Math Hoppers  (3rd grade)

Content to be taught:  Using number lines to solve problems, connecting repeated addition to multiplication, connecting repeated subtraction to division and writing number sentences.

Learning Objectives:

Given students prior introduction to multiplication and division, the students will be able to work with partners to connect repeated addition to multiplication, repeated subtraction to division and writing number sentences with the use of number lines.


Phase 1:  Introducing Math Hoppers (5-7 min):  Math hoppers are imaginary creatures that can jump a specified number of units on a number line.

Phase 2:  (10 min.): Teacher will tape number line to chalk board or lay it on a table where students can gather around to watch.  Then the teacher will discuss the jumps that math hoppers make.  (Example: A +3 math hopper will hop 4 times starting at 0.  Before hopping ask the students to predict where the hopper will land…. 12.  Then jump the hopper to 12.)  The teacher then will have the students give new directions for the math hopper, for example: a +2 hopper starting at 4 will jump 3 times will end up at 10.

Phase 3: (10-15 min.): The teacher will have the students work in partners.  The partners will make up math hopper problems for their partners to solve using the number lines and hoppers provided by the teacher.

Phase 4:  The teacher will now have the class come back together and have each set of partners explain to the class one of their problems and how they solved it.

Phase 5: (10 min.):  The teacher will then ask the students if there is a faster way of writing on paper what the math hopper is doing.  (For example: 3x2+4 for a +2 hopper that jumps 3 times and starts at 4.) (Both repeated addition/subtraction and multiplication/division sentences should be accepted.)

Post Instructional Tasks

Teacher will have the class create 10 math hopper problems to do at home and turn in the next day.

Evaluation will be determined on how the students worked with their partners and their individual homework.