Student Photos

NOTE: Click here [to be linked} for the digitial photos taken at the hands-on orientation session.  Follow the instructions below to upload your photo to Web Crossing.

The student group assignments are on the syllabus and announcements page.

Once your photo appears at the designated website, you will be able to upload it to Web Crossing so that we will see your face each time you post something in the Discussion (message board) site.  It is very easy to upload your picture.  Just follow these simple steps:

1.  First copy your photo and save it to your disk.  Be sure to save it as a JPEG file by giving it a .jpg ending (for example, smith.jpg).  Make sure you can remember where on your disk you save it.

2.  Go to Web-X, log in, and click on the PREFERENCES button.  Scroll down to the section labeled YOUR PICTURE.

3.  In the text box provided (next to the words "Upload a new picture"), click on the BROWSE button.  As you click your way to your picture file, make sure the file type setting is All Files (*.*), not HTML.  Once you see the file name (e.g., smith.jpg), either double click on the file name or click on the Open button.  You should then see the file location (path) in the Web-X text box.  Now all you have left to do is to save (set) your preference.

4.  Scroll to the bottom of the preferences page and click the button labeled SET PREFERENCE.  If you see your picture when you scroll back up to the YOUR PICTURE section, you were successful in uploading it.

5. The final step is to click the OK button at the bottom of the page.  Your picture will now appear next to each of your Web-X  Discussion site postings.  If your uploaded photo has a lot of digtial garbage in it (looks like it was run over by a truck in the the rain), try a different computer, browser or platform (PC, Mac) until you succeed.  The computers in the Mac classroom seem to be best for uploading photos to Web-X.

You will discover that the digital photo is an important feature in personalizing the Internet and helping us to build online learning communities.  For that reason, use of a digital photo is mandatory in this course.  Our Web-X site, where your picture will appear, is not open to the public.  As you know, a password is needed to get into Web-X. 

If you do not like the photo that the Computer Center staff took, you may use a digital photo of your own choosing.  However,  you may not use anything but your own picture.  You will not, for example, be allowed to use a picture of the Muppets or Britney Spears or G.W. or Osama Bin Laden or any other person, place or thing that is not you.  Photos must bear the same face you take to in-person seminars, i.e. no cutsey identity-exploring shots. Photos in this class must be about 70 pixels wide and up to 90 pixels long.  You will be unable to upload photos larger than 10K.

If you supply your own digital photo, you must adhere to the following specifications:  1) It must be a head shot (shoulders to top of head), 2) You must be looking into the camera 3) It cannot be more than 10K in size (anything larger cannot be uploaded even if you try), 4) It must be in color.  And don't forget: about 70 X 90 pixels.

There are two ways to produce a digital photo: 1) you can take one with a digital camera, either your own or someone else's, 2) you can take a regular photograph and scan it to make a digital version.  Places like Kinkos can help with this. 

To get more familiar with the use of Web Crossing, you can go to Quick Help, which includes a self guided tour, and to Web Crossing FAQ.

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