Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Website design and creation - Dave "Grey Wolf" Stiles
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Creative Writing
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An Unnamed Portrait in May - Sasha Dillman

An onion head's purple blooms reach out at impossibly odd angles to catch exactly what it needs. Being tall doesn't matter to it; just being uniquely interesting and strange is enough. It doesn't try to stand out any more than any other flower, but manages to nonetheless. A bumblebee, legs full of pollen from other flowers, finds the pale innards of the many blooms intriguing and stays, its exploration taking much loner than normal. Upon further examination, the unique flowers within the whole are each beautiful, each slightly imperfect. As one closes and fruits, another unfurls itself shyly, as if to discretely flaunt its resistance to decay. The bees continue to explore, finding the head as complex as the onion itself growing far below.