The faculty agrees to the following aims and obligations as a framework for excellence in delivering our program.

  1. The program will explore these broad questions:
  1. More specifically the program will focus on the following topics


(3) Since the program is aimed at producing intermediate to advanced work in the academic areas covered, faculty will make special effort to introduce material that adequately reflects current research efforts and results

(4) Since the program is a team-taught interdisciplinary program, faculty will strive to push the boundaries of their disciplinary training and take active interest in the other subject matter areas that are covered in the program

(5) Both members of the team will participate fully in not only the delivery but also the planning for the program


Faculty members will fully participate in all designated program activities.

David--Statistics and Computer Data Analysis/Research Methods

Jacob--Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology/Research Methods

Both--seminar students and assigned spring quarter project groups

David—coordinate(fall and winter), lead business meeting, handle budget, handle room assignment, handle media technicalities and liaison with the computer center, act as webmaster.

Jacob-deal with problems of student group process or other interstudent grievances, act as liaison with library, liaison with CALab, liaison with bookstore

Credit and Evaluation Policy

The evaluation process is a central feature of education at Evergreen. It is part of the learning process. In the act of writing self and faculty evaluations students reflect on their learning for a quarter. The evaluation conference is an important opportunity for the student and faculty to communicate about their perspectives on the quarter's work. Students are required to submit a self-evaluation quarterly and an individual faculty evaluation for each faculty when they finish the program in order to receive credit.

Credit is not the same as positive evaluation. Students receive credit for fulfilling minimum requirements and standards. The evaluation is a statement describing the quality of the student's work. It is possible for a student to receive credit but receive an evaluation that describes poor quality work and receive lower rather than upper division science credit. It is also possible for a student to attend regularly yet receive no or reduced credit because of unsatisfactory performance. Credit will be awarded as 16, 12 or 8 or 0 quarter hours except in special circumstances. Students receiving less than the full credit for which they are enrolled may be asked to leave the program after Fall or Winter quarter. Incompletes will be permitted in only exceptional circumstances and only given after consultation with the full program team. Evaluation will be based on how well students satisfy the following requirements:


  1. ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION--Students are expected to attend, be on time and participate in all program activities. In case of unavoidable absence students should inform their seminar leader before class by phone message or E-mail. If you miss class, you should arrange with your fellow students to obtain notes for the session. Several absences constitute grounds for possible reduction of credit. Sign up sheets will be circulated at program activities to record attendance as long as necessary to promote the unity of the program. It is the student's responsibility to locate and sign these sheets. Further, seminars and other group activities are not "spectator sports." Consequently, students should take an active role in discussion. Students are expected to be alert and sober in class and at program activities. Students who significantly disrupt class may be asked to leave and in cases of serious or continuing disruption may be dropped from program with resulting loss of credit
  2. ADVISING--Students are expected to participate in any scheduled advising sessions.
  3. READINGS--Students are expected to complete all the assigned reading prior to the seminar or class in which they are discussed and should reflect this reading in their seminar comments or questions.
  4. ASSIGNMENTS--Students are expected to complete and submit all assignments. The faculty responsible for evaluating them will return them in a timely manner.
  5. EXAMS--Students are expected to take exams at assigned times and places. Exceptions must be cleared in advance with the appropriate faculty.
  6. PROGRAM NOTEBOOK--Students are expected to maintain and submit a program notebook that includes their written work as well as other assigned material and which serve as the basis for evaluating their performance, particularly in the seminar portion of the program.
  7. GROUP WORK-- Students are expected to work in various groups within workshops and as part of the spring quarter program project. When group projects are undertaken, students will be required to evaluate each other. In addition, group collaboration is generally encouraged and in some cases required; however, plagiarized work on take-home examinations or other work designated as "individual" is not acceptable and may be noted in evaluations, result in loss of credit, and in flagrant cases be referred to the Deans for further action. Plagiarism includes any unattributed direct quotation as well as the misrepresentation of the work of others as your own. It includes but is not limited to

For additional information, please consult the College’s policy on plagiarism in the student advising handbook (see section on "Academic Honesty") and talk to faculty if you are confused at all about this issue.

(8) SEEKING HELP--Students are expected to take the initiative in seeking help from faculty or program aides whenever significant difficulty exists with the pace or content of the program. Even a quick message or email to your seminar leader might get you the help you need.

(9) EVALUATION--Student Evaluation conferences will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of Evaluation week each quarter with your seminar faculty. Evaluation conferences will be held during evaluation week at times arranged by your seminar leader. Faculty will set up a schedule near the end of each quarter; students should plan to be on campus at that time for their conference. Do not expect your faculty to make exceptions and arrange a special conference for you at another time. Students are expected to write a self -evaluation at the end of each quarter and faculty evaluations before leaving the program. A draft of the self-evaluation will be submitted to seminar faculty. The evaluation of faculty may be submitted at the conference or delivered to the faculty secretary to be held until after a faculty evaluation of student work has been completed.

(10) FORM OF WRITTEN WORK--All papers, abstracts, draft evaluations and other substantial blocks of written material should be submitted in typed form and be spellchecked and proofread before submission. Students are encouraged to use a word processor for this purpose.

(11) CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR. Students are required to abide by the principles of the Evergreen Social Contract and the Sexual Harassment Policy.


Evergreen has long promoted the policy that conflict and grievances should be first dealt with face-to-face. Grievances between students, between students and faculty or among faculty should first be dealt with between the parties themselves. Should no satisfactory resolution be obtain the following procedures should be followed:

If grievances still remain unresolved students or faculty should follow the college-wide grievance procedures, which involve contacting the academic deans or the college affirmative action officer as outlined in the Student Handbook and other college documents.

David W. Paulsen Jacob Leonesio