Published on Ireland Program, 2006-2007 (http://www2.evergreen.edu/ireland)

Oíche Chiúin

Oíche chiúin, oíche Mhic Dé
[ee-khya khyoo-inn, ee-khya vic jyay]
Silent night, night of the Son of God

Cách ‘na suan, dís araon
[Kawkh nuh soo-un, jees, uh-rain]
Everyone asleep, a couple together

Dís is dílse ‘faire le spéis
[jeess iss jeelsha faira leh speysh]
A couple keeping watch with love

Naoín beag gnaoigheal ceananntais caomh
[n(u)een beg gn(u)ee-ghyal kyan-unn-tish k(u)eev]
Little bright comely favorite calm infant

Críost, ‘na chodhladh go séimh, Críost ‘n chodhladh go séimh.
[kreest, nuh khulla guh sheyv; kreest, nuh khulla guh sheyv.]
Christ, sleeping smoothly, Christ, sleeping smoothly.

Oíche chiúin, oíche Mhic Dé

[ee-khya khyoon, ee-khya vic jyay]
Silent night, night of the Son of God

Aoirí ar dtús chuala ‘n scéal;
[eeree ar doos, khu-lan shkeyl]
Shepherds at first hearing the story

Allelúia aingeal ag glaoch
[al-ley-loo-ya engal egg gleekh]
An angel cries “Hallelujah”

Cantain suairc i ngar is i gcéin
[kantin soo-erk i ngar iss i geyn]
Singing joyously near and far

Críost an Slánaitheoir Féin, Críost an Slánaitheoir Féin.
[kreest unn slawn-a-heer heyn; kreest unn slawn-a-heer heyn.]
Christ, our own saviour; Christ, our own saviour.

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