Week 3 Schedule

Week 3
Time and Subject Topic and Homework
Mon, Oct 11th

Differential Equations
Room: Lab1 1040

Topic: First Order Systems
Reading: Blanchard and Devaney: 2.1-2.2


Room: Lab1 1040

Reading: Mathematical Experience p 68-119
Bring a one page typed paragraph and be prepared to read it to the class.

Calculus Tutor Session
Room: Lab1 1051

Integration by substitution workshop
Tue, Oct 12th

Linear Algebra Lecture/Workshop
Room: Lab1 1040

Topic: Inverse Matrices
Reading: Lay 2.2-2.3

Multivariable Calculus Lecture/Lab
Room: Lab1 1040

Topic: Space Curves
Reading: Stewart 10.1-10.2
Wed, Oct 13th

Ordinary Differential Equations Lecture/Lab
Room: Lab1 1040

Homework Due Today:
Blanchard and Devaney,
Ch 1.5 p. 73, Ex.3,5,6,10,17,18
Ch 1.6 p. 91 Ex. 2,5,6,14,17,18,30,39
Ch 1.8 p. 121 Ex. 1,4,11,14,17,21,27

Topic: Analytic Methods
Reading: B&D 2.3

1:00-3:00 Optional Tutor Session
Room: Lab1 1051

Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Help.
Thur, Oct 14th

Linear Algebra Lecture/Workshop
Room: Lab1 1040

Linear Algebra Homework Due Today:
Lay, Ch 1.5 Ex. 3,6,16,23,33
Ch 1.7 Ex. 1,2,10,22,33,34,,35,36,37 Ch 1.8 Ex. 3,4,10,12,21,22,23,25,26

Test on Chapter 1: Short in-class portion and longer take-home portion

Topic: Subspaces, Dimension and Rank
Reading: Lay 2.8-2.9

1:00-2:00 Optional Tutor Session
Room: Lab1 1040
Multivariable Calculus Help
Friday, Oct 15th
Multivariable Calculus Lecture
Room: Lab 1040

Multivariable Homework Due Today
Stewart Ch 9.5 4,5,8,10,15,23,26,33,38
Ch 9.6 4,5,15,21,22,27,28,32

Test on Chapter 9: Short in-class portion and longer take-home portion

Topic:Arc Length and Curvatures
Reading: Stewart 10.3