Published on Being Human (http://www2.evergreen.edu/humandevelopment)

My personal thought

Last Saturday Rick said that we tend to "be-little" the amazing things we do.  He said something close to that, correct me if I am wrong, I don't want to mis-quote his intentions.  I have been really thinking a lot about that this past week.  I know, I am not grounding my thoughts in our actual reading, and this is frustrating to myself and probably the reader.  Nonetheless, I have been thinking about how amazing it is as babies the ability to experiment with movement, learning how to speak, walk, have expectations, mind read, and the list goes on.  It makes me get really excited about how amazing we are as individuals.  Regarding human development we are all on the scale of humanity.  I like how Patty put it in one of her blogs the different sub-catagories of human develoment.  I just felt really up-lifted regarding the amazingly "simple" tasks our bodies naturally develope and perform.  It is really cool and I am excited to learn more about it.  

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