Where does Cicero stand on the relationship between Religion and the State?


Rough outline of the essay:


  1. Introductory paragraph: motivate this discussion for a contemporary reader who is paying attention to current events.


  1. Explicate CiceroÕs stand and his argument(s) for the position he takes.


    1. Find important passages and map out his thinking.


    1. Account for CiceroÕs point of view.  What are his underlying positions on law, justice and nature, and his concerns about realities of polity, that lead to his defense of a particular relationship between Religion and the State?


    1. WhatÕs the best that can be said for CiceroÕs position?  In light of that, whatÕs the most important criticism you can offer?


  1. Concluding paragraph: return to what interests your readers and show how Cicero has or has not addressed their present day concerns. 


Steps in the process:


  1. Spend a few minutes sketching out what you might say in the first paragraph.  WhatÕs on our minds today about Religion and the State?  Where do you see this in the news?  (Stick with the best instance.)


  1. Find the central texts, summarize them, and write a thesis statement that answers the topical question in a concise and accurate way.


  1. Sketch out how this fits in the larger framework of CiceroÕs thought.


  1. WhatÕs the best you can say in defense of Cicero?  Even so, whatÕs wrong or left out in his thinking?


  1. Write up the last paragraph.


  1. Write up the first paragraph.