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To explore what the classroom and learning would look like in each scenario Your theory about learning (fill in by Tuesday next week)Neuro- Biologist (Zull) (fill in by Tuesday next week)Behaviorist (Skinner)Constructivist (Piaget)Social-Constructivist (Vygotsky, Rogoff) (fill in with seminar participants today)Belief about the learner An empty vessel that needs guidanceSome one with existing schema that become more differentiated as a result of actively exploring the environment What would Vygotsky echo or add to this chart?Your theoryNeuro-biologicalBehavioristConstructivistSocial-constuctivistHow learning happens How learning happens, cont Learning = a change in how a person behaves in response to stimuli as a result of consequences. “…All behaviors are accompanied by certain consequences, and these consequences strongly influence whether these behaviors are repeated and at what level of intensity. In general, the consequences that follow behavior are either pleasant and desirable or unpleasant and aversive. Depending on conditions…these consequences either increase (strengthen) or decrease (weaken) the likelihood that the preceding behavior will recur under the same or similar circumstances…” (Snowman & Biehler,2003) Learning = schemas that become increasingly differentiated as a result of exploration and experimentation Learner taps into what s/he already knows (SCHEMA) Bumps into situations where s/he tries to use existing skills & knowledge (ASSIMILATION) If skill works or knowledge is confirmed no learning happens (SCHEMA) If get feedback from the situation that skill & knowledge are somehow insufficient s/he will experience confusion or puzzlement (DISEQUILIBRIUM) This confusion will trigger the brain to think and experiment with another way of doing it, try out different ways of thinking about the situation, looking for more information, etc. As learner finds a better way of doing something or more information you adjust your skills & knowledge for situations such as this. The schema becomes more complex and differentiated. (ACCOMMODATION) Students roleTo accumulate new skills, facts & ideasTo be a meaning maker To make sense of things To create own understanding of reality Your theoryNeuro-biologicalBehavioristConstructivistSocial-constuctivistMake a hypothesis: How would you teach from this perspective? What might you generalize about the kinds of teaching strategies that these theories of learning rely on?  Metaphor for the teacher’s role   Homework for Tuesday Bring 4 copies of a lesson plan that you’ve found on the web that we can analyze according to the learning theories that we’ve been working with. Suggestions for finding a lesson plan: On GOOGLE type in the words “lesson plan” + the area you are interested in learning about (e.g. art, science, social studies or language arts). 2. Fill in (i) your personal theory of learning; and (ii) Zull’s theory into the chart above. We will work in groups on Tuesday to look at the lesson plans you found and analyze the assumptions the writer of the plan might have about the nature of learning and the learner. You will collectively work to modify some of these lesson plans. BehavioristPiagetVygotskyBelief about the learnerAn empty vessel that needs guidanceSome one with existing schema that become more differentiated as a result of actively exploring the environment What would Vygotsky echo or add to this chartHow learning happens Learning = a change in how a person behaves in response to stimuli as a result of consequences. “…All behaviors are accompanied by certain consequences, and these consequences strongly influence whether these behaviors are repeated and at what level of intensity. IN general, the consequences that follow behavior are either pleasant and desirable or unpleasant and aversive. Depending on conditions…these consequences either increase (strengthen) or decrease (weaken) the likelihood that the preceding behavior will recur under the same or similar circumstances…” (Snowman/ Biehler,2003) People are likely to learn when: It’s clear which behaviors are supposed to be learned. e.g. reading sentence fluently, using right strategies for solving long division problem in math, giving correct English translation for paragraph written in Spanish When the student has plenty of opportunities to practice what they’ve been shown. When the learner gets immediate feedback about the accuracy of their work Learning = schemas that become increasingly differentiated as a result of exploration and experimentation Tap into what you already know (SCHEMA) Bump into situations where you try to use your existing skills & knowledge (ASSIMILATION) If skill works or knowledge is confirmed no learning happens (SCHEMA) If get feedback from the situation that skill & knowledge are somehow insufficient you will experience confusion or puzzlement (DISEQUILIBRIUM) This confusion will trigger the brain to think and experiment with another way of doing it, try out different ways of thinking about the situation, looking for more information, etc. As you find a better way of doing something or more information you adjust your skills & knowledge for situations such as this (ACCOMMODATION) Students roleTo learn new behaviorsTo be a meaning maker To make sense of things To create own understanding of reality e.g. notice how each of your visual maps looks different and highlights different sets of relationships. Teacher’s Role How is the teacher’s role implicated given these beliefsMetaphors “Banking method” of teaching (Freire) Mechanics of knowledge transfer. (von Glasersfeld, 1996) Task Organize learning opportunities that increase the likelihood the student will produce the right behaviors given particular stimuli. e.g. reading sentence fluently, using right strategies for solving long division problem in math, giving correct English translation for paragraph written in Spanish Important principles from operant conditioning to systematically apply to education: Be clear about what is to be taught. Teach first things first Drill and practice Provide immediate corrective feedback Allow students to learn at their own rate Program subject matter. For example: Present the skill/knowledge Structured Practice – lead entire class through each step of problem. Reinforce correct answers and correct errors. Guided Practice – work at your own desk on sample problems. Teacher checks and corrects errors. Independent Practice --when can answer about 85% of problems in guided practice, then do it on your own. (Snowman/ Biehler,2003)Metaphors Midwife in the birth of understanding (von Glasersfeld, 1996) Guide, coach, coordinator, facilitator Resource, advisor tutor Task LOOK UP BEST PRACTICES Types of things taught: (Bruner) Those things which allow learners to be autonomous and self-directed. Provide experience with the knowledge construction process; Provide experience in and appreciation for multiple perspectives; Embed learning in realistic and relevant contexts; Encourage ownership and voice in the learning process; Embed learning in social experience; Encourage the use of multiple modes of representation; Encourage self-awareness in the knowledge construction process (Honebein in Murphy, 1997). What is a mistake?  What does a constructivist believe What does a behaviorist believe? How would teaching look different from each of their perspectives CONSTRUCTIVIST (goal to complexify schema, mistakes necessary) Schema concept /prior knowledge Disequillibrium adjusting schemas BEHAVIORIST TEACHING (direct instruction, repetition, small to large, banking, transmit, trying to get weened from making mistakes) Collection of Behaviors Small doable acts made more complex Shaped through reinforcements and deterents next complex task added as soon as complete correct set of behaviors s -M:UsŒ«-.Gü+,-z±Ģ ' ƒ ‘ bc"3S^ac{Š›&BC\)>Q_8€Šģ÷īāÖāÖāÖīāīĒīā·āīāī®īāīā·īāī¤ī™īā¤™īŒī¤ī¤īāīāīāīāīāī¤ī5>*CJOJPJQJ\CJOJPJQJaJ>*CJOJPJQJCJOJPJQJ5B*CJOJPJQJ\ph€€€56CJOJPJQJ\]6CJOJPJQJ]5CJOJPJQJ\CJOJPJQJCJOJPJQJ7-LM„ė789:Ut…Œ«·ĮŃŚš-żųųöššööߏŹŹŹŹŹŹßßßßß$ Ę­„„$If^„`„a$$„„$If^„`„a$„`„$a$ß$ž-.ųē$$IfT–lÖ”§ֈąžö $°!ˆ*Ē2  ŒŲ? 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