Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Website design and creation - Dave "Grey Wolf" Stiles
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Creative Writing
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Hike to Ocean Edge - Jesse Mann


Cold wisps of salty air sweep across my sand-stained bare legs that smell of kelp

Dense lush green trees reflect in my eyes beauty, but I know the truth of our forest industry…

Mind melding into the Pacific Northwest, home of my father…

She into the abyss of fragment forests and southwest windmills, going around, around…

I, floating through the catastrophic apocalypse of time and pressure, metamorphic and changed…



One long hike and my muscles weigh my arms down past the large wheel of the bus

Mushrooms along winding trails of lush youth creation, just a little ditty to God…

Long leg strides on board walk


One long hike that took me to the gate and the waves of the deep introduced me

To the Snake…

My native heritage beckons me to kiss the tongue and release the pain of my ancestors…

I step to the edge of the rock, feet firm with water washed eyes, focus to peer into the past of the ocean…

That took my father at Two…


Caught in the tide as she grabs her shoes and lifts up her skirt, never afraid to

Touch soft ocean sand that tells my toes the past…

Carvings, deep in the pockets of rocks that roll through the persistence immortal ears of ancient rocks…

Taking record of what happened here so later I can tell my children of when I was young…


Long blonde dreadlocks bow deep, but warn of steep tide before the infamous point…

Older hikers laugh at our youth and doubt our completion of the loop in day…

Feet stomp deep in the unforgiving sand, driftwood carved deep by greedy waves of the water, like a moon destination I can’t step without curiosity…


Hidden coves that shelter us from the sun, give us cover to smoke, drink and reveal secrets to the reasons why we stay up at night watching the stars…

Sand sinks through my torn toes, was there, now not there…


We reach the final point; a small vigil stands to show that men have slept HERE before

Men who suffered, traveled and smelled the small salty air that draws me to these waters

Of my father…

Men that influence race rapidly through my mind, many fathers and brothers…

All giving to the product and starve for a place to exist in their own minds

As I find mind in the deep abyss of a limitless ocean…


Driving away in the bus, the quick getaway as we steal another day to remember…