Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Website design and creation - Dave "Grey Wolf" Stiles
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Wildlife Symphony - Robin Gruginski

Darkness is at hand.

I step out onto the porch.

The wildlife orchestra is prepping.

The chorus is late again.

The first stars appear.

The mood is set.

I take my seat and wait.


Crickets commencing with the instrumental.

Their radiance chirping,

harmonizing like hundreds of flutes.

Thumping, the frogs bass joins in.

Croaking mingling and hanging in the air.

The pond is bursting with music.


The full moon peaks behind the clouds.

Mr. Moon desires to witness this spectacular.


The chorus has finally arrived.

The coyotes sing out loud.

They howl to Mr. Moon.

Their voices echo across the fields.

Ms. Cow moans to the beat.


Conductor owl lands on a tree.

He signals with a series of hoots.

The performance marches on.