The Age of Irony: Twentieth Century America

Description and Faculty
Program requirements

Essay Response
12-credit section
Evergreen Library Catalog
Research Links
Evergreen Home
Evening and Weekend Studies

ads and sheet music

Week 1

Tuesday, April 3 Introductions, and film, Ethnic Notions, and seminar. Assignment: begin Berger, Cultural Criticism.

Links of Interest:
Section of Interview with Marlon Riggs
Smithsonian's African-American Sheet Music 1850-1920
Smithsonian's Ivory Project: Advertising Soap in America
(try a search of "Images" and African Americans)

Thursday, April 5
Guest lecture on Chicano poster art and workshop on formal analysis, both with Ann Storey. Perhaps Women (in-class reading). Assignment: Finish Berger and bring essay response for seminar on Tuesday.
Spring Quarter
Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four
Week Five
Week Six
Week Seven
Week Eight
Week Nine

TESC Evening & Weekend Studies -- Fall/Winter/Spring 2006-2007