Writing on the Wild Side - "The Anthology"

©2007 - Authors retain all copyrights.

Website design and creation - Dave "Grey Wolf" Stiles
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Wild Life? - Dave Stiles

I walk this land where I belong

my own true world of pleasure

with rustling leaves and whispering breeze

and trout filled streams of beauty

Where the haunting sound of the loons song

echoes across the mountain valleys

where eagles soar and otters play

I love this place - it is so pure

this piece of American splendor

But as I watch a mighty elk

with a crown of velvet antlers

struts from a wood - just like a king

before him all is still

He stops to stare across his land

and I watch in breathless wonder

he lifts his head - danger looms

the ravens screech their warning

The air is still - the bull takes flight

this mighty beast is fearful

A distant crack - a hunter's cry

The bullet flies to home

The bull is down - his eyes are closed

His breath is clearly fading

As clouds race by

the sun breaks through

but the anger in me is raging

as one last time he tries to rise

but it's clear his life's expiring

In deep despair I try to speak

but my heart is full of pain

The loon sings its mournful song

it sounds like nature's crying

The King is dead - he is no more

Oh! How I hate this land