Foundations of Computing -- Covenant

Jon Jacky

The requirements, policies, and operating procedures for this course are spelled out in this covenant.

In addition to these, all the usual Evergreen policies apply, of course.


Last revised October 29, 2000. Use your browser's Reload or Refresh button to get the latest version.

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Contacting me

I am only on the Evergreen campus during scheduled classes and laboratories. I do not have office hours on campus and do not answer my campus telephone or check telephone messages.

I will remain at the lab sessions until 9:30 pm every Tuesday and Thursday. Normally lectures and other prepared activities are completed in the first hour of the lab. During the remaining time I am available to meet with students individually.

The best way to reach me is by email, I check email every weekday.

If you need to speak to me outside class, arrange to telephone me. Contact me in class or by email to set up a time.

I will make every effort to be present on time at all scheduled classes and laboratories. If illness or impassable weather causes me to miss a class or be late, you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Assignments and Quizzes

I will mark and return your lab assignments and quizzes within a few weeks of the due date. Contact me if you would like to discuss any assignment or quiz.


I will write an evaluation of your work each quarter. I will meet with you during evaluation week to discuss your evaluation and give you a copy. When you leave the program (normally, at the end of Spring quarter) I will write your final evaluation. This final evaluation goes into your official transcript.



Foundations of Computing operates on the assumption that an 8 credit program at Evergreen will require 20 hours of activity per week in class preparation and attendance, and out-of-class assignments.


Attendance on time is required at all scheduled class meetings including lectures, seminars and laboratories.

If some emergency or urgent obligation causes you to be late or absent, notify my as early as possible to request an excused absence. Contact me in advance by email if you can, otherwise contact me by email after the absence. Do not wait until the next class.

If some unavoidable difficulty causes you to be late, try to get to class as early as you can anyway. Enter the class in session unobtrusively.

A student with unexcused absences may be dropped from the program or may fail to obtain credit.

Students may leave the lab early (before 9:30 pm) if they wish, but only after the quiz and any lecture has been completed.


Assignments (reading reports, lab assignments) must be completed and turned in on time. I do not normally accept assignments that are late or incomplete.

If some emergency prevents you from turning in an assignment on the due date, contact me about turning in a make-up assignment.


Students who successfully complete all class requirements on time (attendance and participation, seminar reading reports and presentation, lab assignments, and evaluations) will be granted full credit (8 credits) for each quarter of the program.

Each student should attempt to earn full credit. I do not plan to award partial credit.

Please note that the award of full credit does not automatically result in a positive evaluation. You earn credit by fulfilling minimum requirements and standards. The evaluation concerns the actual quality of your work; it is possible, in other words, for a student to receive both full credit and an evaluation describing some poor quality work. Because attendance is only one of several program requirements, it is also possible to attend regularly but receive no credit because of unsatisfactory or missing work.


At the end of each quarter, on the last day of class before evaluation week, you must hand in two evaluations: the student self-evaluation and the student evaluation of faculty. Evaluations written in your last quarter in this program must cover the whole time in the program. They will be included in your official transcript.

I will also require a very brief, informal (but written) evaluation of the class and your progress in the middle of the quarter.

Your evaluation of me becomes part of my portfolio, which is considered in hiring and promotion decisions.

Jon Jacky,