Trees, Timber, and Trade Winter 2002

Forest Ecology Study Questions #1

FE Ch 7. These are due Wednesday, Jan 23rd at the beginning of class. Write your answers neatly and legibly on a separate piece of paper that you will turn in. Be prepared to discuss your answers with your study group. You may need to access outside resources to completely answer these questions.

  1. How does the chemical structure of water influence its behavior in forest ecosystems? Give three specific examples.
  2. Dinitrophenol is a compound that is toxic to most living things, including plants. It works by carrying positively charged ions across membranes, equalizing the concentrations on both sides of the membrane. Explain how this could kill a plant.
  3. What type of microorganisms might be good for biopulping (preparing wood for papermaking without using chemicals)?
  4. Some forests in the PNW are now on their third rotation. The average size of the trees have decreased (at the same age) between the second and third rotations. What are some possible explanations for this and how might you change the management of the forest to address this?
  5. Why do your fingers get wrinkly in the bathtub (hint: compare the areas that get wrinkly with the ones that don’t. What’s different?)? What processes are involved?
  6. Most trees take up nitrogen as nitrate (NO3-) instead of ammonium (NH4+), even though it costs them more energy to use the nitrate. Why might they have evolved this preference?
  7. Pick a soil organism and search for it on the web. Outline its life cycle and role in the soil. Be prepared to explain it to others.
  8. Outline some of the difficulties with recycling cardboard into new products.