Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

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The Storm - Song Rose Israel

A bed of beach lies out ahead

Smooth as babies newly birthed

And ripples disturbed by waves

Making sheet-like layers on the surf


I curl my toes around the sand

Grasping grainy life in its purest form

The sky looks up and I look down

Denying the coming storm


Long strands of grief sting my cheeks

Locks of hair falling from my mind

And ocean spray in tears of pain

Latch to air and earth combined


My hands are numb and as I sit down

Water I never knew was there

Encroaches in upon my skin

The chill is just enough to bear.


Ice cold water all around me

Now I see the blackened sky

And, like a bruise can bleed,

Rain leaks down into my eyes


I’m sleeping on the bed of sand

That stretches all around me

My body is the ocean that feels

My spirit knows, and is the sea.