Known Status(as
of April 2005) |
Positions Held |
Aldridge, William | 1970-1991 | Founding Faculty: Social Sciences |
Alexander, Richard W. | 1970-1996 Retired/Emeritus | Founding Faculty/Academic Dean: English Literature, Humanities |
Allen, Nancy | 1971- 2005 Retired/Emeritus | Faculty, Literature, Language (Spanish) Sem 3121 ext. 6754 |
Anderson, Lee R. | 1971-1981 | Faculty: Physical Sciences |
Anderson, Richard | 1971-1974 | Faculty: Law |
Arguelles, Jose A | 1970-1974 | Faculty: Arts and Art History, Humanities |
Barnard, W. Robert | 1970-1980 | Founding Faculty Chemistry, Audio-Visual Communications |
Barringer, Robert L. | 1969-1972 | Dir. Computer Services |
Barry, David G. | 1969-1974 | V.P. Academic Affairs & Provost |
Beck, Gordon E. | 1971-1996 Retired/Emeritus | Faculty: Arts |
Bowden, Ward | 1967/68 Deceased 1968 | Interim PIO |
Brackenbush, Rita (aka Rita Sevcik) | 1969/03/01 (retired 2002) | Administrative Assistant to the President |
Brian, Richard B. | 1970-1996 Retired/Emeritus | Founding Faculty Mathematics/Statistics |
Brodin, Buel | 1968-1969 | Assis. to Exec. Dir. (1968) Director of Financial Planning (1969) |
Brown, Carl J. | 1970-1972 | Director of Personnel |
Brown, David W. | 1970-1973 | Director of Admissions |
Burke, Gerald G. | 1971-1973 | Director of Housing |
Cadwallader, Mervyn L. | 1970-1976 | Dean of Soc. Sci.(1970-1972) Faculty (1973-1976): Social Sciences/ Sociology |
Carnahan, David J. | 1969-1980 | Associate Dean of Library Services (1969-1972) Audio-Visual Coord. (1973-1980) |
Caulfield, Monica | 1970-1976 | Chief Librarian, Media processing unit |
Chan, Donald | 1972-1986 | Faculty: Music |
Clabaugh, Dean | 1967-1980 Deceased 1980 | Exec.Dir. (1967-69) Business Manager (1968-69) Administrative V.P. 1969-1980 |
Crowe, Beryl L. | 1970-1995 Emeritus/Deceased 1995 | Founding Faculty: Political Science |
Delgado, Medard L. | 1971-1976 | Faculty: Education/Spanish |
Dickinson, Margaret P. | 1971-1977 (as of October 2002 in Northern California) | Faculty: Art |
Dobbs, Carolyn E. | 1971- Current Faculty Lab I 1003/Ext. 6860 | Faculty (1971- 1986 & 1996- ): Urban Planning Academic Dean (1987-1990 & 1992-1995) V.P. Student Affairs(Interim) (1990-1991) |
Doerksen, Arnold Jay | 1970-1982 | Purchasing Agent (1970-1978) Assistant Director, Facilities (1978-1982) |
Donohue, Kenneth A. | 1970-1976 | Administrative Assistant to Provost/ Interim Coordinator, Cooperative Education |
Eickstaedt, Lawrence L. | 1970-1996 Retired/Emeritus | Founding Faculty: Natural Sciences, Biology, Zoology |
Eldridge, Lester W. | 1971-1983 Became Thurston County Commissioner in 1983/84- | Director of Financial Aid Special Assistant to the President Assistant to the President |
Esquivel,Alfred Cruz | 1971-1978 | Faculty: Humanities |
Estes, Betty R. | Active career 1971-1998 Retired/Emeritus 1998 |
Faculty: Natural Science, History of Science |
Finley, John C. | 1970-1971 (moved to Seattle?) | Dean, Developmental Services |
Gerstl, Theodore L. | 1971-1980 | Faculty: Applied Behavioral Science |
Harding, Philip R. | 1971-1997 Retired/Emeritus | Faculty: Architecture |
Heard, Donald G. | 1971-1971 Killed in auto accident | Faculty: Art |
Herman, Steven G. | 1971-2001 Retired/Emeritus |
Faculty: Natural Sciences, Biology |
Hillaire, Mary Ellen | 1971-1983 Deceased |
First woman faculty hire, Faculty: Native American Studies, Sociology/Social Work, Education |
Hirzel, Ellwood J. | 1970-1997 Retired | Staff Photographer, Photographic Specialist,
Photo/Media Specialist, Director Photo Services Staff, Media Loan |
Hitchens, David L. | 1970-2011 Retired/Emeritus |
Founding Faculty: History |
Hoffman, Ron A. | 1970-1974 Deceased | Dir. Business Services (1970-1974) (Other State Employment thereafter) |
Holly, James F. | 1969-1974 Fired | First Dean, Library Services (Founded Asterisk and Cheese Library on Olympia's Westside after leaving College) Now Deceased |
Humphrey, Donald G. | 1970-1984 Retired |
Dean, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (1970-1973) Faculty, Natural Sciences (1974-1984) |
Humphreys, Willard C. Jr. | 1971-1989 Deceased 1989 | Founding Faculty: Philosophy, History of Science,
Mathematics (1970-1979 & 1981-1989) Academic Dean (1979-1980) |
Johnson, James O. | 1970-1997 Retired | Systems Analyst/Programmer (1970-1981) Administrative Services Manager (1982-1985) Director Computer Center (1986-1997) |
Johnson, Karl N. | 1969-1974 | Administative Architect |
Jones, Richard M. | 1970-1989 Emeritus/Deceased 1990 | Founding Faculty: Social Sciences, Psychology |
Kahan, Linda B. | 1971-2002 Retired/Emeritus |
Faculty, Biology |
Kormondy, Dr. Edward J. | 1973-1979) Chancellor, U of Hawaii (1980 - ) (Retired as of 1990?) | Faculty (1971-1973): Biology/Ecology V.P. Academic Affairs and Provost (1973-1979) |
Langston, Peter | 1971-1974 | Programmer, Computer Services |
Larson, Eric H. | 1971-1995 Retired/Emeritus | Faculty: Cultural Anthropology |
Mace, Donald C. | 1969-1972 | Construction Coordinator |
Marr, David | 1971- Current Faculty Lab II 2249/ext.6751 |
Faculty: Literature, American Studies |
Marrom, Rod | 1971-1975 | Security Supervisor |
Marsh, Paul A. | 1971-1982 | Faculty: Art |
Martin, S. Rudolph, Jr. | 1970-1997 Retired/Emeritus | Founding Faculty: American Studies, English |
Matheny-(White), Patricia | 1970-1998 Retired/Emeritus | Library/Faculty (Reference) |
McCann, Charles J. | 1968-1992 Retired/Emeritus 1993 | First President (1968-74) Faculty (1975-1992) |
McCarty, Doris | 1971-1981 | Bookstore manager |
McNeil, Earle W. | 1971-1998 Retired/Emeritus | Faculty: Sociology |
Meshery, Tom | 1971-1971 | Faculty: Physical Education, Creative Writing, French |
Milne, David | 1971- 2003 Retired/Emeritus |
Faculty: Biology, Natural Sciences, Environmental Science |
Moss, John T. | 1970-1976 | Student Accounts Supervisor |
Munro, John | 1970- 80 | Systems analyst |
Nickolaus, Donald O. | 1970-88 | Senior Systems Analyst Fiscal Management |
Nichols, Dick | 1968-74 | Information Services Officer |
Nisbet, Charles T. | 1971- 1999 Retired/Emeritus | Faculty: Economics |
Olexa, Carol | 1971-79 | Faculty: Sociology |
Olson, Harry F. | 1970-74 | Building Maintenance Supervisor |
Pailthorp, Charles N. | 1971- Current Faculty Lab II 2266/6158 |
Faculty: Philosophy (1971-1988 & 1994-
) Academic Dean (1988-1994) |
Parry, Donald S. | 1969-74 | Director of Plant Operations |
Parson, Willie | 1971- 2005 Retired/Emeritus |
Faculty: Biology Academic Dean (1974-1978) |
Patterson, Lynn D. (now DeDanaan) |
1971-2000 Retired/Emeritus | Faculty: Anthropology Academic Dean (1974-1976) |
Paull, Kenneth W. | 1970-1972 Deceased 1972/3 | Coordinator of Library Systems. |
Phare, Darrell W. | 1971-74 | Faculty: Education, Minority Studies |
Phipps, William Arthur | 1969-74 | Staff Architect |
Portnoff, Gregory (now Stuewe-Portnoff) |
1971-1994 Retired/Emeritus | Faculty: Psychology |
Robinson, Peter | 1971-74 | Faculty: History, Political Science |
Saari, Albin T. | 1970- L2600D/6047 | Engineering Services Technician (1970-1978?) Media Engineering Manager (1979-1986?) Chief, Media Engineering Services (1986-1992?) Assistant Director, Electronic Maint. & Engineering (1993-2000) |
Sampson, Ralph E. | 1971-1974 | Materials & Transportation Manager |
Schillinger, Jerry L. | 1969-1976 | First Director of Facilities |
Sells, John A. | 1970-1978 | Construction Coordinator, Halls Construction Co. |
Sethre, Robert A. | 1970-1971 | Director of College Relations |
Shoben, Edward Joseph, Jr. | 1969-1974 | First Executive Vice President |
Sinclair, Leon R. (Pete) | 1971-2000 Retired/ Emeritus | Faculty: Literature |
Sluss, Robert | 1970-1991 Retired/Emeritus | Founding Faculty: Biology, Natural Sciences |
Smith, LeRoi Matthew-Pierre III | 1971-81 (Worked for Port of Seattle after TESC) | Faculty: Psychology |
Smith, Perrin C. | 1970-1974 | Registrar |
Sogge, Ralph H. | 1971-1972 | Faculty: Sound and Film Sound Engineering |
Soule, Oscar H. | 1971- 2004 Retired/Emeritus | Faculty: Biology, Environmental Science Director, master of environmental Studies Program (1985-?) |
Steilberg, Peter, Jr. | 1971-1999 Retired | Director of Recreation/Athletics |
Stenberg, Larry R. | 1970-1991 | Director of Counseling Services (1970-74) Dean of Enrollment Services (1974-1986) Director of Community and Alumni Relations (1986-1991) |
Stepherson, Lemuel A. | 1971-1976 | Director of Counseling Services (1971-1975) Faculty (1975-1976) |
Stilson, Malcolm H. | 1969-1986 Retired/Staff Emeritus | Spec. Asst. to Dean of Libr. Serv.(1969-70) Staff Libr. (1970-1972) Chief of User Services/Gov. Docs/Periodicals/Archivist (assigned positions varied 1972-1982) Head of Reference (1982-1986) |
Strecker, Robert A. | 1969-1979 | Plant Engineer (Mechanical Engineer) |
Tabbutt, Frederick D. | 1970-1998 Retired/Emeritus | Faculty: Chemistry, Physical Chemistry |
Taylor, Nancy | 1970- 2005 Retired/Emeritus |
Admissions Counselor (1970-1971) Faculty (1971- ): History, Education |
Taylor, Peter B. | 1971-1996 Retired/Emeritus | Faculty: Oceanography |
Teske, Charles B. | 1970-1998 Retired/Emeritus 1999 | First Dean of Humanities (1970-75) Faculty (1976-1999) |
Thompson, Kirk | 1971-1999 Retired/Faculty Emeritus (moved to California) | Faculty: Political Science |
Unsoeld, William F. | 1970-1979 Deceased (killed in avalanche on Mt. Rainier 1979) | Founding Faculty: Philosophy, Theology |
Webb, E. Jackson | 1970-1978 | Founding Faculty: English, d. 1997 brain cancer. Last academic post at Pierce College, Tacoma. |
White, Sidney D. | 1970-1991 Retired/Emeritus | Founding Faculty: Art, Director (FT) Exhibit Touring Services (1979-1983 ) |
Wiedemann, Alfred M. | 1970-2005 Retired/ Emeritus | Founding Faculty: Biology, Botany |
Winkley, Kenneth | 1968-1990 Retired as VP for Business | Controller, Business Office |
Young, Frederick H | 1970-1974 Deceased | Founding Faculty (First hired faculty): Mathematics |
Youtz, Byron L | 1970-1991 Retired/Emeritus Deceased 1991 | Founding Faculty: Physics (1970-1978, 1983-1991) Dean of Natural Sciences Provost |