Rubric for Internet Project - Annotations

Sixty links:  Yes  No

On topic:  Yes  No

Links divided evenly among grade levels:  Yes  No

Lesson plan from each member of the group:  Yes  No













Most Annotations:

·          Are incomplete


·          Are too general


·          Contain too much detail.


Some Annotations:

·          Contain some specifics about strengths or weaknesses but not both.

·          Cite sources.

·          Specify grade level.

·          Have general suggestions for use


Most Annotations:

·          Contain some specifics about strengths or weaknesses but not both

·          Cite sources but do not address credibility.

·          Specify grade level but not developmental level or special needs.

·          Have general suggestions for use


Most Annotations:

·          Clearly tell me whether or not I want to go there.

·          Contain strengths and weaknesses and credibility is addressed.

·          Address Developmental stages and grade level.

·          Contain specific suggestions for use.

·          Indicate if the sites have adaptations for special needs and ESL children.