Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Website design and creation - Dave "Grey Wolf" Stiles
Technical Papers
Creative Writing
Main Page
Praises for the Fox - Dave Stiles

Beauty, wilderness, flame, formed into true being

the whisper drawn sharpness of the muzzle

the long shanked blackness of the legs

the whiteness of the tip that forms

the tail into trueness

the grace that brings beauty

the gaze that forever holds the wilderness

the red coat that holds the burning fire in awe

we cannot comprehend

the simple perfection of your existence

'subdued to your instincts'

but you are pure

untainted by the why's, wherefores

no evil lurks beneath

no rage burns in the complexity of your existence

you know the hunt

and make what you will of the chase

you feel the dew-drip of the grass

and see web gossamers glisten

you do not wonder, but marvel

hearing the lone eagle call

above the whispering river

you do not inquire but simply listen

you are beauty...



formed into true being