Welcome to Sustainability in On-Campus Housing: A qualitative analysis of needs and viable implementation of solutions

This was a project at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington done by two undergraduate students, Robin Fenske and Mark Retzlaff in Winter and Spring 2005. Please click on their names for their biographies.

The primary goal of the Sustainability House is to be an environment where students can learn from and with each other, to share personal visions, to build a shared vision, and to apply knowledge and concepts through group and personal application.

Please visit the official Sustainable Housing website hosted by Evergreen Housing and the Sustainability House Information Page for more on the Sustainability House

Look around the site for more information on this project

Spring 2005, Essays, Presentations, and Implementation

Winter 2005, Essays and Presentations

Acknowledgments, Resources and Links

Last modified May 2005
Email the Web Manager, Robin Fenske by clicking the link, or at Robin@Towanda.com