Pre-Christian Hungary  (895 - 997)

During the period, the Hungarian tribes are ruled by a triumvirate: three independent princes:  the kende or chief prince, the gyula, and the harka.

In 1003, these three positions were merged under King Stephen I, who became kende and made the gyula and the harka court officials.




Kurszan leads settlement in Pannonia in 900, sets his headquarters at Aquincum (Budapest).  Victorious at the Battle of Bratislava in 907. Murdered by the prince of Bavaria at a banquet.

Arpad settles at Sopianae (Pecs), guards southern border.

Teteny settles at Savaria (Szombathely), guards western border.  Leads raids against the Bavarians.

Arpad awards the gyula to a relative, and the harka to his son, placing all three ruling position among his relatives

Bogat conquers Transylvania

Buscu leads raiding parties into western Europe, intensifies raids (937 - 954) after defeat by Henry I at Merseberg, until defeat by Otto I at Lechfield

Taksony, Arpad's grandson, begins economic reforms and permanently settlements in the Carpathian basin.

Asks for missionaries from the Pope, but is refused due to the intervention of Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor.  Sends troops to support anti-Byzantine forces by Bulgaria in 965, and Russia in 970

Zombor goes to Constantinople in 953 and receives baptism.  Marries his daughter, Sharolt, to the Kende, Gejza


Gejza (970 - 997) send envoys to the Imperial Diets in 973, asking for missionaries.  Bruno is send, under the direction of the Adalbert, Archbishop of Prague