Foundations of Computing students and faculty are invited to a potluck to celebrate, to reminisce, to socialize and to conclude this shared experience called Foundations of Computing.

When: June 7, 2001, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm

Where: Lib 1612 (our regular classroom)

Details: Sandy McDonald ( is organizing this event.

She’ll provide a main dish—Lasagna for 25 (It is not a vegetarian dish, this lasagna does have meat in it.)

Patrick has agreed to provide the music

What’s needed:

Bread, salads, refreshments, plates, cups, utensils, napkins, desserts and another main dish if lasagna is not someone's food of choice--hard to imagine but it is possible.

Some students have offered to help pay for the lasagna. You can do either. That is, you can bring one of the needed items or you can help share the cost of the lasagna. The idea here is to make the party simple, easy and fun.

Sandy will keep track of who has agreed to bring what. You can talk to her before or after class or e-mail her at