Original Staff by Date from 1967 to Fall 1971

taken from News Releases (Accession 1986-03 and other sources)


Appointment announced
Name Position Title of Original Hire
*MF=Member of the Faculty
*PF=Planning Faculty
1967/11 Clabaugh, Dean Executive Director
1968/03 Bowden, Ward Interim PIO
1968/ Brodin, Buel Assist. to Exec. Dir.
1968/09 Nichols, Dick Information Services Officer
1968/10/04 McCann, Charles J. President
1968/11/01 Clabaugh, Dean Business Manager
1968 (month & Date?) Winkley, Kenneth Controller, Business Office
1969/02/27 Holly, James F. Dean of Library Services
1969/03 Schillinger, Jerry L. Dir. of Facilities
1969/03/01 Brackenbush, Rita (aka Rita Sevcik) Administrative Assistant to President McCann
1969/05/01 Barry, David G. V.P. Academic Affairs and Provost
1969/05/01 Clabaugh, Dean V.P. for Business
1969/07/12 Parry, Donald S. Dir. of Plant Operations
1969/07/12 Strecker, Robert A. Mechanical Engineer
1969-07/12 Carnahan, David J. Audio-Visual Coord.
1969/08/18 Johnson, Karl N. Admin. Architect
1969/08/18 Shoben, Edward Joseph, Jr. Exec. V.P. Admin.
1969/08/30 Mace, Donald C. Construction Coord.
1969/09 Stilson, Malcolm H. Special Assist. to Dean of Library Services
1969/10/23 Barringer, Robert L. Dir. Computer Services
1969/12/15 Phipps, William Arthur Staff Architect
1970/01/13 Humphrey, Donald G. Dean of Natural Sciences & Mathematics
1970/01/26 Cadwallader, Mervyn Dean of Social Sciences
1970/02/02 Teske, Charles B. Dean of Humanities and Arts
1970/03/19 Young, Frederick H. Planning Faculty (PF) Prof. of Mathematics
1970/03/25 Brian, Richard B. (PF) Assoc. Prof. of Mathematics
1970/03/25 Alexander, Richard W. (PF) Assist. Prof of English
1970/04/01 Johnson, James O. Systems Analyst
1970/04/01 White, Sidney D. (PF) Prof. of Art
1970/04/03 Humphreys, Willard C.,Jr. (PF) Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy
1970/04/07 Sluss, Robert (PF) Assoc. Prof. of Biology
1970/04/07 Eickstaedt, Lawrence L. (PF) Assist. Prof. of Biology
1970/04/08 Paull, Kenneth W. Coord. of Library Systems
1970/04/10 Crowe, Beryl L. (PF) Asst. Prof. of Political Science
1970/04/14 Jones, Richard M. (PF) Prof. of Psychology
1970/04/16 Martin, S. Rudolph, Jr. (PF) Asst. Prof. of English
1970/04/28 Sells, John A. Construction Coordinator
1970/05/02 Donohue, Kenneth A. Admin. Asst. to the Provost
1970/05/05 Hoffman, Ron A. Dir. of Business Services
1970/05/06 Wiedemann, Alfred M. (PF) Assist. Prof. of Biology
1970/05/08 Hitchens, David L. (PF) Assist. Prof. of History
1970/05/12 Smith, Perrin C. Registrar
1970/05/26 Brown, David W. Dir. of Admissions
1970/05/28 Youtz, Byron L. (PF) Prof. of Physics
1970/05/28 Webb, E. Jackson (PF) Assoc. Prof. of English
1970/05/28 Barnard, W. Robert (PF) Assist. Prof. of Chemistry
1970/05/28 Aldridge, William (PF) Assoc. Prof. of Sociology
1970/06/05 Stenberg, Larry R. Dir. of Counseling Services
1970/06/10 Unsoeld, William F. (PF) Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy
1970/06/10 Sethre, Robert A. Dir. of College Relations
1970/06/12 Moss, John T. Student Accounts Supervisor
1970/06/19 Brown, Carl J. Dir. of Personnel
1970/06/23 Taylor, Nancy Admissions Counselor
1970/06/30 Tabbutt, Frederick D. (PF) Prof. of Chemistry
1970/06/30 Stilson, Malcolm H. Staff Librarian
1970/06/30 West, David Construction Coordinator
1970/06/30 Hirzel, Ellwood J. Photographer
1970/07/11 Saari, Albin T. Chief of Media Engineering Services
1970/08/13 Nicholaus, Donald O. Sr. Systems Analyst for Fiscal Mgmt.
1970/09/03 Caulfield, Monica Chief Librarian, Media Processing Unit
1970/09/05 Munro, John Systems Analyst
1970/09/15 Matheny-(White), Patricia Assoc. Librarian, Media Proc. Unit
1970/10/07 Finley, John C. Dean of Developmental Services
1970/10/30 Olson, Harry F. Bldg Maint. Supervisor
1971/02/10 Doerksen, Arnold Jay Purchasing Agent
1971/03/02 Hillaire, Mary Ellen Member of the Faculty (MF)
1971/03/16 McCarty, Doris Bookstore Manager
1971/03/25 Larson, Eric MF
1971/03/25 Allen, Nancy MF
1971/03/25 Soule, Oscar H. MF
1971/03/25 Taylor, Peter B. MF
1971/03/25 Olexa, Carol MF
1971/03/25 Anderson, Richard MF
1971/03/25 Chan, Donald MF
1971/03/25 Marr, David MF
1971/03/25 Dobbs, Carolyn MF
1971/03/25 Milne, David MF
1971/03/25 Thompson, Kirk MF
1971/03/31 Meshery, Tom MF
1971/04/01 Kormondy, Edward J. MF
1971/04/01 Patterson, Lynn D. MF
1971/04/01 Kahan, Linda B. MF
1971/04/01 Anderson, Lee R. MF
1971/04/01 Nisbet, Charles T. MF
1971/04/01 Gertsl, Theodore L. MF
1971/04/01 Estes, Betty R. MF
1971/04/16 Sinclair, Leon R. (Pete) MF
1971/04/16 Harding, Philip R. MF
1971/04/16 Arguelles, Jose A. MF
1971/04/16 Herman, Steven G. MF
1971/04/16 Pailthorp, Charles N. MF
1971/04/16 Sogge, Ralph H. MF
1971/05/27 Eldridge, Lester W. Dir. Financial Aid
1971/05/27 Dickinson, Margaret P. MF
1971/05/27 Robinson, Peter MF
1971/05/27 Taylor, Nancy MF
1971/06/09 Marrom, Rod Security Supervisor
1971/06/12 Portnoff, Gregory MF
1971/06/12 Parson, Willie MF
1971/06/12 Smith, LeRoi Matthew-Pierre III MF
1971/06/12 Esquivel, Alfred Cruz MF
1971/06/12 McNeil, Earle W. MF
1971/06/18 Heard, Donald G. MF
1971/06/18 Beck, Gordon E. MF
1971/06/18 Marsh, Paul A. MF
1971/07/09 Donohue, Kenneth A. Interim Coord. of Cooperative Ed.
1971/07/13 Sampson, Ralf E. Material & Transportation Manager
1971/07/13 Kenworthy, William D. Food Service Manager
1971/07/13 Burke, Gerald G. Housing Director
1971/07/13 Steilberg, Peter, Jr. Dir. of Recreation
1971/07/21 Phare, Darrell W. MF
1971/07/21 Delgado, Medard L. MF
1971/10/08 Langston, Peter Programmer
1971/11/05 Stenberg, Larry R. Dean of Developmental Services (Replaces John Finley
1971/12/08 Stepherson, Lemuel A. Dir. of Counseling Services (Replaces Stenberg)