Mathematics and Science Workshops

Winter 2004

Some resources that are available:

The Web:  There seems to be a lot of resources on the web.  I went to and typed in “constructivist mathematics lessons” and got many links.  I looked at some of them and they look good.  When you find good links, email them to me with a brief summary of why they look good and we will start a page of annotated links for the whole class.

The Curriculum Room in the Library:  We have collected many books, manipulatives and other resources in the library.  You can check them out.  Again if you find something really good, email me with a brief description so we can get it out on the web.

The Evergreen Library Catalog:  I looked at it briefly.  I used the search keyword subject with Mathematics Education and founds lots of entries

Cascade Library System:  Under Evergreen Library’s main page is a link to the Cascade system.  It links us up to all higher ed libraries in the state system.  We can get books and materials from any of them.  I found anything I was looking for in this system.

Stuff in My Possession: (a lot of it belongs to other members of the MIT teaching team)

Other things I have:

Books I Checked out of Cascade System