Post Teaching Lesson Evaluation

1. How appropriate were the materials used?

2. In what ways was the time element adequate or inadequate?

3. At what point might the lesson have been slowed or increased in tempo?

4. To what extent were the learning objectives met or attained? What evidence did you use?

5. To what extent were only a few children involved? How do you account for this?

6. In what ways either negatively or positively was student interest and participation developed in the lesson introduction?

7. In what ways might the activities selected have been modified to make them more appropriate for this class or for individuals?

8. How well were instructions and directions understood? How might they have been clarified?

9. To what extent were the pupils able to follow through with the assigned task? Was the task understood? Explain.

10. What classroom management problems emerged and what adjustments were made?

11. To what extent was it necessary to deviate from the written plan? Explain.

12. How successful do you judge the lesson to be? What criteria do you base this judgment on?

13. What might you want to do differently if you were to teach this lesson again?

14. How successfully did you ask questions beyond knowledge and comprehension levels? How well did the children respond to questions?

15. What unexpected comments did the children come up with? Were there unexpected pleasant surprises? Explain.