Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Website design and creation - Dave "Grey Wolf" Stiles
Technical Papers
Creative Writing
Main Page
Mindful Tricks - Robin Gruginski

The hand of darkness consumes me

Light flickers all around me

Shadows creep through the canopy

A creak of a tree top

A snap of a twig

The shadows mock me.


My throat is tight

My voice is stolen away

I step and twirl back

I duck and gaze

Is the forest laughing at me?


A crash in the distance

A moan nearby

What lies ahead?

Perhaps a maniac has found me

Maybe a black bear is charging.


My throat is dry

My palms are slick as soap

Is the temperature rising?

My mind is racing

Something is coming closer.


Do I flee for my life or take a stand?

My imagination is running wild

The world is spinning out of control

My heart is pounding faster and louder

My body is stiff

I can’t move.


Two yellow eyes blaze towards me

What could it be?

I try to move but stumble backwards

It is now only a breath away

I lunge back as the brush parts

With a missed beat, it jumps at me.


To my astonishment and relief,

It was only a chipmunk.