Art Resources

  1. ABC - The Metropolitan Museum of Art - excellent example of simple way to illustrate diversity of perspectives.
  2. The Great Art Scandal - Good example of interactive investigation of modern art and application of problem-solving and critical thinking.
  3. Squeaking of Art - Humorous approach to engage young children in relating their own experiences to a variety of types of art
  4. Drawing with Children
  5. Adventures in Art - Art and Craft Experiences for 7 - 14 Year-Olds
  6. Discovering Great Artists - Hands on Art for Children in the Styles of the Great Masters - (Western European).
  7. Paper Projects for Creative Kids of All Ages (versatile and very nifty projects)
Social Studies Resources
  1. The Story of Ourselves - Teaching History through Children's Literature
  2. The Kids' Guide to Social Action
  3. Learning and Loving It - Theme Studies
  4. Teaching Elementary Social Studies
  5. Strengthening Your Intermediate Social Studies Program (handouts and ideas from a workshop)
Science Resources
  1. The Learning Cycle
  2. Ecology
  3. Teaching Elementary Science: Who's Afraid of Spiders?
  4. Teaching Elementary Science
  5. Active Assessmment for Active Science
  6. Science and Language Links
  7. Developing Science in the Primary Classroom
  8. Collaborative Inquiry in Science, Math and Technology
  9. Primary Science - Taking the Plunge
  10. Science Learning - Processes and Applications
  11. Nurturing Inquiry
  12. Scienceworks


  1. Math Accross the Curriculum
  2. Math in Context
  3. Teaching Mathematics: Strategies that Work
  4. Mathematics the Write Way
  5. Bringing the NCTM Standards to Life
  6. Living and Learning Mathematics
  7. Number Sense and Operations in the Primary Grades
  8. Collaborative Inquiry in Science, Math and Technology
  9. Young Children Reinvent Arithmetic - Implications of Piaget's Theory
  10. Mathematics in Process
  11. Piagetian Activities
  12. Fostering Algebraic Thinking
General Integrated & Thematic Unit Resources
  1. A Forest of Stories - Magical Tree Tales from Around the World - a cross-culturalselection of stories that celebrates the roles trees play in the cycle of life and highlights humans dependence on trees. Good stories to use in units about interdependence, folk tales, life cycles, humans and nature, etc.
  2. Rethinking Our Classrooms - Teaching for Equity and Justice
  3. Professional's Guide to Integrated Thematic Units
  4. Theme Immersion - Inquiry Based Curriculum
  5. Learning Centers: Opening Up the Classroom
  6. Thematic Bibliography
  7. Interactive Teaching Strategies
  8. Graduation by Exhibition - Assessing Genuine Achievement