Published on Being Human (http://www2.evergreen.edu/humandevelopment)

Adding Personal Info

I noticed that very few people have added personal information, and I thought I'd mention how to do it.

If you want to add a picture or personal information, you can follow these steps:

When you fill it out, you will have some "stuff" on your personal information page. When people see your name in blue (like in comments), they can click on it and find out who you are.

Here are some of the pages (as examples) for me [0], Ryan [0], and Annie [0]. As you can see, these personal info pages allow you to send private messages or read other things that the same person has written. (In order to recieve private messages back, you have to go into "my account", then go into the tab "account settings". Scroll down until you see "Private Message Settings" and then make sure the box next to "Allow Private Messages" is checked. After you do that, you can get things in your inbox on this site.)

The one odd thing is that (at least on my computer) the name attached to main articles is never clickable unless it is Rick with a "submitted by Rick" tagline, so you can never click through from an original blog article. I can only get to profiles through comments or if someone is listed under "who's online" on the left side of the screen.

If you investigate the personal information area, you'll find there are places for you to put in your home page info and other cool stuff.

I hope people add pictures or some kind of descriptions to the profile section, because I love to know who is saying what (and I'm notoriously horrid with names).


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