Published on Ireland Program, 2006-2007 (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ireland)

Final Presentation Options

1. play/musical
2. puppet show
3. 2D mural or large-scale painting
4. feast/feis
5. film
6. winter solstice ritual
7. fish-out-of-water story
8. adaptation (any time period) of story from the program
9. plan a rebellion
10. talk show with historical figures
11. encounter between members of the Celtic Revival
12. variety show/game show/comedy hour
13. Irish game or physical activity
14. something involving the spectators
15. create a book or illustrated children’s story

* 3 to 8 people per group
* ½ hour per group, including set-up time
* Winter quarter goes from 1920 to the present; however, because of spiral time, presentations can be set in the past as long as they refer effectively to the 20th century .
* Expect people to shift around a bit at first, but you must finalize your personnel and your plan by Thursday of eighth week. You will have a little in-class rehearsal time in ninth week, but not much. Please try to be sensitive to the needs of your colleagues in scheduling rehearsals; do some work by e-mail too.


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