Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Website design and creation - Dave "Grey Wolf" Stiles
Technical Papers
Creative Writing
Main Page
Battle of Light and Dark - Seanjamin Smith

Clouds choke out the sun,

Life is smoke filling mirrors,

Sun golden plated heads for battle,

Smell of burnt ashes cloud my eyes,

Rays of light stab my soul,

Dim the sun fades away to rise again,


Waits for worth of battle,

Nothing this world can do,

Trembles fill my breathe before war,

Heart breaks and spills emptiness,

In the mind of my enemies,

Thoughts nothing more than cold chill,


Heat hungry for lust of battle,

Tragedy strikes lives as they count down,

Slain upon sunrise,

Time blown away out windows,

Trust in everything that falls apart,

Sun to rise in cold morning air.