 3301)
Located in: Olympia
Writing Well: Making Your Statement (B)
Class Size: 15
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If you are in or nearing your last year of undergraduate study at Evergreen, this course is an opportunity to develop and refine your writing skills. It will help you polish a portfolio of your written work, including your final academic statement. If you are developing a capstone project, senior thesis, independent research, an internship, or other culminating assignment, these skills will help you improve your final product.
The aim of the program is to help you become an independent writer capable of both reading and revising your own writing. We will aim for professional competence that will serve you now and beyond Evergreen. Because writing is a social act, you will participate in lively group critiques, complemented by individual conferences in support of your goals. We will integrate assignments with your other academic commitments, including programs, projects, ILCs, courses, and your academic statement.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
9:00-12:00 Wednesdays Lib 3301
First class meeting: Wednesday, January 11 at 9am (Lib 3301)
Located in: Olympia
Writing Well: Making Your Statement (B)
Class Size: 15
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If you are in or nearing your last year of undergraduate study at Evergreen, this course is an opportunity to develop and refine your writing skills. It will help you polish a portfolio of your written work, including your final academic statement. If you are developing a capstone project, senior thesis, independent research, an internship, or other culminating assignment, these skills will help you improve your final product.
The aim of the program is to help you become an independent writer capable of both reading and revising your own writing. We will aim for professional competence that will serve you now and beyond Evergreen. Because writing is a social act, you will participate in lively group critiques, complemented by individual conferences in support of your goals. We will integrate assignments with your other academic commitments, including programs, projects, ILCs, courses, and your academic statement.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
9:00-12:00 Wednesdays Lib 3301
First class meeting: Wednesday, April 5 at 9am (Lib 3301)
Located in: Olympia
Writing Well: Making Your Statement (C)
Class Size: 15
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Taught by
If you are in or nearing your last year of undergraduate study at Evergreen, this course is an opportunity to develop and refine your writing skills. It will help you polish a portfolio of your written work, including your final academic statement. If you are developing a capstone project, senior thesis, independent research, an internship, or other culminating assignment, these skills will help you improve your final product.
The aim of the program is to help you become an independent writer capable of both reading and revising your own writing. We will aim for professional competence that will serve you now and beyond Evergreen. Because writing is a social act, you will participate in lively group critiques, complemented by individual conferences in support of your goals. We will integrate assignments with your other academic commitments, including programs, projects, ILCs, courses, and your academic statement.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
9:00-12:00 Fridays Lib 3301
First class meeting: Friday, January 13 at 9am (Lib 3301)
Located in: Olympia
Writing Well: Making Your Statement (C)
Class Size: 15
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Taught by
If you are in or nearing your last year of undergraduate study at Evergreen, this course is an opportunity to develop and refine your writing skills. It will help you polish a portfolio of your written work, including your final academic statement. If you are developing a capstone project, senior thesis, independent research, an internship, or other culminating assignment, these skills will help you improve your final product.
The aim of the program is to help you become an independent writer capable of both reading and revising your own writing. We will aim for professional competence that will serve you now and beyond Evergreen. Because writing is a social act, you will participate in lively group critiques, complemented by individual conferences in support of your goals. We will integrate assignments with your other academic commitments, including programs, projects, ILCs, courses, and your academic statement.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
9:00-12:00 Fridays Lib 3301
First class meeting: Friday, April 7 at 9am (Lib 3301)
Located in: Olympia
Writing Well: Making Your Statement (D)
Class Size: 15
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Taught by
If you are in or nearing your last year of undergraduate study at Evergreen, this course is an opportunity to develop and refine your writing skills. It will help you polish a portfolio of your written work, including your final academic statement. If you are developing a capstone project, senior thesis, independent research, an internship, or other culminating assignment, these skills will help you improve your final product.
The aim of the program is to help you become an independent writer capable of both reading and revising your own writing. We will aim for professional competence that will serve you now and beyond Evergreen. Because writing is a social act, you will participate in lively group critiques, complemented by individual conferences in support of your goals. We will integrate assignments with your other academic commitments, including programs, projects, ILCs, courses, and your academic statement.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
1:00-4:00 Fridays Lib 3301
First class meeting: Friday, January 13 at 1pm (Lib 3301)
Located in: Olympia
Writing Well: Making Your Statement (D)
Class Size: 15
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Taught by
If you are in or nearing your last year of undergraduate study at Evergreen, this course is an opportunity to develop and refine your writing skills. It will help you polish a portfolio of your written work, including your final academic statement. If you are developing a capstone project, senior thesis, independent research, an internship, or other culminating assignment, these skills will help you improve your final product.
The aim of the program is to help you become an independent writer capable of both reading and revising your own writing. We will aim for professional competence that will serve you now and beyond Evergreen. Because writing is a social act, you will participate in lively group critiques, complemented by individual conferences in support of your goals. We will integrate assignments with your other academic commitments, including programs, projects, ILCs, courses, and your academic statement.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 15
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
1:00-4:00 Fridays Lib 3301
First class meeting: Friday, April 7 at 1pm (Lib 3301)
Located in: Olympia
Writing: Advanced Practices
Winter 2017
Class Size: 25
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How does the body make—and make its way into—literature? This interdisciplinary program approaches writing as an embodied process involving both discipline and play, ritual and improvisation. Through movement practices, reading, and creative writing, students will refine narrative moves, generate site specific texts, and finally develop a body of work in fiction, nonfiction, and, optionally, the related narrative arts of performance or comics.
Over the course of the two quarter program, we will cultivate physical practices that support the peculiarly active stillness of writing, from secular meditation to walking and other movement disciplines. Our readings pose the question: what is the body, anyway? The texts under consideration span fiction, performance texts, and nonfiction (including science writing, philosophy, religious studies, and cultural criticism), taking up the body as a strange site, both real and imaginary. We’ll look at how different writers contest and/or celebrate embodied experiences of racialization, gender, ability, class, and intersections thereof—improvising with literary genres along the way. And we’ll consider the body as a porous interface between individual experience, (eco)systems, and stories.
New participants are warmly invited to join this program winter quarter. In winter, students will focus on a sustained writing and research project, situating their own work in relation to a self-selected lineage of books and bodily practices. Students will compile a bibliography and generate new work in a genre of their choosing. To share processes and final outcomes, students have the option of working in a secondary genre of performance or comics.
We will metabolize and ground our inquiries in writing, practicing moves common to fiction, nonfiction, and other forms of storytelling (comics and performance) by way of prompts and games. Essaying about assigned texts is an occasional requirement, but we’ll situate so-called critical writing on this spectrum of expressive and rigorously playful prose. We will write from stillness and movement, in the classroom and elsewhere. No previous movement training is necessary, and adaptions can be arranged for physical access as needed.
This offering will prepare you for careers and advanced study in:
literature and writing.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
$30 in fall for performance tickets and $250 for an overnight field trip.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
First winter class meeting: Tuesday, January 10th at 10am (Com 320)
Located in: Olympia
Date | Revision |
2017-01-03 | Winter fee added ($250). |
2016-11-16 | This program will accept new winter enrollment without signature. Winter quarter activities updated. |
2016-10-03 | $30 fall fee added. |
2016-04-22 | New fall-winter opportunity added. |
WSDOT Wetland Monitoring Internships
Class Size: 18
Variable Credit Options Available
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The Wetlands Ecology and Monitoring Techniques paid internship is offered in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). As participants in this program, students will gain hands-on experience in collecting environmental data from WSDOT wetland mitigation sites. Over the eleven-week course, students learn to use a variety of quantitative and qualitative techniques to conduct environmental monitoring. Fieldwork includes conducting surveys of vegetation, hydrology and wildlife. The greatest percentage of the internship is devoted to learning vegetation sampling, collection, and identification techniques. Students will use basic elements of sampling design to create and implement vegetation-monitoring strategies on several WSDOT wetland mitigation sites. In addition, students will use WSDOT protocols when collecting samples of plant species that they are unable to identify in the field. These collected species will then be identified in the laboratory using a dissecting scope and technical plant key. Undergraduate (6-16 credits) and Graduate (4 credit) options are available. Interns are paid a stipend of $3000. Interested students must apply and be accepted through WSDOT before enrolling. The application deadline is April 6, 2017. Additional information, and instructions for application, can be found here:
Credits per quarter
Variable Credit Options Available
This internship is available as variable credit.
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 18
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Mandatory first meeting and orientation session, May 8, 2:00-5:00 PM at Evergreen. Work and program schedules are arranged by faculty and field supervisors. Students are expected to be available early morning through early evening, Monday-Friday.
Located in: Olympia
Yoga/Sustainabilty: Theory/Practice
Class Size: 25
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The yogic system, emerging through a complex history over several millenia, is extremely relevant in today’s world. As a "science of the mind," yogic inquiry offers concrete ways to closely examine habits of behavior and thought. Through theory and practice, this class explores intersections between yoga and sustainability. The Yoga Sutraof Patanjali and other texts will be examined for key guidelines for sustainable and just living. We will journey to inner landscapes and prepare ourselves to move outward into our local communities and world around us. For all bodies; no experience of yoga necessary.
Credits per quarter
- Enhanced Online Learning - This offering requires access to web-based tools, but use of these tools does not displace any face-to-face instruction.
Class Size: 25
Scheduled for: Day
Advertised schedule:
Tue/Thu 9:30a-3:30p, Wed 9:30a-2:30p
Located in: Olympia