What's Going on in Week Five (5) ?

Hello, week five. Sorry I was sick at the end of last week. Hope the many of you who were suffering your own private bug are as recovered as I am now.


We will have our first critique session on this day. It probably won't take the whole day, so we'll have some time to chat, particularly about seminar and individual projects and the rest of the quarter.

Very possibly, Steven will be able to explain in some detail what you'll need to know about his workshop sessions for the next 5 weeks.


(Steven will be a little late Tues. morning)

Steven's groups this week will be relatively open-ended, though I have to introduce the Ed Ruscha group to printmaking processes--it's a quick and dirty intro, so you'll have most of these days to wrap up stuff you've been doing. If nothing else, I'll also be showing you how to finish up the sewing on cords.

I'll expect that the letterpresses will be running full steam: many of you should be preparing to print this week. Yee Haw. Given time and interest, I can also begin to introduce people to the other style of press--the C&P.

Both Shawn and Steven will be on a mission to push you forward on your final projects.


This was bit of a big chunky reading week.

You've had another solid dose of Drucker , the second half of Writing on the Wall , and excerpts from Imagining Language . (By the way, instead of having the full text of Imagining Language in the library, I'll have it stored in 0216. I highly recommend you look at it. It's a great book to just flip through: a coffee table book for the hyper-literate.)

This is week five. The MIDDLE of the quarter.

As we must, we will be issuing some notices to give you some clue about your standing. You may receive a "warning" letter, to indicate that you are in danger of losing credit--notice, it does not necessarily mean that you will lose credit, but you've given us some reason to be concerned . The most common reasons for this, at this point, will be that you've missed a deadline (the first essay, Monday's critique) or have had unexcused absences. Good luck.