Eryn Farkas


Annotated Bibliography

Crawford, J.H. (2000). Carfree Cities. Utrech, The Netherlands: International Books.

            This is the best and updated resource for Carfree research. It also includes an extensive bibliography for more research. Their website is just as impressive:


Engwicht, David. (1993). Reclaiming Our Cities and Towns-Better living with less traffic. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers.

            “ The city is … an ecosystem created by people for a mutual enrichment.” Good history on transportation in Europe and the US, where we are now, and good solid alternatives in regard to city planning and transportation.


Agenda 21: Fossil Fuel Free Vaxjo. Retrieved November 3, 2002 from the World Wide Wed:

Abundant information about Agenda 21, including color graphs, pictures, and the full action list, in progress list, and planned list for the community under this plan.


Crawford, J.H. (2001). The Automobile Revisited-Redesigning cars to Use Less Energy. Retrieved November 1, 2002 from the World Wide Web:

            Very interesting papers on the proposed  “C-car”, a 100-MPG fuel economy car and a “ General strategy for reducing energy consumed by cars.”

Carfree Cities-Eryn Farkas