Implementation of the Endangered Species Act

Jovana J. Brown
Office: Lab II 3250 
Phone: (360)866-6000 #6651 (msg only)
Syllabus Schedule
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Group/Individual Contracts, Winter quarter, 2000

Faculty: Jovana J. Brown, extension #6651 message only

In 1999 the National Marine Fisheries Service listed several species of salmon as endanger of extinction under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). In response to the listing federal, state, tribal, and local governments, industry, and non-governmental organizations are taking steps to protect and restore salmon in order to comply with the ESA. This group contract will monitor these efforts and the resulting changes being made. We will pay particular attention to the importance of treaty rights of American Indians in the Pacific Northwest and the tribes as co-managers of salmon.

We will begin the quarter by looking at the factors that have contributed to the decline of salmon: habitat, hydropower, hatcheries, and harvest. We will examine carefully the requirements of the ESA, look at federal, state, and local government and private landowner responses to the listing, including Habitat Conservation Plans, review the history of salmon listings on the Columbia River, and study other related issues.

The main focus of the quarter's work will be independent student research. In addition to participating in class activities each student will study and evaluate a specific implementation strategy. Each student will prepare and orally present a concise report and analysis of her/his topic. The quarter's work should result, therefore, in an overall survey and assessment of ESA implementation strategies.

Credit for the program will be based on four credit hours for the class work and twelve credit hours for the independent research.

The class will meet on Mondays and Tuesdays each week.


Buck, Susan J., Understanding Environmental Administration and Law, 2nd ed., Island Press, 1996.

Bean, Michael and Melanie Rowland, The Evolution of National Wildlife Law., 3rd ed. Praeger, 1997.

Lichatowich, Jim, Salmon Without Rivers: A History of the Pacific Salmon Crisis. Island Press, 1999

Reisner, Marc and Sarah Bates, Overtapped Oasis: Reform or Revolution for Western Water. Island Press, 1990

Doppelt, Bob, Entering the Watershed by Pacific Rivers Council. Island Press, 1993

Noss, Reed F. et al, The Science of Conservation Planning: Habitat Conservation Under the ESA. Island Press, 1997.

Shogren, Jason F., ed, Private Property and the Endangered Species Act, University of Texas Press, 1998

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Madeby: Jovana Brown
Last modified: 12/7/99 rae