The Classical Legacy: Standards of Beauty

(left projector)                                                                             (right projector)

1. Vigee-Lebrun: Duchess of d'Orleans, 1789            Albright:There came a soul called Ida, 1927

2. Auxerre Kore, c.650-25 bce                                      Peplos Kore, c. 530 bce

3. Aphrodite of Knidos, c. 350 bce                               Aphrodite (Roman copy), 1752

4. Botticelli: Birth of Venus, c.1482                             Raphael: Three Graces, 1504-05

5. Titian: Venus & Lute Player, c.1562                       Velasquez: Venus at her mirror, 1650

Ramos: Velasquez Version, 1975

6. Boucher: Toilet of Venus, 1751                                Canova: Paolina Borghese as Venus,1804

7. Rubens: Angelica & Hermit                                     Gentileschi: Cleopatra, 1621-22

8. Boucher: Reclining Girlh, 1752                                 Ingres: Odalisque, 1840

9. Cabanel: Birth of Venush,1863                                 Modigliani: Reclining Nude, no date.

10. Renoir: Reclining Nude, 1902                                 DeAndrea: Reclining Figure, 1970

11. Athena Lemnia, c.450 bce                                       Michelangelo: Dawn, 1524-34

12. Goya: Nude Maja, 1800                                         Manet: Olympia, 1865

13. Ramos: Hippopotamus,1967                                 Wesselman: Great American Nude #51, 1963

14. Ingres: La Source, 1856                                        Maar: Photo of Assia, 1934

15. Peplos Dress design,1912                                      Barbie doll

16. Hermes & Dionysus, c.350-30 bce                        Segal: Man Walking, 1966

17. Kleobis & Biton, c.590 bce                                    Kouros from Anavysos, c. 530 bce

18. Kritios Boyh, c.480 bce                                          Discobolus (by Myron) c. 450 bce

19. Warrior from Riace, 480-50 bce                           Apollo Sauroktonos (by Praxiteles), c.350 bce

20. Warrior (back view)                                               Boy from Marathon, c. 350-25 bce

21. Hermes, c. 350 bce                                                 Ingres: Male Torso, 1800

22. Apollo Belvedere, c.330 bce                                 Canova: Perseus with Medusa, 1804-08

23. Polykleitos: Doryphorous, 450-40 bce                 Breker: Readiness, 1939

24. Caravaggio: St. John, 1598                                  Antonello de Messina: St Sebastien, 1475

25. Cadmus: David & Goliath, 1971                         Mapplethorpe: Moody and Sherman, 1984

26. Mapplethorpe: Self portrait 1975                        Cadmus: Narcissus, c. 1963

27. Laocoan, 140 bce                                                  El Greco: Laocoon, 1604-10

28. Dying Gaul, c.230-20 bce                                     Michelangelo: Dying Slave, c. 1513

29. Bernini: St. Sebastien, 1617-18                            Bernini: Pluto and Proserpine, 1621-22

30. Reni: Cleopatra, 1638-39                                     Caravaggio: Boy Bitten by Lizard, 1594

31. Delacroix: Death of Sardanapalus, 18                Ingres: Angelica chained

32. Powers: Greek Slave, 1846                                 Hosmer: Zenobia in chains, 1859

33. Parmagianino: Madonna of Long Neck, 1534    Funerary Stele: Mother & Child, 4th c. bce

34. Raphael: Madonna of Goldfinch, 1506                Rubens: Helena Fourment, 1637

35. Renoir: Mme Charpentier & children, 1878 Vigee-Lebrun: M. Antoinette & children, 1842