Portable Nietzsche

Homer's Contest , p. 32-39

On Truth and Lie…, p. 42-47

The Gay Science , p. 93-102 also p. 447-450
Notes p. 457-459
Twilight of the Idols p.463-486 also p. 518-mid521; p. 559-563
(All of this Twilight book is valuable.)

The following texts, not required, but stongly recommended:
Nietzsche Contra Wagner p. 662-683
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Please read as much as possible, now, and through the quarter, complete it. It will enrich both your thinking and your spirit.

Regarding The Birth of Tragedy…This is not included in The Portable Nietzsche. I recommend the first eight sections; we will make them available on the website later on and on reserve. These are Nietzsche's first formulation of his concept of Art.