Seminar on Development

4 credits, Organic Farmhouse, T/TH 3-5 pm

This module critically examines the dynamic worldwide discourse on international development. The text PopularDevelopment provides historical analysis of development into the present era of globalization. Through three books and a reader, we start with the interaction with colonist pioneers and their landscape in Costa Rica arriving at ideas of sustainable and popular development as alternatives to the neoliberal paradigm using the example of Cuba and other areas. A reader and specific books include (all ordered by bookstore): Popular Development; Breakfast of Biodiversity (2005 edition); Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights and the New War on the Poor; and Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance: Transforming Food Production in Cuba . Videos may include: Ancient Futures (Ladakh), Landless Workers Movement in Brazil , Banking on Life and Debt (IMF). Students will facilitate seminar discussion and analyze ideas in short writing assignments.

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