 the Brain, Emotions & Immunity

                Betty Kutter, Ph.D.                                               Cindy Beck, N.D.             

clown chakra
                                                                       Evaluation Guidelines

Class meets Monday evenings from 6-10 and selected Wednesday evenings 7:45 - 9:15 [for undergraduates only]  for the program core and Wednesday evenings from 5:30-7:30 for the Approaches to Healing lecture series (which is included in your PNI registration). Time will also be spent in use of web crossing for assigned work and seminar discussions. Adding in reading assignments, research projects and personal health explorations, undergraduates will be expected to spend a total of 24 hours a week on the program. Graduate students will only participate in Monday evening sessions, and  will also be expected to complete reading and research assignments resulting in approx. 12 hours a week.

Undergraduate Description:

This upper division course will investigate the mechanisms with which our emotions and attitudes affect our physiology and health, in a biological, psychological and social context. The Monday Class meetings will concentrate on neuroendocrine physiology, immunology, psychology and microbiology and how they are intertwined. Readings will include in-depth work in relevant physiology along with new research and emerging theories of the mind-body connection, and the interrelationships of physical, mental, and emotional well -being.
Class Assignments                             WEBSITES OF INTEREST                         Link to Web Crossing
Class Schedule
Expectations & Award of Credit:    COVENANT

Students are expected to complete readings and other assignments, to attend & participate in all class sessions, and to be actively involved in on-line assignments and seminar discussions, as well as a final research paper and class presentation. Expect to spend at least 24 hours/week on class plus outside work. Evaluation will be based on the quality of work and class participation. Specific equivalencies will be a function of particular emphases in the student’s independent and class-based work.

Suggested Undergraduate Course Equivalencies:  There will only be 6 upper division credits available. It is the intention of the instructors to allow students time to apply class concepts towards a healthier lifestyle.  We feel that there is already plenty of work assigned, and we would like to emphasize that it is the quality of the work that is most important.

2-3 Immunology

3-5 Neuropsychology

2 Integrative medicine/the healing arts

Upper-division credit will be awarded where you are indeed functioning at an upper-division level.

Prerequisites – 1 year of biology

Required Texts – Immunobiology by Janeway et al (fifth edition) OR Immunology by Parham
                       Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers by Sapolsky
Highly Recommended: Integrative Medicine by David Rakel
                                    A Colorful Introduction to the Anatomy of the Human Brain: A Brain & Psychology
                                        Coloring Book by John Pinel

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Last modified: 5/18/04