Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Website design and creation - Dave "Grey Wolf" Stiles
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Creative Writing
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Me, Micalea, and the Dog - Daniel Barash

I go to pee; seagull greets me over the horizon of the little town’s green and silver rooftops,

“Oh penny boo, penn penn.” we name him

“I wish I had this dog’s life,” she claims,

the pattern in the wet sand looks like a brown marble table

closer still, dirty foam pops like corn

Micaela embraces the slender coffee-colored dog

she’s just finished meditation; her blue-eyes angelic.

ancient new circle branch rests where she was

she’s erect,

her frizzy blonde hair glows,

the sun smirks through the clouds,

her feet step confident,


she’s confident in the ‘outdoors’,

I watch her dissipate into the mist, toward the ocean.