International Travel Component 2005-06 Reconciliation program - Guidelines

Our International Travel Component 2005-06 Reconciliation program will be organized completeley around students' individual interests. Let your faculty team know your own set of learning objectives for the entire year, your answer to the 4 questions. Participating in the Reconciliation program is different than signing a contract because besides studying what you are interested in, you become a member of a learning community and attendance is by invitation. Some 15 students will travel to Peru in the Winter 2006. The travel preparation module in the Fall 2005 will be organized by participating students. In Peru there will be very minimum group activities, most activities will follow students own interests (based on students proposals made during the preparation period and which will in fact be individual contracts!). The program in Peru will follow these guidelines.

This International Travel Component is offered to Evergreen students interested in doing International Community Work learning. Studies are related to Latin American or Peruvian politics, history or culture and/or Spanish language. Participating students will do at least 10 hours a week of Community work in a rural area in Peru. Even though there is no sitting in a classroom requirement, some groups/individuals will be able to set up a weekly seminar or a daily block of Spanish Language. Volunter work at local summer schools and social activities are directly arranged with Tercer Milenio and other local youth organizations. Applicants need to demonstrate a high level of involvement in their responsibility for their own education and should be ready to share their knowledge without the perspective of a missionary, a developer or a liberator. 

General objectives
-Become a member of a rural community in Perú.
-Learn about Peruvian culture and History by actively using local resources and experiencing life in a community.
-Establish friendships and bridge communication between cultures.
-Learn/improve your knowledge of Spanish language and use your second language to experience life in Perú.
-Use your knowledge and skills to do community work mainly at local schools or community institutions.
-Learn to lead (or about leading) without being a missionary, a developer or a liberator.

Connecting theory to practice
-It is an opportunity to experience community life in a real functioning community.
-It is an opportunity to live within populations affected by political decisions in advanced countries, to talk, think, and learn about it.
-If your intention is to learn the language and culture of minority populations in Latin America, this could be a great introduction to your future plans.
-It is your chance to connect all you have learned theoretically about international politics/economics or multicultural issues with real life.
-It is a unique opportunity for prospective teachers to experience an immersion process to learn a foreign language and apply brain-based pedagogy.

Program demands
Most Evergreen sophomore students have already learned to be responsible for their own education and are ready to study under the Independent Learning Contract model ( your own set of learning objectives for the entire year). Each contract is designed according to each student's specific needs and interests, the extent and depth of the curriculum and most of the instruction is driven by the student self motivation and the assessment is an embedded part of everyday activities. Each participant will build an email journal to document their learning.

Participants will base their educational experience on Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Ciro Alegria's Broad and Alien is the World, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Extra readings include: The Pakatnamu Papers, The Royal Commentaries of the Incas, Bartolome de las Casas, Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala, The Daughters of the Conquistadors, The Seven Essays of the Peruvian Reality, Mario Vargas Llosa, Pablo Neruda, Cesar Vallejo, Galiano and students own lists of materials.

These self-learners then have the opportunity to experience/arrange: 
-Real use of Spanish as your second language. Your classroom is the whole community.
-Become part of a family, through them become a member of the community and as such experience life in rural Perú. During the first five weeks and for those students who need it, there is a program described below. There are other possible arrangements according to circumstances.
-Learn Spanish using a constructivist approach, some % self instruction and most % student-centered active learning and community time.  
-If your knowledge of Spanish is limited and you are willing to teach English teaming with local teachers, you wil be offered this opportunity. Other volunteer community work involve teaching your hobby or anything you feel eager to share with the local community, activities at the hospital and local institutions (youth organizations, sports entities, local government projects, etc.)
-Socratic dialogue and pedagogy of the oppressed at the praxis level.

Five week program description and costs
Approximate Costs for 5 weeks  (TESC tuition fees not included) High season Low season
International air fare (US-Lima Peru, round trip)* The Seatac-Lima trips could be arranged as a group.
This portion of the program starts with the Winter 2006 quarter dates: begins January 04-14, ends March 14-24. Students could arrive in small groups or individually, the five week starts when they arrive.
 1000.00   650.00
+Air fare (Lima-Trujillo or Lima-Chiclayo, one way ticket plus taxi from/to airport and night stay in Lima). Deposit for this needs to be arranged in mid December, we may work this out via Evergreen account.
   120.00   120.00
Room and board (5 weeks: 3 meals a day plus social events and arrangements)
Deposit will be made in account TBA
   500.00   500.00
Local transportation and visits to different sites around the area.
   100.00   100.00
Conversational Spanish (money to spend with local schools, youth clubs, organizations/friends/neighbours)**    100.00   100.00
Community Work Administration (donation you directly make to organizations in town).
   100.00   100.00
Hotel (Lima, Cajamarca or Trujillo if you travel to stay overnight)    100.00   100.00
Approximate total costs for a five week experience including international air fare
 2020.00 1670.00
(*)Seatac-Lima Round trip fare could be as high as $1100 or as low as $595 depending on the turist season. Less expensive flights arrive in Lima at midnight.
(+)For safety reasons someone will wait for you at the Lima airport, take you home and take you back to the airport to continue your trip to Chiclayo. This person will buy your air ticket to Chiclayo also. In Chiclayo someone else will wait for you and then travel with you to Guadalupe.
After week five you will be able to make your own arrangements to travel by yourself or with your new friends; or to stay in town for the rest of the quarter (many students end up staying in town and use it as her base to travel to other parts of the country).
Approximate cost per quarter (International RT air fare + local transportation + room and board + short visits + program administration + local travel) (ten weeks staying in this same area of Peru)
1. if you decide to change return dates the airline might ask for a penalty fee.
2. if you plan to visit the Peruvian Amazon area it is safer to have yellow fever and malaria protection. Health: READ PLEASE
3. there are areas declared unsafe by the US State Department, read the travel advisory.
4. TESC Business Office has set up budget # (TBA) for the Peru studies abroad program. Students need to deposit their $150 to this account (the latest is week six Fall Quarter). Also 120 for Lima-Chiclayo air fare (2 weeks before trip) and overnight stay and 500 for 5 weeks of room and board (the latest is January 4th.)

YOU MAY WANT TO CHECK OUT THESE OTHER PROGRAMS                                                 
Program in Guatemala

Program in Ecuador:


Spanish Language and Latin American Arts and Culture
- A unique interdisciplinary approach to study abroad
- Study Spanish and Ecuadorian culture while experiencing firsthand life in Ecuador's capital city, Quito
- Administered by CIMAS, an Ecuadorian NGO, in cooperation with the Washington State Cooperative Development Programs in Ecuador
- Minimum one year college-level Spanish language or equivalent
- Internship possibilities in Spring Qtr with previous term participation

Credits: 16
Costs: $4,400 per quarter for tuition& fees, homestay, 2 meals per day and field trips. Airfare not included.

For more information and application, contact the Office of International Programs and Services at extension 6312, or stop by L1401, 11am-1pm drop-in advising. Visit the CIMAS website at
It is understood that students are entitled to apply for financial aid and loans from the college. If you need financial aid for this program you must start this process as early as the beginning of the previous quarter (January for the summer contracts). After this date you will need to use personal funds to pay for your expenses, Financial Aid will reimburse you upon your return (check with FA). For more information contact the campus Financial Aid Office as soon as possible regarding application for support for this program.
Next Steps
 If interested call me or better yet e-mail to Raúl H. Nakasone
 Phone: (360)867-6065
 Visit the Study Abroad Evergreen site: