Before starting to work on your web page, confirm that your web site has been created:

  1. Bring up a browser.  (Internet Explorer or Monzilla for example.)
  2. Go the Evergreen home page. (
  3. Near the top right corner, select the “Directories” link
  4. On the Directories page select the “Student, Faculty, Staff” link.
  5. Select the link to the first letter of your last name.
  6. Scroll down to see if you can find your name.
  7. Select the link to your name.
  8. If you haven’t worked on an Evergreen web page, this page should be mostly empty.

Starting Dreamweaver

  1. Make sure you are logged on with your own user name
  2. Bring up Dreamweaver from the application menu (Picture)
  3. Choose Create New Dreamweaver Site. (Picture)
  4. Make sure that the “Basic” tab is selected
  5. On the first page give your site a name (Note that this can be anything.) (Picture)
  6. Select “Next” button on the bottom of the page.
  7. On the next page select “No, I do not …” (Picture)
  8. Select “Next button of bottom of the page. (Picture)
  9. On the next page, select the second button, the one that says “Edit local copies on my machine.. …”
  10. In the text box named "Where are your files ..." type in \\calawa\{first leter of last name}\{user name}
  11. Note replace {first letter of last name} and {user name} with yours. (Picture)
  12. Select “Next” button at bottom of the page.
  13. On the next page select the “Done” button.
  14. You are now ready to create and/or work on your web site.


Creating and Linking New Pages

Saving and Linking Papers

External Links