Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Website design and creation - Dave "Grey Wolf" Stiles
Technical Papers
Creative Writing
Main Page
Fragments of Utah - Crystal Hatfield

The softness of the earth
Feeling something concrete, durable
Signs of wear and tear
Immediate effects such as drought seen and felt.
Storms arising seen and felt
Thunderstorm a coming
Richness of sky as thunderstorm blows in
Rock. Something solid in hand. Reliable.


Lay on the rocks

Look up at the sky on amazement and the trails of red sandstone

Where the pine trees sloop down the walls

Looking like they will tumble off, tumble down. . .

Growing in what appears to be the most unlikely spot.

Thriving against all logic.

Clouds roll.


Ant hill no regurgitation or growth nearby
Fiery red ants
Green lichen on rocks
Cactus seem to grown more in burned area
Savory means not sweet.

I sat where the trees invitingly pointed me to.
Outlook over the mountain mesas
Prickly Pear Pollinators in bloom
The bark of a burn site sheds its snarl,
Outer layer,
Like a snake transforms and sheds it’s outer scales.
The rock indented by wind, rain, fire, elements
Molding snuggly into the perfect lounge chair.
The wind, slightly blowing, its gentle reminder. . .
Strong wind like a hug.
Wrapped around
Engulfed in love by the mother of all nature
Feeling the ground beneath you
Ability to chew on straw.


I’m walking in

The cryptobiotic soil

In my bare feet

I want this pattern

To leave a lasting print

Like doodles in drying

City cement.