Atoms, Molecules & Reactions

Spring Quarter: Materials Chemistry, Seminar/Capstone, & Research Projects

Materials Chemistry
This quarter we will be studying multiple material types and properties. Initially we will review molecular symmetry and point groups. After our review we will focus on transition metal complexes and then move to concepts of diffusion(conductivity) and magnetism. In addition we will spend time exploring topics of glasses, piezoelectrics, negative thermal expansion, bioinorganics, and alternative energy materials.

Exam 1 (given on WED 4-19-06)
Exam 2
(given on WED 5-10-06)
Final Exam (given on TUE 6-6-06)
Homework (HW # 1, HW # 2, HW # 3, HW # 4(submitted work: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) , HW # 5)
Workshops (symmetry, metal complexes (ligands to know, extra problems), conductivity &
... magnetism
, bioinorganics (structure, bone images), alternative energy materials

...We will focus this quarter on reflections and making connections between your work at Evergreen and both your future and the world around you. We will discuss common readings, share reflections, and write multiple drafts of a summative self-evaluation. The final paper will be a polished piece of reflective writing that may, if you are a graduating senior, be included in your transcript. If you are not graduating yet, the document you prepare will serve as an excellent start to your summative self-evaluation in the future.

Response to "Commencement" (due THUR 4-13)
Education Map (due THUR 4-20)
Best Work (due Thur 4-20) & Memorable Book (due THUR 4-27)
Draft One (due THUR 5-4)
Peer Review Draft One (due by THUR 5-11)
Draft Two (due THUR 5-18)
Peer Review Draft Two (due by THUR 5-25)
Alternative Energy Seminar (THUR 6-1-06, reading, assignment)
Final Draft
(due THUR 6-1-06)
Presentation of your Final Draft (due WED 6-7-06)

Research Projects
...During FALL quarter you selected a historical experiment in chemistry, or a current experiment that will one day become historical and performed an extensive library search. In the WINTER teams were formed, the experiments were narrowed down --building a HeNe laser, constructing a P-N junction, building a hydrogen fuel cell, and conductive concrete--the experimental plan was established, and supplies were ordered. During SPRING quarter your team will repeat the experiment and present your work .

Three Mini Presentations (due TUE 4-25-06)
Brainstorm & Free-Think (due TUE 5-9-06)
Laboratory Notebooks
(due TUE 5-16-06) Notebook Description
Lab Report--First Finished Draft (due TUE 5-16-06) Report Description
Lab Report--Revised Finished Draft (due TUE 5-30-06)
Class Presentation (due TUE 5-23-06)
Science Carnival Presentation (FRI 5-26-06 or SAT 5-27-06)
Project Reflection (due WED 5-31-06)

Created by Rebecca Sunderman ( .....Last Updated on 6-2-06

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